Filled airplane. Mailing Tracking: AWB12545877412

Air Waybill Air Waybill - This is a document confirming the availability of an agreement between the shipper and the carrier (airline airline or agent) on the shipping of carrier airlines.

The airplanial is discharged by a shipper or its agent.

Thus, the airplant performs several functions:

  • Confirms the contract between the shipper and the carrier;
  • Certifies the taking cargo to transport;
  • Certifies the conditions of transportation.

In addition, since the airplant contains enough full information About the product, it can be used as a customs declaration.

AWB (AWB) has a 11-digit number that is used to book, check the status of cargo transportation, and determining the current location of the cargo. The room consists of:

  1. The first three digits make up the prefix of the airline by IATA. For example, the prefix of the airline Emirates Airline - 176, and AirbridgeCargo - 580.
  2. The following 7 digits are the sequence number (respectively, each AWB form number for each batch of cargo);
  3. The last digit is the so-called control digit, it is calculated as follows:
    • a) Seven room is divided into 7 (for example, 2789950/7 \u003d 395707.8
    • b) a complete integer to the comma is multiplied by 7 (395707 * 7 \u003d 2769949
    • c) The resulting number is deducted from the initial number of the invoice (2769949-2769950 \u003d -1)

In this way, full number AWB will be 27699501. This number, including the control digit, is automatically calculated by the booking systems with such as Amadeus, Gabrielle.

The cargo airpland AWB is a set consisting of 12 copies (3 original, with the text of the contract on the turnover side, and 9 copies):

  • Originals:

    • 1 copy (green) - intended for the carrier
    • 2 copy (pink) - intended for the consignee and flies along with the cargo
    • 3 instance (blue) - intended for the shipper.
  • Copies:

    • 4 copy (yellow) - remains from the carrier after confirming the signature consignee, as a receipt of cargo.
    • 5 copy (white) - Designed for destination airport for customs inspection
    • 6.7 and 8 copies (white) - is intended for a third carrier (if any), or in cases where the load is sent by parts and one of them remains at the departure airport
    • 9 copy (white) - intended for an agent for the sale.
    • 10,11 and 12 copies are additional copies that follow the cargo when shipping by parts and remain the carrier.
  • The agent in the warehouse weighs the goods and indicates the weight, the amount of weight and sizes in AWB. Also, the air-owner should have a stamp of the airport warehouse, the airport security stamp, the agent stamp, that he is known for the nature of the goods, and the airport payment stamp.

    There are 2 types of airpland - the main MAWB (Master Air Waybill) and home Hawb (House Air Waybill).

    Mawb. (The main or external invoice) wears a sequence number with the airline prefix and is appointed by the airline itself. This invoice indicates the names and addresses of the agents of those countries where the cargo is sent and where arrives.

    Hawb. - (home or internal invoice). Wears a sequence number that the agent itself appoints. This invoice indicates all information about the sender and recipient according to the attached invoice.

    Most often used 3 options - combined invoice, in this case, MAWB and HAWB are simply combined into one on the above principle.

    AWB airplanial sample is attached.

    Here are some decryption of tariff codes and classes, which are indicated in the case of AWB transmission by electronic means:

    • Codes tariffs specified in the Rate Class column:

      • M. - minimum rate (collection);
      • N. - normal tariff;
      • Q. - quantitative rate;
      • AT - Basic tariff (by agreement);
      • TO - tariff for kilogram (by agreement);
      • WITH - Special freight tariff;
      • R. - preferential class tariff;
      • W. - Tariff for weight gain.
    • Fees codes - (for the carrier only).

      • SA. - Partially on credit - partial prepayment in cash.
      • St. - Partially on credit - partially paid loan.
      • CC. - Challenge all fees
      • Ce - Partial payment credit card - Partial prepayment in cash.
      • CG. - Challenge all GBL fees.
      • SH - Partial payment by credit card - partially paid loan.
      • Cf. - Charging cash upon arrival.
      • SK - Upon arrival on credit.
      • CZ. - Challenge all credit card fees
      • NC. - is free
      • PC. - partially prepayment in cash - partially recover in cash
      • Pd. - Partially paid loan - partially charged cash.
      • PE - Partial prepayment by credit card - partially charged cash.
      • PF - Partial prepayment by credit card - partially charged on the credit card.
      • Pg. - Prepayment of all GBL fees (statestorm).
      • PH - Partially paid by credit card - partially on credit.
      • Pp. - Prepayment of all cash charges.
      • Px. - Payment of all credit fees.
      • Pz. - Prepayment of all credit card charges.

    The main document confirming the presence of a prisoner of the contract of air transportation between the carrier and the shipper is the cargo airplant (AIR WAYBILL).

    We want to draw your attention to the airport services. The airplant designed to send the cargo should be a stamp of the warehouse, the flight safety stamp, airport charge stamp, and the agent stamp that it is known for the nature of the goods on which the airplanial is decorated.

    In the warehouse of the airport, the warehouse employee weighs your cargo and records the number of places, weight and date of receipt to the warehouse. This information must be specified. Based on the recorded weight, settlements are made with an agent for organizing transportation.

    Depending on the particular airline, the volume of cargo may be indicated. In this case, the payment is made according to the calculated weight, which is defined as the largest of the two values \u200b\u200b[weight per kilogram or the value according to the formula \u003d (slot, m3) x1000 / 6].

    The invoice is a combination of 9-12 copies of various purposes and color.

    It is indicated by the name and full address of the shipper. Additionally, the telecommunication telephone number, telephone number or telefax can be specified. When shipment of cargo, the legal entity indicates its name, postal code, city name and the exact address. If the sender of the cargo is an individual, the name, name, patronymic, postal code and the address of its permanent residence are indicated.

    Count "Name and address of the sender"
    Indicates the name and full address of the consignee. Additionally, the telecommunication telephone number, telegraph number or telefax can be specified. When receiving cargo, the legal entity indicates its name, zip code, city name and exact address. If the recipient is an individual, the name, name, patronymic, postal code and the address of its permanent residence are indicated.

    Count "Name of Agent and City"
    It is indicated by the name of the agent (agency), which aroused the truck and its location (airport / city).

    Count "Where
    A three-letter destination code (airport / city) is indicated or a three-letter shuttle point code when transporting cargo by complex route.

    Graph "First Carriage" (Route and destination)
    The name of the carrier is indicated (it may be indicated both code and the full name of the carrier), which carries out shipping on the first section of the route.

    Count "Airport destination"
    Indicates the full name of the airport of destination or city.

    Counts "Reservation on flight / date"
    The columns are filled when booking transportation on specific flights. The 2 character carrier code, the flight number and, via oblique, the date of shipment is indicated. The date consists of a month. The number is indicated by two digits, a month - three-letter code.

    Count "Payment Information"
    It is indicated by the form of payment for the shipping: - When paying in cash fits the word "cash";

    • when paying for a cashless calculation, the code and the payment document number, the number, month and year of its discharge, the name of the organization (enterprise) are indicated;
    • codes of payment documents (PP - payment order; AK - a letter of credit; CC - check; vz - service requirement, №; mso - No., client.
    • when paying on a credit (plastic) map, the code "QC" is specified, the payment system code and the credit card number, for example: KK VI 1234 1234 1234 1234;
    • with a combined payment form, the code of each form of payment and, in brackets, the amount paid for this form is specified. Amounts are indicated in payment currency. The amount of payment in all forms should be equal to the value of the sum indicated in column 38.

    When making a return of cargo from the destination airport in this graph, the new cargo invoice indicates the number of the initially issued cargo invoice, the document number on the disposal of the shipper for the return of the cargo, as well as the number and date of the document on the payment of the return shipment.

    In the case when the currency in which the tariff is appointed does not coincide with the payment currency for transportation, the currency is indicated and payments may be given.

    Count "Currency"
    The three-letter currency code is indicated in which the transportation is paid.

    Count "Value announced for transportation"
    The value announced by the shipper is indicated by the shipper for transportation. If value is not claimed, the graph is not filled.

    Count "Declated value for customs"
    The graph is filled with cargo transportation on international airlines. Indicates the value announced by the shipper for customs. If value is not claimed, the graph is not filled.

    Count "Amount of Insurance"
    Indicates the amount of cargo insurance. If the insurance is not produced, the graph is not filled.

    Count "Information on Cargo Processing"
    Special guidance on cargo processing, which may be required when loading it, unloading, transportation and storage. When transporting dangerous goods in the column is made: "The declaration of the shipper for dangerous goods is attached" or "the declaration of the shipper for dangerous goods is not required." When transporting special cargo, the names of the accompanying documents applied to the cargo invoice, such as the "certificate for the transportation of living animals", etc. When transporting cargo with the accompanying in the column, the name and air ticket number accompanying the cargo are indicated. The name, port address and one or more contact methods (telephone number, teleclose or telephs) with a person must be notified of the arrival of the cargo party along with the consignee.

    Count "Number of places"
    The number of shipping places adopted for transportation on this invoice is indicated. For cargo, to which the same tariff is applied, the total number of places is indicated. For cargo to which different tariffs apply, the number of places is indicated for each tariff applied. If there are several lines - at the bottom of the graph (below the line) indicates the total number of places, otherwise the lower part of the graph is not filled.

    Count "Gross weight"
    It is indicated by the actual gross weight of the cargo adopted for transportation. For goods to which the same tariff is applied, the general actual gross weight is indicated. For cargoes to which different tariffs apply, the actual gross weight is indicated for each tariff applied. If there are several lines - at the bottom of this graph (below the line), the total gross weight is indicated, otherwise the lower part of the graph is not filled.

    Count "Weight payable"
    The weight of the cargo payable, for each tariff applied, is indicated. When shipping through a complex route weight, the weight of the cargo is indicated for each site of the route for each tariff applied. In this column, the actual weight of gross cargo is indicated. For lightweight cargo, the weight is indicated, calculated on the volume of cargo parameters. For cargoes, in which the actual weight is less than the minimum, installed carrier, the minimum weight is indicated.

    Count "Total"
    It is indicated by the amount of payment for weight of cargo, equal to the product weight of the cargo to be paid and the values \u200b\u200bof the tariff used. The amount of payment for the weight of the load is indicated for each tariff applied and in the same line where the class and the value of the tariff used, as well as the weight of the cargo to be paid. When transporting cargo by complex route, the amount of payment for the weight is specified for each site of the route. If there are several rows - in the lower part of this graph (below the line), the total amount of cargo graft is indicated, otherwise the lower part of the graph is not filled.

    Aircraft - a document that discharges a shipper or its agent in which the existence of a contract between the shipper and the carrier is confirmed about the transportation of goods by carrier airlines. Airplanic package is neither turnovering instrumental or transfer document. Airplanufacture certifies: Conclusion of the contract of carriage, acceptance of goods to transportation and conditions of transportation. Airlines can be used as a customs declaration, which contains a detailed description of the cargo.

    Airplanic package is a document (AIR WAYBILL), which can be defined either as an airplane airline with a printed identification code of an outstanding carrier, or as a neutral airplant without specifying the code of an outstanding carrier that can be used by other carriers other than air.

    On, decorated for shipping, should stand a stamp of the warehouse, the flight safety station stamp, airport payment stamp and the agent stamp that he is known for the nature of the goods on which the airplanial was decorated.

    In the warehouse of the airport, the warehouse employee weighs your cargo and records the number of places, weight and date of receipt to the warehouse. This information must be specified. Based on the recorded weight, settlements are made with an agent for organizing transportation.

    Depending on the particular airline, the volume of cargo may be indicated. In this case, the payment is made according to the calculated weight, which is defined as the largest of the two values \u200b\u200b[weight per kilogram or the value according to the formula \u003d (slot, m3) x1000 / 6].

    The invoice is a combination of 9-12 copies of various purposes and color.

    It is indicated by the name and full address of the shipper. Additionally, the telecommunication telephone number, telephone number or telefax can be specified. When shipping, a legal entity indicates its name, postal code, city name and accurate address. If the sender of the cargo is an individual, the name, name, patronymic, postal code and the address of its permanent residence are indicated.

    Count "Name and address of the sender"

    Indicates the name and full address of the consignee. Additionally, the telecommunication telephone number, telegraph number or telefax can be specified. When receiving cargo, the legal entity indicates its name, zip code, city name and exact address. If the recipient is an individual, the name, name, patronymic, postal code and the address of its permanent residence are indicated.

    Count "Name of Agent and City"

    It is indicated by the name of the agent (agency), which aroused the truck and its location (airport / city).

    Count "Where

    A three-letter destination code (airport / city) is indicated or a three-letter shuttle point code when transporting cargo by complex route.

    Graph "First Carriage" (route and destination)

    The name of the carrier is indicated (it may be indicated both code and the full name of the carrier), which carries out shipping on the first section of the route.

    Count "Airport destination"

    Indicates the full name of the airport of destination or city.

    Counts "Reservation on flight / date"

    The columns are filled when booking transportation on specific flights. The 2 character carrier code, the flight number and, via oblique, the date of shipment is indicated. The date consists of a month. The number is indicated by two digits, a month - three-letter code.

    Count "Payment Information"

    It is indicated by the form of payment for the shipping:

    • when paying in cash fits the word "cash";
    • when paying for a cashless calculation, the code and the payment document number, the number, month and year of its discharge, the name of the organization (enterprise) are indicated;
    • codes of payment documents (PP - payment order; AK - a letter of credit; CC - check; vz - service requirement, №; mso - No., client.
    • when paying on a credit (plastic) map, the code "QC" is specified, the payment system code and the credit card number, for example: KK VI 1234 1234 1234 1234;
    • with a combined payment form, the code of each form of payment and, in brackets, the amount paid for this form is specified. Amounts are indicated in payment currency. The amount of payment in all forms should be equal to the value of the sum indicated in column 38.

    When making a return of cargo from the destination airport in this graph, the new cargo invoice indicates the number of the initially issued cargo invoice, the document number on the disposal of the shipper for the return of the cargo, as well as the number and date of the document on the payment of the return shipment.

    In the case when the currency in which the tariff is appointed does not coincide with the payment currency for transportation, the currency is indicated and payments may be given.

    Count "Currency"

    The three-letter currency code is indicated in which the transportation is paid.

    Count "Value announced for transportation"

    The value announced by the shipper is indicated by the shipper for transportation. If value is not claimed, the graph is not filled.

    Count "Declated value for customs"

    The graph is filled with cargo transportation on international airlines. Indicates the value announced by the shipper for customs. If value is not claimed, the graph is not filled.

    Count "Amount of Insurance"

    Indicates the amount of cargo insurance. If the insurance is not produced, the graph is not filled.

    Count "Information on Cargo Processing"

    Special guidance on cargo processing, which may be required when loading it, unloading, transportation and storage. When transporting dangerous goods in the column is made: "The declaration of the shipper for dangerous goods is attached" or "the declaration of the shipper for dangerous goods is not required." When transporting special cargo, the names of the accompanying documents applied to the cargo invoice, such as the "certificate for the transportation of living animals", etc. When transporting cargo with the accompanying in the column, the name and air ticket number accompanying the cargo are indicated. The name, port address and one or more contact methods (telephone number, teleclose or telephs) with a person must be notified of the arrival of the cargo party along with the consignee.

    Count "Number of places"

    The number of shipping places adopted for transportation on this invoice is indicated. For cargo, to which the same tariff is applied, the total number of places is indicated. For cargo to which different tariffs apply, the number of places is indicated for each tariff applied. If there are several lines - at the bottom of the graph (below the line) indicates the total number of places, otherwise the lower part of the graph is not filled.

    Count "Gross weight"

    It is indicated by the actual gross weight of the cargo adopted for transportation. For goods to which the same tariff is applied, the general actual gross weight is indicated. For cargoes to which different tariffs apply, the actual gross weight is indicated for each tariff applied. If there are several lines - at the bottom of this graph (below the line), the total gross weight is indicated, otherwise the lower part of the graph is not filled.

    Count "Weight payable"

    The weight of the cargo payable, for each tariff applied, is indicated. When shipping through a complex route weight, the weight of the cargo is indicated for each site of the route for each tariff applied. In this column, the actual weight of gross cargo is indicated. For lightweight cargo, the weight is indicated, calculated on the volume of cargo parameters. For cargoes, in which the actual weight is less than the minimum, installed carrier, the minimum weight is indicated.

    Count "Total"

    It is indicated by the amount of payment for weight of cargo, equal to the product weight of the cargo to be paid and the values \u200b\u200bof the tariff used. The amount of payment for the weight of the load is indicated for each tariff applied and in the same line where the class and the value of the tariff used, as well as the weight of the cargo to be paid. When transporting cargo by complex route, the amount of payment for the weight is specified for each site of the route. If there are several rows - in the lower part of this graph (below the line), the total amount of cargo graft is indicated, otherwise the lower part of the graph is not filled.

    Airplant shipping (AIR WAYBILL) - A document that discharges a shipper or an authorized agent in which the existence of a contract between the shipper and the carrier is confirmed about the transportation of goods by carrier airlines. Airplanic package is neither turnovering instrumental or transfer document. Airplanufacture certifies: Conclusion of the contract of carriage, acceptance of goods to transportation and conditions of transportation. In some cases, since the airplant contains enough full information about the product, it can be used as a customs declaration.

    Airplanic Challenge (AWB) It has a 11-digit number that is used for booking, checking the status of cargo transportation, and determining the current location of the cargo. The first three digits constitute the prefix of the airline by IATA (for example, the prefix of the airline TURKISH AIRLINES - 235), the following 8 digits - sequence number.

    Airplanic Challenge (AWB) It is a set consisting of 8-12 copies (3 original, with the text of the contract on the reverse side, and copies). Originals are designed for the carrier, shipper and consignee. Copies are designed for the carrier (or carriers), airports of departure and destination when customs inspection passage, transit airports and an authorized agent.

    There are 2 types of airpland - the main (master) MAWB (Master Air Waybill) and home Hawb (House Air Waybill). MAWB (the main or master of the invoice) wears a sequence number with the airline prefix and is assigned to the airline itself. This invoice indicates the names and addresses of the agents of those countries where the cargo is sent and where arrives. Hawb - (home or internal invoice). Wears a sequence number with the prefix of the Hawb, which the agent itself appoints. This invoice indicates all information about the sender and recipient according to the attached invoice.

    The airplant designed to send the cargo should stand a stamp of the warehouse, the aviation security stamp of flights, the customs stamp, and the seal of the agent that the character of the goods is known for which the airplanica was decorated.

    The airplanic order should contain the name and full address of the shipper, the consignee and the agent, which issued the airplant. Specified three-letter destination code (code IATA Airport) Or a transfer of cargo by complex route, the name of the carrier, reservation, date, currency and the fare of transportation, value of cargo, the amount of insurance, the number of places and weight.

      The content of cargo airplanic
    1. Departure airport Airport Of Departure)
      The three letter code of IATA airport (cities) departure is indicated.
    2. Issued (Issued by)
      Indicates the name and address of the carrier.
    3. Name and address of the shipper SHIPPER "S Name and Address)
      The name of the organization, the name, detailed postal address and the country (two-letter country code) of the shipper are indicated. contact number, Flight, Telex.
    4. Account number of the shipper (Shipper "S Account Number)
    5. The name and address of the consignee (Consignee "S Name and Address)
      It is indicated by the name of the organization, the name, detailed postal address and the country (two-letter code of the country) of the consignee. Contact phone, fax, telex.
    6. Conspirator account number (CONSIGNEE "S Account Number)
      Filled if necessary.
    7. Agent of the carrier that issued an invoice, its name and address (Issuing Carrier "S Agent, Name and City)
      It is indicated by the full address and name, the location of the IATA agent if it is issued a cargo airplant.
    8. IATA agent code (Agent "S IATA CODE)
      It is indicated by an agent code assigned to IATA.
    9. Departure Airport (first carrier address) and shipping route AIRPORT OF DEPARTURE AND REQUESTED ROUTING)
      The three letter code of the airport departure (code of the first carrier) and the shipping route are indicated.
    10. AT (That)
      The three letter code of the IATA airport destination is indicated, in the case of transfer - the first, second, third point (airport) of the overload (transmission) of another airline.
    11. First Carrier / Route and Destination (By First Carrier / Routing and Destination)
      It is indicated by the full name of the first carrier or its two-speed IATA code.
    12. By whom (Wu)
      It is indicated by the carrier code (airlines) participating in the shuttle.
    13. Information on calculations Accounting information)
      Instructions on calculations are made, type of payment.
    14. Currency (Currency)
      It is indicated by three letter currency code of the country of shipment.
    15. Fees code Chugs Code)
      Not filled. (Used by the carrier in the case of data transmission AWB by electronic means).
    16. Charge for the mass and declared value paid for ... to recover ... (Weight Charge and Valuation Charde Prepaid ... Collect ...).
    17. It is indicated by the character of payment sign X by departure (Prepaid) or upon arrival (Collect).

    18. Other fees when sending paid ... To recover ... (All Other Charges at Origin Prepaid ... Collect ...)
      Specify the amounts that are fully paid at the point of departure or are indicated in the column To recover on arrival\u003e.
    19. Value announced for transportation DECLARED VALUE FOR CARRIAGE)
      It is indicated in the currency of the sender and should not exceed the actual cost of transportation.
      In the absence of an indication on the declared value of the graph is not filled. When international transport is indicated NVD. (Without declaring value).
    20. Announced by the sender value for customs DECLARED VALUE FOR CUSTOMS)
      It is indicated in the currency of the sender.
      In the absence of an indication on the declared value of the graph is not filled.
      When international transport is indicated NCV. (without customs value).
    21. Airport destination (Airport of Destination)
      The full name of the point (airport) of the destination is indicated.
    22. Only for the carrier (For carrier use only). Flight / Day (Flight / Day).
      The flight number is indicated and the departure date number (2 digits), month (3 letters), year (2 last digits).
    23. Amount insurance (Amount of Issuance)
      The amount of cargo insurance is indicated by numbers. Insurance of cargo must be decorated only by the insurance company.
    24. Service Information (Handling Information)
      It is indicated:
      - special types of access and storage of cargo;
      - accompanying documentation for cargo airplanic
      - Surname, address, ways to contact the face, in addition to the recipient, to notify the arrival of the cargo.
    25. Number of locations of the goods (No of Packages)
      It is indicated by the number of shipping places adopted by transportation.
      Note: In the absence of a through tariff, the letter code of the tariffs combination (RCP) is indicated.
    26. Total mass (gross) (Actual GROSS WEIGHT)
      Indicates total weight.
      Rules of rounding weight up to 0.5 kg.
    27. Kilograms / pounds (KG / LB)
      It is indicated:
      - KG / kg. - if in kilograms;
      - LB / - If the mass is in pounds.
    28. Tariff class RATE CLASS)
      Specified code designation tariff
      M is the minimum rate (collection);
      N is the usual tariff;
      Q - quantitative rate;
      B is the base rate (by agreement);
      K - tariff for kilogram (by agreement)
      C - special freight tariff;
      R is a preferential class rate;
      W is a tariff for weight gain.
    29. Special Category Category (Commoditi Item No)
      The letter or digital code of Cordit is indicated when applying a special tariff or in cases of discounts or surcharges, when using class tariffs, the percentage of the normal tariff is indicated.
    30. Paid mass (Chargeable Weight)
      The weight of the cargo is indicated to be paid for each name of the cargo.
    31. Tariff / fees (Rate / Charge)
      The tariff for transportation of 1 kg of cargo is indicated.
    32. Total (Total)
      It is indicated by the amount of payment for the transport of accepted cargo.
    33. Name and amount of cargo (including dimensions and (or) volume) (Nature and Quantity of Goods)
      It is indicated:
      - Detailed description and name of goods;
      - the presence of dangerous goods in the composition of non-hazardous;
      - dimensions and / or volume, if the volume is calculated;
      - Maximum length, width, height, units of measurement and number of seats.
    34. Pre-paid massive collection Prepaid WEIGHT CHARGE)
      It is indicated by the sum of the weight collection paid by the sender from the departure point to the destination.

    IATA standards for filling airplan

    Resolution 600A.


    CSC (17) 600A

    It was decided that:

    For international freight transport, members of the IATA should use the airlates in the form specified in the Appendices "A" and "B".

    Airplanufacture is a document that can be defined either as an airplane airline with printed identification code of an outstanding carrier, or as a neutral airplant without specifying the code of an outstanding carrier that can be used by other carriers other than air.

    3. Outstanding carrier is either:

    3.1. in the case of the "airplanial carrier", the carrier, whose unauthorized form is used, or

    3.2. In the case of neutral airplanic, or:

    3.2.1. first carrier or

    3.2.2. Estimated participating carrier on the route, or

    3.2.3. Carrier, acting as a cargo handling agent or a sales agent for the first carrier in the country of departure.

    4. Neutral airplanic package can only be used if the computer system is filling.

    5. Proposals for making changes in applications "A" and "B" can be sent to any member of IATA to the Committee on Freight Systems and Procedures (CSPC).

    6. The Committee (CSPC) accepts all the proposals or either accepts or rejects or transfers these proposals to the following meeting.

    7. As members of the Committee (CSPC) and other members of the IATA participating in the Committee meetings (CSPC) with a voting temper, can vote for suggestions for changing applications to resolution 600A. Abstinence is counted as a voice for accepting a sentence.

    8. If the application changes "A" and "B":

    8.2. If the changes are not unanimously admitted, but only by a majority of votes, the secretary will include proposals on the agenda of the following conference on freight transportation (CSC).

    9. Any member of IATA may within 45 days after sending notifications about changes to protest changes to the Secretary of the Committee (CSPC), indicating the specific reasons for his disagreement, the Secretary of the Committee immediately notifies all members of the IATA on the receipt of protest.

    10. Upon receipt of protest, the secretary does not proclaim the change taken and the proposed changes are included on the agenda of the next conference (CSC).

    11. Changes to the application "A" adopted by the Committee (CSPC) are not enrolled until the next manufacture of airplantes, but no later than 18 months after the proclamation of the reality of these changes.


    * This resolution was awarded to all agents of IATA for freight transportation.

    See also:

    OST 54-8-233.78-2001 Transportation documents of strict reporting in air transport. Requirements and regulation of their registration

    Order Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of October 5, 1995 N DV-104 on the approval and registration of forms of transportation documents of strict reporting

    Resolution 600A.

    Appendix "A"

    Airplanufacture - Technical Requirements


    1.1. Airplanufacture is a document that can be defined either as an airplane airline with printed identification code of an outstanding carrier, or as a neutral airplant without specifying the code of an outstanding carrier that can be used by other carriers other than air.

    2. Aircraft size.

    The external airplane sizes must be from 208 mm to 230 mm wide and from 274 mm to 305 mm long. The dimensions of the graph and their distance from above and on the left must be performed in accurately according to the addition of "A".

    3. Description of the recruitment of the airplane carrier.

    The airplanial carrier kit must be printed as indicated below:

    3.1. The original 3 (for the sender) must have a layout, filling and shade in accordance with the addition of "B";

    3.2. Copy 4 (receipt in obtaining) must have a layout, filling, shade in accordance with the addition of "C";

    3.3. Original 1 (for an outstanding carrier) and original 2 (for the recipient) must have a layout, filling and shade, as indicated in addition "D".

    3.4. All other specimens must have a layout, filling and shade, as indicated in addition "E";

    3.5. The airpland carrier must consist of at least eight copies in the order, color execution and marks, as indicated below:



    Copy 8 (for Agent)

    Original 1 (for an outstanding carrier)

    Original 2 (for the recipient)

    Copy B (extra copy)









    3.6. Additional parts having a location, description and shades in accordance with the addition of "E" can be included in the airplanial carrier package as much as possible in 5 copies printed on white paper with a copy "Copy XX" (additional copy for the carrier), where XX must mark The number of the airplanial carrier and must be located immediately beyond the original 1 (for an outstanding carrier);

    3.7. Despite the conditions described in P.P. 3.5. and 3.6. If the air carrier uses automated system Aircraft issuance:

    3.7.1. The airpland carrier must contain at least 3 original.

    3.7.2. Other parts of the air co-owner carrier can be released automatically at the departure point, intermediate transfer point or at the destination airport, if necessary.

    3.7.3. When transferring the cargo to another carrier, the latter should be provided at least 5 copies, of which 1 is original 2 (for the recipient) and 1 - copy 4 (receipt).

    3.7.4. Special parts of the airplanial carrier must be the same color as the corresponding parts of the airplane carrier produced by manually except the original 3 (for the sender) and the original 1 (for an outstanding carrier) that can be white.

    4. Description of the neutral airplanic kit.

    Neutral airplant must be printed as indicated below:

    4.1. Original 3 (for the sender) must have a layout, filling and shade in accordance with the addition of "B".

    4.2. Copy 4 (receipt in receipt) must have a layout, filling and shade in accordance with the "C" add-on.

    4.3. Original 1 (for an outstanding carrier) and the original 2 (for the recipient) must have a layout, filling and shade in accordance with the "D" rendering.

    4.4. All other specimens must have a layout, filling and shade in accordance with the addition of "E".

    4.5. Neutral airplant can consist of either minimum of 8 copies in order, color and label shown in clause 4.5.1., Or from 2 parts at least 4 copies in order, color and marking shown in § 4.5.2.:

    4.5.1. One set of 8 copies: name



    Original 3 (for the sender)


    Copy 8 (for Agent)


    Original 1.

    (for an outstanding carrier)


    Original 2 (for the recipient)


    Copy 4 (receipt)


    Copy 5 (Additional Copy)


    Copy 6 (Additional Copy)


    Copy 7 (Additional Copy)


    4.5.2. Two sets of 4 copies each:

    First set



    1. Original 3 (for the sender)


    2. Copy 8 (for Agent)


    3. Original 1 (for an outstanding carrier)


    4. Copy 7 (additional copy for carrier)


    Second kit



    1. Original 2 (for the recipient)

    2. Copy 4 (receipt in receipt)

    3. Copy 5 (Additional Copy)

    4. Copy 6 (Additional Copy)





    4.6. Paper and copied should be of such quality so that each copy can be read.

    4.7. Fastening sheets should:

    4.7.1. ensure the strength so that they do not have a normal processing, and

    4.7.2. To be cluttered so that you can easily tear off any instance without breaking the overall bonding.

    5. Description of the facial side of the airplane carrier.

    5.1. In addition to the information illustrated in the add-ons "in" - "E":

    5.1.1. The air co-owner number should be placed in the upper left corner, in the upper right corner and in the lower right corner on all copies of the airplanial carrier, as shown in the addition of "A";

    5.1.2. The airplanial number consists of a three-digit digital code of the airline member of the IATA (outstanding carrier) and the serial number consisting of eight digits, including the test sign - the last digit of the number.

    5.1.3. The control digit is calculated using the seventh module of the seven-digit system;

    5.1.4. The serial number must be made by the numbers of the same size and style as the airline code;

    5.1.5. Separate hyphens are located between the airline code and the number in the upper right and right-right corners of the airplanic.

    5.1.6. In the column "Signature of the Sender", part concerning the rules for the transport of dangerous goods, starting with the words "if ..." should be printed in bold.

    5.2. In addition to the information illustrated in the additions "in" - "E", the following details may be reflected by the carrier at the airport:

    5.2.1. Between the fourth and fifth signs of the room can be made space.

    5.2.2. The carrier emblem can be printed in the column "name and address of an outstanding carrier."

    5.2.3. The information containing the terms of the contractor's contract can be printed on all instances of airplanic facilities that are not originals except the copy 4 (receipt).

    5.2.5. Counts "Flight / Date" and "Only for Carriage Use" may not be entitled.

    5.2.6. The words "also notify" can be placed in the Count "Payment Information" and are intended only for transportation but internal lines.

    5.2.7. Counts "Insurance Size" and "Insurance" can be shaded and not named.

    5.2.8. The graph "TC" (remediation of the transaction) may be to the right of the "insurance" graph, the dimensions of which are limited to the dimensions of two letters.

    5.2.9. Count "Processing Information" may include up to five printed subtitles. Count, called "SCI" \u200b\u200b(for special customs information), with dimensions of 8 mm by 30 mm, located in the lower left corner of this graph (filling this graph required)

    5.2.10. When the airplant is issued in the United States, the phrase may be specified in the Count "Information on Processing": "These products are licensed to the United States to the final destination ... Any opposition to US laws are prohibited."

    5.2.11. The designation of the most frequently charged fees and payments can be printed on the first two lines of the columns "Other Fees".

    5.2.12. Counts "Tax" can be shaded and not entitled.

    5.2.13. Any species of special service provided may be indicated in the shaded graphs under the graphs "General Other Fees in favor of the Carrier".

    5.2.14. Language (s) or notes can be printed at the bottom of the airplanic and indicate that the verbal statement of the airplane can be performed in another language and where it can be done.

    5.2.15. Barcoded airplant rooms can be printed in accordance with the recommended practice 1600T, but must be distributed in the places specified in the applications F / L, F / 2.

    5.2.16. nic additional information The number of air factory should not be printed and / or prepress.

    6. Description of the front side of the neutral airplanic.

    6.1. In addition to information illustrated in Appendix "B" - "E":

    6.1.1. In the column "Signature of the Sender", the part concerning the rules for the transport of dangerous goods from the words "if ..." should be printed by bold font;

    6.1.2. In the upper left corner on all instances of the airplanic package, a reference to the manufacturer should be printed in the following sequence: Manufacturer's name date of manufacture

    6.1.3. The content of the following graph of neutral airplanic, which can be printed: Outstanding air carrier agent, Count "Name", "City" indicating the city and names of an outstanding air carrier Count "Iat Agent Code" indicating the number of the IATA agent code Count "Signature of the sender or his agent" with the name of the agent.

    6.2. No additional information can be printed and / or printed on neutral airplanic.

    7. Description of the circulation side of the license plate.

    7.1. With the condition of the contract condition must be printed on three original airplanic coordinates.

    7.2. Local terms of contract, individual from having the conditions of the IATA contract, can be at the request of the carrier printed on the number of rooms in addition.

    Resolution 600A.

    Appendixa and addition

    Resolution 600A.

    Appendix "B"

    Filling, distribution and transfer of airplanic


    1.1. Aircraft is a document that can be defined either as an airplanial carrier with a pre-printed identification of an outstanding carrier, or as a neutral airplant without identification in any form, and used by other carriers except air.

    1.2. An outstanding carrier or agent must ensure that all necessary records are made when issuing an airplanic package.

    1.2.1. Any changes (including additions) to the information shown or required to indicate the airplanic, made by any participant in the carriage, following the initial, must be made on all copies of the airplanic and clearly show what the carrier these changes are made. The carrier identification must be placed as close as possible to the change, but not to close other information. This identification must include official name or the designation of the carrier and the adopted cutting of the airport or the city showing the place of making changes. Changes in the number of airplantes should be in accordance with resolution 612.

    1.3. When the cargo returns due to inference, the new airplant for the return must contain:

    1.3.1. The number of the initial airplanic, located in the Count "Payment Information";

    1.3.2. All the fees that should have been, but were not taken from a real recipient, are indicated in the column "Other fees", and the total amount in the column "Common other fees in favor of the carrier" in the column "is subject to payment".

    1.4. The outstanding carrier should not place or allow accommodation in airplanic property any instructions related to fees that are subject to payment by the recipient, and that may be paid by another person except the recipient; It is envisaged that this will not prevent payment charges by this other person on behalf of the recipient in favor of the carrier receiving payment.

    1.5. In the case of neutral airplanicare, the air-owned airplanic side on behalf of an outstanding carrier must first make sure that its use is permitted by an outstanding carrier.

    2. Filling the airplanic.

    Counts on the front of the airplanic faith must be filled correctly in accordance with the examples contained in this textbook.

    Graphs, shaded and entitled, are used only by the carrier.

    Counts, shaded and unreasonable, are not used.

    The numbers conceded by the circles to the right of the title of the text set out below belong to the illustration of the airplanic package presented in the addition of "A".

    2.1. Aircraft room.

    If the number is not printed by a typographical way, a number assigned to the outstanding carrier is located in the upper left corner, the upper right corner and the lower right corner. The number must have dimensions sufficient to read and must contain:

    2.1.1. Code number of the airline

    The three-digit code of the airline IATA should be inserted.

    2.1.2. Dividing hyphen.

    The hyphens is placed between graphs 1a and 1B and only in the upper right and lower right corners.

    2.1.3. Serial number. The serial number consisting of eight digits, including the control digit, must be specified in the extreme right position; The control digit is calculated using the seventh module of the seven-digit system; Between the fourth and fifth signs of the serial number can be made space.

    2.2. Airport departure.

    The three-letter code of the IAT airport of departure (or cities, when the name of the airport is unknown), which should coincide with the information set out in paragraph

    2.3. The name and address of the outstanding carrier.

    If the name and address of the main office corresponding to the code number (paragraph 2.1.1.), They are not printed, they must be specified in accordance with the instructions of the outstanding carrier.

    This graph is not filled.

    This graph is not filled, if not used

    at the discretion of an outstanding carrier.

    2.6. Sender.

    2.6.1. The name and address of the sender. Specifies the name, address and country (or two-letter country code) of the sender; Below can be indicated one or more ways to contact (telephone, telex or telex).

    2.6.2. Checking account.

    2.7. Recipient.

    2.7.1. The name and address of the recipient Name (name), address and country (or two-letter country code) of the recipient must be made; Below can be indicated one or more ways to contact (telephone, telex or telex).

    2.7.2. Recipient's current account - only for carrying out the carrier.

    This graph is not filled, if not used at the discretion of the last carrier

    2.8. Agent outstanding carrier.

    2.8.1. Name and city. The Count includes the name or location (airport or city) of the IATA agent for freight transport, which are intended for commission; If the commission is paid to the IATA agent for freight transport in the country of destination, then, in accordance with the rules for the management of freight agencies, the name and location (airport or the city) of such an agent of IATA on freight transportation, accompanied by a margin of "Agent, are relying".

    2.8.2. IATA code.

    If the IATA code of freight transport agent mentioned in paragraph Not printed by a typographical way, it should be entered as follows: On the territory not included in the CASS system, seven IATA code must be made. On the territory included in the Cass system, a three-digit Cass code must be followed for seven-digit code and the control digit. This control figure is defined as a conditional module of the seven system.

    2.8.3. Account number.

    This graph is not filled, if not used at the discretion of an outstanding carrier.

    2.9. Route.

    2.9.1. Departure airport (address of the first carrier) and the requested route It is indicated by the airport of departure, which must comply with the specified in paragraph 2.2; Any intended route must be specified.

    2.9.2. Route and destination airport. where (first carrier)

    Three-letter code of the airport of destination or the first transfer point (or cities, if the name of the airport is unknown because in the city there are several airports); by whom (first carrier)

    Name of the first carrier (or the full name or two-digit code of IATA): where (by the second carrier)

    The three-letter code of the airport of destination or the second transfer point (or city, if the name of the airport is unknown, because in the city there are several airports); by whom (by the second carrier)

    The two-digit code of the IATA of the second carrier can be specified; where (by a third carrier)

    Three-letter code of the airport of destination or the third point of transfer (or cities, if the name of the airport is unknown, because in the city there are several airports); by whom (by a third carrier)

    A two-digit code of the third carrier can be submitted.

    2.9.3. Appointment airport.

    The airport of destination of the last carrier (or the city, if the name of the airport is unknown, because in the city there are several airports).

    2.9.4. "Flight / Date - only to use the carrier

    Filled only by participating carriers at their discretion.

    2.10. Payment information.

    Only payment information required by the participants in the carriage may be indicated, such as;

    2.10.1. cash or check payment;

    2.10.2. Payment by order of different fees (MSO) is acceptable only for luggage transported as a cargo; MSO number and coupon cost in the same currency as airplanic balance; Nearby, if it is envisaged, the amount submitted from the MSO coupon must be indicated, and, in any case, the passenger ticket number and the route indicating the flight and the departure date.

    2.10.3. Payment by State Covenant

    (GBL) indicating its number.

    2.10.4. When returning the cargo as a result of not demanding on a new airplanic order for reverse transport, the initial airplanial number must be specified here.

    2.10.5. Sender's code number specified by the sender or its agent.

    2.10.6. payments with a credit card; The credit card number must be specified.

    2.10.7. The words "also notify" can be printed after the name of the Count Count Information (applied only for internal transportation).

    2.11. Currency.

    2.11.1. Three-letter, adopted in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the Currency Code adopted in the Department of Departures in accordance with the rules of tariffs should be made.

    2.11.2. All the amounts specified in the airplanic package, besides those indicated in the collections charged in the currency of the destination country, "(graphs with zz 33D) should be specified in the currency recorded in § 2.11.1.

    2.12. Fees codes - (for the carrier only).

    If the airplanial data is transmitted by electronic tools, this graph must be filled with one of the following codes:

    Sa - partially on credit - partial prepayment in cash.

    St. - partially on credit - partially paid loan.

    SS - Challenge all fees

    CE - partial payment by credit card - partial prepayment in cash.

    CG - charging all GBL fees

    CH - partial payment by credit card - partially paid loan.

    Wed - charging cash upon arrival

    CX - upon arrival on credit

    CZ - Challenge all credit fees »Map

    NC - free

    PC - partially prepay cash - partially recover in cash

    PD - partially paid loan - partially charge charging

    Re - partial prepayment by credit card - partially charge

    PF - partial prepayment by credit card - partially challenged on credit card

    PG - Prepayment of all GBL fees (State Covenant)

    PH - partially paid by credit card - partially on credit

    PP - prepayment of all cash charges

    Px - payment of all credit fees.

    PZ - Prepayment of all credit card fees

    2.13. Fees.

    2.13.1. Weight fee / announced price The sender or agent must mark the corresponding graph 14a or 14V "X". The fees specified in Counts 24a, 25a or 24B, 25B must respectively, are either completely prepaid, or completely charged from the recipient;

    2.13d. Other fees in the departure point The sender or agent must make the "x" mark in column 15a or 15B, respectively. The fees affixed in Counts 27A, 28A or 27B, 28B must be fully paid by the sender, or recovered from the recipient;

    2.13.3. If the information specified in accordance with paragraph 2.13.1. and 2.13.2., Complies with information specified in accordance with the requirements set forth in P.P. 2.20. and 2.21. The last priority is.

    2.14. Announced value for transportation.

    2.14.1. Indicates the value announced by the sender for transportation.

    2.142. If value does not declare, the letters "NVD" are affixed (without declared value).

    2.15. Declated value for customs.

    The sender or agent can declare and specify value for customs, or the letters "NCV", if not claimed, or leave the count not filled.

    2.16. The amount of insurance.

    2.16.1. Filled if the graph is not darkened and if

    the outstanding carrier offers such a service.

    2.16.2. If the graph is not darkened and the service is not

    offered by the carrier or insurance is not

    required, they are affixed by "XXX".

    2.17. Processing information.

    Only clear and short information At the request of the participating carriers.

    2.17.1. When transporting dangerous goods, the column should be printed either "Dangerous Goods AS Per Attached Shipper's Declaration" (dangerous goods as recorded in the sender's declaration) followed, if provided for, for "Cargo Aircraft only" (transportation only by cargo aircraft) or "Dangerous goods Shipper's" Declaration Not Required "(Dangerous cargo - the sender's declaration is not required).

    2.17.2. You can specify using the CARGO-IMP system codes and abbreviation, other information on cargo processing, such as; marks and numbers concerning consolidated cargo and packaging methods; Name, address, country or two-letter country code and contact phone numbers, telecis or fax organization or face, which must be notified of the arrival of the goods in addition to the recipient; the name of documents accompanying airplanic, such as the "Certificate of the Sender for Living Animals"; Special cargo handling instructions that may be required; If it is not previously printed and, if the air-owner is issued in the USA, the statement "These products are licensed to the final point .. Non-compliance with the US laws is unacceptable"; Customs Status of the Cargo using the customs code of the point of departure of the Cargo-IMP system (Basic element 906) is located in the lower right corner of the graph 21A

    2.18.4. Cargo and tariff use details

    For each tariff group, a separate group of records is made, each group from a new line, starting from a dangerous cargo point, if any.

    Each group of records must comply with the supplement B, the content of each graph should be as shown below.

    2.18.1. Number of places and tariff combination The number of locations of the cargo transported; When the tariff or the collection, specified in the column 22g, is the result of a combination of tariffs or fees, in the column an \u200b\u200badditional string indicates a three-letter IAT code of the tariff combination point (RSP).

    2.18.2. Gross weight. The column indicates the weight of the gross cargo for the use of the tariff; The weight of the packaging of the packaged cargo is indicated in the additional row of the tariff class X.

    2.18.3. Kilograms / pounds

    Used weight unit (kg or pound) is indicated only in one line.

    2.18.4. Service code.

    Filled at the discretion of an outstanding carrier in accordance with the recommended practice 1600D.

    2.18.5. Tariff class.

    One of the following codes is placed:

    M - minimal collection N - Main tariff

    Q - Weight tariff in the basic collection (at the discretion) to - the tariff for kilograms (at the discretion) C - the special turnreum rate R - class tariff reduced S - class fare Elevated U - the main tariff or charge for the packaged cargo E - an additional tariff for Packaged cargo X - additional Information By packaged cargo

    Y - discount on the packaged cargo W - raising the tariff for weight

    2.18.6. Product number.

    This graph is filled as follows: If a special commodity rate is applied, then its number on the reference book of IATA tariffs is indicated in the timeline string of the class "C" or "U"; If a reduced class rate is applied, the class "R" class line indicates the size of the discount, which precedes the corresponding tariff code, for example, 33% of the discounts from the main tariff is indicated as N67; When applying an increased class tariff, the premium is indicated in the "S" tariff line, which precedes the appropriate code, and if 50% of the minimum gathering is applied, ML50 is affixed; When applying tariffs for packaged cargoes in the tariff class string, "X" must be specified.

    2.18.7. Paid weight. indicated paid weight, calculated in accordance with the rules for the application of tariffs; When applying the tariff for the packaged cargo: (A) if it is based on the established collection - the established weight is indicated in the row of the tariff class "U"; (B). If it is based on the established collection and tariff, elevated benefit, is indicated in the row of the tariff class "E"; (C). If payment is charged for the container, the weight of the packaging is indicated in the timeline string of the class "X"; (D). If a discount is applied, or a one-time discount or discount per unit weight, the weight to which it relates is indicated in the row of the class "Y"

    2.18.8. Tariff / collection.

    Specified tariffs or fees are entered as follows: If minimal collection is applied, then it is indicated in the class "m" tariff line; If the main tariff is applied, it is indicated in the timeline string of the class "N"; If the weight rate is used, it is specified in the timeline string of the class "Q"; If the "Experimental Special Tariff within Europe" is applied: (A). The primary collection is indicated in the class "B" tariff line; (B). The applied tariff for 1 kg is indicated in the class "K" tariff; If the use of a special commercial tariff, it is indicated in the timeline string of the class "C"; If the tariff decrease is applied, it is specified in the row of the tariff class "R"; If the tariff is applied to the tariff, it is specified in the timeline string of the class "S"; When applying the tariff of the packaged cargo: (A). If it is based on the established collection, it is indicated in the class "U" tariff line; (B). If it is based on the tariff per unit of weight - is indicated in the row of the tariff class "U"; (C). If it is based on the established assembly and tariff, exceeding the established, then exceeding the tariff per unit of weight is indicated in the row of the class of class "E"; (D). If a reduced tariff is applied, or a direct discount or discount per unit of weight, the decrease is indicated in the tariff row of the class "Y", which precedes the sign (-); When applying the weight of the weight of this

    the allowance must be defined by the last string in the tariff field.

    2.18.9. TOTAL. The total collection or discount for each row is placed by the same horizontal; If a general discount is applied - it is affixed with O.

    2.18.10. Content and amount of cargo (including sizes or volume)

    This graph must be filled as follows: The graph includes descriptions of goods contained in cargo; If dangerous goods are contained in the battle of non-hazardous goods, they must be described separately first; For dangerous goods, the record is performed in accordance with this textbook and the rules of the IATA for the transport of dangerous goods. For living animals, information must be set out in accordance with this textbook and instructions published in the rules of IATA for the transportation of living animals; For consolidated cargo, the "Consolidation on the attached list" must be made; If voluntary weight is accepted as paid weight, then, in accordance with the rules, it is indicated either: (A). The largest length, width and height, units of measurement and number of places with sizes, or (B). volume and unit of measurement; If the package is used, their identification codes are specified in the class "X" tariff line; When the number of places specified in column 22a differs from the actual number of seats, the actual number of seats is affixed with the mark "SLAC" (loading and recalculation of the sender); The sender or his agent can enter the appropriate description of the product or the number on the coding system and, where necessary, the country of departure of the cargo;

    2.18.11. Final number of seats

    If in column 22a the number of places is indicated in several lines, then the total number of places is indicated.

    2.18.12. Total weight.

    If several records are made in column 22B - in this column indicates the total weight of the cargo.

    2.18.13. The final amount.

    If in the column 22n more than one record, it indicates the final amount.

    2.19. Other fees.

    2.19.1. Other fees charged when sending must be specified when the airplant is issued or both fully paid, or fully payable by the recipient;

    2.19.2. Other fees charged on the route or at the destination airport are also indicated when issuing airplanicares, or both fully prepaid, or fully payable;

    2.19.3. Other fees payable must be perceived as the requirements dictated by resolution 614;

    2.19.4. Other fees payable along the way or at the airport of destination and unspecified in column 23 can only be taken on the arrival of the goods and are indicated in accordance with P.P. 2.25.3.;

    2.19.5. The description and amount of fees must be specified, with the exception of taxes;

    2.19.6. If the airstand data is transmitted by electronic tools, fees should be used:

    AC - container for animals

    AS - assembly service

    AT - Explorer

    AW - harvesting for airplane

    Bl - blacklist

    BR - Bank permission

    CD - cleaning and processing - upon arrival

    CH - cleaning and processing - when sending

    DB - collection of output

    DF - Charge for Distribution

    FC - fees for charging

    GT - Government Tax

    HR - Human remains

    In - Insurance Prize

    LA - Living Animals

    Ma - different fees - in favor of the agent (see Note 1)

    MB - Different Fees - Uncertain (See Note 2)

    MS - different fees - in favor of the carrier (see Note 3)

    MD - Mn - Different fees in favor of the last carrier

    MO - MZ - Different fees in favor of an outstanding carrier

    RK - Packaging

    PU - Getting from a warehouse

    RA - fee for dangerous cargo

    RC - transfer collection for consideration

    RF - Return of the collection to be paid

    SD - land service charge - upon receipt

    SI - stop in transit item

    SO-assistance for storage - when departing

    SP - separate rapid receipt

    SR - storage charge - upon receipt

    SS - certificate of inscriptions

    ST - State Tax for Sale

    SU - land service charge

    TR - transit

    TX - Taxes

    UH - Packaged cargo processing

    Note 1: MA code is used if the collection is levied in favor of the agent and cannot be subsequently defined.

    Note 2: The MB code is used, if not defined, in whose benefit is charged - agent or carrier.

    Note 3: The MS code is used if the collection is levied in favor of the carrier and cannot be subsequently defined.

    An indicator, in whose favor charges the letter serve as the letters: A - for the agent, C - for the carrier.

    2.19.7. If the airplanial data is not transmitted by electronic means, it is recommended to use the same system, otherwise, a clear description should be accurately indicated, in whose favor is charged: Agent or carrier.

    2.19.8. The amounts of different other fees shown in column 23 should be entered into columns 27A, 27V, 28A or 28B.

    2.19.9. If the cargo returns due to inference, then all charges should be affixed in this graph in this graph, which should have been made, but were not taken from the initial recipient.

    2.20. Prepayment.

    2.20.1. AdviceGellage paid weight collection. Must be indicated for the weight / volume for transportation, corresponding to the amounts considered in P.P. or 2.18.13. Charge fee / volume, fee for declared value, tax must be either fully paid, or completely recovered upon receipt;

    2.20.2. Prepared for declared value. Value is made for declared value if provided. The amount of the gathering for the declared value depends on the value announced by the carrier in accordance with the P.P. 2.14. and the rules for applying taristers; Weight / volume fees, declared value and tax must be either fully paid, or to be fully charged upon receipt.

    2.20.3. Previously paid tax Indicates any tax applied; Charges for the weight / volume, the declared value and tax must be either fully paid, or fully payable upon receipt; Detailed tax data in column 23 are not specified.

    2.20.4. The total of the sum of other pre-paid fees.

    The previously paid amount "Other Fees" must comply with the set of pre-paid fees specified in the column "Other Fees". In favor of the agent.

    This graph is not used if not filled

    by agreement at the local level; In favor of the carrier.

    There is a sum of pre-paid other fees charged in favor of the carrier (see paragraph 2.19.);

    2.20.5. Unmaught graph.

    This graph is not filled, if not used at the discretion of an outstanding carrier.

    2.20.6. Total prepayment.

    The amount of all previously paid other fees is made: the weight gain / volume, the fee for declared value, other fees in favor of the carrier, tax (if climes), other fees in favor of the agent.

    2.21. Subject to payment

    2.21.1. Weight collection to be paid The weight gain / volume for air transportation must comply with the amounts discussed in P.P. or 2.18.13.; Weight / volume fees, declared value and tax should be specified either as fully paid, or fully payable upon receipt.

    2.21.2. Fee for declared value A collection of declared value should be indicated if provided. Depends on the amount of value declared for transportation (see paragraph 2.14.) In accordance with the rules for the application of tariffs; Weight / volume fees, declared value and tax are indicated either as fully paid, or as fully payable upon receipt.

    2.21.3. Tax payable. If the graph is not darkened, it indicates any climax tax; Value fees / volume, declared value and tax are indicated either as fully paid, or fully payable upon receipt; Detailed tax data in column 23 are not specified.

    2.21.4. The amount of other fees payable.

    The amount of "Other Fees" to be paid must consist of the fees specified in the column "Other Fees" In favor of the agent.

    The amount of fees in favor of the agent is made (see paragraph 2.19.). in favor of the carrier.

    The amount of fees in favor of the carrier (see IP 2.19) is made.

    2.21.5. Unmaught graph.

    This graph is filled, if not used at the discretion of an outstanding carrier.

    2.21.6. Total payable.

    The sum of all fees to be paid upon receipt are made: fee for weight / volume, fee for declared value, other fees in favor of the agent and carrier and, if provided, tax.

    2.22. Count for sending the sender.

    If it is not printed in advance, the signature of the sender or its agent is introduced (printed, manually is made, or postponed).

    2.23. Fuel by airplanic carrier.

    2.23.1. Decorated (date).

    The airplant design date is indicated in the following order: day, month and year. The month is indicated in words or abbreviated.

    2.23.2. A place.

    The name of the airport or the city in which the airplant was filled.

    2.24. For carrying out the carrier. (Only at the airport destination)

    This graph is not filled.

    2.25. Fees to be paid in the country's country's currency only for the carrier.

    The last carrier can fill in the original 2 (for the recipient) as follows:

    2.25.1. Currency conversion rate.

    Currency code of the country's country and conversion rate are made.

    2.25.2. Fees to be paid in the currency of the country of destination.

    The amount specified in the column 30B is translated into the country's country's currency in the course specified in column 33a.

    2.25.3. Charges at the airport of destination.

    The fees charged at the destination airport in favor of the last carrier are indicated in the currency of the destination countries.

    2.25.4. General fees on credit.

    The sum of the fees specified in the columns 35V and ZZS.

    2.26. Linener of the air factory number.

    Filled in accordance with the recommended practice 1600g.

    2.27. In the case of using neutral airplanic, any fixes of the code number of the airline, the serial number of the air coaxplace, the name of the airline and the address of the head office automatically make the airlated invalid.

    Resolution 600A.

    Appendix in addition


    Check the accuracy of entering data


    Airport code from


    There must be three-letter airport code or city


    According to the list of IATA codes.


    Code number of aircraft


    There must be three-digit digital code of the airline


    According to the list of IATA codes.


    Serial number


    There should be eight digits, the eighth check -


    Control digit of the conventional module of the seminary system


    Title and address


    To the name of the name and address of the head office of aircraft


    Companies writing the airmailing invoice,

    The same checks are applied as data in column 2.


    Name (name) and

    address of the sender


    - the name is the text of up to 35 characters;


    - Street, house number - text of up to 35 characters;


    - city - text of up to 17 characters;


    - the state - text of up to 9 characters;


    - two-letter country code according to the list of IATA codes;


    - Postal code - text with a volume of up to 9 characters;

    - One or more ways of communication. For each:


    type (two letters),


    Contact number (text of up to 25 characters).


    Name (name) and


    To the name (title) and the address of the recipient

    address of the recipient

    The same checks are changing as the data in column 2.


    Name (name) agent

    Entered information is checked separately:

    Outstanding carrier


    - Name (name)

    See also: