Download the project in South America. Presentation on geography on the topic "South America"

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Savior Statue in Rio de Janeiro

Machu Picchu Cartagena Potosi Naska Cusco Tiauanako San Luis Olimtambo Urumamba Kolka South America

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Machu - Picchu

It is located at an altitude of 2430 meters above sea level, on a mountain of extraordinary beauty, in the middle of a mountain rainforest. Machu Picchu is perhaps the most amazing city building of the Empire Inca. This city archaeologists found in the summer of 1911. Its area is about 5 square km. Inside it there are warehouses, churches, observatory and the residence of the legendary ruler of the Inca Pachaci. It is assumed that at least thousands of people lived in the city.

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City of Cartagena

This locality Colombia is famous for the fact that in 1586 he looked through the English flotilla, which was ruled by a pirate, subsequently became English Lord - Sir Francis Drake. Port fortifications were completely destroyed. Later, the inhabitants rebuilt them anew, mixing for the fortress in a solution by bullish blood. Today, the old quarters of Cartagena are a single historical monument of the time of colonial conquest of the mainland by the Spaniards.

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In the center of the city there is a bastion, in which the pirates captured captured by captivated. On the artillery square is the temple of the XVII century, whose tower is twisted. There are the Palace of the Inquisition, and the monument to Christopher Columbus. The martyrs alley reminds of those citizens who died in the war for the liberation of the country from colonialism.

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The flowering of the city fell on the first half of the XVII century, when more people lived in it than in London itself! During these half a century, 16 thousand tons of silver were taken out of this settlement of the Spaniard! The phrase "rich as Potosi" became the saying. When the reserves of the noble metal in the mines are dried, the city fell into decay.

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Nowadays, he turned into a museum under open sky. Tourists are attracted to a visit to the mint, where shiny dangles were minted with portraits of the Spanish kings and Mount Edinro - Rico, from the top of which by legend the Grand Revolutionary South America Simon Bolivar proclaimed the independence of these places from the Spanish crown.

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Savior Statue in Rio de Janeiro

This grandiose stone sculpture, ascended by almost a kilometer height, is in Rio de Janeiro on a steep Hill Corcovad. She appeared as a result of a generallyrazil open competition for the best monument, which would express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the nation. A simple man was defeated by Ector Yes Silva-Costa, who offered to log out the figure of Christ the Savior.12 of October 1931, the solemn discovery of the monument was held, the author of which was the French sculptor Paul Landovsky

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Tiaanaco City

It is located on the territory of Bolivia - on the lands that once belonged to Incans. But it is believed that this settlement was founded long before them. Urban walls are folded from huge stone blocks, as if this is the work of the giants. This hints and the majestic statues of people from stone, towering next to the fortress

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Desert Nask

This plateau on the territory of Peru is located between the valleys of the Rivers of Nask and Inhenio, 450 km from Lima. There is a majestic historical monument, the purpose of which is not solved so far. The territory of 500 square kilometers is covered with gigantic, up to 300 meters in length, images of people and animals, lines, spirals and geometric shapes. Some of them are several tens of meters. And evaluate the work of an unknown artist is possible only from a bird's eye view.

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It is very ancient city Brazil. It was founded on November 1, 1501 by the famous traveler Amerigo Vespucci. This is not only an important economics center of the country, but also the heart of Brazilian culture. The most famous temples are on Prasra de CE. In the XVII century, a large Catholic Cathedral was erected here, the altar of which is decorated with sheet gold. Next to the temple is another church - San Francisco, the material for which was exported from Portugal. Especially in Salvador, the Church of La Consay-San De Prai, dedicated to the Mother of God, which local residents consider their patroness is also honored.

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This is the third base of the foundation of the capital of Brazil. The city was laid on April 1, 1960 at Sererado Plateau. He is considered an architectural miracle Latin America. The author of the houses located in the central quarters of the capital was the most famous architect the second half of the XX century Oscar Nimeier.

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The general plan of the city has developed another brilliant architect - Louisio Costa. From above, Brazilia reminds the figure of the aircraft. The buildings of the Government, the National Congress and the Supreme Court were built on his "nose". The most impressive temple in this city is a cathedral Catholic Cathedral, which Nimeier gave an unusual shape of a thunder crown.

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Another feature of Brazil is the lack of sidewalks and a limited number of pedestrian crossings. Half a century ago it was believed that this settlement is a prototype of the cities of the XXI century, strictly subordinate to one architectural thought. However, now this ordering seems to be modern people somewhat monotonous.

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Historic center of San Louis

The city center, which was built by the French in the XVII century, was then busy with the Dutch, and was under the control of Portuguese, it was built according to the direct-perpendicular structure of the streets. Thanks to the period of economic stagnation at the beginning of the 20th century, most of the buildings are of interest as historical monumentspreserved to this day. He is a vivid example of colonial architecture

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This is the only city of the Inca, which is still in the population. Opposite the giant staircase in the rocks, you can see the face of the Supreme God-Creator Viatrochu carved by nature. According to one of the legends, the first inks (on the other, it happened on the island of Lake Titicaca was awakened here in the caves. At the top of the Pyramid Olimtambo, there is a huge array of 7 stone monoliths, carefully polished and fitted to each other. Judging by the technique of stone processing, it can be assumed that the masters from another great empire - Tiaanac (the current Bolivia) worked here. The side valley, departing from Olitantambo in the mountains, is very rich in different kind of ruins and ink-objects. Later, the Spaniard turned the city into the fort fortifications.

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28 km from Cuzco, at the foot of the majestic snow-covered Pica Chicon, the Valley of Urubamba spread. It has been protected by mountains from all sides and is distinguished by a warm soft climate, which has a beneficial effect on both the health of people and fruits and vegetables.

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Lima city

This city with a population of 7 million people is located at the foot of the Andes on the shore Pacific Ocean. He was founded by the Spaniards in 1535. The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit main Square - Plaza de Armaas (arms area), San Francisco Monastery and its underground catacombs, Arena for the fighting of Bykov Acho, Deccalsos Monastery, Quarter Rimak, Cathedral With the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Palace of Government.

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The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit the main square - Plaza de Armaas (arms area), San Francisco Monastery and its underground catacombs, Arena for the battle of Bulls Acho, Deccalsos Monastery, Quarter Riemak, Cathedral with the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Palace of Government.

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In the north of Arequipa in the upper flow of the river of the ring, known for its thresholds, among the deep canyons is the Valley of the Rock. Over the centuries, the local population is engaged in agriculture and, thanks to a soft climate, collects rich yields. To preserve the crop, unique ancient prototypes of refrigerators are used - "Colcas", which and gave the name of this valley.

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Cusco city

Translated from the Language of Indian Kechua Cusco means "Earth PUP". So far, 500 years after the appearance of the Spaniards here, the city of Cusco remains the crossroads of two cultures. The Cusco is a rich colonial past - there are many churches, for example, the Church of La Company and Monastery La Merced. The area around San Vlas, who is the place of residence of many artists and artisans, has not changed for hundreds of years. Masterfully decorated foundations of houses are still preserved. Red tiled roofs and cobbled streets give a unique flavor to this ancient city.

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The Cusco is a rich colonial past - there are many churches, for example, the Church of La Company and Monastery La Merced. The area around San Vlas, who is the place of residence of many artists and artisans, has not changed for hundreds of years. The foundations of some houses have been preserved in the city and beyond the surrounding ruins of the famous Incanic Cameras. Red tiled roofs and cobbled streets give a unique flavor to this ancient city.

"Studying South America" \u200b\u200b- Africa. The length of South America. South America. Pacific Ocean. Features of the nature of the continent. America. M. Galinas. Equator. Atlantic Ocean. Christopher Columbus.

"Opening of South America" \u200b\u200b- draw up and arrange a crossword puzzle on the topic: " Geographical position and the history of the research of the mainland. " What interesting did you find out in the lesson? Christopher Columbus 1492 year. Fernan Magellan. 1519 year. Geographical position and history of continental research South America. The world's highest waterfall - Angel.

"South America" \u200b\u200bGrade 7 "- so" by mistake "was opened America. Equator. Assemmed and summarized together with Franz. Before the death of Columbus was sure that he visited India. Position with respect to: Opening on "Error". Uniqueness of the mainland Geographical location The history of the opening and research of the mainland. Caribbean sea. Extreme Points Have only western longitude, because ...

"Population of South America" \u200b\u200b- Indian - Cofan: a story about the Indians living on the San Miguel River. Ataalpa-ruler Inca during the capture period. How did we learned? Rules: The game is held in two rounds. Europeans. Mainland, from where Europeans brought slaves. 24. 2. Instead of issues, write the name of the main races. Poison coarara get from ...? 17. Request.

"Study of South America" \u200b\u200b- the topic of the topic. Alexander Humbolt. A. Humbolt. Jean Darst, a modern researcher of South America. South America's area with islands - 18.28 million km. sq. F. Pizarro. R. christmas. E. Bonplan. The grave of the Domeiko in Santiago de Chile. The contribution of immigrants from Belarus to the study of the nature of the mainland (I. Domeiko, K. Yelsky).

"Geographical position of South America" \u200b\u200b- the Southern Tropic crosses the mainland almost in the middle. South America is the mainland of many records. Geographical position. Equipment. Geographical position of South America. Educational: upbringing curiosity; Formation of independence, skills to cooperate with others. Targets and objectives of the lesson: Forms of the lesson.


Area - 17 819 000 square kilometers

Population of South America - 331 000 000 human

The highest mountains:

- Akonkagua ( Argentina ): 6 960 M. .

- Okhos del Salado (Argentina Chile ): 6 908 M. .

Largest cities:

- Sao Paulo,

- Rio de Janeiro,

- Buenos Aires.

South America fourth on the square of the Continent of the Planet.

Washed by the Pacific Ocean from the West, and the Atlantic - from the East. All the mainland is in the western hemisphere and intersects the equator in its northern part. From Antarctica, the mainland is separated only by the Strait of Drake.

Geography of South America

These are mountains and plains, forests and deserts. But the main feature is gigantic, on its scale, the Amazon River basin and the long chain of the Andes of the Andes.

Climate of South America

The climate of South America varies depending on the distance to the equator. In the north, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe equator - a hot Equatorial zone, with separate strongly cold places in the highland Andes. And in the south, a frosty polar zone, because of the close location from Antarctica.

Due to strong precipitation dropping out in South America, a lot of rivers that carry their waters in the Atlantic Ocean. The main rivers of the mainland: Amazon, Parana, Madeira, San Francis.

There are almost no large lakes on the continent. Lake Titicaca in Andes is the largest of the alpine lakes.

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Brazilia Statue of the Savior in Rio de Janeiro Machu Picchu Kartagena Potosi Naska Cusco Tiauanako San Luis Olimtambo Urumamba Kolka South America

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The statue of the Savior in Rio de Janeiro This grand stone sculpture, ascended by almost a kilometer height, is in Rio de Janeiro on a steep Hill Corcovad. She appeared as a result of a generallyrazil open competition for the best monument, which would express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the nation. A simple man was defeated by Ector Yes Silva-Costa, who offered to log out the figure of Christ the Savior.12 of October 1931, the solemn discovery of the monument was held, the author of which was the French sculptor Paul Landovsky

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The city of Potosi The city's flourishing fell on the first half of the XVII century, when more people lived in it than in London itself! During these half a century, 16 thousand tons of silver were taken out of this settlement of the Spaniard! The phrase "rich as Potosi" became the saying. When the reserves of the noble metal in the mines are dried, the city fell into decay.

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The city of Potosi Nowadays, he turned into an open-air museum. Tourists are attracted to a visit to the mint, where shiny dangles were minted with portraits of the Spanish kings and Mount Edinro - Rico, from the top of which by legend the Grand Revolutionary South America Simon Bolivar proclaimed the independence of these places from the Spanish crown.

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Cartagena City This village of Columbia is famous for the fact that in 1586 he looked through the English flotilla, which he managed the pirate, subsequently became the English Lord - Sir Francis Drake. Port fortifications were completely destroyed. Later, the inhabitants rebuilt them anew, mixing for the fortress in a solution by bullish blood. Today, the old quarters of Cartagena are a single historical monument of the time of colonial conquest of the mainland by the Spaniards.

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The city of Tiauanaco is located on the territory of Bolivia - on the lands that once belonged to Incans. But it is believed that this settlement was founded long before them. Urban walls are folded from huge stone blocks, as if this is the work of the giants. This hints and the majestic statues of people from the stone rummaged next to the fortress.

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The city of Potosi is the highest mountain city in the world. It is located at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level. Potosi is also famous for its silver mines, where thousands of slaves of the Indians have worked at one time.

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The desert of Naska in modern scientists has several versions of the purpose of mysterious drawings. Perhaps the ancient people used them as objects of religious worship. There is a possibility that this is a huge calendar or even a cosmodrome for aliens from space. The mystery of Naska is still waiting for its discovers

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Naska Desert This Plateau on the territory of Peru is located between the valleys of the River Nask and Inhenio, 450 km from Lima. There is a majestic historical monument, the purpose of which is not solved so far. The territory of 500 square kilometers is covered with gigantic, up to 300 meters in length, images of people and animals, lines, spirals and geometric shapes. Some of them are several tens of meters. And evaluate the work of an unknown artist is possible only from a bird's eye view.

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The general plan of the city has developed another brilliant architect - Louisio Costa. From above, Brazilia reminds the figure of the aircraft. The buildings of the Government, the National Congress and the Supreme Court were built on his "nose". The most impressive temple in this city is a cathedral Catholic Cathedral, which Nimeier gave an unusual shape of a thunder crown. BRAZILIA city

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Another feature of Brazil is the lack of sidewalks and a limited number of pedestrian crossings. Half a century ago it was believed that this settlement is a prototype of the cities of the XXI century, strictly subordinate to one architectural thought. However, now this ordering seems to be modern people somewhat monotonous. BRAZILIA city

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Lima City This city with a population of 7 million people is located at the foot of the Andes on the shores of the Pacific. He was founded by the Spaniards in 1535. The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit the main square - Plaza de Armaas (arms area), San Francisco Monastery and its underground catacombs, Arena for the battle of Bulls Acho, Deccalsos Monastery, Quarter Riemak, Cathedral with the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Palace of Government.

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The city of Cusco translated from the Language of the Indian Kechua Cusco means "PUP of the Earth." So far, 500 years after the appearance of the Spaniards here, the city of Cusco remains the crossroads of two cultures. The Cusco is a rich colonial past - there are many churches, for example, the Church of La Company and Monastery La Merced. The area around San Vlas, who is the place of residence of many artists and artisans, has not changed for hundreds of years. Masterfully decorated foundations of houses are still preserved. Red tiled roofs and cobbled streets give a unique flavor to this ancient city.

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Lima City The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit the main square - Plaza de Armaas (arms area), San Francisco Monastery and its underground catacombs, Arena for the battle of Bulls Acho, Deccalsos Monastery, Quarter Riemak, Cathedral with the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Palace of Government.

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The historic center of San Luis city center, which was built by the French in the XVII century, was then busy with the Dutch, and was under the control of Portuguese, it was built according to the direct-perpendicular structure of the streets. Thanks to the period of economic stagnation at the beginning of the 20th century, most of the buildings, preventing interest as historical monuments, has been preserved to the present day. He is a vivid example of colonial architecture

See also: