Where is Ceylon located on the world map. Detailed map of Sri Lanka in Russian


There are many countries in the world that call themselves tourist destinations. Some countries have long been taking their place on the tourist map, and some have recently burst into the TOP and are visited by more than a million tourists annually. Sri Lanka is a country where tourism has long been an integral part of the country's culture and budget. This amazing country is visited not only for the beaches, but also for the sights, temples and beautiful nature. The country is quite large, and to see it in its entirety, you will have to travel through it for a long time. And right here new map Sri Lanka with resorts in Russian will help you. With the help of a map, you can find the resort you need, get a route to it and know in advance what awaits you there.

Sri Lanka is not just a country, it is an island located in the Indian Ocean. Most of the island is washed by the waters of this particular ocean. And part of the country closer to Asia is washed by two bays: the Bay of Bengal and the Bay of Manar. These bays are also part of the Indian Ocean, so the water temperature along the coast of Sri Lanka is almost the same everywhere. Almost, this means that depending on the time of year, different parts of the island have different weather. Still, Sri Lanka is enough big Island, and therefore it cannot have the same temperature everywhere.

The closest neighbor of the island is India. Countries share just these two bays. There is a well-developed maritime communication between the countries, and hundreds of ships and tankers with cargo sail from the shores of India and Sri Lanka every day in one direction or the other.
Sri Lanka is not the largest state. In terms of total area, it occupies the 120th place in the world, but the entire coastline of the island is one continuous beach. All along the shore lies White sand for which millions of tourists come here. Of course, not all of the island's coastline is beaches. Hotels redeem the shore, rent it and make gorgeous beaches with all conviniences. However, most of the coast is considered wild, but this does not prevent tourists from relaxing in such wild places. In fact wild beach it differs from the usual only by the absence of sun loungers and umbrellas on the shore, but otherwise they are similar. Trees, palm trees, everywhere sand and beautiful view to the ocean.

Most of the tourists come to Sri Lanka for the sake of beach holiday. But they cannot resist the temptation to admire the nature of the island, learn the history of the country and visit sacred places where your little life and your culture. Sri Lanka is often called a flourishing country. The thing is that the island always blooms. Here every now and then new flowers, new trees bloom. The island is beautiful at any time of the year, and nature has made it so that different parts of the island have different climates at different times. And if in the north of the country the winds blow and it rains, then in the southern territory of Sri Lanka it is sunny and you can swim. And vice versa, if it doesn’t work out in the south, then in the north the sun and positive.

For tourists we have a new map in Russian. The map shows the best and largest resorts in the country. See the map, enlarge it, click on the marks to see a photo of the resort. This map will definitely help you, and you will be able to travel around Sri Lanka on your own.

Few of us living in northern latitudes wondered: what is the island of Sri Lanka, where is it located, what country is it, how to find it on the world map, what is it washed by? Many are interested in the question - is Sri Lanka India or not? What part of the world is Sri Lanka in?

Behind last years rest on this piece of land in the middle of the endless ocean expanses is becoming more and more popular. Tourists come here for warm sea, sandy beaches, eternal summer, unique souvenirs, the opportunity to see whales.

In contact with

Geographic location

Geographically, Sri Lanka is located at the southern tip of the Hindustan peninsula, it can be easily found on the world map in the Indian Ocean, since the state is located in the south of Asia, then the part of the world to which it belongs is Asia. sandy shores, with a total length of about 1300 km, are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean.

The island has an elongated shape from south to north; it is separated from the mainland by the Polk Strait, more than five dozen kilometers wide. The southern part of the island is formed by mountain terraces, passing to the center in the highlands.

The geographical coordinates of Sri Lanka are 7°45′00″ s. sh., 80°46′00 E d.

Brief information about the country

When England, Portugal and Holland colonized Sri Lanka in the 16th century, it was called Ceylon. Now the island is called Sri Lanka, but about how official name sounds in Russian, Wikipedia answers - "Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka."

The form of statehood is the Democratic Socialist Republic. The type of government is a presidential republic. The main nationality is the Sinhalese. The first states appeared in the 5th century BC. The ancient inhabitants of the island traded with the Chinese, Arabs, and Romans.

From the 16th century to the middle of the 20th century it was a colonial possession:

  • the Portuguese;
  • the Dutch;
  • English.


note: officially chief administrative center, the seat of government, is the city of Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte, founded in the 13th century as a fortress of Kotte. It is located between the channels of Diyavanna Oya and Kolonnava Oya.

In fact, economic cultural center country is the city of Colombo, founded in the 7th century, presumably by Arab merchants. Initially, the city developed as a trading port.


The country has two official state languages- Sinhalese and Tamil. In tourist areas, residents understand English.


Residents of Russia need to apply for a visa to visit. The easiest way is to fill out an electronic form posted on the embassy website in advance. Upon arrival, pay 35 dollars, present a valid passport, a completed arrival card and receive a visa.

Note: You can also apply for a visa on arrival. However, this will cost more and take more time.


More than 21.5 million people live in Ceylon. More than ¾ of the population is the titular nation - Sinhalese, 1/6 - Tamils. The descendants of the Arabs and Austronesians, who are immigrants from, do not exceed 1/12 of the country's population.

In addition, the descendants of European colonizers live here: the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the British. Their number is about 1/15 of the total number of citizens.


Take note: officially recognized four world religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity.

Sinhalese, the bulk of the population, professes Buddhism. Tamils ​​are Hindus, Islam is traditionally preached by Arabs and Austronesians. The descendants of Europeans are Catholics.

Sea and ocean

In fact, Sri Lanka is washed by the waters of two seas that are part of the Indian Ocean. The Polk Strait, separating Ceylon from the mainland, connects the Gulf of Mannar in the west with the Bay of Bengal in the east.

The northwestern shores are washed by the waters of the Gulf of Mannar, which is part of the Laccadive Sea.

The northeastern part is washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal, which, according to its characteristics, is a sea. The bay is famous for its coastal mangrove forests, rich in unique underwater world.

The rest of the coastline of the island is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean itself. The sea coast with lazy surf is perfect for a beach holiday. lovers active rest you should choose ocean beaches with their ever-roaring waves.


The national currency of the republic is the Sri Lankan rupee. 1 US dollar is worth about 153 Sri Lankan rupees. 1 Russian ruble costs approximately 2.62 rupees, for the euro they ask about 166 rupees.


Sri Lanka has a fairly developed land transport infrastructure:

  • tuk-tuks are the main mode of transport, which is a cross between a motorcycle and a cycle rickshaw. It is allowed to bargain on the price of the trip;
  • city ​​buses;
  • an extensive network of intercity buses, which is the most comfortable mode of transport;
  • railway communication between settlements;
  • Taxi. Developed only in tourist areas and capitals.

Car and scooter rentals are also available. Just keep in mind that:

  • no rights other than local ones are recognized by the authorities;
  • Only persons over the age of 21 are allowed to drive.

Difference in time

Moscow time is 2.5 hours behind Sri Lankan time. Time ahead of Sri Lankan by 4.5 hours, Novosibirsk - by 1.5 hours. It is practically in the same time zone with Sri Lanka: the difference is only 30 minutes.

What to bring

The island has been famous for its tea plantations, spices, and pearls since ancient times. The number of varieties of tea is so great that it is almost impossible to taste them all.

For more than a dozen centuries, precious stones mined from the depths of Sri Lanka have been highly valued in the jewelry markets: sapphires, emeralds, almandines, opals, tourmalines, topazes.

Therefore, it is worth bringing from the trip:

  • Ceylon tea. You can buy it on plantations, in shops, in the market. The price is highly dependent on proximity to tourist areas;
  • spices: vanilla pods, pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon sticks;

  • natural essential oils tropical plants: vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, sandalwood, wild lemongrass, vetiver;
  • jewelry with precious stones.

Advice: when buying, you should pay special attention to the metal: gold and silver are exported, so no one is responsible for the quality of the metals.

The stones have a mineralogical passport, which will need to be presented when passing through customs;

  • cotton clothing. For its manufacture, Indian cotton is used, which is characterized by long fibers that give the fabrics softness.


The island is completely located in the zone of humid equatorial with a transition to a subequatorial climate. On the coast, the climate is monsoonal.

The high season is winter. The climate is mild. The change of seasons is practically non-existent. Ceylon is the realm of eternal summer. Even in the mountains it never snows. There are practically no average daily temperature fluctuations.

Note: the pole of cold is Nuwara Eliya, where the average daily temperature ranges from +11° to 13°C.

The temperatures of air and ocean water are always almost the same, being 30°-32°C. Sea water temperature is lower by 1–2°С. Night temperatures rarely drop below +25°C.

In the highlands, the climate is less hot, the temperature rarely rises above +25°C. The climatic conditions are such that the local southern winter is much warmer than our northern summer.

How to fly

Direct scheduled flights from international airport Colombos are made only in one Russian city - Moscow. Flight period: from June to August.

Direct flights are organized from other Russian cities to Colombo charter flights, information about which can be obtained from the tour operator organizing trips.

It is convenient for residents of the Asian part of the country to fly with transfers at airports:

  • Beijing;
  • Seoul;

These cities have year-round regular direct flights. Russian airlines have tariff agreements with Asian airlines operating flights to Ceylon.

For residents of the European part, it is convenient to fly via Dubai or Doha. In addition, you can fly from Russia to Ceylon via, Mumbai, Delhi, Tashkent. These routes involve 2-3 transfers.


Resort areas are located in almost all parts of the country:


In the western part of the country, popular resort is the fishing village of Negombo, located on the shores of the lagoon of the same name. Historically, the area is notable for the Portuguese fort, which the Dutch turned into a prison. It is of interest to fans of history, cultural studies, ethnography.

Advice: Negombo is perfect for lazy beach lovers.


Popular youth resort Colombo is the cultural capital of the country, located on the shores of the bay of the same name in the west of the country. like anyone eastern city, Colombo lives in contrasts: poverty borders on wealth, shacks of the poor huddle next to fashionable buildings.

The cleanliness of wealthy neighborhoods is replaced by the garbage of slums. Shine and poverty, eternal holiday and eternal work, past and future - all this is intertwined on the streets of Colombo. It is of interest to outdoor enthusiasts.


A romantic resort on the sea coast is perfect for peace and lazy relaxation. This is a quiet place with an unhurried rhythm under the shade of palm trees. The main type of recreation is the beach. Located southwest of Colombo.


It is located on the shores of the Laccadive Sea, where the Kalu River flows into it.

Designed for outdoor enthusiasts aquatic species sports.


The city is located in the southwest, remarkable for its architecture. This resort is suitable for a relaxing secluded holiday.


Located in the west of the country. It has recently acquired the status of a resort, so the flow of tourists is still small. Lovers of a leisurely, measured rest will appreciate sandy beaches in the vicinity of the town.


A small town in the south of Sri Lanka on the shore of a bay protected from ocean waves coral reef. Popular with solo travelers.

Take note: Unawatuna is perfect for a relaxing holiday with kids.

Resort on the southern tip of the island. Quiet place away from civilization. The unique underwater world attracts diving fans.

Kogalla is known for its water excursions during which you can meet wild whales and dolphins.

Mirissa is the best beach

Experienced surfers go to Mirissa for high waves. Untouched marvelous nature, lack of economic activity create a feeling of paradise. The place is secluded, conducive to a romantic getaway. Habitual resort entertainment missing.

Surf paradise

The open ocean coast of the southern tip of the island is popular with surfers. Surf waves allow you to surf all year round. Sandy beaches are good for beginner surfing lessons. Experienced surfers catch waves among the rocks and reefs.

Interesting to know: Hikkaduwa is the most popular beach among surfers. Beginners can take individual lessons from professional instructors or sign up for classes at surf schools.

Surf schools also operate in Kogalle, Unawatuna, Weligama.


Shopping impresses with its diversity and will bring real pleasure to those who like to shop.

Note: as everywhere in the east, it is customary to bargain here. Local merchants do not like those who buy without haggling. For them, this is one of the types of communication, a centuries-old tradition that is still observed today. In addition, bargaining is quite realistic to bring down prices by several orders of magnitude.

Resting on the island, you should visit the numerous jewelry factories, which operate shopping centers. Assortment of jewelry shopping centers amazes with a variety and beauty of the presented production. Local jewelers can make custom-made jewelry with the stones they like.

Having made a trip to the tea plantations, walking through the spice gardens, it is worth visiting the shops. True, prices there are much higher than in small shops and markets.

In local markets, you can buy exotic fruits, spices, spices, essential oils. In addition, here you can buy cotton clothes or order their individual tailoring.

This is especially true for countries South-East Asia. Even if tourists bring any plants, seeds, they can simply be confiscated at customs. To prevent this, it is recommended to abandon the purchase or issue a phytopass. It is better to carry fruits in packed luggage, so they will definitely not be confiscated.


Leaving a tip is voluntary. Hotel staff, guides, porters, drivers are advised to tip a dollar.

In cafes and restaurants, tips are already included in the bill. In other cases, tourists determine the size of the tip themselves, the maximum amount can reach 10% of the value of the check.


The national cuisine of the Sri Lankans is predominantly vegetarian with lots of spices and spices. The staple food is rice. Local kitchen originates from the Indian, the Portuguese, Dutch, British, Arabs, Chinese contributed to it.

Therefore, modern dishes are a mixture of the culinary traditions of these peoples. A spice for all occasions is curry, which is served with boiled rice as a side dish.

In hotels, tourists are offered the usual Europeanized menu. National dishes are served in an adapted form. You can try real Sri Lankan dishes in restaurants that are visited by locals. For most Europeans, national dishes seem very spicy, this should be borne in mind when ordering dishes.

Flora and fauna

The fauna of this corner of the planet is one of the most diverse. The island is home to many endemic species of animals, amphibians, birds, insects, which are found only here - 16% of the total.

More than half of the species are endangered:

  • Indian deer sambar;
  • Sri Lankan leopard;
  • Sri Lankan elephant;
  • sponge bear.

The island is also home to over 200 species of birds, a quarter of which are also endangered. More than half of the representatives of amphibians can also disappear forever, and more than a hundred species live here, 90% of them are endemic.

scammers on the island

You can come across scammers everywhere: on the street, in restaurants, shops, in transport. Merchants, drivers usually quote a price many times higher than the actual one. There is only one piece of advice here: find out the cost in advance, bargain desperately.

You can also become a victim of scammers when exchanging currency, often tourists are lured by a tempting exchange rate. Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant, not to be led by tempting offers, while maintaining a critical perception. As the saying goes, free cheese is only found in a mousetrap.


Sri Lanka is a country with a thousand-year history and unique nature.

Traveling around the island, you can see architectural monuments that are cultural heritage under the protection of UNESCO:

  • the ancient cities of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa, built three thousand years ago by the Indians;
  • ancient man-made lakes;
  • the palace complex of Sigiriya, located on mountain terraces;
  • national parks Horton Place, Yala;
  • royal botanical garden;
  • heritage of the period of colonization;
  • numerous ancient temples.

In fact, the whole of Ceylon is one big attraction.. Nearby are the eras of ancient India and colonization, modern buildings and ancient palaces botanical gardens and millennial plantations.

tour cost

Weekly cost package tour for two with a flight from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk starts from 60 thousand rubles.


(Republic of Sri Lanka)

General information

Geographical position. Sri Lanka- Island state in the Indian Ocean near south coast India, from which it is separated by the Gulf of Manar and the Strait of Polk.

Square. The territory of Sri Lanka occupies 65,610 sq. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. Capitals - Sri Jayawardanapura (administrative), Colombo. The largest cities: Colombo (616 thousand people), Dehiva la Mount Lavigna (196 thousand people), Jaffna (129 thousand people), Sri Jayewardanapura (109 thousand people). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 25 districts.

Political system

Sri Lanka Republic. The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. The legislature is the parliament.

Relief. Located in the central part of Sri Lanka mountain range. There is the highest point of the country - Mount Pidurutalagala (2524 m). Nearby are two plains with a relatively cool climate.

The famous Ceylon tea is grown in the valleys.

Geological structure and minerals. The bowels of the country contain reserves of diamonds, other precious stones, phosphates, granite, marble.

Climate. The country's climate is mostly hot and humid, but the mountainous regions are cool. The average annual temperature in the valleys is about +32°С, in mountainous areas- about +21 °С.

Inland waters. The country's rivers are short and fast. The longest river, the Ma Haveli Ganga, flows into Indian Ocean near the city of Trincomalee, among other rivers stand out Kelani, Kalu and Aruvi-Aru.

Soils and vegetation. Dense jungles occupy vast areas in the southwest of the country. The slopes of the mountains are also covered with forests. Various palm trees, mangrove trees grow in coastal areas. In the so-called wet zone of the country, there is a lot of mahogany and several types of rubber and fruit trees. In the dry zone, ebony and satinwood are more common. Orchids, hyacinths, acacias, eucalyptus trees, cypresses grow in large numbers almost throughout the country.

Animal world. Among the representatives of the fauna, the cheetah, leopard, several species of monkeys, elephant, a large number of various types of birds and insects.

Population and language

The population of the country is about 18.933 million people, the average population density is about 289 people per 1 sq. km. km. Ethnic groups: Sinhalese (Singhalese) - 74%, Tamils ​​(Indian and Sri Lankan) - 18%, Moors (Arabs) - 7%, burgers (Dutch), Malays, Veddas. Languages: Sinhalese, Tamil (both official), English, Dravidian.


Buddhists - 69%, Hindus - 15%, Christians - 8%, Muslims - 8%.

Brief historical outline

According to Hindu legend, most of Sri Lanka was conquered in ancient times by Ramachandra, who was the seventh incarnation of the god Vishnu. The written history of the country is found in the Mahavamsa chronicle. It was started in the VI century. and was conducted by Buddhist monks until 1815. According to the chronicle, the island in 504 BC. e. was conquered by the Indian prince Vijaya, whose descendants ruled Sri Lanka, then called Singala, for several centuries. From the end of the 3rd century n. e. until the middle of the 12th century. Sinhala was dominated by Tamil kings and other invaders from southern India.

At the beginning of the XV century. the island was occupied by Chinese troops, and Singala was divided into several small states. In 1517, the Portuguese, who had established friendly relations with one of the local rulers, built a fort in Colombo. Their influence grew, and by the end of the XVI century. The Portuguese controlled a fairly large area of ​​the island. In 1638-1639. The Dutch by force captured almost the entire island and it was under their influence until 1796, when the island actually came under the control of Great Britain.

In 1798, the entire territory of the island, with the exception of the kingdom of Kandy, became a royal British colony. In 1803, Britain also occupied the kingdom of Kandy, and in 1815 annexed it to the royal colony. On February 4, 1948, the colony became an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations. At that time the country was called Ceylon. May 22, 1972 the country was named the Republic of Sri Lanka. Since 1983, the state has been Civil War with the Tamils ​​demanding autonomy to the point of secession. In late 1995, government troops carried out a successful operation against the Tamils, capturing the rebel-controlled province of Jaffna. However, the war did not stop.

Brief economic essay

Sri Lanka is an agricultural country with a developed plantation economy. The economy remains dependent on foreign, mainly British, capital and the external market. The role of the public sector is growing. The basis of the economy is the production for export of tea (one of the first places in the world), rubber and coconut palm products. Food culture-rice. Cattle are mainly used as draft force. Fishing. Extraction of graphite, precious stones, salt. Industry: processing of agricultural raw materials, light, food. Export: tea, rubber, coconut palm products.

The monetary unit is the Sri Lankan rupee.

A Brief Outline of Culture

Art and architecture. Kandy. Rock with footprints of the Buddha; Temple of the Tooth, where the tooth of the Buddha is kept. Anuradhapura. The "Bo" tree, grown from the branch of the tree under which the Buddha rested when the blessing descended upon him. Colombo, Kandy, Ratnapura, Anuradhapura, Galle, Trincomalee. Museums with collections of historical exhibits.

Sri Lanka is an island state in South Asia, located on the island of the same name (another name is Ceylon), 50 km southeast of the coast of the Hindustan Peninsula.

In ancient times, there was an Adam's bridge connecting the island with India, but it was destroyed in the 15th century due to an earthquake and storm. On a detailed map of Sri Lanka, you can still find the outlines of this bridge.

Sri Lanka is a world exporter of tea and fabrics, as well as the most popular tourist destination in Asia.

Sri Lanka on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Sri Lanka on the world map is located in South Asia, on the island of Ceylon, and is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean in the west and its Bay of Bengal in the east. Sri Lanka is separated from the Indian subcontinent from the northwest by the Gulf of Manar and the Strait of Polk.

In the meridional direction, the island stretches for 445 km, and in the latitudinal direction, for 225 km. Total length coastline - 1340 km.


The main part of the country is occupied by coastal lowlands with heights up to 30 meters above sea level. In the center of the island is the Central Highlands, to which highest point Sri Lanka - Mount Pidurutalagala(2524 m). On the map of Sri Lanka in Russian in the northern part of the country there are plains with a height of 30 to 200 meters.


The river network of Ceylon is dense, 103 rivers flow through its territory, most of which begin in the central mountainous part and flow to the coastal regions, flowing into the Indian Ocean. The longest river Mahaweli(335 km).

Island lakes are not large and deep. The largest of them: Kala Ueva, Parakrama Semudra, Mineriya.

Flora and fauna

Forests cover 50% of the island. Moist equatorial forests grow in the southwestern part of Sri Lanka, while deciduous forests grow in the northern and eastern parts. On the coast there are mangrove trees and coconut palms.

Animals and vegetable world Ceylon is diverse.

There are 450 species of birds (24 of them are endemic), 86 species of mammals, 50 species of fish, 38 species of amphibians and 75 species of reptiles. The most common animals are wild boars, buffaloes, bears, foxes, monkeys, elephants. Currently, the population of elephants on the island has decreased to 6 thousand individuals instead of the previous 30 thousand.

Of the 3 thousand species of vegetation, about a third grows only in Ceylon, the most common plants are ferns and orchids.

Sri Lanka has 12 national parks, 3 nature reserves and many nature protection zones, occupying 14% of the country's area. largest national park Sinharaja is located in the south of the island and includes the only tropical forest in the country. Elephants, leopards, pythons and other animals live here.


The island has large reserves of non-metallic minerals - graphite, apatite, phosphates, quartz sand, limestone. In Sri Lanka, there are about a hundred varieties of precious stones, including sapphires, rubies, topazes and others.


The climate of Sri Lanka is equatorial, warm and humid, influenced by the rainfall monsoons. The average annual temperature in Ceylon is +27 °C, and the temperature amplitudes between the warmest and coldest months do not exceed 5 °C.

The seasons of the year here are expressed not by temperature indicators, but by the amount of precipitation. In the southwest of the island, the dry season lasts from November to April, and in the northeast from March to November. The average annual air humidity is 70%, and the average annual precipitation ranges from 1000 to 2000 mm (up to 5000 mm in mountainous areas).

Map of Sri Lanka with cities. Administrative division of the country

The country's territory is divided into 9 provinces:

  • central,
  • Eastern,
  • northeast,
  • North,
  • Northwestern,
  • Sabaragamuwa,
  • South,
  • Western.

The largest cities in Sri Lanka

  • Colombo- the capital and The largest city country located on west coast islands. The city is the center of the chemical, oil refining, textile, leather and footwear industries, and its port is one of the largest in Asia (4th place). One of the main attractions of Colombo is the Jami-Ul-Alfar Mosque, built in 1909 in the South Indian style. 753 thousand people live in the city.
  • Dehiwala Mount Lavinia- a city-suburb of Colombo, on the map of Sri Lanka with cities in Russian, located to the south of it. It is predominantly resort town, where there is a popular beach of the same name and the National Zoo - one of the best in Asia. The population of Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia is 220 thousand people.
  • Moratuwa- Another city in the suburbs of Colombo, a major center for fish processing and furniture production. The population of the city is 180 thousand people.

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