The sights of Syktyvkar - the colorful capital of Komi. Literary and theater Museum

Not everyone can say the name of the capital of Komi from the first time, and some of her did not even hear. This is the city of average, but tourism here appeared quite recently. In this old city, many attractions are beautiful natural places. But unfortunately, local tourist trails are not very famous yet, and a do not know a person can not find the right object. To avoid this, you need to familiarize yourself with the main attractions of the city of Syktyvkar in advance.

Brief description of Syktyvkar

Syktyvkar is the capital of the Komi Republic and the center of the urban district of the same name. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 152 km 2, and the population is more than 280 thousand people. Syktyvkar took the 128th place out of 165 cities in the ranking of city accommodation attractiveness (2013). The city is located in the southwestern part of the Republic (the left bank of the Sysole River), not far from the borders of the Arkhangelsk and Kirov regions.

Syktyvkar is located 412 km from Kirov

History of the city

The exact date of formation of the first settlement in the city is unknown. In the area of \u200b\u200bSyktyvkar, archaeologists discovered traces of people of the era of Neolith (III century BC). Later certificates of settlement date back to the IV-IX centuries of our era. The people of Komi appeared here in the XVI century. Thanks to the close location of the Rivers of the Vychugyda and Susola, the territory "burned" rather quickly. Since then, they have repeatedly changed the status and name of the settlement. At different times, he was called Ust-Sysol, Syktytyvdin, Carr, etc. The modern name is assigned to the city in 1930 (from the Komi Syktyv language - the name of the local river, "Car" - city status).

In the XVIII century, the Ust-Sysolsky county was part of the Vologda governor, and officially the city was founded in 1780. Later to the county city, they joined the surrounding villages and settlements, and to XIX century Here formed a major shopping center of the North. By 1897, Ust-Sysolsk became the fourth largest population in the Vologda province. In 1921, the city became the center of the Autonomous Region of Komi, and the name Syktyvkar was assigned in honor of the 150th anniversary of the assignment of urban status. In 1990, Syktyvkar became the capital of the republic. Now Syktyvkar is considered a provincial city, but age and abundance of attractions make it attractive for tourists.

How to get to Syktyvkar

Before the capital of Komi can be reached in several ways:

  1. An aircraft from Moscow (Sheremetyevo, to fly for about 2 hours), St. Petersburg, Sochi, Anapa, Kaliningrad, Perm, Surgut, Minor, Ufa, Samara, Vorkuta and Yekaterinburg.
  2. By train from Moscow (go about 25 hours), Northern capital, Mikuni, Pechoras, Ukhta, Anapa, Vologda, Yaroslavl, Coslane, Usinsk, Vorkuta and from other cities, but with a transplant.
  3. By bus from nearby cities (neighboring regions and autonomous districts).
  4. By car (tracks: M7 and R-176, M8 and P-98).

You can get to Syktyvkar through the nearest cities: Arkhangelsk, Volsk, Vologda, Kirov, Ukhta

Attractions Syktyvkar

In the capital of Komi there are architectural and historical sights, many cultural facilities and beautiful natural places.

City architecture

The main architectural attractions of Syktyvkar are temples and cathedrals, as well as unusual works of monumental art.

Holy Stefan Cathedral

Holy Stefanovsky Cathedral is a valid Orthodox church dedicated to St. Stephan Perm. He was St. Zyryan (the indigenous people of the republic) and the enlightener. The project of the temple was performed by architects: Kokushkin and Borichevsky. The cathedral was built since 1856. After 27 years, the Lower Church of the Cathedral was built, and after 13 years, the entire Cathedral was consecrated. Previously, there was another temple on the site of the Stefan Cathedral, but he was destroyed by the Bolsheviks during the revolution.

Tourists may be interested in not only the architecture of the building, but also internal decoration - the walls of the cathedral are decorated with painting in the Byzantine style. And with the cathedral there is a bell tower with a king bell. Some are interested in the relics of St. Stephen, who in the XIV century addressed Zyryan-pagans in Christians. However, this shrine is stored in the Moscow Kremlin.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Freedom Street, 60;
  • official website:;
  • opening hours: Daily from 7:00 to 1:00;
  • the entrance is free.

Stefanovsky Cathedral, as the main spiritual center of Komi, was erected as a tribute to the memory of all compatriots affected during repression at the beginning of the 20th century, in a reminder of persecution for faith who had undergone a church in Komi

Church of Christ Savior

The Church of Christ the Savior was built in 1995. This is a Baptist temple, it is also called the Syktyvkar House of Prayer. The central cult building of this denomination is allocated among the others, and the architect E. P. Bulatov became the creator of the project, and the Temple Building of Baptist Brigade from other Russian regions, Ukraine and Moldova was built.

This church has its own choir, and worships are held both in Russian and in the Komi language. And also at the temple there are a teenage club and a Sunday school. It is planned to install the organ whose sounds will accompany Sunday services. Inside the temple, modest decoration, there are no icons and frescoes, and presbyters (Baptist priests) are not allocated by special robes. They are chosen from members of the Baptist community.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Oktyabrsky Avenue, 35;
  • official site: http: //serkovkomi.rf;
  • mode of operation: Daily from 9:00 to 20:00;
  • the entrance is free.

The Church of Christ Savior is one of the largest Protestant temples in the CIS

Kazan Temple (Holy Kazan) was built until the XIX century. Then this church was called the Chapel Prokopiya and John Ustyugi. In 1860, the peasants rebuilt the building, and in 1901 the temple was named after the Kazan icon of the Mother of God. This was the wonderful rescue of the relic in a fire. After 1917, the church became a place of reference. They sent priests and worldly people here, and they were supported by the Scene Bishop Herman. Later, he was accused of subversive activities and shot (1937). Since 1944, the temple has become self-reading, but when the war has ended, he again involved. In 2001, Bishop Herman was counted for the face of saints.

The church features a library, Sunday School and Teenage Club. The main attraction, the shrine and the pride of the temple - Kazan Icon. In large Christian holidays, the miraculous icon is descending from the iconostasis so that you can touch it. Tourists and pilgrims come here from different regions, as it is believed that the shrine is able to heal from the troubles, misfortunes and heavy diseases.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Naberezhnaya Street, 10 (Kocapon);
  • official website:;
  • opening hours: Daily from 7:00 to 19:00;
  • the entrance is free.

The walls of the temple are painted in a blue color not just like that - it is believed that this color symbolizes the Virgin

Monument to Peter and Fevronia

The monument to Peter and Fevronia was established in 2004. A four-ton sculpture created convicted A. Galushkin, and the sketch of the monument was a bishop of Pitirim. The monument of 3 meters high is covered with bronze, but the sculptor used the new sculpture technique, covering the bronze concrete blank.

Already 800 years Orthodox read Peter and Fevronia, but not everyone knows their history. In such cases I appeal to my girlfriend, which is a pious Christian. Paradise told me a sad story of strong and loyal love. Prince Peter helped his brother Paul, killing a cunning snake-tempter who was the honor of the prince's wife. A dying snake infected Peter by Ramazoa, and only Selyanka could save him from death, the daughter of the Bortnik, who earned the life of honey. Fevronia agreed to help, taking the promise from Prince that he marries her. Petr refused to marry after cure, but Fevronia was foreseen. One specifically left with it, the Strip caused a repeated ailment, and this time the prince kept his promise. After the death of Paul, the people opposed the unequal marriage of Peter - the heir to the throne. Together with the wife of peasant origin, the prince sailed from the city, but the starting excitements from the throne softened the rigidity of the courtiers, and Peter and his wife returned to the city. In old age, they went to different monasteries and accepted the victory. Loving spouses made a common coffin in advance and wrote a testament so that they were buried together. Surprisingly, Petr and Fevronia died on one day, and the ministers of the monasteries buried them in different places, considering the general grave not a godly. Tradition says that the next day the lovers lay in one coffin.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Freedom Street, 60 (territory of the Stefan Cathedral);
  • accurate coordinates: N61.6780810 E50.8322650;
  • inspect the attraction can be free and at any time.

Three-meter sculpture, which personifies the symbol of the home hearth and the patronage of family bonds, posted at the entrance to the Stefan temple

Cultural objects Syktyvkar

The main sculptural attractions of the city are theaters, museums and sculptural complexes.

Opera theatre

Syktyvkarian Opera and Ballet Theater was created in 1958. The name of the institution changed several times: Music and Drama Theater, Music Theater Komi ASSR. The current name was assigned in 1992. The building in which the opera house is currently located in 1969. The auditorium accommodates up to 778 viewers at the same time.

In repertoire cultural facility There are operas, choreographic representations, etc. Ballet ("Lamanchnya Peasantkaya", "Swan Lake", "Giselle", "Don Quixote", etc., is especially popular.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Communist Street, 32;
  • exact coordinates: 61 ° 39'58 "N 50 ° 49'09" E;
  • official site:;
  • mode of operation: from Tuesday to Saturday - from 11:00 to 18:00, on Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00;
  • the cost of tickets depends on the concert.

Since 1991, the theater has been conducting an annual international festival of opera and ballet art "Syktyvkars Tula" (Syktyvkar Spring) named after People's Artist of Russia II Petrovna Bardyova

Savina Drama Theater

V. A. Savina's Drama Theater was created in 1936. This was preceded by the formation of a small theater association, whose supervisor became Savin. About 8 years old the theater group worked at the level of creative amateur. In 1930, theatrical courses were held in the city; For this, professional students of the field of drama: director and composer invited Moscow. So the Savina Theater became the first such institution in Syktyvkar. True, the name of the founder was assigned to the institution in 1978, and the title of "Academic" - in 1995.

The performances that here can be viewed are based on the works of Shakespeare, Sadura, Lorca, etc. The troupe includes the well-deserved artists of Russia and the republic - A. Tribelgorn, V. Gradov, V. Gabova, etc.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Pervomayskaya Street, 56;
  • official website:;
  • mode of operation: from Monday to Friday (from 9:00 to 17:00);
  • ticket price: from 100 rubles.

On October 27, 1980, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the dramatic theater was awarded the Order of Peoples Friendship

The National Art Gallery in Syktyvkar was established in 1943. The founder of the institution was D. T. Yanovich - an ethnographer and a scientist-anthropologist. In 1925, Yanovich arrived in Komi and formed the first collection of works of art of the XVIII-XX centuries. And after 3 years the first organized exhibition of paintings took place. For some time the gallery had no room, so the exposition appeared in the local Museum of Museum. The collection of paintings expanded to museums from other regions (institutions and citizens). And in 1980, part of the paintings were acquired by the gallery from individuals.

Now in the collection there are about 7 thousand works of Russian and foreign art. The earliest exhibits are the pictures of the XVII century. In addition to painting, there are sculptures, vintage icons, copper products, etc. Recently, the exposition is replenished with modern work.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Kirov Street, 44;
  • accurate coordinates: 61 ° 40'10 "N 50 ° 50'33" E;
  • official site:;
  • mode of operation: Tuesday and Wednesday - from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday - from 10:00 to 20:00, Friday-Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00;
  • admission: up to 150 rubles.

In recent years, the gallery collection continues to grow at the expense of gifts (the most significant flow recent years The gift of the Moscow collector N. I. Kornilova became

Ethnographical museum

Syktyvkar Ethnographic Museum was established in 1911. Funds for opening exposure collected local residents, and the initiators and the organizers have become public figures: Starovsky, Jacques, Cheeys, etc. First, the exposition referred to the Society for the study of northern ethnic groups. The basis of the collection was archaeological and paleontological finds. And also its place in the exhibition occupied ethnographic exhibits. The permanent exhibition received the status of the Museum of Local Lore in 1940. Branches of the ethnographic museum are local literary Museum And Memorial House Morozova.

The uniqueness of the museum lies in its collection - subjects, most of which cannot be found in ordinary life. There are national costumes of Zyryan, shaman attributes (including tambourine), vintage things from fur, rare publications and icons. Collectors may be interested in meetings of glass and porcelain items, antique coins, non-ferrous metal items, etc. In addition, the museum has a cinema in which you can watch films and materials that are independent exhibits.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Communist Street, 2;
  • official site:;
  • mode of operation: from Tuesday to Friday (from 10:00 to 17:00);
  • admission: up to 80 rubles.

This museum is worth visiting to get acquainted with the people of Komi, his customs, history and life

Garden sculpture

The garden of sculptures in Syktyvkar is the exposition of the works of monumental art, located in the open sky. The garden has existed since 2000 and refers to the republican art gallery. Sculpture symposiums were carried out to popularize the object (2002-2012). Now the collection of the sculptural garden includes 30 objects over which modern sculptors of Russia and abroad worked.

Previously, at the site of this object there was a Surveral School Square Square, but in 1991 it was decided to restore the object for the open exhibition of the gallery sculptures. It is important that all the plants (more than 140 trees) have been saved.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Kirov Street, 44 (entrance is a gate of the art gallery);
  • accurate coordinates: 61 ° 40'08 "N 50 ° 50'34" E;
  • get comfortable on buses No. 1, 3, 5, 20, 23, 29, 46 (Stop "National Museum");
  • the garden is open for visits to the work of the gallery;
  • the entrance is free.

According to the alleys, the garden is nice to walk, since they are almost always deserted, you can make interesting photos and enjoy the view of plants and trees

Natural attractions

Some tourists come to Komi for the sicromest northern landscapes. Here are caustic forests and cold rivers. Syktyvkar himself is considered a green city, since the volume of plantations exceeds the standards by 1.5 times. The city has 2 Popular Parks: Michurinsky and Kirovsky.

Michurinsky Park

Michurinsky Park was founded in 1890. Next to the spiritual school was the free territory that came to this project. However, in addition to students in the park, few people walked. For many years, the object was in short. In 1911, theatrians offered to organize an open stage on the territory of the park, but due to the lack of money, the idea did not implement. New story The park began in 1932, when Syktyvkar became the capital. Here trees were planted, set attractions and set the territory. Now in the Michurinsky Park you can come the whole family.

My former classmate Alexander is from Syktyvkar. She said that the locals do not know the history of this place. It is known that during its foundation in Russia there were few places for cultural holidayAnd Ust-Sysolsk was a small town, in which it was easy to dream about a public park. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating has arisen just at the time when fashion appeared in the country for French and English parks. The tracks were to be connected in a beautiful web, and in her center there should have been a beautiful white gazebo. The garden was created, planted with limes and poplars, but Syktyvkars ignored the innovation. Sasha believes that this happened due to the location of the park. Then it was the outflow of a provincial town.

Information for tourists:

  • park is close to the art gallery;
  • you can drive on buses number 4 and 15 (stopping "Pedago");
  • accurate coordinates: 61.659234 °, 50.818152 °;
  • you can visit the park at any time, and the schedule of the work of the attraction depends on the day of the week and the time of year;
  • the cost of visiting attractions is from 60 rubles.

Once the Michurin park was an abandoned urban area, and now it is a popular park with attractions

Kirovsky Park

S. M. Kirov Park was founded in the XIX century. At first it was a small garden, which later grown and began to enjoy popular. Here they began to spend various exhibitions And concerts. Before the formation of the park, there was a bazaar square here, there was a Trinity Cathedral nearby. At the beginning of the 20th century, the temple was destroyed, and a park stadium was built on the square of the square. Now in the park there are children's playgrounds, attractions and many art objects. Tourists especially like the sculpture "Heart", on which for some reason it is customary to write their names. And here there are many sports facilities: simulators, tennis court, volleyball field, etc.

Another landmark of Park - Term Berendeya. Previously, a merchant lived in this house, so urban legend is connected with this place. Local residents believe that under the cedar, spires at the house, merchant treasures are hidden. In this terme is now a children's cafe.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Kirov Street, 21 (you can get on buses No. 3, 12, 23, 25, 46 and 174, the National Museum stop);
  • accurate coordinates: 61 ° 40'19 "N 50 ° 50'36" E;
  • official website:;
  • you can visit the park around the clock, the mode of operation of the rides depends on the day of the week and the time of year;
  • the cost of visiting attractions: up to 150 rubles.

Kirov Park is the most popular among citizens

Weathered pillars (manpoupeur)- These are natural stone pillars in the Trinity-Pechora district. They received their name thanks to Mount Mane-Pup-Ner, on which they are standing. In the posts there are other names: mansionic boobs, nervous-from ("mountain idol"), etc., all of these blocks 7, and they are the cult destination Manti. The height of the remains is up to 42 meters. The column complex is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world.

Many legends are associated with this mountain. Some Mansi believe that these are fossil figures of giants. But official version Archaeologists say that 200 million years ago there were rocky mountains. Wind, rains, winter cold and summer heat did their job - weak rocks collapsed and turned into sand. And the remains are the layers of surviving sericito-quartzite slates.

Information for tourists:

  • Weatherproof posts are located on the territory of the Pechora-Ilych Reserve (in the interference of the Ilych and Pechora rivers);
  • exact coordinates: 62 ° 15'28 "N 59 ° 17'53" E;
  • attendance can be attended at any time;
  • you do not need to pay for inspection.

In past times, Mansi deified the grandiose stone marks, worshiped them, but climbing the manpoupooner was the greatest sin

What time of year is better to come

In Syktyvkar, a moderate continental climate. Here warm, but short summer and long cold winter. Sometimes frosts happen even late in spring or summer. Tourists prefer to come to Syktyvkar in the summer. There are travelers, ready to go to Komi and in winter, because the sights are beautiful and interesting year-round.

Entertainment for children

Tourists with children should be visited primarily urban parks and sculptural garden, museums will also be able to interest the young traveler. In Syktyvkar there are special entertainment for children, for example, a zoo.

Syktyvkar zoo

The main zoo of the republic was opened in 2002, although his story began in 1947. The zoo is part of an ecological-biological center, better known as the "Junnat Station". The first inhabitants (bees) appeared here at F. A. Giro - the head of the zoological circle of the Yunnov. Now in the zoo about 300 animals: chinchillas, Lama, Gamadril, Fox, pony, raccoons, degu, Persian gerbank, etc.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Pechora street, 30;
  • accurate coordinates: N61.6875410 E50.8122080;
  • official website:;
  • opening hours: Daily, except Tuesday (from 10:00 to 17:00);
  • admission: from 70 rubles (children under 3 years old - free of charge).

Video: Zoo in Syktyvkar

How long can you look in the city

It is possible to inspect the interesting places of the capital of Komi in 1-2 days (and more time will be required during the cold season). If you go to country attractions, you may need extra time. In case you did not manage for 1 day, you will need a place to sleep. In Syktyvkar, many hotels and hotels of different levels "Stardiness". Here are some options:

  • hotel "Builder";
  • three-star hotel "Avalon";
  • three-star hotel "Kutuzov";
  • mini-hotel "Standard";
  • hostel Pullman.

What to see back

If you have time to stay, visit some more interesting places - unusual objects, loved by tourists and locals.

The monument to the Russian ruble was opened in 2015. The initiative to create an unusual monument belonged to the National Bank of the Republic. Sculpture is created to attract attention to national currency.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Lenin Street (next to the National Bank building);
  • exact coordinates: 61 ° 40'10 "N 50 ° 50'10" E;
  • you can see the attraction at any time.

Sometimes near the monument can notice the flowers, which indicates the attitude of local to this monument.

Art object "Metro" is a sound installation in an ordinary residential building. Metro was established in 2013, disguising several speakers in the walls of the arch. Every 15 minutes the metro sounds are broadcast: passing cars, the voice of the dispatcher, the head of the heels, the voice of the beggar and music. The creators of the art facility are a creative team "Act". Representatives of the creative group call their creation by the future tourist point of the city, where anyone can merge with underground life. However, some locals consider an updated arch to the sad symbol that the Metro in Syktyvkar is likely to never.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Lenin Street, 89;
  • exact coordinates: N61.66487 E50.84261;
  • installation time: from 9:00 to 19:00;
  • you can come to the "Metro" at any time.

Once in the arch with an art object, you can seriously think that you are in the subway, it has become so atmospheric. remarkable place

Art object "Sign in Syktyvkar, next to which everyone is being photographed" was established in 2012. In the center of the city, at the intersection of streets, international and communist, he attracts not only tourists, but also the locals. Externally, this object resembles the usual road sign, It hangs at an altitude of 2 meters. The sign was made in the creative workshop of A. Lebedev and P. Safronov installed.

An acquaintance journalist and photographer Oleg told me that in 2012 the installation of such signs was the All-Russian action. Flashmob was actively supported by journalists from different regions. So the symbolic object appeared in Volgograd, Khabarovsk, Moscow, Perm, Tyumen and other cities. He also said that parts of some signs were made abroad, and they were already mounted in place. True, some signs had to be removed in a couple of years, since increased attention to metal art objects led to its disrepair.

The art object performs its function 100%: not only guests of the city willingly take pictures with it, but also locals

Several tips that will help spend your holiday comfortably and interesting:

Syktyvkar is a city in the northwestern part of Russia, the capital and administrative center of the Komi Republic. Syktyvkar - quiet and calm, but at the same time luxurious and modern citywhere you can find many interesting and curious places, as well as historical and cultural monuments.

What to see in Syktyvkar yourself?

Beautiful places and main sights of the city and the surrounding area: photos with descriptions, advice where to go, where to go by car, what to look in one day.

Holy Stefan Cathedral

Orthodox "pearl" of the city of Syktyvkar is Holy Stefanovsky Cathedral (in English Holy Cathedral Stefanovsky). It was founded in 1852 with the patronage of Nicholas I and consecrated in honor of the Bishop Stefan Perm. The temple was elevated in the very center of the city, its height was about 35 meters. The cathedral was crowned with 5 domes of various sizes.

During the reign of Soviet power, the temple was closed, and in 1932 it was completely disassembled for the economic needs of the city. At the end of the 20th century it was decided to restore the cathedral, in 2001 its construction ended. The White Temple is erected in Russian architectural style. His facade decorate the golden dome and crosses.

The height of the modern building is 64 meters. Currently, the Cathedral is acting, a project for the construction of a separate bell tower is being developed.

  • Address: ul. Freedom, 60, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Sun 7: 00-19: 00

State Theater Opera and Ballet of the Republic of Komi

The State Opera and Ballet Theater of the Komi Republic is enjoyed in great interest among residents and guests of the city. It was opened in 1958, for his first idea the performance of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Evgeny Onegin" was chosen. In the first years, a troupe from talented actors was formed, which, thanks to their creative approach, gradually turned into one of the most professional.

Currently, their speeches include famous opera and operetta. Troupe actively tours different cities Russia. On the stage of the theater regularly protruding the stars of the world-class ballet, and the performances of domestic and foreign performers are set. Do not forget here about the little spectators. Each theatrical season surprises with new productions for children and adults.

  • Address: ul. Communist, d. 32, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia
  • Mode of operation: W - Sun 11: 00-18: 00

Fire Tower

One of the business cards of the city is a fire calanch (in English Pozharnaya Kalancha). It was built in 1907 on the project of a talented architect I.I. Pavlova.

The building is made in the form of a rectangle, its central part crowned the stone tower. In addition, there were rooms for fire and stables. Snow white facade decorate decorative elements of brown. The fire cilaplan ends with a tent roof, which can consider the fluger in the form of a rooster.

In addition, one of the main parts of the facade are chimes who beat twice a day. Currently, the building is located a valid fire station and a fire museum of fire protection, in which you can learn a lot of interesting about the history of its creation and development.

  • Address: ul. Sovetskaya, d. 9, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

Chapel of new martyrs and confessors of Russian

Not far from the city airport there is a small chapel in honor of Novomarticov and Russian confessors. It was built in 2000 in memory of the numerous victims of political repression in Russia.

The chapel is a small building of white, it is crowned with a golden dome with a cross. Walls on the outside are covered with scenes of labor everydays, arrest and execution of repressed. In addition, you can read the names of all settlements of the Komi Republic, in which camps for political prisoners were placed.

The internal decoration of the chapel is represented by icons and a small bell for Nabatha. Due to the fact that the building is in a small square, it is perfectly harmonized with the city landscape. In the evening, the chapel is illuminated by surrounding lanterns, which gives her a magnificent look.

  • Address: Cyrova / Street Domina Kalikova, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia

State Academic Drama Theater. V.A. Savina

The State Academic Drama Theater is the oldest theater throughout the territory of the Republic of Komi. V.A. Savina (in English V. Savin State Academical Drama Theater). It was opened in 1930 thanks to Viktor Savin.

It was under his leadership that the first troupe from amateurs actors was organized. After some time, its composition was replenished with professional actors, as well as graduates of many theatrical universities of the country.

In 1978, the theater was assigned the name of his first leader. Currently, this is one of the leading theaters of the city and the region. There are performances in two languages, traditional classic works are replaced by modern productions. Among the most beloved viewers of performances are performances on the works of W. Shakespeare, Lorna, E. Rostan and many others.

  • Address: ul. Pervomayskaya, d. 56, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

Monument I.A. Kuratov

On a small town square in front of the building of the Opera and Ballet Theater is a monument to I. A. Kuratov (in English Monument to Kuratov). It was installed in 1977 in honor of the famous Komi writer. His creativity is characterized by a large variety of genres. Among his works Baszy, poems, parables, parodies, love lyrics and much more.

In addition, Ivan Alekseevich translated the works of Russian and foreign geniuses of poetry on Komi-Zyryansky language. He wrote a lot of linguistic studies of this dialect, described its features. The architect V.E. worked on the creation of the monument. Edelgaus and sculptor V. N. Mamchenko.

The monument is a figure of Kuratova made of bronze. He carelessly relies on the tree standing behind. Even now, residents of the city respect the valuable contribution of Ivan Alekseevich to the study and development of the Komi language. Every year there are creative readings on his works.

Museum of Olympic Champion Raisa Smetanina

As a sign of respect for the merit of the famous skiing of Raisa Smetanina in 1997, a museum was opened dedicated to the Olympic champion (in English Raisa Smetanina Olympic Champion "s Museum). This athlete never participated in the Olympics and brought the highest dignity medals.

Smetanin has a large collection of all sorts of awards and titles. On the first floor of the house in which the skier lives, a small room for the exhibition was created. The museum collection includes prizes, medals, photos and other personal belongings athletes.

In 2008, the exposition expanded. Halls appeared on the history of the development of skiing in the second half of the 20th century. In addition, personal belongings and documents of other famous skiers of the Komi Republic were taken separate place.

  • Address: Tentyukovskaya Street, 301, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Fri 9: 00-17: 30

House Museum I.P. Morozova

One of the most interesting attractions of Syktyvkar is the House Museum I.P. Morozova (in English I. Morozov "s House Museum). It was opened in 2004 in honor of the local statesman of Ivan Pavlovich Morozov. He was over 20 years old he was the head of the Komi Republic.

The museum is a wooden hut, in which the decor of the 20th century is recreated. The exhibition includes genuine photos and documents of Morozov. In the first room, you can familiarize yourself with the life of the family, and in the second - with the public and political activities of Ivan Pavlovich.

The museum regularly arranged temporary exhibitions, which are devoted to the outstanding people of the Soviet era. The frequent visitors to the house of Morozov are local schoolchildren who get acquainted with the life and operation of the people of the 20th century.

  • Address: ul. Kirov, d. 32, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia
  • Mode of operation: W - Sun 10: 00-17: 00

Literary and theater Museum. N.M.Dyakonova

In memory of the famous director, a talented actor, Dramaturgor N. M. Dyakonov in 1989, a literary and theater museum was opened, named after him (in English Diakonov Museum of Literature and Theater). Thanks to this person, the repertoire of Komi creativity has expanded significantly.

The museum consists of two main exhibitions: in the first one can be familiar with the history of the foundation and development of theaters in the territory of the Komi Republic, in the second - with the life and work of the actor himself. In addition, temporary exhibitions dedicated to theater and art are regularly held here.

Particular attention is attracted by the hall of the first floor. An exposition is located here, which tells about the life and home interior of the houses of the city in 19-20 century. In 2002, on the basis of the museum, a workshop was opened by the processing of Berestov, in which children and adults are engaged.

  • Address: ul. Mayakovsky, D. 3, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Fri 9: 00-17: 00, Sat - Sun 10: 00-17: 00
  • Cost input ticket: 50 rubles

House of merchant V.P. Opolenina

One of the oldest buildings of the city is the home of the merchant V. P. Osklesnin. It was the son of a peasant who continued a small trading case of his father and eventually became a very successful entrepreneur.

The house was built in 1891 after the opening of his shop and the logging plant. On the first floor there was a store, and in the second - residential premises. At the beginning of the 20th century, the merchant built a mill and opened a leather enterprise. His thing flourished, but after the revolution, all the property of the Oplaglass was municipalized. Production has passed to the ownership of the city, and in his house they opened a dining room for workers.

During the entire 20th century, the purpose of this house was constantly changing. Currently, the building is located a small educational center and the FSB control.

  • Address: ul. Soviet, d. 5, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia

National Gallery of the Komi Republic

One of the richest in the country and the only one in the country Komi is the National Library (in English. National Gallery of the Komi Republic). It consists of several large sections that include works of art from the 17th century to the present day.

Now the gallery collection has more than 7 thousand items. The first exposition was based on a collection of ethnographer Yu. V. Gagarin, who collected products from a tree and metal, besides this set of icons. The gallery keeps the canvas of famous artists, work of sculptors and masters of applied art.

Here you can see the creations of painters from Germany, America, France and other countries. In addition to works of art, the gallery has a unique library in which about 8 thousand books are stored.

  • Address: ul. Kirov, d. 44, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia
  • Mode of operation: W - Wed 10: 00-18: 00, Thu 10: 00-20: 00, Fri - Sun 10: 00-18: 00
  • The cost of the entrance ticket: 150 rubles

Monument M.S. Babushkina

The oldest monument of Syktyvkar is the Monument M.S. Babushkina. It was installed in 1940 on the street of the same name in honor of the Soviet pilot, who repeatedly participated in the expeditions on the North Pole.

The monument is made of bronze and represents Bust Mikhail Sergeevich. Initially, he was located at the main entrance to the city park, but in 1972 he was transferred to a small square in the center of the city. A talented sculptor N. E. Sarkisov worked on the creation of the monument.

In the original form, the bust was set to a high pedestal consisting of several steps. A memorable inscription was engraved on it. After the monument was dismantled, the pedestal had to significantly reduce due to small sizes of the square.

Trading house Derbenvy

One of the branches of the National Museum of the Republic of Komi is Derbanev trading house. At the end of the 19th century, trading was actively developed in the city, so the merchants were visited for the storage of their products. Derbenis House did not exception.

It represents a small one-story building. The inner space of the house is divided into three large halls in which icons, furniture, manufactory goods and more were kept. The central part of the building was built a little later at the beginning of the 20th century and consisted of two floors.

In Soviet times, the house was nationalized and transferred to the city's property. In its premises, the library and the cinema are first located, then typography, department store and much more. In the 1990s, large-scale work began on the reconstruction of the trading house. In 2005, he opened his doors to visitors.

  • Address: ul. Communist, 2, d. 20, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

National Museum of the Komi Republic

In the very center of the city is national Museum Komi Republic (in English National Museum of the Komi Republic). It contains a large collection of items that allow little a lot about the traditions of local residents and the culture of the region.

The museum was opened in 1911. It stored all finds from archaeological excavations in the territory of the republic. The museum's exposition is very diverse. Here you can see objects made of glass and porcelain, national costumes, icons, paintings, old photos and much more.

In addition to replenishing the collection, employees are engaged scientific activitiesConduct seminars. Especially for schoolchildren are designed interesting excursions And creative Olympics. The big exhibition is devoted to the history of Komi-Zyryan. This nation appeared in the 18th century and attracts the attention of many scientists and ethnologists.

  • Address: ul. Lenina, d. 57, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia
  • The cost of the entrance ticket: 80 rubles

Foreway of Trinity Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery

The 19th century architectural monument is the foundation of the Trinity Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery. The building was built in 1889. In the 14th century, a male monastery appeared on the territory of the Republic of Komi, and in 1866 the widow of the merchant Sidorova handed him to hold a log two-storey house.

In 1889, Stone was built instead of a wooden building. The house was built specifically for monks and pilgrims who came to the city. During the Soviet authorities, the building was nationalized and passed to the state of the state. Its premises were used as the theater, and then school choreography.

In 2000, the farm returned to the ownership of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 2008, a large reconstruction was carried out here, the funds for which local authorities were allocated. Now in the building, as before, there is a distance of the Trinity Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery.

  • Address: ul. Babushkina, d. 20, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia

National Music and Drama Theater of the Komi Republic

In the city of Syktyvkar is a professional theater in which all performances show in the language of Komi people. National Music and Dramatic Theater (in English The Komi Republic) was opened in 1992 in order to preserve the uniqueness and self-sufficiency of this nation.

Its repertoire is very diverse, despite the limited choice of writers and poets. Here you can see a comedy, a children's fairy tale, a fantastic fighter, melodrama and mystical tale. In 2010, a children's performance in Komi was first shown.

Troupe actively tours not only on the territory of the Komi Republic, but also to the remote corners of the country. This unique theater helps local residents to preserve the language of their ancestors, transfer it to the younger generation and introduce guests of the city with him.

  • Address: ul. Babushkina, d. 4, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Sat 12: 00-18: 00
  • The cost of the entrance ticket: 150-450 rubles

The building of the county disease hospital

One of the most interesting buildings of the city is the building of the county Zemskaya hospital (in English. The Building of the County District Hospital). It was built in 1908-1916 due to the fact that the existing medical institution could not fully provide the necessary assistance to the entire population of the city.

The builder E. Sorokin worked on the creation of the project. In the new building, a surgical block with an operating and an ambulatory was planned. Initially, only emergency care was provided without inpatient treatment. Only in 1922 the hospital 40 seats were opened in the building.

Here treatment was carried out in 4 medical directions: gynecology, surgery, therapy and neurology. In 1938, an urban maternity hospital is located in one of the premises. In the middle of the 20th century, the second floor of the hospital was built, which significantly increased its area. In 1998, the hospital was closed, and the building was transferred to the Medical Academy. Now this is a monument of architecture of the 20th century.

  • Address: ul. Babushkin, d. 11, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

Exhibition Hall of the Ezhwin School of Ashwork

Great popularity among local residents showroom Ezhun School of Arts (in English Exhibition Hall of the Ezhvinskaya Children "S Art School). Every year there are all sorts of exhibitions and master classes.

Much attention is paid to schoolchildren. For them, cognitive Olympics and Quiz. Beginners artists represent their first work. Visitors seem to be the first to appreciate the skill of school students.

Often, exhibitions dedicated to famous Russian cartoons are held in the hall. Children talk about how they are now being created. Each visitor can try to draw her beloved hero. In addition, in the premises of the hall are master classes on the processing of Beresta. They are conducted by a talented master V. A. Frolov.

  • Address: ul. Peace, d. 11a, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia
  • Opening hours: Mon - Sat 9: 00-17: 00

Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The most visited temple of the city is the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It was founded in 1861 on the place of a small chapel. In 1901, there was a fire in it, as a result of which the temple got to restore.

During the reign of Soviet power, the church and parishioners were persecuted. The building was transferred to the state of the state, and in its premises the reading room was located. In 1945, at the urgent requests of believers, the church was again open. The main shrine of the temple is the image of the Kazan Mother of God. Icon survived after a big fire and was recognized as a miraculous. To worship her church comes a large number of pilgrims from all over the country.

The temple consists of the main building and a attached bell tower. Light walls perfectly complements the blue roof and dome. There are many trees and lilac bushes around the church. During flowering, she gives the temple a magnificent view.

  • Address: ul. Embankment, d. 10/1, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Sun 9: 00-18: 00

Zoological Educational Museum

On the basis of Syktyvkar University, a zoological educational museum was opened (in English ZOOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL MUSEUM). Thanks to teachers of the department and students - the first exhibits for the future museum were collected enthusiasts during training practices. He opened his doors for schoolchildren and students of other educational institutions in 1987.

University teachers are exciting excursions for visitors. They are talking about various types of animals and birds, their features and habitats. The collection is regularly updated with new exhibits thanks to the students of the Zoological Faculty. Everyone can get acquainted with the fauna region, inspect the stuffed animals and listen to fascinating information.

  • Address: ul. Petrozavodskaya, d. 12, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Fri 9: 00-16: 00

Memorial "Eternal Glory"

In memory of all the inhabitants of Syktyvkar, who died during the Great Patriotic War were built by the Eternal Glory Memorial (in English, Memorial Eternal Glory). It is located in the central part of the city on the territory of the "Alley of Heroes".

The monument is made of bronze. A few talented sculptors and architects worked on its creation. The place to build a memorial is not chosen by chance. During the war, there was a single-storey wooden building, from which the soldiers went to the front. A bronze bowl with "eternal fire" is installed on a small elevation.

The sculptural composition consists of three female figures: the first symbolizes wives, the second - daughters, the third - mothers. In the hands of the central figure, you can consider the cedar branch with ribbons. For sculptures there is a memorable stele on which you can read the names of all citizens who died in the war.

  • Address: ul. Communist, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

Komi Republican Philharmonic

Fans of pop speeches worth visiting Komi Republican Philharmonia (in English Komi Republican Philharmonic Society). She was opened in 1940. Its first compounded 118 participants. It had a team of songs and dance, circus and concert brigades, a symphony orchestra.

Since the appearance, they regularly traveled on tour throughout the republic. For a long time, the team had no concert site for performances. In 1975, a new building of the Philharmonic was built. Currently, it is one of the leading in the country. Here are talented participants who are repeated laureates of many Russian and foreign awards.

Almost all major concerts and festivals are held in Philharmonic. In addition, there are concerts of the leading graders and show business.

  • Address: ul. Lenina, 61, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Fri 11: 00-18: 00, Sat 12: 00-18: 00
  • The cost of the entrance ticket: from 100 rubles

Sculpture "Dawn over Chukotka"

In front of the central entrance to the airport of the city of Syktyvkar on the magnificent flower bed, the sculpture of "Dawn over Chukotka" is installed (in English Sculpture Sunrise Over Chukotka). It is made of adhesive copper.

The famous Leningrad sculptors worked on the creation of the monument. The monument is a figure of a reindeer breeding, which mentally strives to take off into the sky. The young man spread his hands widely to the sides, his glance was directed at the flying flock of birds. He seems to be flying together with them in heavenly.

The monument is a city business card. He symbolizes the will and the desire of residents of the entire Komi Republic in achieving new uncharted heights. Sculpture reflects the very essence of the North, who was repeatedly conquered by local sailors and pilots.

Scientific Geological Museum. A.A. Chernova Institute of Geology Komi NC Uro RAS

One of the most interesting places of the city is the scientific geological museum. A.A. Chernova Institute of Geology Comi NC Uro RAS. It is named after man who opened the Pechora pool. It is in it that is mined by stone coal. Almost all items in the collection were carefully gathered by the employees of the Institute of Geology during not one decade.

The museum was opened in 1968. Its exposure is samples of minerals, ores of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, fossil remains of flora and fauna. The main feature of the collection is that all items were found in the territory of the republic. The exhibition is divided into 7 thematic parts.

Each visitor can plunge into amazing world Minerals, with their own eyes consider findings that were hidden in the depths of the Earth.

  • Address: ul. Pervomayskaya d. 54, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Fri 9: 00-17: 00
  • The cost of the entrance ticket: 100 rubles

Monument to the electromonteer

At one of the city streets, a monument to the electromonter is established (in English Monument to the Electrician). It was opened in 2014 in honor of the 50-year-old anniversary of the Komienergo Institution.

Sculpture is one of the ten art objects installed in Syktyvkar with the support of local authorities. The professor and national artist of Russia A. G. Dyum worked on the creation of the monument. The sculpture consists of a seated fitter figure. Next to him are working mittens and helmet, as well as a wonderful rose.

A simple worker is dressed in a normal T-shirt, because it was portrayed at the time of rest after a serious working day. He is waiting for his beloved woman, because it is for her he threw a flower. The monument is made of bronze. Its height reaches 2.4 meters, and length is almost 5 meters. After installation, the sculpture became a found from the favorite in the city.

  • Address: ul. International, d. 94, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia

Museum of Archeology and Ethnography

On the basis of Syktyvkarian State University, a museum of archeology and ethnography was created (in English Museum of Archeology and Ethnography). The first exhibition of items found during excavations in the republic was presented in 1973. After 5 years, she received the status of constant, all exhibits were located in chronological order.

The museum itself appeared only in 1982. Its main feature is the neutral colors in the interior design. They were inherent in the people of Komi-Zyryan, which the exposition is devoted to. All items are talking about traditions, life, labor classes of this nation. In addition, a large section is devoted to the process of adaptation and adaptation to the harsh conditions of the North.

Each visitor can commit a "journey" in the era of mesolithium or inspect the exhibits from the Middle Ages.

  • Address: St. Kataeva, d. 9, Cab.216, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Fri 9: 00-17: 00

Church of Christ the Savior

One of the temples of Evangelical Christian Baptists is the Church of Christ the Savior (in English of Church of Our Savior). It was founded in 1943, but the modern building was built only in 1995. After its construction, it became one of the symbols of the city.

The temple is built of red brick, its facade decorates a large number of decorative elements. Many windows make indoor rooms spacious very light. The bell tower is majestically towers over the main dome.

Currently, work on the improvement of the surrounding area is being held. The church has a library and a Sunday school. In addition, parishioners can enjoy the singing of the children's choir. The servants of the temple help homeless, addicts and people with alcohol addiction.

  • Address: Oktyabrsky Avenue, 35, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

Komi Territory Enlightenment Museum

All the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the people of Komi are stored in the Museum of the Komi Territory Enlightenment History (in English of Museum of History of Education of Komi Krai). It was founded in 1982, and its exposition dined with an area of \u200b\u200b15 square meters.

Currently, the museum occupies a two-story extension to Syktyvkar University. Its total area is about 4 thousand square meters. Besides permanent exposure The museum regularly hosts temporary exhibitions. Now it is one of the most visited places of the city.

The main attraction of the museum is the Hall of Gems. It can consider minerals, precious and semi-precious stones that are mined in Komi. The collection of the museum stores historical documents on the famous geologists of the republic.

In addition to exhibition activities, the museum fulfills an educational function. It takes creative meetings and presentations.

  • Address: Oktyabrsky Prospekt, D.55, Cab.117, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia
  • Mode of operation: Mon - Fri 10: 00-16: 00

Monument to the letter Ö.

On one of the streets of the city you can see an unusual art object - a monument to the letter Ö (in English Monument to the Letter O). It was taken from the alphabet of the indigenous people of Komi, with time the letter is used less and less.

The monument weighs almost 2 tons and reaches a height of 1 meter. The writing of the indigenous people of the North - Zyryan was introduced by Stefan Perm. The letter Ö appeared in the alphabet only in the 18th century. A talented Master of A. Elections worked on the creation of the sculpture.

The monument was established in 2011 near the center of Komi culture. Gradually, the 18th letter of the alphabet disappears from grammar. Locals wanted to leave the heritage of previous generations in memory, which introduced this writing. The sculpture connects several generations, which they say and write in the Komi language - Zyryan.

  • Address: ul. Babushkina, d. 31, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

Monument "Merchant Chest"

Another amazing city monument is a "merchant chest" (in English Merchant Hest Monument). It is installed on a small area. According to the author of the author Igor Andriyanova, the monument gives tribute to the memory of all merchants, thanks to which this city appeared. It was they who founded the settlement, which turned into a large metropolis.

Around the monument has benches for recreation and information stands. They can read about the history of the formation and development of Syktyvkar. According to the tradition of local residents in the chest, you need to throw a coin and make a desire, if you wish very much - it will surely come true.

Tourists necessarily leave small money here in order to return to this amazing city again, which has such a harsh character.

  • Address: ul. Soviet, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

The Russian city of Syktyvkar is the administrative center and the capital of the Komi Republic. It is located on the left bank of the Sysole River, on the plot, where she is in ...

From MasterWeb.

14.06.2018 00:00

The Russian city of Syktyvkar is the administrative center and the capital of the Komi Republic. It is located on the left bank of the Sysole River, on the plot where she flows into the River Vychuga. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the sights and interesting places this city.

Some historical facts

Syktyvkar, who was previously called Ust-Sysol, first mentioned in the chronicles of the XVI century. Decree of Catherine Great (1780) settlement with a population of 1727 people was assigned status county town. By the beginning of the XIX century, he became a major shopping center Russian North.

After the revolution (1917), the development of industry began in Syktyvkar and its surrounding area, educational and cultural institutions have appeared. In 1936, the city became the capital of Komi ASSR. Today 250 thousand people live in it.

Sightseeing Syktyvkar: Photos with description

We begin to get acquainted with any city, we start with the inspection of its architectural, historical and cultural monuments, which most brightly illustrate its history, traditions and culture of the local population. Sightseeing, monuments of Syktyvkar, names with pictures We will present to your attention in this review.

Monument of labor glory

This monument can be called a business card of the city. Stela is installed in the center of the transport rings at the intersection of the October Avenue and the street of the communist. The monument was solemnly opened in 1977. The composition is three steles that are stylized under the banners and in the upper third are connected by metal plates, on which images of the orders of the friendship of the peoples, the October Revolution are applied, Lenin. These awards of the Komi Republic received for an outstanding contribution to ensuring the economic power of the Soviet Union.

The height of the monument is 22 meters. Thanks to the facing by titanium plates it looks very impressive.

Memorial "Eternal Glory"

Residents of the city are confident that to see the attraction of Syktyvkar, open in honor of the 35-year-old anniversary of the Great Victory, should be necessary. Almost 14 thousand inhabitants of the city during the war years with fascist Germany went to the front, where, without sparing their lives, they fought with the enemy, defending their homeland. Many of them were not destined to return from the battlefields. In order for the memory of heroes in the hearts of future generations, and a memorial was built.

The sculptural composition consists of three bronze figures depicting the mother, daughter and wife of a soldier who are holding a cedar branch in their hands, sought Georgievskaya ribbon. The eternal flame is glowing in front of them. For sculptures there is a stele with the names of the gorors heroically killed for the fatherland.

Cult structures

People of different nationalities and religions live in Syktyvkar. Representatives of almost all denominations can make religious rites in their temples.

Holy Stefan Cathedral

The cathedral, which in 1896 was consecrated in honor of St. Stephen Perm, until the October Revolution was considered the main Orthodox church of the city. In the Soviet period of the history of the city, he was closed, and the building was disassembled. At the beginning of the XXI century, the authorities of the city decided to restore the temple on numerous requests.

The construction of the cathedral was completed by the 600th anniversary of the death of St. Stephen. The main dome of the White Cathedral is 64 meters. The temple is made in the best traditions Ancient Russian cult architecture and very reminds the externally temples of Vologda and Vladimir. This majestic structure is undoubtedly one of the main attractions of Syktyvkar.

Kazan church

This small temple located in the suburb of Syktyvkar is especially loved by parishioners. In 1901, he was consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God Kazan. I must say that this image has been preserved after a fire. Building this attraction of Syktyvkar (photo we placed below) painted in a soft blue color. Above the structure is a blue dome, which is painted by gilded stars. The structure looks festive and easy.

Thousands of pilgrims come here to make a prayer from a miraculous image. A small chapel with a Poklonnaya Cross was built in front of the church, which is established in memory of the priests who took martyrdom in the times of persecution.

Church of Christ the Savior

In Syktyvkar, quite a lot of Christian Baptists lived at all times. For a long time, they committed their religious rituals in a small mansion, which was acquired for community funds and converted into a milea house. At the very end of the last century, the authorities of the city issued permission to build a new temple, the sanctification of which was held in 1995.

The Cathedral building is one of the architectural attractions of the city of Syktyvkar. The eclectic exterior of the structure harmoniously combines elements of the Gothic, Byzantine and Old Russian style.

Monument I. Kuratov

The famous writer and philologist I. A. Kuratov, who lived in the XIX century, is one of the founders of national literature. The memory of him in 1977 was immortalized. On the square in front of the Opera House, a new monument was opened in a solemn atmosphere. Bronze figure Ivan Alekseevich, who is depicted in moments of inspiration, is located on a massive concrete pedestal. As if he think of one of the stubborn of his new work, Kuratov thought and focused.

Sculpture "Dawn over Chukotka"

This is one of the first attractions of Syktyvkar, which tourists coming to the city see, leaving the airport building. This is a bright and expressive monument, which is now called the "young man with a bird." True, according to citizens, the old name suits him much more.

The figure of a young reindeer, which spread his hands and dreams to take off, stuck to the birds soaring in the sky, symbolizes the desire of peoples of Komi to reach new heights.

Fire Tower

Most of the buildings in the XIX century in Syktyvkar were built of wood, so often emerging fires applied tremendous damage to the city. The elements opposed brave firefighters. It was for them that in 1901 a building was built with high Tower. With her, almost the whole city was well visible. The building immediately became the architectural landmark of Syktyvkar, with the description of which can be found in the city guide.

The construction is characterized by the original decor. From the front side of the two-story building there are five arched gates, from which horse crews were traveled. The eight-marched tower, which crosses the tent dome with a fluger, gives the construction similarity with the lock.

Building of the Republican Library

The largest library in the Komi Republic is located in the building, which is rightfully considered to be an architectural landmark of Syktyvkar. Magnificent mansion more reminds luxury palace. A stone wide staircase leads to his entrance. The portico derived from the main volume is maintained by six columns with luxurious capitals. The facade gives a special color of the arkatura belt, decorated with a geometric ornament. The building built in 1957, looks amazing.

Museums and theaters

Syktyvkar will not disappoint travelers who are counting on an interesting cultural and educational program on the trip. View this city is what.

National Art Gallery

The art museum, the only one in the republic, was founded in 1943. It contains a collection of works of art, numbering more than 9 thousand exhibits. Here are sculptures, picturesque canvas, graphic works, works of masters of decorative and applied creativity, which were created in the period from the XVI to the XXI century.

For connoisseurs of avant-gardium, a collection of works by the works of V. Roskina, Lazareva, K. Medhenetsky are of particular interest. An exhibition of ancient icons is enjoying great popularity.

Museum of the Komi Republic

We recommend that you visit the National Republican Museum, which began its work in 1911. Its expositions talk about unique natural beauties Komi, traditions, the lifestyle of the peoples, its inhabiting, about the customs of Komi-Zyryan, the history of the region.

Exhibitions decorated very colorfully are located in chronological order, starting from the Bronze Age. In the halls of the museum you can see the reconstruction of villages and villages, prehistoric cubs. Among the exhibits are archaeological artifacts, vintage tools, samples of clothing, religious accessories.

Opera and Ballet Theatre

Cultural attraction of Syktyvkar and the Komi Republic. The theater was opened in the summer of 1958. In the first season, the Opera "Evgeny Onegin" was put. The theater's troupe includes excellent talented artists and experienced directors who are not afraid of creative experiments.

In the repertoire, in addition to classical works, places based on the plays of modern authors, musicals and operetta. The theater annually from 1991 adopts participants of the International Festival of Suktyvkar Tula.

What to see first? Of course, places in which the culture of northern nations has been preserved. In museums, there are unique exhibits, reflecting the spirit of the wolves-loving people.

Ethnographic Museum of the Komi Republic

Museum funds are in two buildings. Thousands of exhibits will be told about the history, customs, natural attractions of the North Territory.

Associate interest objects of life, national clothing, decorations, shaman bobs, products from fur, archaeological finds.

The Ethnography and History Department are located at: ul. Lenina, 57.The Nature - ul. Communist, 2.

Guests are waiting in the museum from 10:00 to 17:00 daily. On Monday, there are no visits.

National Gallery of the Komi Republic

The permanent exposition is in the building, in which the spiritual school was located at the beginning of the 20th century. More than 700 paintings of local and Russian artists written in the XVII-XXI centuries are exhibited in the halls of the museum.

Next to the gallery is the "Garden of Sculptures". Every year new works appear in it.

Address: ul. Kirov, 44. Guests are waiting at 10:00 to 18:00. On Monday - the gallery does not work.

The city has preserved buildings built in the XVIII-XIX centuries. The stone house of Sukhanov is well preserved. One of the oldest buildings was erected in 1804.

In Syktyvkar there is a Paris. So the locals call the area in which the French held in captivity during the Patriotic War of 1812. A walk through the narrow streets among the buildings of the XIX century takes guests to the pre-revolutionary Russia.

Another unique place - Mushroom alley. He is so tiny that many give him the title of "the narrow alley in the world." There is a mushroom alley between the two parts of the house on the street. Kuratova, 17.

Idol from Harasovi

In the regional ethnographic museums, the ancient pagan idol is standing in Zebe Komi, who moved all the attacks and attempts to destroy it from the side of atheists and Christians. Give him a coin, respect the spirit of the land of Komi. Money, many consider the idol.

Finno-Ugric ethnopark

Cultural and entertainment center, built recently in the village of Ob, next to Syktyvkar. The complex is gradually expanding. Already here are sporting events, tourist towers, ethnographic festivals, international meetings.

Besides active restGuests of the ethnopark expects an exhibition of traditional handicrafts, tasting traditional dishes of Komi and Finno-Ugric cuisine. For a resident of Rostov-on-Don or Kaluga will become the discovery of salmon in a comi, stewing venison, salted freight or Hungarian meat with vegetables.

Syktyvkar's authorities plan to create a major international center of culture and tourism in the village of OB. Already here comes here for hundreds of guests from different regions of Russia and other countries.

Holy Stefan Cathedral

A beautiful construction in the center of the city immediately attracts attention. Sheet copper on domes, memorable style, scale and strict shapes. Inside - no less rich decoration: gilding, polished granite on the floor, beautiful iconostasis.

Holy Stefanovsky Cathedral is recently built. The temple was restored in the late 90s of the last century instead of the cathedral destroyed by the Bolsheviks. The first temple decorated the territory of the city in the XIX century.

Address: ul. Freedom, 60.

See also: