Top list of the most unusual hotels in the world. The most unusual hotels in the world of their guest in an amazing world

Wherever we go to rest, we attach great importance to choose the hotel. For most tourists, the hotel is important, comfortable service, comfort, its location, diverse food in restaurants, white sheets and reasonable prices. However, among the whole manifold, in different countries There are hotels that themselves are attractions. We bring to your attention the rating of the most amazing and unusual hotels World.

1. Dog Bark Park Inn, Idaho, USA

Once in the US in Idaho, it is simply impossible to pass by this miracle of drywall and plywood. This two-storey hotel in the form of a dog is designed for four vacationers. The happy guests do not confuse the fact that the entrance to the "Hotel-Dog" is there, where the sun rays do not reach. So, in the "head" there is an attic, a spacious and comfortable bed, situated in the stomach, and a secluded corner in the "Mordka".

Widow, having seen on such an unusual structure, you can get acquainted with his author, who became the artist - self-taught Denis Sullivan. Creates an artist with a regular saw. In Denis's studio, there is a huge collection of his works, the main mass of which is dogs, in addition to which can be found and fish, cats, bears. In the park, at the hotel there is a lot of entertainment. For example, there is a cinema, you can view the film in it from the windows of your car.

2. The Ice Hotel, Yukkasyarvi, Sweden

The construction of The Ice Hotel in Sweden begins every year in mid-November. Then from the River Tourne-Elv produce tons of ice and snow to build. The hotel has a receptionist, church, bar and hall. The total capacity reaches 100 people. All hotel items make ice, and the design of the license plate is changing every year. You can take a room in this unusual hotel from December to April, after which all the composite parts are born back into the river to melt. In the daytime temperatures of the air, located at 15 degrees, inside the hotel is also quite cold, about -5 degrees. Missing vacationers either do not have to miss them, for their entertainment, dog sledding races, snowmobile safaris and self-sofa safari are offered.

Despite the cold material from which the hotel was made, its restaurant is always worth a pretty warm decor. Numerous visitors have the opportunity to taste fish dishes filed on ice plates. In any case, if you decide to visit The Ice Hotel or his restaurant, it is worth getting warm.

3. Poseidon Undersea Resort, about. Fiji

Each tourist country, Wishing to attract tourists, looking for new ways, and the more original this method, the more tourists can get. Therefore, the Fiji state decided to surprise the experienced travelers by opening near Poseidon Island underwater hotel Poseidon Undersea Resort 5 *, located on the ocean day. 48 New hotel bungalows are located on land, and 24 rooms are under water. Underwater numbers are capsules with a total area of \u200b\u200b50 m2 and a fashionable suite with an area of \u200b\u200b300 m2 - located at a depth of 15 meters. The underwater part of the hotel is equipped in the former underwater station, built back in 1962. Poseidon Undersea Resort 5 * are decorated with leather and marble, part of the walls are transparent. If necessary, capsules can be lifted to the surface of the water. Loments of underwater numbers with a special console can feed the representatives of the fauna. Accommodation under water in a 2-bed room at the Poseidon Undersea Resort Hotel will cost 30 thousand dollars a week.

4. Crazy House, Dalat, Vietnam

The author of the Vietnamese Hotel Crazy House is the architect Hang Nga, which received the degree of candidate of science on architecture. Its creation takes great demand among Russian tourists who are brought here on excursions, according to one of the versions, the Vietnamese think that everything is built in Russia. In some rooms of the "crazy house" (this is the so-called Crazy House, the Vietnamese themselves) are open souvenir stalls, the unoccupied rooms are open for inspection.

Built from reinforced concrete building, imitates woven trunks of trees, and the interiors of the rooms are similar to the caves with stalactites.

The hotel belongs to the complex, which also includes the art gallery, and a cafe - all these buildings combines a single architectural style. In addition to the caves, it has huge webs, built of wires, a giraffe of concrete with inside a room for tea drinking, concrete trees.

The hotel received its name randomly - the first tourists who saw this masterpiece often exclaimed the "Crazy House!" So it was rooted.


This small hotel is a fantasy located in Berlin. His name The hotel is obliged to Roman Julya Verne and translates the name of the hotel as a "City House - Island with Propeller". All rooms of the hotel are thematic. For example, fans spin in front of the mirror, you will probably have to taste a mirror number, which is called - "Narcis number", the room has many corners and completely separated by mirrors. Being in such a room, it may appear that I got into a kaleidoscope. The hotel designer, Lars struck, believes that the interior of the room can change the consciousness of its inhabitants. In another, quite popular number UPSIDE DOWN, you can feel that the world turned over, because the chandelier is hanging on the floor, and the bed is on the ceiling. In the Flying Bed floor, the floor has a certain slope, thanks to which "flies" the Babushkin bed, and although the chair and the table stand straight, the wardrobe comes out of the wall. There is here and a room with cells in which you can sleep, in another room, the lamp is separated in the form of a guillotine. And the audio system, which is equipped with numbers, will add noise effects and music, which will even more feel the atmosphere of the selected room. Guests at the entrance receive instructions for using the number.

6. Whitepod, Les Cerniers, Switzerland

Whitepod is a high-tech and unique environmental campsite, located at an altitude of about a thousand seven hundred meters above sea level. This hotel has small groups of tourists (up to 10 people) have the opportunity to spend comfortable, but at the same time a unique vacation. The purpose of creating this hotel was to provide tired physically and moral to tourists, peace, silence and beauty. Local chefs prepare for the hotel's traditional dishes. If desired, under the guidance of an experienced guide, you can make a ski expedition. There are no cars, buses, you can only get here on skis or snowshoes. And there are no hotels nearby too. There is nothing here, except for the breathtaking landscapes and the Alps. It is in this campsite you can get the long-awaited silence.

7. Magic Mountain Hotel, Chile

Each of us probably dreamed of being on the pages of your favorite book. The admirers of Tolkien's creativity can carry out their dream, having traveled to the rest in Chilean Magic Mountain Lodge, looking so unusual and fabulously, as if he got into this world from the pages of the Lord of the Rings. In Patagonia there are many reserved places in which nature has been preserved almost not stronat. To attract tourists here, too, wanted an unusual way, it was necessary to build something magical, so I decided in the Huilo Huilo Natural Park, to build a Magic Mountain Lodge Hotel, which has a fabulous look. It looks like a huge mountain with a lot of caves designed to live people. And although inside it is not a cave, but quite comfortable rooms, an externally building looks very unusual. You can get inside the hotel only on the suspended bridge, and from the roof of the hotel - the mountains flows water, watering those at its foot, plants. Its unusual appearance of the building is obliged to local legend about the presence of a magic mountain in this area, which fulfills the desires of it on it.

8. La Villa Hamster, Nantes, France

In the French city of Nantes, Hotel La Villa Hamster is unique in its kind. The hotel's feature is a way to accommodate guests - here they will be seal like hamsters. Defeated to become guests at the villa of Homyakov (there is called La Villa Hamster), it is necessary to feel all the sensations of these pets, according to the will of people living in captivity. The number of rooms is the cells for hamsters, all interior items in which are designed for the size of an adult. For example, for exercises here there is a wheel with a diameter of 2 meters, feeders for food, a fountain with water, and a comfortable soft bed of hay. In addition to the charms of hamster life, it will have to reincarnate in a hamster outwardly, that is, the hotel guests must wear a hamster costume. Since the institution is in demand, apparently many are suitable such amenities. Although La Villa Hamster is located in the 19th century building, but has wireless Internet and plasma TV. The area of \u200b\u200beach number - the cell is 16 m2. In addition to serving grain for breakfast, the hotel serves a normal human food.

9. Capsule Inn Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan

For more than three years in the Japanese city of Tokyo, there is a rather unusual Capsule Inn Akihabara Hotel. The main feature of the hotel - capsules are the minimum size of the numbers and the lack of a large territory of the hotel itself. The hotel consists of 2 parts - a common space where you can wash or discuss some questions and a certain territory for each guest - it is the same rooms - capsules. Each capsule made of reinforced plastic and has everything you need for a normal recreation - alarm clock, TV, radio, wireless Internet, lighting and comfortable bed. The area of \u200b\u200beach room does not exceed 2 m2. However, the hotel - the capsule has several minuses. For example, it will not suit the suffering claustrophobia, in love and married couples, accustomed to fall asleep together. She is not suitable for parents with children, unless children are accustomed to fall asleep in a separate room. However, rooms - capsules are not very small, you can safely sit in them. Since Capsule Inn Akihabara is located in the center of Tokyo - it is one of the best economy options. In addition to what is always clean here, you can enter and leave at any time.

10. Tianzi Hotel, Hebei, China

Tianzi Hotel was built in 2001 in Hebei Province in the city of Langfang, which is between such famous cities Countries like Beijing and Tianjin. The height of the hotel is 41.6 meters and has nine floors. Immediately after the construction, the hotel got into the Guinness Book of Records, since it became the most large house - sculpture. This hotel has several names - here are some of them: the imperial hotel, the house of the Sons of the sky, the house of three heroes. The hotel consists of three figures that are the symbols of China's folklore: Lou (right - prosperity), Fu (central - happiness), show (left-coloring). The hotel has two entrances that are located on the left and right of the building, and the windows of its numbers hide the patterned dresses of the figures. The left bogatyr holds a vegetable in his hand, in which there is a "suite" number with two windows. The numbers themselves are quite small and have a small list of amenities.

Nowadays, people travel increasingly and tourism develops rapid pace. More and more hotels appear: expensive and cheaper, better and worse, the most ordinary and ... That's the most extraordinary, amazing and unusual hotels and hostels of the world now and will be discussed. I hope that it will be at least interesting, but as a maximum, already in the near future, one of you will stay in one of the listed hotels and tell us about your impressions! So, we present to your attention the hottest dozen of the most unusual hotels in the world according to friends!

Hostel on the plane.

So, the first on our list of Swedish Jumbo Hostel. It is located near the Stockholm Airport Arlanda and is a Boeing 747-200, refurbished under the hostel. Special luxury, it is considered to spend the night in the room suite with a panoramic view located on the site of the pilot cabin. So, if all my life dreamed of sleeping well on the plane, then this is your chance - come to Jumbo Hostel.

Underwater hotel

"Alternately" in Boeing 747, drop out on the bottom of the sea! On the this moment There are several underwater hotels in the world, but the very first one was opened in 1986 in Florida and called Jules Undersea Lodge.

From their competitors, Jules is distinguished by miniature and fairly budget accommodation (the night will cost about $ 40 per person). Even celebrities stayed at the hotel, such as Stephen Tyler from Aerosmith. But if you decide to swell here, remember - check-in is carried out in aqualing!

Hotel Musoria

The original hotel built a German eco-artist Hans Schult as part of the Save the Beach project!So, hotel Coronita Save The Beach in a matter of hours was erected in the center of Madrid.To do this, it took on the beaches of Italy, Spain and France, to give 12 tons of garbage, which served as the main component of the decor of the hotel.True, it existed this tool accommodation from garbage for a long time - only 4 days, but there was a lot of noise and thus the project justified its goal - attracted the attention of people to the problem of environmental pollution.Later, such hotels received guests in other cities in Europe, for example in Rome. By the way, it was possible to stay at the hotels from the garbage, winning accommodation through the lottery, arranged by the project organizers via Twitter and Facebook.

1. Hotel Coronita Save The Beach in Madrid.

2. The motley garbage decor.

3. Hotel room.

5. Hotel Save The Beach in Rome.

Hostel prison

There are several unusual hostels in Stockholm. One of them - Långholmen Hostel's hostel! And it is located in the building of the real former prison, closed in 1975. The only difference is that the key from your camera is in you, and not at the evil supervisor, and the room is fragrant with freshness and cleanliness. Hostel several times was awarded awards for a magnificent service.

Hotel in concrete pipes

This Spartan hotel, which is called Das Park Hotel, is located on the territory of the Austrian city of Ottensheim. The idea to equip rooms in the water pipes came to the head of Andreas Schraus architect. Of course, heating in such concrete "bungalows" is missing and therefore the hotel takes its guests only in the warm season - from May to October. But in the "rooms" there is a large bed, bed linen, electricity and safe for valuable things.

In addition, not only the hotel itself, but also its financial policy - here every guest decides how much to pay for your stay!

Ice Hotel

If you really wanted a real winter, then there is nothing better than staying at the hotel, whose name speaks for himself - Icehotel. It is located in Sweden, in the town of Yukkasyarvi, just 200 km away. From the polar circle and is almost entirely made of ice, which is "mined" from the tour of the tour.

What can be done during your stay in Icehotel? Well, naturally, look at the Northern Lights, learn to shake ice sculptures, drink cocktails from ice glass in the ice bar, and there is also a chance to grab the inflammation of the lungs (God forbid, of course)! Because of the last circumstance, it is not recommended to stop here more than 1-2 nights ...

The most interesting thing is that I spent the "hot" winter season, the hotel is melting to reborn the next year again.So in a hurry: The 24th season at the Icehotel is already open!

Capsule Hotel

Capsular hotels now almost no one will surprise. They begin to appear everywhere, including in Russia! But the concept of Capsule Hotels received a trip to life in Japan! As you know, the Earth has the Japanese on the weight of gold, so the accommodation in hotels is not cheap. But in 1979, a person named Kisu Kurakawa invented how to make the cost of accommodation cheaper and in the city of Osaka and the first capsule hotel was opened.

Now the largest of these hotels in the world is Green Plaza Shinjuku Hotel. She is of course in Tokyo. It has already equipped with a total of 660 capsules in size 1x2x1. However, Plaza Shinjuku is not the only capsule hotel japanese capital. So, you will be in Tokyo - stop in one of the capsular hotels, at least out of interest!

Crazy Hotel.

Agree that the hotel with the name Crazy House is simply by definition cannot be ordinary! And there is. Vietnamese crazy house looks rather for some bizarre work of the nature of nature, rather than a man-made object.

He is in Vietnamese resort town Dalat and designed by a woman-architect Hang Viet Nga. It is necessary to pay tribute to its fantasy and determination to embody such an extraordinary project in Socialist Vietnam. With ideas, it was probably helped by the work of Gaudi, and with the realization - close relationship with the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Be that as it may, Crazy House is one of the most impressive and unusual hotels in the world.

Hotel on the trees

Truly Sweden Champion in the number of unusual hotels! Here and the hotel on the trees is also in Sweden, in the north, in more often pine forest On the banks of the River Lulle. The hotel is a few separate bungalow rooms located at an altitude of 4-6 meters above the ground. Each dwelling has an individual design created by the best designers of Scandinavia.

Only here you can stay in a mirror cube, in UFO or a bird nest ... There are several other original buildings in the queue. In general, the Tree Hotel is an ideal place to mend in the Lon of the Virgin Swedish Nature and watch out of the "His" UFO or Nest (Taste) for the Northern Lights.

Residents of stone jungle coordinately change the living conditions only at the time of vacation. But over time, they understand: hotels even in different countries are most similar to each other. Nevertheless, there are special. And spend the night in one of these - the adventure itself. In this article we want to present to your attention the 10 most unusual hotels from around the world.

1. Icehotel (Sweden, Yukkasyarvi)

Perhaps this is madness, but it is unique, and this hotel knows around the world. In Yukkasyarvi, a small town of 200 km north of the Polar Circle, a icy hotel is located Icehotel.. This unusual art project is 25 years old.
Every winter room hotel is rejected again. The material is the frozen water of the unique River Tourne-Elv, which is never used for industrial purposes. Every spring ice melts, so the rooms are not the same: a year from the hotel in the hotel always different walls, Decor and furniture. Visitors are issued thermal underwear, hats and sleeping bags. At any temperature, outside the rooms does not have colder -7 ° C.

2. Crazy House Hotel (Vietnam, Dalat)

Hotel unique hotel Crazy House. It can be a separate attraction of the city of Dalat, located in the central Highlands of Vietnam, thanks to the original design of the building and each of the rooms. Guest house resembles a huge bizarre tree. Not a single angle: all walls are rounded, the ladents spirally twist or shifted from one case to another. Travelers cannot pass by and not surprise the fantasy of the architect. All houses are made in the form of fabulous caves, in which giant trees, plants and mushrooms are intertwined, as well as animals, insects and fabulous creatures.


Berlin Hotel PROPELLER ISLAND CITY LODGE - Art project of the German artist Lars Bark
, named after the fantastic Roman Julie, Verna Floating Island. Rooms of an unusual hotel resemble recreated fantasies and dreams: guests can reincarnate in medieval knights, forest bees, sailors, rock idols and even vampires. The space is complemented by visual, light and sound effects and and parts adorning interiors. On one ProPherler Island City Lodge number is not similar to each other. Here you can spend the night in the room resembling medieval citywhere the bed in the form of the castle is on the mini-golf course; in a snow-white coffin; In surrounded by flickering mirrors, bed and even the brothel. In one of the hotel rooms, all furniture is nailed to the ceiling.

4. Green Plaza Shinjuku Capsule Hotel (Japan, Tokyo)

This capsule
the lion hotel consists of two parts: a common living room and personal space of each guest, where the famous rooms are located. The design of the rooms is reminded by the rooms on the spacecraft in the famous film "Fifth Element". The capsule room is made of reinforced plastic, includes all the necessary amenities: TV, radio, alarm clock, lighting, Internet, comfortable bed and no extra space.

5. Ecootel Leaprus (Russia, Kabardino-Balkaria)

One of the most alpine hotels The world (3912 m) is located on the southern slope of Elbrus. It consists of several blocks that resemble cosmic capsules simultaneously in which up to 40 guests can live. The project was created by architects of the Italian Bureau of the LEAP Factory, which built a similar hotel on Mont Blanc in the Western Alps. All elements of convenient accommodation are thought out for relaxing: heated floors, free Wi-Fi, panoramic windows in the rooms and a separate heated room for drying clothes and equipment. The hotel works OT. solar batteries, and melting snow is used for the water supply complex.

6. Dog Bark Park Inn (USA, Idaho, Cottonwood)

This hotel was built with a spouse
dennis Sullivan and Francis Konklin, Dennis Sullivan and Francis Konklin and opened in 2003. It strikes with her unusual look: outside looks like a huge dog breed beagle, about 10 meters high. She even has his own nickname - "Milashka Willy", near her the figure of a smaller dog's figure, which is called "Toby", 3.5 meters high. The hotel at the moment there are four rooms that look at home comfortably.

7. Tree Hotel (Sweden, Harads)

In a mirror cube, attached to the trees in the forest wilderness, it is reflected all that it surrounds: Forest Lush
b, Polyana and sky, Therefore, the structure of 4x4x4 m in size is not immediately noticed. And so that the birds are not crashed, the cube "Ukutan" with infrared film, which feathered, in contrast to people, see. The whole interior of birch plywood. In addition to the bedroom for two there are a living room, a bathroom and even a roof terrace. The hotel has other amazing apartments: in the form of UFO, bird nest or dragonfly. For the convenience of guests on one of the trees, a sauna designed for eights is built.

8. Montana Magica Lodge (Chile, Neltum)

Magic mountain house built in the Biological Reserve Willow-Willow. Externally, the hotel looks like a volcano, crumpled vegetation and constantly spewing water instead of lava. If it were not for window openings into several tiers, then the conical design would look like a part of the forest landscape. Suspended bridge at the level of the middle part of the structure is the only way to get inside. Some windows overlook the real volcano urine-choshu-enko. The rooms are equipped with baths cut down in a solid piece of wood.

9. Attrap'reves Montagnac (France, Alps Upper Provence)

Spend the night in pine forest, lying on the grass and watching the starry sky can and without mandatory attributes of such a night, if you choose Attrap'reves Montagnac. Here guests enjoy life in bubbles from a transparent elastic material that does not miss ultraviolet during the day, and at night protects from insects and dampness. Herbal floor - a pleasant addition to comfort. The form of bubbles is maintained due to fresh air, injected with a small silent device. Cylindrical corridors are conducted inside the rooms. At the end of the season, the bubbles are blown away.

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Spend vacation in a flying saucer or underwater capsule, admiring the world of tropical fish and corals, and maybe in the kingdom of ice or on the lighthouse - even a day in any of these hotels will become an unforgettable adventure.

websitemade for you a selection of 20 most unusual hotels in the world, in which you want to be right now.

1. attrap'reves.

Alps Upper Provence, France

Guests of this hotel enjoy life in bubbles from a transparent elastic material, which during the day does not miss ultraviolet, and at night protects from insects and dampness. Herbal floor and telescope are pleasant additions to comfort. Cylindrical corridors are conducted inside the rooms.

  • The cost of living is from € 139.


Pemba Island, Tanzania

It would be an ordinary resort hotel by the sea, if not for one room - a floating house with a underwater room. Underwater Room is 250 meters from the shore. On the deck of exotic design you can sunbathe with a cocktail in the day or admire the stars at night. Through huge windows, the underwater bedroom can be observed for the life of reef fish, jellyfish and squid.

  • Accommodation in Underwater Room - about € 1,000 per day, in other hotel rooms - from € 405.

3. Poseidon Undersea Resort

This unusual hotel includes 74 rooms, 25 of which are located under water at a depth of 15 m, and the rest are built on stilts right above the water. The underwater numbers are made in the form of a 50 meter capsules interconnected by the so-called corridor. Resting in your room, guests of the hotel can watch the life of sea inhabitants - for this they need only to include a special light that attracts residents of the underwater world.

  • The cost of staying at the hotel is $ 15,000 per tourist or $ 30,000 for two in 7 days (6 nights).

4. Arctic Treehouse Hotel

Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland

Arctic hotel with luxury apartments, located right under the crowns of trees. The hotel has an ideal localization to admire the Northern Light and visit the village of Santa Claus - the main Christmas direction in the world.

  • The cost of living is from € 850 in 2 days.

5. Jumbo Stay.

Stockholm, Sweden

Boeing 747-212B (Jumbo Jet), who belonged to the Swedish company bankrupt in 2002, was redone to the hostel and put at the entrance to the Stockholm Airport of Arlanda. It was equipped with 29 rooms. The most expensive and spacious room is located in the cockpit. From the cockpit of pilots a panoramic view of the airport, from ordinary rooms - View on taketon strip.

  • The cost of accommodation is about € 136 per day.

6. Skylodge Adventure Suites

Urubamba, Peru

This unusual hotel is 3 transparent capsules placed at a height of about 120 m in Sacred valley Cusco in Peru. The design design of the hotel allows you to enjoy the view of the valley that spread out at thenime, and survive a mountain adventure. Part of the adventure is associated with the need to get to the capsule, climbing on the rock or overcoming a challenging path along the mountain trail.

  • The cost of living is approximately € 270 per day per person (capacity-capsule capacity - up to 8 people).


Huzhou, China

The luxurious hotel of unusual shapes - 27 floors above the water and 2 below to create a full oval. It is included in the top 10 most expensive hotels in the world.

  • The cost of living in a 2-bed room - from € 200 per day.

8. Inntel Amsterdam Zaandam

Amsterdam, Netherlands

The facade of this hotel consists of almost 70 folded houses - from cottages to workers' country houses that are typical of Amsterdam. Rooms are inspired by a local history.

  • The cost of living in a 2-bed room - from € 130 per day.

The rooms at this hotel are made in the form of balls and are suspended on the trees, so you can sleep in a room that will be slightly samping in the wind.

  • The cost of accommodation is from € 155 per day.

10. The Boot Bed'n'Breakfast

Tasman, New Zealand

In the very center of the beautiful region, Tasman in New Zealand is a 2-storey cottage in the form of a giant boot of The Boot Bed N 'Breakfast. Guest house is designed for 2 people and is an ideal place for romantic holiday.

  • The cost of living is about € 250 per day for a pair.

11. Giraffe Manor.

Nairobi, Kenya

One of the most famous buildings Nairobi with a magnificent garden and sun terrace. The main highlight of an unusual hotel is the ability to spend the day in the company of Rothschild Giraffes, which, that and the case, tormented to look into prudently open windows and the doors of the hotel hoping to get a generous portion of treats.

  • The cost of living is from € 490 per day per person.

12. Ion Luxury Adventure Hotel

Nesavallir, Iceland

Located on the slope of Hanegidl volcano, just 18 km from UNESCO protected National Park Tingvedal, the hotel seems to grow out of the mountain and hangs in the air, resting on the clubs of geothermal steam. The abundance of thermal sources nearby does not only supply the rooms with hot water, but also serves as a constant steam source, which envelops the base of the design and creates the illusion of a soaring building.

  • The cost of living is from € 496 per day for a 2-bed room.

13. Giant Wine Barrel Room

Vesbakhalden, Germany

Eco-hotel in Germany is originally original in the form of giant wine barrels overlooking the vineyards. The hotel is located in a unique area among the hills, swore, in a village, which is famous for winemaking and woodworking industry.

  • The cost of living is from € 156 for 2 adults.

14. Treehouse Lodge.

Ikitos, Peru

Sleep under the sounds of rain and birds singing in Amazonian jungle - a real dream. Guests literally live on trees - all the bungalows are hidden in lush crowns. Outwardly, the houses resemble the nests of birds, interconnected by wooden bridges. Such an unusual placement allows guests to completely merge with the wild Peruvian nature.

  • The cost of accommodation is from € 1,238 in 2 days for two.

15. Icehotel.

Yukkasyarvi, Sweden

Icehotel is a real ice pearl of Sweden. His unique interior and architectural ensemble Every year they create talented artists from all over the world who come to the village of Yukkasyarvi to embody their ideas into reality. In the design of the hotel's ice rooms, LED lamps, animal skins, paintings and ice sculptures are used. All amenities are located in a nearby room, a few meters from the hotel, where guests are also stored. With tourists who want to stay in an ice hotel, instructing in the rooms of ice.

  • The cost of living is about € 578 per night for two. More than one night spend in a cold room is not recommended.

16. Treehotel.

Kharads, Sweden

What could be better than to spend an unforgettable vacation in a flying saucer or underwater capsule, or in ice kingdom? Whatever you choose, such a holiday will be remembered for all your life.

1. Attrap'reves - Alps of the Upper Provence, France

Guests of this hotel enjoy life in bubbles from a transparent elastic material, which during the day does not miss ultraviolet, and at night protects from insects and dampness. Herbal floor and telescope are pleasant additions to comfort. Cylindrical corridors are conducted inside the rooms. The cost of living is from 139 euros.

2. The Manta Resort - Pemba Island, Tanzania

It would be an ordinary resort hotel on the seashore, if it were not for one thing - a floating house with a underwater room, which is 250 meters from the shore. Accommodation at Underwater Room - about 1,000 euros per day, in the usual hotel rooms - from 405 euros.

3. Poseidon Undersea Resort - Fiji

This hotel includes 74 rooms, 25 of which are located under water at a depth of 15 m, and the rest are built on stilts right above the water. The underwater numbers are made in the form of a 50 meter capsules interconnected by the so-called corridor. In order to observe the life of marine inhabitants from the room, you just need to include special lighting.
7 days (6 nights) accommodation in such a room will cost 15 thousand dollars from one person or 30 thousand dollars for two.

4. Arctic Treehouse Hotel - Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland

Arctic hotel with luxury apartments, located right under the crowns of trees. The hotel has an ideal localization to admire the Northern Light and visit the village of Santa Claus - the main Christmas direction in the world. The cost of living is from 850 euros for 2 days.

5. Jumbo Stay - Stockholm, Sweden

Boeing 747-212B (Jumbo Jet), who once belonged to the bankrupt Swedish company, was redone to the hostel and put Arlanda at the entrance to the Stockholm Airport. It was equipped with 29 rooms. The most expensive and spacious room is located in the cockpit of pilots, offering panoramic views of the airport, and from ordinary rooms - view of the take-off strip. The cost of accommodation is approximately $ 136 per day.

6. Skylodge Adventure Suites - Urubamba, Peru

This unusual hotel is 3 transparent capsules placed at a height of about 120 m in the sacred valley of Cusco in Peru. The design design of the hotel allows you to enjoy the view of the valley that spread out at thenime, and survive a mountain adventure. Part of the adventure is associated with the need to get to the capsule, climbing on the rock or overcoming a challenging path along the mountain trail. The cost of living approximately 270 euros per day per person (capacity-capsule capacity is up to 8 people).

7. Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort - Huzhou, China

The chic oval hotel is 27 floors above the water and 2 - below. The cost of living in a 2-bed room is from 200 euros per day.

8. Inntel Amsterdam Zaandam - Amsterdam, Netherlands

The facade of this hotel consists of about 70 folded houses typical of Amsterdam. The cost of living in a 2-bed room is from 130 euros per day.

9. FREE SPIRIT SPHERES - Vancouver Island, Canada

Balls suspended on trees and slightly swaying in the wind - the rooms of this hotel. The cost of accommodation is from 155 euros per day.

10. The Boot Bed'n'Breakfast - Tasman, New Zealand

The 2-storey guest house is made in the form of a giant shoe. The cottage is designed for 2 people and is an ideal place for a romantic holiday. The cost of living is about 250 euros per day for a couple.

11. Giraffe Manor. - Nairobi, Kenya

The main highlight of this hotel is the ability to spend the day in the company of Rothschild Giraffes, which from time to time look into the windows in the hope of treating. The cost of living is from 490 euros per day per person.

12. Ion Luxury Adventure Hotel - Nesavuellir, Iceland

It seems that the hotel is a continuation of the Hanegidl volcano. And the abundance of thermal sources in the district not only supplies the hot water numbers, but also serves as a constant steam source, which envelops the base of the structure and creates the illusion of a soaring building. The cost of accommodation is from 496 Eurows day for a 2-bed room.

13. Giant Wine Barrel Room - Vesbakhaldden, Germany

Rooms in the form of giant wine barrels are located on the picturesque hills, crumbling and planted with vineyards. Cost - from 156 euros for two.

14. Treehouse Lodge - Iquitos, Peru

Bungalows for guests resemble bird sockets hidden in trees crowns. It is worth the exotic pleasure of weekly - for two from 1,238 euros in 2 days.

15. Icehotel - Yukkasyarvi, Sweden

This ice hotel is a real pearl of Sweden. LED lamps, animal skins, paintings and ice sculptures are used in the design of the rooms. Amenities are located in the neighboring (warm) room where the things are also stored. With tourists who want to stay in an ice room, instructing. The cost of living is approximately 578 euros per night for two (more than one night it is not recommended in a cold room).

16. Treehotel - Harads, Sweden

Unusual and incredibly beautiful rooms of the hotel are located right on the trees. There is a capsule with panoramic windows, and a nest of a huge bird, and a mirror cube, and even a flying saucer hanging in the air. Cost - from 500 euros for two.

17. Montana Magica Lodge - Neltum, Chile

The hotel is located in the Wilo Willow Nature Reserve and looks like a volcano with plants. Suspended bridge at the level of the middle of the building is the only way to get inside the fabulous house. The cost of living is approximately 367 euros in 2 days.

18. Societe Duvetnor - Quebec, Canada

The lighthouse, built in 1862 on the River of St. Lawrence, was abandoned in the 1960s, and in 1989 he was reborn as the hotel. In this monument of the architecture of the federal value of only three 2-bed rooms and a common living room, which are decorated in the spirit of the last century. Cost - from 175 dollars per person.

19. Eco-Hotel Leaprus - Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia

One of the most high mountain hotels in the world is located at a height of 3,912 m above sea level. Now the climbing to Elbrus can be both extreme and comfortable: there is flowing from the crane in place hot waterFloors are heated, high-speed Wi-Fi, and food - a full dinner of 3 dishes (this is despite the fact that at such a height is extremely difficult to cook, boiling happens on 80 degrees, and you need to cook for several hours). Tourists get to the hotel by cableway, and then - on a snowmobile.

20. Hotel "needle. Mountain Territory" - Village, Russia

An exotic hotel with ethnic flavor is a complex of facilities from a large snowy needle. Hall and bar with a rack and an icy fireplace are equipped. Rooms are calculated on 2 or 8 guests. Snow beds with skins and bedroom systems, in which it will be warm even the heat of thermal-loving people.

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