How much costs per night in the shelter 11. "Shelter of Eleven" on Elbrus - one of the most "historical" high mountain hotels in the world

On the slope of Elbrus, just above the last station of the cable car - Garabashi, there are several round-shaped carriages - barrels.

Here tourists take adaptation before climbing Elbrus. Sometimes accommodation is delayed for several days. It all depends on the weather and the physical condition of the person.

Shelter barrels on Elbrus. On the right dining room (red barrel). Left toilet.

Overview of the shelter room.

We will talk about one of these shelters. It consists of four barrels. In one of them equipped dining room. Three - sleeping places and kitchen.

Barrel inside. Human trees, kitchen and bedroom. Ready for new guests.

Inside everything is upholstered with wood, purely, like at home, despite a large number of "Agriculture".

The trailer is divided into three parts. Two extreme - bedrooms, in the middle a kitchen. In the bedroom one large bed for a friendly mining company of five people. Sleep, of course, will have to sleep in sleeping bags. There are pillows and warm blankets.

Kitchen in barrel. There is everything you need.

The kitchen has all the necessary utensils and a gas tile. Gas imported in cylinders.

Barrel dining inside. How everywhere, cleanliness and order.

There is a separate dining room. For large groups tourists.

Toilet, naturally, without amenities, but overlooking the Caucasian ridge.

Location types.

Height of barrels 3,800 meters above sea level.

Barrels are at an altitude of 3,800 meters above sea level.

Additional services. Radium.

At the disposal of the barrels - random. A large all-terrain vehicle with huge caterpillars is specially created for movement through the snow and ice.

Randics near the shelter. Machines adapted for movement in the snow and ice.

Rude accommodates ten people. The most common route is the rise to the shelter 11. The price will be swore in the entire car completely. Therefore, it is profitable - when you are driving a group. In any case, travel companions you will find in place.

The first stop-burnt shelter-11. Height 4100 meters above sea level. Many are raised on foot, train before climbing.

The first stage of lifting on the rapidas - at a height of about 4100 meters. Maximum height Lifting - about 5000 meters.

Recall that Elbrus height is 5642 meters. That is, the top will remain only 400-450 meters of height. It all depends on your desire.

The peaks of Elbrus. On the right you can see the road, on which randa raises.

We can offer you a tour to Elbrus for two to three days with accommodation on the "barrels", routine-riding.

We are going on the randa.

You will have breakfast with a view of the Caucasian ridge and dinner at sunset at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level.

It is better for three days, especially for people from the plain areas. It takes a little time so that the body is accustomed to height.

Approximate program of a three-day tour.

  • Meeting in the city of mineral water, shuttle to the village of Terekol.
  • Overnight in one of the hotels of Terksol or Polyana Azau.
  • Rise on the cable car to the Garabashi Glacier.
  • Walk along the slope of Elbrus.
  • Lifting on randa.
  • Overnight in the shelter "barrels".
  • Descent in Azaau, walking around the village.
  • Transfer to mineral waters.

We want to focus the attention that the program is approximate. It is possible to plan and more days, it all depends on your desire and financial capabilities.

Shuttle to terkola you can order yourself through how it is convenient for you, at any time. The price is visible immediately until the order is issued. And you can use the services of local drivers, you will send the car from the terkola. The price will be approximately the same.

You can also choose the hotel and book in advance on the website you can contact us, we will book it yourself. The price will not differ.

The cost of the tour is calculated individually. It all depends on prices on (depending on the season), the number of man, the route of the randa, where you decide to rise and so on.

Unchanged while the price remains on cable road - 1150 rubles per lifting and descent, the price for accommodation in barrels - 1000 rubles per day.

If you are planning tourist hiking or climbing Elbrus, we can recommend local guides to you. The price will also depend on the routes. In this case, you will have to pay the ecological collection in the area of \u200b\u200b1000 rubles.

Book a place in the shelter of barrels you can through our site, Leaving the application or by phone numbers on the site.

Today it was planned to rise to a shelter of eleven, and decide what to do next. It would seem what else to decide? But the situation was, to tell the truth, depressing. All the time that we were here, Elbrus did not seem because of the clouds. Not added optimism and high-alone weather forecast posted at the entrance to one of the equipment rental points. For the entire upcoming week, at the top did not promise, except for hopeless cloudiness and wind from 20 to 35 m / s (in the wind turbine temperature, for example, -5 with such wind is equivalent to -38). To climb the top in white clouds Market without any opportunity to overcome the opening panoramas for me, as for the photographer, it was equivalent to failure, and this kind of "walking in the fog" in the mountains is far unsafe.

To admit, with all my desire to climb to Elbrus, I was calm about the climb: it will not work this time - it will turn out to be next. Gathering in Arkhyz, but the will of the chance of being here (about why it happened), we still were not properly ready. Nevertheless, since we were here, it was necessary to take advantage of the situation, making themselves a good bore for the future.

2. Falling the mountain where it ends ski Track And the lifts begin, it looks like this:

Here below the snow did not have so long. And yet it is interesting to observe how the number of snow increases with a height, and the spring coming into their rights, increasingly retreats before winter, as if time went back.



The first stage of the lifting on Elbrus ends at the Station "Old Friend". The second is at the Mir station.

5. Today, by the way, May 9, and the time to remember those who gave their lives defending Elbrus.

6. Vegetable cars - ragners. Their stability and passability of doubts do not cause.

7. From here there is a higher outdoor chairlift.

8. Next station, it is the ultimate for lifting, called "barrels", and that is why:

Round in cross section, oblong designs are equipped for housing. Here are mostly climbers going to climb.

9. Actually, the "barrels" themselves are not the only place of accommodation. There are also more familiar building forms, something resembling garages-shells, only with windows.

10. Well, finally, the most sporty option is tents. But they are not just so, but especially so that the houses are blocked from the wind.

11. Everyone is protected from the wind as it can, who did not have enough place behind the houses, pulled whole trenches in the snow. What is less convenient, because in the event of a blizzard, you will have to regularly disappear.

12. On this day, Skyranning competition "Vertical kilometer" was held on Elbrus. The runners first rose up to the control point, where they had to be celebrated, and then go down. Initially, the checkpoint was to be on top, but because of bad weather, he was transferred to the saddle. What we see is the finish.

On the way to the shelter 11, we have repeatedly met already running down athletes. Then I witnessed interesting caseWhen one of the participants fell on the side, having lost the balance, but the running by another athlete, without hesitating a second, ran up to him, learn everything in order. The fallen quickly rose, and they ran downwards.
Looking at it, you realize that cynicity and vanity attributed to athletes are often greatly exaggerated, and there are some of the moments of solidarity.

13. From the "barrels" there is a wide, ragged snowy slope with ragners and snowmobiles. Move this pleasure.

14. Shelter eleven on Elbrus looks less large-scale, but more colorful. Housing is less, snow more. Height of a little more than 4000 meters.

15. We are approximately one level with most opposite vertices. And the nearest sorry with the buildings is a observatory, where we are.

Here, despite the dense clouds, the brightness was enough to put on dark glasses.

16. Butterflies and other insects here, of course, do not escape, they enters the winds from warm valleys here.

17. Now at the shelter 11 should be located our friends from the Turklub, which we met on the first day.

18. Look for them for a long time I did not have to. Look at the nearest house, littered on the roof of snow, and there are also familiar people.

They were slightly excited, because several people from their team went to the top this morning. As they already told us later, they managed to climb only to the saddle, not seeing from behind the clouds, even account, nothing. It was possible not to walk at all, but in the day they left, and I didn't want to go back with anything.

    ✪ Elbrus. Shelter 11.

    ✪ Fire at shelter 11.

    ✪ [Blog] Winter climbing to Elbrus. Shelter 11- lower rocks Pastukhov # 3

    ✪ Signs of mountainous disease and how to deal with. Acclimuha on the rocks of Pastukhov. Camp shelter 11 on Elbrus # 2

    ✪ Climbing Elbrus Part 4 Mexican, shelter eleven and evening hysterics.



    The place where the shelter 11 is located, was called in 1909. In 1909, one of the groups of sightseeners of the Caucasian Mining Society (CGO), founded in Pyatigorsk R. R. Leucinger, as part of 11 people by making a planned campaign to Elbrus installed a temporary camp in the rocky ridge area, where the building "Shelter 11 " The group had a small supply of paint in order to make a commemorative inscription on the stones at the top of Elbrus, and this paint on the stones, where their camp was made by the inscription "Shelter 11". After 20 years, in the summer of 1929, the well-known Russian climber V. A. Rakovsky built on these rocks a wooden, habitant hut, and transferred to her inscription - "shelter 11". It was a rather spacious building that can accommodate 40 people.

    Construction of a three-story high-mountain hotel

    The author of the project and the head of the construction of a high-altitude three-story hotel that can take more than 100 people at the same time, on the spot of this hut was an engineer, the builder of the first domestic airships, architect and climber Nikolai Mikhailovich Popov. The place for the construction of the new building was chosen slightly above the hut existing at that time. The construction of the hotel began early in the spring of 1938. Between the "Ice Base" (the end of the end of the road to Elbrus) and the old "shelter of 11-ta" bridges were induced through glacier cracks, through which caravans were shled with various construction goods. Delivery of goods started from the early morning until the sun melted the rolled snow road. By the fall of 1938, the building of the residential building, diesel and boiler house were virtually ready. The hotel building resembled airship. The upper part was rounded to withstand powerful winds and storms. For wind-resistant walls, the walls were covered with galvanized iron sheets. The main body of the oval-shaped hotel had three floors: the first one of the stone, the second and third - frame type of wooden parts. For insulation throughout the perimeter, special thermal insulation plates were laid. The finishing of the interior continued to a deep winter, when the onset of frosts had to stop work and to lead down all workers. The next year of work was resumed and in the fall of 1939, the hotel took the first visitors.

    Hotel device

    Shelter eleven for many years has had the status of the most high mountain Europe hotel. On the ground floor there were kitchens, showers and warehouses. In the second and third floors were residential premises. The rooms were equipped with folding two-tier shelves of the carriage type and were calculated for 2-8 people. To store personal belongings and equipment there were chests. Walls and ceilings were finished with a linker, and parquet floors are covered with varnish. The chandeliers shone under the ceiling. Central heating was made, water supply and sewage was worked. There was a Kremlin "turntable" and the bath (destroyed during the Great Patriotic War). On the second floor there was a spacious dining room, at the same time taking 50 people. According to experts, a comfortable hotel resembled a first-class hotel. One of his first visitors in a joke called him "hotel above the clouds". In the future, this name has come true.

    During the war years and post-war history

    Military actions in the shelter area of \u200b\u200beleven

    On August 17, 1942, the German Mountain Arrows, who penetrated in Elbrus, through the passage of Hotutau, under the command of Captain Grott without a single shot, she took shelter 11. On this day, on August 17, 1942, at the shelter 11 were the head of the meteorological station A. Kovalev, his wife - meteorologist Z. Kovalev and Radist Ya. Kucherenko. Meteorologists continued to work at the station, since no instructions from Pyatigorsk did not receive. On the same day, a group of intelligence officers consisting of three people sent to them from the Baksan Gorge, sent by the command of Soviet units at the time in the Baksan Gorge. About 10 hours of wintering and intelligence officers noticed that a column of German mergery was moving from the Hyu-Tau's pass. Some of them headed for the old outlook, the other to the eleven shelter. Given the inequality of forces, they decided to go down to the Baksan Gorge, having capting the most valuable equipment with them. Under the cover of the clouds, bypassing the "old horizon", they descended to be descended in Azau. According to the German version of the events of this day, which causes great doubts, the shelter defended the detachment of the Kyrgyz mountain rowers with Russian commanders in 45 people. The commander of the German hurkers Captain Grotto with a white handkerchief in his hand, without a weapon, rose to the shelter and allegedly persuaded the defendants without a battle to leave the shelter. One way or another, shelter 11 was busy with the Germans without a single shot.

    Having taught the German huntsman to climb Elbrus and installed Nazi flags there. Hitler's propaganda used this symbolic event as a demonstration of victory in the Caucasus. However, in fact, the Caucasus was not conquered. Almost all passes of the main Caucasian ridge successfully defended Soviet troops, without passing the enemy to the Black Sea. Subsequently, Soviet troops undertake repeated attempts to knock off the Germans from the shelter of eleven. However, the terrain favorable conditions and well-strengthened positions of German troops did not allow it. In total, about a hundred Soviet soldiers died in battles for the shelter.

    After the defeat of the German troops near Stalingrad, the situation in the Caucasian front has changed much. German troops were forced to leave the Caucasus due to the threat of an environment. On January 10-11, 1943, the German mountain-rifle parts left the leaders of the Baksan Gorge and went away from the shelter of eleven.

    A group of Soviet climbers who fought in the Caucasus, as part of 20 people under the leadership of A. M. Gusev rose to the shelter of eleven on February 9, 1943 to fulfill the order of the command of the Transcaucasian Front for the removal of Nazi signs from the vertices of Elbrus. The shelter building was damaged by bombs, the facade of it is all is amazed by bullets, districted fragments, the roof from the diesel station is demolished by an explosion. All this is traces of blows from the air. The meteorological station was destroyed by the Germans. The building was partially clogged with snow, as the ruger broke the frames on the firewood. In the rocks around the shelter was satisfied with ammunition and terrestrial weapons. There were numerous dilapidated fortifications and firepoints everywhere. Product warehouses were blown up or were filled with kerosene.

    February 13, 1943 In conditions of bad weather, the remnants of the Germans installed by the Germans were banned with Western peak, and on February 17 - from the Eastern Vertine.

    In the postwar years

    In 1949, "shelter eleven" was transferred for rent for five years of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In the same year, road builders re-built a road between the tiller and the "ice base", destroyed during the war of war landslides and collaps. At the same time, it began to restore the ice base and the shelter of eleven. Repair and reconstruction of the eleven shelter required considerable effort.

    In 1950, a stone house, which served as an intermediate base at a shelter for the shelter eleven, was built on the old horizon, and the shelter was restored on the Sedlovign of Elbrus, for which about two tons of different building materials were delivered.

    In the autumn of 1951, the high-voltage power line stretched from the terkola to the shelter. The wires of the LAP were made by special order from the steel 8-10 mm cable so that they can withstand hurricane winds. LEP supports were held through the glacier. In 1952, the LEP was destroyed due to the winter movement of the glacier. Separate masts fell into cracks and only their tops were visible on the surface of the glacier. By winter 1952

Many about heard about Shelter 11., considered in the photos, some rose to him as tourists and climbers. And only a few used it as overnight on the way to the tops of Elbrus. But few people know how the shelter 11? Who is the authors of the project?

The chronicle of the shelter begins with an amazing person, Swiss Rudolf Rudolfovich Leucinger (1843-1910).

In 1863, 19-year-old young man named Rudolf Leucinger arrived from a small Swiss town of Netštal to Russia. He heard a lot about the Caucasus and dreamed of visiting these beautiful mountains. The arrival in Russia considered the first stage on the way to the Caucasus. New country He loved so much that he did not think about returning to his homeland. Work began in Tambov, started his own quite successful thing. Among local entrepreneurs, he very soon won the reputation of a person of energetic, reliable in affairs, a supporter of all new and progressive.

Passionate lover of nature, self-taught climber after the first travel in the Caucasus, Rudolf Leucinger becomes an even hotter fan of his beauty. In 1883, he moved to permanent residence in Pyatigorsk and buys not a small plot of land under his own house-estate. It begins to actively engage in the improvement of the city, which spends most of its own funds. Rudolf Rudolfovich was the founder and a member of the partnership of Pyatigorsk's brewing factories. For the first one and a half years of life in Pyatigorsk, he opened a malt processing plant and a small coffee factory.

His Pyatigorsk enterprises were equipped with the most modern (for that time) technique. All this took no little time, but along with the production of industrial enterprises, he was actively and unsuccessfully developed agricultural production. Possessing a restless character, Leucinger inside all of his affairs knew how to find time for personal travel in the Caucasus. He perfectly understood that the wild and mysterious edge with the nature of fantastic beauty, violent vegetation and, most importantly, a huge number mineral sources, I could become a bait for travel lovers, not only from Russia, but also in Europe. He cherished the thought of turning Pyatigora (so then it was called this place) in the resort of world importance!

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Leucinger raised the question of creating a Caucasian mining society (CSO), referring to the experience of Switzerland, which flourishes at the expense of tourism. At the end of June, 1899 in the Nikolaev flower garden of Pyatigorsk, 50 people gathered representatives of the local and metropolitan intelligentsia to develop the situation and identify specific actions to create a society. R.R. Leucinger was elected Chairman of the Working Group, which at the end of the year sent a draft charter of the Caucasian Mining Society in Pyatigorsk to Moscow. Only on December 14 (old style), 1901, the Minister of Agriculture and State Protection by A. Yermolov, the Charter of the CCO was approved.

All his talent of the organizer R. Leucinger has invested the idea of \u200b\u200bregular excursions (travel) in the native land. With tireless attention and active participation, the projects of creating tourist trails and huts were developed interesting routes. To save funds, he places the CSO Office, the reference book and the hall for excursants. Here were the first collections collected by members of the Company during their travels.

For the Bureau of Mountainee and Liabalia, created under the Company, at the request of the tireless leuckerger, the commander of the Caucasian District, the General of Fred from Infanteria allocates 212 sheets topographic maps Caucasus.

The third year of its activities is the beginning of the issue of the Yearbook of the Caucasian Mining Society, on the pages of which the research activities of members of society, the results of organizational work, travel essays - travel pages began to appear. In the summer season 2-3 times a month, the "Bulletin of the CSO" was produced, reflecting its current activities. Leucinger himself was often published in the collections of English, French, German, Swiss societies. He consisted of an honorary member of a number of foreign mountain societies and alpine clubs.

1903 - a new mobility. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the official approval by Alexander the first resort values \u200b\u200bof the Caucasian region Mineral Water, R. R. Leucinger proposed and actively joined the implementation of the project - construction and start in Pyatigorsk electric tram. He accounted for the first track: from railway Station, past the "flower bed" to failure (the one where the unforgettable O. Bender was inhabited by an innocent public).

By season 1905, Leucinger comes to the thought that hundreds of passionate followers were brought to the widespread development of tourism, excursions, the mountains of the mountains were brought to the preparation of the younger generation.

"A young man should be able to travel, hardening himself, he must see his great homeland in order to grow a worthy citizen, and since the students do not have the necessary funds, the state is obliged to promote it in this ..." - such a position occupied and defended Rudolf Rudolfovich.

The Ministry of People's Enlightenment supported the proposals and initiatives of Leucinger on the development of student tourism, and all-Russian programs were accepted and introduced, for example, by the end of the gymnasium, all the gymnasists had to visit three great Russian cities: Kiev, St. Petersburg and Moscow, i.e. The creation of a nationwide cultural and patriotic (local history) program was accounted for.
"CGO Yearbook" (№5, 1911-1912) This is how I described the provisions provided by R.R. Leucinger conditions for groups of arriving in Pyatigorsk:
"Excursion groups of students were provided ... Free premises for 3-4 days, the term is completely sufficient for the inspection of cities and visiting such popular vertices like Mashuk and Beshtau."
(About Lacoliths Mashuk, Bull, Beshtau, I will still write a separate post.)

In the spring of 1909, the implementation of the most grandiose project Rudolf Rudolfovich began - laying the pedestrian trail from the Polyana Azau to the eastern and Western heights of Elbrus. For this purpose, an expedition to Elbrus was organized on the southeastern slope of which, on the "horizon", the stone shelter was built, which was called "Leucinger". In the summer of the same year, 11 people from 18 who participated in the expedition reached the rocks at an altitude of 4130 meters. Large stones defended it from the east and from the north, as if natural walls, the expedition participants were built another protective wall, from the west side:

"We have left eleven. Two conductors, one teacher, four excursion R.R. Leucinger and four of us. A rather steep rise, slightly folded to the left, we rose to the left edge of a large gorge with snowy slopes, at the bottom of which huge cracks gap. Gone a little along the edge and, while moving a tiny transshipment, turned again to the right to the last group of stones in this area. In 2 h. 30 m. Of the day we have reached the middle of this group, where they decided to sit for the night. To this, we encouraged us as the fact that there were no stones above, so comfortable as the fact that everyone wanted to relax and collect forces for the upcoming difficulties.

The aneroid showed 4320 m. We chose the place where the stones were somewhat larger and formed a platform of a few square soot protected from the north and east by natural walls. A little rest, we began to work and in a short time cleared the place for the "bed" and built another low wall from the west. On this wild stone island, lost in the middle of the sea, at the height, several hundreds of meters superior to the height of Jungfrau, - the night had to spend the night, perhaps the most unusual in our lives.

We called this place Shelter eleven. This name was approved by Rudolph Rudolfovich Leucinger, which, by the way, found this place quite suitable for the second hut. I think that it should be built here, because there are no cliffs above that it would be possible to establish it, without fear of snowflows. "
F. Dunaevsky. On foot on the main ridge. Attempt to climbing Elbrus 1909

So there was a place of overnight named shelter-11.

On January 22, 1910, R. Leucinger died ... The next day, a necrologist for the death of Rudolf Rudolfovich Leucinger was placed in the Pyatigorsk Echo newspaper. On a wreath from the Caucasian Mining Society, it was written: "Grandfather of Russian mountaineering."

In 1929, a wooden booth was installed on these rocks, sheathed with iron. In 1932 - the building of the baroque type for 40 people. Due to the lack of places, the tent sometimes put right on the plane roof of the barrack. "Shoulder to the shoulder" there was exactly four "Pamirs".

In the 1937-1938 season, geodesic, explosive and construction work "The shelter of eleven", in which numerous climbing groups needed a long time ago.

"... the first to the future construction site (4200) rose architect-climber N.M. Popov and Alpinist-Shuzbundovets F.A. Kropf. Popov had broad powers from TEU WCSPS for the final choice of place for the construction of the hotel. Kropf has been invited as a mining security specialist. The defeated passions gradually lay down, and most disputes agreed with the selected place on the rocks just above the existing building of the shelter 11. We all, of course, took the most active part in this. A lot argued about the advantage of this or that place. Everyone argued the correctness of his choice. In friendly conversations, Popov introduced "Elbrustsev" with plans for the construction of a three-story hotel, designed to maximize the amenities that are possible in complex and harsh environments. According to his assumption, construction must fully turn around in the near future. We were not looking forward to the start of this event.

On Elbrus instead card Domikov"That has been built so far, a large three-story building of modern type will be erected. The long-awaited moment, finally, came: In the middle of 1937, the caravans of donkets loaded with explosives and various geodesic tools reached out from the "outlook". In the fall, after leaving Elbrus the last summer tourists, geodesic work began and trial drilling. And here one day the slopes of the Giant Giant were announced with Rasquat powerful explosionsStunning the surrounding area. For centuries, not a frightened alpine daws, in a joke called "Elbrus Nights", with loud, disturbing cries of clouds climbed into the air and hurried to go away from suddenly revolted rocks. The explosions raised up the fountains of the eternal land and stones. Finally, everything calmed down.

Explosives left, leaving after themselves a flat platform and pitted under the foundation of future buildings. Everywhere the familiar silence reigned, broken only by the whistle of the wind. Even during the transport of explosives, construction executives came to the conclusion that at such a pace of transport will take at least five years to deliver all the necessary goods to the construction site. But the hotel needs to be fully finished to the summer season of 1939. The question arose - how to be? Found the yield. According to the bold decision of the Popov engineer, simultaneously with explosive works began to build a tractor road from the terkola on the slopes of the Garabashi array through the "new horizon" (so, in contrast to the existing "horizon", the glade was named approximately at one height) to the middle part Tercole Glacier. At an altitude of about 3,800 meters, the road ended, and the further path to the "shelter of eleven" passed through Elbrus glaciers and fibilic fields. He had a length of only four kilometers, instead of seven (through the "old horizon") and more affordable, relatively gentle relief. In 1938, the construction of the hotel began. Between the "ice base" (so called the end of the road) and the "shelter of eleven" brought reliable bridges through glacier cracks, and here the caravans with various construction goods stretched in eternal snow.

Here it was possible to meet the usual Russian sledge with hormands, on which the horses transported long details, and bulls, dragging heavy logs, and Yury Ishachkov, finely seeding legs along a well-rolled road, and finally, people who endured that cargo that Different reasons could not be delivered otherwise. Transported to night and morning hours. In the afternoon rested, waiting for night frosts, who reliably shoved "Rasky" per day on scorching sun Unusual road. An unforgettable picture of those years before your eyes! At night and early in the morning continuous flow are laid caravans. The rise is cool and the path is heavy. The caravans are going among the ice spots of Elbrus, who sternly looks at people who dared to break his eternal peace! Go on the snow-white cover that has hidden the bottomless cracks of glaciers with a multi-meter layer of the Frank! This unusual ice road of those years really reminded the winter road somewhere in the suburbs. Also, pouring the head, the horses are tiredly on a nailed track with the traces of manure and hay. The guns in the bushes with a whip behind the boot or boot or boots are smoking on them, pat hand in hand in hand to keep warm. And only double-headed Elbrus Yes, the gaping uncounted cracks in the glacier are forced to continuously think about the dangers that are hourly awaiting on this unusual glacial track.

Once, a caterpillar tractor with sleighs attempted to accelerate the transportation, but on the fibium fields he struck his bridge with his severity and fell into a cracker. Only after multi-day work it was possible to extract from the cast-iron horse. The tractor went down and no longer appeared on the slopes of Elbrus. Builders arrived at the place of the future hotel. Worked together, and on the rocks quickly climbed the coax of a future building.

Everyone in 1938 who attended by Elbrus in the fall of 1938 struck the extraordinary view of the hotel that grew in a short time on his slope. Caurious the last days The old wretched "shelter of eleven" lonely stood next to the new neighbor and resembled the shed for firewood rather than the residential premises. Sunny road existed to deep autumn until the autumn-winter snowfall was covered. But all this did not scare the builders, the main thing was already transported. The decoration of the building inside continued until December, and only the coming harsh frosts and the lack of heating forced the finishers to be interrupted to next year. Another summer in the midst of construction, when the building is just began to emerge, a group of foreigners came to the "shelter of eleven" to climb Elbrus, accompanied by Seid Khadzhiev. Everything free time He spent among the builders, leading with them sincere conversations. "I already have a sixth ten," he said, "Since 1902, I am Elbrus conductor, thirty-five times I was on Elbrus, now I am going at the thirty-sixth, and I can say with pride - no one rises me more to our Mint-Tau! .. Building this hotel, "he continued," you do a big and necessary case, because Elbrus becomes more affordable, and thousands of climbers will be raised annually. I will come to Nalchik and tell Kalmykov about the construction site, because he has not seen her yet. And in the fall, I will definitely give him here and he will see all his own eyes. " Then the oldest conductor did not know that at Elbrus he was the last time ... In June 1939, after preliminary preparation, the "Elbrus tract" again began to operate (the way was called the road between the "ice base" and the "eleven shelter").

The caravans transported the last cargo reached out again. In the new building, visitors received a full-fledged vacation. There was no need to spend strength and time to install tents, on such a painstaking occupation as cooking and water. For comfortable, the hotel resembled a first-class hotel big City. One of his first visitors in a joke called him "hotel above the clouds". In the future, this was a typewriter. "

"... By the autumn of the building of the residential building, diesel and boiler house were virtually ready. Their forms caused the builders not a simple bewilderment and admiration at the same time. Their forms were reminded not fully inflated airship (the experience of N.M.Popova was affected in the construction of airship) or they were like a body of huge buses. Their upper part was rounded to safely resist powerful winter (and not only winter) winds and storms. For their wind-resistant, they were upholstered with galvanized iron sheets. The main body of the oval-shaped hotel had three floors. The first one of the wild stone, the second and third frame type of wooden parts. For insulation throughout the perimeter of buildings under the sheets of iron, special heat insulating plates were laid.

The first floor (there are accommodated kitchen, showers and storage rooms) was made of stone. The second and third floors are wooden, insulated with special heat insulating plates, there were rooms for 2-8 people, dining room at 50 seats and "elite" rooms. Caute rooms designed for accommodation from two to eight people equipped with bunk folding shelves of the carriage type. Each has a runes for things and tables. The two upper floors and the roof were with galvanized hardware. Radied the eyes grained to shine parquet floors and a linker wall and ceilings. At the hotel there was a boiler room and a power plant, a central heating was worked, in the water supply - cold and hot waterSeasoning.

"... The first tenants of the new" shelter of the Eleven "were the employees of the Elbrus expedition, which took half of the third floor. There they equipped the beautiful laboratories, a little similar to the previous one - in tents, broken in the snow. Now the staff did not worry that the devices unexpectedly will snow and the work done will go to the pump. They walked birthday women, rubbing his hands from pleasure and remembering the good word of builders. On the same floor there were rooms for foreign climbers. Tourists and climbers about new hotel responded with warmth, they often admired her finish and improvement. Moskvich Leonid Korotkov in the book of reviews Posted by: "In the capital, I heard that the hotel is built on Elbrus. But what I had the opportunity to see, exceeded expectations. Perhaps not in every city you will find a similar hotel. The room in which I live is addressed to Elbrus, and he stands in front of me in all its beauty. Many peaks of the Caucasus and the famous Ushba, which I heard about which I heard so much is visible from the corridor window. For hours admire the mountains.

Such a spectacle is nowhere, except for the "shelter of eleven", you will not see. Is that in the movie! I am the builder itself and is amazed by the fact that all the work was carried out manually, without the use of mechanisms. Surprises, how did you manage to deliver everything you need to build a hotel? After all, it's not even a snowing to go here, it is very difficult to breathe here. How did builders managed to build such a palace in a short time? I bow to them and I think that I will express a general opinion with heartfelt thanks. Thank you, comrades! Thank you and those who belong to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of the hotel! "
"... some of the foreign climbers, not thinking about the difficulty of building on Elbrus, demanded such things like a piano, jazz and even ... a cleaner of shoes! And one Frenchman expressed indignation of the absence of an elevator. "

V. Kudinov "Elbrus" Chronicle «

Having stressed in the war as those who built it, wounded by fragments of bombs and bullets, ruined inside, stood shelter 11 overlooking until 1957. And again, regularly accepted the wandering travelers and climbers. Hoking 59 years of its history and burners as a airship, which he was so looked like.

According to the testimony of athletes from Alplub " northern capital"The fire happened due to disregard for fire safety measures. But this is a consequence, not the reason:

"... Group V. Panasyuk and S. Bodrov went down at 14 o'clock from the top of Elbrus and was engaged in cooking. At about 16 o'clock, Sergey Bodrov was in the kitchen: "I stood in a hemisphere from the canister broken. When caught fire, automatically splashed the water from his pan on fire. It seemed to me that Vasya Panasyuk with a fire extinguisher in his hands appeared almost immediately. Remembering that somewhere nearby there is another fire extinguisher, I went to his searches. Honestly, I was shocked. When I found a fire extinguisher and went back to the dining room, I could not break through the crowd broke down to the exit. Hungarians in the kitchen were, but they are nothing. Focus with Kanishystroe made someone from our, in my opinion, even local. " His story continues Vasily Panasyuk: "The fire instantly covered the dining room and poper along the corridor. In five minutes, the French could not descend from the third floor, and they threw the rope to the descent from below. One of them has hit the stone parapet between the first and second floor.

We began to evacuate: they took only what they scared with their hands. As long as our German Camarada - Dirhof, who, after the descent, took the sleeping pills and slept strong sleep, the time to collect clothes was no longer left. Sorry, I did not finish the French brandy - Kaifornia before dinner. The famous Jurassic Solovyov so generally came out in some cowards. Hungarians were without accompanying, here they wanted to blame everything ... "

Video: Fire at shelter 11

The current shelter is located in the former dieseltic shelter (dieselhat), Valery Shuvalov's hut and "ozone". Kill and miserable sight. Who did not fit, put tents behind the stone walls of the burnt building. As a symbol of a short, turbid time of liberal democracy of Yeltsin.

But the local authorities of the republic, living at the expense of multi-billion federal subsidies under the program "South Russia", prefer to spend these money on other hotels. For example, the hotel and office center "Milan" on Kashirskoye highway in Moscow, bought "to raise the prestige" of the republic.

The construction of a new shelter took over the private Moscow investor and volunteers. Using modern materials, but having raised to preserve the external similarity with the dead shelter building.

In 1987, Pyatigorsk's authorities decided to demolish the Leucinger House, he interpreted with elite development, ported the view. Only the intercession of all Pyatigorsov saved the house. Thank you. Now in it, as before, there is a revived Caucasian mining society and a school of children's tourism.

The shelter is called a place where you can hide, hide, escape. This concept is used in mountaineering. This place allows you to wait for bad weather, to warm up, wait for help. On the slopes of Elbrus there are several shelters. One of the oldest is called "shelter eleven". It is located on the southeast slope of the mountain. Not to power it when climbing the Western and Eastern vertices Elbrus.

From the hut before the airship

Intriguing the name of the shelter. However, the story of his appearance is quite banal. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Caucasian Mining Society was operating in Pyatigorsk. It united the lovers of geography and mountaineering. In 1909, a group of 11 members of the Company went camping to Elbrus. At an altitude of about 4 thousand meters, they broke a temporary camp. Leaving it, the climbers on the stone made paint inscription "shelter 11". After 20 years, at this place they built a hut, retaining the name.

Initially, it was a building from the boards, with iron. It could accommodate about four dozen people. We respect people who can raise a large number of building materials for such height. Since the shelter was popular and could not accommodate everyone, inevitably the question arose about its expansion. Architect and climber Nikolai Popov developed a project of a three-story mining hotel at a hundred people.

Construction began in 1938. For delivery of building materials, it was necessary to direct the crossings through the cracks in the ice. Since Popov was also a warhead designer, the building resembled a zesetin. With it there was a boiler room and diesel, where the generator was put. In total, the construction took about a year. The first guests appeared in the shelter in the second half of 1939. For many years it was the most high mountain hotel in Europe.

Through hardship to the stars

In 1942, the "shelter 11" captured the Germans. Worked meteorologists managed to descend to the Baksan Gorge. The hotel served as the basis of German hunts for climbing the top of Elbrus, where they installed their flag. For Germany, it symbolized the victory over the Caucasus. However, after the Stalingrad battle, the German mountain arrows were forced to leave the region. In February 1943, about twenty Soviet climbers rose to the shelter, and then removed from the top of the Nazi symbolism.

Since the building was badly damaged, after the war they began to restore it, and then passed to scientists. In 1951, electricity appeared in the shelter. However, the wind fell to the support of the LAM, and scientists were forced to leave the building. In it immediately settled climbers. On the third floor, the museum was even arranged. For a long time shelted did not have the official owner. The result was a fire that destroyed the building. It happened in 1998.

Only three years later a shelter reconstruction project appeared. The remains of the burnt building were dismantled, and the former diesel station was converted to a residential complex, designed for 70 people. Nearby put several residential trains. Now "shelter 11" takes for recreation and acclimatization of climbers who climbing Elbrus on the southern route.

See also: