Pillars on the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising. An interesting route around the metro station "Vosstaniya Square

For more than thirty years, the symbol of grandeur and pride in the pl. Rebells resembles Petersburgers about the heroic feat of the inhabitants native city During the Great Patriotic War. Obelisk The city-hero Leningrad, established to the forty-eyed victory over the fascist-German invaders, is one of the most monumental and recognizable monuments of the Soviet period.

Description Obelisk to PL. Rebells

The construction of the monument includes the base of about 9 m wide, the base with a height of 10 m and a diameter of 3.6 m and the main vertical part with a height of more than 22 m. At the top of the monument, a sign of distinction is a "Golden Star" (1.8 m in diameter). The total height of the structure is 36 m, the weight is 750 tons. Based on the vertical obelisk, there is a regular pentagon, echoing with the star upstairs.
The edges of the granite base are decorated with bronze bas-reliefs, on which significant military stages are displayed: blockade, rear assistance to the front, attack (offensive) and victory. Above the burners there is a wreath of fame, also from bronze, which makes up 4.5 m in the diameter.
How to find a monument
Obelisk on the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising in St. Petersburg is an integral part of the ensemble dedicated to victory. It is surrounded by other significant buildings: Moscow railway station, the hotel "Oktyabrskaya" and the entrance to the metro station "Vosstaniya Square". The monument finishes the panorama of the Nevsky Prospect, starting from the Admiralty.
Located next to the Moscow railway station, Obelisk find easily - it can be seen from the Nevsky Prospect, and the metro station comes to the square.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising is located in the central district of Old Palmyra. It is one of the symbols of the city and enters the historical cultural capital countries. The area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising is not a simple name. Her story is unique and interesting.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising is up to the transfer of the capital back to Moscow had a completely different name - Znamenskaya. She is at the junction of the Nevsky Prospect, his only turn, and the Ligovsky Avenue. What caused such name area? The thing is that in the first third of the last century there was a church of the same name. And the finally the name "Znamenskaya" was entrenched for her per year began construction of the station, named "Nikolaevsky". In 1917, it was here that the bloody fierce events of the last two Russian revolutions are unfaught. Here they proclaimed the famous February manifestes, heavy battles and contractions took place. And therefore next year, the area is renamed modern way. In the middle of 20 centuries, the metro station "Vosstaniya Square" was opened on the square. The station refers to 1 metropolitan branch. Inside it is decorated with bronze sculptures, which reflect the terrible events of February and

The area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising has its own long history, the countdown of which is conducted from the times of Elizabeth. During the years of its board, the Znamensky Church was laid here, the project that carried out Demertsov. It is worth noting that the church is repeatedly rebuilt. The Square itself was formed only in the second quarter of the 19th century, when the main ensemble of Square was laid on the Efimov project. It was associated, first of all, with the construction of the second in the country railway Petersburg (Square of the uprising) -Moscow. Here, the famous architect tone erected, but then, as already mentioned above, he wore name Nikolaevsky. A little later, the Gemlinian projects will be erected by Hotel Znamenskaya, more known as "October", as well as a well-known arrival house on the project of the Sokolov engineer. In the spring of 1909, a monument to Alexander Liberator solemnly will be solemnly open, after 28 years, the monument will be transported first to the Russian Museum, and then installed in the Marmara Palace. At the time of the Great Patriotic War on the square, military installations were built - she was a kind of bridgehead for all soldiers and commanders.

And already in 1945, the winners from the units met at the restored Moscow railway station. In the early 1980s, Obelisk was erected in honor of the 40th anniversary Great Victory. Monuments of this species were constructed in all cities heroes on the orders of the Communist Party. It is a symbol of the area.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising in St. Petersburg is not just beautiful placeThis is more than the elegance of monuments. This is a historic area! The place where Lenin acted, attended the church and Alexander the second. This is the place where the fate of the country was solved in 1917. And it needs to be stored and preserved. After all, it is not so difficult!

The area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising.

If you look at the map of the Central District of St. Petersburg - it is easy to see that it is battered by two practically straight lines intersecting at a small angle. In the place of the only bend there is one of the significant urban areas - the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising.

This historical place has always served the city by the main entrance gate, and today there is a Moscow railway station here with all necessary infrastructure: the hotel "Oktyabrskaya" - to accommodate visitors, the metro station "Vosstaniya Square" - for the further follows and obelisk "The city-hero Leningrad" - As a business card of the city, emphasizing his high status.

History and general information

In the first decade of the XVIII century, to the Novgorod tract, held here even before the foundation of St. Petersburg, abandoned two requests. One walked from, the other - from. Due to the error in the calculations, the second plot came up to the tract a little north, the trajectory of the request gave bending.

In this place there was an extensive crossroads of a new great perspective (Nevsky Prospect) and the old Novgorod road (Ligovsky Prospect). The construction of a wooden church of the sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary transformed the intersection in the Znamenskaya Square. Erected by the instructions of Empress Elizabeth in 1765-1767, the wooden building of the temple was rebuilt in stone by architect F. I. Demertsov.

Until the middle of the XIX century there was a wasteland here, in a dishthele that turned into a swamp. From the description of the famous lawyer A. F. Koni, made in 1840: "Znamenskaya Square is extensive and deserted ... Two-storey and one-story houses are framing it, and by ... the river flows, on the steep banks of which grass grows. The water in it is mutt and dangling, and on the shore the rude wooden railing is drawn ... ".

Everything changed with the construction of the railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg (1843-1851), when it was decided to build a final station on the southern outskirts of the square.

Moscow station

The bright station building designed by the architect K. A. Ton, topped with a bunk tower with a clock, more like a palace more than a passenger terminal, transformed the square.

Until 1924, the station was called Nikolaev, as well as the railway branch. The building built in 1844-1851 was repeatedly rebuilt, and now only the facade is preserved from its initial design - the twin of the Leningrad Station in Moscow.

Hotel Oktyabrskaya

In accordance with the plan for the transformation of the Znamenskaya Square, developed by the architect N. E. Efimov, opposite the magnificent station building envisaged the hotel building, with rooms, a winter garden, concert Bala and restaurant. Built in 1857, the Znamenskaya Hotel several times changed the appearance and names: "Znamensky railway station", "North", "big northern".

In the 20th century, she received the name that was preserved to the present day, "Oktyabrskaya". Now looking at the solid building of the hotel it is difficult to believe that in the 1920s there was a urban hostel of the proletariat (GOP), there was a spermnikov from all over Petrograd here, from where the word "Gopnik" appeared - non-sufficient inhabitants of the ligreek ...

Monument to Alexander III

In 1907, the first tram line laid through Nevsky Prospect, tied the station with Admiralty. Two years later, a monument to Alexander III was established in the center of the Priminal Square, as the founder of the Siberian Railway.
The equestrian statue made by the sculptor P. P. Trubetsky caused contradictory reviews, many considered her caricature, demanded to remove. Nevertheless, the monument remained on the square until 1937 and witnessed and the involuntary participant of historical revolutionary events.

Znamenskaya Square turned out to be in the center of mass folk unrest, bloody skirmishes with the police, the rags were held here and barricades were built. In memory of the February Revolution in 1918, the Square received a modern name.

The Bolsheviks left a monument to the self-container and, very peculiar, used it in order to propaganda. In 1919, D. poor lines were carved on the pedestal:

"My son and my father is executed in life,
And I shook the feet of the posthumous nonsense:
Sticking here scarecrow cast iron for the country
Forever who dropped an autocratic yarm. "

By the decade of the October Revolution in 1927, the bronze statue of the monarch was involved in the festive design of the area. She entered into an iron cage, with masts, wheels and the inscription "USSR".

After 10 years, the monument was still removed into the store. Now the sculpture is put up for everyone to see the courtyard.

Obelisk and Metro Station

The modern appearance of the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising was formed in the middle of the last century.
In the center of the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising in memory of the Great Patriotic War And the courage of the defenders of the city who defeated fascism, to the 40th anniversary of Victory was installed Obelisk "City-Hero Leningrad", made of 360-ton granite monolith in the form of a five-man stele on the project of architects V. S. Lukyanova and A. I. Alimov.

The Znamensky Church was demolished in 1940, and in her place they built a pavilion station "Vosstaniya Square", open in 1955 as part of the first stage of the metro. This is a pylon station of deep downstream (58 meters), the design of its underground hall is dedicated to the October armed uprising.

Round classic station building with rizalitis and rottond with a spire, which was originally decorated with a star in a laurel wreath, belongs to objects cultural heritage And is a symbol of the St. Petersburg metro. Before the opening of the Obelisk, topped with the Golden Hero Star, the star on the spire of the metro station replaced the letter "M", then lost.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising is always crowded and noisy, in holidays transformed and looks especially spectacious and colorful. And the first thing that he sees every visitors when leaving the station building - "Hero-hero Leningrad". So the heroic past of the city, with whom the history of the square is closely connected, reminds of itself neon inscription at the Oktyabrskaya hotel.

Where is and how to get

The area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising is at the intersection of Nevsky Prospectus with Ligovsky Avenue in historical center St. Petersburg.

You can get to the subway to the same name "Vosstaniya Square".

Square on the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising

More than one green island in the middle of the Nevsky Prospect we will meet on the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising at the intersection of the Nevsky and Ligovsky Prospectics. For the first time, official name Square received in 1849. Then she was called the area to the Znamensky Bridge. The bridge across the Ligovsky canal led to the church in the name of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. The church was built in 1804 on the project of architect F.I. Demetsova. In the people, she was known as Znamenskaya, or "sign", one of the chairs. She was also called Pavlovskaya, according to the name of the famous scientist, the Nobel Prize laureate of Ivan Petrovich Pavlova. He was her diligent parishioner, and on one of the legends, even married in her. In 1940, after Pavlov's death, the church was demolished. Now in her place is the ground pavilion metro station "Vosstaniya Square".

In 1857, the name of the square was edited by giving it a modern sound. Now she began to be called Znamenskaya.

On May 23, 1909, an equestrian monument to Alexander III was opened on the Znamenskaya Square - a rare sample of satire in monumental sculpture: the king's highway with a severe view of a secret alcoholic, which and maybe, not without reason, his contemporaries, on fattened fat bitge, as if degraded to a graceful pedestal. Almost immediately broke out a scandal. The loyal part of the St. Petersburg society demanded immediately remove the statue shameful for the monarchy. The democratic public, on the contrary, welcomed the work of such an accusatory force. The downtown is included in the dispute. And only the author of the monument to Paolo Trubetskoy, the Italian subject, who was raised away from the "all-seeing eye" and "most surviving ears," remained calm and laughed: "I do not do with politics, I just portrayed one animal on the other." In the salons they told the anecdote about one Georgian prince, who exclaimed, looking at the monument: "I know Tsto Sasa Zopa, but this is so sucking?" I must say that the monument really causes ambiguous feelings. If you believe Folklore, many Petersburgers experienced ordinary awkwardness towards him. Anecdote has been preserved about the arrival of the Englishman who asked his Petersburg friend to show him a new monument, "what Trubetka did." "So my brothers, caught a shame," said Petersburster later, "that I led him to Falcontiete Peter Great." - "Well, what about the Englishman?" - "Nothing, praised."

Monument to Alexander III on Znamenskaya Square

However, there is a legend trying to explain the situation. As if, a monument to Alexander III, which seemed in the architectural environment of St. Petersburg, so rude, was actually intended for installation in the Urals, "on the border of Asia and Europe", high in the mountains. Look at him was supposed from the windows moving on Trans-Siberian Mainstream Trains. This would give the opportunity to look at the monument. The figures of the horse and the rider would not seem so massive and clumsy.

Paolo Trubetskoy arrived in Russia in 1897 to teach in the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and immediately took part in the competition for the project of the monument to the deceased several years before the king. Having won the competition, the sculptor began to work. He made 14 versions of the monument, but none of them satisfied the official commission. The legend says that, only having heard Mary Fedorovna, the widow of the late emperor, approaching one of the projects, happily exclaimed: "Sasha's poured!" - High jury members, having sleeved and walked surprise, finally stopped their choice on this option.

An unprecedented urastricism was subjected to a monument in February 1917. As soon as he was not called: "scarecrow", "dresser", "cattle in cattle", "Hippidness", "Bear on an elephant". Sophisticated in the darkens, verses and songs.

The old fashion was revived on the so-called pyramids puzzles, the answers to which led to an incredible delight of the street crowd. Several options for these wonderful riddles have been preserved in folklore:

On the square of the chest,

On the chemicals dresser,

On the hippos of the climb,

On the circulation of a hat.

What a fool is a daddy?

On the square of the chest,

On the chemicals dresser,

On hippid idiot,

On idiot hat,

On the cap cross,

Who will say the word -

Togo under arrest.

The fate of the monument was sad. In 1937, the monument was removed from the square, by that time no longer Znamenkaya, but the uprising. The reason is traditional, it would be prevented tram movement In Nevsky Prospect. For a long time, the monument was kept behind the cast-iron lattice in the courtyard of the Russian Museum. In terms of the expression of folklore, he became the "prisoner of the Russian Museum." During the blockade of Leningrad, he almost died from the projectile. By this time, believing in Leningrad was formed: the well-being of the city, his honor and dignity was protected by three riders: Peter I - on the Square Square, Nikolai I - on St. Isaac Square and Alexander III - on the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising. And the fact that one of them was forced to leave his historical place was considered by Leningrads as a sign of trouble.

It is no coincidence that one of the first victories of the democratic community in the post-Soviet St. Petersburg is considered the liberation of the monument to Alexander III due to the lattice of the Russian Museum. Voice: "Freedom of the Russian Museum's freedom!" - He was heard. The monument was brought out of the conclusion, but they were not installed at its historic place, but before entering Marble Palace. In the courtyard, at a low pedestal, even recently occupied by the notorious "Lenin armored person." They said that temporarily. That happening in mind, it is unknown. Historical place Monument to Alexander III in front of the Moscow railway station.

Meanwhile, the life of the former Znamenskaya Square, by that time renamed the uprising area, continued. In 1952, the partner Square was divided in the place of the shot monument, in the middle of which set a mortgage stone for the future of the monument V.I. Lenin.

Monument to Alexander III at the Marmara Palace

However, over time, plans have changed. The mortgage stone was removed, and in 1985 to the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War in the center of the Square on the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising, the Obelisk "City-Hero Leningrad" was installed on the project A.I. Alymova and V.M. Ivanova.

The multiple granite monolith, processed in the form of an army bayonet, immediately attracted the attention of urban folklore. Perhaps it is difficult to find a monument in the city that has earned such a number of negative definitions. The most soft of them: "Border Pole", "Stone Nail", "Screwdriver", "Chisel", "Scan", "Spindle", "Plug", "pin", "Nail", "Shapeurs", "Pipette" " Horrible dream parachutist. " But even among this, there are not very flattered rows and tougher: "The bayonet in the throat of Nevsky Prospect."

They spoke about the transfer of obelisk to the area of \u200b\u200bcourage. Many people seemed to be there near the world famous Piskarevsky memorial cemetery, on the square, the very name of which is devoted to the memory of Leningraders who defended their city from the fascist invasion, Obelisk will gain its true meaning.

The dispute about what should be on the square is a monument to Alexander III or Obelisk the city of Hero Leningrad - continues until now. Sometimes it seems that the area itself is included in the dispute. And in fact, it turned out that Obelisk had an unexpected optical effect. Shadow from a star crowning stele, approves the urban folklore, at a certain time and at a well-known lighting forms the clear outlines of the two-headed Russian eagle on the asphalt of the Nevsky Prospect.

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