Classification of sailing yachts. Yacht (yacht) - device and basic concepts what yacht


  • drive: sailing, sailing and motor and motor
  • by seaport: marine and yachts for inland reservoirs (rivers, lakes)
  • by type of hull: Classic single Phone (eng. Monohull.), catamarans and trimarans
  • The first mention of sports sailing Yachts.ah belong to the XVII century. Almost all modern sailing yachts, intended for tourism, have auxiliary motor (suspended motor) for maneuvering in port or movement at low speed in the absence of wind. Sailing yachts that do not have a motor are most often designed for sports.

    Sailing yachts

    For the championship in creating sailing yachts, Greeks, Egyptians and Phoenicians are struggling. Historians declare the appearance of the first sailing ships more than 10 thousand years ago in the waters of the Aegean Sea. Sailing yachts are counted by ships using aero and hydrodynamics and driven by the strength of the wind, which blows into the sail. Modern sailing yachts are often equipped with a motor.

    The corps of the first sailing yachts were made of wood. Modern list of materials is very large. The hulls of sailing yachts are made of steel, aluminum, armocement and fiberglass, etc. Materials.

    The number of sails on sailing yachts can be different and depends on the purposes of the yacht used. Racing yachts are usually equipped with a large number of sails, on cruising yachts for convenience of control the number of sails is minimal. The world's largest sailing vessels - "Kruzenshtern" and "Sedov" - have 34 sails. Conditionally sails can be divided into four types: basic, front, additional and storm.

    In its appointment, sailing yachts are divided into cruising, having comfortable cabins and designed for distant tourist hiking; racing, having only cockpit for crew and not having a cabin intended for short races; As well as racing cruising, having small cabins, intended for multi-day racing. According to the principle of ensuring the stability of the yacht, they are divided into killey yachts, in which the bottom goes to ballast keel (more precisely Falsil), which shifts the center of gravity down and prevents the demolition (drift) of the yacht during sails; Schutbots having a swag (retractable keel), which only prevents the demolition, and the center of gravity changes the location of the crew on the boards of the yacht; and compromises having ballast falsecale and retractable swag. There are also designs with two keels that allow you to maintain the vertical position of the yacht when they are in a shallow water. Another principle of stability is used on catamarans and trimarans. On the catamarans, the stability provides two widely separated vessel housings, on trimarans - two floors separated on both sides of the vessel. There are yachts consisting of more than three buildings.

    The main parts of the yacht are considered to be the case and sailing weapons. Sailing arms can be a single-one (gate) and multoame (for example, schooner, yol and ketch). Sailing weapons are divided into the rag, standing and running rigging.

    The popular view of the sailing yachts are regatta.

    Leading Countries Manufacturers

    Motor yachts

    Famous yachts

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    • Lovyagin R. M. ,. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
    • Der Brockhaus in 3 Bänden. - Prockhaus Enzyklopädie, BD. 2., 2004, S.259.

    Excerpt characterizing yacht

    Having entered into the gate of a big house where there was a room of the lodge, and having passed on the dark stairs, they entered the illuminated, a small hallway, where without the help of servants, filmed fur coats. From the front they went to another room. What a person in a strange robe seemed from the door. Villarsky, going to him towards him, something quietly told him in French and walked over to a small closet, in which Pierre noticed the robes unprecedented. Taking a scarf from the cabinet, Villarsky put him on the eyes of Pierre and tied up the knot from behind, painfully capturing his hair into the node. Then he burned him to himself, kissed and, taking his hand, he led somewhere. Pierre was hurt from the hair attracted by a node, he wrinkled against pain and smiled at the shame of something. The huge figure of him with his hands lowered, with a wrinkled and smiling physiognomy, with incorrect timid steps beyond Willar.
    Having held his steps ten, Villarsky stopped.
    "Whatever happens to you," he said, "you must endure everything with courage, if you firmly decided to join our fraternity. (Pierre affirmatively answered heads.) When you hear a knock on the door, you will untie your eyes, "added Villarsky; - I wish you courage and success. And, having shook his hand, Villarsky came out.
    Left alone, Pierre continued to smile. Two times he shrugged his shoulders, brought his hand to the scarf, as if wishing to remove it, and again lowered it. Five minutes, which he stayed with tied eyes, seemed to him an hour. His hands emitted, legs were cut off; It seemed to him that he was tired. He experienced the most complex and diverse feelings. He was terribly the fact that he would happen to him, and even more terrible how he would not show off fear. He was curious to know what would happen to him that he would open; But most of all he was joying that a minute came when he would finally enter the path of renewal and a virtuous life that he had dreamed of his meeting with Osipo Alekseevich. Strong blows heard in the door. Pierre removed the bandage and looked around him. The room was black - dark: only in one place the lamp was burning, in something white. Pierre approached closer and saw that the lamp was standing on the black table, on which one opened book was lying. The book was the Gospel; That white, in which the lamp was burning, was a human skull with his holes and teeth. After reading the first words of the Gospel: "At first, the word and the word be to God," Pierre walked around the table and saw a big, filled with something and outdoor box. It was a coffin with bones. He did not surprise him what he saw. Hoping to join in perfect new life, completely different from the former, he expected all the extraordinary, even more unusual than what he saw. Skull, coffin, gospel - it seemed to him that he expected all this, expected even more. Trying to cause a feeling of a fortune, he looked around himself. "God, death, love, fraternity of people," he said to himself, communicating with these words of vague, but the joyful ideas of something. The door opened, and someone entered.
    With weak light, to which, however, Pierre had already managed to look, a low person entered. Apparently from the light by entering the darkness, this man stopped; Then with careful steps, he moved to the table and put on him small, closed with leather gloves, hands.
    This short man was dressed in a white, leather apron, covered his chest and a part of the legs, on the neck, it was wearing something like a necklace, and because of the necklace, there was a high, white jabor, who focused his oblong face, illuminated from below.
    - Why did you come here? - asked the included, on the rustling made by Pierre, turning to his side. - For what you, who is unbelieving in the truth of light and not seeing the lights, for which you came here, what do you want from us? Wisdom, virtue, enlightenment?
    At that moment, as the door opened up and an unknown person, Pierre experienced a sense of fear and awe like that he in childhood was experiencing to confession: he felt herself with an eye on her eyes with a completely stranger on living conditions and with loved ones, on the fraternity of people, man. Pierre with an exciting breath with a heartbeat moved to the riter (the brother, which is so called in Masonry, who seeks looking for entry into the brotherhood). Pierre, coming closer, found out in the ritis of a familiar man, Smolyaninova, but he was offensive to think that the included person was familiar: only brother and a virtuous mentor was included. Pierre could not distort the words for a long time, so Ritor had to repeat his question.
    "Yes, I ... I ... I want to update," Pierre said hardly.
    "Well," said Smolyaninov, and immediately continued: - Do you have a concept about the funds that our Holy Order will help you in achieving your goal? ... "said Ritor calmly and quickly.
    "I ... I hope ... leadership ... help ... in the update," said Pierre with a voting shake and with difficulty in speech, taking place and from excitement, and from unusual to speak Russian about the abstract items.

    Yacht is a vessel intended for sports or tourism. Varieties of yachts are extremely much. In the world of yachts as many types, sizes, how many tastes, attachments of people. After all, the yacht, being the subject of entertainment, is often a symbol of a dream of a dream. And people very often dream and make dreams in different ways.

    Classifying yachts, first of all, should be divided into motor and sailing yachts. These are yachts from different ideological camps, from various ideas about the dream. And although those and others are ultimately combined by one element, the sea, each of them should speak separately. In this article we will pay attention to the classification of sailing yachts.

    1. Purpose.

    First of all, it is worth splitting sailing yachts according to their main feature, for which they actually build them. By destination. Since the yachts are intended for two main types of entertainment: travel and racing, both yachts, in the first approximation it is necessary to divide exactly that way. Yachts for travel and yachts for racing. Of course, both on those and others can be traveled and chasing, but we are talking about the purpose of the designer laid down. So, first of all, we divide the yachts on:

    • Travel yachts
    Rice1. Racing yacht "Archambault 35" and the usual cruising yacht is the same length - 35 feet

    Travel yachts have a durable, sometimes ducklive design. The task of the designer in this case is to ensure comfort and reliability.

    Racing yachts are designed to win in races. Therefore, less attention is paid to the convenience of the crew and the strength of the stock. Designers, calculating the high qualification of carriages, reduce the weight of the yacht, force the voltage in its nodes to achieve maximum energy-proof. On the other hand, racing yachts are equipped with elements that expand the adjustment range, settings, sails for what would be the yacht quickly in the entire wind range.

    2. Removal from the shore

    By the ability of yachts, you can divide the yachts on those that are intended for swimming near the shore, in the bay, and on those that can perform long-term offline swimming with a significant removal from ports - shelters. That is, the yachts can be divided into:

    • Walking
    • coastal yachts
    • and nautical, that is, cruising yachts.
    Figure 2. Racing yachts: for coastal competitions and races in the open sea

    • Pleasure yachts They have a lightweight design, they do not have significant stocks of water and food for the crew, navigation equipment are designed for the fact that the crew sees and knows the waterfront for walking.
    • Cruising yachts have a solid design capable of carrying supply supply (water fuel, products, etc.). The messenger premises make it possible to fully relax a team. Such yachts are not restricted to remove from the shore.
    • Coastal yachts (Day cruiser) has limited household amenities and a small supply margin, allowing you to spend the day for a walk near the bay.

    3. Number of cases.

    If the width of the case creates stability, then why not expand it as much as possible? Constructors thought about it at one time and began to design wide buildings. Such enclosures have a high initial torque. However, they have a major drawback. Such a housing has a high friction resistance about water and poor seaworthiness. To solve this conflict, multicompute yachts were created: catamarans (two housings) of trimarans (three cases). Despite the fact that the revolution of the multicipasnik, unlike the coup of the killee yacht, is a fatal event, put it back, on the "smooth keel", without any assistance, is impossible, they are very popular. The fact is that a number of constructive measures reduced the risk of a coup of some multicompute yachts, such as cruising, almost to zero.

    Catamarans have two identical narrow long hulls separated on such a distance to ensure greater stability. The resistance of such buildings is significantly less than the housing of the usual yacht, therefore the catamaran on the associated winds, as a rule, develops high speeds than quilted yachts. Cruising catamarans who successfully commit and ocean swimming can have a very high and stroke, and stability.

    Trimarans have three corps: medium (wider than catamarans, but much already than yachts) and two spaced and slightly raised side, very narrow. Side corps are essentially floats providing stability. When rolling, the trimaran comes on the middle case and one of the side. Trimarans got at one time more popularity as cruising yachts. However, trailer trimarans are most widely used, that is, such trimarans that can be transported on a trailer for a passenger car. Thus, by the number of cases, sailing yachts are divided into:

    • Single Phone
    • Multicpus (catamarans and trimarans)
    Figure 4. Single-Power Yacht, Catamaran, Trimaran.

    4. The method of creating stability of single-populated yachts

    Sailing yachts are used to move wind energy. The wind transmits its energy yacht through sails. Sails and sailing arms at all, installed on a yacht, and under the influence of wind (especially when it is directed to the board) seeks to overturn the entire yacht. To create stability, that is, the ability of the yacht is to withstand overturning, there are two main ways. Firstly, with the help of ballastlocated as low as possible in the housing or in a special fin (falsecale). Secondly, with the help the stability of the housingWhen the hull itself, due to its characteristics, primarily the width, creates a hiding, that is, the restorative moment.

    The first way to create stability, that is, with the use of ballast, cylind yachts are used. Thanks to the ballast, the design of the killee yacht has a very stable stability. These yachts are very reliable, because, for example, "forgives" many slip crews and can adapt to various winds - wave conditions. This is a real "hit" in the world of sailing yachts. The dual purpose of the Falekil is the placement of the ballast and the creation of the hydrodynamic force that prevents drift, make these yachts, no many, unique inventions of humanity.

    The second way to create stability, with the help of stability of the form, use yachts in which a submarine wing is a slight, which does not have a ballast. Such a wing is called "Schute", and the yacht with such a wing is called "Schortbot". Schutbty do not have a ballast, and can easily raise the Swvet when approaching shallow water. Also, they actively use the weight of the crew itself. It is moved, depending on the wind conditions in a particular place on one or another board of the yacht, and then they are removed overboard on special suspensions - trapezoids.

    There is an intermediate option. These are the so-called yachts - "Compromises". These yachts have the so-called "heavy" swag. That is, ballast in such a swag is involved in the creation of stability. His weights, however, is not enough, as the weight of the Swute should be such that the crew could raise it quite quickly, for example, when approaching the pier. To create the necessary stability, the "compromises" can also use the weight of the crew or ballast installed in the fixed, lower parts of the housing. Thus, according to the method of creating stability, single-populated yachts can be divided into:

    • Kiley
    • Shutbot
    • Compromises
    Figure 3. Kyl's yacht, wvertbot and compromise.

    5. Case material.

    Yachts can be made from a wide variety of materials. The most common materials: plastic, metal, wood. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. The tree is beautiful, wooden yachts are a real spiritualist history of the owner and its crew. Metal yachts are considered one of the most durable. They are popular where conditions are the most difficult, for example, where to meet ice on a walk - not uncommon. Plastic yachts are the most massive. Mainly due to low operating costs of care for their buildings. Also plastic yachts can be recognized as the easiest in the case of industrial technologies.

    6. Shatu.

    In its destination, and rather, in its own relation, the yacht is the owner, sailing yachts are divided into charters, that is, the yachts intended to extract the profits by the owner and private yachts when the owner builds or acquires a yacht for its own use. Charter yachts usually have the maximum number of cabins that mono placed in the housing. Then the tenant will be able to invite more guests and reduce its yachting costs. A private yacht, as a rule, regardless of size has no more than three cabins. One for the owner and, maximum, two for guests. The number of cabins for the team, if the owner of the yacht suggests such, is not limited.

    7. Sailing arms

    Sailing arms is very diverse. Designers constantly improving it, applying more and more new materials and technologies. Consider them very briefly.

    Single yachts:

    Types of sailing arms using one mast a huge amount, but only one of them, namely the "Bermuda Slut" absolutely dominates in the world of single yachts, moreover, perhaps, even throughout the world yachts.

    Bermuda gate. This is a type of sailing weapon when using the installed mast and standing rigging you can put two main sails. The sail standing in front of the mast is called "Staxel". Stackels are a huge variety. They can have a different shape and size. Need to have a large number of Staxelle is due to the fact that they are weakly adjustable, configured for use under various wind conditions.

    The Stackels differ in the density of the material (the more denser the material, the more difficult conditions it is calculated) and in size of the lower chamber (edges) of the sail. Stakes are distinguished with a short bottom macator, which is not set for mast and "Genoese" Stayseli, these are such stakes that "enter the mast. On the mast anterior macarpecker, the second sail is attached. It is called" Grotto ". The grotto is regulated in a wide range of winds and usually Does not require shift when changing wind parameters or yacht courses.

    There are a Bermud's gate with "top" and "fractional" weapons. Fractional armament is called such armament of the Bermuda gate, when the front cable, fastening the mast ("Forestha" or simply "Stag") attached to the top (top) mast

    Two-volume yachts:

    Two-volume yachts are distinguished by a huge variety of sailing weapons. We give only a few of them.

    - It has a major front mast ("grotto mast") and a much smaller rear mast ("Bizan Machta"). The Bizan Mast Yola does not create a pulling force, and Liha only balancing the yacht. This quality of Yola is very in demand in recent weather, when the main sails are greatly reduced ("secure") or on an anchor parking, when the work of the sail standing on the bizan - the mast significantly reduces the burden of anchor.

    - Compared to Yol, there has a bizan mast, commensurate with the grotto in size. Thus, the cord is involved in the creation of thrust. This type of sailing weapons is also very practical in recent weather. Especially loved by the owners of yachts, which are in old age, when the strength to work with one huge mast and large sails are not enough. It is already easier for them to disseminate the total sailty area of \u200b\u200bthe yacht into two similar masts. To then, this option significantly increases the overall reliability of the yacht

    - This type of weapons can be considered obsolete, since its massive application was once based on the technologies that allowed to detect the largest mast - "grotto", only in the widest place of the corps. From the point of view of aerodynamic efficiency, it is illogical, it is possible to say even an erroneous decision, since most of the sails on the biggest mast, on the grotto, they begin to work in the wind shadow of the front mast. The front mast in this case is called "Fock Mast". More or less armament of the type "schooner" is justified only on the passing winds.

    However, if you need to stylize the yacht under the old days, which is often quite justified, or to arm it as it is special, then why not! Your romantic dreams - what is not a reason for incarnation in sailing arms!


    So, we can classify sailing yachts on a variety of parameters:

    1. Appointment (racing, yachts for travel)
    2. Ability to remove from the shore (pleasure, cruising)
    3. The number of hulls (one case, multicompute)
    4. Status (charter - private)
    5. Case material (plastic, wood, metal, armotcement)
    6. Sailing armament (Bermuda Slut, Yol, Kech, Schoon, etc.)
    7. And single-populated yachts can be divided by a method for creating an aligning moment (kille, wvertbotes, compromises). Considering that this is not a complete list, thus, from all the variety of yachts, you can always choose or design such a yacht that most accurately suits your request.

    Yacht is a ship with oblique sails. Ships of this type are the most different: without mast developing speed in 40 nodes, it can be a giant cruise ship Height in several floors and cost hundreds of millions of dollars or a modest single-way vessel. So what is the yacht? According to modern ideas, the yacht is a vessel on which you can play sports or use it for tourist purposes and rest.

    Classification Yachts.

    Such ships are divided into many varieties based on their size, method of movement or material from which the ship is manufactured. Modern yachts are not made in the old manner - from wood. For their production, the latest materials are now used: in particular - heavy-duty plastics. Yachts are vessels equipped with everything necessary for autonomous sailing: water cleaners, satellite navigators, radio stations and security tools.

    By way of movement, sailing, motor and sailing ships of this type are distinguished.

    Sailing yachts

    They consist of a hull and sailing snap. All they need to move through water spaces: associated wind and competent steering. It is clear that the sailing yacht will not be able to compete in speed with the motor, and the direction of the wind is not always passing. However, this is historically the first type of yacht, these yachts are still popular. They are cheaper than motor and sailing and motor fellow. Nevertheless, they have no restrictions on fuel reserves, so the whole world is open before them. By the way, the sale of yachts is on the link.

    Sailing ships in turn are divided into cruising and racing. The basis for the division is the appointment of the vessel, the construction of its corps.

    Racing yachts of this type are intended for sailing regatta in limited marine or river water areas. They are easy enough, do not have a solid stock of strength and special domestic amenities. Cruising yachts are vessels with a solid design, a wide range of amenities, because they are intended for long-term autonomous cruising swimming in the distance from the bases.

    Sailing and motor yachts

    The combination of power plant and sails is a conscious choice of many people lovers in sea travel. It is clear that the engine plays a minor role in this layout, and in the presence of wind, of course, the sail will be used primarily. However, it is undoubtedly useful in swimming in difficult weather conditions or for maneuvers at an absolute calm.

    From the point of view of logistics, for this type of courts, some fuel reserves will be needed, but compared with the requirements for motor yachts, these reserves can be insignificant. Yet the first place will be the sail.

    Motor yachts

    Having one or two internal combustion engines, motor vessels develop unattainable for sailing ships Speed. Moreover, the engine is on board this and also increased comfort. And due to the presence of a motor on the vessel, it is possible to place many livelihood systems. These yachts can be of various sizes, to achieve several tens of meters in length. On board they can have cabins and air conditioning salons. They are mobile, capable of swimming in shallow water and completely independent of weather conditions. The cost of such vessels is significantly higher and can reach astronomical sums. Also worth forget about the price of fuel and its large expenditures.

    Sizes of such ships

    There is clearly dividing yachts by body size. Courts up to 10 meters long mainly serve for small walks for minor distances. They have modest cabins and a limited list of amenities on board.
    Courts from 10 to 18 meters are most in demand all over the world. These yachts allow you to move at considerable distances, make outputs to the open sea. As a rule, they have the appropriate level of comfort.
    Ships up to 24 meters have an increased level of comfort. On their board, it is possible to place a variety of additional systems and devices. However, with their control it is impossible to cope on their own. A small and experienced team will be required.

    Court more than 24 meters are considered extra-class yachts. Swimming on them apartments are comparable to accommodation in hotels of the highest category. On such vessels for the comfort of their owners, there are pools, mini-golf courses, saunas and hydromassage baths, helicopter sites. And the number of team members and service personnel can reach two dozen people.

    These yachts are classified and in the design of the case. The main options are: traditional one-cub, catamaran, trimaran. As can be seen from the names, the number of buildings in such vessels can reach three (in trimaran).
    The advantages of the hull consisting of several parts: higher vessel stability, large useful area and, accordingly, more possibilities To accommodate amenities.

    The disadvantage is deterioration of manageability in difficult weather conditions.

    Holidays on the yacht - the cheapest pleasure. Everyone dreams of having such an island of salvation, where you can float away from everyday problems and just relax. But such a hobby, in addition to large material costs and time, requires even considerable skills. Without knowledge of the device, the yacht will not float. Sailors - people are pretty inventive. They came up with their name to each element. Therefore, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with special terminology. In this article you can find a lot useful information On the device of the yacht and other important points.


    Swimming media should differ from each other. Yacht classes are determined depending on what characteristics they have. They can differ significantly from each other. The most significant characteristics can be considered:

    • Length. From her depend on the challenges of the vessel. What it is longer, the faster it can move. This is especially true for sports yachts.
    • Width. This factor affects speed and stability. The wider the ship, the calmer it behaves on the water and slowly moves (due to the large water resistance). Wide yachts are usually done for walking in the sea and the ocean, as high waves may arise in such places.
    • Sediment. Yachts with a little precipitate worse than taking. They also have less stability - the ability to resist the roll and return to the past position.
    • Height of the side. It is important for those swimming facilities that go to the sea. The higher the board, the big waves He can withstand.
    • Displacement. The yachts with a great figure cope with unpleasant weather conditions, but due to their severity they are less than maneuverable.
    • Sailing. Affects the speed of movement. The higher it is, the more the vessel receives energy from the wind, so moving faster.

    Classification by the presence of sails

    Yachts differ in each other. The main one is considered the presence or absence of a sail. If it is not, then such a yacht moves due to the engine and is called motor. There is something else between them. Such a yacht has a sail, but in the case of which it can take advantage of the additional power of the engine.

    By destination

    They are divided into racing and cruising. The first type is designed for sports. They must comply with certain standards. Their main characteristics are sailness and weight. From this the maximum possible speed depends. This yacht has nothing superfluous. Therefore, it is unlikely to call it. Racing models are needed only to overcome distances at maximum speed.

    Cruising yachts are a completely different matter. They are designed for walking with great comfort. They are equipped with everything necessary for have a nice rest. Cruising yachts can accommodate quite a lot of people. You can live on it not one day. Modern vessels equipped with a powerful engine can develop a good speed. So on such models, you can also ride with the breeze.

    For long around the world travel The racing and cruising yachts are best. They have a minimum set in order to survive in the sea. In addition, they are fairly fast. It is on such yachts that "Volvo Flight" is held - the famous round-the-world race.

    By seaportity

    Also classified by where the ship is swimming. There are marine and river yachts. They differ from each other design. Swimming remedies calculated for movement in the sea should be more resistant to external influences, as severe storms are there. Therefore, their design is usually wider, and the sediment is greater than that of freshwater yachts. For the latter, such good stability is not needed.

    By type of hull

    Standard models are one-contact vessel. But besides them there are still catamarans and trimarans. The latter possess their qualities that help with long swimming.

    Design Yachty

    The main part of each swimming agent is the case. It is divided into 3 parts:

    • Nasal.
    • Middle.
    • Feed.

    One of the important parts of the case is keel. At his end is always boulevard. This is a special thickening, where the main weight of Kiel is located. It is necessary for the center of gravity to be as low as possible. So the ship becomes more radiant. The more heavier than the keel, the better the yacht copes with external influences. Never stand about him forget, because they can be stranded.

    Also under water, in addition to keel, there is also a feather steering wheel. This is an important element of the yacht device, because with the help of it, controls. The steering wheel itself is connected to the baller and the head of the steering wheel. Through them is passed through the steering pen, and the yacht turns.

    Top of the housing

    The first thing to pay attention is called a yacht deck. This is such a horizontal surface that distinguishes the upper and inner space. There may be several of them. Their task is to divide the space inside the yacht. There are several types: residential, battery, cargo deck. Each can be intended for different purposes.

    The upper deck must completely cover the entire top of the yacht. It serves as a waterproof barrier. It is important for the strength of the ship. On the deck there are a lot of important elements of the yacht device. They also need to become familiar with them.

    At the very beginning there is a nasal railing. This is one of the elements of the fence present on the yacht. This is a rigid design made of metal. From him along the entire body go Leorer. This is also an element of fence. But only they are made of iron cable. During the storm, insurance is usually attached to them. Ends all the stern rawing.

    On the deck there are hatches. They lead inside the yacht. Through them you can get to the bottom deck. With strong wind and the waves are treated, so water can not get inside.

    A large superstructure, which can be immediately noticed, is called logging. There are various devices that make up the control system and navigation of the ship. For good review There are portholes installed.

    Deck is just the top of the ship. And then the place for which people walk are, called the sweep. It is usually done from wood or metal. It is often covered with a special non-slip coating.

    One of the most important places at the top of the case is a cockpit. People get here as soon as they climb on board. This is the place where the passengers and crew members are located. There is also the post of steering along with the helm.

    Sailing arms

    Thanks to such a device, the yacht can only move on the strength of the wind and without the help of the motor. There are a lot of things here and other nuances. The device of sailing yacht is pretty complex. Therefore, it must be pretty sortied in it. This system consists of several parts:

    • Sails.
    • Rankout.
    • Rigging.

    Bermuda type is usually applied. This is when two triangular sails are mounted in front and rear. They are called Staxel and Grotto. The main element of the device of the sailing yacht is the rabno. This is a system that in the aggregate creates a frame and the base of fastening for sails. One of the parts of the mast is a mast. It also includes sheets, calm, gic and more. The top of the mast is called the top. Lower, in turn, spur. It ends in the keel part of the ship and relies on the steppad.

    Roblage is all tackles that are attached to the rabstock. Thanks to them, savs are controlled. Among them are the elements moving and standing (which are simply fixed).

    Motor yachts

    This type of swimming facilities have no sailing equipment. They are moving due to the energy of the engines. This kind of yacht is the most expensive. It is intended for the elite. And this is not just like that. Motor yachts have some of their own positive sidesthat make them more attractive.

    The first thing I would like to mention is the speed. Still, the power of the engine is much larger than that of the wind. Therefore, such models will be more quick. If you need to quickly overcome a large distance on the water or just ride "with the breeze", then the motor vessels will be preferred. Modern yachts can develop speed up to 40 nautical miles per hour. Pretty well, if we assume that it is approximately 70 kilometers per hour.

    Motor yachts are rented or purchased by WP-Persons. Therefore, most often they come along with professional personnel, which guarantees high-quality service and safety on the yacht.

    Another advantage is the comfort, which is inherent only in this class. The yachts with engines most often have special stabilizers that do not rush so much. This means that the pitch will not be as noticeable.


    Man always sought more. Yachts - no exception. With his desire, engineers were able to create mega-yachts. Every year such vessels are awarded the Neptune Prize. To get into it, they must be at least 30 meters in length.

    SAMI big Yacht Wears the proud name "Azzam". It has a length of 180 meters. Its cost is 609 million dollars. Despite its colossal sizes, it can move at a speed of up to 30 knots. And this is for such bullfight a lot.

    Before the "Azmen", the yacht "Eclipse" of the famous entrepreneur Roman Abramovich was its size - 162.5 meters. She cost the owner of almost 800 million dollars. This is one of the most expensive yachts in the world.

    The third place in the list is "Dubai". Its length is 160 meters, and the price is 350 million dollars.


    (eng.). A small vessel used for entertainment marine trips.

    (Source: "A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language." Chudinov A.N., 1910)

    (English.) A small ship serving for entertainment. sea walking.

    (Source: "A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language." Pavlenkov F., 1907)

    english yacht, goal. Jakt, Dansk. Jagt, from him. Jagen, chant, hunt. Singleless ship for walking.

    (Source: "Explanation of 25,000 foreign words included in Russian, with their roots." Mikhelson A.D., 1865)

    a small sailing ship for walking by sea.

    (Source: "A full dictionary of foreign words included in Russian." Popov M., 1907)


    (from the Gall. Jacht), sailing, sailing and engine or motor vessel for water sports And walks. Sports sailing yachts are distinguished by the construction of the housing, savage sails, the presence of a keel or a swag. Sea yachts make with constant ballast keels.

    S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov explanatory dictionary of the Russian language



    Yacht, s, g.

    1. Large and easy sports sailing boat. Olympic yachts (Nose-ry types of scrembots, killey yachts, catamarans).

    2. A small ship for walking, sports. Motor me.

    | arr. yacht,y ,y and yacht,y ,y. Yacht keel. Yacht club (yacht Club).

    See also: