Pegasus tourist combined tours in Jordan. Jordan

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We always show the final cost of the tour, which may vary with the update, but it is entirely dependent on the tour operator. The price of the tour is usually included: hotel accommodation, flight to stay and back, transfer from the airport to the hotel and back, medical insurance. Additionally, fuel fees can be added - it depends on the airline you choose. If you want to improve the conditions of your travel, for example, order a business class flight, you will also need to pay extra for that.

How much is a trip to rest with a child? Are there any discounts on children?

It depends on the hotel and airline. In most cases, hotels and airlines request a smaller amount for rest with children, but it is always individually. There are several age groups of children, in our system you can enter the age of the child and the system will give you the final cost, taking into account all discounts. For babies, only the boarding pass and insurance are usually paid.

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We accept Visa International Systems, Maestro and MasterCard (Classic, Gold, Platinum, World and Others) and other types (debit, credit, virtual, prepaid) of all banks.

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Of course, you can pay the tour to your card, as well as make your data or third parties. At the same time, do not forget to notify tourists about conditions and changes in travel.

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About Jordania

The capital of Jordan:
Amman (Amman)
Geography of Jordan:
Jordan is a country in the Middle East. In the north, it borders with Syria, in the East - with Iraq, in the West - with Israel, in the south and south-east - with Saudi Arabia. The small portion of the southern border of the country is washed by the waters of the Ababian Bay of the Red Sea.
Time in Jordan lags behind Moscow for 1 hour (GMT / UTC +2).

general information

Rest in Jordania
If you are looking for a calm beach rest, then you here! In Jordan, at this time of the year of tourists, much less than, let's say, in the same Egypt, and tours in Jordan are about the cheaper of the ocean exotic. At any time of the year there is something to see and what to do, the number of attractions in this country just shook! Hotels are distinguished by enviable for the Middle East by the service, and the local population is very friendly and friendly. Rest in Jordan is a comfortable and memorable vacation!
Citizens of Russia can get a visa upon arrival in the country, paying approximately $ 28 and presenting a passport, which expires no earlier than 6 months after the end of the planned trip. Normal tourist visa Restricts stay in Jordan thirty days, but after this period in case you need to stay in the country, you can contact the police station or to the representative of the tourist travelers to extend the visa.
Jordan hotels are mostly distinguished by a worthy service. The service personnel of hotels owns conversational English, and in some hotels there is even Russian-speaking staff.
Leisure In Jordan, capital and filled with local flavor. For example, here you can repeat the path of the Roman Emperor Adrian from the north to the south of Jordan on SUVs, driving in the biblical cities and the fortresses of legionnaires. Another entertainment is to travel within a caravan to the east of the country for a whole week, stopping every night on some new place, or a trip along the very edge of the desert by train of the First World War. Here you can also soar over the deserts of Wadi-Ram on Paraglider or hot-air balloon. For sports amateurs in Jordan in the tourist entertainment menu, there is equestrian, golf, paintball. Also organized hiking into the mountains.
Lovers excursion holidays They will not have to miss Jordan too. One of the most popular attractions of the country is the ancient city of Peter, founded in the first 1st millennium BC. e. Visit the resort Aqaba follows all dinner lovers, as the resort stands on the banks of the Red Sea, famous for its underwater wealth. Also that's a good place For shopping lovers, as Aqaba is in the duty-free trade zone. And between Petro and Aqaba, the amazing desert of Wadi-Rama spread. This place combines the architectural creations of the natural forces - the wind and the Sun - in the form of canyons, wells and unique arches, as well as man-made human art - fashionable paintingrelated to ancient times - These drawings more than four thousand years!

State device
Jordan - Arab State in the Middle East. It borders with Syria in the north, Iraq - in the northeast, with Saudi Arabia - in the East and South, with Israel and Palestinian autonomy - in the West. Jordan shares with Israel and the Palestinian autonomy coastline of the Dead Sea and Aqaba Bay with Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
About 90% occupy deserts and semi-deserts.
Tourists attract the beaches and coral reefs of the Bay of Aqaba in Jordan, the dead sea and one of the new seven wonders of the world - Peter.

Official language - Arabic. But most of the population speaks to one degree or another english language.

Geographical position
State in the Middle East. In the north, it borders with Syria, in the East - with Iraq, in the West - with Israel, in the south and south-east - with Saudi Arabia. The small portion of the southern border of the country is washed by the waters of the Ababian Bay of the Red Sea.
Most of the country occupy stony and sandy deserts framed low mountains and plogramme highs up to 1500 m. Only a small area of \u200b\u200bthe territory in the north-west of the country (Wpadina Ghore or El Mountains), as well as a narrow strip along Dead Sea, suitable for farming. In the central and southern regions, the deserts and mountain semi-deserts prevail, in which there are occasional oasis occasions. SAMI high Point Countries - G. Jebel-Ram (1754 m.) It is located in the south of the country, the lowest on the coast of the Dead Sea (about 400 m. below sea level). The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is about 89.2 thousand square meters. km. Capital - Amman.

The climate in Jordan is a subtropical Mediterranean and continental, very dry.
The average temperatures of January from + 8 ° C to + 14 ° C, July - from + 28 ° C to + 40 ° C. At the same time, regardless of the time of year, the difference between day and night temperatures can reach 30 ° C or more, so nights are cool enough.
The precipitation falls from 100 to 700 mm per year, and quite unevenly. In the summer of precipitation, there is practically no, since November and April, in the north-west of the country there are plentiful rains, the eastern areas get precipitations noticeably less.
In the south of the country, in the Akab Bay area, a special microclimate was formed - there is always a little hot and land here than in the north.

Jordanian currency - Dinar (JOD), equal to 100 piastra and 1000 phils. In the circulation of banknotes with a par value of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 dinars and coins in 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 25 and 100 dinar. Fils have almost existed, but coins in 5, 10, 25, 100, 250 and 500 filses still have limited walking.
Banks and currency exchange are operated from 08.30 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 17.30 from Saturday to Thursday (cash registers are usually closed at 12.30). During Ramadan, most banks only work from 08.30 to 10.00, although some large banks are open and after lunch.
Calculation of goods and services usually occurs in dinars, foreign currency is practically not accepted for payment. Money can be exchanged at the airport, hotels, banks and specialized exchange offices. Credit cards and traveler checks are accepted only in large tourist centers, in hotels, tickets for the sale of tickets and large stores (most common American Express and Visa are accepted almost everywhere, Dinners Club is distributed less widely, MasterCard card cashing is also often difficult, so it is better not to use them). In the inner areas of the country pay credit cards almost impossible. British Bank of the Middle East takes Evroge. Commission for cash checks is usually 5 dinar regardless of the amount.

The kingdom of Jordan is a country for family travel, attracting tourists fashionable resorts On the coasts of the Dead and Red Seas, as well as unique architectural and historical monuments.

Facts about Jordania

Jordan does not distinguish with a large number of sea resorts, but those beaches that are in the kingdom are true natural phenomenonAnd in accordance with this status enjoy incredible popularity among tourists around the world.

All Jordan's beaches are under the protection of the kingdom and have a very high status in the global environmental rating.

Popular resort towns

The resorts of Aqaba and Amman, the coast of the Dead Sea are the most popular among tourists from all over the world.

Aqaba - one of their younger resorts of Jordan with luxurious beach and good conditions for relax. In Amman, which is very different from the standard of Middle Eastern cities, tourists are attracted not only by the beaches, but also an amazing symbiosis of Muslim conservatism and European comfort with the attributes inherent attributes - fashionable cafes and restaurants, art galleries, a secular life.


The most popular destination of tourism in Jordan is a sightseeing.

The brightest landmark of the Kingdom of Jordan is the unique historical complex of Peter - the ancient capital of the Nabatie kingdom, which is protected by UNESCO, and recognized as one of the new seven wonders of the world. Chopped right in the rocks dilapidated ancient city It fascinates monumentality and mystical beauty. Today, Peter is visited by millions of tourists.

No less interesting attractions for tourists as:

  • wadi-Rama desert
  • karaksky Castle - Ancient Bastion Crusaders;
  • canyon Sik (Peter);
  • the Baptism of Jesus Christ (Madaba Muhafaz);
  • Small Peter Sik Al Barid (Peter)
  • Silk tomb;
  • Corinth Tomb (Peter);
  • Palace Tomb (Peter);
  • al Deir Monastery (Peter);
  • Roman Amphitheater (Amman);
  • Acropolis (Jarash);
  • Aneisho tomb (Peter);
  • Artemis Temple (Jarash);
  • Zeus Temple (Jarash);
  • Byzantine Church (Peter);
  • Rock "Seven Pillars" (Aqaba).

National Mentalitet

The Arabs are peculiar hierarchy of values, respect for traditions, unconditional patriarchy. Simultaneously with such features of the national mentality, the Arabs are characterized by emotionality and arrogance.

Price level

Call resorts and excursion routes in Jordan available to a wide range of tourists who want to visit the kingdom would be a delicacy. Jordan is a country for tourists, with a level of income from the middle and above.

Medium check:

  • on the morning coffee with a croissant in a cafe - 400-450 rubles;
  • lunch (of three dishes) in a restaurant for 1 person - 1800-2000 rubles;
  • dinner in a bistro for 1 person - 750-850 rubles;

Prices for goods in local supermarket networks:

  • bread - 20-25 rubles;
  • cheese (for 1 kg) - 450 - 800 rubles;
  • chicken fillet - 340-380 rubles;
  • oranges (for 1 kg) - 85-90 rubles;
  • apples (for 1 kg) - 120-160 rubles;
  • potatoes (for 1 kg) - 70-75 rubles;
  • beer (0.5 l) - 230-300 rubles;
  • putting cigarettes - 150-280 rubles.


  • in public transport - 40 rubles;
  • in a taxi - 37 rubles per 1 km;
  • 1 l gasoline - 50 rubles.

Excursions and entertainment (per person):

  • Peter - 8000-8500 rubles,
  • Wadi-Ram - 3100-3200 rubles,
  • Dead Sea - 8500-8700 rubles,
  • By sacred place - 5700-5900 rubles;
  • diving - 4000-5000 rubles (one dive)
  • paragolding - 8000-10000 rubles one flight.

Arabic cuisine

Arabic cuisine is distinguished by an abundance of meat, and dishes, based on rice, vegetables and acutely sweet spices.

Recipes of traditional Arabic dishes combined the tastes of various countries of the East - Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, therefore differ not only by the variety of flavors, but also the variety of components. The recipes are widely used nuts, dried fruits, as well as traditional spices and seasonings - cinnamon, garlic, black and red pepper, aromatic herbs.

Climate and spa season

The climate in Jordan is mixed - subtropical Mediterranean and sharp continental.

The best time to visit the seaside resorts and the coast of the Dead Sea is spring and autumn. The rest of the time there are plentiful rains (in winter) or worth the bottom of the heat (in summer).

What kind of vacation to choose?

There are no options for a wide choice in Jordan. But if you still want to visit this unique country, the infrastructure that is currently available for tourists and the level of service will delight you with their level. Of the existing suggestions, you can prefer:

1. For family holidays:

    beaches Amman, Aqaba and the Dead Sea, where, in addition to ordinary beach entertainment, tourists will be offered interesting excursions

    reserves, parks,

    unusual sports complexes where imitators of famous high-speed trails, mountain rises, water pools are equipped;

2. Leisure for middle and older tourists:

  • excursion tours in Peter, Aqaba, Madabu;
  • unique historical places - Gerash, the ruins of the ancient city, preserved since the Roman Empire;
  • Peter - an extraordinary city, cut down in a rock;
  • Baptism of Jesus Christ, and others;

3. For lovers of outdoor activities:

  • tours on the Red Sea coast, where several modern diving centers are equipped;
  • tracking routes on Canyon Main Zarka;
  • extreme tour;
  • auto racing in Wadi Ram.

Jordan - this is a new direction Pegas Touristik. It is attractive for tourists who prefer to combine beach format with cognitive-sightseeing and medical.

Tours Pegasus Tourist in Jordan - This is not only a useful and exciting pastime, but also a unique, tourist destination.

The Jordanian land keeps a huge number of reserved places of the ancient cities and biblical monuments.

The Jordanian Hashemite Kingdom is a country of fascinating beauty, whose secret is in bright contrasts.

Rest in Jordania much cheaper than in neighboring Israel, and his chief resort Aqaba is close to Eilat on the coast of the same Red Sea.

One of the wonders of Jordan is the Wadi Rama desert, the most amazing desert in the world, which amazes the imagination with its unique landscapes: High rocks and endless plains. In the desert, many archaeological sites are scattered: from the ruins of nonolithic times to the castles of the princes from the Omeyad dynasty. And the largest gem in the crown of Jordan, who glorified him to the whole world is the pink-red city of Peter, embedded in the rocks near the town of Wadi Moussa. This architectural masterpiece It was built even more than two thousand years ago, and today UNESCO has been made to the list of objects of world cultural heritage.

Russian embassy
Embassy of the Russian Federation in Jordan:
Address: (22) Zahran St. 3rd Circle, Jabal Amman
Phone: (+9626) - 464-11-58 / 464-12-29
Fax: (+9626) - 464-74-48
E-mail: [email protected]
The Consular Section:
Address: Jabal Amman - 4th Circle, Ahmad Toukan St.
Phone: (+9626) - 568-25-09
Fax: (+9626) - 568-25-10

Jordan - Arab pearl, unknown and mysterious. This is a small kingdom in the Middle East, bordering Israel and Palestine. The capital of the country is the ancient city of Amman. Despite low popularity in comparison with Egypt, the rest in Jordan appreciates lovers of combinations of true oriental culture, a variety of historical attractions and a warm, beautiful Red Sea. The territorial location is unique - the country also owns a part of the famous Dead Sea. Salty water And the clean air of this source has healing properties.

When it is better to go

When buying trips to Jordan, you need to take into account the nature of the country's climate during the year. For rest on the Red Sea, the most favorable months are: March, April, October and November. In winter, the resorts are quite cool (the average daytime temperature: 15 ° C), and in the summer there is a tedious heat (35-40 ° C). Therefore, tours in Jordan in the offseason is the best choice.

The cost of a ticket depends on the time of year, the duration of the rest, the class of the hotel and the type of power included in the package. On average, all inclusive tours are from 30-35 thousand rubles per person for 7 nights with double placement.

See also: