Ay-Petri Mountain Plateau Ai-Petri: Winter Sports and Mountain Tourism. What will ai-Petri plateau look like after reconstruction (photo)


What is Ai-Petri? It is difficult to answer this question to one or two sentences, it is even harder to describe the manyness of this mountain range, where every tract surprises, and admires. Pulling with climbers and climbers, tourists and excursions, speleologists and skiers, foresters and meteorologists, mushrooms and forest berries - everyone will tell about their own, but even folded together these fragments will not give ideas about Ai-Petri, until you visit its vertex.

Ai-Petri is a vertex and a mountain range with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 300 km2, one of the cutlery arrays (they are also called eggs) stretched along Southern Shore Crimea and components of the main mining ridge. Ai-Petrinsky array extends from East to West to 25 minutes. The distance between its southern heating and the northern foot of more than 13 km. The conditioned eastern border passes through the Meridian of the Mountain of Rock, separating the array from the neighboring Yalta Yayla. In the west of Ai-Petri ends deep saddles Baidar gate..

However, most often the tourists remember not an array as a whole, but one of its vertices with a frequency of exotic stone pillars, called the teeth. This vertex is far nailed to the south of the arrays and there is Ai-Petri, which has given the name of the entire plateau and has become a symbol of the South Coast.

The highest point of the entire array is rock mountain with an absolute mark of 1346 meters above sea level, a little less (1320 meters) Mount Quail (Benedhe-Kyr). The same Ai-Petri mountain is much lower - its height is 1231 meters above sea level.

Throughout everything, the mountain range looks south, towards the sea, formidably rock walls: where is strictly sheer, where they are stupid, but everywhere is difficult to access. Rare passes through which a person else in ancient times laid the trails and TV roads, and now serve the passages from the southern shore to the plateau.

The northern slopes of the array are not so cool, they are completely covered with broadband forests.

Small arrays of the Boyhead and Sedam-Kay are nominated to the north. Separate their kokokozka river. Many other rivers and streams run away from Petri. From its northern slopes, the docks of the cocoks flow: Auzun-Uzen and Sarah-Uzen, from Western Rivers: Baga, Urkstauzundja, from which the black river is born - the most long-water in Crimea. In the upper reaches of one of the left nameless tributaries, Uzundzhi is a tract of the Karadagsky forest. The rivers of the southern slope are short and low-water in the summer - are stormy and dangerous in the flood. Hundreds of spring feed these rivers and among them the largest in the Crimea - Source Source.

In the south of sea Shore Snow-white houses of Beauty Yalta are rising in the mountains. From the top of the array on a clear day, the villages of Gaspra, OreandaForoshinezimi-rolling bay, the city of Alupka ... In the West, in the Baidar Valley, lie the eagle, PodgogornodnikoeroszoszhankanovskOVOBROVSKIY WEAT ... at the foot of the northern slopes in dense gardens, climbing with the forest, can hardly see the village of Polyana, Sokolinomnogoree ... and only in the East, where Ai-Petri borders with another mountain massif - Yalta, no villages.

The southern cliffs of the Ai-Petrinsky massif and its northern germination slopes are very picturesque, but there is no charming panorama of the southern shore, opening from the top. It is difficult to find Krymchanina, who at least once in his life did not meet the sunrise on Ai-Petri. The right, for the sake of this moment, when the fireball of the sun seems to pop up from the dark blue sea bunch, it is worth climbing this height.

The mountain Crimea, which we see it now, formed for a relatively short gap of geological time - approximately 1.5 - 2 million years.

A more or less reliably known geological history of the mountain Crimea, including Ai-Petri, starting from the end of the triad period (about 200th of millions of years ago). At that time, the territory of the current Crimean Peninsula covered the water of the ancient Ocean Tethys, which existed for most of the history globe (before the unaware period). In the latitudinal direction, the ocean stretched through the southern outskirts of the Eurasian mainland, the region of modern mediterranean Sea And the extreme north-west of Africa.

Over the past 200 million years, the sushi section on which Ai-Petri is located, was repeatedly outlined from under the sea level, and then exogenous forces were actively destroyed, and then divened under the level of the sea. The depth of dive was different, depending on her at the bottom of the reservoir, either ils and sands were postponed, converted into clay and sandstones, or lime ily, turned into limestone. Sometimes, with a significant raising of the closely located sushi and shallow pool itself, the land is actively blurred and huge masses of pebbles were taken to the pool. Cemented by sea precipitation, they were transformed into conglomerates.

150 - 160 million years ago volcanoes actively acted in the vicinity of Ai-Petri, the remains of them can be seen near the villages of Melas and Foros.

During the numerous raising and lowering of the earth's crust, marine precipitations, which turned under the severity of the overlying sediments into the layers of rocks, were repeatedly crushed, crackled and moved. Naturally, the ancient rock, the stronger they are deployed (violated). Plastic rocks - clays with sandstone layers - bent into bizarre folds, more durable - limestone, conglomerates - burst into separate blocks. Some blocks of the mighty forces of the earthly subsoil moved to a large distance. In the Crimea, in particular, on Ai-Petri, such movements reaches a kilometer in the vertical direction and several kilometers in a horizontal one.

The most ancient breeds, categories of Ai-Petri, can be seen in the Valley of the Kokokozka River in the cliffs over the road, which leads from Bakhchisaraya through a falconian in Yalta. These folds of the river valley are consisting of rhythmically translating rocks of the Tauride series - sandstone, aleurolites, argillites painted in different colors. Above the breed of Tauride formation is the breed of the middle Yura (as they are younger). These are the same overpowered clays that are overlapped with sandstones, rocks resembling "layer pie", geologists are called Flishe. For the appearance of the Flush, the Taurisal formation differs little from the Middle Yura Flish, however, they are placed relatively weaker and curved in a more gentle fold.

The rocks of the Tauride series and the middle Yura are found the founding of the Ai-Petrinsky massif. Limestone limestone. The contact line passes at various absolute marks, but basically does not exceed 500 - 600 meters. Only in one place (in the tract, Fish-Tene), the fluchery rocks are pushed by underground forces to a height of 1000 - 1100 meters on the surface of the plateau.

In the mountainous Crimea there are already about one and a half million years and on the surface and deeply in the depths of the mountains are imperceptible to the active processes of the kurst, leading to the formation of various in the magnitude and shape of the funnels, boilers and caves. On the Ai-Petrinsky massif, three karst areas are distinguished: the West Ai-Petrinsky Karst region, located between the Baidar gate pass and the vertex of Murdwen-Kayasi; Central, occupying the middle of the array between the vertices of Murden-Kayasi and AT-Bash; East, lying between the tops of the AT-Bash and Rock. The central Ai-Petrinsky district is most intense. There were 218 underground cavities and more than 1330 karst funnels. In total, on Ai-Petri 302 underground karst cavities (caves, wells, shafts), of which 12 were declared monuments of the nature of local importance: Skilskaya, KrystalivlyamyadskoyeznoyeMyskoryamyMadnayaCyudührudruzbayophysicalCasket and Danilcha Coba.

If the career is dominated on the vertex part of the plateau, then below, at the foot of the slopes - landslide, rock-rod and selene processes. The landslides are formed in any mountains, especially where the geological situation contributes to this. In Crimea, the conditions for the formation of landslides are favorable, so 452 landslides were recorded only on the South Bank slopes, of which 112 are active. At the foot of Ai-Petri, you can see a lot of large and small landslides, nine of them are the main: Malasky, ChernobugorvskyMuhalatskyChuk-KoiskyKeneisovskyDolomiShukurlensky.

Along with a loose material down the slope slide and very large limestone blocks, broken from the majority of rocks, - refrigerants. Among their softer rocks, they look like pictorial rocks. Mogabi's mountains include Mogabi mountains in Yalta, a cross in Alupka, a cat in Simeiz and many others.

The climate of ah-petri is distinguished by a sharp contrast. The average annual air temperature on Ai-Petri + 5.9 ° C. In the mountains in the same month, the average daily temperature may be the most different. On Ai-Petri in January it happens + 11.4 ° C ... -20.4 ° C, in February + 11.5 ° C ... -26.5 ° C, and in August + 27,1 ° C ... -2,\u003e. The warmest month on Yaylas - July, less often - August. The average temperature of July is 15.6 ° C, but the maximum is significantly higher - it reaches 32 ° C. The coldest month is February, average temperature It is -3.8 ° C.

40% of precipitation on the Ai-Petrinsky plateau falls in the form of rain, 60% - in the form of snow. On average, 1052 mm of precipitation drops on Ai-Petri (in Yalta only 635), and only in January 160 mm. Sustainable snow cover holds from mid-December to March. Due to the thaws on whiten areas, the snow is completely 50-70% several times during the cold period of time.

The duration of the daylight on Ai-Petri is large - 2325 hours.

And unwanted nature whims here, although they are inconvenience and danger, but still - the phenomena are still short-term.

Crossing Ai-Petri from the south to the north or in the opposite direction, even a non-specialist displays a certain pattern in the distribution of vegetation: the slopes are dressed in forests, meadow-steppe vegetation dominates the plateau. Yayla is striking with wide expanses of open spaces with rare curtains of trees and shrubs. Unlike other Crimean Yai, Ai-Petrinskaya has natural forest arrays along the edges of the cliffs, in the central karst plateau and on erosion-karst valleys in the western part, but the large part of the plateau is covered with meadow-steppe vegetation.

Vegetation in the mountains is truly rich and diverse. In the southern slopes, a beech forest grows with an admixture of pine. From a height of 1000 - 800 meters above sea level, the belt of the Pine Crimean, which in the first tier grows with an oak, and in the second - with juniper barbed. Below, 400 meters begins the belt of shrub communities from juniper, rabinnik, deroider and many other shrubs with an admixture of oak. Here you can meet a pistachio tupoliste, a strawberry tree with a kind of smooth reddish bark, a thin outer layer of which annually changes, and with evergreen leaves, a yellow-color jasmine, a shrub view of the viscoser, a bubble and much more. In the forests a lot of fruit-berry trees and shrubs. Almost all common types of Ryabrians grow on the slopes of Ai-Petri and the plateau: ordinary, large-scale, Berek, Greek and others.

So what is Ai-Petri? It is unlikely that this question can be heard an exhaustive answer ...

CD "Sights of Crimea" -

It tells the Crimean photoblogger Sergey Anashkevich Aka Aquatek-Filips: " Better Gor. There may be only mountains. And let the mountains in the Crimea low, anyway, this is the mountains. Demerji, Karadag, Chatrdag, Karabi, Babugugan, Echdag and, of course, Ai-Petri. I love there. Every place is interesting in my own way at different times of the year. Somewhere incredible autumn, somewhere summer difference, and somewhere spring awakening.

Almost guaranteed on the i-Petri, you will come across frequent fogs. Rather, it is not quite fog. These are clouds that can be placed on the plateau from the sea. And then during the day you can go under the clouds, above the clouds, inside the clouds or watch, like clouds are broken on the rock walls of the mountains ... Backpack, water, tea, camera ... the rest is superfluous. To remain more places For emotions. "

(24 photos total)

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1. Earlier, the April morning on the Ai-Petrinska, how is the correctly called plateau. Pleasant sunny weather. Lockers on the poor-kyr can be seen in the distance.

2. Southern slopes. The I-Petrinskaya Yayla itself represents the plateau, stretching for more than 20 kilometers from the west to the east, gradually narrowing to the east.
And in the place where she goes to Yalta Yayla, the distance between the southern and northern slopes is a little more than a kilometer, which allows for a short time to observe two completely different landscapes. On the one hand, the sea, climby rock walls and coniferous forests, and on the other, on which you can quickly go over for 15 minutes - mountain peaks To the horizon covered with beech forests, lakes, villages and Sevastopol 40 kilometers on the horizon line itself.

4. There are even birch groves. They were manually planted in the 60s

5. Road on Ai-Petrinskaya Yai.

6. Taraktash rocks on the southern slope of the plateau. Alonga, the Taraktash trail goes down, in which you can get from Ai-Petri to the Waterfall of Study-Su and then in Yalta

7. The famous "Fortochka" in the form of a cross in a rock

8. One of the countless farts gorges descending towards Yalta.

9. The eastern side of the Ai-Petrinsk Yayla stretches, moving to Yalta, then Gurzufskaya and in babugan-iala.

10. Go to the northern slopes of the plateau. From here a completely different look. In the distance - the massif

11. It looks like Sevastopol with a Petri Plateau. Because of the distances of 40 km and haze, I had to apply a pretty hard photo processing.
Otherwise, we would be able to see only the muddy outlines of the city in the distance.

13. View of the foothills. Belbek valley stretched below.

14. While we watched the Kaczyn Valley, tight clouds began to fall on the plateau. We return to the southern slopes, because it is there that can be fully observed both behind the movement of clouds and under your feet and their education, when air masses are broken about these steep rock walls.

15. Clouds closed the sun and fall lower

16. From them in the literal sense of the word, the wind takes off pieces and "drops" on rock slopes

17. The cloud just swears along the wall right under the legs

18. Turn the head back, and everything is completely different there. The sky literally fell down

To the top station cableway Mishor - Ai-Petri, from where the trail begins to the teeth of Ai-Petri, you can get from the village of Mishor to the west of Yalta, as well as on route taxiwhich leaves from the Yalta bus station. However, this tour will be incomplete if you do not see the big chaos of Alupkinsky Park, also west of Yalta.

The scheme of the Ay-Petrinsky Yayla and the massif Boyko, the author is not known to us yet.

Mount Ai-Petri dominates yalta at an altitude of 1234 meters. Its a special beauty of her silhouette gives several rounded, resembling columns, teeth. They rise approximately above the cable car station by about 70 meters.

Ai-Petri Mountain Array, Center for Tourism

The main ridge of the Crimean Mountains is divided into ias - separate arrays with a hilly surface.

You can get along the Highway from Yalta or from Mishhor on a cable car on the Ai-Petrinsk Yai. It was laid in 1987, her length is 3 km, lifting time is 20 minutes.
I-Petri teeth form four large (12-15 m height) and a number of small sheer peaks folded with reef limestones.
The huge bazaar offers all sorts of eastern disasters. Wonderful conditions for active tourism, riding horses and camels, mountain bikes, jeeps, paraglider flying, shooting military adventure and fiction.
Near the teeth grows the protected beech grove, the largest on the main ridge. A pine-"aircraft" was sheltered at the bane of Yayla, she was about 300 years old.
Tourists usually visit the Ai-Petrinsky Meridian - a stone globe with accurate geodesic data, a species platform on a rock Shishko, a weather station, Mount Beware-Kyr (there are several ski lifts in the winter), a three-chart cave equipped for excursions. On the slope of the Highway from Yalta on Ai-Petri, you can see the "drunk" pine grove - a century-old forest from the Pine Crimean, broken by a landslide.

Limestone breeds of all three varnings of the Crimean Mountains (as well as many river valleys, cutting them) are literally styling with petrified remnants of marine organisms: snails, two-dimensional mollusks, worms and corals.
As a rule, limestone breeds differ layered structure And even drawn on the diagrams as laid one on one rows of rectangles.
Nothing like the South Ombrelute of Ai-Petri displays us: All this powerful Mahina is from the base over Alupka and Mishahhor and to the teeth, this is a smooth stone geyser.

Ay-Petri Mountain Is Located Near Yalta Resort. The Highest Point of Ay-Petri Mountain Is About 1234 Metres. How Can Get to Ay-Petri Mountain? Go to the busStation in Yalta Town. IT Will Take 30 Or 40 Minutes to Get to Ay Petri Mountain From Yalta Town by Bus or by Your Own Car. Ay-Petri Is The Name of the Mountain Peak, As Well As It's A Plateau. A view from Ay-Petri Is Spectacular.

The Weather On Ay Petri Is Very Cold in Winter and Very Hot in Summer. Ay Petri Is The Biggest Area for Tourists Visiting This Mountain Every Year.
Ay-Petri Mountain Is One of the Biggest Plateau of Crimea and Every Visiting This Area Has An Opportunity to See All Power of this Mountain. Ay-Petri Is Very Ancient Coral Reef That Rises From The Sea Bottom Many Years Ago. Ay-Petri's Ancient History IS A Rich One and Many Archeological Groups Work Here Every Year.

Ay-Petri Is a Famous Tourist Attraction All the Year Round. IT is a place for skiing in winter and hiking in summer.

Reading time: 6 min

Mount Ai-Petri, one of beautiful seats Southern Coast of Crimea. This majestic vertex is located as part of Ai-Petrinsky Yayla.

Its height is 1234 m, consists of four teeth with a height of approximately 12-15 meters of large sizes, as well as smallestly derived from weathering of inhomogeneous limestone. The weather on the plateau is different from the coastal regions of the South Coast Zone.

Climbing on the southern wall of Ai-Petri, where the rise will pass through the classical mountaineering route-2a category of complexity.

In the summer it is worth it hot weather, Sometimes precipitation falls out in the form of rain, than grateful affects the flowering of certain types of green plantings and different growing on the highlands of the Ai-Petrinsky Yayla.

Climate on plateau

Also during the summer and autumn, after the rains, when the earth warms the sun rays. There are many mushrooms such as white mountain, something similar in quality and its structure to Borovik, also a lot of redheads, oily, oil, they are even dirty all the plateau. The medicinal herbs, as souls, Ivan-tea, peppermint, are growing on the plateau.

Lovers of alternative medicine are very much appreciated by the collection of herbs on this highlands, due to the height of their growth and the purity of the air present on this high mountain. Winter on the Plateau Ai-Petri is cold, the thermometer column is lowered to a temperature of -15-20 degrees. The wind, during this period it happens, sometimes the wind speed reaches 20-25 m / s.

What to look at the Plateau Ai-Petri

Winter on the Ai-Petrinsky Plateau looks like a lot of impressive than in Yalta and its surroundings. Here in the winter you can go skiing, sledding, relax in winter houses and meet New Year In this amazing place. The plateau works, which connects the peak itself with a pine forest and Mishor.

Also on Ai-Petri you can climb on some mountain paths, where the walk will take effect by average - about two hours in one direction, but this option is not for lazy, because you constantly move to the mountain, and sometimes climbing the cliffs, Blocking the trail.

But on the path of movement, you can see trees, and there may be whole groves of wild dogs, pears, small wild apples, in general, a trip to the plateau for optimists will seem walking, which is remembered as one of the best in your life.

On the I- Petrinsk plateau, there interesting placeswhere you can see monuments created by nature, like, and a little further along the road to the side of Bakhchisaraya, you can get into another attraction, where you can stay in the summer in the bath of youth at a water temperature of 9 degrees and immediately rejuvenates for 10 years, but this in other words already Another topic that I describe is possible soon.

There are many different eaters where you can taste the Tatar cuisine, to drink a good wine infused on rose petals.

If you stroll through the plateau deep, you can see the dome, which can be seen in the form of white balls, is the patrimony of the military, where they are watching space objects. Well, in general, visit this beautiful corner created, which will set up good impressions of the holiday in this wonderful place.

Ai-Petri on the map of Yalta

Photo of ai-petrinsk plateau

Photos of the renewed plot near the top of the cable car station, where the ugly town of Tatar cafes and shops were demolished in May, posted a resident of the Crimea Irina Pavlenko on Facebook.

Over the past couple of months, there has changed there: all the same geometric paths with land under the lawns between them, a forged fence along the cliff, covered with concrete remains of the foundations of the cafes and a rather darling dark gray trouting tile. At the presentation of the project for the reconstruction of a plateau with glass barriers and hanging over the cliffs of balconies, it is still little like, and whether it will seem to be unknown at all.

From relatively new: on the plateau, not far from the top station of the station, a helicopter playground appeared with H - Helicopter.

What to do here spoiled passengers of helicopters is not entirely clear. Perhaps they will be able to stop here on the way from the Simferopol airport to expensive villas and hotels of the South Coast to ride the Yayle on jeeps or hunt, saving time on the rim on the serpentine from Yalta or Bakhchisaray. Because just walking here does not yet pull, and it's not only in rarely weather, in which these pictures were made: around the emptiness.

However, a frame for renting bicycles has been installed near the module. Judging by the logos, to engage in this business will be created at the ex-mayor of Yalta Andrei Rostenko, the organization "Freiright", which has become a business monopolist on the Yalta Embankment.

The same organization monsted, according to local entrepreneurs, and paid access to I-Petri teeth. To go there on foot through the fishing line, you need to pay the inhabitant of this booth. At least in the warm season.

Accident This or pattern, but at approaches to the object of traditional for these places "Schrankogo business" there is a characteristic slope.

Preserved after the reconstruction and the oasis of the market chaos that reigned here on several hectares for more than 15 years. It is now concentrated near the building of the upper station of the register, which onceed once in the property of the hope of Olefir - the former wife of the Yalta deputy and businessman Lerie Svanidze. Here is the only site of the cafe with the unnecessary name "top". To feed and reflect tourists to Plateau Andrei Rostenko publicly allowed only her.

Bicycles in the rental will appear here now only next summer. But if the asphalt road leading to the rope from the descent side to Yalta is not cured from the gigantic holes, it will be problematic to ride them: the saddles on Ai-Petri are completely stony. Nobody hurries into high-quality repair of the roadway, no one hurries - the residues of the asphalt have just blocked the grader and fall asleep with rubble.

However, the sprouts of the elemental trade germinate and through the Kabanov tile laid by the developer Evgeny. This man is even in a cold and diverse day, on a whistling wind trades wine into bottling. Most likely, it is fake - some kind of compoted compote with alcohol, give God to ethyl. For another half a year ago, such good here was in bulk almost every Tatar cafe.

These bours on the road remained from the "Tatar" time. Chernya guys from the firms who taught the ex-head of Bakhchisarai Majlis Akhtem Chigoz (convicted of involvement in the organization of clashes under the walls of the Supreme Council of the Crimea on February 26, 2014), Schibali with those who wanted to park 100 rubles. Now these fences wore a pedestrian zone. Will there be money for traveling inside, until it is clear.

On the right, where the tracks are visible to the trouting tile, there was an array of demolished cafes. On the left - it is guessed in the fog of Abris Cable Car Station. Let's hope that the empty earthy flower beds between the tracks fall grass and decorative shrubs, as provided by the project.

View of the same place on the other hand. The picture was made at the beginning of the summer of this year, immediately after the voluntary forced demolition of Shalmans. Here you can see how space looked, now paved with tiles.

And this picture was made some years ago. Just for comparison. To judge more objective, make a discount on sunny weather.

See also: