Amr transcript. Series numbers AMP, EKH, SKR, etc.: what they mean and who belongs to them

In traffic, when city streets are stuck in traffic jams due to the clumsiness of one of the drivers, motorists while away the time by looking registration numbers nearby transport. Many of us, noticing a lucky combination of numbers, are a little jealous of their owner, dreaming of seeing something similar on our speedy friend. By the way, many are seriously puzzled by this issue, going to the local MREO with the desire to acquire the treasured set of beautiful letters and numbers.

I myself have a very skeptical frame of mind about this, but having noticed a couple of “stylish” numbers, I decided to find out what they mean. It is noteworthy that in all 20 years spent on the country’s highways, I never thought about how numbers are generated and assigned. Apparently, it was the turn of my curiosity to “wake up”, and I went in search of information, but this time through the vastness of the Internet.

What did the car number tell you?

Among children today you rarely hear arguments about where in the country a car came from. In my childhood, I often entered into such discussions with my yard comrades, and only a cheerful neighbor, who at that time worked in the city taxi company, could judge us. He thoughtfully unfolded the motorist's atlas and, having found the required region number, told us which of us was right, always praising us for our curiosity. So, as a child, I learned that a license plate tells about the regional affiliation of a vehicle.

But until now I haven’t thought about the numbers and letters, of which there are three on our registration plates today. A discovery for me as an adult was that these designations determine, along with the region, the status of the owner, for example, his professional affiliation with a specialist. services or law enforcement agencies.

How does a license plate work?

Current license plates have the following form - YXXXYY region code. In place of Y are letters of the Russian alphabet, in place of X are numbers from 0 to 9. By the way, not all letters are used, but only those that have similar symbols in the Latin alphabet - these are A, B, E, M, K, N, O, R, S, U, T, H.

The combination can be anything. And it seems that everyone is used to this, but often on the road you can find such a combination of symbols that even traffic police officers try not to slow down the owners of such cars, even if they commit a minor violation on the road.

If we list all the criminal numbers in this article, there will not be enough space, but I will try to tell you what I found out about the most used ones in Moscow and the capital region. Why the capital region? It's simple. The rest have their own numbers, quoted only in their own countries. Let's also just leave aside beautiful numbers, which do not give their owner any privileges, such as B123OR. This is just a beautiful number purchased from the traffic police.

So, I'm starting

The most famous are the numbers with the designation EKH97, officially owned by the FSO. According to legend, the series owes its origin to the dialogue between Krapivin (then head of this organization) and Yeltsin (the president of the Russian Federation at that time). According to Krapivin, his service needed new letters for the numbers, since the old ones were no longer enough. After much thought, we decided that the EKH combination would be just right.

This abracadabra supposedly means the following - Yeltsin + Krapivin = Good. Although official version It sounds a little different - the Unified Kremlin Economy. And the people deciphered it in their own way - I eat as I want. Or even more rudely - fuck whoever I want.

Now the series has been cancelled, although according to rumors the numbers are still in the FSO warehouses. In the regions, the series can sometimes be purchased for a lot of money, but be prepared to be constantly stopped for inspection, since the Guys have a list of numbers that are considered untouchable. The rest can be safely slowed down.

The most criminal is the AMP97 series. It is impossible to buy, you can still rent, but for very, very big money. Cars with such numbers are owned by the government, the State Duma, the Federation Council and the leadership of the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. The numbers are untouchable. They are braked only with special permission.

AMP77 - the series belongs to the Central Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but part of it is given to private owners, and it can be purchased. According to rumors, the price for such a number starts from one million rubles. And the closer the number is to the first hundred, the higher the cost.

ХХХ77 – series previously belonged to the FSB. But most of it is given to private owners. Typically purchased by owners of luxury cars and SUVs.

MMM77 is a series for official vehicles of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs. But a considerable part is given to private owners.

AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, SOO77 - most of these series are given to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. But sometimes they are found on sale, naturally, for the appropriate amount. Rumor has it they look cool on cars similar to control cars.

Another series belonging to various ministries and the capital administration is AMO. Occasionally found on sale at appropriate prices.

SKR197, 199. These numbers are assigned to the RF IC. Series 197 cannot be found on sale; if such a number is found in a private seller, then it is definitely a fake. And if he is slowed down, he cannot avoid a good fine. But series 199, although rare, can be found on sale. As in all similar series, the closer to the first hundred, the more expensive.

SSS series. Special communications vehicles and similar organizations drive with code 77. Code 99 belongs to the tax authorities, GUIN and GOKHRAN. 97 - to various special services. If necessary, you can buy them, they look especially good on dark-colored sedans, according to rumors. It is on such that representatives of the above services roll out.

OOO77. Previously, the FSB officers drove with such numbers. Now they have been given to private owners. Usually given to women along with the car.

MMP77, VMP77 - various structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. The rooms are in demand, so the price for them is not budget.

PMP77 - designed for justice. Popularity is not inferior to the above series, but the cost is much lower.

Well, let's not ignore one more series - EP177. It was developed specifically for United Russia. People call it “United Russia is coming.” It has no particular value, but you can buy it for show-off.

All of the above numbers are mainly used in Moscow, although they are also valuable in the regions. But they also have their own criminal numbers; it is impossible to indicate all of them here.

Not so long ago, almost every driver had a dream of getting a beautiful criminal license plate. This trend occurred in all regions of the country. However, car enthusiasts in Moscow showed particular desire. Due to the status of the capital and the location of government bodies in the region, many cars have registration plates that everyone recognizes at first sight. For the average person, such a sign is an unattainable goal, because it determines the position and condition of the owner of the vehicle. So, what do the “AMP” numbers and other letter designations mean?

Currently, the numbers of the AMP series have practically lost their value. Despite this, many are still wondering how to interpret such a letter combination on state signs.

In Russia, there is a procedure according to which license plates are issued to the owner of a vehicle upon registration. Naturally, the State Traffic Inspectorate does not have the time or opportunity to provide car owners with signs with combinations that they like. Therefore, the owner of the car receives the signs randomly. At the same time, with a special desire and the presence of an impressive amount Money they can be purchased.

To “decorate” your car with a beautiful license plate, you can resort to two methods:

  • using connections in the traffic police when registering a vehicle. It is worth noting that this method is illegal;
  • by purchasing registration plates along with the vehicle;
  • by purchasing a state number placed on free sale.

In any case, obtaining a license plate must be accompanied by mandatory registration actions at the State Traffic Inspectorate.

There are sites on the World Wide Web that sell rare signs. However, their cost ranges from several thousand to tens of millions of rubles.

What does the AMP number mean?

Regardless of the region and city, the most valuable criminal numbers are considered to be the signs of the “AMP97” series. The signs replaced products with the Russian flag. There is no similar product on the market. The car enthusiast can only rent them.

The "AMP" series is used for movement on public roads by deputies, officials of the RF IC, FSO and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For an employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate, such numbers mean the high status of the person in the vehicle.

Less prestigious, but no less desirable, is the designated combination of letters with the 77th region. It can be found on sale, although rarely. The Ministry of Internal Affairs vehicles were once equipped with such signs, but today the signs are in private use. The cost on the market is estimated at more than 1 million rubles. The most expensive are the first 100 digits in the number.

What does the EKH number mean?

Despite the many popular jokes that are associated with deciphering the letters in the “EKH” series, the abbreviation has a completely serious meaning: a single Kremlin economy. The numbers are assigned to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. The designated registration marks appeared in the mid-nineties of the last century thanks to the proposal of the head of the department Yu. Krapivin in addition to the already existing “AAA” series. To date, the series has been canceled and is being sold privately. However, the license plates that were once used remained in the warehouses of the corresponding structure.

The price for designated license plates by region ranges from tens of thousands of rubles to a million. It is worth remembering that the acquisition may result in problems on the roads. This is due to the fact that inspectors often stop “conspicuous” cars of budget brands for inspection.

Other criminal combinations

In addition to the “AMP” and “EKX” series, experienced drivers know other combinations of letters that indicate the vehicle’s belonging to any structure. So, to whom do these cherished signs belong?

The list of beautiful license plates that allow you to equip your car with a special signal is not so long:

Legislation and benefits of cars with "beautiful" numbers

In May 2012, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 635 was signed, which approved the list of departments that have the right to use special signals when driving cars. At the same time, the list also included the heads of these structures who could manage the corresponding transport.

The adoption of a regulatory legal act led to the fact that signs assigned to government agencies became popular on the black market. "Beautiful" plates have acquired the status of luxury and are sold for huge sums. In addition, the practice of obtaining coveted numbers through established connections and acquaintances has emerged.

Why buy thieves special signs? Everything is very simple! Cars with state series have an advantage over other road users. Owners of such vehicles also sin. Turned on flashing lights installed on the roof of cars also give the driver the following privileges:

  • absence of any obstruction of traffic on the part of traffic police inspectors. In addition, department employees must provide such vehicles with all possible assistance, including personal escort;
  • priority over other road users;
  • the ability to ignore markings and signs installed on the roads.

Thus, connections and the presence of a tidy sum of money give a person the opportunity to equip his car in such a way as to install a flashing light on it and be able to freely move along the roads, not paying attention to traffic rules.


"Interesting" numbers mean for the driver major cities so many. The possibilities that become available if you purchase the appropriate sign are truly endless. At the same time, no one has canceled car etiquette. Not all ordinary drivers have a positive attitude towards the possibility of purchasing criminal badges. For the owner, in turn, it is important to understand that such numbers are just an indicator of the status they have and should not be subject to abuse.

They have differences: the number may differ in design (each state has its own appearance of the license plate), information that may be contained there (in addition to a unique numerical and alphabetic code, the license plate may contain a numeric region code). In addition to these differences, vehicle license plates of various government services also have their own characteristics.

On such cars you can see number 3a with the letter code EKH and AMP. In particular, many people are concerned about the question: what does the EKH number mean? At the same time, such “interesting” license plates can also be found on ordinary-looking civilian cars, but with flashing lights.

What does the EKH number mean?

Cars equipped with a license plate with such a letter code belong to the FSO Russian Federation. This designation is most popular in regions 77, 99, 199,177 and 97. A special series of numbers, EKH, is typical for road transport, registered in Russia.

These license plates have been around for a long time. Therefore, more than one motorist, standing in a traffic jam, wondered who owns the EKH license plates. After all, for drivers of cars equipped with such a license plate, there is no such thing as a traffic jam. And the traffic rules for them are only conditional.

What do the letters on EKH numbers mean?

In order to find out what the EKH number means, you must remember that numbers with this designation belong to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. To study the information in more detail, you need to go a little deeper into history.

At the time of the appearance of the series of numbers of the EKH, the official decoding of the abbreviation was the phrase: “single Kremlin economy.” There was another, humorous interpretation of the decoding: “Yeltsin + Krapivin = Good” (Yuri Krapivin at the time of the appearance of the series of numbers was the head of the FSO department, and it was he who suggested that Yeltsin add another one to the already appeared series of privileged AAA numbers). There is also a purely folk translation: “I eat as I want” (the softest version of the decoding).

In addition to the EKH, there are a number of other indices of government agencies, information about which is presented in the table below.

License plate table

The table below will show the most common “interesting” license plates, which give a certain advantage on the road over other road users (these license plates imply the installation of a “quack” and a flashing light on the car). At the same time, it is obvious that the car must correspond to its license plate and beacon (executive class car).




FSO, FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Investigative Committee, Prosecutor's Office

This series has become a replacement for numbers with the image of a flag, and is used by high-ranking officials of a number of government agencies of the Russian Federation. Rooms of this type are almost impossible to buy, but can be rented for a very, very considerable amount.

The most popular series of numbers in Russia. It has special weight in 77, 99, 199,177 and 97 regions. Although in any other case, for example, the number EKX 98 will attract close attention from other road users.

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (most of the series are also given to private hands).

The numbers go “ideally” with black cars, especially if they are SUVs or executive sedans.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow

The numbers were included in the “general queue” and are not particularly popular in relevant circles.

AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, SOO77

Office of the President of the Russian Federation.

They may appear on sale, sometimes even car numbers with a pleasant digital combination come across. Ideally “combined” with cars that match the model of the presidential vehicle fleet.

Administrative and government agencies and departments.

The rooms are valued and are periodically put up for sale at an appropriate price.


Official cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

These license plates came to replace part of the blue license plates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

It is impossible to buy such numbers as a property, however, from time to time you can find series for sale TFR numbers 199.

Special Communications Center, Courier Service, Ministry of Communications.

They are practically in the public domain, have a relatively low cost and availability, and are not particularly popular or in demand.

Law on flashing lights and special license plates

Before the law was introduced that regulates the appearance on the capital’s roads of cars with “interesting” license plates and flashing lights, there were countless such cars (and their drivers behaved in the most insolent manner, allowing, for example, driving into the oncoming lane, crossing a double continuous lanes, gross exceeding of the speed limit, etc.).

Therefore, Presidential Decree No. 635 of May 19, 2012 approved a list of institutions and organizations that could install flashing lights on departmental vehicles. The heads of the departments included in the list compiled a list of persons who could drive these cars. On this moment The quota is 591 cars, but it has been greatly exceeded.

Due to the officially announced list, numbers that “hint” at belonging to any government structure or organization began to be highly valued on the black market. For example, in order to find out how much an EKH number costs in Moscow, you need not only to have an approximate amount available, but also a number of connections that will “lead” to the seller. It is worth adding that this amount of money will not be small.

Advantages of cars with special license plates and flashing lights

Cars that are equipped with license plates of the “privileged” series have a number of advantages over other road users:

  • Traffic police officers are obliged not to interfere with the movement of this vehicle if its flashing light is on, if necessary, ensure the safety of the movement of this vehicle and accompany it to its destination.
  • Other road users must let this vehicle pass.
  • Cars with flashing lights can ignore road markings and road signs.

Based on the above advantages, it becomes clear that certain license plates make it possible to install a flashing light on a car, which, in turn, can greatly simplify the life of a motorist in the capital region.

How to get a “privileged” number?

The highest value is only that which is not widely available. This saying fits perfectly with license plates, which increase the prestige and status of a motorist, and also “endow” him with a number of advantages over other road users.

Firstly, to obtain such a number you need to have connections among high-ranking officials; it is these people who can provide information that any number from the “interesting” series has been transferred to public use.

Secondly, you need to have a fairly large amount of money: in the range from 1 to 5 million rubles. Yes, the price is not low, but there is no need for an ordinary person to have a license plate that allows him to ignore traffic rules.

Thirdly, the car must match the number: it is unlikely that a high-ranking representative of the Russian FSB will drive around the city in a VAZ-2107 or Daewoo Matiz.

FSO numbers: history and reality

Many motorists are wondering: who owns the EKH license plates? These license plates are used on FSO vehicles, or rather on vehicles intended for high-ranking officials of this department.

The designation itself came into use in the mid-1990s of the last century thanks to the initiative of the then head of the FSO, Yuri Krapivin. At the moment, a number of EKH numbers are in private hands, and some still belong to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in order to find out who drives with EKH license plates, you just need to delve a little into the history of the FSO department.

Interesting facts about license plates

The topic of car license plates seems boring and uninteresting only at first glance. In fact, they have a number of significant events in their individual history that contributed to where they are today. appearance and purpose. Below are some of the most interesting facts regarding license plates:

  • 1901 - the appearance of the first personalized license plate.
  • 1904 - the first license plate was issued in Russia.
  • 1933 - the appearance of standard numbers in the USSR. It is worth noting that license plates were issued to owners of cars and motorcycles (a motorcycle license plate had the form of a transverse plate mounted on the front fender); license plates for tractors appeared only in 1958.
  • In 1965, 25 numbers were issued in the USSR for the highest ranks of the CPSU Central Committee, and this was despite the fact that there were no official special numbers in the USSR.
  • Previously, black numbers were used in the USSR, but now the military still has them. The replacement of plates began in 1980, with both white and black plates being issued. Some old-style black license plates can still be seen on civilian cars.
  • After his flight into space, Yuri Gagarin received a Volga with the number 12-04 and the letter YUAG as a gift (12-04 is the date of the flight, YUAG is the cosmonaut’s initials). Later, the abbreviation YUAG became the letter designation for the cars of the astronauts and the city of Zvezdny, and the numbers on the license plates indicated the dates of the flights.
  • The first license plates were made of heavy multi-layer steel, and they did not have standard holes for fastenings, so such numbers were quite easy to lose.

Decoding car numbers

The table below will provide information on the decoding of license plates that are used by government agencies and departments.

Number plates of cars on the balance sheet of the presidential administration

Police, as well as the Moscow State Duma.

Moscow City Hall.


Office of Presidential Affairs

Banks and also the government.


Federal Security Service, Federal Security Service.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Government of the Russian Federation, Federal Security Service, banks.

Ministry of Justice, Federal Service of Execution and Punishment



So, to summarize the above, it is worth saying that the EKH number belongs to the FSO department. At the same time, it is impossible not to mention that this number is also owned by some private individuals who were able to purchase it on the black market.

In addition to the abbreviation EKH, there are many other “interesting” numbers in use that indicate that the car belongs to one or another departmental government structure. At the same time, “state numbers” have their own hierarchy: for example, a number that indicates membership in the FSB is valued much more than a special communications or field communications number.

What do special license plates provide? As a rule, they allow the free use of flashing lights on cars, and those, in turn, somewhat ignore the rules of the road. This helps a lot during traffic jams.

To purchase a number with an “interesting” index, you need to have the appropriate connections, as well as a fairly large amount of money. Obviously, the car must also correspond to the license plate status.

So, after a presidential decree appeared in 2012, which listed government departments that could use flashing lights on their cars, there were an order of magnitude fewer such cars in the capital and regions. But, in turn, this move became the catalyst for a real hunt for criminal numbers. Ordinary car enthusiasts can only at least slightly distinguish such license plates from ordinary ones and wonder whether there really is a representative of this department in a car with FSB license plates, or whether someone with connections has decided to make life easier for themselves on the capital’s road.

So, what does the EKH number mean? It belongs to the FSO department. The official decoding is the phrase: “Unified Kremlin Economy,” although among the people the phrase received the translation “I eat as I want.”

Greetings, blog subscribers. In this story I want to tell you what the AMR numbers mean and who owns them. License plates on a car are not just a metal plate; all owners of “cool” license plates have immunity while driving, at least this is what happened in the vastness of our homeland. And now about all this in order further.

They appeared back in the distant 1939–1941s. Numbers marked with the letter A and numbers were intended for cars and trucks of the Red Army to travel through territories that were closed to the population, and government cars bore the combination of letters MA. In the post-war years, this division was approved at the legislative level. A “number” reform was carried out, and they were distributed for individuals and special vehicles.

On officials' cars high level state license plates of the MA, MSCH, EO series appeared, which provide “privileges” in complying with traffic rules. In the 60s, the MOS and MOL series appeared, which could not be stopped. They were also found on cars from “special purpose” garages that served the party elite. In the 90s, a subsequent registration reform took place, which resulted in the appearance of another series of cars with tricolors.

Means this fact, what these vehicles did not have the right to stop the traffic police. replaced with the Russian flag. The purpose of this reform was one - to facilitate the unhindered passage of cars of the country's leadership. But as it happens here, special letters also appeared on the cars of businessmen and prominent pro-government figures.

Who is the owner of special number plates

The described series currently includes numbers AMP *** 97; this is a series that has come to replace numbers with a tricolor. Cars with these numbers are equipped with special signals, but do not have distinctive signs. This implies that when the special signal is turned on, these cars can deviate from almost all traffic regulations, in fact, except.

Who owns vehicles with AMP series registration plates? 999 of them (and this is the total number) are assigned to specific high-ranking officials, heads of departments and ministries. The AMP series is considered the most prestigious, regardless of what numbers are indicated on them. According to the Internet, elite special signs are deciphered as follows. The letters AMP are interpreted as Administration, Administration of the Moscow Region, car of the Minister of Russia.

Distribution and privileges of the "lucky ones"

Special signs are distributed as follows: the first half a hundred numbers are related to ministers and high-ranking members of the government and the State Duma. The next owners of elite license plates are advisers to the President, heads of departments and members of the Presidential Administration. At the end of the hundreds of owners of the privileged series are deputy ministers, state advisers and heads of law enforcement agencies.

They are then distributed between the structures of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Investigative Committee, followed by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and military officials. Then the owners of special numbers can be members of ministries and heads of Legislative Assemblies. The last hundreds were given to the Couriers, the FSB, the FSO and some members of the Federation Council.

In Moscow, such registration plates with the abbreviation AMP are highly valued and their happy owners are, in fact, not only high-level officials - they are also purchased for big money by oligarchs. Do AMP numbers give additional privileges? From the point of view of legislation - no they should, but in fact they do. Many of us have heard that special series are associated with government agencies. Cars with special letters are untouchable, so they want to get them by any means in order to be protected from the control of road police officers.

With this I dare to hope that we have slightly lifted the veil of secrecy about these mysterious letters AMP. Of course, they will never be available to most ordinary citizens and even businessmen. However, not only in this happiness. I recommend not to violate the requirements prescribed by the traffic rules, so as not to count on anyone’s patronage. For example, now there are not frail fines for and even just for. Let's say goodbye, my dear readers. Bye!

Who on the road is "more important" than the rest. We are talking about the so-called “thieves” numbers, which are issued to various kinds of organizations and people close to the authorities.

This list does not pretend to be complete, but it seems like I haven’t forgotten the main series. I want to say right away - for example, FSB operational vehicles have GRZ in all regions and in many series, you can’t count them all.

Also here you won’t see “commercial” series that are sold for money, because I already foresee comments like “OOO99 for $35,000? Yes, my friend will do it for a piece.” Well, I won’t decipher the “blue” and military numbers either.

Decoding of the series of "thieves" license plates:

EKH99 - FSO cars. The series replaced the EKH77. During the summit in St. Petersburg, the FSO installed the EKH177 series on its vehicles. Now it is in storage.

EKH97 - cars of the FSO and other departments with appropriate immunity.

XKH77 is part of a series from the FSB, part of which was sold with great success.

AMP97 is a series that replaced the flag numbers (with the exception of AAAFL). Appeared after the cancellation of special numbers with the tricolor. The Eighth Hundred (a7ххмр97) - FSB.

The first two dozen are the government, the third ten are the Presidential Administration (in particular the former VAAFL). The AAAFL series, which was FSO and hung on the cars of the top officials of the state and their accompanying persons, was replaced by a bunch of ordinary license plates in the 177th region.

Here, TRK177, KHRK177, OOT177, the Head of the FSO hung up EKH99.

AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, SOO77 - motor depot vehicles of the Presidential Administration. If a car has a beacon, then it’s a feld, and cars with such license plates never had and don’t have any advantages on the road.

KOO77 was part of the Constitutional Court before, and after the abolition of “flags”, the numbers of this series were hung instead of AACFL on cars without beacons.

AKR177, VKR177, EKR177, KKR177 - numbers that replaced a large number of cars that previously drove in blue.

AKR177 and VKR177 - it seems that all of them were replaced; as for the remaining series, there is an opinion that some of them went to private owners.

EP177 - about 300 numbers went to the State Duma to replace the "flag" ones

*MP77. Everything is more complicated here. After the introduction of the “blue”, the Ministry of Internal Affairs began selling the numbers AMP77, VMR77, KMR77, MMR77, OMR77, TMR77 (in general, this series is for astronauts), UMR77. However, some of the vehicles (in particular the AMP77, KMR77 and MMP77) remained under subordination. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB have them. But even if this car is privately owned, it is usually strongly argued (an order, a “call to a friend,” a demonstration of the face, after which the IDPS takes up the veil).

РМР77 - Ministry of Justice. FSIN, prosecutor's office, etc.

AMO77 - almost all cars belong to the Moscow City Hall

NAA99, TAA99, SAA99, XAA99 - “closed” machines in the database (POPIZ - upon written request).

Almost all of them belong to vehicles belonging to the FSB, various research institutes and “mailboxes”.

Cool private owners also have them. There is also an opinion that some of the numbers went to people undergoing the witness protection program.

Most often they drive without any beacons, and you can meet them in a variety of cars: from an S600 to a rusty Six.

Do you see a flashing light on the road that everyone should ignore? Know who's sitting there:

AAA - Presidential Administration, private individuals with blat in the traffic police
AMM - police, private individuals
AMO - Moscow City Hall, private individuals
USAID - government, private individuals
AOO - Presidential Administration Manager
VMR - government, individuals, banks
SBI - Presidential Administration Manager
EEE - private individuals who have blat in the traffic police
EKH (I eat as I please) - Federal Security Service, FSB
ERE (United Russia is coming) - State Duma
KKK - private individuals who have blat in the traffic police
KMM - firefighters, private individuals with blat in the traffic police
KMR - government, private individuals with blat in the traffic police
KOO - Constitutional Court, Presidential Administration Manager, private individuals with connections to the traffic police
MMM - police, private individuals with blat in the traffic police
MMR - government, private individuals with blat in the traffic police, FSB, banks
MOO - Presidential Administration Manager
NNN - private individuals with blat in the traffic police
OMR - government, private individuals with blat in the traffic police, banks
LLC - private individuals who have blat in the traffic police, FSB
RMR - Ministry of Justice
SAS - FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, private individuals with clout in the traffic police
SMM - police, private individuals with blat in the traffic police
SOO - Presidential Administration Manager, Federation Council
SSS - FSO, FSB, government, private individuals with blat in the traffic police
TMR - government, private individuals with blat in the traffic police
UMR - government, private individuals with blat in the traffic police
UUU - private individuals with blat in the traffic police
XXX - private individuals with blat in the traffic police

Decoding of military number series:

10 - FSB of the Russian Federation
11, 15, 19 - Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
12 - FPS RF
14 - FS Zheldorvoysk RF
15 - Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
16 - FAPSI (will change)
18 - Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation
20 - FDSU Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
21 - SKVO
23 - Strategic Missile Forces and Space Forces (HF)
25 - Dalvo
27 - Air Defense Forces
29 - 9 TsU RF Ministry of Defense
32 - ZabVO
34 - Air Force
39 - 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry
43 - LenVO
45 - Navy / Len. VMB (?)
50 - MVO
56 - Space Forces (HF)
65 - PriVO
67 - Airborne Forces
76 - Urvo
77 - Motor depots of the RF Ministry of Defense and General Staff
81 - GVSU RF Ministry of Defense
82 - Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
83 - Main Directorate of Construction Industry of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
87 - Siberian Military District
91 - 11th separate army
92 - 201st MSD (Tajikistan)
93 - OGRF in Transnistria
94 - GRVZ

AMP97 is the main federal special series of license plates in the Russian Federation

a001 mr97 - a136 mr97 = Government of the Russian Federation, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and others;

a137 mr97 - a201 mr97 = General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, a202 mr97 = Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation:

BMW-740 = 202 (CEC of the Russian Federation);

a203 mr97 - a369 mr97 = was in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and other federal structures:

a370 mr97 - a400 mr97 = different federal structures: the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation and other federal structures:

a371 mp97 - a374 mp97 = for the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (additional see a014 mp97). a375 mr97 = was behind the film director N.S. Mikhalkov;

a401 mr97 - a600 mr97 = heads of executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of legislative authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other federal structures:

a401 mr97 - a489 mr97 = Governors - heads of executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including two each for Moscow and the Moscow region: 4**, where ** is the code of the region/subject of the Russian Federation, from 01 to 89, except: 80, 81 , 82, 84, 85 and 88);

a501 mr97 - a589 mr97 = Speakers - heads of legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (5**, where ** is the code of the region/subject of the Russian Federation, from 01 to 89, except: 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, and 88);

a601 mr97 - a697 mr97 = different federal structures: Rosfinmonitoring of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, State Courier Service of the Russian Federation, Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation;

a698 mr97 - a999 mr97 = Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and others (Rossvyazohrankultura of the Russian Federation, FAS of the Russian Federation, Rosaeronavigatsia of the Russian Federation, FST of the Russian Federation, Rosstat of the Russian Federation, Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation, Rosatom of the Russian Federation and others).

Special license plates in Russian regions


Until 1993, in Moscow, cars of law enforcement agencies had series numbers “MOL”, “MOS”, “MKM” and “MKS”. The cars of senior officials of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs had numbers of the “MAS” series, but since the late 80s this series began to be used only in the Magadan region.

The “MOS” series belonged to the first persons of the state, “MOL” - the security vehicles of these very first persons, was popularly deciphered [source not specified for 195 days] as “We Protect Lenya”, “MKS”, “MMA”, “MMV” were used by various law enforcement agencies, MKM (Moscow Red Banner Police) - Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate (including fire service), MOM (Moscow Regional Police) - Moscow Region.

License plates of the MNA and MMN series were placed on city buses and made it possible to determine the bus fleet number by the first digit (example: 2*** MNA - 2nd fleet, 1*** MMN - 11th). Official cars working for various departments and belonging to five Mosavtolegtrans (MOK) plants were numbered similarly, for example, 1 (and 7) - First, 3 (and 6, and 9) - Third, but cars with MOK numbers 8 and 0 belonged to already to the special services, and only the initiates knew about it.

But it was not enough to have a car with the above-mentioned license plate; the so-called “mirror” digital combinations, for example 4224 M**, were considered especially chic.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2008 N 562, the Rules for state registration of motor vehicles and other types of self-propelled equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation were supplemented with clause 2.1, according to which state registration plates are issued “in the order of increasing their digital values, without reserving for legal or physical persons of individual series or combinations of characters,” which should, theoretically, put an end to the practice of issuing “special” license plates.


EKH77 is a series that was installed on vehicles of the Federal Security Service (FSO) of the Russian Federation. According to the magazine "Autopilot", the history of the appearance of these numbers is as follows: one day, the head of the Federal Security Service, Yuri Krapivin, decided to discuss with Russian President Boris Yeltsin what other letters, in addition to those officially assigned to his department, AAA, should be given under the security service numbers. We decided that EKH (Yeltsin + Krapivin = Good) would sound good. But the translation was officially published as “a single Kremlin economy.” People usually decipher this abbreviation as “I eat as I want.” Currently not in use. In June 2008, a network photo hunt for EKH70 numbers (Tomsk region) was launched on the website.

EKH99 97 177 - FSO of the Russian Federation;

SAS77 - starting from the 500th number, was one of the official series of “open” numbers of the MB/FSK/FSB of Russia, belonged mainly to technical and logistics units. Some of the cars, along with the open ones, also had additional “wooden” (read, “fake”) cover plates.

The series practically disappeared due to the decommissioning of cars and the decision of the FSB leadership to stop the very practice of “series” to increase secrecy;

AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, SOO77 - series belong to cars assigned to the Presidential Administration;

AMP97 is a series that appeared as a result of the fight against special signals. The license plates are issued to vehicles that retain the right to have blue lights, regardless of their ownership. Thus, part of the series was allocated to the FSB, another part to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (in particular, to a number of cars without blue license plates), the rest to other structures, the seventh part to the presidential administration;

AMM77 - a former series of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, now mainly on private cars of not the last people.

AMM99 - a small part of the Moscow City Duma deputies;

CCC77 - series is installed on vehicles of the Special Communications Center, the Courier Service, the Ministry of Communications and structures “close” to them, as well as on personal cars of employees. The popular name is “three Seeds” or “three Lights”;

CCC99 - series is installed on vehicles of the tax police, customs, special communications, State Customs Committee, GUIN and GOKHRAN;

CCC97 - part of the series belongs to foreign individuals and representative offices of foreign companies, as it ended up in the traffic police department serving foreigners. A small part of the series belongs to the special services, the rest are “private”;

KKK99 - the series originally belonged to field communication vehicles, FAPSI, and is now distributed among private individuals ("three poops");

OOO77 - the series was originally (until 1998) intended for the FSB, and later for people with disabilities.

*MM77 - former series of the Moscow police and fire department;

KMM77 - a series that still belongs to the fire department;

MMP77 - FSB (numbers 300 to 320);

РМР77 - series of the Ministry of Justice;

AMO77 - Moscow Administration. The original issues of this series differed from others in one more feature: they were missing Russian flag, and the letters rus were raised, as were the significant letters/numbers. Currently, license plates without this feature have been observed installed on new model cars, which suggests that the license plate will be re-issued in violation of the generally accepted practice of the State Traffic Inspectorate/State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (when the owner changes or the vehicle is disposed of, the license plate must be reclassified as “dead” and not issued to another vehicle );

KOO77 - series of the Constitutional Court;

EPE177 - often installed on the cars of functionaries of the United Russia party. Unofficial transcript: “United Russia is coming”;

SKO199 - Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;

Moscow region

AMO50, VMO50, KMO50, SMO50, OMO50, MMO50, TMO50, NMO50, UMO50, KhMO50 - various government agencies of the Moscow region.

AMM50, AMM90 - administration of the Moscow region

MMM50, MMM90 - Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Region, etc.

AMR150 MMO90, 150 MMR90, 150 RMR90, 150 - Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Region.

Formally, currently the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Moscow Region, under the leadership of its chief, Sergei Sergeev, is fighting the sale of both special series and simply beautiful numbers. For example, starting from January 1, 2008, license plates with numbers 001-010 are required to be issued only to heavy vehicles, but this rule is not always observed.

St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

AMP97 - As a result of the all-Russian replacement of flag grz (instead of the region code, a tricolor Russian flag is depicted) with ordinary grz, this series has become the “most tagged series” in Russia. In St. Petersburg, the Prosecutor of St. Petersburg S.P. Zaitsev has a grz of this series - a178 mr97, prosecutor Leningrad region S. V. Romanyuk - a147 mr97, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the North-Western Federal District - a156 mr97, head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region - a270 mr97, etc. The FSB of Russia has some vehicles with a similar type, for example, a941 mr97 -a942 mp97. The GRZs of this series are so popular that in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are cars with the same GRZs (duplicates).

The Federal Courier Service, the leadership of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, also have in reserve - replacement grz of the governors of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region;

AAA78 - "Sobchak" series, a999 aa78 was ridden by A. A. Sobchak (the first and last mayor of St. Petersburg), with the arrival of V. A. Yakovlev, this series was replaced by o***oo78. At the moment, the series is on wide sale, part of the graz is still on the balance sheet of the State Unitary Enterprise "Smolninskoye" and other executive authorities of St. Petersburg;

OOO78 - most of the GRZ was given to private owners, a significant amount remained with the administration of St. Petersburg, Federal agencies, Federal services, including security forces, for example o9**oo78 FSO, Vladimir Yakovlev himself rode o007 o078 (during his tenure as Governor of St. St. Petersburg in 1996-2003);

AAA98 - (almost complete replacement of O***OO78) - Administration of St. Petersburg, belonging to the State Unitary Enterprise "Smolninskoe", as well as inclusions of vehicles of some Federal services, Federal agencies, Federal State Unitary Enterprises, inclusions of private owners, for example. a023 aa98 - a027 aa98 - one commercial banks;

OOO98 - partially the Government of St. Petersburg, Federal services and agencies, widespread among private traders, for example o001 oo98 - head of LLC TD Lukoil-Neva. The affiliation of o9**oo98 is traditional - FSO;

LLC47 - most of the gas reserves are owned by private owners, but there are exceptions, for example. o020 ko47 - Prosecutor's Office of the Leningrad Region;

OKO98 - As a general rule: the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor General's Office. They are allocated the first 200 numbers (001-099 Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg, 100-199 Prosecutor's Office of the Leningrad Region). The issuance of this series of permits to private individuals is carried out only by letter signed by the prosecutor of one of the named constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 2**, 3**, 7** - Federal Bailiff Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. o9**ko98 - Judicial Department under the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

OSK98 - partial replacement of o***ko98 in April-May 2008. Affiliation: Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee under the General Prosecutor's Office. The series was launched in the spring of 2008. Most of the vehicles switched to this series while maintaining the grz figures

OKS98 - Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, launched in May-June 2008 (regional replacement of MOO77 FGU ATK UD of the President of the Russian Federation), as well as some of the institutions of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

OKO78 - FSB - at 7** (if the car is “correct”), Ministry of Justice - at 8**, FAPSI (until 2003) and the Federal Courier Service - at 9**, there are other institutions, for example o515 ko78 - State Customs Committee " Russia", o1**ko78 - there are vehicles of the military prosecutor's office, o2**ko78 - many vehicles of federal services and agencies;

OOA98 - the first 50 GRZ from the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg (for certain reasons o001 oa98 is the wife of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly Tyulpanov), up to 199 - according to letters from the Legislative Assembly, after private owners and enterprises, for example. Baltika, Special Materials, etc.;

OOA78 - formerly the ZAKS of St. Petersburg up to 200, has the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Treasury Department, LenEnergo (o07*oa78), State Unitary Enterprises (for example o43*oa78 - State Unitary Enterprise TEK);

OOA47 - o001 oa47 and o099 oa47 - governor of the Leningrad region. V.P. Serdyukov, and everything between these two numbers is the administration of the Leningrad region; part of the hundreds in the spring of 2009 was given to private owners.

OAO78 - a lot of security forces, for example at 7** - partly FSB, 6** - Customs, GUIN, etc.;

OAO47 - similar to the 78th region;

OAO98 is a relatively new series (February 2009), has a mixed private and departmental affiliation. o7**ao98 is traditionally left to state security agencies. The first number in the oao78 series was issued in 2007 (presumably o6**ao98 is an Infiniti car, but it has never been seen on the streets);

OAA98 - “Bugrovskaya” series, inclusions of special vehicles (FSB of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.) in every hundred;

OOS78 - the administration was under Sobchak, thematically now, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the FSB and at closed enterprises, for example o100 os78 - the number of V.V. Putin when he was the first deputy mayor of St. Petersburg for external relations; according to tradition, THEY also have o7**os78. o001 os78 director Ice Palace. One of the most serious series. According to rumors, you can purchase such numbers only if you have a good relationship with someone from the management of the Traffic Police Department.;

OSM78 - (Smolny) when Matvienko came, everyone was transferred to this series, now on 7** and 9**, partly the FSB still has it, the rest is widely sold, but there are also themed cars;

OTU47 78 - North-West Customs Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia up to 200 (operational customs), the rest was released into a private series through simple MREO;

UN78 - the former tax police, now partly FSNK (GNK) and the Federal Tax Service, could be purchased through the 6th MREO, or you could simply get handed over;

UN98 - o001 on98 from Tyulpanov, o100 on98 from S.I. Bugrov, the rest of the numbers from those close to him. After 200 on sale;

OAS98 - a series launched for arbitration courts, fresh, order dated August, appears among private traders;

EKH98 - presumably the FSB has it, the FSO has it, and wealthy private individuals have it. The series did not find wide circulation; 5-10 issues were issued;

MMM78 MMA78 MME78 MMV78 MAE47 78 (partially) - a lot at closed enterprises (Admiralty Shipyards, Bank of Russia, RadioTekhKomplekt, etc.), part of m***ae78 (47) at the linear units of the Main Department of Internal Affairs and Technical Services;

MMM98 - not distributed in simple MREO, not a very expensive series.

OOM98 - partially replacing blue p **** 78, district members and wealthy private traders;

OOM78 - there is GUIN, FSB (171, 173, etc.) have now been transferred to a***mr97, FSNK and the prosecutor's office (many from private traders), thematic and o016 om78, everyone has seen this ML with beacons (FSB);

OOM47 - similar to the 78th region, but also found on private traders;

OTT78 - a former traffic police station from 100, the embassy had a couple of cars in the first hundred and to this day there are a couple left 02*, now there are many from private owners, but they also come across in government agencies and special services;

OTT98 - former UGIBDD numbers for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. However, 0** and 9** are those that drove flag license plates and cool commercial vehicles, the embassy has 06* and 07*, o100 tt98 - S.I. Bugrov. At the moment, most of them are private traders;

OSA98 - replaced OTT98 (April-May 2008), UGIBDD St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. o0**ca98 to the “correct” cars of “their people”, for example o022 sa98 Mikhail Boyarsky, o100 sa98 from S.I. Bugrov, beginning. State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. o0**ca98, o8**ca98 and o9**ca98 - hundreds for private traders;

OTT47 - partially replacing the blue numbers, most of them for private traders;

OMM78 - former police department, the situation is the same as with o***tt78;

OMM98 - a lot on private traders, but there are also SSSHM, SZ UVDT, etc.;

ORR47 78 - former police department and police department, mostly about nothing;

OVO78 - currently most of the numbers have been transferred to region 98 (some remain with private owners);

OVO98 - partially replacing blue in **** 78, private security (UVO), OMON, etc .;

ORR98 - replacing blue a **** 78, Main Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region (not for sale);

OMO98 - replacing blue with p **** 78, district members. Numbers up to a hundred can also be found on “non-official” cars;

OMO47 - replacement of blue numbers, district residents of the Leningrad region (not for sale);

OMR98 - replacement for blue a****78, City Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, as always 016th - THEY (not for sale);

V*** (letter-letter) 47 78 98 - indicates that the car is “departmental”, that is, it is registered as the property of a legal entity. LLC, CJSC, JSC, etc., however, there are VERY themed cars.

SSS TTT RRR - from hundreds of dollars. e.

Altai Republic

SSS04 - judges

HHH04 - tax

OOO04 - leadership of the republic

MPA04 - Ministry of Internal Affairs

PPP04, PPA04 - prosecutor's office

Belgorod region

AAA31 - regional administration, administration of the city of Belgorod and Belgorod district. Wealthy private individuals. They don't slow down the first hundred.

VVV31 - private owners.

EEE31 - private owners.

SSS31 - private owners. Previously, they were issued to cars registered to enterprises.

TTT31 - private owners.

NNN31 - private owners.

KKK31 - up to 099 officials from the traffic police. the rest are private owners.

XXX31 - wealthy private owners. Also garbage trucks and sewer trucks.

LLC31 - private owners.

UMM31 - Ministry of Internal Affairs mixed with private traders. the so-called "Strengthened" series))

UUM31 - district police officers. Usually the car is painted, there’s no mistake.

AMP31 - a series of numbers distributed back in the 90s on a first-come, first-served basis. With the advent of the AMP series with region 97, 3 numbers were revived.

EKH31 - I've never seen it! - rumor banned by the Governor!

MAX31 - townspeople named Maxim!

KOT31 - if 3 are identical or a mirror, then these are especially naked majors and golden youth.

PPP31 - originally the regional prosecutor's office, now they issue it to everyone.

Republic of Bashkortostan

R***KS02, K***KS02 - cars legislature Republic - State Assembly - Kurultai. Unofficially stands for “Republic of Kurultai - Assembly” (in common parlance - “Cattle”)

S***KR02-Meeting of the Kurultai of the Republic. Currently replaced by S***KS102.

S***KS102 Since 2008, some of the numbers have been assigned to deputies of the State Assembly - Kurultai.

M***MM02 - before the replacement of car numbers with “blue” ones, this series belonged entirely to the cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now 001 to 100 are used by the prosecutor's office, the rest are owned by private owners.

U***UU02 - from 001-010 assigned to the heads of the Ufa city administration.

A***AA02 - license plates of Members of the Government, heads of the Presidential Administration and the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan himself and heads of administration of districts and cities of the Republic of Belarus. Currently, the remaining rooms are given to private owners.

A020AA02 - Head of the Administration of the urban district of the city of Ufa.

A100AA02 - President of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

A200AA02 - Chairman of the State Assembly of the Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

A300AA02 - Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

A***MM02 - before the replacement of the special series of car numbers with “blue” ones, this series completely belonged to the cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the replacement, 001-100 were issued to high-ranking employees of law enforcement and security agencies of the Republic of Belarus (including the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Republic of Belarus, etc.)

U***MM02 and * O***MM02 - issued by the senior management of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

V***MM02 - issued by the top management of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus to legal entities.

O***OO02 - the series was installed on cars of managers of large enterprises and ministries. Since 2008, O***OO02 has been replaced by R***OO102, thereby eliminating unnecessary people.

R***OO102 - since 2008, issued for cars of managers of large enterprises and ministries.

S***SS102 - from 001-100 are assigned to the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Belarus.

Currently, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and its chief personally are actively fighting the sale of both special series and simply beautiful numbers.

Moreover, buying beautiful license plates with numbers in the Republic of Belarus 001-100, 700, 777 is practically impossible for ordinary citizens (they are issued to garbage trucks, cash collectors, and sewer trucks); only those who are members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus or have the opportunity to sign a letter from the boss can buy these UGIBDD.

And if at present, the price for beautiful numbers in the Republic of Belarus is about 20-70 thousand rubles and is established only by reinstallation, then for special series they ask from 70 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on the capabilities of the so-called “immunity” of a particular series on the roads.

Republic of Kalmykia

001-200 - deputies of the People's Khural (parliament)

AAA08 - Administration of the Republic of Kalmykia.

MMM08 - Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Republic of Kalmykia.

ССС08 - prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kalmykia, judges.

Republic of Karelia

TTT10 - The government of the republic, the FSB of the republic, private traders also have it.

HNN10 is a series of cars for the administrations of cities and regions of the republic; private owners also have them.

MMM10 - a series of cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Private owners also have them.

EMP10 - a series of cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to which the “blue” license plates of cars “under reduction” were replaced, unofficially stands for “Russian Police are going” or “Cop is going to work”

ССС10 - prosecutor's office, judges (?)

LLC10 was a previously prestigious series, but now does not provide any privileges.

EKH10 - exclusively from private individuals, a large number of owners of one of the regions of Karelia.

AMP10 - was seen on the old "penny".

Komi Republic

VAT11 - Government of the Republic, later replaced by OOO, then by TTT.

RRR11 – Prosecutor’s Office

UUU11 - Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office

TTT11 - Government of the republic, FSB of the republic.

LLC11 - Half-bladed series, heads of large industrial companies.

MMM11 - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, part given to private hands

XXX, SSS, KKK11 - Half-criminal series, personal cars of cops. Some of the numbers go in taxis.

EKH11 - Half-criminal series, after checking by the prosecutor's office, “simple” numbers were issued to private hands

KCK11 - Half-criminal series, Spotted behind Gashik

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

MMM14 – Series of MVD cars*


RRR14 - prosecutor's office

MEN14 – Series of UFSB vehicles in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

TTT14 – XXX*

AAA14 - motor depot of the president, government and parliament of the republic, as well as the management of state-owned enterprises

AAU14 – Administration of the Municipal District of Yakutsk


Republic of Tatarstan

MMM VMM is a series of cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to which the “blue” license plates of cars that were “under reduction” were replaced.

MPT is a series of vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Police of the Republic of Tatarstan).

VKM - a series of cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Kazan police).

VRM - formerly a series of cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Republican Police).

VTM is a series of cars of officials of the state apparatus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, and also after 200 - chiefs and directors of large enterprises.

OAA is a series of cars of the government of the republic, as well as the heads of administrations of cities and districts (a variant of the interpretation of Ola Abiy Arbasy (tat.) - Cart (car) of Big Uncle) or Particularly Authoritative Car.

RAO16 - City Hall of Kazan.

TTT - criminal series called “three aces” (option: “three Tatars”)

VOV116 is a series of cars of participants of the Great Patriotic War.

RSK - Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan.

Republic of Udmurtia

AAA - Administration of the Udmurt Republic

LLC - senior officials of enterprises and factories of the Udmurt Republic

After the anti-corruption campaign, the remnants of the “LLC” series with numbers from 100 to 999 were distributed to ordinary car owners who registered their cars.

Altai region

AAA, TTT, UUU - rare criminal series

RRR - previously administration Altai Territory and cities, now partially the Prosecutor's Office, various authorities and organizations, as well as “just” citizens.

XXX - the old series of traffic police cars, before they were replaced with “blue” ones. They were called Khavalka Khakhatushki.

LLC - the administration of the Altai Territory, two numbers each for the regional court and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

KKK, NNN, SSS, MMM are a commercial series created by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate solely for economic reasons.

MUK - Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Altai Territory. Unofficially stands for "Police Department of the Territory"

MOV - Department of Internal Affairs of Barnaul, district police departments of Barnaul.

MOR, MOS - district and rural departments of internal affairs of the Altai Territory.

ASK - Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the AK.

Krasnodar region

РРР23 - administrations Krasnodar Territory and cities, private owners.

NNN23 - tax services of the Krasnodar region.

LLC23 AAA23 - mainly owned by deputies and district administrations, but also by influential private owners.

OOO93 AAA93 - the majority belongs to influential private owners, and district administrations also have a majority.

KKK93 - administration of the Krasnodar region, replaced RRR23.

001 is the car number of the regional governor Alexander Tkachev.

MKK93 - police of the Krasnodar region.

ASK23 - courts of the Krasnodar region.

AAV23 - prosecutor's office of the Krasnodar region.

ANV23 - transport prosecutor's office, freelance employees of the Krasnodar region.

AAS23 - legislative assembly, deputies of the regional assembly of the Krasnodar region.

500-800 - customs of the Krasnodar region and cities.

001-200 - FSO of the Russian Federation.

001-009 - high-ranking officers of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory.

EKH93 - FSO of the Russian Federation.

SSM23 - only initial numbers - Administration of Sochi.

MMM23 - most of them are in the state police, but there are also private security forces in the Krasnodar Territory.

MMM93 - for private owners, mainly with power assets

SSS23 - with numbers 001-009, 100-900, 011, 111-999 - criminal series

KAA - Krasnodar city administration and municipal institutions.

UUU23 - cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, found on personal cars of employees

200-400 — Gazprom

SSS93 - Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Krasnodar Territory.

MOS, VOS, IOC 93 to 100 - “Olympstroy” and everything related to the Olympics

Krasnoyarsk region

KRK, LLC - administration Krasnoyarsk Territory, Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Unofficially stands for "Krasnoyarsk Territory". The OOO series is currently outdated, and by order of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory A.V. Gorovoy, in order to discriminate against the series, some of the numbers were issued to trucks.

AOO - Krasnoyarsk City Administration, City Council.

MKK, MSK - formerly, Ministry of Internal Affairs. Unofficially stands for “Police of the Krasnoyarsk Territory” and “Police Service of the Territory”.

KSM - vehicles of operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Unofficially stands for "Criminal Police Service".

VSR - judges. Unofficially stands for "Supreme Court of Russia".

TTT was previously the so-called “thieves’ series.” Currently, it is outdated, and by order of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory A.V. Gorovoy, in order to discriminate against the series, some of the numbers were issued to trucks, including garbage trucks.

Novgorod region

M***MM - up to a hundred - ATC, before the introduction of blue numbers, later distributed to private owners;

A***AA - Administration of Veliky Novgorod and the region, A42*AA - A46*AA - there are trucks and private owners.

O***OO - ATC later, up to three hundred (?), the rest is on private rags, but there are also expensive cars.

Primorsky Krai

MOO25 - an old series of ATC vehicles, before they were replaced with “blue” ones.

MOO125 - ...

BOO25 - military

AAA25 - these numbers were issued in the very first series in Vladivostok

AAA125 - Prosecutor's Office of the Primorsky Territory, one of the most "thieves" series, issued only on the instructions of the regional prosecutor.

NNN25 - series of the Vladivostok administration, personal cars of city Duma deputies. Formed from the first letter of the surname of the mayor of Vladivostok, Vladimir Nikolaev. Folk decoding: “Nikolaev is the new boss.”

MMM25 - deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region convened in 2002.

SSS25 - administration of the Primorsky Territory. Derived from the first letter of the name Sergei Darkin. Unofficial decoding - “Orphans from Svetlanskaya”.

XXX25 - Internal Affairs Directorate (or prosecutor's office). A commercial series created by the traffic police solely for economic reasons; these numbers are not departmental

LLC25 - previously, under Governor Evgeniy Nazdratenko, the administration of the Primorsky Territory. The unofficial decoding, of course, is “Limited Liability Company.”

TTT25 - previously, under Mayor Yuri Kopylov, the administration of Vladivostok and federal structures in the Primorsky Territory

MVK 125 is the “thieves” number of police officers. Transcript: “cops” of Vladivostok. Departmental numbers of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky Territory

MVV 125 - departmental number for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Vladivostok.

MOO 25.125 - regional structures of the Internal Affairs Directorate, Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters and other specialists. services. Businessmen have a lot of numbers.

VOO 25.125 - city police department services of Vladivostok and regions, part purchased by businessmen

NOO 25.125 - ATC services, traffic police and others in the south-eastern region of the Primorsky Territory (Nakhodka)

UOO 25.125 - ATC services, traffic police, etc. of the Central region of the Primorsky Territory (Ussuriysk)

SOO 25.125 - ATC services, traffic police and others in the Northern region of Primorsky Krai (Spassk-Dalniy)

Arhangelsk region

RRR - Administration of the Arkhangelsk Region since 2007

MAO - Police of the Arkhangelsk region

MAA - Police of the Arkhangelsk region since 2007

MMM - Police of the Arkhangelsk region (one M777 MM-29 car in mid-2009)

A266 MR97 - Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Arkhangelsk Region

EPE - often installed on the cars of functionaries of the United Russia party. Unofficial transcript - “United Russia is Coming”

EKH - I Eat As I Want, given “to the people” October 2009

TTT - various government bodies of the Arkhangelsk region

Vladimir region

AVO 33 – Administration of the Vladimir Region

AAA 33 - administration numbers

LLC 33 - Criminal numbers like everywhere else

OOM 33 - Police license plates (not decorated)

SOP 33 - Police license plates (not decorated)

Vologda Region

AAA35 AOO35 - Government of the Vologda region and administration of the city of Vologda [source not specified 199 days]

A001 AA35 A435 MR97 - Governor of the Vologda region.

A535 MP97 - Chairman of the Vologda Regional Duma.

ABO35 - Vologda City Hall.

ASK35 - Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office for the Vologda Region.

ANV35 - Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Vologda Region.

AVU35 - City Hall of Cherepovets.

AAA35 OOO35 CCC35 TTT35 - with numbers from 001 to 100 “good” numbers.

Voronezh region

AAA36 - administration of the Voronezh region [source not specified 199 days];

VOA36 - Voronezh regional administration;

MMM36 - prosecutor's office of the Voronezh region;

TTT36 - Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Voronezh Region, private owners;

XXX36 - Judges;

SSS36 - State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Voronezh Region, private owners;

VBB36 EEE36 KKK36 (“three poops”) NNN36 OOO36 PPP36 UUU36 EKH36 - “thieves” series $.

Room type:

957** that is, “DPS” by the first letters of the numbers, and even giving a total of 21 “Points”, as well as numbers *100-900 and 001-009* which end with the letters “OO”, for example “M100 OO”, “M001 OO” hang on the cars of traffic police officers and thieves.

Kaliningrad region

AAK - administration of the Kaliningrad region, FSB, prosecutor's office

KKK - administration of the Kaliningrad region. Later they were sold as thieves.

RRR - administration of the Kaliningrad region under Governor Boos (Boos car number - p001 pp 39 rus)

TTT - Department of Internal Affairs of the Kaliningrad Region

RTR - replaced the tricolors

LLC - Prosecutor's Office

KMK - Traffic Police Department for the Kaliningrad Region (before the introduction of “blue” plates), the first 500, the rest were sold into private hands.

AAE - Various types of government departments in the Kaliningrad region.

Kaluga region

MAA40 - a series of cars of internal affairs bodies before the introduction of blue license plates. Now it is actively issued again.

MAV40 is a series of police vehicles and personal cars of police officers, as well as those close to them.

AAA40 - a series of cars of the administration of the region, city, state unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises (somewhere up to 200), >200 - personal cars of those close to the authorities. Occasionally there are old cars that received the AAA series in order of general priority in 1994-95. Then these numbers were routinely confiscated during the re-registration of cars. The governor's car is a black Mercedes-Benz S 500 (W221) A001 AA.

РРР40 - prosecutor's office.

EMM40 is a new police series.

OOO40 - in the mid and late 90s, such numbers were issued to especially close persons on the personal order of the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate. Then, during the fight against privileges, the series was mixed with public services and ordinary citizens. Now the series is very controversial, found in large quantities expensive jeeps and executive cars. There are also a lot of ambulances, trucks, ordinary private owners, and even municipal equipment, for example, garbage trucks.

XXX40 - the first hundred - judges.

Kemerovo region

AKO - formerly the administration of the Kemerovo region

LLC - old series of the administration of the Kemerovo region

TTT (“Transport of Comrade Tuleyev”) - a new series of the administration of the Kemerovo region

RRR - prosecutor's office of the Kemerovo region

Ministry of Internal Affairs - formerly the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

KUM - Series of the Chief of the Municipal Internal Affairs Directorate

AKM - administration of Kemerovo (in Kuzbass the decoding “Cars of the Kemerovo Mafia” is also common)

AAA - like everywhere else, just expensive numbers (currently out of stock, the traffic police are looking for new horizons)

EKX are very rare and expensive examples, so far only two cars have been spotted: Lexus LX470 - E999 KX42 and Mercedes-Benz S500Long - E777 KX42.

Kirov region

AKO43 - administration of the Kirov region. They were issued in limited quantities to the heads of large enterprises and other persons close to the authorities.

MKO43 - internal affairs bodies of the Kirov region.

AAA, VVV, LLC, SSS (popularly stands for Happy Family of Sandalov (Head of the Kirov State Traffic Safety Inspectorate), TTT, XXX43 - at different times they were issued to both private individuals and various authorities.

Kurgan region

OOO45 - former series of the administration of the Kurgan region

TTT45 - administration of the Kurgan region

OKO45 - prosecutor's office of the Kurgan region

KSK45 - Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the Kurgan Region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

AAA52 - administration of the Nizhny Novgorod region

AAA152 - administration of the Volga Federal District, partially - administration of the Nizhny Novgorod region

AET52 – Gorky Automobile Plant

ANN52 TKA52 ANM52 ENM52 - Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Nizhny Novgorod Region

ANN152 - City Hall Nizhny Novgorod, district authorities of Nizhny Novgorod

VNM52 - formerly police, now special transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

EEE52 - customs

NNN52 - commercial organizations subordinate to the administration

OOO52 TTT52 - apparatus of the plenipotentiary representative in the Volga Federal District

RRR52 - prosecutor's office of the Nizhny Novgorod region

SSS52 - FSB Directorate for the Nizhny Novgorod Region

SNM52 - structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Nizhny Novgorod

In Soviet times, regional committee bosses drove GOR plates; under Nemtsov, the regional administration had Soviet NNN plates.

Novosibirsk region

AAA54 - part of the numbers (first hundred) floor. before the president, the rest are “thieves” numbers

NNN54 - numbers of the Novosibirsk mayor's office, administration Novosibirsk region and the regional council. Unofficially they stand for “Don’t touch the Novosibirsk authorities.”

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