What is the largest mountain. The highest mountains in the world: Seven Peaks

Mountains are not just part of the relief; they participate in the fresh water cycle, largely determine the weather, and are a powerful recreational resource. Climbers travel all over the world, hoping to conquer the most dangerous peaks where they can see incredibly beautiful landscapes. Next, the reader is presented with the most high mountains in the world— top 10 list.

10. Jaya (4,884 m)

The ranking of the highest mountains in the world opens with “Jaya”, which means “Victory” in Indonesian. The mountain is located in Indonesia and is part of the Maoke mountain system. Its peak, the Carstens Pyramid, is 4,884 m above sea level. This is the highest point in Oceania.

The Carstens Pyramid was first conquered in 1962 by a group of Austrian climbers. Technically, the mountain is difficult, since its peak has steep slopes, but the mild climate does not cause problems. Permission to climb must be obtained from local tribes, who are not always friendly.

9. Vinson Massif (4,892 m)

The parade of the highest mountain peaks on the planet continues with the Vinson Massif, named after the American politician Carl Vinson. The massif is located in Antarctica in the Ellsworth system. Vinson was discovered by accident: in 1957, it was seen by the pilots of an American airliner flying over the mainland in clear weather. Vinson's elevation is 4,892 m, which is the highest point in Antarctica.

The first ascent dates back to 1966. Climbers rate Vinson's summit as moderate in technical difficulty. The ascent is hampered by frequent bad weather and low temperatures on the mainland. The price of a tourist tour with climbing the massif reaches 40 thousand US dollars.

8. Orizaba (5,636 m)

Volcano Orizaba, 5,636 meters above sea level, is the highest point in Mexico and the third peak in the Americas. Located in the Cordillera mountain system. The local name of the volcano is “Citlaltepetl”, which means “Hill of the Star” in Aztec. The volcano is considered active, but the last eruption was recorded in 1846.

The first ascent of Orizaba dates back to 1848. On this moment climbers consider this mountain range quite simple. It is used as a training peak for beginning climbers. The price of the excursion is about 3 thousand US dollars.

7. Elbrus (5,642 m)

Elbrus ranks seventh among the highest mountains in the world. The peak of the mountain is located 5,642 m above sea level, which is the highest point in Europe and Russia. The etymology of the name is unknown; among the peoples of the Caucasus, the mountain is called differently.

Elbrus is a stratovolcano located in the Caucasus Mountains system between Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. The volcano is considered active, but the last eruption was more than 5,000 years ago; according to scientists, the activity of Elbrus is gradually increasing.

Elbrus is the main recreational resource of the Caucasus. The first conquest of the peak took place in 1829. At the moment, the infrastructure is well developed, a large number of hotels, tourist camps, the friendliness of the local population and affordable prices make Elbrus the most popular of the seven peaks.

6. Cristobal Colon (5,776 m)

Cristobal Colon means Christopher Columbus in Spanish, and the mountain is named after him.

Peak Cristobal Colon is located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range in northern Colombia. Its summit is located at 5,776 m above sea level, which is the highest point in Colombia.

From a mountaineering point of view, Cristobal is a technically simple mountain and is not of particular interest for expeditions. It can be climbed with tourist groups. The bulk of hotels and camps for tourists are located near the city of Santa Marta in the northwest of the ridge.

5. Kilimanjaro (5,895 m)

Kilimanjaro is a stratovolcano located in northeastern Tanzania. Uhuru Peak of the Kibo volcano is located at an altitude of 5,895 m above sea level, it is the highest point of the African continent.

Kilimanjaro - active volcano, however, there is no documented evidence that it ever erupted.

The first summit of Kilimanjaro took place in 1889. Climbers consider Uhuru Peak to be technically easy; the ascent can be accomplished without special training or climbing equipment. Climatic changes pose a great difficulty due to the proximity of the volcano to the equator.

4. Mount Logan (5,959 m)

The mountain is named after William Logan, a geologist from Canada. Located in southwest Yukon. Its peak is 5,959 m above sea level - this highest mountain Canada and second highest in North America.

Mount Logan was conquered in 1925. Climbing to the top is difficult due to the low temperature; at the peak the air rarely warms up above 45 degrees. Climbers regard the mountain as difficult, requiring special training and equipment.

3. Denali (6,190 m)

Denali opens the top three highest mountains in the world. The mountain received a new name in 2015; before that time, since 1896, it was called McKinley.

Denali is located in south-central Alaska and is part of the Alaska Range. At 6,190 m above sea level, Denali is the highest peak in North America.

The first conquest dates back to 1913 by the expedition of Reverend Hudson Stack. Currently open hiking trails, along which there are special lifts, shuttle buses, hotels and tourist camps. Six American companies provide tours. Over the entire history of the conquest of Denali, more than 100 climbers have died.

2. Aconcagua (6,962 m)

Aconcagua is the highest point in South America, with an altitude of 6,962 m. The mountain is located in the center of the Andes, the Main Cordillera ridge, located between Argentina and Chile. Aconcagua itself is located in Argentina.

Aconcagua is a place of contrasts. Climbers consider the northern and eastern slopes to be technically easy, while the southern and southwestern slopes are considered very difficult. The main difficulty is the low partial pressure of atmospheric air, which is solved with the help of oxygen masks. The ascent begins in the city of Mendoza, the path to the top lies through 8 intermediate points.

1. Everest (8,848 m)

Everest (or Chomolungma) is located in the Himalaya mountain range, the Mahalangur Himal range, located between China and Nepal. The northern point of Everest is located at 8,848 m above sea level and is the highest on Earth.

The first conquest of the eight-thousander occurred in 1953, since then more than 4,000 people have visited Everest, about 260 of them died. Every year about 500 people conquer the peak; ascents take place from late spring to early autumn. The cost of the climb reaches 64 thousand US dollars.

According to data, this particular shield volcano, located on Hawaiian Islands is the highest if you consider the height from the very base of the mountain.

As you know, with its height of 10203 meters it is 1355 meters higher than Chomolungma. If you decide to visit this gigantic elevation, you will notice that most of the mountain is hidden under water, and rises only 4205 meters above sea level.

Mauna Kea has existed on earth for about a million years. According to experts, the last period of activity of the volcano was 500,000 years ago, the last eruption occurred approximately 4-5 thousand years ago, so it is considered inactive and there is no reason for concern.

The top of a volcano mountain is believed to have everything best quality, intended for astronomical observation: humid air, temperature, number of sunny days per year, environmental conditions, etc. As you know, a number of powerful telescopes are already operating at its summit, and in 214, construction began on the largest telescope in the world.

The highest mountains in the world from all continents. Description of the seven highest peaks by frequency.

As you know, there is a project that includes a list of the highest peaks of the world around the world and it is called “Seven Summits”. This seven includes the mountains of North and South America, as well as Asia and Europe. Climbers who have conquered all seven peaks automatically become honorary members of the “Seven Peaks” club.

I consider it necessary to provide a list of mountains that are included in the list of “seven peaks”:

  • Chomolungma (Asia);
  • Aconcagua (South America);
  • McKinley (North America);
  • Kilimanjaro (Africa);
  • Elbrus or Mont Blanc (Europe);
  • Vinson Massif (Antarctica);
  • Kosciuszko (Australia) or Cartens Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) (Australia and Oceania).

Chomolungma (Everest) as the highest peak in Asia

Geographically, she laid out her southern mountain ranges(8760 m.) on the border of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, and the northern ones (main, 8848 m.) - on the territory of China itself. The peak itself belongs to the Himalaya mountain system and the Mahalangur-Himal ridge. Its coordinates are 27.59`17` north latitude. 86.55`31` E

An interesting fact is that we would not have known about this mountain as the highest in the world if in 1852, a certain mathematician and topographer Radhanat Sidkar, while in India, was 240 km away. from India, did not determine this by trigonometric calculations.

The tallest Asian beauty has the shape of a triangular pyramid. The southern skrod is distinguished by its geometric steepness and exposure, so it does not hold snow and firn. As you know, many glaciers descend from the peak, ending their existence at an altitude of 5000 m.

According to facts, the first people to climb the highest peak were Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Eumond Hillary, they climbed on May 29, 1953 through the South Col.

There is no need to hide the fact that the mountain is not very welcoming to guests. Its climate is very harsh, wind speed reaches 55 m/sec, temperatures in some places drop to -60 degrees Celsius. According to statistics, every twentieth climber remains forever on the slopes of harsh peaks, even modern equipment and equipment do not help, as a result of which 200 climbers from 1953 to 2014 left their lives without conquering the highest peak.

Aconcagua is the second of the “Seven Summits” and the highest peak in the western and southern hemispheres of the Earth.

As you know, in Argentina, in the central part of the Andes, the highest mountain in South America is located - Aconcagua. According to the data, this peak was formed by the convergence of two lithospheric plates, Nazca and South American, and is 6962 m in absolute height. It also has a large number of glaciers, the largest being the northeastern (Polish) and eastern ones.

Coordinates: 32.39` S 70.00` west

Compared to Chomolungma, climbing to this peak will not be difficult if you do it from the northern slope. But despite this, it will be more difficult to conquer from the south or southwest. As you know, the British were the first to climb Mount Aconcagu in 1898 with the expedition of Edward Fitzgerald.

The third of the “Seven Summits” is the highest mountain in North America – McKinley

Coordinates – 63.04`10` north latitude. 151.00`26` west

This natural wonder is located in the center of Denali National Park in Alaska. As history goes, until 1867, that is, until Alaska was sold to the United States, it was considered the highest mountain of the Russian Empire. The first person to see it from both sides is considered to be Lavrenty Alekseevich Zagoskin, the leader of the Russian expedition.

On March 17, 1913, American climbers under the command of Hudson Stack are considered the first people to conquer this peak.

According to stories, the indigenous people, the Athabascan Indians, used to call this mountain Denali, which means “great.” It was also called “Big Mountain” when it belonged to the Russian Empire. It received its final name in 1896 in honor of the 25th American president.

The highest mountain in Africa and the fourth of the “seven” is Kilimanjaro.

Geographic coordinates: 3.04`00` S, 37.21`33` E.

This mountain is a potentially active volcano in northeastern Tanzania. Its ridge consists of three extinct volcanoes: Shira is located in the west with an altitude of 3,962 m above sea level, Kibo in the center with a height of 5,891.8 m, and in the east Mawenzi with an altitude of 5,149 m.

Talking about appearance mountains, then its peaks are covered with an ice cap. Unfortunately, this glacier is actively melting and is barely noticeable in height as in the old days, and experts predict its complete disappearance by 2020. This active melting may be due to the cutting down of nearby forests and a decrease in precipitation.

As evidenced by the facts, in 1889 the first ascent of this peak was made by Hans Meier. It is important to say that conquering this mountain is not considered technically difficult. since it is located close to the equator and is at the intersection point of all types of altitudinal zones.

The highest peak in Russia and Europe – Elbrus

Geographic coordinates: 43.20`45` N, 42.26`55` E.

Due to the ambiguity of the border between Asia and Europe, there is currently debate about the location of this mountain in Europe. If the answer is positive, this mountain can be considered the highest point in Europe; if not, then Mont Blanc can claim this peak.

About the location: as you know, Elbrus is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachevo-Cherkessia, in the Caucasus.

Externally, it looks like a swell-shaped volcanic cone, with a height of 5642 m in the west and 5621 m in the east. According to data, in the 50s. before. AD the last eruption was observed.

The hills of this mountain are covered with glaciers measuring 134.5 sq. km, the largest of which are Big and Small Azau, Terskop.

From the point of view of climbers, the ascent is not difficult, but there are particularly difficult routes. The first conquest was accomplished during the expedition of General G.A. Emanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line in 1929.

The highest mountain in Antarctica and the sixth of the “seven” – Vinson Massif

Geographic coordinates: 78.31`31` S, 85.37`01` W

The mountain is part of the Ellsworth Mountains and is geographically located 1200 km away. from the South Pole. Its scale is 21 m long and 13 km. in width. It is Vinson Peak that is the highest point of the massif.

It was discovered by American pilots in 1957, and on December 18, 1966, the sunrise was recorded by Nicholas Clinch.

The fifth of seven and the first Mont Blanc mountain in Europe

Geographic coordinates: 45.49`58` N, 6.51`53` E.

This beauty is located on the border of France and Italy and belongs to the Alps mountain system. Its length is 50 km. it is part of the Mont Blanc crystalline massif. The mountain has a large and majestic cover with a length of 200 km. The Mer de Glace is the largest glacier.

Jacques Balmat and Michel Paccard were the first to conquer the massif on August 8, 1786. Also interesting fact It is also true that in 1886, during his honeymoon, Theodore Roosevelt conquered this mountain.

The seventh of the “Seven” and the first in mainland Australia is Mount Kosciuszko

Geographic coordinates: 36.27` S 148.16` E

This massif was discovered in 1840 and is located on the territory of the national park of the same name, in the Australian Alps in the south of New South Wales.

As you know, the name of the mountain in honor of the military and political figure Tadeusz Kosciuszko was given by the Polish traveler, geographer and geologist Pavel Edmund Strzelecki. It was he who carried out the first conquest of this mountain in 1840.

The highest in Australia and Oceania and the seventh of seven is the Carstens Pyramid (Puncak Jaya)

Geographic coordinates: 4.05` S, 137.11` E

It is impossible to miss the fact that there is currently disagreement over which array should cover the list of “seven” vertices. If the Austrian continent is taken into account, Kosciuszko Peak will be considered, and if all of Australia and Oceania are taken into account, the Carstens Pyramid with a height of 4884 meters will undoubtedly be the highest. For this reason, two versions of the “seven peaks” were created, including two options. But the main one is still considered to be the Carstens Pyramid.

The peak is part of the Maoke massif and is located in the western part of the island New Guinea.

The mountain is named after the Dutch explorer Jan Carstens, who discovered it in 1623. Its hills were first conquered by a group of four Austrian climbers led by Heinrich Harrer in 1962.

What is the largest mountain in the world, you ask? If by world we mean our planet, then two mountains claim this place: Mount Everest in the Himalayas and Mount Mauna Kea in the Hawaiian Islands. Let's look at each of them, and you decide for yourself which is the largest mountain in the world.

Is Mount Everest the largest mountain in the world or the highest?

(Photo of Mount Everest No. 1)

Mount Everest is named after Sir George Everest, surveyor of British India from 1830 to 1843. and is located in the Himalaya mountain system on the Mahalangur Himal ridge.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain peak in Asia and the highest point on the earth's surface. Its main northern peak is located in China and is 8848 m above sea level. Its southern highest point is located on the border of the Republic of Nepal and Tibet and is 8760 m above sea level.

(Photo of Mount Everest No. 2)

Mount Everest is also called "Qomolungma" in the local Tibetan language, which means "Goddess Mother of the World", or there is another name "Sagarmatha" in the ancient Indian language - "Ocean of the Mother."

Who decided that Everest is the largest mountain in the world? This important discovery was accomplished by the Indian scientist - mathematician and topographer Radhanat Sikdar, who calculated the height of Chomolungma using trigonometry in 1852.

The largest mountain in the world resembles a triangular pyramid in shape, with a very steep bare slope on the south side. From its top, giant glaciers begin, which descend down the mountain and end at an altitude of 5000 m. The Arun River flows through a special through valley of more than 6 km in south direction near Mount Everest.

Many climbers dream of conquering this top of the world, but for some, this risky climb turns out to be deadly. Until now, about 260 people have died on the slopes of Mount Chomolungma. What's the climate like? great grief in the world? For the human body there is very rarefied air, containing little oxygen, add hurricane winds of 55 m/sec, and very low air temperature - 50-60 degrees (but it feels like 100-120 degrees), intense solar radiation also plays a role, as well as The usual dangers for mountains are avalanches, falling into gorges or from slopes. It is impossible to climb Everest without guides and special expensive equipment. But there were brave souls who were the first to conquer this largest mountain in the world - Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary, they climbed to the top through the South Col in 1953. This is briefly about the beautiful majestic mountain, which broke all records for altitude above sea level on land. Who is her rival on our planet? Is there really another largest mountain in the world?

Mauna Kea volcano is the largest mountain in the world

(Photo Mauna Kea mountains №1)

The largest mountain in the world, Mauna Kea is an extinct shield volcano, which with its mega base is immersed in the depths of the Pacific Ocean for as much as 6 thousand meters. The visible part of the mountain to the top is 4200 m above sea level (the total height of the mountain is about 10203 m from the base to the top) and is located on the Hawaiian Islands, which have a number of active and extinct volcanoes. Opinions about its formation differed. Some believe that this extinct volcano is millions of years old, while others believe that this mountain, like other mountains, is quite young and was formed thanks to a global earthly catastrophe - the water Flood.

Ever since Sir Edmund Hillary reached the summit of Mount Everest in 1953, thousands of climbers have been eager to emulate his feat. Thanks to Everest's impressive title of being the world's tallest mountain, so many people have climbed it that every year this Himalayan beauty gradually turns into a literal garbage dump.

Everest is the highest mountain in the world (∼ 8,848 m)

When we talk about what is the highest mountain in the world, we usually think about the height above sea level. And if we take this parameter, then the height of the mountain (8849 meters above sea level) is beyond competition. Everest extends higher into the atmosphere than any other peak in the world.

However, the farthest point from the center of the Earth, and therefore the highest in terms of distance, is Chimborazo (6384 meters above sea level). This is a stratovolcano in Ecuador that is part of the Andes mountain range.

The earth is not flat, it bulges out at the equator and flattens out near the poles. This means that mountains near the equator are technically higher than those in other areas of the planet. And it so happens that Chimborazo is closer to the convex center of the Earth than Everest. It turns out that it is closer to the stars than the highest point of Mount Everest.

The hardest mountain for climbers

According to one report, Everest extends 6,382 meters from the center of the Earth. At the same time, Chimborazo extends over a distance of 6384 meters. Although the height difference between the two mountains is only 2 km, it is enough to give the title of “highest mountain” to the Ecuadorian stratovolcano.

So why does Mount Everest continue to receive all the laurels while Chimborazo remains relatively unnoticed? It all comes down to the difficulty of the climb.

If you are a climber and want to test yourself by conquering Everest, then the path to base camp will take 10 days. It will take another six weeks to acclimatize, followed by nine days to reach the summit. On the other hand, acclimatization on Chimborazo takes about two weeks, and the journey to the top takes about two days. Simply put, after Everest, climbing Chimborazo will seem like a walk in the park.

Above and below sea level

Mount Everest is the highest point above sea level, but if we are talking about sheer height from base to summit, then the honor of being called the highest mountain goes to the “White Mountain” (Mauna Kea) on the island of Hawaii. Its height above sea level is 4205 meters, but the mountain goes 5,998 meters down to the bottom. More than half of the mountain is submerged in water.

The total height of Mauna Kea is 10,203 meters. This is 1345 meters higher than Everest.

Mauna Kea is actually an extinct volcano on big island Hawaii. It was created about a million years ago when the Pacific Ocean tectonic plate moved over a plume of liquid magma deep within the Earth. Mauna Kea last erupted about 4,600 years ago.

The top of the mountain is an astronomer's paradise: It has low humidity, clear skies, and a great distance from any light pollution. That is, from the top of the volcano it opens, perhaps best view to celestial objects. There are currently 13 telescopes on the peak of Mauna Kea.

It is important to note again that Everest is the highest of the highest mountains when measured from sea level. If you use this parameter, then Chimborazo cannot even qualify for the title of “highest peak in the Andes.” This title belongs to Mount Aconcagua, which rises 6961 meters above sea level.

The highest mountains on each continent

  1. In Asia - Mount Everest (8,849 meters).
  2. IN South America— Mount Aconcagua (6,961 meters).
  3. In North America - Mount McKinley (6,190 meters).
  4. In Africa - Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters).
  5. In Europe - Mount Elbrus (5,642 meters)
  6. In Antarctica there is the Vinson Massif (4,897 meters).

In Australia - Oceania - Mount Puncak Jaya (4,884 meters) in Oceania and Mount Kosciuszko - the highest point on the Australian continent (2,228 meters).

Top 10 highest mountains in the world

The problem with measurement is that it is often unclear where the dividing line lies between a mountain with several peaks and a separate mountain. For this reason, it is better to use a measurement called “topographic elevation” (height mountain peak above the bottom of the valley closest to the mountain). Taking into account first of all this criterion, and secondly the height above sea level, we have compiled a rating of the highest points on Earth.

Topographic elevation - 4,741 m.

It rises 5,642 m above sea level.

Mount Elbrus is an extinct volcano located in the western part of the Caucasus Range, in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, near the Russian-Georgian border. This is the highest peak in the Caucasus.

Excess - 4,884 m.

Height - 4,884 m.

This mountain, located on the Australian Plate on the island of New Guinea, was originally named after its discoverer, the Dutchman Jan Carstens. In 1965, it changed its name in honor of the Indonesian President Sukarno, and in 1969 it was renamed for the third time, to Jaya (Indonesian for Victory) and stopped there for now.

Excess - 4,892 m.

The height of the peak is 4,892 m.

Record holders of Antarctica and part of the Elsworth Mountains, which rise above the Ronne Ice Shelf.

Elevation - 4,922 m

The height according to GPS is 5,636 m, according to INEGI - 5,611 m.

Stratovolcano, the highest mountain in Mexico and the third highest in North America. Orizaba last erupted in 1687, after which it “fell asleep” and has not woken up to this day.

Topographic elevation - 5,250 m

Altitude above sea level - 5,959 m.

The highest mountain in Canada and the second in North America, after McKinley. Due to active tectonic uplift, Logan is still growing in height. Until 1992, the exact height of the mountain was unknown and was assumed to range from 5,959 to 6,050 meters. In May 1992, the GSC expedition climbed Logan and established the current altitude of 5,959 meters using GPS

Topographic elevation - 5,585 m.

Above sea level - 5,776 m

Highest point in Colombia. The Colombian peak of Simon Bolivar is almost equal in height to it. Together they are the country's two closest peaks to the stars.

Topographic elevation - 5,885 m.

Above sea level - 5,895 m.

Kilimanjaro and its three volcanic cones (Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira) are dormant volcanic mountain V national park Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. This is the highest mountain in Africa. There is no documented evidence of Kilimanjaro's eruption, but local legends say that the volcano was active 150-200 thousand years ago.

Topographic elevation - 6,144 m

Altitude above sea level - 6,190 m

The double-headed Mount McKinley (aka Denali), located in Alaska, is the highest mountain peak in the United States and North America. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was called Big Mountain and was the highest point of the Russian Empire.

Topographic elevation - 6,962 m.

Above sea level - 6,962 m.

The highest mountain in North and South America. It is located in the Andes mountain range, in the Argentine province of Mendoza. In 2013, the youngest climber, nine-year-old American Tyler Armstrong, climbed the mountain. And last year, Aconcagua was conquered by the youngest climber, twelve-year-old Romanian Dor Jeta Popescu.

1. Mount Everest (Qomolungma)

Topographic elevation - 8,848 m.

Altitude above sea level - 8,848 m.

The leader of the mountain charts was named after the English colonel, Sir George Everest, who was the chief surveyor of India from 1830 to 1843. Mount Everest is also known by the Tibetan name Qomolungma (Mother Goddess of Vital Energy) and the Nepalese name Sagarmatha (Forehead of Heaven).

Where is the tallest mountain in the world?

Qomolungma is located in the Mahalangur Himal mountain range in the Himalayas. Part of it lies on the border of Nepal and China, part on the territory of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Many human triumphs and tragedies have been associated with Everest. George Mallory (Great Britain) was the first climber to attempt Everest. In 1924, he died near the summit and his remains were found only in 1999, but the body of his teammate Andrew Irwin was not found.

Mount Everest has been the inspiration for many Guinness World Records, from the simple fact that it is the world's tallest peak to the world's tallest (by location) concert.

Despite the title of "the highest peak on Earth", Everest is not the tallest mountain on the planet. That is, Everest has no equal in height above sea level. But as for the height from the base to the top, the palm is held by Mauna Kea in Hawaii, USA. Its visible part is 4,205 meters, and the rest is under water. The total height of Mauna Kea reaches 10,203 meters.

There are many highest peaks on planet Earth. People conquer them, sing them, and study with interest where the highest mountains are. One of these places is called Everest - this is the highest mountain in the world, known not only for its height, but also for numerous ascents in attempts to conquer it, hundreds of lives lost and interesting story research. In addition to it, there are 13 more mountains that have exceeded the mark of 8000 meters.

The highest mountains

The list of the largest mountains on planet Earth includes 117 names. It includes most of the highest peaks, which number more than 7200 meters. Most of them are located in Asia, in the Himalayas - a chain stretching from India to Bhutan. The ranking opens with the highest peak on earth - Everest. The highest mountains on earth also belong to the Himalayan eight-thousanders: Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Kanchenjunga, Karakorum, Lhotse, Makalu, Manaslu, Nanga Parbat, Chogori. Let's pay attention to those mountains that are located on other continents of the world:

  • In first place is Everest (Chomolungma), 8848 meters. It is located in the central Himalayas.
  • The American mountain Aconcagua from Argentina takes second place and reaches 6961 m.
  • In Alaska there is Mount McKinley, 6168 m.
  • The famous Kilimanjaro from Africa takes fourth place thanks to its 5891.8 meters.
  • Elbrus, popular among climbers, is located on Greater Caucasus. Height - 5642 m. Its first conquest in Caucasus mountains dates from 1829.
  • Vinson, whose height is 4897 meters. This is the highest peak in Antarctica.
  • Mont Blanc is the largest peak in Europe. Reaches 4810 m.
  • Kosciuszko is a mountain that Australia can boast of. Height - 2228 meters.
  • Pyramid of Carstens (4884 m). Refers to the highest peaks Australia and Oceania.

The highest peak in the world

Any height on land is usually measured from sea level, which determines which mountains are the highest. Since its position is constantly changing, a constant average annual indicator is taken as a basis. It does not depend on water fluctuations, ebbs, flows and evaporation, therefore it is an accurate mark. The elevation above this level is calculated vertically from the mountain, the position of which is determined to the average surface level. It was found that the most big dots the lands reach almost 9 thousand meters.

What is the name of

The highest mountain in the world is part of the Himalaya mountain belt, located on the Mahalangur Himal mountain range and is known by the names: Chomolungma, Everest, Sagarmatha, Chomo Kankar. The first name was given to the mountain by the inhabitants of Tibet. It means Goddess of Peace or Divine Mother. The second name, Everest, appeared in 1856. The mountain is named after Sir George Everest, who was the first to conquer it. The European name was preceded by the local name Chomo-Kankar or Queen of Snow White. Sagarmatha is a Nepali word that means Mother of the Gods.

Where is

The Himalayas have gathered in their chain the highest mountains in the world. This is Everest, which is located on the border of Nepal with the border of China. There is a smaller peak in Nepal, and the highest one in China. Everest is the crown of the main ridge of the entire chain. Around the base of the mountain is located national park country Nepal - Sagarmatha. In the same region there is a base camp from where you can begin your ascent. The closest locality, where the base for climbers is located, is also located on Nepalese territory. This is the village of Lukla.

What height

There are two highest points on Chomolungma: the southern one, whose peak reaches 8760 meters from sea level, and the northern one, which is the main one, reaching 8848 meters. On the southern slopes and on the eastern side, the mountain consists of sheer cliffs that are not even covered with snow. The northern slopes reach 8393 meters. Because of these three sides, Everest has the shape of a triangle. From the earth to yours highest point the mountain stretched up three and a half kilometers.

Climbing history

Although the mountain is distinguished by its harsh natural conditions, the temperature exceeds -60 degrees and the strongest wind constantly blows, climbers regularly try to conquer Chomolungma - one of the most difficult peaks. The history of ascents began in 1921, but the mountain did not give up immediately. The first to reach the top was an Englishman, in whose honor the mountain bears one of its names. This dates back to 1953. Since then, four thousand more people have climbed. Every year 400 people storm Chomolungma. Of the total number of climbers, 11% have died and continue to die.

The highest peak in the world

Long before Everest became the answer to the question of what the largest mountain in the world is called, it was dormant volcano Chimborazo from mountain ranges Ecuadorian Andes. The top of the volcano is located at the farthest distance from the center of the Earth. According to the navigation satellite system, with which measurements were made in 2016, the volcano reaches a height of 6384 meters from the center of the Earth. Based on this indicator, Everest loses three meters to it and takes second place. The length of the Himalayan peak is 6381 meters.

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