The highest point in the world. Where is the highest point on our planet? The highest mountains in the world

People have studied almost every corner of our planet, measured the most high mountains and deepest depressions. However, nature creates amazing, unique creations, and it is impossible to measure everything with one size.

Over millions of years, the relief of the Earth has changed many times before becoming the way we see it now. Of course, many more millennia will pass, and some records will be replaced by others. But for now, we can observe the unique landscape of our planet.

This collection contains the most interesting geological records of our planet!

1 highest point

Everest, Shengmufeng, Chomolungma, Sagarmatha - all these are the names of the highest peak on the planet. Above sea level, the mountain rises to 8848 meters. Despite its impressive size, it attracts many tourists. Everest is more than 60 million years old, but the first attempts to conquer the summit began only in the 1920s. The history of its discovery is full of failures and victims - about 280 people died only according to official statistics.

2 Tallest mountain from base to peak

Of course, Everest is recognized as the highest point on Earth - taking into account sea level. However, if we take into account what is hidden under water, Chomolungma is displaced from the pedestal by the Mauna Kea volcano. Most of it is located under water, and only 4205 meters protrude above sea level. If we consider the entire height of an extinct volcano, then it will be about 10 kilometers. Mauna Kea formed in Hawaii about a million years ago during an active eruption period.

3 The highest settlement in the world

The highest points on the planet are simply unsuitable for human life. But still there is a place on Earth remote from sea level where people live. On the border with Bolivia, in the middle of the Andes, is the town of La Rinconada. About 30 thousand people live in it, although the climate at an altitude of 5100 meters is quite severe. The population is attracted by a huge supply of gold ore, for which this city was founded.

4 Farthest point from the center of the earth

But there is another peak that claims to be the highest. The Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador has been considered the highest point on Earth for several centuries, and this is partly true. From the center of the planet, its peak is the most distant. According to the latest data, this dormant volcano rises to 6384 meters. In the course of research, it was possible to find out that, if compared from the center of the planet, then Chimborazo is a couple of kilometers higher than Everest.

5 The deepest depression in the world

The sea holds many secrets, and one of them is the deepest depression in the world, created by nature. The deepest point on the planet, the Challenger Deep, is located in the Mariana Trench. The name was given to this place because of the vessel Challenger II, which first registered the point in 1951. Later it was possible to establish that the depth reaches 11,023 meters. By the way, a curious fact - director James Cameron was able to visit the Abyss alone in 2012.

6 The deepest well in the world, created by human hands

Not only nature is working on appearance our planet. Man also actively intervenes in the relief of the Earth, especially for the extraction of minerals. The super-deep Kola well has entered the Guinness Book of Records, the depth of which has not yet been exceeded by anyone. On this moment this place is mothballed, but the depth is still 12,262 meters. There are wells in the world that are longer, but not deeper.

7 lowest point on land

Our planet is really amazing, because there are places on it where you stand in the middle of the sand, and the sea level shows that you are already in the sea. This place is the beach Dead Sea located at 417.5 meters. In fact, this point is at a depth of almost half a kilometer, but still on land. However, the Dead Sea is unique in many ways. Its water has healing properties, and a person can safely lie on its surface, reading a newspaper.

8 The deepest cave in the world

Among the caves, too, there are champions. For more than 15 years, until 2017, it was believed that the deepest cave in the world is the Krubera Cave. It is located in Abkhazia and is 2199 meters deep. However, in 2017 it was possible to establish that the cave named after Verevkin, which is also located in Abkhazia, moved 2204 meters deep.

9 The highest waterfall in the world

Separately, waterfalls can be noted in the list of the highest points in the world. These incredibly beautiful creations of nature with a flowing stream of water are even more beautiful. And the highest of them is Angel, which is located in Venezuela. Its height is 979 meters, but the free fall height is lower, 807 meters.

10 The deepest lake in the world

There are many lakes on the whole planet, but the deepest of them is Baikal. According to reports, its maximum depth is 1642 meters. However, the underwater secrets of Baikal have not yet been discovered, and the lake is constantly being studied. Its volumes are amazing - about 19% of the supply of all fresh water on the planet.

Our planet is unique and beautiful. Its relief has been formed for millions of years, and the result is impressive!

The greatness of the mountains

A person who has not seen the mountains cannot understand their proud greatness. And even more so, he will not understand why risk his life for the sake of conquering some peak. The problem here is that although there are many mountains, their number is still limited.

For this reason, the highest point in the world is already known to everyone and conquered a long time ago. But still, many are still interested in the question of where the highest points of the world are located.

Everest - the roof of the world

Everest - the roof of the world

Everest is the highest point on the planet Earth. Located in Asia. Divides China and Nepal. Tibetans call it - Chomolungma, Nepalese - Sagarmatha. It is 8848 meters high and is located in the Himalayas. She constantly attracts experienced climbers. There are no problems with lifting. But there are other difficulties - strong winds, bad weather and altitude sickness. The first time it was conquered in 1953. And before that, fifty expeditions failed. But after, already more than two and a half thousand people climbed to the top of this peak.

Now, in order to climb this mountain, you need to purchase special ammunition, negotiate with an instructor guide, and also obtain permission from the country (buy). All this will cost thousands of US dollars. And not everyone can afford it. This can only be done by wealthy travelers who do not even have experience. Many travel agencies offer this service.

Many people died without reaching their cherished goal (about 200 people). Many of them could not be returned to be buried. Therefore, along the trail to Everest lie the bodies of dead climbers. Some even work as landmarks. For example, Green Shoes serve as a mark for eight thousand meters. Perhaps it is inhuman: to leave the bodies without burial, but, on the other hand, for many it serves as a kind of warning. This suggests that the mountains do not forgive mistakes, they are very dangerous. But corpses are not the mountain's only problem. It has even been nicknamed "the highest garbage dump". Recently, many tons of debris have been lowered, which have accumulated there due to inexperienced climbers.

Many parts of the world have their own high points.

Mount McKinley (Denali) is located in Alaska. This is the highest mountain in the USA. Her height is 6194 meters. She is in third place in the world list (on the first - Everest, on the second - Aconcagua). It is the center of the Denali National Park.

Aconcagua is the highest point in South and North America. Her height is 6.9 meters. It is located in the Andes of the province of Mendoza, in Argentina.

Elbrus - in the past active volcano. His height is 5642 meters. Is in Caucasus mountains, in Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. Divides Russia and Georgia. This is the highest point in Europe.

Kilimanjaro is a three-cone volcano, formerly active. His cones are Mawenzi, Shira (extinct) and Kibo (dormant, but may wake up again). Altitude 5895 meters. Located in the National Park in Tanzania. This is the highest point in Africa.

Punchak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid) is located in Papua in Indonesia. Its height is 4.4 meters. This is the highest point in Oceania, Australia, Indonesia.

Mount Vinson is 4.2 meters high and is located in Antarctica. Was conquered in 1958. This is the highest point in Antarctica.

World eight-thousanders

World eight-thousanders

There are fourteen peaks on Earth, more than eight thousand meters high. All of them are located in two mountain ranges: the Karakum and the Himalayas. Because these mountain systems are the youngest, and the highest points on the earth's surface can still grow from them. The list is presented below:

Chogori height 8611 meters.

Kangchenjunga height 8586 meters.

Lhotse height 8516 meters.

Makalu height 8485 meters.

Cho Oyu height 8188 meters.

Dzhulagiri height 8167 meters.

Manslau height 8163 meters.

Nanga Parbat height 8126 meters.

Annapurna alone, height 8091 meters.

Gasherbrum alone, height 8080 meters.

Broad Peak height 8051 meters.

Gasherbrum two, height 8034 meters.

Shisha Pangma height 8027 meters.

Which of these peaks you want to climb depends only on your skills and abilities. But these highest points on Earth are interesting in their own way and at the same time carry a thousand dangers. This is what most climbers are looking for.

What do nature lovers, hikers and adventurers have in common? They all know how to appreciate the natural beauty of the world, and for good reason. You do not need to be an ardent naturalist to appreciate all the riches of the nature of our planet. After all, this is the only way we can thank her for the interesting and mysterious world. We offer you a list of the ten most outstanding geographical objects our planet.

As you might guess, now we will talk about Everest - the highest point the globe. Everest is 8844 meters above sea level. This peak is on every decent adventurer's list of places to conquer. First discovered in the 1850s, the mountain was named after Inspector General George Everest, who ironically never saw the peak. Despite all the romanticism of the idea of ​​conquering this peak, climbing Everest is a rather dangerous occupation that has already claimed the lives of several people.

9. Most low point the globe

The lowest point in the world is the Dead Sea, which is 434 meters below sea level. Moreover, over the past 40 years it has dropped even lower (almost 25 meters). One of the most interesting phenomena of the Dead Sea is the bloom of red algae, due to which it changes color in one moment. This happened in 1980 and 1992.

8. The most northern point of the planet

No, this is not the North Pole. From the point of view of the entire globe, this would be the North Pole, but not from the point of view of the land - it is the island of Kaffeklubben (Greenland), located in the Arctic Ocean. This island is located 443.3 kilometers from the North Pole and was first discovered by Robert Peary (explorer of the American part of the Arctic) in 1900. The Danish researcher Lauge Koch came up with the name for it in 1921. No matter how strange it may sound, but Kaffeklubben in Danish means “Coffee Club”, today few people can explain what exactly Lauge was guided by when coming up with such a name.

7. Most south point planets

This time it's really the South Pole, located in Antarctica. This place rises only 100 meters above sea level, although the ice cover here reaches a thickness of 2700 meters. Interesting fact: At the South Pole, you can witness sunrise and sunset only once a year, in September and March respectively.

6. The most remote island on the planet

Bouvet Island is one of the loneliest islands in the world. It is located in the South Atlantic Ocean and is a territory of Norway. It's completely volcanic island, and its central part is covered with an ice crust. In fact, this is a huge extinct volcano. was first discovered by Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier on January 1, 1739, and a little later was named after its discoverer. The island is uninhabited, its area is 59 square kilometers, and the height above sea level is 935 meters.

5. Most large island

The largest island in the world is Greenland. Its surface area is 2,166,086 square kilometers. Initially, the island was under the control of Denmark, but from 1979 to the present day it has been a separate state with its own government and parliament. Due to unfavorable living conditions, the population of Greenland has only 57,000 people. Most of the island is covered with ice, which in some places reaches a thickness of 4 kilometers. And although the fish resources here are already quite depleted, the melting of the glaciers has come to the aid of the locals, exposing easily accessible mineral resources and providing them with a new source of livelihood.

4. The most full-flowing river

The deepest river in the world is the Congo, located in the west-central part of Africa and flows into Atlantic Ocean. Its depth in some places reaches 220 meters. This is the second longest river in the world, following the Amazon. It was previously known as Zaire. Total length The river is 4,700 kilometers long, making it the 9th longest river in the world.

3. The youngest island

Niijima Island is a small volcanic island located in the Philippine Sea. It was created by a volcanic eruption at the end of November 2013, 163 miles south of Tokyo. This once again proves that the surface of the Earth is constantly changing, but despite the fact that everyone expected that Niijima would soon disappear, he, contrary to public opinion, remained in his place.

2. The longest network of caves

The Mammoth Cave System - Flint Ridge is located in US state Kentucky. It is the longest network of caves in the world, with an area of ​​approximately 52,830 hectares, which is twice the size of the second largest network of underwater

The real name of the highest mountain on Earth, located in the Himalayan mountain system, sounds like Chomolungma. This peak rises to 8848 meters: no other mountain in the world exceeds this mark.

Even the second two-headed top of mount Everest breaks all records – 8760 feet above the sea level.

The title of the highest point in the world was awarded to the mountain only in the middle of the 19th century, when an employee of the Indian geodetic service Radhanat Sikdar measured its height. Since by that time no such high peak was known, Chomolungma received this title. Subsequently, the dimensions of the mountain were refined: with each subsequent, more accurate and accurate measurement, Everest turned out to be even larger.

Latest results of the Italian geologist and American expedition (8850 and 8872) was not officially recognized.

Due to its honorary title, the mountain attracts many extreme people who challenge the harsh nature. Every year, several hundred people try to climb Everest, but not everyone succeeds: difficult conditions are a difficult test for even the most trained climbers, many of whom ended their lives on the slopes of the highest mountain in the world.

Mariana Trench

Mariana Trench, also known as Mariana Trench, is the lowest point on the surface of the earth's crust. This trench is located in the Pacific Ocean, in its western part, not far from Mariana Islands. It is an extended depression which, at its lowest point, known as the "Challenger Deep", is about 11,000 meters below sea level.

The Mariana Trench was opened in 1875, at the same time its depth was measured. At that time, the instruments were not very accurate and showed a result of 8,367 meters (perhaps the measurements were not taken in the deep point). In the middle of the 20th century, the British expedition set the maximum depth at 10,863 meters, and a little later, these dimensions were clarified by the Soviet expedition, which provided a result of 11,023 meters.

The Mariana Trench is an amazing formation. At its bottom are real mountain ranges that formed hundreds of millions of years ago. In 1960, the first dive to the bottom of the trough was made on the Trieste bathyscaphe. After that, only two dives followed, one of the daredevils was the famous director James Cameron.

The lowest point on land is near the Dead Sea on the border between Israel and Jordan. This region is located 399 meters below sea level.

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