The largest mountain in the Krasnodar region. Photos and descriptions of the most beautiful places in the Krasnodar region

Krasnodar region geographically located in the southwestern part of the North Caucasus. The territory of the region is divided into two sharply different parts. The northern plain part is the Kuban Lowland. The southern part is formed by various ridges of the Western Caucasus, adjacent foothills and a narrow strip of the Black Sea coast. Two thirds of the region's territory belongs to the plain regions, one third to the mountainous ones.

Highest point Krasnodar region- Mount Tsakhvoa (3346 m), located in the Mostovsky district on the territory of the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

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    ✪ Healthy vacation in the mountains of the Krasnodar region - 2015



The mountains of the Krasnodar Territory begin with hills in the area of ​​​​the city of Anapa and, stretching in the direction of the southeast to the borders of the Stavropol Territory and Abkhazia for 340 km, in the area of ​​​​the city of Sochi they reach an altitude of more than 3000 m above sea level. Up to an altitude of 600-700 m above sea level, the mountains are covered with mixed broad-leaved forest, in the mid-mountain zone (700-800 m) beech forests predominate, at an altitude of 900-1900 meters fir, spruce, birch and beech forests grow, and already higher you can find alpine meadows.

The mountains of the Krasnodar Territory, like the Caucasus Mountains as a whole, are part of the Alpine-Himalayan or Mediterranean fold belt system and are therefore subject to constant tectonic movements. The central axial part of the Caucasus Mountains is composed of ancient rocks (granites, gneisses, crystalline schists, quartz diorites). Their age reaches 700 million years. The northern slopes of the Caucasus Range are flatter compared to the steeper southern slopes. The northern and southern slopes are composed of younger rocks, including large quantities Limestones, dolomites, sandstones, and marls of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods are found. The elevations of the mountains increase gradually from northwest to southeast. In the Novorossiysk area, elevations reach 300 - 700 m above sea level. Near Tuapse - 1000 - 1500 m, east of Sochi - from 2000 to 3000 m and higher. These are well known Mountain peaks, such as Fisht (2868 m), Oshten (2804 m), Akaragvarta (3190.4 m), Northern Pseashkho (3256.9 m), Chugush (3237.8 m). The highest peak of the Krasnodar region is Tsakhvoa (3345.9 m), located in the side Herzen ridge and in the interfluve of the Bezymyanka, Malaya Laba and Tsakhvoa rivers.

Mountain ranges within the Krasnodar Territory are located mostly parallel, closer to the latitudinal direction. In the eastern part of the mountains there are exceptions: the Urushten, Aspidny, Herzen ridges, which are located in the meridian direction. Sometimes there is also a radial arrangement of ridges with a mountain node in the middle: the Agoy, Pochepsuho, Chura ridges). Western section Greater Caucasus on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory consists of a number of watershed ridges. In the Novorossiysk region there is the Markotkh ridge, followed by Kotsekhur and Mount Papay. In the Sochi region, the Main Caucasian, or Watershed, ridge extends from Mount Chugush with heights from 400 m to 3345.9 m (peak Tsakhvoa). North of the Main Ridge is the Side Ridge. Its heights range from 430 m in the Adagum river basin to 3214 m in the Bolshaya Laba river basin. To the north of Bokovoye there is the Forward Range with a maximum point of 2368 m (Mount Bolshoi Tkhach). Even further north of the Front Range there is a zone of asymmetrical, gently sloping cuesta ridges. The most significant of them are Rocky, Pasture and Wooded.

Along all the southern slopes of the mountains of the Krasnodar Territory, from Anapa to the border with Abkhazia, passing along the Psou River, there is a coastal strip - the Black Sea coast. Its length is about 400 km. The coast is indented by deep river gorges flowing into the Black Sea. They are often called “slots” (Mamedova slit, Katkova slit, etc.). These deep gorges ("cracks") have the appearance of canyons. The Akhtsu gorge is interesting and widely known, which is a three-kilometer canyon formed by the Mzymta River in the area where it crosses the Akhtsu ridge. The width of the gorge is 30 m along the bottom, and the height of the side walls reaches 800 m.

The mountainous terrain of the Krasnodar region is formed by internal and external processes. Internal phenomena include such phenomena as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and slow land fluctuations. Since the Krasnodar Territory is located in an area adjacent to the Caucasus Mountains, it is one of the earthquake-prone areas. The strength of tremors can reach 8 points on the Richter scale. According to scientists, in the northern part of the region the strength of the tremors is 6 points, and in the southern part - up to 7-8 points. In 1978 and 2002, earthquakes with a magnitude of 4 to 5 were observed in Krasnodar. As a result of the movement of the earth's crust, various forms of relief are formed: uplifts, depressions, faults, cuesta ridges (Rocky Range), highlands (Lagonaki Highlands), gorges, canyons, giant ditches, closed basins. Some capes (Maly and Bolshoy Utrish) were formed as a result of the displacement and sliding down of huge sections of mountain ranges. As a result of tectonic movements, Lake Abrau was formed. The most interesting forms associated with movements of the earth's crust are mud volcanoes. Slow vibrations of the earth's crust lead to the subsidence and uplift of land. Thus, according to scientists, the mountains of the Greater Caucasus grow by 2 - 3 mm per year, and in the delta of the Kuban River, near the coast Sea of ​​Azov, land subsidence is observed.

Formed under the influence of the internal forces of the Earth, the mountainous terrain of the Krasnodar Territory is exposed to various types wind and water erosion, thereby forming new forms. For example, the formation of gully-beam relief is associated with the process of destruction of rocks by water, picturesque gorges, such as the Guam Gorge, bizarre landforms, such as the Kiseleva rock. In the formation of the mountainous terrain of the Krasnodar region, glaciers play a role, which form moraines, trough valleys, mountain circuses, mountain lakes. The foothills of the region are characterized by landslide terrain, which causes significant damage to economic activity. As a result of slow (in other cases - fast) sliding of surface layers of rocks, they can collapse transport routes, river banks, buildings on mountain slopes. To combat landslides, fortification structures are used. Geological structure, mountainous terrain of the region, climatic conditions are the cause of mudflows and avalanches.

In the Absheron region there is one of the most beautiful places in the Western Caucasus, in the area between the villages of Mezmay and Guamka, on the northern edge of the Lagonaki plateau, Guam Canyon. The length of the gorge along the Kurdzhips River is 3 km, the height of the walls is 400 m, and the width narrows to 2 m.

Karst caves are classified as specially protected objects: Fanagoriyskie, Bolshaya Azishskaya, Vorontsovskaya (part of the Vorontsovskaya cave system). The length of the Big Azish Cave is 635 meters with a fantastic accumulation of stalactites and stalagmites in the southern part of the Azish-Tau ridge. The most beautiful works of nature are the Gibius waterfalls on the Teshebs River, the Pshad waterfalls, the Agur waterfalls, and the “33 waterfalls” in the Shakhe river valley.

Caucasian Reserve

In the mountains of the Krasnodar Territory there are many natural objects that are under state protection. One of the first in the country, in 1924, was the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve. It is most interesting in botanical and zoological terms. The flora of the reserve includes 30 thousand species, many of them are relicts. More than 70 species of mammals, 241 species of birds, 19 species of reptiles, 10 species of amphibians live in the territory Caucasian Nature Reserve. It should be noted that 32 are listed in the Red Book of Russia rare species vertebrates. In recent decades, the bison population has been on the verge of extinction.

Sochi National Park

On the shores of the Black Sea there are resort districts of the city of Sochi. Among them is the Dagomys microdistrict of the resort city of Sochi, which is not only the most comfortable place in the Caucasus, but is also known as the center mountain tourism. Mountain paths fan out from here. They lead to scenic spots Sochinsky national park and the Caucasus Nature Reserve. Sochi national park was created in 1986. Its area is 191.4 thousand hectares. On its territory there is a unique mountain climatic resort Krasnaya Polyana, which is widely popular in Russia and abroad.

(2804 meters), the Kamenny More and Nagoy-Chuk ridges (2467 m).

The most western glaciers of the Caucasus are located on the Fisht and Pshekho-su mountains. The largest of them descends from the northern slope of Mount Fisht. Its area reaches approximately one square kilometer. Near the glaciers there are many moraine deposits, round boulders, as well as basins, funnels, wells, shafts and caves, many small karst and glacial-karst lakes, the largest of which is Psenodakh. Lake Psenodakh has the shape of a crescent. Its length is about 165 meters, width 72.5 meters. Depth 0.2-0.8 m.

About 540 plant species grow on the slopes of the Fisht massif, 120 of which are characteristic only of the Caucasus regions.

From the village of Babuk-Aul, located at an altitude of 640 meters above sea level and north of Solokhaul, two trails begin: one going north, gaining a height of 1200 meters, passes the forest and leads through meadows to Lake Khuko. Lake Khuko is located on the crest of the Main Caucasus Range, five kilometers west of the Circassian Pass, six kilometers from Mount Fisht at an altitude of 1744 m. There is snow in some places along its shores even in summer. Two kilometers east of the lake is Mount Huko. Its height reaches 1901 meters. Another trail from Babuk-Aul leads into the mountains to the northeast.

  • Pages of history in the documents of the Kuban archival fund: historical and documentary album. Comp. A. A. Alekseeva, A. M. Belyaev, I. Yu. Bondar - Krasnodar, 2002. - 384 p.
  • Fisht. Topographic map.
  • Krasnodar region of Russia with its magnificent Black Sea, warm gentle sun, spacious sandy beaches, delicious fruits and beautiful natural attractions - a wonderful place to relax. It's impossible to describe everything amazing nature this region, rich in all respects.

    The relief of the Kuban is of great diversity: from the gigantic peaks of the foothills of the Caucasus to the lowlands near the Sea of ​​​​Azov. Its entire territory can be divided into 2 parts: mountainous southern and lowland northern. Moreover, the first part represents wonderful landscapes of fabulous beauty.

    From this article you can learn interesting information about one of these peaks - the highest in the Krasnodar region.

    Mountains of the Krasnodar Territory: names

    Impossible to describe briefly incredible beauty surrounding nature wonderful land. passes, gorges, caves, lakes - everything is unique in its splendor and fabulousness.

    Mountains and ridges occupy almost a third of the territory of the Krasnodar Territory - this is approximately 25 thousand square meters. kilometers. Almost all of them belong to the Caucasus Nature Reserve.

    Magnificent peaks are Fisht, Agepsta, Tybga, Bezymyanny Peak in the Tsakhvoa massif (3290.7 meters), Northern Pseashkho (3256.9 meters) and many others. All of them attract attention with their majestic and unique beauty.

    The most significant peaks that are located in these territories and are of particular interest to numerous climbers are:

    • Tsakhvoa is 3346 meters) - this is the most high mountain in the Krasnodar region.
    • Chugush (3237 meters) is the highest mountain in Adygea.
    • Fisht (2867.7 meters) is another calling card of the region and the Republic of Adygea.

    Each of these mountains has a certain zest and uniqueness. To have a true understanding and get unforgettable experience about them, it's worth seeing it all.

    This is the highest point of the Herzen Ridge (its northern end), which is part of the system of the main ridge of the Caucasus. The mountain is located between the river of the same name and the Bezymyanka River.

    Tsakhvoa is also part of the Caucasus Biosphere Reserve, most of which is occupied by the mountains of the main Caucasus

    Mount Tsakhvoa, in terms of climbing it, has simpler and easier paths than

    Description of Tsakhvoa

    This mountain is famous and very popular among climbers and tourists due to the fact that it has magnificent steep slopes. Conquering the peak is quite a difficult task, but the result (getting great pleasure) is worth it.

    The highest mountain in the Krasnodar region has a magnificent snow cap that does not melt in the summer. The northern slopes are covered by the Tsehvoa glacier, whose area is 2500 square meters. These mountains are also notable for the fact that the wildest rivers of the region originate in them.

    The mountain is composed of conglomerates, granites, sandstones and metamorphic rocks. The vegetation here mainly consists of spruce-fir forests and yew (especially the lower part of its slopes). A little higher up are amazing alpine meadows.


    For some period, the title “The highest mountain in the Krasnodar region” was borne by Smidovich Peak. Many geomorphologists of Krasnodar thought so. This peak bore the name of the famous Bolshevik, chairman of the committee on reserves under the Central Committee. It was fashionable to perpetuate the names of party leaders in this way. As stated at that time, the height of this mountain was approximately 3457 meters. Then a small error in measurements was discovered, and around the mid-70s the title highest peak moved to Mount Tsahvoa.

    A vast part of the Krasnodar Territory is mountainous. Moreover, as you approach the Caucasus, the height of the mountains increases. Thanks to the altitudinal zones in the region, you can see many different natural and climatic zones in a relatively small area.

    European deciduous and mixed forests turn into mountain coniferous ones, then the zone of alpine meadows (scientific name) begins, and at the top, on the very high peaks The snow caps are turning white. Such diversity cannot but attract people who are in love with the mountains. There are routes for people with different preferences and levels of training. Climbing lovers hiking, caving, cycling and horseback riding will find here what they like. Let's tell you more about the most famous and visited mountains in the region.

    It is located on the Southern Front, east of Krasnaya Polyana, as part of the Sochi National Park. It consists of 4 peaks - peaks 1, 2, 3 and the Black Pyramid. Peak 3 has the highest elevation - 2462 m. The northern exposure of the massif is quite interesting for skiers and snowboarders, which is why the well-known after the Olympics sports facilities “Alpika-Service”, “Mountain Carousel” and “Rosa Khutor” were located there. The relief here is complicated by depressions of glacial origin. The Black Pyramid, due to its tricky structure, is popular among mountaineering enthusiasts.

    This attraction is already located on the coast - on Taman Peninsula, between the Akhtanizovsky and Starotitarovsky estuaries. To the east is the Cossack Erik - a man-made canal built by the Cossacks to access the sea. We can say that this place grows out of the water surface. In ancient times, all the surrounding areas were covered with water and the hill was the only island of land in the entire area, which is why it was used as a place of trade - hence the name.

    This is a small elevation (only 76 meters and 1.5 km in diameter). The uniqueness of the hill is that it is unusual for this natural area species composition of vegetation, most of which is relict. The entire hill was covered with low deciduous forest and bushes. Curly oak, hornbeam elm and Tatarian maple grow here. Visitors can pick rosehips and hawthorns. The vibrant green forest contrasts sharply with the surrounding dry landscapes of the peninsula.

    Tourists can visit this natural monument of regional importance, wander through the forest and take a boat ride along the Cossack Erik.

    This is one of the mountains in the western part of the Main Caucasus Range. There are several translations of the name Oshten, such as: “eternal snow” or “eternal winter”, “where the hail gets stuck.” There is an opinion that the name came from local languages, where Uashkhdon means “water mountain”. In any case, the name is associated with snow for a reason: you can easily see squirrels on the top. Towards the top, the vegetation habitual in this area is replaced by a zone of alpine herbs. This is a rare place where you can see such species diversity. Climbing routes of difficulty categories 1B and 2B lead to the top of the mountain. It cannot be said that Oshten is often visited by crowds of tourists, so your vacation will not be spoiled by noisy crowds and mountains of garbage.

    Papay Mountain Range

    Located on the territory of the Abinsky and Seversky districts. The height is almost 819 m. The etymology of the name presumably means 7 noses, since the massif includes seven main peaks: Western, Central, Northern, Main and Eastern Popeye and two unnamed ones. This massif is known for its sharp rocks, which attract crowds of tourists with their severity. This is, in fact, the border of the Greater Caucasus in the west. The Ubin, Papay and Bolshaya Khabl rivers originate here. The massif has very rich plant ecotopes. Many species characteristic of the Mediterranean region grow here. Oak communities predominate. Closer to the top, juniper bushes dominate. This is a real botanical paradise: you can find many medicinal and rare herbs. Many species are listed in the Red Book.

    Pseashkho mountain range

    Located near the village of Krasnaya Polyana. The name “Pseashkho” means “high-water mountain” in the Adyghe language - there are indeed several rivers and streams originating in local glaciers. It's quite big and beautiful mountains. There are 9 peaks exceeding 3 km. These peaks are: North Pseashkho Mountain - 3256.9 m, South Pseashkho Mountain - 3251.5 m, Sugar Pseashkho Peak - 3187 m, Kozhevnikov Peak - 3072 m and others. The Urushten and Malaya Laba rivers originate in this place.

    The area is replete with glaciers. With a southeastern exposure lies the huge Pseashkho glacier - the largest in the Krasnodar region. Its length is 3.1 km and width 1.8 km. The Pure River is born here. The total glacier coverage area is 5.5?km?^2. To the north and west you can see 4 smaller glaciers. The largest of which is Marble. In the northern part of the mountain range there is the Kholodny glacier, from which the stream originates. Over the past decades, the area of ​​glaciers has been decreasing.

    Peak of Mount Pshada

    To get here you need to go 13 kilometers southeast from the village of Ubinskaya. This mountain is the watershed of the sources of the Ubina River. Height - 743 meters. The peak is a complex pile of rock covered with dense forest. Experts believe that the name comes from the Abkhaz-Abaza word “apshad” - “windless” or “shrouded in fog.”

    Photos of the mountain can be found in the collections of many tourists - there are very picturesque views, rock outcrops and waterfalls.

    The highest mountain in the Krasnodar region with a height of 3345.9 m. It is part of the Herzen ridge. This place, with its beauty and exciting climbing, attracts tourists from all over the country. Travelers can see a huge glacier here from the northern slope. Despite the fact that glaciers have been melting recently, this one has retained its majestic appearance.

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      0 m to city center

      The Achishkho mountain range is the closest ridge to Red Polyana and the most picturesque. The highest mountain, Achishkho, has a height of 2391 meters above sea level. Interesting fact o the name of the ridge: “Achishkho” translated from Abkhaz means “horse”. This is confirmed by the view from below, from Polyana to mountain range. If you look closely, you can see the outline of a horse. The most popular walking route passes through a special place located on the side of a mountain, approximately 1800 meters above sea level, where there was a weather station from the 30s to the 90s.

      0 m to city center

      The Aibga mountain range is located on the territory of the Sochi National Park, on the eastern side of Krasnaya Polyana. The ridge extends over 20 kilometers and consists of four highest points called peaks. The most popular peak mountain among tourists is the Black Pyramid, 2375 meters above sea level. It has an unusual shape, which makes it especially popular among climbers. In addition, from the top of the mountain there is a wonderful, breathtaking landscape. Having conquered this mountain, you will see the valley of the Mzymta River, the peaks of Chugush and Pseashkho.

      0 m to city center

      Near the Agoy resort and the Kiselev rock there is another place that tourists have chosen for excursions. This is the magnificent Cape Kadosh, whose name translated from Hebrew is “ Holy place" Travelers knew about the forest park near the cape already in the 17th century. Archaeologists have found several sites of ancient people on the cape; all found evidence of life in the Neolithic era was transferred to the local history museum of the neighboring city. It is worth mentioning the fact that this cape is familiar even to those who have not yet seen it in person. After all, it was exactly what was used during the filming of the film “The Diamond Arm,” when the main characters go fishing.

      0 m to city center

      Among interesting places in the Ashe Valley it is also worth mentioning the Old Men's Rock. This is a special place that is revered by the locals. The rock is located near the villages of Lygotkh, Hadzhiko and Kalezh. You can get to it by bus No. 148 from the village of Lazarevskoye, you need to get to the village of Kalezh (final stop). According to legend, in ancient times The Circassians were a strong and powerful people. Among them there were practically no old people, but not because of short life expectancy, but due to the strict customs of the tribes.

      0 m to city center

      From the north, Gelendzhik and the Blue Bay are surrounded by an incredibly picturesque mountain range, the name of which comes from the Adyghe word “Ozhin ridge”. Or, more simply put, blackberry. It carefully shelters the city from the cold air from the north, but also does not trap the humid air of the Black Sea, which creates a warm Mediterranean climate. The ridge itself is about 90 km long, and its highest point is Flat Mountain. It has a height of 762 meters above sea level. There are two trails leading to the top of the ridge. cable cars, from the safari park and from the Olympus park. The journey will take about 20 minutes and will rise to a height of 640 meters. Here you can enjoy stunning views of Gelendzhik and Blue Bay.

      0 m to city center

      From the shore of the Sudzhuk Spit there is a wonderful view of the famous Sorcerer Mountain. In the village of Myskhako, which is located in the Krasnodar Territory, there is such a landmark as this place. Local residents have made this mountain an excellent platform for paragliding. Warm and gentle air currents and sea winds allow flights at any time of the year. At the foot of the Sorcerer Mountain there are soft clearings on which paragliders land. Among local residents There are legends about this mountain. The most famous of them says that once upon a time there lived giants who decided to rebel against the Gods. In this unequal battle, one of them was killed, and the Gods turned him into a mountain.

      0 m to city center

      One of the most valuable and beautiful territories of Krasnaya Polyana is the unique Pear Ridge. It is located in a picturesque place between two beautiful mountain rivers with clear water: Mzmyta and Pslukh. The Grushevy Ridge represents the main part of the powerful main Caucasian Ridge and belongs to the Caucasus National Park. The height of the Ridge reaches 1950 meters above sea level.Choosing a tourist route along such an extraordinary ridge, you will find yourself in a fabulous alpine meadow in bloom, filled with the smell of mountain flowers.

      0 m to city center

      Hiking to Mount Chugush is special due to the “unexplored” nature of its route. While climbing to the top, you will be able to observe wild animals such as wild boars, aurochs, big bears, wild bison, etc. in their natural habitat. Mount Chugush is a segment of the Caucasus Mountain Range, and is located on its Western side. It is under the auspices of the National Caucasian Nature Reserve. The height of the mountain reaches 3,238 meters. The name of the mountain from the Adyghe language is translated as “Top of the Earth”, and is recognized highest point Republic of Adygea.

      0 m to city center

      Rock Orlan is a protected geological natural monument Tuapse district, constantly attracting many tourists with its unusualness. The rock is “built” from numerous vertical blocks, pillars, blocks and spiers. The height of the rocky walls varies from 40 to 80 meters, and its base reaches a height of 1400 meters. The rock material is liparitodacitic tuff, which is about 170 million years old.

      0 m to city center

      Not far from the Blue Bay beach there is a very interesting rock. It proudly rises above the sea, challenging the forces of nature. Year after year, the waves tirelessly undermine the base of the rock, but year after year all these efforts turn out to be useless. Damn finger can be called a miraculous symbol of perseverance. It’s worth visiting the rock just to feel some kind of spiritual uplift. Already on the approach to the mountain, if you look closely, you can see the outline of a person’s profile in its bends. And with different angles you can see how this person is happy or, on the contrary, sad. This unusual phenomenon also gives the rock a slight mystical note. And even the name “Devil’s Finger” takes on a new meaning.

    Caucasian Reserve

    The nature of the Krasnodar region is especially beautiful. The climate is temperate continental to subtropical. The Krasnodar region is washed by two seas: the Black and Azov. Mountainous areas Krasnodar Territory occupy about 20% of the entire territory of the region. The Caucasus Mountains begin with hills in the area of ​​the city of Anapa and towards the southeast in the area of ​​​​the city of Sochi they reach an altitude of 2868 m above sea level. Up to an altitude of 600-700 m above sea level, the mountains are covered with mixed broad-leaved forest, the mid-mountain zone (700-800 m) is saturated with beech forests, at an altitude of 1300-1900 meters, birch and beech forests, fir, spruce grow, and already higher you can find alpine meadows .

    The highest point of the Krasnodar Territory is Mount Tsakhvoa (3346 m), located in the Mostovsky district on the territory of the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

    In the mountains of the Krasnodar Territory there are many natural objects that are under state protection. One of the first in the country, the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve was created in 1924. It is most interesting in botanical and zoological terms. The flora of the reserve includes 30 thousand species, many of them are relicts. More than 70 species of mammals, 241 species of birds, 19 species of reptiles, 10 species of amphibians live on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve. It should be noted that 32 rare species of vertebrates are listed in the Red Book of Russia. In recent decades, the bison population has been on the verge of extinction.

    Sochi National Park

    On the shores of the Black Sea there are resort districts of the city of Sochi. Among them is the Dagomys microdistrict of the resort city of Sochi, which is not only the most comfortable place in the Caucasus, but is also known as a center of mountain tourism. Mountain paths fan out from here. They lead to the picturesque places of the Sochi National Park and the Caucasus Nature Reserve. Sochi National Park was created in 1986. Its area is 191.4 thousand hectares. On its territory there is a unique mountain climatic resort Krasnaya Polyana, which is widely popular in Russia and abroad.

    In the Absheron region there is one of the most beautiful places in the Western Caucasus, in the area between the villages of Mezmay and Guamka, on the northern edge of the Lagonaki plateau, the Guam Canyon. The length of the gorge along the Kurdzhips River is 3 km, the height of the walls is 400 m, and the width narrows to 2 m.

    Karst caves are classified as specially protected objects: Fanagoriyskie, Bolshaya Azishskaya, Vorontsovskaya (part of the Vorontsovskaya cave system). The length of the Big Azish Cave is 635 meters with a fantastic accumulation of stalactites and stalagmites in the southern part of the Azish-Tau ridge. The most beautiful works of nature are the Gibius waterfalls on the Teshebs River, the Pshad waterfalls, the Agur waterfalls, and the “33 waterfalls” in the Shakhe river valley.

    The mineral springs of the valleys of the Matsesta, Agura and Khosta rivers, flowing through the territory of Sochi, helped the city develop as a balneological and climatic resort. The fame of the “happy springs” thundered, and sufferers from all over the world flocked to them. It is these healing waters that are responsible for the creation of many sanatoriums in the city of Sochi.

    Fisht mountain range

    Fisht Group, mountain range in the western part of the Main Caucasus Range. It is formed by three peaks: Fisht (2853.9 meters), Pshekho-Su (2743 meters), Oshten (2804 meters), and the Kamenny More and Nagoy-Chuk ridges (2467 m).

    The most western glaciers of the Caucasus are located on the Fisht and Pshekho-su mountains. The largest of them descends from the northern slope of Mount Fisht. Its area reaches approximately one square kilometer. Near the glaciers there are many moraine deposits, round boulders, as well as basins, funnels, wells, shafts and caves, many small karst and glacial-karst lakes, the largest of which is Psenodakh. Lake Psenodakh has the shape of a crescent. Its length is about 165 meters, width 72.5 meters. Depth 0.2-0.8 m.

    About 540 plant species grow on the slopes of the Fisht massif, 120 of which are characteristic only of the Caucasus regions.

    From the village of Babuk-Aul, located at an altitude of 640 meters above sea level and north of Solokhaul, two trails begin: one, going north, gaining a height of 1200 meters, passes the forest and leads through meadows to Lake Khuko. Lake Khuko is located on the crest of the Main Caucasus Range, five kilometers west of the Circassian Pass, six kilometers from Mount Fisht at an altitude of 1744 m. There is snow in some places along its shores even in summer. Two kilometers east of the lake is Mount Huko. Its height reaches 1901 meters. Another trail from Babuk-Aul leads into the mountains to the northeast.

    The Guzeripl pass is located between the Oshten mountain massif and Guzeripl mountain at an altitude of about 2000 meters above sea level. It connects the upper reaches of the left tributaries of the Belaya River - the Mutny Teplyak and Armyanka rivers. In the vicinity of the pass there are alpine meadows. A magnificent panorama opens up from here Caucasian mountains: Stone Sea ridge, Fisht, Oshten mountains and others.

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