Denali National Park. Alaska

On the left bank of the African Congo River, in its central part, there is a unique wildlife reserve of untouched nature - Salonga. This is the largest protected area in the rainforest zone, and, by the way, you can get here only by water. national park was created to protect the largest reservoir of untouched equatorial forests in 1974, and later it was included in the UNESCO List (1984).
Many representatives of the fauna that have chosen this territory as their habitat are on the verge of extinction. Today, the Salonga reserve is listed as endangered (1999). This happened due to civil war that took place in these places. Despite all the conditions that the authorities have taken to protect this place, there are still cases of poaching.
Distance from human habitation, climate, geographical position, impenetrable tropical forests are ideal conditions for many rare species of flora and fauna to live. Today here you can meet Bush elephant, Congolese peacock, narrow-faced crocodile, pygmy chimpanzees (bonobos). It is worth saying that bonobos inhabit Central Africa and mainly live in the valley of the Congo and Lualaba rivers. The population of their species has about 10 thousand monkeys. Pygmy chimpanzees can be easily distinguished from common monkeys. Bonobos are smaller in build, and their legs are not as long as those of ordinary chimpanzees. Plus, pygmy monkeys have black skin instead of pink, small ears, and red lips. Serious threat to the population of the pygmy monkey, as well as biodiversity brings an increase in the population of the DRC, deforestation, an increase in mining and exploration of oil fields.
The national park is the second largest nature reserve in the world, where bonobos and elephants coexist peacefully, which play an important role in the ecosystem of the virgin rainforest.
More than 150 species of birds nest on the branches of tropical trees. Among them is the famous Jaco parrot. This large parrot has a wingspan of up to 70 cm, and itself reaches about 35 cm in length. It is noteworthy that the cere, the rim around the eye, the nostrils and the frenulum are covered with skin. Ash gray or purplish red, Jaco, of course, is an adornment of evergreen forests.
By the way, on the territory of the reserve you can also meet the Zairian peacock. It has been confused for a very long time with another member of the species: the Asiatic peacock Pavo. However, a more detailed study revealed that they have significant differences: reproductive behavior, the structure of feathers and plume.
In addition, tourists can see the pygmy tribes that live here in the evergreen rainforests. They live by hunting and fishing.
In Salonga National Park you can order sightseeing tour: individual or group. Of course, an individual one will cost a little more, but you can also get acquainted with the sights much better. Excursions are selected strictly according to the wishes of travelers and are also conducted in Russian.

Denali National Park was founded in 1917, is located in the heart of Alaska and covers an area of ​​25,000 square kilometers. The main attraction of the park is Mount McKinley, located on its territory and part of the Alaska Range. Its snowy peak is visible from many points. national park. The Athabaskans called this peak Denali (which means “great” in their language), the mountain was later renamed in honor of President McKinley, and only in 2015 was it returned to its historical name. However, almost all locals always called and called it only by the old name.

The national park has a combination of subarctic and continental climates, and the nature is very similar to Siberian and Far Eastern ones. However, this has its own explanation - at the beginning of the Quaternary period North America repeatedly connected with Asia, and instead of the Bering Strait there was an isthmus, thanks to which there was an exchange of plant and animal species. The southern and northern slopes of the Alaska Range are covered with coniferous forests. There are also deciduous trees - birch, poplar, alder. Heather, sedges, grasses, as well as mosses and lichens grow in open spaces. There are 39 species of mammals in the park. Denali is well known for its large grizzly and black bear population. Moose are widespread (some specimens of which reach a weight of 500 kg in the park), as well as caribou deer, sheep, wolves, squirrels, foxes and beavers. The only representative of amphibians in Alaska is the tree frog living in Denali, about 6 cm long; her liver produces glucose, which prevents the cells of the body from freezing at low temperatures; during the winter the frog does not breathe and its heart does not beat, but in the spring it comes to life. Denali National Park is world famous for its animal watching and visitors can look forward to encounters with all sorts of inhabitants; More than a million tourists visit the park every year. In summer, the tundra of the park is covered with a carpet of flowers, and in September it glows with golden, red and orange colors of autumn.

1. At the visitor center of Denali National Park, one of the main attractions of Alaska.

2. Only one road leads into the depths of the park, passing through the open tundra, swampy lowlands and through mountain passes and ending at Wonder Lake. It is on this road that we now go.

3. The first long stop was at the old caretaker's house, where the staff of the reserve lived from 1917 until the beginning of the 50s. Now it is one of the memorable places of the national park, which is visited by many tourists.

4. The interiors of the gatehouse are quite ascetic, but at the same time they are not without some provincial comfort.

6. Nails on shutters are a reliable and proven remedy for overly curious bears.

8. Our guide is 29-year-old park ranger Drew Togeler, reminiscent of both Karabas-Barabas and the Beatles musicians of a certain period. Drew is originally from hot Florida but has been here in Alaska for over 5 years. He loves nature, Alaska, this reserve very much and is proud that he works here. According to him, it will not be surprising if in 25 years, having arrived in Denali Park, you will meet him, working as a guide, just like now. tourist bus. Drew, by the way, is one of the very few employees of the reserve who climbed McKinley.

9. Another employee of the national park.

10. We continue the route along the road of the national park - in the valley of a small river, a caribou deer was seen resting.

11. A modern representative of the Athabaskans (one of the indigenous peoples of Alaska) in a national costume.

12. A recreation area in the valley of one of the many rivers running down from the mountains.

13. Another caribou deer.

14. The magnificent nature of Alaska!

The largest US state is considered one of the main tourist centers of America. For foreigners, Alaska seems to be an untouched massif, where winter is rightfully in charge. Travelers from all over the world come here for adventure and communication with virgin nature, the beauty of which leaves an indelible impression.

History of the park

Occupying an area of ​​25 thousand km 2, Denali National Park is located in the center of Alaska. This is the most popular and visited nature reserve in America, where in conditions wildlife visitors get acquainted with its unique fauna. More than 12 thousand years ago, ancient human settlements lived here, and the finds of archaeologists confirm this. And at the beginning of the 20th century, when the first gold miners appeared in the "land of the midnight sun", five groups of northern tribes lived on the territory of the modern park.

The famous naturalist C. Sheldon, being in Alaska, admired amazing views surrounding nature. A naturalist who toured the area adjacent to Mount McKinley spent nine years trying to get the idea of ​​​​creating a reserve in the US Congress. He said that wildlife needs to be protected, and if no measures are taken, then animals will become the prey of hunters, and unique flora will disappear forever.

His efforts were not in vain, and in 1917 Denali National Park was founded, originally named after McKinley Peak. Only 63 years later, the authorities combined two protected areas (the park and the highest mountain in the United States) into a single complex with beautiful name, which translates as "great" from the language of the Athabaskan tribe.

In 1939, biologist A. Mary, who studied the behavior of wolves in the wild, told the whole world about the importance of these animals for the natural ecosystem. Thanks to his report, the extermination of predators in Denali was prohibited.

Developed infrastructure

In the 50s of the last century, the management of the biosphere reserve took care of the problem of providing quality service to guests. The main road was widened, comfortable hotels appeared and tourist centers. True, many scientists took hostility to the desire to make the Denali National Park open to visitors, and Adolph Mary became the main critic, who considered the inexpediency of development tourist destination in a conservation area.

Wilderness area

In the Denali Biosphere Reserve national park and Preserve, which includes part of the Alaska Range, including the Kalhiltna Glacier, and high mountain McKinley, a park area of ​​19 thousand km 2 is available to visitors. More than 650 species of plants and trees, 167 species of birds and 39 species of mammals have become the pride of the world's best reserve.

Denali National Park, whose photos convey the grandeur of wildlife, will delight with the extraordinary landscapes found at every turn.

Attractions of the park

  • Horseshoe Lake, whose picturesque panorama against the backdrop of a mountainous area delights all guests.
  • Tanana river. It was on it that the main events of the "gold rush" at the beginning of the 20th century unfolded. The climate in the river valley, covered with ice from May to October, is extremely harsh, but temperate natural beauty attracts millions of tourists.
  • Observation decks Reflection Pond, Primrose Ridge, Sable Pass. They offer fantastically beautiful views that will not leave anyone indifferent, and the resulting photographs will demonstrate the enchanting landscapes of Alaska. True, as tourists respond, not a single picture is able to convey the fullness of sensations from what they saw in the reserve.
  • Lakes of glacial origin Chilchukabena and Wonder, whose clear water and unique atmosphere of unity with nature cannot be forgotten.

How to get around Denali

A single dirt road passes through the untouched natural corner. You can get to the Denali National Park only through it, but otherwise the huge section of the reserve is completely closed to motorists. The length of the road leading through the picturesque valleys to majestic grief McKinley is 92 miles (148 kilometers) and tour buses are provided to get around the park. Here you can rent on wheels, and stay overnight by pitching a tent.

For tourists who come to the reserve for one day, no special permit is required, but those who wish to spend several days in the park need to obtain a special pass and register with the police. The thing is that the Denali National Park in Alaska is divided into several zones, and the number of people who can stay overnight is strictly limited.

Features of excursions in the reserve

In addition, shuttle buses pass along the road, plying through the park and carrying passengers on schedule. As noted by the most cheap option travel around the giant reserve, getting acquainted with the local flora and wild fauna. You can leave at any time, enjoy the wonderful nature and again go on an exciting adventure through the tundra and taiga.

Route sightseeing buses is no different from the rest: drivers stop at the same points as the shuttles, so that guests can get to know the animal world better. This option is more expensive vehicle is assigned to a certain group, which is guaranteed a hearty lunch after a long walk in the fresh air.

Several routes for tourists

For tourists it will be useful information that you can take tickets for different distances and excursions. The shortest lasts 90 minutes and leads to Horseshoe Lake through spruce forests. During this time, guests will get acquainted with the main inhabitants of the park and enjoy the wonderful landscapes of Horseshoe Lake.

Taiga route with a terminus at observation deck Mount Healy is designed for fans of extreme tourism, who are attracted to the Denali National Park. Visitors' reviews are full of various emotions, but all guests tend to agree that the four-hour journey is not only a difficult, but also a pleasant adventure, and many wish to repeat it.

The longest trip on a single road is 12 hours and ends at the end point of Kantishna, so visitors have the choice of traveling through the park for half a day or spending a few hours there. Guests of Alaska talk about unity with virgin nature and the incredible freedom they felt in the reserve.

Entertainment for every taste

Tourists who have visited the Denali National Park admit that they received excellent service. They are invited to climb a snow-covered mountain and go down from it on a snowboard or ski, walk around the park and watch wild animals in natural conditions, take unusual excursion dog sled and take the whole family to the Murie Research Center.

Answer the question) Very necessary) 1. how people discovered and studied the earth 2. Continents. Parts of the world 3. Name and show on the map large


4. What does the geography of continents and oceans study

5. Hypotheses of the origin of continents and oceans

6.determine geographical coordinates extreme points australia

7.History of the discovery of Antarctica

8. describe on the map the major river systems of South America

9. characterize the climate zone

10. Patterns of the geographical shell

11. Systematic belts of the earth

12. determine the geographical coordinates of the extreme points of the mainland Africa

13history of discovery and exploration of Central Asia

14describe the northern the arctic ocean

15 Determine the length of Africa from north to south

16climatic maps features of the distribution of heat and moisture on the surface of the earth

17African reserves

18Describe the Amazon River

19physical and geographical characteristics of the Pacific Ocean

20value of natural resources (mineral, climatic, water, land, biological)

21show the seas around the mainland Eurasia

22 main types of air masses their influence on climate

23need for international cooperation in the use of nature

24description of the river nile according to plan

25permanent winds and conditions for their formation

26characteristics of the countries of southern Europe

27describe the population of mainland australia

28waters of the oceans

29peculiarities of nature uk

30determine the geographical coordinates of Italy

31natural areas of africa

32the future of the oceans

34determine the geographical coordinates of the extreme points of the mainland Eurasia

35peculiarity of the organic world australia

36formations of currents and their types

37description of italy according to plan

38changing the nature of the mainland South America under the influence of man

39describe any natural area

40determine the length of the mainland of Australia from west to east in kilometers

41maps - the second language of geography

42inland waters of Eurasia

43determine the geographical coordinates of the extreme points of the mainland South America

45nature of antarctica

46Australian relief features

47 seas washing the mainland north america

48human land development

49continental and oceanic crust

50show on political map

51peculiarities of the nature of Antarctica

52change in nature under the influence of human economic activity

53characteristics of the Don River according to the plan

54natural complexes of land and ocean

56modern exploration of the continent antarctica

57show large lithospheric plates on the map

58the role of the atmosphere in the life of the earth

59features of geographic oceania

60characteristics of a learned traveler (optional)

61climatic zones of the earth

62 location of mineral deposits on mainland south america

63characteristic atlantic ocean

64geographical shell is our common home

65ocean relief

66describe the geographical position of the mainlandSouth America according to the plan

1) Where is the north? south located on the maps? 2) What is a scale? What can be measured using a scale? 3) Why is most of Grenal on the map

adia is shown in white?

4) What does the scale 1:5,000,1:50,000 mean? Which one is larger?

5) What scale is more convenient for the plan: the Kremlin, which one for the plan of the city of Moscow?

6) Find on the physical map of the world in pacific ocean the deepest on earth Mariar Trench (11,022)

7) What is the scale of the map in the school atlas?

8) Using maps of a geographical atlas, determine which geographic features you will see if you travel from Moscow to the Black Sea. What major rivers will you have to cross if you go to the White Sea?

9) How big is the lake if on a scale plan of 1:2,000 (in 1 cm-20 m) its length is 5 cm?

Mount Denali (the second name of McKinley) is located in the United States of America, in Alaska. The peak is located on the territory of the Denali National Park. From 1896 until August 28, 2015, it was named McKinley, in honor of the 25th President of the United States. At the beginning of the 19th century, the peak was called big mountain, She was the highest point Russian Empire. In 1867, Alaska was sold to the United States along with big mountain, which was renamed Denali, which means "great" in the Athabaskan Indian language. Distance from Mount Denali to the nearest city of Anchorage ( The largest city Alaska) 210 kilometers, to Fairbanks - 275 kilometers.
As for the first conqueror of Denali, there is a lot of controversy. In 1906, Drederick Cook announced that he had climbed to the top of Denali with his partner and guide Edward Barrill, but this information is contradictory. Many argue that Cook's photographs are unreliable, and prove that Cook was not at the top. But there are many climbers who believe and prove otherwise. The second ascent of Denali was made in 1913 by Hudson Stack. In general, the statistics are such that by the beginning of our century, only 58% of climbers had reached the summit.

How to get there

The nearest airport is in Anchorage. From it to the national park to go about 4 hours. A 150 km long road passes through the park, but you can only go 15 km deep into the park by car. You can move around the park on special internal buses, there are excursion buses, shuttles, and buses for campers. No special pass is required for a day visit to the park. To stay in the park for the night you need to register and obtain permission. The number of tourists staying overnight in certain areas of the park is limited.

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