Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe: description, photo, where it is on the map, how to get there. Nature and national parks of Zimbabwe National parks of Zimbabwe

Largest park wildlife in ; one of the main attractions of South Africa. In the old days, the park territory belonged to the Ndbele royal family, but in the first half of the 20th century it was decided to open a reserve to preserve the continent's wildlife. Hwange Park is included in the version of our website.

Geographically, it is located near Victoria Falls, so many tourists combine visiting these two beautiful places in one trip. The nearest airport to the falls is Victoria Falls and the nearest airport to the park is Hwange. Pleasure planes of local air carriers fly between them daily, as well as trains. The nearest station to the reserve is Dete. The plane flight will take about half an hour, and the train ride will take about 2 hours.

In terms of animal population, Hwange is considered one of the richest parks in South Africa. It is home to more than 400 species of birds and more than 1,000 species of animals. One of the largest populations of African elephant and buffalo is located here. In addition, in Hwange you can see oryx, hyena, saber-horned antelope, lion, various giraffes, rhinoceroses and other African animals. Well, for ornithologists this park is like a paradise with a huge variety of rare birds.

Not only the flora, but also the fauna of Hwange is unique. Every evening the animals gather around natural watering holes where the lushest grass grows. Vast meadows, acacia bushes, thousands of flowers and trees decorate this park with their colors. Due to its close location to the Kalahari Desert, the weather in the region is changeable with sharp changes in the evenings. Therefore, it is advisable to have warm clothes with you.

Photo attraction: Hwange National Park

National Park Hwange

Previously, the territory of the park was in the possession of the Ndebele royal family as a hunting ground, and this moment one of the richest reserves in Africa. total area The park is 15,000 square kilometers. Hwange National Park is located in the western part of the country, about two hours' drive from the famous Victoria Falls. Hwange received national park status in 1929 thanks to its wells, which are filled with groundwater.
The territory of the National Park can rightfully be considered an untouched oasis of wildlife, where in Bush, you can see the wild animals coming to the watering of the water. Here you can see elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, wild dogs, you will also meet zebras, antelopes, about three hundred species of birds and many other representatives of the African fauna.

Matobo National Park

First of all, the park is famous at the expense of Matobo hills located in the park, the hills are considered sacred place. Having visited the Matobo national park, you will feel a surge of strength and energy, local residents It is believed that the hills of Matobo give such incredible power. Around the park are the wealth of ancient people, these are objects of art and the bins preserved to our times for our times
Grains in which warriors kept their provisions. The mountain peaks of Shab, Shumba and Shumba Sham are considered holy and local beliefs the one who ascends to one of the peaks is doomed to misfortune. In the mountains you can find the lost holy chapel of the rain of Nadeble. Enhangers to the chapel pray to the god Mvari and ask him for rain. And of course, the park is full of wild life. In Matobo National Park you can see the African eagle orRare mountain eagle owl. The territory of the park is also considered
home to a huge number of black eagles.


Rest Park "Caves of Chinchoya"
It is located near the city of Chinhoya, and is considered one of the most amazing and worthy places For visiting all Zimbabwe, this park offers various entertainment options for small tourists. But the caves themselves are located on the road to Lake Kariba, 130 kilometers northwest of the capital of Zimbabwe, Harare. There is also a huge natural mine that reaches

In diameter 30 meters, and 45 meters in depth. At the bottom of the mine there is a lake with crystal clean water, and according to numerous divers, the depth of the lake reaches 100 meters.


Eastern highlands Zimbabwe
The eastern highlands of Zimbabwe is located on the border between Zimbabwe and Mozambik, which is famous for its unsurpassed natural beauty. There is an interesting and beautiful place on the territory of the highlands - a bowl of Mutara. Mutare is a natural recess surrounded by the mountains, and this one is similar natural feature On the bowl. Be sure to visit the Vumba area that is nearby.
Vumba is a place where you can see
The oldest forests. В этих лесах растут субтропические растения, много цветов, и папоротников. Есть еще одно место в восточном высокогорье которое не менее известно чем область Вумба, и чаша Мутара, и это место Ньянге. Ньянге это местность которая покрыта горами, по территории которой протекает множество горных рек и водопадов.


Zambezi National Park
В нескольких километрах вверх по реке Замбези от водопадов Виктория находится национальный парк Замбези. In this park you will have the opportunity to see elephants, hippos, crocodiles, zebras, many exotic birds and animals, and most importantly, you will be able to watch a herd of the rarest saber-horned antelopes.
Экстремалы и любители острых ощущений будут в восторге от сплава

по бурной реке Замбези и самого высокого в мире банджи джампинга (111 метров) с моста, который разделяет границу между Замбией и Зимбабве.

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Harare- the capital, the main cultural and economic center, the gateway to the country's unique wildlife reserves. Due to the abundance of sunflowers, Harare was nicknamed " Солнечным городом" Today Harare is modern city with a beautiful park and a modern museum with the National Gallery. You should pay attention to the Robert-McIlwaine Park with большим озером and a green park, Kopje Hill, Larvon Bird Gardens, Botanical Garden and Mbaremusika Market.

In the older parts of the city, verandas hang over the sidewalks, supported by ancient steel columns, reminiscent of a bygone era. Многие из этих зданий прошлых столетий были любовно сохранены как национальные памятники. Среди достопримечательностей города - Национальный музей, Национальная художественная галерея с превосходным собранием произведений панафриканского искусства, Национальный Ботанический сад и Этажи Аукциона табака.

Хараре - город, расположенный на северо-востоке страны, столица Зимбабве. Город основан в 1890 г. и был административным центром колонии Южная Родезия. In Harara, there are the residence of the president, the government, the highest state and administrative institutions. На холме у въезда в Хараре установлен обелиск в честь борцов за независимость республики.

Main attractions:

Among the attractions of the city is the National Museum, the National Art Gallery with an excellent collection of works of Panafrican art, the National Botanical Garden and the floors of the auction of tobacco. The lower city - Kopje is the most Africanized part of the city, overwhelmed with small shops.

Now Harare is a beautiful modern city with ribbons of luminous streets, green boulevards, blooming parks and gardens. From the colonial times of the late XIX - early XX century. Catholic cathedrals, buildings of the Supreme Court, and Parliament have been preserved in the capital. In 1963, a project for the reconstruction of the city under the leadership of the architect M. Locke was drawn up. In accordance with the project, administrative buildings, offices, and hotels were built of glass and concrete in the city center, the most interesting of which are the 14-story Robinson House, the 20-story Livingston House with a height of 75 m, the Memorial Library and the Queen Victoria Museum, and the Sheraton Hotel. "With a conference hall for 4.5 thousand people. Buildings on one of the most beautiful streets of the Zimbabvian capital are especially well decorated - Kingsway (Royal Way).

The Zimbabvian capital is called the city of flowering trees. All year round Jacaranda with pale purple petals bloom here, orange crowns of acacias, hedges of red, yellow, white, scarlet buggenwilles, green parks and squares turn green. The square on 2nd Street is famous not only for its green lawns and fountain: its paths are laid out so that the square exactly repeats the design of the British flag.

Harara is the main cultural and training center of the country. The city is home to a university and the Pasteur Institute. Harare's scientific institutions include research centers for tobacco, cotton, the Geological Survey, the National Herbarium and the Botanical Garden, founded in 1909.

IN National Museum The harara presents sections of archeology, history, ethnography. The National Gallery of Zimbabwe contains collections of Western European painting of the XV-XVIII centuries, modern painting and sculpture Zimbabwe.

The Lower Town (Kopje) is worth a visit. This is the most Africanized part of the city, crowded with small shops.

Lovers of outdoor activities can take part in golf predictions, see jumps, ride a boat and water skiing in the nearby Lake Chivero.

Bulawayo– the second largest city in the country, a significant commercial and industrial center and the seat of the Office railways Zimbabwe. В городе находится Национальный музей, а недалеко от города – руины древнего Кхами (Khami), столицы существовавшего в средние века государства.

Мутаре находится всего в двух километрах от границы, является административным центром провинции Маникаленд. Современные зданиявыстроились вдоль главных улиц, а в сторону разбегаются улочки с маленькими деревянными домиками под большими деревьями, комфортабельные отели.

Горы окружают город со всех сторон, и выбрать направление прогулки очень сложно. С одной стороны неприступные острые пики, обернутые облаками. С другой - мягкие силуэты. Где-то - живописные холмы и равнины, покрытые разноцветными округлыми камнями. Высоченные эвкалипты дают прохладную тень, авокадо и гуавы ломятся под тяжестью плодов.

National parks

National parks were created with the aim of preserving the unique nature of the country, in which you can observe the natural habitats of the animal world, as well as see unique plants that grow only in this territory.
Парки и заповедники занимают ок. 11% (44,688 sq. km) of the country's territory. Зимбабве располагает многочисленными национальными парками, парками отдыха, ботаническими садами, заповедниками и местами проведения сафари, где можно принять участие в охоте при получении соответствующего разрешения.

Victoria Falls- одно из самых живописных и чарующих зрелищ на Африканском континенте. Расположенный в Зимбабве, он представляет собой уникальное явление природы и одновременно аттракцион для туристов. Водопад поражает своими грандиозными размерами и величественной мощью.

Водопад и окружающая его местность были объявлены национальными парками. Victoria Falls is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List along with four other natural and architectural monuments of Zimbabwe.

Национальный парк Замбези (Sambesi National Раrk)расположен всего в нескольких километрах вверх по реке от водопада. Here you can watch elephants, hippos, crocodiles, zebras and many exotic birds, as well as see herds of the rare saber-horned antelope.
In Zambezi National Park, visitors can spot black saber antelopes and other exotic animals.

National Park Victoria-Fallsпокрывает область сразу за водопадом и включает в себя множество расщелин, которые в ранние века были частью водопада.

On the Zambezi River, on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, 120 km from Hwange National Park, there is the fourth widest stream in the world and one of the largest in terms of water flow and power - Victoria Falls. Its height is 110 m, width – 1700 m, water flow – 550 million liters per minute.

Victoria Falls is a legendary landmark that attracts tourists from all over the world. The Zambezi River here turns into a foamy and roaring cascade of water falling from steep cliffs. This is the highest waterfall in the world. The waters of the Zambezi River fall into the abyss from a height of 146 meters. The Zambezi River forms an extensive network deep canyons over which the waterfall falls total length at 1700 meters. This largest waterfall in the world is one and a half times larger in width than the American Niagara, and twice as tall in height. Upstream, the waters of the Zambezi River form a unique a natural phenomenon- Zambezi National Park. The waterfall is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The nearest airport is in Livingston, from where it is not far to the waterfall. A rainbow often plays in the spray of this majestic waterfall, rising to a height of up to 300m. The falls and the surrounding area have been declared national parks. Victoria Falls is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List along with four other natural and architectural monuments of Zimbabwe.

In November 1855, Scottish missionary and explorer David Livingstone became the first European to reach Victoria Falls. He first heard about the waterfall four years earlier, when, together with William Cotton Oswell, he reached the banks of the Zambezi River 130 km away. west. Then, in 1853-1856, Livingston became the first European to cross Africa. The Kololo tribe living here named the waterfall Mosi-oa-Tunya, which means "Thundering Smoke".

The Zambezi River turns into a foamy and roaring cascade of water falling from the steep cliffs of one of the most magnificent waterfalls. The majestic Zambezi, having absorbed water from the area of ​​​​a huge pool of 1.3 million square meters. km, approaches a basalt crack and falls into the abyss with an amazing roar.

Mosi-o-Tunya - “Thundering Smoke”, or Seongo (Chongue), which means “Rainbow” or “Place of the Rainbow” - this is what the locals called and still call the waterfall, to which Livingston gave the name of the English queen.
Victoria Falls is a completely extraordinary phenomenon in world nature. Charles Livingston, the brother of the famous traveler, who visited Victoria Falls and previously saw Niagara, gave the palm to the miracle of Africa and noted that he did not observe the phenomenon described below at Niagara. The force of the impact of multi-ton masses of water on the rock from below is such that the water turns into “steam” and is knocked back out into columns of “smoke” several hundred meters high, visible from a distance of tens of kilometers. A thunderous roar can be heard at almost the same distance. Like Iguazu in Argentina, Victoria is a complex system often called Victoria Falls.
On the Zimbabwean side, the waterfall is adjacent to the town of Victoria Falls and the reserve of the same name with an area of ​​59.3 thousand hectares, founded in 1939 (since 1952 - a national park). On the Zambian side, a reserve of 6.6 thousand hectares was also created, now there is the Mosi-o-Tunya National Park (1972).

Upstream, the waters of the Zambezi form a unique natural formation -. Here you can watch elephants, hippos, crocodiles, zebras and many exotic birds, as well as see herds of the rare saber-horned antelope.

Thrill-seekers will definitely enjoy whitewater rafting and the world's highest (111m) bunjee jump on the bridge that serves as the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Lake Kariba- one of the largest man-made and most beautiful lakes in the world. The shores of the lake, whose area is about 5180 square meters. km.

To the northwest of the border with Zambia is Lake Kariba, one of the largest man-made lakes in the world, famous for its picturesque nature. The shores of the lake, whose area is about 7770 square meters. km, attract numerous tourists who come here to sail, water ski, sunbathe, fish or try their luck at the casino. One of the outstanding engineering achievements of the century was the construction of the 112-meter Kariba Dam in Zimbabwe, blocking the path of the mighty Zambezi River. Lake Kariba also has a thriving commercial fishing industry. Throughout the year the temperature here ranges from 26 to 37 degrees Celsius.

In terms of the richness of its fauna, the shores of the Caribbean have no equal in Zimbabwe. When the reservoir first filled, the hills in the flooded area became islands, and many wild animals gathered on them. To save them, an action unique in its scale was carried out, called Operation Noah. During it, more than 5,000 animals were taken ashore on boats and released.

In addition to watching animals, there are a lot of other entertainments here - aquatic species sports, fishing, yachting.

Between the rapids of the Zambezi River you can enjoy the silence and beauty of the gorge. During the trip you can see hippopotamuses, hippopotamuses (if they are not the same thing as hippopotamuses), crocodiles, elephants, zebras and many exotic birds, as well as see herds of the rare sabre-horned antelope.

Every year, rafting attracts thousands of athletes and adventure seekers.

For reference
Lake Kariba was created in 1958 as a result of the construction of a dam on the Zambezi River to provide electricity to Zimbabwe and neighboring Zambia. As the lake's water levels rose, some 5,000 square kilometers of wild, bush-covered Zambezi River valley became giant lake, which has become one of the most popular resorts for classes water sports in Zimbabwe.
Today, thousands of vacationers come to the lake to absorb the energy of the sun and enjoy active recreation There's something for every taste - from canoe safaris down the Zambezi River to yacht trips, water skiing, lodge cruises and unparalleled sport fishing. The shores of Lake Kariba are a natural habitat for numerous wild animals: elephants, buffaloes and other herbivores, which are attracted by the succulent Panicum repens growing on the shores of the lake. Some of the best safari camps are located here, as well as excellent hotels.
When the valley was flooded, the tops of the maupena and lead tree (Laucaena) were left above the water, where they remain to this day, like petrified relics, and on their branches majestic eagles and waterfowl build their nests. These ghost trees and their black branches, like frozen skeletons, look best against the backdrop of red-pink Caribbean sunsets, which remain for many the most unforgettable sight on the lake.

Matobo National Park located just 30 km south of Bulawayo. Here, amidst the overwhelming majesty of the Matobo Hills - the "bald hills" - lies a gigantic layer of Zimbabwe's history. It was here that, 20,000 years ago, the nomadic San (Bushmen) tribes began decorating the caves with their superb rock paintings of animals, birds and ritual dances.

Matobo National Park is a large nature reserve, famous for the Matobo Hills located here, considered a sacred place. According to local beliefs, the Matobo Hills are one of the places that give incredible strength. The architectural monuments of ancient people, objects of art and preserved ancient grain bins, in which warriors once stored provisions, concentrated around the park, are true evidence of the antiquity of the local culture and its traditions. Some mountain peaks- Shumba, Shaba and Shumba Sham are considered sacred, and locals believe that climbing them brings bad luck. The chapel of the Ndebele chief was lost in the mountains. In it, people pray to the god Mwari and ask him for rain. It is also home to wild life, where you can spot the African eagle or the rare mountain owl. Matobo is also home to a huge number of black eagles.

On the territory of the park there are also piles of granite blocks of bizarre shapes, lakes rich in fish, cave drawings in the mountains and a wonderful forest area, which all together create a special attraction for visitors.

In one of the most picturesque corners of the park, nicknamed World View, on the rocky hills of Malindidzimu, is the resting place of the legendary discoverer of the lands of Rhodesia and the founder of the diamond empire of the British South Africa Company.

The park is home to white rhinoceroses, giraffes, zebras, and antelopes. The hills are also home to Africa's largest population of the magnificent black eagle.

Blue -green mountains, coniferous forests, lakes, lakes and heather wastelands of the eastern highlands, stretching along the Zimbabwe and mosambic border, include three different mountain chains - Nyang, Buubumb and Chimanimani.

Nyangu, located north of the administrative center of Mutare, is often compared to the Scottish Highlands. At its vertices, foamy waterfalls and seething river flows, ideally suitable for catching trout, take their beginning. This region can be explored both on foot and on a mountain bicycle or riding a horse. Lovers of golf have a huge opportunity to play on one of the most picturesque courts on the African continent.

To the south lies shrouded in fog Buumba, an archipelago of mountain peaks and valleys with its famous botanical gardens of aloes, orchids, azaleas and other rare native flowers and plants.

Wild, open to all the winds of Chimunimani is located at the southern tip of the eastern highlands. This mountain range provides one of the most beautiful places in the country: sharp peaks, deep crevices, valleys and crystal clear Mountain sources surrounded by orchids and subtropical flora - this real paradise for lovers mountainous nature And climbing.

Hwange National Park (Hwange) Spread on the territory of about 15,000 square meters. km in the western part of the country. Up to 107 species of animals and about 400 species of birds live here.

The Khwang National Park is the former hunting grounds of the royal family of Ndbele, and now one of the richest reserves of Africa. This largest national park in the country is occupied by an area of ​​14620 square meters. km. Hwang National Park was status in 1929 thanks to his wells filled with groundwater. Now the unique animal world. It should be noted that Khwang is the last largest reserve for elephants that gather on its territory in arid seasons. Among the animals that you can see there are monkeys, impals, lions, giraffes and zebra.

For many years, elephants with which huge populations of almost all representatives of the wild world of the country coexist the symbol of the park. If you believe the latest study, about 17,000 buffalo lives in the park, 6,000 antelopia-sytatunga, 5,000 saber-billed antelopes, 5000 kudu, 3,000 giraffes and 3000 zebras. But in addition to these main representatives of the local fauna, there are chances to meet more rare animals, such as a wild dog, a Beisa, or Passan, and Pangolin.

The park ecosystem is quite diverse, about 260 species of trees and shrubs and more than 1000 colors and other plants grow here.

Hvang National Park, where up to 107 species of animals and about 400 species of birds, is the largest guarded wild reserve in South Africa. The area of ​​this reserve is approximately 14,600 sq. Km and is rightfully considered the largest wildlife reserve in Zimbabwe.
For many years, elephants have been considered the symbol of the park, with which huge populations of almost all representatives of the country’s wild fauna coexist quite peacefully. According to recent studies, the park is home to about 17 thousand buffalo, 6 thousand sitatunga antelope, 5 thousand saber-horned antelope, 5 thousand kudu antelope, 3 thousand giraffes and 3 thousand zebras. But in addition to these main representatives of the local fauna, you have every chance to meet more rare animals, such as wild dog, beisa, pangolin, etc.
The ecosystem of the park is quite diverse: about 260 species of trees and shrubs and more than 1000 flowers and other plants grow here. Due to the fact that on one side the park borders the Kalahari Desert, sudden temperature changes are common in the south of Hwange, and therefore, from May to July, tourists are advised to stock up on warm clothing for the early morning and night.

On the banks of the Zambezi there is another beautiful National Park Mana-Pools National Park. Its area is 2196 sq. km. Most of the park is tropical forest. The park is home to hippos, elephants, rhinoceroses, buffalos and various species of antelope. The bird life on the banks of the river is also diverse. The park is closed to the public from November to March.

Chinhoyi Caves Holiday Park, near the town of Chinhoyi, is considered one of the most stunning places in Zimbabwe, offering a wide variety of activities for young tourists. The caves themselves are located on the road to Lake Kariba, about 130 km north-west of Harare. There is a giant natural mine 30 m in diameter and 45 m deep. At the depth of the mine there is a lake with crystal clear water, the depth of which, as numerous divers have proven, reaches 100 meters.

On the wild south coast Lake Kariba is located Matusadona National Park- it can be reached by road from Karoilil (which is more convenient), by water from Karia (Tishinga Camp, 48 km southwest of Kariba, Changachirere Camp 26 km southwest), Sanyati West and three other towns . Development in this region has been deliberately kept in check so that visitors can enjoy the ambience of unspoiled Africa.

Grand National Monument of Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe, a magnificent medieval city, the largest ancient building in the sub-Saharan Africa region. He proves that ancient Africa reached a level of civilization much higher than was customary to study in school. The city has Great Wall elliptical in shape, about 100 m in diameter and 255 m in circumference. The greatest source of speculation for scholars is the 10-meter Conical Tower, a monumental ceremonial structure that apparently has phallic significance. The tower is built from hand-crafted ancient stones without the use of any cementitious materials.

Kaile Amusement Park, located near Masvingo, is one of the most beautiful places in the country. Here you can find antelopes, giraffes, buffalos and hippos. The park is also known for being home to rarer animals, such as the white rhinoceros.

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Zimbabwe is famous throughout the world for Victoria Falls. It is located on the border with Zambia on the Zambezi River. This is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. A wide stream of water (about 1800 m) falls from a height of 120 m, raising up drops of water resembling a thick fog, which is visible 30 km away. The Zambezi River basin is the most popular tourist destination in the country. It is home to the Kariba Reservoir, famous for its fishing opportunities, many conservation areas where safaris are organized, and a large number of hunting reserves. Hiking enthusiasts will appreciate the Eastern Highlands with the highest peak of Zimbabwe - Mount Inyangani (2592 m), and curious tourists will definitely be interested in visiting the ruins of cities ancient civilization Monomotapa, which are located in the central part of the country.

The best time to visit Zimbabwe is April-May and August-September, when the weather is comfortable and dry.

The official language of Zimbabwe is English, but only 2% of the country's population consider it their native language. The remaining residents speak the local languages ​​Shona, Ndebele, Kalanga and Tonga.

Cities and resorts of Zimbabwe

Harare is the capital of Zimbabwe, The largest city The country, which is also its cultural and industrial center, is located in the northeast of the country. The city was founded in 1890. How administrative center Colony of Southern Rhodesia. Now the residence of the president, the government, and higher state and administrative institutions are located here. On a hill at the entrance to Harare there is an obelisk in honor of the fighters for the independence of the republic. From the colonial times of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, Catholic cathedrals, the buildings of the Supreme Court and parliament have been preserved in Harare. In the city center, administrative buildings, offices and hotels are built of glass and concrete. Marble, mosaics, colored glass, and copper are used in the decoration of buildings. The National Museum in Harare presents sections of archeology, history, and ethnography. The National Gallery of Zimbabwe contains collections of Western European painting of the 15th-18th centuries, modern painting and sculpture of Zimbabwe.

Bulawayo - notable for being the site of the listed Hami Ruins World Heritage UNESCO, located 22 km west of the city. These are the second largest ruins in Zimbabwe. And also the Zimbabwe Natural History Museum, which houses a unique collection of exhibits, including the second largest collected elephant in the world, as well as exhibits telling the history of natural resources and wildlife of Zimbabwe; The Railway Museum, which includes exhibits from old steam locomotives, moving carriages and models of old railway stations, as well as a huge collection of other interesting exhibits dating from the very first days of railway history. Chipangali Wildlife Sanctuary, 23 km from Bulawayo, provides care for abandoned, sick or orphaned wild animals; The Mzilikazi Art and Folk Art Center offers ceramics, African folk art, sculpture, as well as painting studios and art galleries; Tshabalala Wildlife Sanctuary, eight kilometers from the city center along the Matopos Road, is a natural habitat for giraffes, kudu, zebras, bays and wildebeests, as well as many species of wild and waterfowl.

Dziva is located 20 km northwest of Nyanga between two twin mountains - Dziva and Nyakhokwe. The buildings are located on an area of ​​200 square meters. km and include a large number of stone walls. Unlike the walls of Great Zimbabwe, Hami and others, these structures served as a kind of boundary separating homes from agricultural fields. This is one of the few places in Africa where the influence of pre-colonial society on the landscape is clearly visible. Dziva was inhabited in the 15th-17th centuries.

National parks of Zimbabwe

National parks of the country - Victoria Falls, Hwange National Park), Matobo National Park and many others are rich in rare animals and surprise with the beauty of the landscapes.

Hwange National Park is the largest wildlife reserve in Zimbabwe. It is home to about 107 species of animals and more than 400 species of birds. For many years, elephants have been considered the symbol of the park, with which huge populations of almost all representatives of the country’s wild fauna peacefully coexist here. According to the latest data, about 17 thousand buffalos, more than 20 thousand antelopes of various species and three thousand giraffes and zebras live in the park. Because the park borders the Kalahari Desert, the south often experiences extreme temperature changes - so it's best to pack warm clothing for the early mornings and nights between May and July.

Zambezi National Park is located just 6 km from Victoria Falls. There you can see elephants, hippos, lions, spotted hyenas, numerous species of antelope and the most exotic birds on the planet.

Matobo Game Reserve is famous for its Matobo Hills, which are considered a sacred place. Matobo is also home to a huge number of black eagles.

Matusadona National Park is located on the southern shore of Lake Kariba. The development of civilization in this region is deliberately restrained so that its visitors can enjoy the authentic atmosphere of pristine “Mama Africa”.

How to get to Zimbabwe

There are no direct flights to Zimbabwe from Russia. Possible flight options: British Airways flights connecting in London (includes an overnight stay), as well as a joint flight with Lufthansa and South African Airways with transfers in Frankfurt and Johannesburg. Flight duration is about 14-15 hours excluding connections.

Visa to Zimbabwe

Russian tourists can obtain a visa to Zimbabwe upon entry. To obtain a visa upon entry, you will need to present an immigration card, which indicates the surname, name and patronymic of the person entering, gender, date and place of birth, citizenship, address of permanent residence, address of residence in the country, passport number and validity period, purpose of travel, duration stay, as well as points of arrival and departure.

To obtain a visa at the Zimbabwe Embassy, ​​the following documents are provided: a passport valid for at least 6 months from the end of the trip (it must have at least one blank page - website), three copies of the application form, three photographs 4x5 cm. If the child is included in the parent’s passport , he does not require a separate visa (you only need to provide three photos of the child). Children included in their parents' passports are not charged a consular fee.

The visa processing time is 10-14 days. Consular fee - 45 dollars. A single entry visa is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.


The import and export of foreign currency into Zimbabwe is not limited. The import of national currency is limited to 50 thousand Zimbabwe dollars, export - 2 thousand Zimbabwe dollars. You can import duty-free products and goods with a total value of no more than 250 US dollars. The import of drugs and some medicines is prohibited; hunting weapons and ammunition are imported with a special permit. A permit is also required for the export of hunting trophies.

Money in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean dollar (ZWD), 1 ZWD = 100 cents. Banks are open from 8:00 to 15:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 8:00 to 13:00 on Wednesday and from 8:00 to 11:30 on Saturday. Currency can be exchanged at banks, hotels, airports, as well as numerous exchange offices. In markets and in the provinces you can also pay with South African rands, and US dollars are accepted for payment almost everywhere.

Due to high inflation rates, prices in the country can vary greatly even over a short period.

What to drive in Zimbabwe

The country has a domestic airline network. Basically, people travel by plane to Victoria Falls to admire it from a bird's eye view. The sound of water can be heard 20 km away, and a column of water dust above the waterfall is visible 40 km away.

By bus you can get to anywhere in the country. Modern, comfortable buses run between large cities, and transportation between small towns is carried out by small local buses, which are often overcrowded. There are also rail links between Harare, Bulawayo, Victoria Falls and Mutare. The trains have 3 classes of carriages and sleeping berths. Regular bus services operate only in Harare and Bulawayo. In other settlements it is better to use taxi services.

To get the most out of visiting the country, you need to rent a jeep and go on a safari. The country has many national parks where you can observe hippos, rhinoceroses, crocodiles, buffalos, roe deer, and other rare animals.

What not to do in Zimbabwe

Despite the fact that the people of Zimbabwe are warm, friendly and helpful, tourists are still advised to travel in groups or accompanied by guides.

You should not travel to Zimbabwe without first obtaining medical insurance. You do not need to have any vaccinations before visiting the country. Tourists planning to visit national parks need only take anti-malarial tablets, wear long sleeves and use insecticides. It is recommended to use bottled water for drinking.

And the main advice for tourists: in the country, almost a quarter of the population is infected with AIDS, so you should not buy any food on the street, especially eat it right there, without first washing your hands with soap.

Zimbabwe seems something distant and unattainable. At the same time, this is a place that has not yet been explored by Slavic tourists. Europeans and Americans have been in Zimbabwe for quite some time and realized that best place For safari simply doesn't exist.

We invite you to open amazing world National safari parks of this country and immerse yourself in the life of wild nature, which has preserved its traditions and follows natural instincts.

This park is the largest in the country and has “presidential” status. The main attraction of the park is Victoria Falls, this waterfall is also the main calling card of the country.

In the Hwange National Park there are hunting estates of the top officials of the state. In fact, it is an untouched oasis of wildlife, where you can closely observe the life of leopards, elephants, lions, wild dogs, antelopes, zebras and more than 300 species of birds.

The park has specially equipped areas to make it convenient to observe the animal world. Regarding safari, there are about 500 kilometers of road, which allows you to see animals without leaving your car. Among the plants and trees of the park it is impossible not to notice the famous baobabs.

Safari parks and reserves in Zimbabwe- these are places of amazing beauty that amaze the imagination. This is an ecological zone that has preserved wildlife almost in its original form.

Although for most Russian tourists these lands seem as if they are from another world, this is not so. This is our world, which is close enough, you just need to expand the boundaries a little and go on an unforgettable safari through the national parks of Zimbabwe.

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