Conceptual framework of tourism. Tourist travel goals

Compiled for tourists in Moscow. Valid until the approval of a similar document by the TSSR. Option "0-1" Agreed: Arsenin, Kostin, Nizhnikovsky, Pigulevskiy, Nikonorov, Renteev, Smirnov, Khoroshilov.
Developed by Alekseev.


In the last decade, the quality of travel reports submitted to the IWC at all levels has declined markedly. In many cases, reports do not meet the requirements for these documents. It is far from always possible to get an idea of ​​the actions and real qualifications of the group from such reports. Poor quality reports cannot be used in the preparation of routes, which leads to aging of information stored in libraries and can significantly affect the safety of hikes.
At the same time, ICCs at all levels have reduced the requirements for reviewing submitted reports. Often, certificates are issued on the offset of the trip according to reports in which the technical description is reduced to a detailed calendar plan of the trip. It is extremely rare that poor-quality reports are returned for revision.


The trip report is the document by which the ICC evaluates real experience groups, evaluates the actions of tourists on the route and the literacy of tactical decisions. Based on the reports, the ICC decides on the offset of the campaign and the assignment of categories. Based on the reports, the judging boards hold tourism championships.
Reports are one of the main sources of information about the travel area. On them, tourists are preparing for hiking. Based on the materials from the reports submitted when approving the route, the ICC decides whether the complexity of the declared hike corresponds to the qualifications (capabilities) of the group. The library of tourist reports serves as the information basis for the work of specific and interspecific commissions of tourism federations.


The main task of the tourist report is to convey the maximum reliable useful information about the travel area and about specific local obstacles. It should contain information about the routes of communication with the hiking area, the organization of movement, nature reserves and border zones, natural obstacles, climatic features, etc. The report should tell how the group acted and contain recommendations for subsequent trips.


4.1. The report should contain only reliable information.
The report should unequivocally answer the question: where and how the route ran, how the group acted during its passage.
The report, in addition to purely technical descriptions, may contain the impressions of the group members about the area, the route thread and the obstacles passed.
4.2 The report on the tourist trip can be written or oral. Submission of a written report is obligatory for hikes of 4-6 grades, as well as for hikes participating in tourism championships. In all other cases, as well as for trips 1-3 c.s. The form of the report, its volume and content are established by the IWC when considering application materials, taking into account the novelty and availability of information on the given area in the IWC library. The decision of the ICC is recorded in the route book. The section "Technical description of the route" in relation to the "Detailed route schedule" (see 5.5) is mandatory for all reports.
4.3. Along with the report, the ICC is provided with a route book or a photocopy of it and documents confirming the passage of the route, completed certificates of credit for the trip of the established form for all participants.
4.4. An oral report is made by the head and members of the group at the meeting of the ICC. In this case, the documents listed in clause 4.3, photographs, video materials, etc., as well as maps and route schemes are submitted. The oral report is built on sections of the written one (see 5.)
4.5. A written report must be typewritten (computer-based), have continuous page numbering, and SHOULD BE HARD BOUND, which ensures long-term preservation of the report. See section 5 for the contents of the written report.
4.6. Photos and sketches included in the report should characterize the difficult sections of the route and the actions of the group on them, provide subsequent groups with orientation on the ground, display the nature and sights of the area. The photographs are marked with the route traveled and the recommended route, as well as danger zones are highlighted. The photographs must be consecutively numbered and MANDATORY have captions that allow identifying the displayed object without referring to the text of the report. The text of the report must contain links to photographs and other illustrated material.
4.7. The report is accompanied by an overview map (scheme) of the hiking area with a plotted route, alternate options, directions of movement and possible evacuation, as well as overnight accommodations indicating their serial numbers and dates, and main obstacles. The map can be supplemented with sketches or large-scale diagrams of difficult areas, indicating the line of motion, landmarks and photographic points.
For hikes with significant elevation changes, water and cave hikes, a route profile (altitude graph) is drawn up.
The reports on water trips contain sailing directions with indication of obstacles and their landmarks, diagrams of obstacles with drawing the route of passage, places of insurance and mooring.
Topographical materials on underground cavities are given in the reports on cave hikes.
The reports on automoto trips indicate the points of possible refueling and repair of vehicles.

The text part should contain the sections indicated in the "Typical form and content of a report on a tourist trip, trip and sports tour" (see Appendix I). Individual sections are discussed in detail below, as well as in the "guidelines" (see Annex 4).
5.1 Title page (see Appendix 2).
5.2 Contents (Contents).
5.3 Reference information about the campaign.
The name of the conducting organization, country, republic, city, type of tourism, category of complexity of the trip, length and duration of the trip, number of the itinerary book and information about the authority of the ICC are indicated. This is followed by a detailed thread of the route, defining obstacles, a list of the group indicating the year of birth, tourist experience and responsibilities in the group, addresses for consultations are given. 5.4. General geographical and tourist characteristics of the hiking area. Includes the geographic location of the area, its tourist opportunities, access and departure options, characteristics of vehicles, including fares and traffic schedules, emergency and alternate options for this route, information about medical centers, retail outlets, the location of border and protected areas, the procedure for obtaining passes to restricted areas, addresses and telephone numbers of relevant organizations, location and addresses of the PSS and PSO, the most interesting natural and historical objects, climatic and other characteristics of the route.
The features of the pre-trip preparation, the features of the chosen route are described, the rationale for the choice of the main and backup options, and the organization of transfers are given. The section should answer the question why this particular route was chosen; How successful was the original plan of the campaign. In this section, the declared route thread and the separately actually passed one are given in a form convenient for comparison.
It is given in the form of a table, for which the following columns are recommended: day of travel, date, section of the route, length (km), net running time, determining obstacles in the section8, weather conditions, elevation difference (for mountain hikes). At the end, the total duration, length, elevation difference are indicated. For hikes in the mountains, an altitude chart is given, and for water hikes, a route profile. INFORMATION IN THIS SECTION WILL BE DETAILED IN THE FOLLOWING SECTION.
The main section of the report. It includes a detailed, without any exceptions, description of the route in the order of its passage, difficult sections according to the schemes below, technique and tactics of the route, dangerous sections and security measures. Without this section, the report cannot be considered by the IWC.
The route description is divided into days or tactical sections. The latter are also broken down by day. The heading of each day indicates the date and day of the journey, as well as for the convenience of users, the route section, mileage, elevation difference, net running time in hours and weather conditions during the day. A sample title is given in Appendix 3.
The text indicates the object (the point to which the group is striving), landmarks and the direction of movement. Descriptions of the sections are given in strict sequence, the characteristics of the section to be overcome (obstacles), the time of movement, the technique and tactics used, dangerous sections, and methods of insurance are indicated.
To facilitate the work on the report, it is convenient to use the ready-made diagrams below. Examples of their application and a methodology to facilitate the preparation of this section are given in Annex 4.


1. Name, category of difficulty (c.t.), height, characteristics of the slopes, where it is located, which valleys, glaciers, etc. connects.
2. From where it is visible, where it is located, landmarks for searching.
3. Characteristics (description) of approaches and take-off, dangerous areas.
4. Group activities, insurance, running time.
5. Description of the saddle.
6. View from the pass.
7. Characteristic (description) of the opposite slope.
8. Actions of the group on the descent, insurance, running time.
9. Recommendations for walking the pass in the opposite direction.
10. Total driving time.
11. Places of possible lodging for the night.
12. Required special equipment.
13. Recommendations for equipment and insurance.
14. Evaluation by the group of k.t. obstacles and ways to overcome them.
See also Appendix I


1. Indicate the final goal (landmark) of the movement, for example, a local obstacle (pass, crossing) to which the group is going and its location.
2. Indicate landmarks, direction of movement, points from which landmarks or the purpose of movement are visible.
3. Characteristics of the path to the chosen goal (road, trail, forest, scree, etc.)
4. The movement of the group from landmark to landmark, indicating the time of movement, characteristics of obstacles and group actions, insurance, dangerous places.
5. Total driving time, pure running time.
6. Places of possible overnight stays.
7. Recommendations for groups going in the opposite direction.
8. Evaluation by the group of c.t. obstacles.

A list of special equipment, features of personal and public equipment and comments on them are given. Here is the calculation of the weight of the backpack.
The cost of travel, accommodation, food and all other expenses is given. Recommendations are given for optimizing costs.
This section summarizes and draws conclusions about the achievement of the goals. The correctness of tactical decisions, the choice of the route thread and the traffic schedule are analyzed, recommendations are given for its passage and possible changes. It analyzes the compliance of the category of complexity of the route and individual obstacles with the declared ones, the reasons for changing the original trip plan.



1. Title page. (See Appendix 2)
2. Content (table of contents)
3. Reference information about the campaign.
3.1. Conducting organization (name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail, www)
3.2. Country, republic, region, region, district, subdistrict, array (venue)
3.3. Are common background information about the route (in a column or in the form of a table).

3.4. Detailed itinerary.
3.5. Defining obstacles of the route (passes, traverses, peaks, canyons, crossings, rapids, vegetation cover, swamps, scree, sands, snow, ice, water areas, etc.) in the form of a table to determine the complexity of the route according to the TSCP method.

3.6. Group list.
3.7. Full name, address, phone, e-mail, leader and participants.
3.8. Report storage address, availability of video and film materials.
3.9. Hike reviewed by the IWC __________________

4. General geographical and tourist characteristics of the area.
4.1. Geographical position and tourist features of the area.
4.2. Entry and exit options.
4.3. emergency exits from the route and its fallbacks.
4.4. Characteristics of vehicles, weather conditions and other information specific to the area and type of tourism.
4.5. The location of border zones, nature reserves, the procedure for obtaining passes, the deployment of PSOs, medical facilities and other useful data.
4.6. List of the most interesting natural, historical and other objects (occupations) on the route.

5. Organization and conduct of the campaign.
5.1. Goals and objectives of the route. Preparation, route selection. Tactical ideas, novelty.
5.2. Route changes and their reasons.
5.3. Expanded traffic schedule. Prepare in the form of a table, briefly citing the main information disclosed in the section "Technical description of the group's route." Recommended graphs: Travel days. Date of. Section of the path (from-to). Length in km. Net running time. Determining obstacles on the site. Weather conditions.

6. Technical description of the route.
The main section in the report.
Difficult sections: passes, rapids, crossings, places with difficult orientation, etc. ≈ are described in more detail, indicating the time intervals of their passage and the action of the group on them. Particular attention should be paid to the description of the technique and tactics of movement, as well as measures to ensure safety on the route, extreme situations. The text "Technical description of the passage by the group of the route" must be "tied" to the text "Detailed traffic schedule" through the dates and days of the journey.
Potentially dangerous sections on the route are described separately.
The technical description is broken down by travel days or tactical sections. The latter are also broken down by day. The title of each day indicates: Date, day of travel, and it is also desirable to indicate the route section, mileage, elevation changes, net running time in hours and weather conditions during the day (see Appendix 3).

7. Material support of the group.

8. Cost of accommodation, meals, equipment, transportation costs.

10. The report is accompanied by an overview and detailed map route with indication of emergency options and emergency exits, photographs of defining obstacles confirming their passage by the group (all photographs must be numbered, linked to the text of clause 6 and signatures that allow identifying the depicted object without referring to the text), passports of local obstacles passed for the first time . In order to create a database of routes traveled and simplify the exchange of information, it is recommended, in addition to a written report to the IWC, to provide a report "made (preferably with maps, photos, etc.) on a CD-ROM (diskette) in one of the formats pdf, html, rtf, doc, txt - text format.



about (type of tourism) hiking
_______ difficulty category according to ( geographical area)
committed by a group of tourists (city, team)
in the period from _________ to ________ 200__.

Route book No. ___________
Team leader ____________
Address, phone, e-mail of the head

The route-qualification commission reviewed the report and believes that the trip can be credited to all participants and the head of the difficulty category.
Report to use in the library ____________

City __________ 200_





Cool at first
and then it fades...
(Description of the pass ZB k.s.)

We go on hikes for ourselves, while many tourists write reports not for themselves, but for others, and consider compiling a report an obsolete, unnecessary sad duty, without which the "evil uncles from the IWC" will not give the desired certificates of offset and will not be allowed to go to more difficult hike. "We are athletes, we are techies, not writers," - such an opinion can often be heard on the sidelines of tourist clubs.
"Colleagues, (I want to object to this), what materials did you prepare routes for? Maybe some non-athletes, support staff, second-class tourists or hired workers write reports for you?" Nothing like that, they are written by your comrades and, moreover, by no means always the elders. Reports, and even more so good reports, are written by honest athletes, those who not only use (for free!) Other people's experience, but also help their friends and colleagues with their experience.
Let's be honest with ourselves and our friends, and this manual will help you fulfill your duties with minimal labor and maximum benefit.
A person enjoys any (including technical work on tourist route if he succeeds in this work). But in order to succeed, you first need to learn, “But in our school there were triples in essays, well, it’s not given to us to write,” the stubborn people will continue to object. However, all over the world, millions of non-writers and non-journalists write industrial and scientific reports, instructions, articles, statements and explanatory notes. The task of these non-writers is to bring any information to the interested parties. And in this they are helped by well-developed document schemes. If all the elements of the scheme (points of the plan) are observed, you will be understood, even if you write clumsily, boringly and ponderously.


If you want to make your job as easy as possible, start writing a report long before the trip. During the preparation period, you can write a draft of the "general geographical and tourist characteristics of the hiking area." Since you will still have to study the area before the trip, nothing prevents you from setting out the information you have received on paper or magnetic media in advance. After the campaign, it remains to make minor corrections, add the information received during the campaign and start the printer. The same applies to some other sections. In order not to suffer with a technical description, it must be written on the route, following fresh tracks; in the form of a diary. It is best at halts, after each transition, to describe the area covered. You can write yourself, or you can dictate to a participant with good handwriting (the ideal option is when several people keep diaries on a campaign, for example: a leader, a chronicler and a timekeeper). In this case, your comrades will be able to make corrections and additions, and, at the same time, learn to write themselves. Then, after the campaign, all that remains is to edit and retype the text. It is dangerous to postpone the description for the evening. Much will be forgotten, and there may not be conditions and time for writing. And it is absolutely unacceptable - to write a report from memory, having arrived home. Important details will be missed, timing will be forgotten, and, besides, there will most likely not be time for long writing after the trip.
But most importantly, credibility will be lost. And the report should contain only reliable information! No wonder the participants geographical expeditions professed and profess the principle: "what is not recorded in the field log - was not observed"!
Here is an example: the editor of the newspaper Free Wind, known to many travelers, SV. Mindelevich walked according to the report of E.A. Ionikh in the Elbrus region, the Yusengi pass (2B). Ionih passed this pass second, there were no other materials in the library. It followed from the report that the bend of the glacier "in the central part ends with a smooth roll-out onto the tongue. But instead of a roll-out behind the bend, there was a flight - on sheep's foreheads with a height drop of about 300 meters! There was a thin layer of fresh snow on the ice, and the bend did not allow looking down. Having started the descent without crampons and ropes, the group ended up on unreliable steps above the cliff... Later, the author of the description tried to justify himself by describing the pass in a hurry at home, after the hike-...
Another tragicomic case: a group of MEPhI tourists passed through the 1B pass in Digoria. According to the description, straight from the saddle to the flat part of the glacier there was an even snowy slope. From the pass, the slope was not visible. Without a shadow of a doubt, the leader sat down on the polyethylene and disappeared behind the bend. The rest heard a frightened cry, but then the leader rode out onto level ground and waved his arms invitingly. The second participant disappeared behind the bend, and again a cry and again allowing a wave of the hand. The third participant sat down on the polyethylene and after a few seconds saw a huge (perhaps it seemed from fear) bergschrund under him. Fortunately, there was a small springboard above the upper edge. Slowly, very slowly, a gaping bottomless mouth floated below. Hit, slide, roll out!
Both of them were lucky. Both used unscrupulous descriptions.
To keep a diary on the route, you need a hardcover notebook, pens or pencils, a compass, an altimeter or a GPS. Diary entries and, accordingly, the description of the route must be kept in strict sequence, without interruptions (breaks). They must have accurate timing. However, it is not necessary to indicate "Live time", it is unlikely that anyone will be interested that you walked from the place of spending the night to the ford from 7-00 to 7-30, but pure running time, that is, "it took 30 minutes." It is all the more useless to point out that, for example, they went from the crossing to the glacier from 10-00 to 15-40, since it is not clear how much you rested, whether or not you had a snack, etc.
You need to describe the route from one noticeable landmark to another, indicate what and where you can see, and in what weather conditions the stage was passed. In some cases, it is useful to mention the state of a group. All this can be useful to those who follow you.


At the beginning of the description of the running day, it is necessary to give its characteristics (see Appendix 3). Readers of the report should be able to find a description of the section of the route they need without turning over the entire text and, without referring to other sections of the report, immediately determine where and where you were going. In the text of the report, after the title of the day, it is necessary to indicate where the group starts moving from, even if this is clear from the description of the previous day. And then outline WHERE THE GROUP GOES. For example, the path to round lake starting from bus stop in the center of the village of Igoshino along a dirt road leading between houses to the northwest. Or: from spending the night at the confluence of the Bystraya and Kedrovaya rivers to the Sosnovy Pass, we go along the left bank of the Bystraya River along a well-developed path to the southeast. At the same time, these phrases contain information about the nature of the beginning of the path (path, road) and where this path starts from (there may be several roads and paths).
Then, if possible, it is necessary to indicate distant landmarks. For example, you have to go about 1.5 hours (5 km) until the confluence of the second large right tributary, the valley of which is visible from the place of spending the night (from the turn of the main valley to the right, etc.). This will allow less experienced travelers following your description do not skip the desired turn in bad weather, or out of absent-mindedness.
Now we proceed, in fact, to the description of the route. We indicate the nature of the path (paths, off-road), forests, swamps, crossings. We indicate the time of movement between noticeable landmarks, for example, until the next tributary, clearing, river bend. Here we also describe the actions of the group in difficult areas, berry thickets, places for overnight stays and others. useful information. As well as interesting objects, passes, waterfalls, canyons, forks in paths and roads. If orientation when moving in the opposite direction is difficult, for example, because of the steep bank, the bridge is not visible or the path is lost when you enter the clearing and it is difficult to find it when driving in the opposite direction, we give recommendations for going towards.
Respecting your colleagues, do not clutter up the text with abbreviations like "kpu" and "pl" (end of the previous section and place of overnight stay), and also avoid everyday details, perhaps very cute, but not related to the route - there are newspapers and magazines for them .
In no case should descriptions be limited to only a narrow corridor or a thread, as is done at rallies and competitions at the "movement according to the legend" stage. Without a landmark visible from afar or knowledge of the general direction of movement, a slight inaccuracy in the description, inattention or a slight change in the relief (the snowfield has melted!) is sufficient, and it will be impossible to restore your location.
Let us give an approximate scheme for describing the linear section of the route using the example of a river valley, adhering to which you can confidently state all the necessary information


1. Indicate the starting point of the movement and the final (intermediate) goal to which the group is going and the location of this goal.
2. Indicate the landmarks (the nearest one and the subsequent ones as you move), the direction of movement, the points from which the landmarks or the final goal of the path are visible.
3. Characteristics of the path (path, road, forest, slopes, scree, etc.)
4. Describe the movement of the group from landmark to landmark, indicating the net running time, the characteristics of the path and obstacles, the actions of the group when overcoming obstacles, dangerous places and the types of insurance applied.
5. Time of movement between the most important landmarks and the total time of movement to the selected goal or per day.
6. Places of possible lodging for the night.
7. Recommendations for going in the opposite direction.
8. If necessary, recommendations for equipment. If there is a pass or other local obstacle on the way of the group that requires a detailed description, we give it at the beginning brief description, then we orient the readers of the report, where it is located and from where it can be seen, and only after that we write the description itself, according to the scheme given below for the case of the pass - the most common local obstacle.


1. Name, category of difficulty, height, characteristics of the slopes, where it is located, what valleys, glaciers, etc. connects.
2. From where it is visible, where it is located in the circus or in the crest of the ridge, other landmarks that provide confident orientation.
3. Characteristics (description) of the pass takeoff, dangerous areas.
4. Actions of the group, organization of insurance, running time, possible options, total running time to climb.
5. Description of the saddle, possibility of lodging for the night.
6. View from the pass.
7. Recommendations for going in the opposite direction, if due to the shape of the slope it is not visible from above and at the same time access to dangerous or unreasonably difficult sections is possible.
8. Characteristics of the opposite slope, along which the descent is to be.
9. Actions of the group on the descent, insurance, running time, possible options.
10. Recommendations for going in the opposite direction, if the path, especially in the upper part, is poorly visible from below.
11. The total time for the descent and ascent, recommendations for the passage, the necessary equipment, the organization of insurance, conclusions.
12. Places of possible lodging for the night. (See also Appendix 3). Below we will give examples of how not to and how to write descriptions for simple and difficult passes, give recommendations for determining the steepness of the slopes and wish you successful trips and good reports.


1. How NOT to write a description

26.08.2001 From the overnight stay (there is no word about its place on the previous sheet) we move to the Dzhankuat glacier and along the path on the tongue of the glacier we cross the Dzhankuat-stream (it is not clear which coast). We climb the path to the crest of the moraine of the glacier (sometimes called the Dinosaur). Climbing a steep conglomerate slope (it is not clear how to look for a path on the slope). We go out on the trail on the crest of the moraine (50-60 minutes). We pass along the trail - about 300 meters and leave it - opposite the stream flowing from under the Koyavganaush pass (the first mention of the goal in the description of the day!). We climb the path along the stream to the "Spartak overnight stays". Here is an ideal place for overnight stays before the pass (the nature of the slope is not indicated, it is not clear where the overnight stays are, there is no time to climb to them).
Ascent to the saddle of the pass along a poorly visible path along a small moving black scree, in some places crossed by snowfields. It is better to pass the pass early in the morning, when the talus is seized by frost and does not creep. The ascent from overnight stays takes an hour and a half (there are no indications where to look for the pass in the circus, a false saddle is missed, the glacier at the foot of the pass is forgotten, there is no general ascent time).
The saddle is wide, talus, you can put up several tents. From the saddle there is a good view of the Adyrsu valley.
The descent from the saddle along snowfields and small live scree to the Koyavgan glacier takes from 20 minutes to 1 hour (the dangerous section is omitted, it will be given in the "correct description", it is not clear what caused the descent time spread by three times). Coming out on the flat surface of an open glacier, we move closer to the - left edge along the slopes of the Koyavgan peak (the peak is not visible, its mention is meaningless). In 30-40 minutes we reach the final moraine, leaving the steep tongue of the glacier on the right along the way (there are no instructions for finding the pass from this side, the passage of the glacier is not described in detail).
There is water and platforms on the moraine. From here begins a terrible path, which in an hour and a half leads to a green island on the banks of the Adyrsu River. This is an ideal place for a day trip - pine trees, a clear stream ... - (the description of the valley and the "terrible trail" is not detailed, there is no total time for the descent and the total time for passing the pass).

2. How to write a description

Today we have to take the last and easiest pass Koyavganaush (IA, 3500, sn.-os). The pass is located in the Adyrsu ridge between the peaks of Koyavganbashi and VIAtau and connects the valleys of the Adylsu and Adyrsu rivers. It leads from the tongue of the Dzhankuat glacier to the Koyavgan glacier and to the ruins of the Dzhailik a/l.
From the place of our overnight stay at the "Green Hotel" hut in the upper reaches of the Dzhankuat stream (2400 m), one can see the Dzhankuat glacier and a stream breaking through its right-bank moraine near the tongue. Along the stream there is a trail to the pass.
Passing through moraine deposits and pebbles along the Dzhankuat stream, we cross the glacier to the right bank. Further along the left bank of the stream along the path cut in the conglomerate, we climb into the pocket of the right-bank moraine of the Dzhankuat glacier. Along the pocket and along the ridge there are trails to the upper reaches of the valley to the training pass (Gendarmes). A moraine slope leads to our pass from the pocket, cut by gullies in which snowfields lie. On the slope along the stream flowing from under the pass, there are paths leading to a small circus. On the left along the way - grassy areas of "Spartak's overnight stays" (3 hours).
From here, on the right side of the circus, under the rocky massif of Koyavganbashi, near the pyramidal gendarme, a pass is visible. Closer to the top of VIAtau there is a false saddle. The further path runs along a small gently sloping glacier, the lower part of which is open, and the upper part can be covered with snow, but there are no cracks here. Passing under a false saddle, we rise to the pass along a wide snow-scree slope. If the scree is saturated with water and creeps underfoot, you can go to the left, along simple rock outcrops. The saddle is quite wide, scree. A bivouac is possible on it. Tour from the north side on the rocks. (5 hours from the "green hotel"). The pass is one of the best panoramic points of the Elbrus region. From here, the upper reaches of the Adyrsu valley and the Adyrsu ridge from the Freshfield pass to the Kulumkol pass open. Elbrus and the Donguz-orunbashi massif are visible in the western sector.
The descent to the Koyavgan glacier passes along a wide slope (30°, 400m). In its upper part, there is usually a snowfield, the steepness of which can reach 40°. If the snow density is high, you can move a little to the left to the ridge of the destroyed rocks. Below, the famous Koyavgan "sypukh" begins, which, depending on the humidity, rides underfoot or turns into a solid conglomerate.
The end of the snowfield is not visible, so we decided not to risk it and went around it on the left. They did the right thing: at the end of the summer the snowfield was reduced, and in the event of a breakdown, it would be difficult to linger until the flight to the scree.
Further along the paths laid in the black slate scree, we descended to the glacier (1 hour). When passing this slope on the rise, it is advantageous in the upper part to go to the right to a larger scree. (Rockfalls on the right!). We walked along the glacier along the left edge, bypassing the zone of swelling and ice breaks (rockfalls from rocks, open radial cracks). Having passed the turn along the ice littered with fragments, we go to the left-bank moraine and descend along it to the platforms at the upper edge of the terminal moraine of the glacier (upper Koyavgan overnight stays) (50 minutes). You can also get here along the center line of the glacier. In this case, the descent to the moraine, not reaching the steep part of the tongue. Further, having passed the moraine, on the left bank of the stream (in the off-season it is avalanche-prone here), we go out to the grassy "lower camps". From here, a steep, deeply trodden path with frequent serpentines descends into the Adyrsu valley. Turning to the right, up the valley and crossing the stream from under our pass, we find ourselves in a pine grove, where there are numerous parking lots (2200, 4 hours from the saddle). We note that it is difficult to walk this pass from grass to grass, but we have the end of the route and the experience of the "four" behind us.
When moving in the opposite direction, it must be borne in mind that the first to open is a false saddle under the slopes of VIAtau. A cornice usually hangs on it. The pass is located on the left side of the circus behind the rocks and is not visible until the turn of the glacier. If a group descends towards the pass, it is better to wait behind the rock separating the main and false saddles so as not to fall under the rockfall


1. How NOT to write a description

6 08.08 1 Mn - the gorge of the river Tyutyusu 2,4 1.20 Three moraine terraces with coarse scree slopes between them, in the lower one there are outcrops of rocks traversed along the left slope. The crest of the right-bank moraine (some sections with a steepness of up to 30°) 7.00 clear, T+6°C 12.00 clear, T+22°C 19.00 cloudy. Thunderstorm at night. Half day, reconnaissance and processing of the beginning of the pass slope
2 Kpu - Tyutyu glacier 3 1.00
3 Kpu - median moraine 3 1.05 Moraine cover, open glacier with transverse fissures
7 09.08 1
Mn - lane Semenovsky 1,8 2.05 Gentle closed glacier ~ 1100 m. Glacial rise ~ 300 m, steepness up to 30°. Firnovy - pass takeoff with a bergschrund in the lower part ~ 400 m, the steepness in the upper part is up to 40 °. Descent along the ascent path. 7.00 fog. T+14°C 12.00 cloudy, T+18°C 19.00 snow T+10°C radial exit. Ligaments, cats
2 Back 1,8 1.00
8 10.08 1
Mn - bergschrund under the north-east buttress in Tyutyu. 0,4 0.20 Closed glacier. Snow-firn take-off ~ 100 m, steepness up to 25°. 7.00 clear, T+11°C 12.00 clear, T+16°C windy, 19.00 clear, T+20°C Ligaments, cats. Separate transportation of backpacks. Observation of stones while crossing the gutters. A total of 330 m of railings (9 ropes) were hung. Ligaments.
Kpu - a wide ice-snow couloir with avalanche flutes. 0,2 2.25 Bergschrund with elevation difference up to 4 m, snow slope ~40 m, steepness up to 40°. Narrow bergschrund, ice-firn slope ~80 m, steepness up to 45°. Railings, hook insurance, the first without a backpack. Open ice ~ 20-25 m, steepness up to 50°. Railings, hooks.
3 Kpu - the upper end of the avalanche flutes. 0,25 2.15 Snow-firn slope, cut by avalanche gutters up to 1.5-2 m deep, slope length ~250 m-, steepness over 45° (railing, safety through an ice ax), movement along the edge between the gutters. The stones in the lower part are on the right along the way, and from the middle and on the left - from the slopes. Easy rocks ~ 10 m.
Kpu - Suvorov pass 0,2 0.30 Snow-ice couloir up to 200 m long, steepness 45°, in the upper part up to 50°, the saddle of the pass is a rocky scallop ~ 3m
5 Kpu - lake under the glacier Zap. Jailyk 4,5 2.10 Medium clastic scree ~ 1000m, steepness up to 30°. Closed gentle glacier ~ 1000 m. Large and medium rocky slope - trail.

No other texts were found in this report.

2. How to write a description

Pass Suvorov(version of the Dzhailyk pass) (ZA, 4100, ice., - sk., 132, fig.) is located in the northwestern branch of the Adyrsu ridge between the peaks of Dzhailik and Tyutyubashi in the southern shoulder of the latter. It connects the Kulumkol (Adyrsu) and Tyutyu (Baksan) valleys, leads from the Tyutyu glacier to the Western Jailyk glacier. Completed for the first time
In the upper left cirque of the Tyutyu glacier, on the right along the Dzhailik peak, a snow-ice dam with rocky teeth of the Dzhailik pass is visible. The Suvorov Pass is located to the right along the path behind a low rocky pyramid. The pass requires the use of the entire arsenal of ice and rock equipment. The defining side is described on the rise. Throughout the ice and snow slopes are rock-hazardous. The lower part of the take-off pass only in the morning.
Depending on the snow and ice conditions, the optimal ascent route may change markedly. It is planned to hang up to 600 meters of railings, of which about 150 meters are on ice.
From overnight stays "Tyutu lower" we climb the Tyutyu glacier and move to the upper part of the median moraine under the pass, where we organize the initial bivouac (1 hour). From here you can see the pass "take-off with a hanging glacier, in the lower third of which the left side merges with the avalanche.
The stem is broken by two bergschrunds. We overcome the lower one along the bridge, we pass the upper one on the right along the way, and head to the tongue of the hanging glacier. On the ice (40-50°, walls up to 60°) we climb to the circus under the pass (railing 150m). Directly above us is one of the saddles of the Dzhailik pass (PZ), an extended rocky snow-ice couloir leads to our pass. On the closed glacier (20-30°) we rise to the right upwards under the rocks, to the right along the couloir, and after passing about 80 meters along its edge, we come out onto the rocks (8 hours). On the rocks (20-30°, 80m) we climb to the buttress, which goes into the couloir. Then we climb the buttress (40-60°, 80m) to a wide grassy ledge. On it we cross the side couloir (40m) and go to the next buttress with a characteristic rocky tooth. On this buttress (40-60, in some places up to 80 °, 100 m) we climb to the scree. On it up and to the left (along the way) we go under the pass couloir and along it (40-60 °, 30 m) we go to the ridge. (8 hours from the pass circus). Semi-sedentary overnight stays are possible in the area of ​​buttresses.
From the pass there is an excellent view in both directions. A bivouac is possible on the ridge, but there is no water. The descent towards the Adyrsu valley along a small living scree leads to the Western Jailyk glacier. We continue the descent along the right edge of the glacier. We pass comfortable grounds under the Dragon's Tail Pass (IA) (2.5 hours).

Tourism is not only the warm sea, yellow sand and endless entertainment under palm trees. Travel is different, and any connoisseur can choose a vacation to their liking. Active, youth, wellness, children, religious, beach, rural ... These are just a few popular destinations.

"I'm a tourist!" - this is how any modern person can say about himself, who:

  • travels out of curiosity,
  • goes on voyages for work,
  • goes to PVD to sleep in the forest in a tent,
  • goes outside hometown for rest and treatment,
  • attends training seminars or master classes in other countries.

The root in the word "tourism" is presumably French, from tour - "trip". But this name has long been applied not only to trips. Tourism and its types are developing so rapidly that it is difficult to count them!

Classification of the main types of tourism

Traveling is a way to relax, forget about problems, relax your mind and body. Guidebooks on the main types of tourism offer to divide it according to the geographical principle:

  • Internal - rest within the borders of one's own country. Who said that vacationing in Russia is not prestigious? In this country there are mountains, seas, places of pilgrimage, fishing, hunting and other entertainments;
  • International - travel outside your country. Russians like to relax in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Greece and other places. Foreign holidays are not necessarily more expensive than domestic ones.

The classification of tourism by main types involves the division of flows depending on the direction of travelers. Types of tourism are divided into inbound and outbound. In the first case, we are talking about foreigners who come to us - Russian resorts are especially popular with Chinese guests. Outbound tourism is when Russians go abroad.

According to the purposes of activity, the following types of tourism are distinguished:

  • Cognitive - sightseeing, historical monuments, architecture, visiting museums, art galleries;
  • Religious or pilgrimage - visiting temples, cathedrals, monasteries and other shrines;
  • Wellness - associated with rest in sanatoriums, resorts with healing water, dirt, clean air;
  • Active - this includes such types of recreation in tourism as sports, fishing, hunting, visiting attractions;
  • Recreational is relaxing on the beaches, swimming in the sea, carefree pastime, when you can do nothing, but just enjoy your vacation.

But these are only the main and popular types of tourism and their characteristics. Travelers love shopping tours, business holidays, and the exotic… Someone is looking for adventure, dancing until the morning, others dream of silence or pursue other goals. It is difficult to say exactly how many types of tourism exist: their number is so huge that it will be difficult to try everything in this life.

Travel is a broad concept, and there are also a lot of types of tourism. Already chosen for you suitable rest? Even if you used to spend your holidays only on the beach, this is not a reason not to try something new. After studying the types of tourism and travel, find the best option and experiment!

The most popular types of tourism

List the types of tourism that you know! Usually travelers name several popular destinations that receive special attention. And only people for whom rest has become not just a hobby, but a lifestyle, are well aware of the characteristics of a much larger number of types of tourism. But not everything is so simple in modern times. What are the types of tourism?

sea ​​sunbeach

Perhaps the most popular type of tourism in the world is holiday resorts surrounded by palm trees, sea and sand. The main goal is to relax, get an even tan, swim, forget about pressing problems for a long time. This type of tourism has a feature: it is universal and suitable for any person. Families with children, newlyweds, aged people, friends go on vacation.

Among other types and types of tourism by purpose, recreational is the most extensive, as it allows you to combine relaxation on the beach and sightseeing, entertainment. calling popular places for this type of tourism, one can single out the south of Russia, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries.

Cultural and historical tourism: for the most curious

The motivation for this type of tourism and recreation is the desire of the traveler to expand his horizons, to get acquainted with the national culture of the country where he is going, with its historical and architectural monuments, museums, and remarkable routes. This also includes those trips during which a person acquires an idea about music, theaters, cinema, painting of the state, learns the local language, attends educational lectures or seminars.

Medical tourism: health benefits

All the high society of Russia in the 19th century was happy to rest "on the waters" and did not even imagine that they were engaged in medical or medical tourism. The main goal of the traveler here is to improve health, raise the body's defenses or get rid of an acute or chronic disease. This direction includes visits to seaside resorts, sanatoriums, dispensaries, water and mud baths, mineral, thermal or radon sources. There is such a variety of it as climate therapy. For example, in the highland region of the Caucasus, in Teberda, there is a sanatorium where respiratory diseases are treated with clean mountain air. Or boarding houses in Abkhazia, where a unique combination of sea air, subtropical climate, and the proximity of a boxwood grove give a striking healing effect.

Sports and extreme tourism: for those who appreciate adrenaline and obstacles

These varieties are the most colorful, they are divided into many categories. All sports tourism is usually divided into passive and active. In the first case, the traveler does not personally participate, but observes a certain sporting event, and in the second, accordingly, he participates.

We note right away that representatives of sports and extreme types of tourism do not even consider the rest to be tourists. Amusing misunderstandings often occur between individual groups: climbers dislike cavers, cyclists dislike pedestrians, watermen dislike everyone else, but in jest. Sports and extreme tourism is subdivided into narrower areas according to the type of sport, method or degree of extreme.

All types are considered sports:

  • water tourism - windsurfing, kayaking, rafting, sailing, water skiing, diving;
  • mountain - mountaineering, rock climbing, mountain trekking;
  • speleotourism;
  • air - ballooning, hang gliding, parachuting (sea, mountain, etc.)
  • winter destinations (skiing, sledding, snowboarding, snowmobiles, etc.), summer destinations (bicycles, motorcycles and ATVs, horses), as well as hunting, fishing and even golf!

The difference between sports and extreme tourism is sometimes poorly distinguishable or completely absent! But the gradation takes into account: the degree of risk, loads, potentially dangerous or difficult conditions, obstacles.

Business tourism: business without barriers

Entrepreneurs also like to travel, but they prefer to benefit from trips, although in business tourism it is not of a material nature. Can:

  • present your product
  • gain new knowledge and experience,
  • establish strong partnerships for further cooperation,
  • maintain existing contacts,
  • negotiate in an informal setting.

This type of tourism, after all, is more like a business trip. All kinds of professional congresses, congresses, conferences, salons, fairs can also be attributed to this category. For example, the Le Bourget air show in France or the international exhibition Expo, which was held in Astana in 2017.

Event tourism: where the fun is!

It's simple - there are events that some people consider unacceptable to miss! The visit of event tourists is always due to some kind of event - it can be world-famous festivals (carnival in Brazil, young wine festival in France, Oktoberfest), but not only! The event can be cultural, sports, historical, business…

Perhaps, each region has its own significant events, and all of them are worthy of attention and find their fans. Let's remember the jazz festival in Koktebel, the flowering of tulips in Kalmykia or lotuses near Astrakhan, "Rock over the Volga" or "Cherry Forest" - they can not be counted!

Ecotourism: for those who seek the purity of nature

Such tourism is often confused with rural or farm tourism, when a person tired of city life breaks out of the metropolis to live a simple life in contact with nature, choosing for this purpose special campsites, camps or eco-villages that allow newcomers to their territory. The bottom line is true: all eco-tourism is built on the fact that the traveler is one on one with nature. To do this, people usually rush to wild, untouched by civilization places. And although the genre involves living in the original natural environment, special campsites, shelters and hotels are now appearing to make living "in the wild" more comfortable.

A clear sign of ecotourism is that the tourist must certainly perform some actions that are beneficial for the environment, from elementary garbage collection to cleaning streams, eliminating the consequences of accidents, and saving animals. Eco-tourists often study uninhabited territories: their geography, climate, flora and fauna, etc.

Whatever type of tourism you choose for yourself - it's great! Any journey expands the picture of the world and horizons, has a positive effect on health and life perception.

Promising types of tourism

There are such types of tourism that in modern times are of increased interest, attract more and more travelers, and are the most promising. And just a few decades ago, the demand for them was minimal. How to keep up with the times and develop new types of tourism? Pay attention to areas such as:

  • Gastronomic tourism is a visit to the resorts of the world in order to taste national cuisine, visit many restaurants, appreciate drinks and delicacies. Among the various types of tourism, this one does not require much cost, since travelers will buy food anyway;
  • Space tourism is the most promising type of tourism, which has not yet been developed, but its widespread implementation is already being discussed. The ticket price is over 100,000 dollars, excellent health is required, but this is a great option for those who dreamed of becoming an astronaut as a child;
  • Accommodation tourism is not exactly a growing type of tourism, but now it is experiencing a new surge. Guests go to Cambodia, Vietnam, Montenegro and other warm countries for the winter, where they experience bad weather - they stay for several months, after which they return to their homeland;
  • Rural tourism is not widely spread in our country, but it is already popular in the USA and Europe. The point is to get away from skyscrapers and cars, leave your phone behind and spend a week at the “dacha”, digging beds or caring for flowers. However, life on a farm does not appeal to Russians yet.

By the way, in the near future the concept and main types of tourism will remain unchanged. Travelers will continue to be attracted to relaxing on the beaches, skiing down the mountains, visiting bars and restaurants. Although the development of tourism types is taking place, it is more aimed at improving conditions and the level of service.

Unusual types of tourism in the world

There are non-traditional types of tourism that are not widespread, but have an army of fans and are of particular interest to connoisseurs. What is it about?

  • City tourism - unusual view tourism, in which travelers make "stalks", inspect old destroyed factories, subways, catacombs and other man-made and gloomy structures;
  • Digging is another type of tourism, which consists of forays into caves and miraculous structures underground;
  • Virtual tourism as a new type of tourism - sightseeing with the help of a computer, 3D tours, panoramas. Such a journey, of course, will not allow you to get real emotions, but in general it is interesting, and most importantly, completely free;
  • Military tourism - the traveler goes to where there are active military operations. What could be better than to be under a hail of bullets, grenades and bombs? Despite the fact that such trips are similar to suicide, they are still in demand among extreme and adventure lovers. Often tourists lose their lives during such a holiday;
  • Types of tourism for people with handicapped- in fact, they are no different from traditional travel, but the route and hotel are chosen taking into account the characteristics of the person, so that it is easy and convenient for him to move around;
  • Illegal types of tourism - our compatriots are attracted by interesting types of tourism associated with risk. Get into Chernobyl, into the territory of a military unit, a guarded facility… The main thing is not what you see there, but the drive because you can be caught at any moment.

These new types of tourism have extensive development prospects. The beaches, the sea and the attractions are already pretty boring, I want something unusual, interesting and rich. So why not climb an abandoned metro line, the most high building in Moscow or not to go to the Dyatlov Pass?

Types of tourism depending on the season

The most popular time to visit the resorts is the high season, when the weather pleases with sunny days, swimming in the sea is pleasant, and a huge amount of entertainment is offered. However, there are types of tourism that, in general, are in demand at any time of the year. When do travelers visit resorts?

  • High season - still enjoys increased popularity and attention. Tourists love to bask on the beaches, sunbathe, enjoy the service. True, this type of tourism has a drawback - due to the abundance of guests there are not enough places, hotels need to be booked in advance, there is a crush, and municipal beaches become dirty;
  • Velvet season - such tourism, as a specific type of leisure activity, involves rest, when the bulk of travelers have already gone home. There is no usual crush, and the weather is still beautiful. True, cooling may already be observed, a decrease in temperature, especially at night;
  • Low season - at most resorts, swimming at this time of the year will not work due to the coolness. On the other hand, you can go sightseeing, enjoy beauty salons and tranquility. The advantage of such a pastime is the increased care from the staff, because you will be one of the few guests.

When choosing when to go to the resort, consider the climatic conditions and the weather. There were cases when employees of travel agencies sold a ticket to an unsuspecting traveler, and on the spot it turned out that it was not the season in the chosen country now, the vacation was ruined.

Risk factors for different types of tourism

Tourism as a species active rest is not completely safe, as no one can guarantee that you will not fall on your skis, get bitten by insects in the jungle, or other misfortune will happen. Most dangerous species rest are active entertainment. On vacation, there are several risk factors:

  • Injury risk - of course, you can get a fracture at home, but if you climb mountains, conquer rivers, jump with a parachute, the likelihood of damaging something increases;
  • Poisoning - this factor is especially dangerous in developing countries, so buying food from street vendors is not recommended. Be careful about the water you use - it is far from always safe;
  • Environmental impact - you can get burned from the sun, get caught in a downpour, squally wind. Be careful, especially if you are traveling out of season. A tsunami or a hurricane predicted by weather forecasters is a reason to cancel the tour;
  • Terrorism and national conflicts - unfortunately, when going to another country, you should find out in advance how safe it is to rest there. Perhaps there are attacks on tourist buses, other activities. If a country is on the verge of a revolution, political processes and actions are taking place, it is not worth going there.

Tourism is always associated with some risk, however, there is no guarantee that you will not get injured at home. The safest vacation is within your own country, in resorts where there is no risk of flooding, landslides and other cataclysms. To reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, choose the place where you spend your vacation wisely.

Main types of tourism updated: March 30, 2019 by: Glonass Travel


social goals;

business and professional purposes;

visiting friends and relatives;

religion (pilgrimage);

other purposes.

Consider briefly the types of tourism depending on the goals.

Recreational tourism. This is tourism with the main purpose of recreation, treatment and other recreational purposes. It offers a wide variety of sports activities and entertainment to fill leisure time, for some reasons it includes such types of tourism as sightseeing, specialized, educational, sports, adventure, exotic, ecological.

Excursion tourism. It is one of the most popular types of educational tourism. It is made for the purpose of acquaintance with tourist attractions (monuments of history, architecture, art, etc.).

Excursion routes pass, as a rule, through several cities and provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the most outstanding monuments. You can name the tours that have become classic in Germany: Cologne - Bonn - Dusseldorf - Frankfurt am Main - Nuremberg - Munich; tours in Italy: Rome - Venice - Florence.

Specialized tourism. Unlike ordinary vacationers, travelers in this category have a specific purpose, their stay is usually associated with this purpose, whether it is participating in sports, watching animals, participating in horse trails, visiting a number of places associated with a certain historical event or person.

In specialized tourism, a group of tourists stands out, united by the desire to stay in an unusual accommodation facility, such as a health farm or a peasant house. Studies conducted in this segment have shown more than high level education, personal income, high social status of participants (managers, unique specialists and other high-class professionals).

Educational tourism. Travel for the purpose of education, advanced training is relatively new in international tourism. The most popular trips are for language learning, especially to the UK and other English-speaking countries.

Sports tourism. The main task of sports tours is to engage in the chosen sport. Such tours are divided into active and passive. In the first case, the basis is some kind of sport, in the second, interest in sports, for example, attendance at competitions is expected.

Adventure tourism. It is a kind of recreation and ensures not only the stay of tourists in an attractive place for them, but also engaging in unusual activities. Adventure tourism is divided into several varieties:

hiking expeditions;

safari tours (hunting, fishing, butterfly catching, etc.);

sea ​​and river travel (yachting).

A specific feature of such tourism is the need to obtain licenses (hunting, fishing, importing trophies), as well as ensuring security, which requires the participation of highly qualified instructors. This type of tourism has a rather high cost - it is an elite vacation.

Exotic tourism. This type of tourism is associated with travel to exotic countries, to the islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans or traveling in an unusual vehicle. IN last years tours appeared, striking in their unusualness. The most incredible and expensive so far is the flight into space. After the flight of the first tourist Denis Tito on a Russian spaceship, traveling into space no longer seems like a distant dream. A list has been drawn up of those who want to make a short space trip on the Russian Buran spacecraft, who are ready to pay for it exotic travel$100,000 USA.

An example of exotic tourism is a trip to the Arctic on comfortable icebreakers with a sauna, swimming pool, conference rooms. The icebreaker is equipped with boats and helicopters for excursions. There are many who want to get acquainted with the underwater world and travel on a submarine. In Germany, among tourists - lovers of the exotic, a former prison cell is popular, where you can feel like a prisoner.

Ecological tourism. Ecotourism has attracted close attention in recent years. For residents of Europe and America, traveling through protected natural areas has become one of the most common types of recreation. The main distinguishing feature of this type of tourism is that the focus of travel is the natural environment and tourists try not to cause damage natural complexes, promote nature conservation and improve the well-being of local people: Ecotourism aims to create economic incentives for the conservation of the environment. This is a wide range of travel - from small educational tours for schoolchildren to regular tourist programs in national parks and reserves. Revenues from this type of tourism are partly directed to environmental protection measures.

Social tourism. These are trips subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs. The purpose of social tourism is not to make a profit, but to support low-income people to realize their right to rest.

Tourism for business and professional purposes. In the hospitality industry individual countries there is a steady focus on one of the two main categories of tourists - business travelers.

The peculiarity of this type of tourism lies in the fact that tourists who come for business purposes spend most of their time at meetings or business meetings, have a strict program and schedule of events. They often visit the same city with which their interests are connected, stay in expensive hotels, use charter transport, specially equipped rooms for business meetings, ceremonial receptions are organized for them, as well as individual excursions.

In general, business travelers tend to spend more than leisure travelers.

One of the most common types of business tourism - congress tourism (Conference Travel). In the Russian version, it is customary to call it scientific tourism. The purpose of congress tourism is to conduct scientific and practical seminars, conferences, congresses. Sometimes business tourism has elements of recreational or educational tourism.

Business tourism also includes incentive tourism (incentive tourism). Incentive tourism customers are large corporations that pay for group trips for their highly distinguished employees.

In business tourism, two large segments are distinguished: individuals or groups traveling for business purposes, and employees of various companies who often have to travel on company business. The latter is the so-called corporate tourism.

Visiting friends and relatives. As tourism statistics show, this type of travel is a large segment international tourism. Very often, trips to meet with relatives occur repeatedly, and the length of stay exceeds recreational and business trips. For example, guests from Arab countries, India and Pakistan constantly come to England to visit friends and relatives living there. Members of families with Slavic roots come to Russia and Ukraine from Canada and the USA.

This segment of the tourist market is also called ethnic or nostalgic tourism, which is associated with the need for people to visit relatives, places of birth and residence of loved ones and occupies an important place in international tourist exchange. Usually, several travel agencies specialize in working with this market segment.

Religious (pilgrimage) tourism. It is currently popular. There are several types of it:

  • pilgrimage (visiting holy places to worship relics);
  • educational trips (acquaintance with religious monuments, the history of religion, etc.);
  • · scientific trips (travels of historians and other specialists dealing with religious issues, etc.).
  • 1.2.4 Classification by mode of movement

Depending on the mode of transportation and the chosen mode of transport, it is possible to distinguish such types of tourism as aviation, rail, autotourism, bus, water, walking, cycling, etc.

Whatever mode of transport a traveler chooses, a necessary condition for today is to ensure the safety and comfort of travel. Indicators of travel safety are accident rate (the number of accidents per year by mode of transport) and personal safety, characterized by the number of deaths in road traffic accidents per 100,000 people. In Russia, this figure is higher than in many countries with a high degree of car use.

Tourism and transport are so interconnected that one cannot be imagined without the other. Examples of mutual influence: ”Recreational vehicles” (RV) - mobile homes such as vans or caravans (like our "Scythians") - an integrated vehicle and accommodation in one item. The growth in sales of caravans requires the expansion of specially equipped parking lots in campsites for such mobile homes, which will allow them to be instantly included in the camping infrastructure - to connect them to electricity, water supply and sewerage at the parking lot.

For Russia, this type of transport is promising, provided that our roads will gradually approach the international standard.

Many tourists travel in special buses with panoramic windows, comfortable reclining seats, air conditioning, a bar, a toilet cabin, music, a microphone, and a TV. These buses allow you to get to places where trains do not go and planes do not fly. The state of the bus fleet is a defining indicator of the quality of ground handling.

Tourists love cruise travel, which uses a special type of transport. It is not simple vehicles, carrying passengers from one port to another, and the place of accommodation (overnight) and food, a worthy, if not the best, part of the tourist product. Modern cruise ships have the following equipment for tourists: a gym, a swimming pool, a cinema, a video salon, a discotheque, shops, restaurants and bars, concert halls. Some ships have conference rooms with simultaneous translation equipment for business meetings and scientific conferences. One of the great things about cruise ships is the food. Stabilizers reduce the negative impact of pitching on the human body. Many ships have extensive garage facilities that allow you to travel by sea with a car and use it while you are staying in ports of different countries.

Every person needs rest. Some prefer to lie at home with a book, someone likes to go out into nature, while others even choose to travel abroad or within their own country. In Russia on this moment tens of thousands of agencies are registered that help organize holidays. Turning to them, you should not worry about booking hotels, tickets, insurance and visas. So what are the most popular travel destinations? We'll talk about this in the article.

Why do people travel?

Regardless of what purpose of travel is chosen, the main thing is to go on a trip, taking with you a good mood and a positive attitude.

What are the challenges faced by tourists?

The task of the trip directly depends on the chosen purpose of the trip:

    If this is a vacation, you need to find out the main points: where you will live, how to get there, whether you need a visa to cross the border and much more. All these tasks can not be solved independently, but shifted to the shoulders of a travel agency.

    With pilgrimage tourism, things are much more complicated. Here the main task that the tourist faces is to know the main points of the tour. Be prepared to get up early as all services are held in the morning. Do not count on accommodation in 5 * hotels and luxury rooms. In addition, get ready for hiking, long journeys by bus. But the purpose of such a tour is spiritual enlightenment, not rest.

    If you go on a trip to collect scientific information, the main task is to find out the details about the excursion program, the schedule of work of historical and cultural sites. All this can be found in the tourist guide.

    The task of a tourist going on a trip for the purpose of recovery is not to forget to consult with the attending physician beforehand. So that later there would be no sad consequences from such a holiday.

    Going to support your favorite team, do not forget to book tickets for the match in advance, the risk is noble, but not justified.

The purpose and objectives of the trip are the primary points that the tourist must decide. If you can’t figure it out on your own, it’s better to turn to professionals in an agency.

Don't forget about rest

Goals tourist travel citizens may be different, but in 70% of cases they are committed for the sake of recreation. What could be better than relaxing on the warm sand after working days? For these purposes, citizens, as a rule, choose international well-known resorts or islands. In these cases, a travel agency will help. All that is needed from a vacationer is to decide on the place of travel, pay for a ticket, pack your bags, and not be late for the plane. Managers will do the rest for you.

Recently, among the inhabitants of Russia, it has become fashionable and prestigious to relax in Sochi. Luxurious infrastructure, new hotels, high level of service - all this attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Traveling for the purpose of relaxation is perhaps the most enjoyable.

There are situations when a busy work schedule does not allow you to get out somewhere even for a couple of days. What to do in this case? An excellent option would be to organize a weekend in your city. You can complete this with a small picnic in the park or on the banks of the river, if there is one. Many are interested in: “What is the purpose of traveling around your city?” Of course, this is recreation, entertainment, and you can also add an excursion program, visit museums, other cultural and historical sites.

Trip around Russia

Foreign tourists are very fond of traveling around Russia, as it is extremely rich in many historical and cultural attractions. A country with such a rich history is interesting and at the same time incomprehensible to visitors. To truly feel like a Russian, you need to plunge into local traditions, try to get to know everything better. national characteristics. That is why tours are so famous ancient cities countries.

The most popular route is Gold ring". Tourists are offered to visit 8 cities of Russia, which are its pride and heritage. The purpose of traveling in Russia is to see historically important and cultural places and objects, to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of the country.

Sometimes a program is built in a surprising way at first glance. You can find items in it that no one expected to see, for example, a visit to the Rostov Zoo. The organizers specifically add similar objects to the tour in order to change the emotional background of tourists who are tired of a large number received information. But what is the purpose of traveling to the zoo? Acquaintance, broadening one's horizons, cultural recreation. Probably, few people know that this zoo is one of the largest in Europe, not only in terms of area, but also in terms of the number of animals.

What is the difference between religious and pilgrimage tourism?

Traveling to visit holy places was especially popular in Russia before the advent of Soviet power. After they lost their former glory, and many objects (temples, monasteries) were completely closed. It revived again in the early 1990s. People became more interested in spiritual life, traditions and customs.

Many people ask, is there a difference between pilgrimage and religious trips? Experts say that there are significant differences. Pilgrims, as a rule, of the religion to which holy places they came to bow their heads. There are similar tours on great holidays and significant dates.

With a religious purpose, people often choose to travel when something happens in their lives. important points. Often people come to holy springs and places when they hope for God's help. In addition, such tourism involves familiarizing a person with church art. This may include visiting all religious sites, regardless of whether it is a temple, church or mosque. Such a program may include evening entertainment, hotel accommodation, non-fasting meals, and so on.

Pilgrims do not need such conditions, in some cases they may take this as a personal insult. It is important for them to directly participate in church processes, prayers, and services.

Traveling to visit holy places attracts a huge number of people. Russia is known for many monasteries and temples, where both foreigners and residents of the country come every year. For example, the Church of the Savior on Blood, the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg and many others.

Recently, tours of the villages, in which there are small old churches, have been very popular. They have no less attractiveness and historical significance. In such places you can find unique icons. And folklore, traditions that are told about locals just add color. Often, travelers are given whole performances in front of travelers. This is especially interesting for foreigners who take part in this kind of entertainment with great pleasure.

Many tourists, choosing such a tour for the first time, are interested in: “What is the purpose of the trip?” Experts say that there are several of them: rest, broadening one's horizons, unity with God.

What you need to know when going to holy places

When going on a tour of holy places for the first time, you need to know and adhere to the following tips:

    Women should wear modest clothing and do not use bright makeup.

    When entering the temple, it is obligatory to cover your head with a scarf, for men, on the contrary, take off their hats.

    Sportswear for visiting monasteries and churches is not allowed.

    Photographing and filming is allowed only in places where there is permission.

    Religious tourism involves long walks, so bring comfortable shoes.

These simple tips will help you feel comfortable on such a journey.

The most famous places for pilgrimage

There are places on earth that are saturated with God's grace. Millions of people come there to get spiritual peace, to pray.

Briefly about the main

When determining your travel goals, do not forget to pay attention to the following points:

    Financial opportunities. If there is not enough money to choose decent living conditions, it is better to review the chosen resort and find a decent option.

    Health status. If you get seasick on a bus, do not purchase sightseeing or pilgrimage tours that use this type of transport.

    When choosing tours to familiarize yourself with cultural and historical sites, ask if they work on these dates.

The purposes of travel of tourists can be different. The main thing is to immediately decide which tour you need. Perhaps you are tired of everyday work, then it is best to just soak up the sea or ocean, go to a country holiday home - it all depends on your financial capabilities. If this option seems boring, you want to relax and renounce all worries and problems, there is an option with pilgrimage tourism. Want to expand your knowledge base? Set your goal right. Traveling to the local history museum, various palaces, art galleries - these are just a small part of the objects that you can visit. There are a lot of interesting things in the world.


Classification of tourism - the allocation of internally homogeneous taxa (groups) of tourism activities on accepted grounds. The most common classification of tourism is its division into types, categories, types and forms. The type of tourism is determined by the nationality of the tourists.

Classification of tours according to the purpose of recreation. Types of recreational activities

Educational tours. Goals - to see interesting or simply beautiful natural and cultural objects, get new information about these objects, as well as visit unique places so that later with a feeling of deep satisfaction to think and say: "And I was there." Objects visited for educational purposes are: monuments of nature, history, architecture, places associated with the life of remarkable people, museums, art galleries, exhibitions, theaters, etc.

Basically, educational tourism can be attributed to ecological tourism (ecotourism) - travel and visits to natural areas that are relatively well preserved and little touched by human activity.

Distinctive features of ecotourism:

  • - implies the existence of fairly strict rules of behavior in nature in order to conserve it, which is a fundamental condition for the existence of this industry;
  • - the impact on nature is relatively weak;
  • - it is assumed that local residents not only work as service personnel, but also continue to lead the same way of life in the territory used, to engage in traditional types of economy that provide a sparing nature management regime.

Varieties of ecotourism are visiting unique natural areas, observing animals and birds in wild nature, scientific tourism - travel in nature for educational (for students) and research (for scientists) purposes, etc.

Also, ethnographic tourism can be attributed to educational tourism - acquaintance with the traditional life of the local population. In world practice, this type of tourism is quite developed. Examples of elements of ethnotourism:

  • - visiting the Papuan village in New Guinea and Indian settlements in the Andes mountains and the Amazon forests (company "Team Gorky");
  • - visiting the site of Mongolian pastoralists with the possibility of spending the night in a yurt

Sports tours. The goal is adventure, overcoming difficulties. Active tours classified according to means of transport. Allocate tourism hiking, skiing, water (rafting on kayaks, wooden or inflatable rafts - rafts, catamarans, boats, yachts, etc.), horse riding, cycling. Speleotourism is also distinguished separately - visiting caves, mountaineering - climbing Mountain peaks. Separately allocate mountain tourism- Hiking in the mountains in order to overcome a certain number of mountain passes. Stationary sports tourism - various types of recreation at sea (diving, surfing, yachting, water skiing, etc.) and in the mountains (skiing, sledding, snowboarding, para- and hang-gliding, etc.)

Health tours. The goal is to rest from everything, without any stress. Examples: beach holiday outside the city, both short-term near the nearest river, and many days on Black Sea coast Caucasus; picnic in nature on weekends. (The term "improving" in the conditions of the Russian traditions that have developed today is not always suitable for the last example, but there is no other term yet).

Medical tours. The goal is the treatment or prevention of health. This is a vacation in sanatoriums or resorts. Medical care is necessarily provided, which differs depending on the prescribed course of treatment - procedures of various types, physiotherapy exercises, dietary nutrition, etc. Currently, most sanatoriums offer both treatment programs and "health" programs - without the provision of medical services. In the latter case, the sanatorium is used as a comfortable rest home. The ticket price is cheaper. Such events can also be short-term, for example, New Year's Eve followed by relaxation.

Consumer tours. The goal is to collect the gifts of nature not for sale. This includes picking mushrooms and berries. This also includes sport fishing. Sport hunting in the USSR was not considered tourism, since the hunting department of the Ministry of Agriculture, which had nothing to do with tourism, was responsible for its organization. Hunting legislation is also not directly related to tourism. But from a semantic point of view, hunting, as a vacation outside the place of residence, can also be attributed to tourism.

Country tours - visits to summer cottages, it is understood that for the purpose of recreation. Agritourism is close to summer tourism - recreation in the countryside (in villages, on farms, in peasant houses). Tourists lead a rural lifestyle, get acquainted with national songs and dances, local customs, take part in rural labor, folk holidays and festivals. In Russia, such events have existed for a long time at an amateur level (a trip to relatives in the village) and have never been perceived as tourism, although they fall under the definition of tourism.

Religious tours - pilgrimages to holy places. For example, Christian trips to Jerusalem to venerate the Holy Sepulcher, a Muslim trip to the holy city of Mecca, a pilgrimage to venerate the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov in the village of Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod Region).

Business tours - trips for negotiations, participation in presentations, conferences, exhibitions, fairs, exchanges, visits of official delegations, etc.

Hobby tours - trips to do what you love: wine tasting, collectors' conventions, etc.

Educational tours - for the purpose of learning the language, applied arts, wushu gymnastics in China, etc.

Nostalgic tours are trips to memorable places that are individual for each person, for example, to their homeland, places of study, relatives, etc.

Event tours - trips to one-time mass events: festivals, concerts of popular artists, sports competitions as fans, carnivals, city days and more

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