An old dream live in the village turned around with the move from Krasnoyarsk to the mountain altai. Mountain Altai independently by car

The male 47 years old Kuibyshev, NSO Travel: tourist Age: 35. 55 Date: 17. 8 2020

Igor The male 47 years old Kuibyshev, NSO Travel: tourist Age: 35. 55 Date: 17. 8 2020

Looking for a companion for joint hide hike 7-8 days from S. Elekmonar through Karakol lakes to the south of Teletsk Lake. The length of the route is 205 km, good physical training is required. Vatsap 89538770103.

Margarita Girl 27 years Novosibirsk Travel: tourist Age: 18. 65 Date: 7. 6 2020

Looking for a companion at horse hike. The group is almost collected, there is a couple of places. Route: Base Bijka (Chealsky District) - Czash-Mesh - Kyzylgak - Toguskol - Lake Manas - 9 Mountain Lakes. Shuttle service, meals, everything is organized. Dates: 7.06-15.06 The most beautiful time - in these dates Altai blooms!

Sergei The male 39 years Gornaletai Travel: Girl Age: 28. 35 Date: 2020

I am looking for a quiet, adequate, slim girl for joint path of processions in the Altai Republic on SUV, spring, summer, autumn, the route is negotiated together.

Daria and Dmitry. Pair M + F 27 years Nizhny Novgorod Travel: tourist Age: 20. 45 Date: 1. 7 2020

We go to the Republic of Altai in July 2020 for weeks two to visit different places. We make sure to take a car for rent, we are looking for travelers - for a joint trip and rent a car. All details will discuss. Write in Vomder, Viber 89101358187

Irina Girl 30 years Novokuznetsk Travel: tourist Age: 25. 40 Date: 10. 3 2020

In the first half of March, I'm going to 5 years in the Altai Mountain Altai. Separate fuel costs with a fellow traveler on a car. The route is negotiated. I can lead conversations for a variety of topics) Vatsap 89521661867.

ALEXANDER Pair M + F 38 years Novosibirsk Travel: tourist Age: 27. 55 Date: 4. 7 2020

Approximately July 4, 2020 we plan to leave for Altai !!! The ultimate goal of the South of Teletsk Lake on the Niva prepared Chevrolet (this is of course I said greatly, but on other cars I did not rose to the pass, but if I broke (the joke ... I did it very expensive). We want to visit Karakol lakes, stone mushrooms again. , Waterfall Piphar and other passing sights. In Altai, there are many where they were (every year two times). We are going with a child for 9 years (girl with character - in mom) ... well, and not married with a one-step (ha ha 30 years old ). I am pleased to merge with an adequate company for travel! You can watsap 89232453400 or [email protected] mail, there is, of course, another index ... 632951 can be mail of Russia, but do not count on it ....... ...

Denis The male 38 years Novokuznetsk Travel: tourist Age: 20. 40 Date: 1. 3 2020

In the first half of March, the number 1-5 start from Novokuznetsk to the Altai Mountain Altai, then on Baikal. Auto prepared SUV. Looking for 2 passengers for separating fuel expenses. Reports and cinema on past travels skill as well in PM.

Anatoly Tourist 70 years old Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Travel: man Age: 30. 70 Date: 2020

Looking for a companion for traveling along the mountain altai on horseback or car in September-October. The main goal is photography. Expenditures in half. You can mountain shelter with radials. Overnight in a tent without problems.

Alexander, Maxim. The male 32 years old Barnaul Travel: Girl Age: 20. 35 Date: 20. 9 2019

September 20, at about 17 o'clock. Departure from Barnaul. We are going for the weekend - Cyca-Taman pass. Take with you two girls.

Semen The male 44 years old Novosibirsk Travel: Girl Age: 30. 50 Date: 5. 9 2019

Victor The male 42 years old Barnaul Travel: Girl Age: 20. 35 Date: 2. 9 2019

I'm going to the "Catun Valley" in early September. Sports addiction is pleasant in communication and life. I will take a slim cheerful girl in the fellow travelers. I do not take the money

Paul Pair M + F 46 years old Barnaul Travel: tourist Age: 20. 60 Date: 5. 9 2019

On September 5, we leave Barnaul to the Valley of the Chulshman River. I have a four-wheel drive on your car.

Julia and Eugene Girl 30 years Omsk Travel: Pair M + F Age: 25. 40 Date: 12. 8 2019

We are looking for travelers in the Snove. 12. 08.19 g back Around 18.08.19, a joint holiday is possible.

Alexei The male 27 years Novosibirsk Travel: tourist Age: 18. 40 Date: 11. 8 2019

Already nearly three years passed, like me and my family settled in Onguda. Looking back, no longer thinks so spontaneous decision at that time to quit everything: an apartment in a new well-mainland house, promising work, the property acquired by years. And all because of the long-standing dreams - to live away from the city bustle, smoking factory pipes, Alkash's neighbors, noisy life big City . Already within a few recent years The soul rushed to freedom, closer to the origins, nature, silence. Perhaps a dream to have our own house in the village would remain a dream if it were not for one event that turned the whole of my life.

How did you choose a place to move

Two years before the move, we, together with colleagues at work in the next vacation, instead of the occurrence of recreation on the sea, went to an extreme trip by car by. I will not describe all the details of this exciting journey with tents, fishing and alloys on stormy mountain rivers. I will only note that the goal was set up on the return - to move to this wonderful preserved corner of nature as soon as possible.

However, to sell the apartment was not so simple, it was necessary to significantly throw in price to find the buyer faster. Autumn approached, and the relocation wanted to postpone, but the buyer unexpectedly found. In two weeks, all large-sized things were sold, from container transportation refused immediately due to high cost. I did not stop me from moving and what I worked in a large construction company with a good salary and prospect of raising to the head of the unit in the near future. At work, many could not understand the reason for my dismissal, but they did not persuade a long time, as they say, indispensable people do not happen.

Everything was ready for departure, it remained only to decide on the choice of place. Between the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai, it was decided to give preference to the latter, since Altai region There was more an industrial and agricultural area, but I wanted to go deep to nature. But at the same time, I didn't really want to stive in the god's forgotten village. Therefore, it was decided to choose one of the district centers: Maima, Turochak, Chemal, Shebalino, Ongudai and Kosh-Agach. Turochak and Cheval were discarded for the reason that they are tourist centers And the housing there is quite expensive, the Mime is too close to the capital of the Altai Republic -, and in Kosh-Agach, harsh winters and a short summer. As a result, a village was chosen with a multi-handed name - Ongudai (which means "seven vertices" in translation from Altai), which is located in the heart Mountain Altai.

First impressions

All the necessary things are assembled, and my family and I went to the journey in September 2011. A little longer in the coupe of the train Krasnoyarsk - Biysk, and then the train does not go, you can only get by bus or car. We were lucky, a private driver agreed to take us to the place of arrival for a modest reward of 5 thousand rubles. As it turned out later, it was possible to get to Onguda and by bus for 700 rubles per one, but it would take more time. The driver used to worked as a truck driver and often transported cargo in Altai, so he knew the local places well. While we were driving, he simply spent a mini-tour, telling about local attractions, the main of which is the village of Srektka. This is the birthplace of the writer and actor V. M. Shukshina, in which his house-museum is located. Famous actors of the theater and movies come here every year.

The first impression of the trip was the perfectly smooth road - the federal route M-52 or the "Chuyet path". How much I did not go through Russia, I have not seen such a smooth road yet. There are no bumps, nor chosel, nor yean-patch repair, and this is despite the heavy natural conditions: On the one hand, the roads are cliffs, and with another deep abyss. The M-52 route is the only way that connects the village of Ongudai with civilization, so road services are carefully followed. In addition, on this road through Kos-Agach you can go abroad - in Mongolia or China.

"Chuyet path". Photo by Expert684 (

Another bright impression was the pearl of Altai - Katun River. She originates from beautiful place - The Mountains of Belukha, flows through the entire Altai and flows into Ob. This is a powerful mountain river, on which hundreds of tourists are fused, in the fall, it acquires a beautiful turquoise tint. If you ever decide to go to Altai, then it is best to do this in the fall. In the spring in Katun, hundreds of small rivers are poured into Katun, who make the waters of Katun turbut, but in the fall she acquires the most turquoise shade, because of which thousands of tourists come from all over Russia and even from other countries. Katun also attracts many fishermen, as it contains such a fish like a grayling and taper. Along the Katun and Chui tract, many recreation sites, hotels, cafes and souvenir shops, as more than 50% of the entire business in Altai is associated with tourism.

Katuan autumn. Photo by avante22 (


The village of Ongudai is located between the two highest dots - the seminal pass (1717 m) and the Potable Chica-Taman (1460 m). It is said that earlier through the pass with difficulty, moving towards each other, and now the road is so wider that the pass is barely notice, only the ears laid out from the height difference. Not far from the seminal pass is the skiing base, on which the athletes of the national team of our country skiing train. Leaving behind the Seminar Pass, after half an hour, the village of Ongudai was opened to our gaze. It is located along the Ursul River, and the population has over 5 thousand people, of which only a third of the Russians, and the rest indigenous population - Altai. By time, the road from Biysk to Ongudai took only five hours.

The first thing struck me is the modernity of the village. That information that could be drawn before leaving on the Internet was obviously obsolete. They wrote that there is a couple of small stores in the village, which sometimes brought bread, milk, cookies and bananas. It turned out all far away. There are two large supermarkets in the village, shopping center, two dozen small shops, a large Sberbank building with a 24-hour ATM, three canteens and a hotel that, as it often happens, turned out to be crowded.

Pleasantly surprised and prices, at that time, the cost of packaging buckwheat reached 120 rubles in Krasnoyarsk, it cost three times cheaper here. But the cost of the room in the hotel reached 1500 rubles per day, while not the season. For those who are going to come here to a permanent place of residence or just relax, I would recommend not to stop at the hotel, but to rent a housing. Rent a house in the center of the village is worth some 3000 rubles per month, you see, it is much cheaper than the hotel. We did not know this and spent more than 15 thousand rubles in a hotel house in two weeks, until they found permanent housing.

Buying a house

People here are related to the construction and repair of the house: who is what is much, depending on whether anything has money. In general, ongudai looks like Pestro, but at the same time makes gladly. It is immediately clear that the village does not stand still, many new mansions are being built. In our plans it was to build a house that we dreamed of, but we arrived in late autumn, so we decided to buy a house.

The choice was small, mostly the old houses cost from 700 thousand rubles and higher. We bought a house of the 80s of the construction for 1 million rubles, but replaced the old roof on the metal tile, we were sidding the house, they made room repair and another 300 thousand rubles were spent.

The first time was not familiar to live. There was no hot water in the house, the central heating system, toilet, bathroom and soul. Instead, there was only cold water, the stove, which was necessary to trammed firewood so that the house was warm, the toilet on the street and the bath. Those who have extra money can afford and such urban charms of life like a toilet, shower and hot water In the house, but we had a little money, and we were pleased with the Small.

I would like to say a few words about the bath. Yes, it is necessary to embark the water and melt it as it should, but what is you getting a buzz, when you are soaring in a bath with a birch broom, wash off all the dirt and fatigue, tipping the bucket of ice well water, and then drink tea with currants. The bath does not compare with the wash in the bathroom or the adoption of the soul. Only for this it makes sense to quit and leave to the village. For those who are going to do this, I would like to advise: Do not buy an old house, but to purchase land plot and build a new brusade house. Construction will cost cheaper, as it will not be necessary to make repairs, and it will not last much longer.

How to live in Onguda

As I wrote above, Ongudai is a modern village. There is here cellular And the Internet, recently completed the repair of school and hospital. But it's not so easy to get a job here, in the village a high level of unemployment. Most of the Altai population, so it is difficult to break the Russian. Altaians can be divided into those who succeed and goes on steep machines, and on those who either drink "in black", not wanting to work, or live through the fishery of cedar nuts and berries, workpieces of firewood, are engaged in subsidiary economy.

I also sat the year at the employment center, where, in addition to the work of the shepherd, I could not offer anything, in my specialty (economist) so could not find a suitable job. At the position of engineer or boss here are preferred to take Altaians. Therefore, I had to look for a different type of activity that would bring some income. For a number of 1.5 years, I have been working on a hub in a private entrepreneur. I work with a bartender from spring to autumn while the season, as well as a pool. In the fall with men, we harm the cedar nut, where you can earn very well. There is no work in winter - rest, but it is not for a short time, a couple of months. But I do not lose hope in the specialty.

Most of the population lives at the expense of tourists: rent rooms, organize turbo and alloys, sell souvenirs. It is not uncommon here to see tourists from Moscow, Rostov, St. Petersburg, as well as Germany, France and other countries. They attract their originality, mystery and attractive power of wildlife in Altai.

As for prices for products, they are the same, as elsewhere, can be slightly cheaper due to the proximity to the Altai Territory, which is known for its developed agriculture. The average salary in Ongudai is small - 6-8 thousand rubles, but electricity tariffs are very high, plus you need to add the cost of firewood - 1000 rubles per 1 cubic meter. m. For the winter you need at least 15 cubes or two medium freight cars. Buy better firewood from larch, as they are longer burning. In general, more than half of the local forests consist of larch, so it gained widespread use as a lumber. Frames from larch are obtained strong, they do not rot and preserve for a long time.


For people who are accustomed to urban comfort, life in the village first seems complicated. Winters in Ongudai are the same harsh, as in Siberia, but the minor, which is why the soil blends greatly and moves the water. In the first year we experienced it on yourself. The water in the house and the nearest columns peered, and until the spring had to carry buckets with water from long-range columns. Washed in the bath was a real test - it was necessary to put 20 buckets with water. But over time you get used to everything. I, economist in the specialty, never holding an ax in my hand, had to learn to prick firewood, to carve, fold the oven. What to say, in all life in the city we did not even have a garden plot, but here you can not live without it.

The weather in Onguda is very changed, the caring heat is replaced by a pouring rain with a hail and drooping wind. Therefore, to grow a crop, you need to follow the weather and at the right time to strengthen the bed. Having no experience, we have collected a good harvest of potatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables, and now experiment with growing melons and watermelons. Behind the garden - immediately a forest, which is full of berries, mushrooms. What is surprising, there are neither mosquitoes nor midges in the forest, since many kilometers do not meet the swamps, and you can also not be afraid to face Wolf, Bear and another predator. Sometimes in the forest you can see a deer, hares, a sable. On the alpine meadows Quietly graze cows, horses, sheep. In Altai, you can meet kennels, where they are engaged in breeding marals for the production of drugs from pantry horns.

Surprise from Cosmos

As we did not strive for solitude with nature, we never managed to hide from civilization. It turned out that the village of Ongudai is located on the path of the span of the spacecraft, launched in Baikonur. Its span over the village can even be observed with a naked eye in clear weather. It is accompanied by a fall in the second stage, which is why the roar and shaking land appears. Locals have already become accustomed to this and do not pay special attention. In general, local youth seeks to leave the village in search of work and better life, as there is nowhere to go to relax. There are no cinemas nor restaurants or clubs in Ongudai. There is only a house of culture, in which the Altai national ensembles come occasionally. Despite all this, in Ongudai come to live from Novosibirsk, Rostov, Moscow and other cities.

35 km from Ongudaya there is a residence of Gazprom "Altai House" or, as it is called local residents, "Dacha Putin". The place is very picturesque - it is located between the mountains next to Katun. The passage there is categorically prohibited, there is a gearbox on the way, and no one does not pass anyone without a special pass. But those who want, especially in the first years of construction, there were a lot. A lot was written and said negative about the "dacha of Putin" and the press, and the local population, but it was already in the past. In general, they say that this cottage is intended for personal meetings of Heads of Russia and China on the construction of a gas pipe in China. It is said that the pipe will pass through Ongudai, so in the near future the possibility of carrying out gas and in the village of Village may appear. In general, mountain altai attracts attention not only to tourists, but also officials. Here you can meet the villages of Medvedev, Kudrin, Gref, etc.

Dacha Putin. Photo

For those who are the same as we decided to throw everything and move to live on Altai, I would like to give a few tips. There are many beautiful, but at the same time modern places where you can settle: Uymon Valley, Cheanel, Turochak, Muffle. The village of Chemal is characterized by a soft and warm climate, which can be compared with the Black Sea coast. Here you can grow thermal-loving garden crops, such as apricots, apples, cherries. And those who suffer with pulmonary diseases can improve their health thanks to the healing mountain air and located along the village of a cedar forest rich in phytoncides.

Under the tourist room there is a large fresh Teletsk Lake, which also attracts tourists, so business tourism is well developed in the village.

The Uimon Valley is located at the foot of the Beluhi Mountain, where the Katun River originates. There were still the old villages of the Old Believers, and at the beginning of the twentieth century through these places lay the path of the Roerich expedition in search of mysterious Shambhala. Due to the large stream of tourists, housing prices in these villages are not for everyone to pocket. Therefore, it is not settled in too expensive villages, such as Ongudai, Shebalino or Maima.

I also want to advise everyone - you do not need to be afraid to drastically change your life. According to his own experience, I know how difficult it is to reject the well-minded life: a house, family, work. But it is only worth wanting to want to make a little effort and you can achieve your goal - to implement your long-standing dream.

Practical information for those who are going to travel on Altai in 2020: how to get there, what are the prices for accommodation and food, a list of the best databases, as well as advice and tourist reviews for 2019.

Our trip. We traveled a month and a half by car in the Altai. The team visited all the most interesting places from Merger to the border with Mongolia. The experienced experience is divided with you.

How to get to Altai

By train. There are trains to Biysk, Novosibirsk and Barnaul. Tickets from Moscow to Biysk stand from 12,300 rubles (coupe), they quickly disassemble them, and the train goes only at even numbers. Tickets to Novosibirsk are cheaper to Novosibirsk (from 5,500 rubles in a placentar), and trains are much more.

By car. This is the best option, because on your car traveling along the Altai Mountain Altai is much more interesting, nicer and cheaper. I went to Altai from Perm three days and as much back. The road is normal, the main problem on the track is repairs, they are very delayed.

Road quality in Altai. The Chuy tract is the perfect asphalt, and all that away from it is broken roads, primers or off-road varying degrees of complexity. In principle, you can go to Altai on any car, you can still watch a lot. But the SUV is better - there are places where on a low car without a full drive simply you will not pass. If you do not have an SUV, you can take a tour or throwing to the desired point from local firms - find them easy.

I traveled to the mountain altai on his UAZ "Patriot" and thanks to him reached the most remote places. I didn't go only on the plateau of ocke - for this you need a well-prepared SUV and other crews for the safety net.

Food on the Chui tract in Altai.
The Valley of the river Yustd is the easternmost point of our auto-expenditure to the mountain altai.

Where to relax in Altai

Most popular. According to the reviews of most tourists, resting in Altai is best in the villages of Aya and Chev, as well as in the north. There is the easiest to get there, there is the most advanced infrastructure and a large selection of bases. But I believe that there are too many tourists in these places and too little interesting. The real Altai is not there, he is further along the Chui path, for the seminal pass.

Real Altai. If you are a fan of adventure, secluded places and majestic mountain landscapes, go further than these tourist places. I especially liked these places: Igu-Enmek Park, Ilgumen Threshold, Petroglyphs, Ulaban Lakes, Passage Katu Yaryk, Valley of the Chulshman River, Kurayaya and Chui Steppe, Mars. In all these places there is infrastructure: the turbases, cafes, refueling. You can get to any car.

The wildest edges. And the very best places In Altai - those that are difficult and far away. My favorites: Jumal Keys, Valley of the river Youstd, Pass Achik. There is still the most difficult-to-reach place - the plateau of the dock, there until I had the opportunity to get there, but I really want.

So, where is it better to rest in Altai? If you do not have time and the desire to go far deep into the republic, and you just want to relax in nature, fry the kebabs, to go fishing, then choose the villages of Chelal, Aya, Mergerok - in general, the bottom Katun. If this is not enough for you, you want to see the real mountains, the Altai steppes, get acquainted with the local culture, then I recommend to get the entire Chuyan path to the border with Mongolia.

I stand and admire the views of the Valley of the Chulsman River.
Lake IGista-Kohl in the Ulagan district.

How to look for accommodation

Mountain Altai - the place is pretty wild, hotels and bases are not so much here as in the south of Russia or in Karelia. But tourists here comes less, so housing usually grabs all.

But: ATTENTION! In the midst of the summer season, a lot of people arrive at the weekend to rest on Altai. Therefore, book accommodation needs in advance. For one and a half months of travel, even in the most deaf corners, I saw many cases, as tourists come to the database, and there are no places. Book accommodation in advance via the Internet or come and set up in the morning, before other tourists.

Housing is different: from the budget segment to VIP. Almost every recreation center has a bath, a kitchen, brazier and the Internet. In the summer, camping campings are very popular in Mountain Altai - this is the most budget option. Families with children usually choose comfortable cottages near Katuni.

Reviews of the rest in Altai often write about the disadvantages of some turbases: dirt, poor-quality or monotonous nutrition, spoiled plumbing and rubbed furniture. We stood at this not to pay attention, after a week of living in a tent in a taiga, any economy room with a bed and a shower for us was like royal choirs. The service at the recreation bases often lames - for your money you can and quiet.

Prices for housing In Mountain Altai for two:

Accommodation price, rub. Example
Place under the tent. 150-300
Room in the guest house from 800. Кедровый берег!}
Ail or house from 1200.
Room in the resort complex 3 stars from 1800. Отель Манжерок!}
Junior Suite with excellent reviews from 3500.
Hotel 4 stars with swimming pool from 4500. Лесотель!}
Chalet at Teletsk Lake from 7000.

Ail on the recreation center "Tau-Dastarkhan".

How to relax in Altai

What to do on vacation in the mountain altai:

  • tours,
  • mountain bars or multi-day trips,
  • alloys,
  • horseback riding,
  • rest on the banks of the rivers or lakes (you can bathe, but the driver is cheerful),
  • fishing,
  • collection of berries.

Our holiday in Altai. We rode a lot on the car, drove the entire Chuyan path and not only. For a long time they lived in tents on the shore of Katun, in a campsite in Aktash and on the Ulagan lakes. Also lived in traditional Ailah, in hotels and at the recreation bases. I got acquainted and communicated with the local, studied the culture of the Altaians, a lot was filmed a photo and video. Often went into small hiking in the forest, collected berries, bathed in Katun. Most of all we liked the area South Aktasha: Steppes and snow-covered mountains. And we went to the famous Mars as many as three times.

Tourist reviews about rest in Altai. People really like the nature and greatness of the mountains, but many disappointed the cold waters of rivers and lakes, and the heated pools are not yet common. Summer is short, darkens early. Mosquitoes and midges are, but not too much.

Martian landscapes of the Altai Mountains.

Prices for rest in Altai in 2020

Many recreation centers of the Altai offer a leisure program for their vacationers, have cafes and restaurants, organize entertainment and excursions. You can safely surrender to their hands and do not steam anything, but it will be expensive to cost such a rest.

Food The cafe depends on the level of the establishment, along the route and in large villages enough cafes and canteens. Our average check 200-300 rubles per person. Comprehensive meals on the recreation bases in Altai costs 700-1000 rubles.

Tours There are different prices high and depend on the saturation of the program and the distance of the trip. Excursions to Chealkaya HPP, on the lakes of Merzherok and Mount Sinauha, Tavdinsky caves, visiting Botsada, a blooming nursery "Biolit" and Mauralnik (Rhododendron) - from 500 to 1000 rubles. Excursions for the whole day with a visit to Kurgan, Kalbak-Tash, Teletskoye Lake and Waterfall. Cube is about 2000 rubles. All places are cheaper and more interesting to visit yourself on your car.

We arrived to see steles in the Park Ucha Enmek.

Our expenses in Altai

In Altai, we spent a month and a half: July-August. We went on your car from Perm in the company of friends, we were five. Most of the products we bought in advance and often prepared themselves. We lived in tents, hotels, at the rest bases.

Here are our expenses in terms of two people (except gasoline is a total amount):

Gasoline on the road there and back 23 000
Gasoline in Altai 10 000
Car repair 1 000
Housing in the way 5 600
Housing in Altai 19 500
Products 21 500
Cafe 10 700
Reserve coffee 3 400
Internet and communications 1 700
sights 1 300
Life 5 000
Tick \u200b\u200bvaccinations 3 500
Medicine 2 900
Total for two 109 100 rubles

Additional costs: tourist equipment - 48 000 rubles. Much had to buy, but it's not one trip.

Except for gasoline and housing in the way, repair, vaccinations, first aid kit and grain coffee (without which we can not live personally), then it turns out 70,000 rubles for two or 35 000 rubles per person. These are clean spending on holiday itself in the Altai. Very little! After all, we spent a month and a half and visited everywhere.

We arrived at the Achik Pass, from here you can see all the main ridges of the mountain altai.

The best rhinestone recreation centers

Recreation center "Altai"

Amateurs active rest And unity with nature can stay in summer on the recreation center "Altaii" in the village of Elempar. Three meals in the dining room, there is a bar and cafe. Bath, free parking, private beach, Water park, bike rental, horse riding, travel bureau. Accommodation in a standard double room - from 3500 rubles per day.

Park Hotel "Manzherok"

The year-round recreation center is located in the pine forest on the banks of the Katun River. Nearby - Village, ski Route and cable car. Large buildings from wood and stone, beautiful and well-groomed territory, barbecue area, open pool, sauna and terrace. Very convenient to relax with children. Accommodation from 1500 to 3,600 rubles per day, meals in the dining room paid, breakfast is included in the price. Of the disadvantages: there are no daily change towels and linen in the rooms, there is no Internet.

Recreation center "Zaimka Camp"

In no less picturesque place Located the recreation center "Zaimka Camza" in the village of Tiuguryuk. The territory is very big and beautiful, there are street lighting and wooden flooring, neat wooden houses are made in a single style. There is an outdoor pool and a playground, arbors, on the territory contains deer. The cost of living from 2000 rubles per room for two. From disadvantages: Paid parking.

Eco-hotel "Leswel"

According to the reviews of tourists, Lesothel in Souzge is a great place to stay in Altai. The hotel is located on the banks of the Katun River in a picturesque place, close to Gorno-Altaisk. The territory is well-groomed, with wooden country houses. In the Russian and European restaurant, sauna, spa, swimming pool, cafe, Wi-Fi, a variety of entertainment. Well suitable for recreation with children. The cost is from 3000 to 9000 rubles per day for a double room.

Joint Camping Gold Camel

Curious vacation option in Altai in the summer - accommodation in Yuruschny Camping, which is located in the village of Kosh-Agach. Authentic heated yurts and houses are very picturesque. You can ride camels, take a bike or order a jeep tour. There is a sauna, a restaurant and a shared kitchen. Accommodation from 3000 rubles per day - Yurt is designed for five.

Mountain Altai - a place not for "mattresses": they go here to play sports, walking a lot and enjoy nature. Those who are used to their vacation spend on the beach in the posture of the starfish, such a holiday is hardly like.

To save, do not wise up on elite tourist complexes - it is very expensive. Choose recreation centers cheap hotels, Live in a tent. In the cafe and dining rooms are not high, but it will be cheaper independently. Buy products in advance in the big city.

Going in the summer of 2020 to rest in the mountain altai, be sure to take with you (pharmacies are not everywhere), as well as repellents.

Come rest on your car. Altai need to travel, and not sit in one place!

Gorge of the Sofia Glacier

Interesting places in Altai and how to get into them.

Altai is huge and different. You can come here every year all my life and open a new one every time. In this post, I share with you my favorite places where you can drive on an SUV and someone else to go on foot. Altay's completely hiking will be the next time :)

When to go to Altai (seasons) and some features

You can travel around Altai round yearBut:

  • In winter, of course cold here, but fabulously beautiful, because everything is in snow. Avalanches are possible in the mountains and walk on them. Understanding what kind of malivic places.
  • At the beginning of the summer, good, but a lot of water on the roads of gorges and ticks.
  • In the foothills of Altai there are many recreation databases (Cheaal, Tetallet Lake, etc.) and there is good all year round.
  • The best time for hiking and trips to Altai: August-September, when you can drive even on the plateau of ocke (less water) and least ticks.

What else is important to know about traveling in Altai:

  • AT tourist Altai (Cheaal, Teletskoy) Many tourists, but also many amenities. Getting there easily hitchhiking and public transport.
  • The most interesting places of Altai are there, where buses do not go and the travelers are very and very rare (far from every day), occasionally the houses with local shepherds come across 100 km. In such places it is possible to climb partially on SUVs, or walk on it.
  • Of-Road in Altai is great. You can see many beautiful and different places. Let's see what it is.
  • (I remember anything else important, I will definitely add :).

Interesting places of Altai for travel by car, coordinates and photos

Gorge of the Sofia Glacier

In general, the Beltir village can go to different gorges and all of them are beautiful. The Sofia glacier can be reached in the fall. In winter there is a lot of snow, and at the beginning of summer in the gorge too much water. Coordinates: 49.794444 °, 87.772222 °

How to use google coordinates you can read

Sofia glacier

Martian landscapes for the village of Beltir

Such landscapes you will pass on the way to Sofia Glaccier or Karaghem and other gorges. This is not the popular Altai Mars, which I am writing about below, but it looks even more real.

Martian Altai, Kyzyl-Chin Gorge behind the village of Chagan-Uzun

And this is the "Martian landscapes of Altai", where they carry on excursions. You have to find this place without coordinates, spying at Google's maps where Chagan-Uzun is. After it, a small puzzle in the form of branching roads and you are on Mars.

Top (repeater) behind the village Aktash

Google Coordinates Places: 50.34001,87.748672 You can climb here on an SUV directly to the top of the top, driving out of an accounted past. Views from the top of the bombing.

Night Teletur Lake

You can drive up to the lake on both sides. For those who are not interested in light paths - South coast Teletsk Lake, to which you can drive through the passage of Katu-Yaryk and the Valley of the Chulsman River. The road is quite tedious, but also views here beautiful. On the shore there are houses in which you can stop, or put tents. Coordinates: 51.347994, 87.776104

A simpler way to get to the Teletur Lake is to drive up to him from the northern side through the village of Artybash, you can by public transport.

River Valley Chulshman and Passage Katu Yaryk

Descent to the valley directly through the serpentine, which is in the photo ↓. The road is considered unsafe, but honestly, I never felt in danger, going down on her. We go and go to yourself, admiring the views. There are even puzotirki here, though some then problematic climb. Google Coordinates: 50.911640, 88.216379

But video from those places:

Pass Teacher, Aktra Gorge

Pass Teacher Located in the Aktra gorge. Height of about 3150 meters. Category of complexity 1a. One of the most simple categorical pass to the gorge to which you can climb and descend about 4-5 hours.

Google Coordinates: 50.084444, 87.778611

View from lifting to Pass Teacher

Mountain trails in the Aktra Gorge district, path on the blue lake and the Aktra Glacier

In the Aktra gorge many places where you can go. Routes There are very difficult, where you can go only with equipment and in bundles, and simple, where you can "run" in a few hours. About routes can be asked for climbers based on.

The actor base is a place that is worth visiting in itself. First, because it's not so easy to get on the car and if you drove, then it is already cool, secondly, it's wonderful ...

Blue Lake near the Aktra glacier

Blue Lake - a transshipment base for climbers, ascending to the top or a glacier Aktra. A shock place in which is worth walking from the base Aktra. In time, it will take hours 4-5. Google Coordinates: 50.077716, 87.724579

Top Dome of Three Lakes

The complexity of climbing the top of the dome - 1b. You can lay on the rise and descent all day (approx 12 hours). You can go here in two ways. Raised recommended with conductor. In winter - with cats. In any case, before the lifting, you will have to communicate with knowledgeable people In the database Aktra to find out the road and the safety of the lifting. Climbing starts from the camp Aktra. Coordinates of the dome approximately here :): 50.044800, 87.806500

Polyana for Karagham Pass

Places coordinates: 49.962720, 87.622576

The place is beautiful, but you can only go here on a prepared SUV and it's better not alone, because it sometimes has to pull each other. The road is complex. Many brodes with big stones, slopes and ... lack of road. But it is exactly worth it. Get from Beltir. On the glade itself there is a bath :)

The road from the meadow to the Karagham pass.

Plateau Ukok.

Ukok - plateore, located at the junction of the borders of Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and Russia. The height here is 2200-2500 m, the wind blows, the temperature is lowered to -50 in winter. SAMI high Point Ukoka - Mount Kuyten-Uoul 4374 (second in height in Altai).

Ukke is the place of ancient burial, it is here that archaeologists started the princess of docking. The place is strange, cold, wonderful. It pulls to himself again and again ... to get here more likely in August-September. In the spring and early summer a lot of water ,. You can travel on ukke. You can either a symbol with a warm key (the most likely way), or through the jazzor river.

Plateau coordinates: 49.268354, 87.413683

Warm key: 49.408177, 88.035687

"Road" on Ukok in August

And this is an attempt to pass on dock through the jaster river. Attempt failed)
Way home with Altai. Chuy tract

* This did not fit all the rest of the places, because Altai is immense and always remains everything else, not yet studied ... There's still Tuva through Buguzun Pass and many many luxurious places.

See also: