Main attractions Budapest on the map. What to visit in Budapest - the attractions of the capital of Hungary

You wonder: "What to see in Budapest"? The rich history of the capital of Hungary was reflected in the exquisite architecture, which was able to keep up to this day. Tourists attract numerous basilica, fortresses, museums, thermal sources, as well as national flavor and peculiar Hungarian cuisine. For one trip, it is impossible to see all the sights of Budapest, so it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with their description and choose the most interesting.

What to see in Budapest first

In view of the fact that the set interesting places Concentrated in one part of the city, many travelers choose surveillance, rightly believing that it makes no sense to overpay for visiting individual memo. If, after the first inspection, some attraction wants to inspect more, you can always go there at the end of the excursion.

1. Buday Fortress

Buday Fortress in Budapest

The first thing to visit in Budapest is necessarily - this is the Buda Fortress ( this place can be safely attributed to), which is a whole area in which many collected historical monuments and interesting places.

It is located on its territory, and interest in which they do not run out over the years. Among them can be noted:

  • royal Palace;
  • church of Mathiash;
  • ruins of the castle built in the Middle Ages;
  • fisherman bastion;
  • palace of Shandor;
  • artistic and historical museum.

2. Chain Bridge or Section Lancer

Chain bridge of the section in Budapest

Various attractions of Budapest include numerous bridges, the most ambitious and beautiful of which is rightfully considered the chain bridge of the sechens.

Its historical significance for the capital is invaluable, since it was he who became a powerful incentive of unification of the cities of Pest and Buda, who formed Budapest in 1873.

During the war, fascists, retreating, blew up the bridge. However, already after 4 years, he again appeared in all his greatness. The construction is decorated with royal lions, massive stylized chains, arches and lights. Especially beautiful sechens Lantzhid at night, when numerous lights, reflected in the dark waters of the Danube, light on it.

3. Bathing sechens

Bathing Siech in Budapest

Solving what to visit in Budapest, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting the baths of the sechens located in the park Varoshleget.

This largest in Europe complex is open round year. It is harmoniously combined with excellent architecture, a variety of services, excellent service and therapeutic effect of thermal water containing sodium salt, magnesium, calcium, iron, and fluorine and organic acids.

Inside this attraction of Budapest there are rooms decorated with mosaic, statues, stucco and drawings with the image of water topics. It is equipped with 5 pools and 11 purchased with hot thermal water. Visitors can undergo a course of recreation massage and mud applications, visit the Finnish or Turkish bath, take therapeutic baths. People who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, digestive, urinary and respiratory system come to the bathing.

The complex also has gyms, aquatic pool, solarium, cozy cafeteria.

4. Rybatsky bastion

Fisherman Bastion in Budapest

Choosing that to see in Budapest in your first visit, it is worth the attention on the fishing bastion located in the heart of the capital of Hungary.

Built in 1905, it resembles a medieval blonde castle, surrounded by an "openwork" wall. This impression is created because of the abundance of window openings, arches, protrusions and recesses. Seven wall towers symbolize the number of tribes that united in order to create a single Hungarian state. The area inside the bastion decorates the statue of the first king of Hungary.

The undoubted advantage of this attraction of Budapest is a free visit. Tickets must be purchased only to enter the top balconies of the towers, from which a magnificent view of the city opens.

5. Central market

Central Market in Budapest

Not knowing what to visit in Budapest to simultaneously admire his sights and acquire gifts and souvenirs in memory of the trip to Hungary, it is worth choosing a central indoor market near the freedom bridge.

This delightful colored brick building is more like a museum than trading series. Its walls are decorated with stucco, ornaments and forging elements. The external ease of them gives the abundance of windows and arches. But a special admiration causes a roof covered with multicolored tiles.

The building is located on 10,000 m 2, and at the same time has three floors. His project was developed by the famous architect Samuel Petz, with the support of the operating mayor of the capital of Karl Cameramier.

In numerous shopping kiosks, you can buy at an affordable price of food, clothing, dishes, national souvenirs, which include rag dolls, embroidered napkins and other handmade items.

Be sure to look this beautiful video about Budapest!

6. Citadel

Citadel in Budapest Civertan Grafikai Stúdió

The towering statue of freedom on the mountain Gellert is visible from all the points of Budapest. But the fact that the citadel is behind it, you can find out only rising to the top.

The cause of its construction was the uprising of the Hungarian patriots against the Board of the Dynasty of the Habsburgs. After its suppression, there was a need for control and, if necessary, in the pacification of citizens reapproved again. At the same time, the Mountain was an ideal place for the construction of a citadel, with whom they were well visible and swept back and bud.

After the careal of the Austrian garrison, the citizens wanted to destroy this construction, but only the main gates were demolished.

During World War II, she was again used against the Hungarian people, but only by the fascist troops. This tells the exposition exposed to the Citadel Museum, which is currently closed for reconstruction.

7. Castle Vaidahunyad

Wydahunad Castle in Budapest Marc Ryckaert (MJJR)

There are sights of Budapest, which do not often flashes in advertising prospects and guidebooks in Hungary, but at the same time they differ in unusual beauty and are very loved by tourists. To such places you can attribute the castle of Vaidakhunyad, located in the cozy Varoshleget Park.

Do not notice it is simply impossible. At visitors entering the territory of the complex, it seems that it is built in the distant Middle Ages, and served as a reliable shelter from enemies and robbers. However, this is only stylization. In fact, the castle was built at the beginning of the last century, so quite well preserved.

Having admired the architectural ensemble, visitors can visit the Museum of Agriculture. It puts numerous exhibits and photographic materials showing wonders of plant selection and animals. In a separate room, you can see samples of manual instruments and mechanized techniques, which many generations of Hungarians were used to handle land. And connoisseurs of good wine can go to tasting Hallwhere the numerous varieties of this beautiful drink made by local winemakers are exhibited.

8. Square Heroes

Heroes Square in Budapest Gabor Dvornik

The sights of Budapest include the central square, the image of which can often be seen in the guide to the capital. On the square there is a huge thousand-year marble column, with the statue of the Archangel of Gabriel installed on it, holding the symbols of the Hungarian state.

The base of the column is the equestrian sculptures of the leaders of the seven tribes of Magyar, whose union laid the foundation of Hungary. 2 colonnades having a semicircular form are towers behind the monuments. Here you can see 14 heroes that entered the history of Hungary. But in the center of the square you can see the memorial to the soldiers who died, freeing the native country from the invaders.

Having in love with the beauty and greatness of sculptures, you can visit the Museum of Fine Arts located here on the square.

9. Church of Mattias.

Mattias Church in Budapest

Solving what to see in Budapest, you should not lose the opportunity to visit the Church of Matyash, built on the Buda Hill.

In the main building, visitors fall through a large gate. Inside the temple there are numerous sculptures, mural murals and stained glass, the beauty of which fascinates at first glance. Despite the fact that the church has undergone a complete restoration at the end of the XIX century, it has 2 columns dated to the middle of the thirteenth century. Along one of the walls is clearly visible a series of chapel of saints, revered in Hungary, as well as the royal family. One of the galleries is a museum of religious art.

A high bell tower and the tower of the Bella king, which are open to visitors and parishioners attached to the main temple building.

10. Hungarian State Opera House

State Opera House in Budapest

Music lovers know that the Opera State Theater is required to visit in Budapest, because it is the quality of acoustic data in the top three of the best halls of Europe.

The building itself amazes the luxury of the decoration. Its walls and ceilings are decorated with excellent painting of Hungarian masters, frescoes, bronze chandeliers, as well as numerous sculptures. The hall of this attraction of Budapest can accommodate 1261 people at the same time. But at the same time the concert tickets should be ordered in advance.

For those who do not plan to visit the opera, excursions are held in several languages, including Russian, after the end of which can listen to Arias performed by the theater artists.

Sights of Budapest: What else to see in Budapest

Separate attention deserves, which may have different experience, the level of knowledge of foreign languages, and also differ at the prices of their services. To organize everything in the best possible way, we recommend to initially decide which specifically museums, cathedrals, etc. Want to visit and how much will be ready to spend on the accompanying one.

11. Basilica of St. Stephen

Basilica of St. Stephen in Budapest

Some attractions of Budapest are shrines for every resident of the country. One of these places is the Basilica of St. Stephen, erected in honor of King Stephen I Saint, who founded the Hungarian state.

This monumental building has the shape of an equilateral cross. Bell tower was attached to the main building from two sides, in one of which is a giant bell weighing 9 tons.

The semiraque of the room sets up on the elevated feelings and thoughts, forcing for a while to forget their problems and leave the bustle of the threshold. A strong impression also also produces a rich decoration of the temple. Walls and columns are decorated with multi-colored mosaic, paintings by artists, carvings and gilding. The licks of the saints are watching the stained glass windows on visitors with love and utterness. In the altar part of the Basilica there is a mummified hand of the first ruler of Hungary.

12. Hungarian National Museum of Ethnography

Hungarian National Museum of Ethnography in BudapNeshta

If you choose what to see in Budapest, it is best to go to the Hungarian National Museum, where more than one million exhibits are exhibited.

Open at the very beginning of the XIX century, this museum was only a collection of Count Ferenz Secheny, consisting of manuscripts, old coins and books of books. However, at the moment, numerous halls representing various topics are open here.

In this attraction, Budapest collected archaeological finds of the time of the Roman Empire, the objects of life of people living in the Middle Ages, exhibits dedicated to revolutions and wars.

Separate attention deserves a hall in which the mantle of the first Hungarian monarch Ishtwan Saint is exhibited. Richly decorated with pearls and gilded embroidery, she has been admirable for many centuries.

13. Hungarian Parliament Building

The building of the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest

The majestic building of the Hungarian Parliament rightfully decorates the first pages of guidebooks in the capital. Therefore, he solve what to see in Budapest, it is necessary to look first of all here.

This facility is one of the largest residences of European rulers. It has 691 rooms and 29 stairs. Interesting and architecture of the design, in which neo-ethatics and eclectics are harmoniously intertwined.

But the most beautifully parliament looks at night due to professional illuminated illumination. Reflecting in the dark water of the magnificent Danube, the building is a fascinating spectacle.

14. Margit Island

Margit Island in the center of Budapest

Tired of the bustle of the noisy and hurrying Budapest, it is better to go to Margit Island, to which Arpad Bridge leads. In this green oasis there is everything that lovers need active rest. Comfortable running and cycling paths, courts, stadium, pools and children's playgrounds. Here there is a bathing with thermal water, where you can not only relax, but also to have a health.

Connoisseurs of sights will be happy to visit the ruins of the ancient monastery and the grave of the princess Margarita, in honor of which is the island. Here, there is a "dancing" fountain, which in the evening is highlighted by all the colors of the rainbow.

15. Hungarian National Gallery

Hungarian National Gallery in Budapest

The National Gallery is included in the main attractions of Budapest not only by the number of exhibits, but also that they all belong only to Hungarian masters.

After opening the gallery in the building of the Royal Palace, the collection is constantly updated with the works from private collections, museums, exhibitions and other sources. More than 100,000 presented works cover the period of the Middle Ages, Gothic, Renaissance and Contemporary Art. For one visit, it is impossible to go through all the halls and consider each exhibit, so many are returned here again and again, carrying new impressions and emotions every time.

16. Shoes on the Naberezhnye Danube

Shoes on the Danube Embankment in Budapest

One of the most famous and sad monuments to the victims of fascism was metal shoes, which appeared on the city's embankment of the Danube in Budapest in 2005. 60 pairs of children's boots, female shoes and Stopanny male shoes are a reminder of hundreds of thousands of Jews, shot and tortured during the Second World War.

The permissiveness and thirst for profit are attached to the fascists and their supporters from the Hungarian National Socialists of Cruelty. Casual to the living chain of people were shot directly on the shore, so that one person fascinated with other innocent victims in the water. Before the execution, they were forced to remove shoes to then use for sale. So the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating this monument appeared.

17. Medical bathing and swimming pool. Rudasha

Therapeutic swimming pool and pool them. Rudasha in Budapest Misibacsi

The sights of Budapest, as Rudas Spa, attract visitors not only to the ability to health and have a good time, but also admire the unusual architecture of the building. A feature of a bathing with thermal water is also the opportunity to visit it at night, admiring the starry sky through an unusual glass dome.

There are 5 pools, therapeutic water in which has a temperature of from 28 to 42 ° C. Also on the territory of the complex you can visit the Turkish bath, go through massages and aromatherapy courses. Purified water from sources is used to treat diseases of the digestive system.

Updated 03/07/2019

He took all his articles and collected in one place an online guide to Budapest and Hungary in Russian. In a large article, useful posts are combined and only relevant information is given. I hope that someday I will get to release a full-fledged guide in Hungary. It will be very simple to write it, because when you are doing a loved one, everything turns out :).

Friends, dear readers! Your opinion is very important to me, so please, after reading the guide, leave a review about him in the comments at the end of the article. All information on the blog is free, but I will be pleased if after reading the guide to you decide to treat me a cup of coffee. "Form for treat" is posted at the end of the article.

About Hungary in two words

Hungary is a country in Central Europe, which lives less people than in Moscow (10 million), and the territory (93 thousand square kilometers) is comparable to one of the Kemerovo region.

The successful geographical location of the state makes it profitable for the start of the journey throughout Europe. Hungary borders with Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Serbia. There is a soft winter hot summer. Already in February, the blocks of thermometers rise to 15 degrees.

One of the main wealth of Hungary is balneological and thermal resorts. They work all year round. You can go through the course of treatment both in Budapest bathings and in the resorts outside the capital (, Egersamelok, Haydus Communication and others).

How to get to Budapest from Russia

  1. Car.
  2. A train.
  3. Plane.

By car from Russia to Hungary need to go through Belorussia, Poland and Slovakia. If you start from Moscow, then on the trip it will be enough one overnight stay (in Poland or Slovakia), if from a more distant city, you will need two stops - in Belarus and Slovakia, as I did.

When driving around Slovakia and Hungary, do not forget to purchase a vignette for riding for paid roads. In both countries, it is electronic and bought on the Internet.

Another way to get to Hungary by car is to become a fellow traveler and find a driver using the service. In this case, the road will cost 1,500 rubles.

The train is the average cost of one place in the coupe in the direction of Moscow - Budapest - 15,000 rubles. Time on the way more than a day.

A plane - several airlines fly from Moscow and other Russian cities. Direct flights have Aeroflot and Hungarian Loadoster Wizzair . The latter flies to Budapest from Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as on the route Moscow - Debrecen.

Wizzair is a low-budget carrier, so for all options you need to pay separately or not to take them. Luggage, meals on board and even registration at the airport - all this is paid separately. In the case of the last item, it is much easier to register for the flight independently and print tickets on the usual printer. The second option is to install the Wizzair application on the smartphone and store tickets there.

The calendar low prices Flights Moscow - Budapest.

Another option to get to Hungary - or take a ticket to Heviz sanatorium.

Visa to Hungary

Hungary enters the Schengen zone, so if there is open Schengen, the visa question disappears. If there is no such, then the visa in Hungary (she is the Schengen visa) is drawn up in consulates. They work in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Kazan. The second option is. His representations are open in many Russian cities.

Travel insurance

For the design of Shengen, buying an insurance policy. I recommend that working with the most reliable assistance in the world - Mondial.

What money to take in Hungary

National currency of Hungary - Hungarian Forint. Search fornts in Russian banks I do not recommend. It is easier to go to Hungary with dollars or euro, which change in place.

The course of the euro and the dollar to Forint is not changing much. Average for 1 euro, they give from 305 to 325 forintsFor 1 dollar - from 270 to 285 forints. Do not change money at Budapest airport. The course there is a robby (about 30% below the real).

As for the ruble rate to Forint, he is last years changed a lot. If in the summer of 2014, 100 forints cost about 15 rubles, then as of the summer of 2019, 100 forints stand about 22.5 rubles.

Boldly take bank cards with you, because you can pay almost everywhere - from public transport Before buying and museums, not to mention the stores and restaurants.

For trips outside Budapest, use railways, long-distance buses or car rental.

From Budapest Airport to the city

You can get from Budapest Airport to the city in the following ways:

  • Public transport;
  • Taxi;
  • On a rented car.

Taxis takes on arrival or ordered in advance.

Budapest has five star hotels, such as, for example, the Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest, and simple hostels. The selection of hotels is placed below.

I book apartments through the AirbnB website - a convenient and reliable search service. For rent, they are handed over the owners themselves. And here you can find both huge apartments in the city center and a separate room in the apartment for $ 10-15 per day.

If you are not yet registered in the service, then for you there is a special. In this case, you will receive up to 25 euros discounts at first booking. Great way to save.

Council. If you are already registered on the Airbnb service, find out with whom we are traveling on a trip (wife, husband, friend, brother, etc.) whether they are registered on the site. After all, it doesn't matter who will book accommodation, the main thing is to get a discount on him.

Selection of hotels in Budapest

Descriptions and estimates of hotels are taken from the popular booking system Buking.

Prices in Budapest

About accommodation prices and transport in Budapest talked above. Presentation of products for products in Budapest will give. It provides prices for bread and pastries, cheeses and sausages, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, alcohol.

In the Hungarian capital there are several large shopping centers (Arena, West End, Arkad, Mammut, Duna Plaza and others) and outlet (Premier Outlet), which presents the things of European and world brands.

From Budapest often drip in.

Food in Budapest

Gourmet in Budapest - Paradise and Razdat. Hungarian cuisine is very rated, boasting a large number of meat dishes using vegetables and seasonings. Pleklt, Paprikash, Tokan, Goulash, ledge - be sure to try when visiting Hungary.

There will be no problems with choosing a restaurant or cafe. In Budapest, a huge number of institutions for the most distinctive taste and wallet.

Sweet tooths in Budapest will also like it. Traditional Hungarian desserts are "Doboze", Schomloi Galushka, "Esterhazi" and "Rigo Yang", and still stuffed with sweet filling puff pancakes. Dozens of pastry shops work in the Hungarian capital.

The list of Must-See Cafe Budapest includes a New York cafe, which some visitors first take over the palace. This establishment is among the top five most beautiful cafes in the world. The building is striking luxury both outside and from the inside. Consider elements of the chic interior can be very long. But the quality of desserts and prices in the cafe will cause less pleasure.

Do not forget about pro hungarian alcoholwhich in Budapest is also plenty. Beer connoisseurs may not be impressive with a foam drink of local brands (Dreher, Soproni). But in general it is very good. Well, lovers of wine will surely please the White Tokay. Wine in Hungary is very cheap (prices for the bottle of local wine in the store begin with 300 forints).

But buying advice bottles from 1,000 forints. The same who prefers strong alcohol, I recommend trying the Hungarian Palinka (fruce vodka) and herbal balm "Unicum", the recipe for the manufacture of which is kept in the strictest selection.

Mobile and Internet in Hungary

In Hungary, three mobile operators - Vodafone, Telenor, T-Mobile. You can buy sim card at the airport, shopping centers and branded sales points. In addition to the money, prepare a passport passport.

* 102 # - find out the balance (UCCD team)
* 121 # - find out your number (uccd team)

171 - find out the balance (call)
179 - Change tongue from Hungarian to German or English (call)

* 114 # (then click Number 4, then 1) - find out your number (UCCD command).

Internet settings are usually installed automatically. If you have any questions, contact one of the sales points.

With the help of the phone, you can create a Wi-Fi access point and distribute your mobile Internet to a tablet or laptop.

Prices for services mobile communications and Internet higher than in Russia. Only at the conclusion of the annual contract it is possible to reduce the cost of services.

If you are planning to travel not only in Hungary, but also on other European countries, I recommend. One SIM card, and the Internet will be throughout Europe. Suitable for phone, tablet and router. Special mobile application helps to manage expenses.

Attractions Budapest

However, I advise you to get acquainted with Budapest with the most important attractions. The easiest way to do is, ordering a sightseeing tour by bus. Or personal guided tour. These and many other excursions can be found on

For readers there is a discount on the excursion. It is walking sightseeing tour According to the Hungarian capital.

Attractions Must See on the side of the Pest are:

  1. ( , and much more).
  2. and p.
  3. (Margit, Sechi, Herzhebets and Freedom), Square deac.

ATTENTION buildings railway stations Nyugati and Keltei, Jewish quarter, where it is worth.

In the inspection of all these attractions will help. Having bought it, you will receive discounts on excursions, free or preferential passages in museums and baths, which I will tell just below. I built several route options for tourists with Budapest Card.

MUST SEE attractions on the side of Buda are:

  1. and looking tower Herzhebet.

You advice to get acquainted with the Buday Hill, on which there is a good half of sights (Royal Palace of Budapest, Rybatskiy Bastion, Church of Matyash and a lot more). Do not be lazy to climb Horlert, located nearby. More sophisticated travelers advise you to get to Aquinkum.

Non-obvious sights Budapest

One of the most unusual sights of Budapest is a cemetery. A new burial place was opened on the outskirts of Pest in the middle of the XIX century. Accurate before the revolution of 1848-1849. After her suppression, the first graves died on the cemetery. Since the same time he was heard that Kerepecheshi is the most prestigious cemetery of Budapest. Something like a Novodevichy Cemetery for Moscow.

Visit other non-obvious sights of the Hungarian capital - a microdistrict in the XIX district of Budapest, a bottomless lake and others.

Unusual monuments Budapest

Budapest can be called the city of monuments. What are the monuments, sculptures and statues you do not meet here. Among them, the famous princess girl sitting on the fence next to the Danube Embankment, dedicated to the Hebrews died during the Second World War, and.

Bathing Budapest

On the territory of the Hungarian capital, thermal waters make their way to the surface in 130 places. Thanks to this, about 30 cars and beaches are functioning in Budapest. 13 of them are therapeutic.

For example, Visegrad, who previously had the status of the Hungarian capital. And here by legend was kept in the imprisonment of the Lord of Valahiya Vlad Charene, who became prototype Count Dracula.

Centendra - Little town on the banks of the Danube, located 20 kilometers from Budapest. It is also called the city of artists and tiled roofs. More than 15 museums work, including the Museum of Marzipanov, Museum of Wine, Retro Museum, Museum of Christmas Toy and Ethnographic Museum "Scanzen". Read more about the town on the link above.

Temples and Bori Castle

Lake Balaton and Summer Holidays in Hungary

Thermal sources and therapeutic resorts of Hungary

In Hungary on an ongoing basis more than a dozen medical resorts. To visit them all and choose the most beloved need a lot of time. Therefore, I suggest you to get briefly with each of the resorts on the blog pages. You will find a detailed description, many photos, prices and, of course, real reviews.

The most popular thermal resort Hungary is heviz. Book to get comfortably reach your hotel or apartments. Below is a convenient form of searching for therapeutic sanatoriums on a thermal lake.

Tours in Heviz
The site has a detailed one. There is also a separate article dedicated to. There will find complete instructions for visiting the thermal lake with prices, tips and secrets.

What may not please in Hungary

There are several moments to which you need prepare yourself when visiting Budapest and Hungaryso as not to spoil your impressions of rest. It is unlikely that you will tell you the usual guide to Budapest.

Bums in Budapest

First of all, we are talking about large homeless On the streets of the Hungarian capital. In other words, the homeless.

You will meet them everywhere: in the transitions of the subway, at the station, under the covered galleries of buildings in the very center of the city or just at the entrance to the shop closed at night. They can wash something in the fountain near the temple, ask alms with a plastic cup in her hands or just sleep, having wrapped around who is much. I saw the homemakes playing cards reading the candles when the candles, crawling crafts for subsequent sale, drinking, sweating and simply watching passers-by.

The homeless police officers do not chase and they receive support from the state, therefore just accept their presence as a given. Do not snort, swear and spoil yourself the mood. The bums from this will not disappear, but the impression of a wonderful city will deteriorate.

From October 15, 2018, the Lawless Law entered into force in Hungary, on which persons without a certain place of residence are prohibited to live on the street. Bums on the streets, parks and metro transitions have become several times less.

Abandoned buildings, trash

In Budapest a large number of Abandoned buildings. Even on the central streets come across the boarding houses. Accordingly, no one cares for them and does not follow. Broken windows, sprinkled facades, rust, dirt and trash - indispensable satellites of such buildings. Some of them chose homeless people, polluting even more. Such houses cannot cause positive emotions to a priori. And this is one of the few things that I do not like in Budapest. Not to say that it is annoying, but it would be better for such houses here.

A similar situation with garbage on the streets of the city. Personal experience It shows that in Budapest are removed somehow very selectively. On the same street can be very clean, and on the neighboring feet to roll garbage. To say that in the city does not remove - to listen strongly, but also to say that in the Hungarian capital is clean - the language will not turn either. In such cases, I think that the right was a wise person (I don't remember the name), I said: we see what we want to see.

Budapest leads his story since the time of the Roman Empire. In the first century it was an administrative center of Aquinkum, then with the parish Magyar (self-calving of the Hungarian nation) in the 9th century the city was renamed to the expectation. On the opposite bank of the Danube, together with the other, there was a settlement of the Pest. In the future, already under Habsburgs in the XVII-XIX centuries, the United Budapest became one of the most brilliant European capitals.

Modern Budapest retained the former shine of the imperial city. The majestic and unusual parliament building, gothic basilica and baroque quarters are always full of tourists. The Hungarian capital is a place for cognitive sightseeing tourism, for relaxing in the famous thermal baths, as well as to get acquainted with satiety of Hungarian cuisine and delicious Tokai wine.

Best hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles / day

What to see and where to go to Budapest?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a brief description.

Parliament is a real architectural masterpiece that decorates the right bank of the Danube, a generally accepted business card of the capital. The construction is built in neo-style style, its facade is decorated with numerous arches, towers, "flying" spans. Internal interiors are distinguished by luxury and pomp. The building is one of the most visited tourist attractions of Budapest.

Suspended bridge over the River Danube, connecting two parts of the city. It was built on the project of the English architect U.T. Clark in 1849. After World War II, the bridge was restored to the donations of citizens. Construction length - 380 meters, width - 14.8 meters. A spectacular view of Budapest opens from the bridge, here you can make many successful photos. In the evenings, the elegant backlight is included.

Fortress with reliable walls guarding in the past ancient capital will be. The Buda fortress exists from the XIII century, it was built to protect against Mongol-Tatars raids by the will of King Bela IV. Inside the fort erected the Royal Castle And three churches (St. Nicholas, Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary). In the king of Sigismund, the castle appeared in the fortress New palace With a spacious knight's hall for tournaments.

The construction is located in the ancient urban area of \u200b\u200bVar on the fortress hill. Until 1905, the fishing market was located in this place. The construction of bastion was planned to coincide with the Millennium Celebration of the Hungarian State in 1897, but the work was completed only in a few years. The fishing bastion is an architectural ensemble of white stone with family towers, which symbolize seven Hungarian tribes.

The largest Catholic church of Budapest is a height of 96 meters. This monumental cathedral was built several decades, and only in 1905 he was consecrated. Basilica was erected in a neo-neutic style - a large domestic hall, two symmetrical bell tower on the sides and a large arched central entrance, decorated with inscriptions and columns. Inside the relics are reliced \u200b\u200bby all Hungarians of St. Ishthan.

Officially, the temple bears the name of the Virgin Mary, but the residents of the capital call him in honor of the Hungarian King Mathiash Corvinus. For Budapest, the architecture of the temple is quite unusual, since it is dominated by the elements of Gothic. The church regularly pass musical evenings, where you can listen to the organ, violin, choral singing. The first church on the site of the modern temple appeared in the XI century by the will of Prince Ishthan.

One of the largest Jewish temples in Europe is located in the Jewish Quarter of Budapest. Sinage Square - 1200 m², capacity - up to 3 thousand people. The jewish museum is located in the courtyard. The synagogue was built in the Byzantine style with some oriental elements, internally decoration resembles the interiors of Catholic cathedrals. During World War II, the building was looted. Complete recovery occurred in the 90s. XX century.

Square is located on the central Avenger Avenue. Here are two art museums of Budapest, as well as a monument of the millennium of the beginning of the Hungarian state (36 metering column, topped with the statue of the Archangel Gabriel). Previously, the sculptures of the rulers from the Gabsburgs dynasty were stood on the Square, which under the Communist Government were replaced by the statues of the Hungarian Kings.

The famous Budapest Opera, almost a twin sister of the Vienna Opera. Both theaters were the cultural centers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the times of Habsburg. The theater was opened in 1884, the emperor Franz Joseph was present at the premiere play, which was struck by the inner decoration of the halls. The first years was led by the composer Ferenc Erkel, later his famous Gustav Mahler changed him.

The museum is located on the territory of the Royal Palace of the Buday Fortress. The gallery is famous for the fact that the works of Hungarian artists (or work created in Hungary) are exhibited in her halls. In the exposition of the gallery, more than 100 thousand works of art created for several centuries are presented. On 4 floors, several exhibitions are open: stone and wooden sculpture, medieval painting, cloths of later eras up to the XX century.

The main art museum of the Hungarian capital on the Square of Heroes, where the largest collection of famous painters is exhibited. Among the paintings are the creations of Rafael, da Vinci, Mana, Goya, Velasquez, Rubens, El Greco. There are also samples of ancient Egyptian and ancient culture. The museum was opened in 1906, the basis of the exposition was the private collection of Princes Esterhazi.

Museum created in the early 2000s. With the support of the government V. Orban. The main goal of the expositions is to show the period of the history of Hungary of the 20th century, when the country was running the communist government (supported by the USSR leadership). The place is ambiguous, as many facts from the "totalitarian past" countries are exaggerated and distorted. It is believed that the museum is designed to propaganda purposes.

The original and touching monument to the Jews, shot on the embankment during the Second World War. Excirations made the functionaries of the Hungarian Nazi Party. On the stone pavement there are many pairs of shoes of different sizes, among them there are children's boots. Here is the bench with memorial tables, where the names of the victims of the bloody massacre are perpetuated.

Trading rows on the area of \u200b\u200bpubs, where you can find original Hungarian souvenirs or typical national products. The market building decorates a colored ceramic roof. The place was renovated in the 1990s. After numerous damage during the war. The market quickly gained popularity among tourists who are sent here for memorable purchases and fresh products.

A large bathing complex in Europe opened in 1913. Therapeutic water in the pools come from a depth of more than 1,200 meters from a hot well and several small cold wells. In addition to bathing in healing water, the complex in the section provides a number additional services: sauna, water gymnastics, gym, wellness and so on. All this is included in the cost of the entrance ticket.

According to the local legend, the bath appeared in the XIII century, and the King AndResha II was taken in her waters. According to his will, and built the first hospital. After taking Buda, the Ottomans at the site of the sources built Turkish baths. For a wide voice, Gellert opened in the XIX century, but it was not popular and received the nickname "Muddy Sarai". But the situation has changed when, under the emperor, France Joseph appeared a modern bathing building.

The hill in the territory of Budapest, named after St. Gellert - the patron of the city. In the XI century, the pagans dropped the missionaries from this mountain, protesting against his Christian sermons. Pre-Gellert was planted in a barrel with sharp nails. A monument to the Holy Martyr is installed on the mountainside. Inside the mountain there is a large reservoir and an astronomical observatory, created in the XIX century.

Archaeological Museum Park Budapest, which is the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Aquinkum - the center of the province of Pannonia. The remnants of ancient amphitherators are well preserved, some sculptures and scleps. On the territory of the park there is a museum of construction of the XIX century, where unique exhibits are stored: decorations, coins, household items, dishes. There is even a rare water body created in the III century.

Avenue is the central street of the Hungarian capital and is considered one of the most beautiful European Avenues. Locals and tourists call it the "Elysee Fields of Budapest." Many sightseeing are concentrated here: Hungarian Opera, Memorial Museums of Hungarian Composers, State Puppet Theater and others. Andraha Avenue in 2002 came to the UNESCO Heritage List.

Natural island on the Danube River, before the name of a hare island. According to the legend, the king Bela IV filed with a prayer to God so that he helped him cope with Tatar-Mongols, and in return promised to give his daughter to Margarita in the nun. God helped the king, and the girl went to a hare island in the Dominican monastery. After the death of Margarita was ranked with the saints, and the island received her name.

Landscape city park at the site of former hunting land and pastures, created at the end of the 18th century. The place is very popular for walking in the inhabitants of Budapest. There are several thousand trees in the park, there are artificial lakes, channels. The territory there is zoological and botanical gardens, as well as several popular city attractions: a swimming pool, zoo, Waidahunyad Castle, Circus.

Originally created from the tree to the celebration in honor of the Millennium of Higrara's Millennium Highland, the castle liked people so much that was later built of stone. Vaidakhunyad is in the park Varoshleget and many people who walking here people think that this is an ancient fortification, where Hungarian kings lived. There is also a real Vaidakhunyad on the territory of Transylvania in Romania.

The famous castle is 30 km. From Budapest, erected in neo-style style. The territory of the park around the castle is sustained in the best traditions of English landscape art. The palace is closely connected with the identity of Ludwick Van Beethoven, who connected a long-term friendship with the Brounswick family. Here is a memorial museum of the composer, concerts often pass and demonstrate films about his life and work.

The city zoo on the territory of the park is Varoshleget. It contains approximately 3 thousand animals, among them there are representatives of exotic continents. Interest is an oceanarium, palm pavilion and butterflies house. Also in the zoo there is a Hungarian ethno-village, where domestic animals live. For beasts, you can not only observe, but also feed at certain hours. At the visit of the zoo it is necessary to divert at least 3 hours.

Water artery in Europe, crossing several countries. Divides Budapest into two parts that connect scenic hanging bridges. In the warm season, tourists are popular river walks According to the Danube and attending the numerous islands: Chapel, Nepysiguet, Margit, Highiodyari Sigets. In addition to tourist shipsThe river runs public courts for which you can get along the city travel ticket.

And one is beautiful cities Europe, which can offer tourists rich history and beautiful architectural landscapes. The capital of Hungary has a specific structure with two pronounced historical centers. This is due to the fact that initially the territory of modern Budapest covered the two cities of Buda (located on the hilly western bank of the Danube) and Pest (the plain eastern shore). So here is what to see. What sights and interesting places should be visited by tourist in Budapest?

Article about:

Monument Millennium Hungary

One of central Square Budapest is the Square of Heroes, on which a monument to the Millennium of Hungary is towers. Composite monument is two round colonnances, their foundations have been established by the sculptures of famous Hungarian figures who have made a significant contribution to the development of the people and the state. The monument center is the Colon on the top of which the image of the Archangel Gabriel is placed.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Heroes Square" (Hősök Tere) (line M1).
  • Address Sightseeing: Hősök Tere.
  • Working hours: round the clock
  • The cost of visiting: is free.

Saint Ishthan Basilica (Stephen)

On Saint Ishthan Square, the Basilica of St. Ishthan is the largest religious construction of Budapest. The height of the Basilica is 96 meters, which is on a par with the building of the parliament makes it the highest point Capital of Hungary. The capacity of the building has 8.5 thousand people.

In the construction of such a great building, three architects took part, and the construction itself lasted half a century. Work began in 1851, and ended in 1905. In 1935, the Cathedral received the status of a small basilica from the Roman Pope of the Piram XII.

The Basilica of St. Ishthan is the Third Hungarian Cathedral due to its size (length 87 meters, and width 55). Architecturally basil is inhapsed in neoclassical style. The main entrance is decorated with the inscription "Egosumviaveritasetvita", meaning "I am a way and truth and life." The side zones occupy a bell tower, including the most huge bell on the territory of Hungary (weighing 9 tons).

The Second World War inflicted a significant damage to the cathedral, with the result that in 1983 the full-scale restoration began. Since the autumn of 2003, the Basilica of St. Ishthan works in full-fledged mode.

Currently, the main architectural and picturesque decoration of the cathedral is the central altar, to the left of which the Catholic shrine is placed - the relics of St. Ishthan. For the altar there is a sculpture of St. Ishthan (Architect Alaios Strobl). Internally, the appointment of the cathedral includes stained glass windows with saints.

  • How to get:
  • Address: SZENTISTVÁNTÉR 1.
  • Mon-ft. from 9-00 to 17-00, Sat. from 9-00 to 13-00, Sun. from 13-00 to 17-00.
  • The cost of visiting: Entrance to Cathedral 200 ft.

Observation platform in the Basilica of St. Ishthan (Stephen)

The status of the highest building of the city in combination with the architectural opportunity makes the viewing platform located in the Basilica of St. Ishthan in a popular place to review the urban surroundings of Budapest. Visit this place is worth everyone to see the scale of the magnificence of the city and the Danube River.

  • How to get: Station Metro "Ul. Bajcsy ZsilinsZky (Bajcsy ZsilinsZky) or "Deak Ferenc Square" (Deák Ferenc Tér) (line M1).
  • Address attractions : SZENTISTVÁNTÉR 1.
  • Operating time: October - June from 10.00 to 16.30, July - September from 10.00 to 18.30
  • The cost of visiting: Visiting the observation deck: adult ticket - 500 ft; Students and pensioners - 400 ft.

Mount Hellart

From the top of a hill of 235 meters high overlooks the Gorgeous view of the Danube. The top decorates the monument of freedom. A 14-meter figure of a woman with a palm branch in his hands is set on a high pedestal, beautifully highlighted at night, and noticeable almost everywhere from the city.

Also here is the citadel, built in the 1850s, during the Habsburgs. On the slopes of the mountain there is not very famous, but an interesting place is a philosophical garden with bronze figures (among the figures - Mohatma Gandhi, Lao Tzu, Abraham and others).

The cast-iron memorial appeared in 2005, created by the sculptor, Dewly Power, is unlikely to leave someone indifferent. Dozens of footwear pairs near the water is the memory of the Jews shot by the Nazis. Here, on the shore of the Danube, thousands of people were killed during the Second World War. Shoes are the only thing that remained. Human life did not cost anything, but the material items were valuable for punishers. Goosebumps…

Margit Island

Green Island On the Danube is a favorite place of recreation of local residents and guests of the city. The island is connected to Budy and Pesta Bridges Margarita and Arpad. On the island is divided lovely Park, There are sports facilities, a small zoo, playgrounds, restaurants and with thermal water.

Square Heroes

One of the largest squares of Budapest is adjacent to a considerable amount of interesting places: a zoo, a botanical garden, swimming pools and Vaidakhunyad castle.

Here are the famous Museums of Budapest - Museum of Fine Arts and the Art Museum, as well as a Millennium Monument with the figure of the Archangel Gabriel on a high column, sculptures of the leaders of seven Magyar tribes and colonnades with sculptures of the Hungarian kings. The beauty of the square and its value for the city does not allow the tourist passing by this attraction.

Palace Shandor.

The Palace of Shandor is one of the most important political structures in which President of Hungary fulfills its working powers. Located this palace on the squares of the Buday fortress.

The building is made in the style of neoclassicism. Construction began approximately in 1803 by the Polylak Michae project. Since 1881, on the initiative of the then Prime Minister (Graph Dewly Andrarsha), the palace became the residence of the Prime Minister of the country. Until the moment of practically complete destruction during the Second World War, 17 Prime Ministers managed to live here. Until 1978, the palace premises were used as warehouse.

By 1989, the palace was renovated (returned the external pre-war appearance) in order to eliminate the unsightly structure on a popular tourist route - travel to the funicular to the Buday fortress. In 2003, after the end of the internal repair work, the palace received the status of the official residence of President Hungary.

Tourists should be borne in mind that, unlike the parliament building, the excursions in which are held year-round, the presidential residence can be visited only once a year. This happens on the cultural heritage of Hungary. Inside the Palace of Shandor is striking visitors with wealth of decoration: tapestries, crystal chandeliers and paintings by Hungarian.

Watch the solemn ceremonial shift of Karaul during the residence can be year-round at 12 o'clock in the afternoon.

  • How to get: climb the funicular; From the metro station "Deak Ferenc Square" (Deák Ferenc Tér) on No. 16.
  • Address attractions : SZENTGYÖRGYTÉR, 1-2.

Fisherman bastion

In the cultural and historical center of Budapest (Vár region), a fishing bastion is located - a place that is necessary to visit Budapest. This is an original and attractive architectural object. Many tourists and citizens constantly come here to look at the magnificent panorama of the majestic Dunny from the bastion made of white stone. In addition, an interesting view of the city opens from the fishing bastion.

Ancient history And the beauty of the fishing bastion confirms the fact that it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (since 1987).

Starting from the Middle Ages, this territory of the city performed the functions of the fish market. During the war, this site defended fishermen, which served as a base when choosing a name of the Bastion under construction. The start of construction was associated with restoration work at the Royal Palace in honor of the Millennium of Hungary, it was then that it was decided at the site of discovering the walls of the old fortress to build a fishing bastion. At the same time, the bastion performs the decoration functions of the background of the Church of Mathias by the architectural structure. The construction was delayed (1897-1905) so that the Millennium Hungarian celebrations did not end with the work.

Inside the square surrounded by family towers (personified seven tribes founded the city) and the gallery installed the statue of the Hungarian King Ishthan on the nicknamed saint. This architectural monument is a fishing bastion.

  • How to get: From the metro station "Deak Ferenc" (Deák Ferenc Tér) by bus number 16.
  • Address attractions : Kerület Halászbástya.
  • The cost of visiting: is free

The Hungarian Parliament Building is known all over the world due to its unique architecture and rightfully acts as the main attraction of Budapest. This is one of the largest buildings in the governments of the countries of the world. The length of the building is 265 meters, width 118, and the height of the main dome of 96 meters. And the height of the building is not accidental and timed to 896 AD. When the Magyar tribe settled on the lands of modern Hungary.

The construction of this majestic and important for the country of the object became possible after 1880, when he left the empire of the Habsburgs. Of the 19 architectural projects submitted to the contest, the victory was won by the project Imre Stendelia. A plot between the chain bridge and the Margit Bridge, the main bridges across the river Danube, was chosen as the placement location. Construction took about 20 years and ended in 1904. However, the first solemn meeting of the Millennium of Hungary was held in an unfinished building back in 1896.

The prevailing architectural style in the building of the Parliament is neo-taught, but neorenissance is also present. The facade of the building and the adjacent territory are decorated with great sculptures of the personalities of the players who played an important role in the establishment of the independence of Hungary of various eras (kings, princes, commander).

The building includes over 700 premises, the largest is a dome-having room that takes solemn meetings and is the storage location of Holy Crown of Hungary, the Scepter, Power and Swine (since 2000).

In the building of the parliament periodically excursions are held in various languages \u200b\u200b(eight). However, it should be borne in mind that excursions on a number of languages \u200b\u200bare held in a clearly defined time once a day (for Russian language it is 11-00), while English-speaking guides work every hour from 10-00 to 15-00. A pleasant moment is the independence of the tourist excursion (the guide will fulfill the full program for 1 visitor).

  • How to get: Kossuth Lajostér Metro Station (M2 Line) or Tram No. 2.
  • Address attractions : KOSSUTHLAJOSTÉR 1-3.
  • Operating time: pn. from 8-00 to 11-00, W.-Sun .. from 8-00 to 18-00.
  • The cost of visiting: adult ticket - 3550 ft (for people with European citizenship - 1750); Student ticket - 1750 FT (for people with European citizenship - 875).

One of the prides of Budapest is the magnificent Park Varoshleget, the territory of which includes a number of attractions.

For a long time, the territory, now occupied by the Park, was a swampy land, which the Hungarian King Matlish I Hunyadi used as a hunting land. However, by the end of the 18th century, on behalf of Mary Teresia, a system of artificial channels was created here, which helped drain the earth and make them suitable for planting plants. The laid park included many types of trees and shrubs, including rare and exotic for the locality.

Currently, there are several artificial reservoirs on the territory of the city park, which in the summer become a place of water walks for lovers, and in winter they turn into ice rollers.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Square Heroes" (Hõsök Tere) (line M1).
  • Address attractions : Urban park vasoslygett.
  • The cost of visiting: is free

One of the main attractions of the Varoshleget Park is definitely the Waidakhunyad Castle - a place that is necessary to visit in Budapest. Despite the external seriousness and historicity, leading to the Middle Ages, this is a rather young structure with a little more than a century history. In fact, Vaidakhunyad Castle is not a real castle and originally acted as an element of a solemn exposition dedicated to the Millennium Hungarian celebration.

In order to demonstrate the history and grandeur of Hungary to her millennium (1896), a draft solemn exposition "Historical Pavilion" (architect Ignac Alpara) was created, which includes recreation in the park 21 copies of the most significant state objects. All buildings were built from papier-mache, cardboard and tree.

A copy of the Vaidakhunyad Castle was so much like the inhabitants of Budapest, which after disassembling the pavilion at this place created another copy of the castle, this time from the stone. The opening of the new building took place in 1907 with the participation of Emperor Franz Joseph.

You can get a wonderful bridge in the castle, which rises should be swarm with water. Inside the complex there are copies of various structures: a romance monastery, a small chapel, the Citadel, the Towers of the Schehwara Fortress, the Towers of the Apostles, the Italian Palazzo.

Also in a beautiful courtyard of the castle made in the Gothic style with elements of the Renaissance, you can find the sculpture of Anonymus (who wrote the famous chronicle "Acts of Hungarians"). There is a belief that you can get your creative genius to his feather or easier to pass the examination session.

The territory of the castle includes an entertaining museum of agriculture, known thanks to the reflection of the history of winemaking in the Hungarian Earth. In museums, you can take part in the tasting of famous local wines.

With the onset of the evening, the lock is painted with many lights, which create a fabulous atmosphere, reinforcing musical numbers.

  • How to get: Metro Stop Metro Square Heroes (Hõsök Tere) (line M1) and go to the park.
  • Address attractions : Urban park vasoslygett.

In the Jewish quarter of Budapest, in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe city, there is the largest in Europe (second place in the world) of the synagogue, called Nagy Zsinagóga (large synagogue). The capacity of this religious structure is about 3,000 people.

The synagogue was opened in 1859, and its construction was carried out for 5 years. The prevailing architectural style is Mauritanian-Byzantine (project Ludwig Ferster). The internal decoration of the synagogue is designed by the Architect of Friediesh Fesla.

Due to the fact that in the walls of the synagogue during World War II, the headquarters of the Nazis, she did not receive serious destruction, but was looted.

In the garden adjacent to the synagogue, you can see the IVI mold, made of metal, symbolizing the tree of life (Sculptor Imre Varga). This is a monument to the victims of the Holocaust. On the leaves of the tree engraved the names of all the dead.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Deak Ferenz Square" (Deák Ferenc Tér) or Astoria (Astoria), from there 2 minutes on foot.
  • Address attractions : Dohányutca 2.
  • Operating time: Sun.-Cht. from 10-00 to 18-00 (from March 1 to October 31).
  • The cost of visiting: Adult ticket - 2250 FT (in the presence of a tourist map "Budapest" - 2000); a student card - 1200 ft (if there is a tourist map "Budapest" - 1000).

The chain bridge of the section, built in 1849, with the participation and support of the Count Ishthan of the section, is considered one of the most beautiful bridges in the world with a rich history - a place that must be visited in Budapest.

This is one of the most famous structures of Budapest, which is his symbol and an important cultural and historical object. The historical value of the bridge is determined by his role in the formation of a modern city, because it was he who connected two, at that time independent, the cities of Buda and Pest.

  • How to get: Buses number 16 and 105 or tram number 19 and 45
  • Address: Széchenyi Lánchíd.
  • Operating time: round the clock
  • The cost of visiting: is free.


Near the chain bridge of the section on the west bank of the Danube is a funicular, which allows you to go upstairs and look at the city a bird's flight. You can use this device both for lifting and descent, passing in one direction on foot and visiting numerous viewing platforms with unique views of the city.

  • Address attractions : Széchenyi Lánchíd.
  • Operating time:
  • The cost of visiting: One side ticket 1100 ft, a ticket for two trips ("Round-back") 1700.


On Mount Hellert (height of 235 meters), towering on the West Bank of the Danube is a monument - Citadel. This is a monument to symbolizing the freedom of the Hungarian people. Due to its height and location from this point, a beautiful panoramic view of the majestic Danube, piercing the city. During your stay in Budapest, the Citadel is worth visiting.

  • How to get: From stop Móricz Zsigmond Körtér by bus №27 to the top of the mountain Gellert, stop Búsuló juhász
  • Address: Gellérthegy, Citadella Sétány 1
  • Operating time: round the clock
  • The cost of visiting: is free.

In the old district of the city (Vár), the Church of St. Mathia, a beautiful architectural monument, made in the Gothic style, is located in the Buda Hill, a beautiful architectural monument, which is not very characteristic of Budapest. One of the corners of the building occupies the bell tower with a pointed peak. The modesty of external decoration here is easily compensated by the splendor of the interior decoration.

It is worth noting that the Church of Saint Matias has become one of the few Christian shrines those who survived after the capture of Turkish troops in the 16th century.

  • How to get: Buses number 16, 16A and 116
  • Address: Szentháromság Tér 2.
  • Operating time: Mon-ft. from 9-00 to 17-00, Sat. from 9-00 to 13-00, Sun. from 13-00 to 17-00
  • Cost of visiting attractions : adult ticket - 1000 ft, children (6-14 years old), students, pensioners - 700, children under 6 years old - free of charge; Audio guide (with Russian language) - 500 ft.

The large market is located in the ninth district of Budapest and is the oldest city market. You can get into it by passing the famous pedestrian street Wazi with many shopping beds, which begins near the freedom bridge. This market has opened on the Day of the Millennium Hungarian Millennium, as many other interesting objects of the city.

The market building is a three-story building that accommodates many kiosks and benches, topped with a roof of the picturesque Zhelin tiles. Trading areas have 10 thousand square meters. meters.

This is where there are always a lot of tourists and goods. It is worth a visit this ancient building.

  • How to get: trams number 2, 47 and 49
  • Address attractions : Fővám Tér.
  • Operating time: pn. from 6-00 to 17-00, W.-PT. from 6-00 to 18-00, Sat. - from 6-00 to 15-00
  • The cost of visiting: is free.

According to experts, the building of the Hungarian State Opera House is one of the most beautiful in the world among such objects of art. This is the brightest image of a non-pessant pseudoistor, created by the Hungarian Miklos Ibl. It fascinates both the appearance of the theater, as well as created inside the picturesque painting from such masters as Bertalan Shex, Make Tang and Kara Lotce.

The hall accommodates 1261 viewers and is recognized as the third in the world in their acoustics. Many famous musicians played here.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Operana" (line M1) or buses number 105 and 979
  • Address attractions : Andrasy UTCA, 22

Founded in the early 19th century, the Hungarian National Museum has a rich collection of exhibits reflecting Hungarian history, art and archeology, as well as the history of the famous region of transylvania, which is not currently incoming in the border of the state.

The impetus to the creation of the museum was the opening of public access to the National Library of the section and the subsequent transmission of the extensive collection of minerals from the wife of the Count of Sechi. In the future, the museum exposition was replenished with donations of the people.

The modern building in which the museum has been posted, has also played an important role in the political history of the country. It was at the steps of the Hungarian National Museum in 1948 the revolutionary and poet Shanndor Petoefi read the "national song" written by him, witnessing the masses.

Currently, there are 7 permanent exhibitions in museums covering various temporary milestones of Hungary's history (from prehistoric times to the Roman Empire and Modernity, including a separate exposition of the origin and decline of communism).

  • How to get: Metro Station "Kálvin Tér" (line M3). Or trams №47 and 49.
  • Address: Muzeum KRT., 14-16
  • Operating time: W.-VS. from 10-00 to 17-00
  • The cost of visiting: adult ticket 1600 ft, a ticket for students and people over 55 - 800; Photographing - 500.

Museum MiniversUm.

Budapest functions very interesting and popular both among adults and among children Museum - Miniversum. The exposition of this museum is a realistic miniature of famous Hungarian, Austrian and German cities. Miniversum exposure includes miniatures of 14 cities and villages, and this is over 600 buildings, 5,000 human figures, 100 trains and 1000 cars. The total area of \u200b\u200bexhibits has 300 square meters. meters.

A distinctive feature of this museum is the complete detail of a miniature with a fully functioning infrastructure. Visitors may participate in the launch of trams, arrange a bell ringing in one of the churches. All this is performed by pressing the buttons before exhibits.

In addition, each miniature is equipped with special interactive displays on which detailed information and real photos of attractions and other objects are presented. So each visitor will be able to assess the compliance of the miniature made by the wizards of the original.

In the walls of the museum visitors will find cozy cafe, Gaming room for children, souvenir shop.

  • How to get: Metro Station Opera (line M1).
  • Address: Vi., Andrássyút 12.
  • Operating time: Sun.-Cht. from 9-00 to 19-00, PT.-SB. from 9-00 to 21-00.
  • The cost of visiting: adult ticket - 1900 ft; Children's (3-14 years) - 1300 ft; Family (2 adults plus 3 children) - 4900.

Terror Museum

The terror museum is located in the building of the late 19th century with a renovated Attila Kovache in 2000 with the transformation of an appearance in a stern mourning monument with black walls and a granite pavement. The impressive visor of the building decorates the inscription "Terror". It was from this time that the building was sold by the FDA history and society research fund in order to open a museum telling about the dramatic time of totalitarianism in Hungary. Here, the exposition contains monuments to victims of fascism and communism, "Cold War" and other tragic moments for the people.

The specifics of the exposures are reflected in a specially created musical accompaniment with a harsh atmosphere.

  • How to get: Metro Station "Vörösmarty Street" (line M1) or Tram number 4 and 6
  • Address: Andrasy UTCA, 60
  • Operating time: from 10-00 to 18-00 (daily)
  • The cost of visiting:

Bathing Gellert.

The city of Budapest is known worldwide with its numerous swimsuits. So the therapeutic properties of these purchases checks many tourism.

Bathing Gellert is called one of the most beautiful in the city. It is located in the building of the 20th century, made in the modern style, and externally perceived as some kind of magical palace, rather than as a healing establishment.

The inner interior of the bathing looks fascinating. The windows decorate stained glass windows with motifs from ancient poems, the space distinguishes columns from marble, there are also bronze statues and leather furniture. The whole interior speaks of luxury and purity.

Bathing includes 13 pools (three of them open), so visitors will not be crammed. The necessary items for dipping in the bath can be brought with you or buy in a shop on the spot, rental slippers and towels are also available. All visitors will need a bathing cap.

The bathroom turns out to be a wide range of domestic water management services, and occupations on aqua aerobics are held. Payment is available to a bank card.

  • How to get: trams number 18, 19, 47 and 49, buses number 7, 7a and 86
  • Address attractions : Kelenhegyi út 4.
  • Operating time: from 6-00 to 20-00 (daily)
  • The cost of visiting: Adult ticket 1800 ft, a ticket for students and people over 55 - 900; Photographing - 500).

Bathing sechens

Thermal water is obtained from a depth of 1246 meters, initially has a temperature of more than 70 degrees and is saturated with mineral substances. Water is useful for the treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the kidneys, digestive organs and the overall healing of the body.

From the point of view of architecture, the balneological complex is very beautiful, and the body's response to visits the pools with thermal water of different temperatures, the sauna and bath will be very positive.

Well, perhaps, the main attraction of the capital of Hungary is the majestic and beautiful Danube. You can really look at it and all objects built on the shores can be used by a walk on the ship.

You can get to Budapest you can easily, bus or car or fly. When crossing the border, the presence of insurance and declaration may be needed.

It should immediately note that the Communist Period and World War II led to the losses of the capital's architectural values, but even surviving monuments and historical architectural heritage makes the hearts of even the most sophisticated travelers. What remains is enough to transfer the history of the city and local culture. So, about the main attractions of the capital of Hungary in order.

The main historical heritage of the city is considered:
Andrassy Avenue, Rich Attractions: Waidahunyandi Castle, Square, Museums, Palaces and theaters;
The cloth of Buda, which includes a fishing bastion and the Royal Palace, proudly looking from the castle mountain on an amazing purity aqueous expanses of the Danube;
majestic structure Of the Hungarian parliament, along the scale of the second parliamentary structure in Europe;
Mount Hellert with the famous Budapest Citadel.

If we talk about prices for visiting museums or locks, then as a rule, they vary within 5-10 US dollars. There are also free options for examining cultural values, sometimes for everyone, and in some cases - exclusively for residents of the European Union.
It should be said in order to adequately inspect the sights of only one Avengers Avenue, it will take at least one day. If you have a good time in place, then highlight the day you dedicate the inspection of the historical values \u200b\u200bof the largest and famous Street of Budapest.

Andraha Avenue and its sights

Andraha Avenue is a whole painting of historical memo, buildings in the stylish direction "Neenessissance" and connects two amazing beauty of the area: heroes and ergebs. One of the most colorful architectural creations of the street is the Opera House, created in 1884 by the architect of Miklet Ibl.
The construction of Andraha Avenue occupied without a small three years, at this time the prospectus is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The main historical values \u200b\u200bof Andrassy Avenue:
State Hungarian Opera House;

Museum of Mail;
Oktogon Square;
Ferrency Leaf Square;
Terror museum;
Mora Yokai Square;
Drexler Palace;
House-Museum Z. Kodai;
Museum of Far Eastern Art;
University of Hungary of Fine Arts;
House-Museum Ferrency Sheet;
Armenian Catholic Church;
Puppet Theatre;
Old Palace of Art.

This architectural splendor was erected in 1896 - in honor of the millennial acquisition by Hungarians of his homeland. The first material from which was built lock - this is a tree. However, later - after receiving popular love, Waidahunyandi castle was rebuilt from a stone material. The Vaidahunyandi complex includes 21 copies of buildings from different parts of the country, so the different styles of architecture, many epochs and cultural heritage. By the way, the name of the complex was born on behalf of "Huynadi" - Transylvanian magnificent beauty of the castle.

In Vaidahunyandi Park, you can visit the local zoo, the amusement park and the circus, in which every resident of the Hungarian capital visited in childhood.

Fortress District - Buday Fortress

In this corner of the capital there is a whole kaleidoscope of interesting places:
National Library;

Museum of the history of Budapest;
National Hungarian Library;

House of Hungarian Wine;

The building of the royal palace of 300 meters long smoothly stretches along the Danube. In the southern zone of the palace there is a wing of Maria Terezia, which carries the Baroque style. It should be noted that not all the beauty of the royal palace managed to keep up to our time - he suffered a lot in the course of World War II. However, after the reconstruction, new blocks opened in it, for example, the National Gallery.

The Cathedral of Mathiash was built in the 14th century in the latex lush style, the stage of reconstruction was held in the 19th century. The interior of the temple is permeated with colored stained glass windows and wall paintings of Hungarian artists. As part of the Cathedral, 2 columns are preserved from 1260, which decorate the figures of monks and demonic animals.
According to local authorities, the Gothic Tower of the Cathedral of Matyash and the fishing bastion - the most photographed budapest objects. The name of the fishing bastion has its own history: Along the Danube and in the east of the serf mountain, fishermen had previously lived. The area was called - Water city. Locals sold their catch at the walls of the Cathedral of Mathiash, in the fish market. Bastion in those years defended the shop of fishermen, hence such an interesting name appeared. In the 19th century, Bastion survived the reconstruction and acquired a neoroman shade.

One of the bright attractions of the capital is Mount Hellert, which offers a wonderful panorama of Budapest. This mountain is valuable not only with its beauty, but also a lot of useful services that she provided the city. The name Mountain received in honor of the bishop of Gellert, the messenger of the Pope and the spiritual mentor King Ishthan, in memory of which a monument was installed on the mountain slopes. Low below it is a wonderful waterfall.

And at the entrance to the church located in the mountain church there is a monument and the very king of Ishtan. The most colorful object of the mountain is a monument to a woman with a palm branch in his hands. The height of the structure is 40 meters. Previously, he was called the "Liberation Monument", now wears the name "Monument of Freedom". The territory of the mountain is littered with parks that local residents love slowly. At the base of the Gellert Mountain, you can visit the bathing. Here, nature generously gave Hungarians in three thermal sources, on the basis of which bathing was built during the Turkish rule: "Rat" and "Rudash". And later they joined them and the third, today - the most prestigious bathing of "Gellert". Baths are pools with warm mineral water and a variety of saunas. Every 10 minutes, waves created by artificially appear. The mountain can be climbed onto the funicular, for which they will have to pay 450 forints, which is approximately equal to $ 2. The use of baths costs about 4 dollars or 900 forints.

Parliament Budapest

The building of the Hungarian Parliament strikes with its scale and resembles, rather, the axes of gothic cathedrals, combined by a holistic message system. Parliament is abundantly decorated with stone carvings, on the ceilings - painting, on the walls - beautiful frescoes. Tourists inside allowed strictly by the hour of compliance of the linguistic groups. Inside the building, the Prime Minister is still working. Despite the presence of the president, it is believed that the main in the country is still prime minister. Parliament symbolizes the independence of Hungary and is very popular among tourists.

Here you can see the Ishthan Coron - the founder of Hungary, the Golden Belav and the silver-free saber belonging to the monarch of the family. If we talk about Russian excursions, there are those in Parliament on a schedule for 12.30 on Sunday days and on weekdays at 15.00. For residents of the European Union - the entrance is free, but the Russians will have to fork out 3,400 forints, which is equal to 16 dollars.

See also: