The tombs of the Lycian kings. Lycian tombs

(Tour. Likya Kaya mezarları.; English. Lycian Rock-Cut Tombs)

Opening hours: Every day from 9.00 to 19.00 - from April to October, and from 8.00 to 17.00 - from November to March.

How to get: to get to the Lycian tomb, first of all it is necessary to get into the demre (world). You can get to the demre from Antalya (from the bus station, time on the road 2.5 hours) or porridge, as well as other cities located on the D400 track (Pinch, Kemer, Tecirova, Olympos, Chiraly and others). By bus, you need to get to the bus station (center demre), and further, by signs, on foot, to the Lycian tombs (pointer "of the world"). Lycian tombs Located near the amphitheater, approximately 1.5 km from the demre.

Likia is an ancient country in the south of Malaya Asia, which was located on the territory of the modern Turkish provinces of Mugla and Antalya. This country was distinguished by the original culture: architecture, writing and language.

Ancient Lycia was located between modern Antalya and Fethiye, and was a federation from 19 cities, from which today, only ruins remain. One of the most interesting Lycian cities can be considered the world - the city on the Andrak River, the mouth of which was Harbor Andriaak. According to the legend, in this harbor, the apostle Paul was stuck to the shore before his departure to Rome. The exact date of the founding of the world is unknown, but, according to some Lycian inscriptions, the city has already existed in the V century to our era.

Perhaps the most impressive place ancient worlds - Lycian tomb, cut down in the rocks. This is a real necropolis of the city, located on the top of the Utøs, it amazes with a huge number of Lycian rocky tomb.

Lycian tombs - ancient burial, created, approximately in the IV century BC. This is the most ancient and rare form of funeral monuments. In such tombs, well-known persons were usually buried. As a rule, such tombs were located on the basis, or directly on the rock, and consisted of two rooms. All Lycian tombs are interconnected by stone stairs.

Why did the tombs cut into the rocks? The fact is that the ancient pliers firmly believed that the souls of dead people move from the tombs, and turn into the winged silac-like creatures. There was belief that, the higher the person will be buried, the faster his soul will be in heaven. That is why, the tomb tried to do, as high as possible above the ground.

Lycian tombs are a unique type of tombstone, preserved, in excellent condition, to the present day. The tombs were evicted from rock rocks - soft limestone and stone, no additional materials were used.

The facades of the tombs were usually performed in the form of a house with carved doors, scanty roofs, pendants, inside which one or more rooms were cut down. A rich canopies are preserved over many tombs, and the entrances in them are often very similar to small Greek temples or houses with a double roof supported by pylons.

Most of the crypts have excellent facades, with inscriptions and excellent embossed images. Each tomb, from the outside, is decorated very rich and fad. The buried people were depicted in clothes, according to which conclusions can be drawn, by whom he was by profession, or another person. Another common theme for bas-reliefs were funeral scenes.

Sarcophages found in Likia are distinguished by impressive sizes and consist, in most cases, from the base, directly the burial room and the lid decorated with a comb.

Even at sufficient removal, Lycian tombs produce a strong impression. Perhaps this is one of the most impressive necropolias on Earth. This is a place that is striking with its beauty makes you think, to deepen in the history of these places and all mankind. Lycian tombs - a piece of eternity, perfectly inscribed in the surrounding landscape.

Tours to Turkey Special offers of the day

"Will not be. And the world - at least that. The trace will disappear. And the world - at least that. We were not, and he shone and will be! "
Omar Khayam.

World of Lycian Turkey. Visiting the ruins of the capital of the ancient Lycian kingdom and rock tomb is included in the standard excursion in Turkey entitled Demrem Mira-Kekova.

Mira - It is an ancient capital. The exact date when the city was founded, was not preserved, but on some sources he already existed in V B B BC. The city itself is located near (just 1-2 km) from the city of Demre, or Kale, as it is also called.

There are several versions about how the name of the city arose, the first: from the word "Mirra" - the resin, from which incense was made for the church. Second: Name of the city "Maura" - Etruscan origin and means "the place of the mother of the Goddess", in the phonetic pronunciation, the name has changed at the "Mura" and later on the "world". In the third version in the ancient-Lycian language of the world means - the city of the Sun.

From once majestic City The worlds have been preserved not so much, but even it is impressive ... In the XIII century, the world was completely listed by the village streams of the MIRO river due to the strongest earthquakes, as a result of which the river river turned back. Currently ancient city Fully hidden underground and only two monuments of Lycian culture remained from him - the imaginable imagination of the rockless necropolis and a large Amphitheater of Roman times, located at the foot of the Lycian mountains.

North of the demre, on the slopes of the mountain ruins spread ancient City Peace and rocky Lycian tomb. The world in those days was part of the Lycian Union and was an important center in which coins were made. The coins detected here are dating from III century. BC. Artemis and local gods are depicted on the coins.

Sasha Mitrahovich 01.09.2015 21:22

Lycian rock tomb worlds are considered one of the most interesting burials from all other Lycian burials of Anatoly. Tombstone monuments belong to the VI century. BC.

Sometimes they were built separately, but more often carved right in the rock. In the architectural guide of the tomb, almost identical reproduction of antique houses of that era is found. Lycian tombs in the world consist of one or large number of cameras in which the dead are buried on the stone podium, along with decorations, clothing and food.

Lycian rock tomb have only one entrance, which shut down a large stone. The coupled windows and doors in the front of the tombs are decorated with images that tell about scenes from the life of the dead.

Sasha Mitrahovich 01.09.2015 21:39

From everything cultural heritage Lycons are especially well preserved by the tombs. The Lycons believed that the souls of the dead people emerge from the tombs and turn into the winged sirens of such creatures. That is why the Lycian tombs often located on the tops or rocky slopes of the mountains along the coast.

The Lycons believed that the dead should be buried as high as possible to the sky, it would help them to get to the paradise. The higher the man was buried, there he was richer. It is for this reason that some were buried vertically, it was believed that he would get faster to God.

Some tombs are made in the form of a house. Lycakian inscriptions have been preserved on the tombs, many of them have not yet been deciphered.

Sasha Mitrahovich 01.09.2015 21:49

Over a thousand tombs were found on the territory of the former Lycia, among which the most common and impressive tombs carved in natural rocks. Sometimes they represent examples of Greek, specially ionic style, sometimes - imitating inherent wood structures.

All sculptures are imbued with the spirit of true Greek art. They were carved for high-ranking and rich faces. It was believed that, the higher the tomb in the height of its location in the mountains, the more deceased became closer to the gods. In the VI-IV centuries. BC. In Likyi, rock tomb with portico, repeating in stone elements of the wooden design of the Lycians houses, which we see with you in the world.

The most famous - the Tomb of Ambhasa, which is a platform with a cut in a rock and two ionic columns. You can go to her steps. On the wall of the tombs, the inscription on the Greek "Ambratas, the son of Hermagius" is cut down.

Sasha Mitrahovich 01.09.2015 21:49

The oldest Lycian burials are customary to share for four main types:

  1. Kaya (Kaua) - Tombs carved in the rocks.
  2. Tapinak (Tapinak) - Tomb in the form of temples.
  3. Dachit (Dahit) - sarcophage tomb.
  4. "Houses" - tombs, externally resembling Lycian houses.

Kaya - Cities of the Dead

The tombs carved right in the sheer cliffs are one of the most ancient burials in Lycia, so they are often associated with the Lycian culture. Most of these tombs can be seen in the western part of the state, especially in the ancient city of the world, located near the modern turkish city Demre (province of Antalya).

Each of these tombs has a foundation in the form of a square and several (2-4) relief columns adorning the input. Above them, protected by large stone slabs, is the main part of the tomb - a small funeral room. The facade of the tomb is decorated with a thread imitating the roof of the house. Today, the entrance stoves of the cake tombs, once performing the role of the door, turned out to be destroyed, many rock graves are gaping with holes, but this fact does not at all sort of beauty.

Walking along the valley of the dead, the fortress of the knights and the sunken city

Always attain less accessible places. For example, to the fortress of Symemina, located in the Turkish village of cripples, you can come only by sea. On the contrary, Kekova Island and the sunken city, where they massively carry tourists from Antalya on the wooden boats. Standard tour program: Church of St. Nicholas, monument to Santa Claus in the demre and the ancient city of the world with the amphitheater and Lycian tombs.

But much more pleasant to travel on sailing Yacht. Freedom and time is an order of magnitude more, so you can go well to enjoy this place to admire the fascinating panorama, wander around the village and try the most delicious homemade ice cream.

From the sea, the fortress looks very impressive, but all the beauty opens to those who are climbing the top of the top, where the Turkish flag is installed.

On the berth you will be welcoming the owners of the home restaurant Hasan Deniz. Turkans surprisingly deftly help mooring a yacht. Access to the Internet, electricity and water, shower on the berth and toilet at the top behind the restaurant, where they are pretty tasty, they make parking in this place convenient for any yachtsman. True, the pier is small, so that a maximum of three boats can be placed to one restaurant.

All compact, homely. Basilica and other fragrant herbs thicket around the circle.

Guests are happy here, because, apparently, tourism is the only source of earnings here.

Painter is an ardent houses, where the same families lived and 100 years ago, a couple of cozy guest houses and a cafe and market.

So the only market looks like in the village.

Electricity here spent just 20 years ago, and then due to the fact that one of local residents managed to advance in the political sphere. Live apart. Access to the village - only by boats. Another way to neighboring villages - on mountain paths, through olive groves and forest. Machines, of course, no. Even bread gets in the morning only on boats "From the Big Earth".

So in the morning in the village brought fresh bread.

The road to the fortress leads through the labyrinths of souvenirs, clothes and home billets for sale. Some Turks demonstrate even the knowledge of the Russian language, trying to attract attention and sell something, however, without special obsession.

Entrance to the Fortress of Symemina - Paid, 10 LIR, Children for free, on the Muze Kart map you can also pass freely. The rise to the fortress takes 10-15 minutes, but usually a walk is stretched for at least an hour, because it is impossible to keep in order not to stop and make several beautiful frames.

This is the horned tree, from which sweet syrup is made - Pekmez.

From above, a very beautiful panorama on Kekova island is opened, in the frame of the gear walls of the old fortress, through which the amazingly bright blue sea is visible. It is best to get out here at dawn or sunset when the light is especially soft. Here you just want to look far beyond the horizon, thinking about the eternal and about what was once.

The ancient town of Symemina refers to the Lycian civilization located in the south of Malaya Asia between the modern regions of Antalya and Moula. They took place from the Luvians, enjoyed Hetto-Luvian, until they were assimilated with the Greeks. During its existence, Lycia, falling under the influence of the same, then other conquerors, managed to survive Alexander Macedon, and Ptolemyev, and Romans, and Byzantines.

The village of Symen is mentioned in the 4th century BC. He was part of the region called "Kekova", which is translated from Turkish as "Timyan Plain" - "Kekik Ova". This territory included still the whole island Kekova, the village of Pierce (Kaleköy) and participants (Üçağiz), the ancient cities of Symemina, Temius and TERSAN, that is, shipyard.

Symemina is a mixture of ancient and medieval history. Here the smallest Lycian amphitheater has been preserved here - only 300 people, Roman baths, and the fortress, presumably over the foundation remaining from the Lycans, built knights of Rhodes, which turned the fishing village into their outpost.

Impressive Valley of the Lycian tomb, located on the right of the main entrance to the fortress. Perhaps this is one of the largest and picturesque necropolis. Several dozen stone graves in the form of inverted boats installed on massive stone slabs are impressive. Such a sarcophagus, by the way, the most recognizable and, probably, the only bright symbol of Lycian civilization.

Often, an olive tree is growing near each sarcophagus - judging by the wrinkled thick trunk, it seems the same old as these buildings.

One of the sarcophagus decorate bas-reliefs in the form of Lviv.

Amateurs wild rest Put tents right on the ancient Lycian cemetery.

It is necessary to recognize that the Lypheses, at least some of them, still managed to secure immortality. Their graves rise here on the hills is no longer one millennium. There is another type of Lycian tomb carved high in the rocks, but they are located in other ancient cities.

Perhaps other Lycian secrets keeps the sea. After the earthquake, part of the city went under water, and the remnants of Ruins can be seen now. On a yacht or rented canoeing, you can approach Kekova's island very close and try to consider the preserved buildings.

Lock on the island, swim and dive here is strictly prohibited. Since 1990, all this territory has been recognized by the protected and carefully guarded.

Another unexpected delicious bonus Siemene is homemade ice cream from natural goat milk. Everything is done here, in the local cafe Café Mola. Tastes are different, depending on the season, for example, banana, black, peach. The massive apparatus for the preparation of ice cream was carried on the boat, and then she was dragged by manually 15 people, so that every ball is valued even more. The cafe holds a family living here for more than 100 years who came to this land from the nomadic tribes.

It is worth sitting here at least for a short time to once again enjoy the peaceful look and go on a trip to your boat further.

P.S. Thank you yacht school "Aurora" for the opportunity to see this place exactly this during our summer cruise! Want to come here on a private yacht? Write, all we organize!

Address: Myra Lycian Rock Tombs, Demre / Antalya, Turkey

Coordinates: 36.258888, 29.984625

How to get

On public transport

From the bus station of cities:, phenics, - the buses passing through, from which to the tombs and the ruins of the city of the world can be reached on foot for 20 minutes.

From first you need to get to, where to transfer to the bus to the demre.

On a rented car

See GPS coordinates above. Nearby there is parking.

As part of the excursion group

The ruins of the city of the world and tombs are organized excursions from various resort cities in Turkey. Ask your guide at the hotel.


Lycian tombs in the world are unique rock burials on the territory of the ruins of the ancient Lycian, in the art of the modern Turkish city, demre.

They are traditional tombs for the Lycian culture, cut down right in the rocks. It is believed that in this way, stinging people high in the rocks, the souls of the dead could be easier to concern the gods. The higher the grave was, the person buried in it belonged to a more well-known genus.

The burial date is dated to the period when the city of the world was the capital of the Lycian Union (before that, the capital of Lycia was the city


According to the beliefs of the Lycians, after the death of the soul of people turned into a winged creatures, similar to Siren. The higher the burial will be, the faster the soul of the deceased will fall into heaven. That is why necropolis was built over the city, on the rocky cliff.

The Lycian tombs of the world carved in the rock, and other building materials for necropolis did not use. The facades of burials did similar to home or temples. They can see the similarity of pylons, columns, carved doors and relief images. Some tombs are decorated in a two-tie roof cliff.

Under the rocky necropole is the Greco-Roman Theater. For visitors, the Lycian tomb worlds are open daily: from April to October from 9.00 to 19.00, from November to March from 9.00 to 17.00.

City of Mira

The ancient city of the world, the ruins of which are located only 2 km from the center of the modern demre, was founded in the V century BC. Two centuries later, this city became the capital of ancient Lycia. According to legend, in 60, the Council of Christ was visited here - the Apostle Paul, who brought the Christian faith to these lands. In the era of Byzantium, the world was a major religious center and flourished several centuries.

In the VIII century, a large flood happened. Water filled with a river and mud flowed through the city of the Mios River. Residents could no longer descend along the river to the Mediterranean Sea, so they moved the city where the quarters of the modern demre are now.

Gradually, the world has lost their former power, but it remained a place of Christian pilgrimage, and especially many believers came to worship the Lycian tombs. Nowadays, the demre is a major tourist centrewhich combines several coastal settlements.

How to get

The Lycian tombs of the world are located in the northern part of the city Demre, near Karabucak Street, 4.5 km from the shore Mediterranean Sea. From international Airport In Antalya, you can take a rented car or taxi.

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