The most terrible ghost cities, abandoned and forgotten. Lycian tomb ancient abandoned city

Ghost cities are scattered throughout the planet and silently keep their secrets. Creation of human hands, abandoned by people, decades are deserted and dumb. They are not destroyed, they just abandoned - at one moment people left them due to irresistible causes. Vina could be the threat of a natural cataclysm, technological disaster, war or economic crisis.

This list contains the most famous ghost cities in the world!

1 Pripyat, Ukraine

Perhaps the most famous ghost city is Pripyat. This city in Ukraine is relatively young - it was built in 1970. In 1986, about 50 thousand people lived there, the first park was opened, the infrastructure was actively developed. And on the same day - 26 April 1986, the city was evacuated in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. Until now, this city is full of radiation, therefore it is only occasionally excursions on its territory and groups of stalkers go.

2 Guinganzima, Japan

Hasima Island in the East-Chinese Sea, nicknamed Guingzima (cruiser), at the beginning of the XIX century was the usual rock near Nagasaki. The coal was discovered there, so the Japanese artificially built the island, and began to develop the deposit. The city was the most densely populated place on the entire planet - on the square of 0.063 square meters. m. More than 5 thousand people lived! The peak of activity was achieved in the middle of the 20th century, and in 1974 the mines were completely closed, and the city became a ghost.

3 Kolmanskop, Namibia

The history of this city began in 1908, when one of the railway workers found in the southern part of the desert Namib diamonds. The field was transferred to Augustus Strohah, who built a German town with a hospital, schools and a stadium at this place. But the reserves of diamonds were dried in a couple of years, and people faced terrible conditions. The city was constantly falling asleep with sand storms, there was no water and connection with the world. In 1954, the city left the last residents, and he stayed in the midst of the desert.

4 Famagusta, Cyprus

In the 1970s, the city of Famagusta was tourist center Cyprus. Especially famous, there are many hotels and hotels that have visited celebrities from around the world. In 1975, the Turkish army invaded the Famagust, which expelled the Greeks from their homes. The Varosh quarter became the city of the Ghost, because according to the UN resolution from 1984, only its inhabitants may return to it. On the this moment This huge tourist area of \u200b\u200bthe city slowly absorbs nature.

5 Kilamba, Angola

Not always the cities become ghosts due to the fact that they were left. Some cities never settled, for example, the huge city of Nova-Siddide de Kilams near the capital of Angola. It is designed for 500 thousand people, and for the construction of spent more than $ 3 billion. In 2012, the city slowly began to settle, but in fact he still remains a ghost. Among the residents of Angola are few middle-class representatives that could afford such expensive housing. At the moment there is only one school in which people carry children from afar.

6 Tavarga, Libya

The ghost city in Libya was abandoned local residents In 2011, due to genocide. The rebels started real injury of indigenous peoples Tavarring, which was once founded by the descendants of black slaves. In addition, this city was under the auspices of the regime of Gaddafi, so the rebels ruthlessly destroyed the population - 1,300 people are still missing. The city was left almost 30 thousand people who still can't return to their homes. The Government of Libya cannot provide them with security and protection against bullying.

7 kayaki, Turkey

The Turkish village of Kayak is a rich history, however, this did not prevent her to become a ghost. It was founded in the XIX century of the Greek community and had a developed infrastructure. But in the 1920s, the Greeks were forced to leave the places belonging to the Turks, so the villagers simply went out of here overnight. In addition, in 1957, the strongest earthquake destroyed the last islands of civilization in Kajan.

8 Sanyzhzhi, Taiwan

This city is already difficult to call the ghost, since in 2008 it was decided to demolish it. Unfortunately, he refers to those buildings where people never settled. In 1975, it was decided to build an unusual complex of houses in the form of the UFO plates. They were built from fiberglass and concrete, taking into account the last word technique. However, in the 1980s, when the complex was almost completed, the crisis began in Asia, which led to the freezing of construction. Alien houses were abandoned, and Taiwan decided to demolish them to build a park at this place.

9 Oradur-sur-Glah, France

This village in France received the title of Martyr City. Nowadays, he still stands for a silent reminder of the atrocities of war, and the new town of the same name is built nearby. Oradur in 1944 was inhabited by the French partisans who were captured by a German officer. In total, the SSEs destroyed all the inhabitants of the village - 205 children, 240 women and 197 men. Since then, the city has been a memorial center.

10 Kadykchan, Russia

One of the most famous abandoned cities in Russia - Kadykchan. It is located in the Magadan region, and was completely abandoned by people in the early 2000s. The city was built in the middle of the 20th century near the coal deposit, but after the explosion in 1996 the mine was closed. The residents of the village began to slowly settle, and in 2001, the house was completely disconnected from electricity.

Paris is not only in France, but also in China, the truth is very small. Construction of the city of Tianducheng began in 2007, then in China, a fashion was going on copies of European attractions. There is an Eiffel Tower, three times less than the original, a triumphal arch and Versailles. However, housing here is so expensive that the city practically remained the ghost - despite the magnificence, no one lives in Tiandhenge.

All this cities are completely deserted, therefore gradually come to the launch, and nature retracts its territory back, covering gray buildings with stormy greens.

Lycia is a wonderful country, which presented to the modern world almost completely destroyed cities with excellent facilities created by famous masters of that time. Much was lost thousand years ago, but some of the creations of architectural art reached us. They look, of course, do not look like then, but still affect their unusual people from all over the earth.

Numerous huge amphitherars, aqueducts and sacred places Until now, storing the rich history of the amazing country of Lycia.

But all these beauties are not so numerous and interesting as the famous Lycian tombs - the graves on the island of Tecca, which appeared long before the start of our era.

You can find them throughout the country. Archaeologists found a huge number of burials that have come down to us unchanged. They are of great interest in their unusual shape and decorations created on all canons of Lycian culture.

All tombs are divided into four main types: Kaya, Tapinak, Dachit and "Houses".

Kaya city of the dead

In Likia, you can find tombs carved right in rock. This is one of the very first Lycian burials. A large number of burials can be found in the city of the world, which is located a few kilometers from modern City Demre. Kaya's tombs are going to whole complexes and from afar can resemble whole empty settlements.

They are very difficult to get to them, so these burials have been preserved better than others. Particularly impressionable tourists, coming to Liku, do not immediately understand what they fell to burials, and not in the abandoned city.

The tombs consist of a foundation of a square shape and decorated with carved columns. The burial premises are located above them. The facade and columns are decorated with carvings and Lycian ornaments. Currently, some burials are not in the best condition, but they did not less beautiful from this.

Tapinak Dead Temples

You can meet them practically throughout. But most graves are in ancient city Cavn. The most popular burial was the Tomb of Ambratas, which is located in Fethiye.

All tombs are created in the form of churches with two columns. Outside, they are similar to Kaya, but the inner architecture varies. The entrance to the tomb flames a small porticist, which is empty space. Immediately behind it is a room for burial.

Houses for the dead

These tombs are very similar to national Lycian houses. Have a few floors and decorated in the form of a rectangle.

The entire area of \u200b\u200btombs is covered with icons, drawings in the Gothic style. Inside them hidden the burial room, similar to Tapinak.

Unusual sarcophagi

The tombs are scattered around the world, they will no longer surprise anyone. But Likia is famous for its sarcophagi, which because of his layered structure have a tower shape. All sarcophages have three levels.

The first level is represented by the base of the tomb, the second is burial, and the third is the roof that resembles the roof of an ordinary house.

At the lower level they kept servants, slaves. The top was intended for the Lord and Elite and decorated with frescoes.

The most famous sarcophage was found in Xantos. The frescoes that decorated it are stored in.

Sign of respect

All tombs were performed very elegantly and sophisticated. It can be concluded that the Lycons respected death and worshiped her.

They even created a protective system against robbery. Around every tomb put a note with a curse warning about what can comprehend incorrect in the case of a robbery. Protected graves with whole families. For looting, fines were prescribed.

The amount was established or the next relatives, or the deceased being still alive.

Turkish Likia - amazing ancient country, leaving behind the traces of the former greatness - the city dilapidated by time and people, filled with beautiful buildings. Many magnificent creatures of the ancient architects were destroyed or disappeared under the buildings built in the era of the rule of the Roman Empire, but some of them have been preserved almost in priority and still continue to surprise their beauty of archaeologists and tourists from around the world. Multiple amphitherators, aqueducts and temples of Lycia still keep the atmosphere of past times, but they are not so numerous as the famous Lycian tombs - the oldest burials built on the Teccé Peninsula long before the start of our era.

Lycian tombs Can be seen throughout Likia. Archaeologists have found more than a thousand Lycian graves, most of which have survived quite well and attracts attention to the unusual shape and decorations - a variety of symbols and threads inherent in Lycian culture.

Types of Lycian tomb

The oldest Lycian burials are customary to share for four main types:

  1. Kaya (Kaua) - Tombs carved in the rocks.
  2. Tapinak (Tapinak) - Tomb in the form of temples.
  3. Dachit (Dahit) - sarcophage tomb.
  4. "Houses" - tombs, externally resembling Lycian houses.

Kaya - Cities of the Dead

The tombs carved right in the sheer cliffs are one of the most ancient burials in Lycia, so they are often associated with the Lycian culture. Most of these tombs can be seen in the western part of the state, especially in ancient city, located near the modern turkish city Demre (province of Antalya).

Kaya is real rock complexes and published reminded " cave cities", Whose residents have long left their stone dwellings. Thanks to its inaccessibility, these tombs have been preserved quite well and can hit their unusual of impressionable tourists.

Each of these tombs has a foundation in the form of a square and several (2-4) relief columns adorning the input. Above them, protected by large stone slabs, is the main part of the tomb - a small funeral room. The facade of the tomb is decorated with a thread imitating the roof of the house. Today, the entrance stoves of the cake tombs, once performing the role of the door, turned out to be destroyed, many rock graves are gaping with holes, but this fact does not at all sort of beauty.

Tapinak - Dead Temples

This type of burial is found throughout the Anatolian Peninsula. Especially many grave temples are located in antique city Cavn (Western Lycia), which is located near Dalyan. The most famous grave of this type is the Tomb of Ambhas, located in the ancient city of Fethiye.

The facade of each tapinak is performed in the ionic style - in the form of a temple, decorated with two columns, and outwardly resembles the rocky tomb of Kaya. The upper and lower parts of each column have relief borders. Before entering the tomb, a portico is cut down - a small empty space, followed by a burial room. Inside, along the walls of Tapinal are stone benches for the dead.

Lycian "Houses" for the dead

Such burials look outwardly resemble ancient Lycian houses. The tombs in the form of home are two- and even three-story, have a quadrangular entrance and decoration, imitating the edges of wooden beams - round or square. Over time, entrance bas-reliefs on such "houses" were replaced with frescoes and a relief kaima, made in the Gothic style. Inside the house-tomb is the burial room (the same as in the tomb temples), decorated with various drawings. A vivid example of tomb of this type can serve as the grave "Boyali Mezar", located in the ancient city of the world.

Unusual tombs-sarcophagi

The tombs of Dachit are found in many parts of the world, but only in Licks you can see high multi-level sarcophages, resembling stone towers. Each of these "sarcophagus" has three main parts. The bottom is the role of the foundation, the average - sarcophagus, the top - covers. Dachit lids are duplex and remind roofs of residential buildings. During the reign of Romans, they began to make them more rounded.

The lower part of the tomb often served as a grave for servants, a slave or nurses of a deceased person. The upper part of the Dachit and its side sides were decorated with frescoes and drawings. Some Lycian sarcophages are painted with frescoes from the inside.

The most famous tomb of this type is the "Grave of Garpia" in the Xantoshos - an eight meter sarcophagus, dated 5 centuries to our era. Graceful stone bas-reliefs that once adorned her facade are now stored in the British Museum.

Lycian tombs - sign of respect for ancestors

Made with such grace, the Lycian tombs speak of a high degree of worship before the dead. To preserve the memory of his ancestors, the Lycons created a community for the protection of burials called "Mindis", in every way protected them from the destruction and impact of natural elements. For example, to save burial from marauders, a note with a curse was placed next to the grave, which could fall on the head of the defaults, if they risk penetrating inside the burial room. In the protection of the graves, all relatives of the deceased were to participate, for its defilement a fine was charged, the amount of the fine was established by the master of the grave during his lifetime, or one of his relatives. Even before his death, the owner of the tomb could translate her to the ownership of "Mindis", the community took responsibility for the protection and care of the tomb, hidden for its services a fairly much fee.

If you want to touch the culture of ancient Lycia, with their own eyes to see the legendary Lycian tombs - pleasure, please in fascinating together with the club "Unknown World"! You will find - one of the most picturesque routes of the world, revealing the amazing attractions of Southern Turkey.

Lycian tombs in the world Rock-Cut Tombs in Myra) can be seen in the ancient capital of Lycia, which is located 5 kilometers from Mediterranean Sea, on the Andrak River, the mouth of which was once the harbor of Andriaak, according to the legend, in this place, the Apostle Paul was stuck to the shore in Rome. On the slope of the mountain facing the sea, which framed the plain the demre, in the north-west you can see the ruins of an ancient acropolis. The wall of the two-dimensional height is erected on the foundation from cyclopic stones. When excavations, discovered records in the Lycian language, characterizing the area name "Termia", indicating in such a way that the history of the world goes into the past several thousand years BC.

There are several versions about how the name of the city arose, the first: from the word "Mirra" - the resin, from which incense was made for the church. Second: Name of the city "Maura" - Etruscan origin and means "the place of the mother of the Goddess", in the phonetic pronunciation, the name has changed at the "Mura" and later on the "world". In the third version in the ancient-Lycian language of the world means - the city of the Sun.

In antiquity, the world was the capital of Likia and existed long before the onset of our era. At one time, she entered the Lycian Union and even awarded the right to minted their own coins. The decline of the city is directly related to the frequent raids of Arabs in the VII century, as well as with flooding of the local river mud. In the Christian world, the former capital of the Great ancient state, known thanks to the acts of Nikolai Wonderworker, who in 300 of our era, passed training in Xanfe and soon became the bishop of the world. After his death in the city, wonderful healing among believers who came to the Church of St. Nicholas began to worship, and over time, the world became the place of pilgrimage of adherents of the Holy Faith.

Repin, "Nikolai Mirlijsky eliminates the death of three innocently convicts"

Saint Nikolay (Nikolai Ratio; Nikolai Miradeworker - OK.270-OK.345)) - one of the most beloved in Russia, many churches are erected in his honor. It is revered as a miracle, is considered the patron saint of sailors, merchants and children. In the European folklore prototype Santa Claus.

St. Nicholas became famous for both the desire of the warranty, the defender unfairly convicted and the delightful of vain death. The worldly town of Eustafius, bribed with the envious of some three husbands, condemned them to death. Having learned about the unfair act of a worldly town team, Saint Nikolai immediately hurried to the rescue. He appeared on the place of execution when the sword was already listed on the heads innocently convicted. Withdrawing the guard, the saint stopped the hand of the executioner. No one dared to prevent him. The township, Grozno, the dilated Saint Nicholas, confessed to his sin and asked to accept his repentance. This story inspired I. Repin and his feelings he expressed in this picture.

IN Western Europe The saint to this day is perceived as the intercessor of children who, according to the ancient Scriptures, he brought gifts to Christmas night, over the years that he lived here. In the time of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin IX Monomakh, the Church of Nicholas The Wonderworker was surrounded by a fortress wall in order to preserve the shrine from the encroachment of Arabs. In the spring of 1087, the remains of St. Nicholas transported to Italy, where they are stored to this day. Today, thousands of pilgrims come to the world (demre) different countries The world, especially in order to visit the Church of the Great Sacred.

In Latin, Saint Nikolai sounds like Santa Nicaus, guessed, what did this name turned over with time? Sure Santa Claus! It was the demre (world) and there is a homeland of Santa Claus, his prototype is a realistic personality - the famous Nikolay Railway.

Not far from the tomb is the antique theater of the city of the world. I will explain why this theater is considered to be Greco-Roman. Lycia was conquered by the Greeks and precisely thanks to the Greeks Theater in the world has the appearance of a classic theater building. The main differences of the Greek Theater is its semicircular structure with the scene in the center, on which ideas took place. Spectator places are adjacent to the scene. During its history, the theater was repeatedly destroyed, exposed to an earthquake, was flooded, but always restored. After some time, Lychia moved away the Roman Empire. Romans completed the theater and made some strokes in its design and design. That is why the theater is considered Greco-Roman.

The differences between the Roman amphitheater from the Greek Theater are obvious: the amphitheater, for example, the most popular - the Colosseum has a round structure as a circus, and the audience places fully surround the scene from all sides. Thanks to the semicircular structure, the theater in the world has excellent acoustics, such that even whisper from the scene is heard on the last row.

Climate. On weather conditions of this region To a large extent influences the Mediterranean climate. In winter, the air temperature here is rarely lowered below +10 degrees, and in the summer it often exceeds the mark of +30. Tourist interest in these places is highest in the period from May to September, when numerous holidaymakers on the route Demrem Mira-Kekova go from the Antalya coast here, in order to diversify their beach rest. Most sightseeing routes start at 7 am, and they last until the evening, so tourists return from the trip with tired, but pleased.

How to get. Transport. The city of Demre, with the Archaeological Complex of the World, is located a few dozen kilometers from Antalya, and 45 km from Poros. Nearby are Kalkan, Picking and Olympos. Independent trip From Antalya airport is possible on a rented car or taxi. It is strongly recommended to use the services of a local driver, since the road at times is very complex and sometimes unsafe.

In the Middle Ages of the World (Demre) became one of the centers of the pilgrimage of Christians. Subsequently in the world (demre) near the church of Nicholas, a male monastery was built.

In the X century, our era, the power of the saint was taken from the world (demre) to Italy. According to one of the versions, they were stolen, on the other - the sarcophagus with the relics tried to save from looting and voluntarily allowed to transport it. However, miracles in the demre (world) did not cease, then there was a legend that the monks did not indicate the grave, and in fact the relics of the saint and to this day are in the demre (world).

Temple of Nicholas of Painting He is the main attraction of the demre (world).

Kitchen and shopping. Culinary institutions in the demre a little, although the choice of dishes allows you to evaluate all the charms of the National turkish cuisine. For shopping here, of course, not the best place In Turkey, but to buy various icons, healing oils, crucifies with a chain and all sorts of talismans are quite possible. The prices of them are quite high, but it is impossible to overestimate the real value of these things. Icons and healing oils sold in special bottles are enjoyed by increased demand, so their cost is overestimated initially, however, it is not necessary to save on it.

Mira-Kekova's demre - this is one of the most popular and interesting excursions in Antalya. Among the tourists ever were in Turkey, there are few people who did not see the ancient Lycian city of the world, did not touch the sarcophag of St. Nicholas or did not sit on the steps of the local amphitheater. The fullness of impressions and the mass of pleasant emotions, certainly accompany this journey, making holidays on the Mediterranean coast much more rich and informative.

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