Russian earthwinds of the 18th 19th century. Forgotten Russian travelers of the XIX century

Who: Semen Dejnev, Cossack Ataman, merchant, merchant furs.

When: 1648

What opened: The first passed Bering Strait, which separates Eurasia from North America.

Thus, I found out that Eurasia and North America - two different continentsand that they do not climb.

Who: Fadda Bellinshausen, Russian Admiral, navigator.


When: 1820.

What opened: Antarctica, together with Mikhail Lazarev on the frigates "Vostok" and "Mirny".

Commanded "East". Prior to the expedition of Lazarev and Bellinshausen about the existence of this mainland was nothing unknown.

Also, the expedition of Bellinshausen and Lazarev finally dispelled the myth of the existence of the mythical "southern mainland", which was mistakenly applied to all medieval European maps.

Navigators, including the famous captain of James Cook, were looking for in Indian Ocean This "Southern Mainland" is more than three hundred fifty years, and of course they did not find anything.

Who: Camera Ivan, Cossack and Hunter for the Solutions.

When: 1650s.

What opened: Filters Kamchatka, named in his honor.

Who: Semyon Chelyuskin, Polarnik, Officer of the Russian Fleet

When: 1742

What opened: The Northern Cape Eurasia, named after Cape Chelyuskin.

Who: Yermak Timofeevich, Cossack Ataman in the service of the Russian king. Surname Ermak is unknown. Perhaps Tokmak.

When: 1581-1585

What opened: I won and explored Siberia for the Russian state. To do this, entered into a successful armed struggle with the Tatar Khans in Siberia.

Ivan Kruzenshtern, Officer of the Russian Fleet, Admiral

When: 1803-1806.

What opened: Made the first of the Russian navigators trip around the world Together with Yuri Lisyansky at the "Nadezhda" and "Neva" gateways. Commanded "Hope"

Who: Yuri Lisya, Officer of the Russian Fleet, Captain

When: 1803-1806.

What opened: Made the first on-the-world swimming along Russian navigators around the Russian navigators together with Ivan Kruzenchtern on the gateways "Nadezhda" and "Neva". Commanded the "Neva".

Who: Peter Semenov-Tian-Shan

When: 1856-57

What opened: The first of the Europeans explored Tien Shan Mountains.

Also later studied a number of regions in Central Asia. For the study of the mining system and merit in front of science, from the authorities of the Russian Empire, the honorary name Tian-Shansky, which was the right to transfer and inherited.

Who: Vitus Bering

When: 1727-29

What opened: The second (after the Seeds of Dezhneva) and the first of the scientists of the researchers reached North America, having passed through the Bering Strait, thereby confirmed its existence. Reaffirmed that North America and Eurasia are two different continents.

Who: Khabarov Yerofey, Cossack, Ferry Merchant

When: 1649-53

What opened: He mastered the Russian part of Siberia and the Far East, he studied the land near the Amur River.

Who: Mikhail Lazarev, Russian Fleet Officer.

When: 1820

What opened: Antarctica, together with Faddeem Bellingsgausen, on the frigates "East" and "Mirny."

Commanded "peaceful". Prior to the expedition of Lazarev and Bellinshausen about the existence of this mainland was nothing unknown. Also, the Russian expedition finally dispelled the myth on the existence of the mythical "southern mainland", which was applied to medieval European maps, and who was unsuccessful looking for the seaflors of four hundred years in a row.

Of particular importance were the achievements of Russian scientists in the field of geographical research. Russian travelers visited such places where the European foot has not argued. In the second half XIX B.. Their efforts were focused on the study of the deep districts of Asia.

The start of expeditions to the depths of Asia was laid Peter Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shansky (1827-1914), geographer, statistical, nerd.

He made a number of travels to the mountains of Central Asia, on Tien Shan. Heading the Russian Geographical Society, he began to play a leading role in developing plans for new expeditions.

Activities and other activities were connected with the Russian geographic society russian travelers - P.

A. Kropotkin and N. M. Przhevalsky.

P. A. Kropotkin In 1864-1866, he traveled through Northern Manchuria, Sayanam and Vitimsky plateau.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888)the first expedition was performed on the Ussuri region, then his paths flew through the most difficult areas of Central Asia.

He crossed Mongolia several times, North China, explored the Gobi Desert, Tien Shan, visited Tibet. He died on the way, at the beginning of his last expedition. In connection with the news about his death, A. P. Chekhov wrote that such "devotees are needed as the sun." "Composing the most poetic and cheerful element of society, he added," they excite them, comfort and add ...

Russian travelers of the 19th century (briefly)

If the positive types created by the literary work make up a valuable educational material, then the same types given by samo life, stand out of stock. "

Zaokan traveling Russians Scientists in the second half of the XIX in.

acquired more focused. If they were mainly limited to the description and application on the coastline map, then the life, culture, customs of local peoples were now studied. This direction, the beginning of which in the XVIII century. put S. P. Krasheninnikov, it was continued Nikolai Nikolayevich Miklukho-Maclay (1846-1888).

He made his first journeys on Canary Islands And in North Africa. At the beginning of the 70s, he visited a number of Pacific Islands, studied the life of local peoples. 16 months he lived among Papuans on the northeast coast of New Guinea (this place since then is called the shore of Maclay).

Russian scientist won trust and love local residents. Then he traveled through the Philippines, Indonesia, Malacca, returned to the "Shore of Maclay" again. Described by scientists, the descriptions of life and morals, the economy and culture of the peoples of Oceania in a large part were published only after his death.

The world geographic science in those years relied in many ways to achieve Russian researchers.

By the end of the XIX century. EPA completed geographic discoveries . And only Ice expanses of the Arctic and Antarctic still kept many of their secrets. The heroic epic of the latest geographical discoveries, the active participation in which the Russian researchers adopted, falls at the beginning of the XX century.

§ the first Russian Marxist V.

§Nocolno revolutionary activities of Lenin
§ Internal reign of Alexander I
§Start Patriotic War 1812
§Found of the Patriotic War 1812

I. Kruzenshtern and Y. Lysyansky in 1803 An expedition was undertaken to study the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. It was the first Russian expedition. She was headed by I. Curtainstern. It was first applied to a map of more than a thousand km of shores about. Sakhalin. Lysyansky opened one of the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. Collected a lot of data about the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, the islands of the quiet and Ocean Oceanov. These materials were based on the "Atlas Southern Moreley." In 1803, an expedition was undertaken to study the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. It was the first Russian expedition. She was headed by I. Curtainstern. It was first applied to a map of more than a thousand km of shores about. Sakhalin. Lysyansky opened one of the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. There were many data on the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, the islands of the Pacific and Ice Oceans. These materials were based on the "South Seas Atlas".

F. Bellinggauzen and M.Lazarev in F. Bellinghausen headed the new round-the-world expedition. The plan was I. Curtainstern. In F. Bellinggausen headed the new round-the-world expedition. The plan was I. Curtainstern. The goal was indicated by "the acquisition of the utmost knowledge of our globe"And" Opening of the possible intimacy of the Antarctic Pole "on January 16, 1820, the expedition approached the shores of Antarctica, then after the parking lot in Australia, the ships moved to the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, where a group of the islands was opened, called the aim of Russians the goal was labeled" the acquisition of complete knowledge of our The globe "and" Opening of the possible proximity of the Antarctic Pole "on January 16, 1820, the expedition approached the shores of Antarctica, then after the parking lot in Australia, the ships moved to the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, where they were opened by a group of islands called Russians

A. Baranov and the development of Russian America in search of new areas of Hunt A. Baranov examined in detail the island of Kadyak,. It was he who was for the first time to truly consolidate the extensive territories in the Pacific Coast of North America for the first time. In 1799 he became the ruler of the Russian-American company, and in 1803 he was appointed Ruler Alaska. In 1815 he undertook an expedition to Hawaiian Islands In order to access them to Russia. In search of new areas of Hunt A. Baranov examined in detail the island of Kadiak,. It was he who was for the first time to truly consolidate the extensive territories in the Pacific Coast of North America for the first time. In 1799 he became the ruler of the Russian-American company, and in 1803 he was appointed Ruler Alaska. In 1815, he undertook an expedition to the Hawaiian Islands in order to join Russia.

Enevela and E.Putyatin G.Nellasky is the largest researcher of the Far East. In 2 expeditions (and), he managed to open new territories and enter the lowerland of Amur. Ralevskaya is the largest researcher of the Far East. In 2 expeditions (and), he managed to open new territories and enter the lowerland of Amur. E.Putyatin - opened the islands of Rimsky-Korsakov. And he was the first Russian who visited Japan and signed a treaty there. E.Putyatin - opened the islands of Rimsky-Korsakov. And he was the first Russian who visited Japan and signed a treaty there. The result of the Expedition of Nelhelsky and E.Putyatina, except for purely scientific, was the consolidation of the seaside region in the Far East. In 1845, the opening of the Russian geographical society. The result of the Expedition of Nelhelsky and E.Putyatina, except for purely scientific, was the consolidation of the seaside region in the Far East. In 1845, the opening of the Russian geographical society.

XIX century Became the time of the largest geographical discoveries committed by Russian people. Continuing the traditions of their predecessors - the discovers and travelers of the XVII-XVI11 centuries. They enriched the representation of the Russians on the people's economy, CNO-J computed the development of new territories included in the empire. Russia first implemented long dream: Russian ships reached the world ocean.

In 1803, at the direction of Alexander I, an expedition was undertook on two ships "Hope" and "Neva" for the study of the Northern Pacific. It was the first Russian round-the-world expedition, which lasted three years. It was headed by its corresponding correspondent of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (1770-1846). It was one of the largest seafarers and geographers of the century. During the expedition, they were first applied to a map of more than a thousand kilometers of shores about. Sakhalin. Many interesting observations left the travel participants not only about the Far East, but also about the territories through which they sailed. Commander "Neva" Yuriy Fedorovich Lisya (1773-1837) opened one of the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago, called him name. Many interesting data was collected by the participants of the expedition about the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, the islands of the Pacific and Ice Oceans. The results of the observations were reported at the Academy of Sciences. They were so weighty that I.F. Kruzenshtern was awarded the title of academician. His materials were based on the basis of * published in the early 20_x. "Atlas of the South Seas." In 1845, Admiral Kruzenshtern became one of the founders of the Russian geographical society and brought up a whole pleiad of Russian navigators and researchers.

One of the students and followers of Kruzhenstern became Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen (1778-1852). He was a member of the first Russian round-the-world expedition, and after her return he commanded the "Minerva" frigate on the Black Sea. In 1819-1821. He was entrusted to head the new round-the-world expedition at the East Sluts (he commanded) and "Mirny" (Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev was appointed commander). The expedition project was compiled by Cruise. Its main purpose was marked "the acquisition of the utmost knowledge of our globe" and the "opening of the possible proximity of the Antarctic Pole". On January 16, 1820, the expedition approached the shores of the unknown at the time by Antarctica, which Bellinshausen called the "Ice Londe". After parking in Australia, the Russian ships moved to the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, where they were opened by a group of islands in the Tuamot Archipelago, called Russian Islands. Each of them received the name of the famous military or sea leader of our country (Kutuzov, Lazareva, Raevsky, Barclay de Tolly, Wittgenstein, Yermolov, etc.). After the new parking in Sydney, the expedition again moved to Antarctica, where they were open. Peter I and the coast of Alexander I. In July 1821, she returned to Kronstadt. For 751 day of swimming, Russian ships passed the way with a length of about 50 thousand miles. In addition to the geographical discoveries made, valuable ethnographic and biological collections were also brought, these observations of the waters of the World Ocean and the icy coatings of the continent for humanity. Later both leader of the expedition heroically showed themselves in the Military Service to Fatherland. A M.P. Lazarev after the defeat of the Turks at the Navarino Battle (1827) was appointed chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet and Russian ports on the Black Sea coast.

Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky became the largest researcher of the Russian Far East of the middle of the century (1813-1876). Having since the XVIII century. Extensive possessions in the Far East, Russia did not succeed in their development. Even the exact limits of the eastern ownership of the country were not known. Meanwhile, the attention to Kamchatka and other Russian territories began to show England. This forced Nicholas I on the suggestion of the Governor General of Eastern Siberia N.N. Muravyova (Amur) to equip in 1848 a special expedition to the East. He headed her captain Nevelsky. In two expeditions (1848-1849 and 1850-1855) he managed, bypassing Sakhalin from the north, to discover a number of new, unknown territories before and entering the lowerland of Amur, where in 1850 he founded the Nikolaev post (Nikolaevsk-on-Amur). Traveling Nevelsky was important: for the first time it was proven, something Sakhalin is not completely connected with the mainland, and is the island and the Tatar Strait there is precisely the shed, and not the bay, as it considered it, Laeza visited these places.

Evfimiy Vasilyevich Putyatin (1804-1883) in 1822-1825. Arched around the world and left the descendants a description "of a lot from what he seen. In 1852-1855 during the expedition led by the Fregate" Pallada ", the islands of Roman-Korzakov were opened. He became the first of the Russians, who managed to visit, in the closed from Europeans Japan And even sign the contract there (1855).

The result of the expeditions of Nevelsky and Putyatina, except for the purely scientific, was the recognition of Europe's existence of the Primorskaya Obra (Nikolaevsk) and the fact of its belonging to Russia.

In the first half of the XIX century. Other discoveries were also committed. Traditional steel around the world expeditions: V.M. Head; At Diana Sluts (1807-1811) and "Kamchatka" (1817-1819), F.P. A liter at the Military Salt "Seyhanin" (1826-1829, for the material of the las of which more than 50 cards were drawn up) and others.

Exceptionally useful and necessary information on Alaska, Aleutian and Kuril Islands spent in 1839-1849; IG Voznesensky.

In 1809 A.E. Kolodkin began an intensive study of the Caspian, ended in 17 years by the preparation of the first atlas of the Caspian Sea.

In 1848, a study was conducted by the Northern Urals (up to Kara Sea) Expedition E.K. Hoffman and MA Kovalsky.

Expeditions in the north of Siberia were crowned with twisted results, conducted in 1842-1845. A.F. Middendorf (first described the Taimyr region).

P.A. Chihachev was opened to the Kuznetsky coal pool.

The successes of Russian travelers were so tanks that it took the creation of special institutions for the conversion and use of the results obtained. The most important among them was the Russian Geographical Society opened in 1845.

The work of the famous French writer Jules Verne (1828-1905) - "The History of Great Travels" is devoted to the history of geographical discoveries from ancient times before the early fortuniest years of the XIX century.

The third book is "XIX century travelers." This book includes descriptions of Kruzenshtern travel, Kotseb, Litch, Dumont, Yurville, Bellinshausen, Parry, Franklin and other outstanding researchers. In addition, Jules Verne illuminates the history and less well-known expeditions.

Part I.

Chapter first. At the dawn of the discovery


Reducing the number of geographic discoveries during Napoleonic wars. - Travel of Zetzen in Syria and Palestine. - Hauran and Travel around Dead Sea. - Decapolis. - Travel in Arabia. - Burkhardt in Syria. - Travel to Nubia along the banks of the Nile. - Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. - British in India. - Webb at the origins of Ganges. - Travel description in Punjab. - Christie and Potinger in Cinda. - Travel of the same researchers in Beloohistan and Persia. - Elfinston in Afghanistan. - Murkroft's trip and Hersi to Lake Manasarovar. - Hodgeson at the origins of Ganges. - Persia according to the descriptions of Gardana, hell. Dupre, Morker, McDonald Kinner, Price and Uzli. - Guldenshtedt and Claprot in the Caucasus. - Lewis and Clark in the Rocky Mountains. - Rafls on Sumatra and on Java.

At the end of the XVIII and at the beginning of the XIX centuries, the number of great geographical discoveries decreases markedly.

We know that the French Republic organized an expedition to Laperz's search and sent Captain Boden in sailing to the shores of Australia, which gave important results. This exhausted the manifestation of interest in geography, which among the raging passions and wars could allow himself a government.

Later in Egypt, Bonaparte surrounds itself to the whole headquarters of outstanding scientists and artists. Then there were materials for magnificent labor, which for the first time gave faithful, although the incomplete understanding of ancient civilization In the country of Pharaoh. However, when Napoleon finally appeared in Bonaparte, the egoistic lord, subordinating all his disgusting passion for war, did not want to hear about research, travel and discoveries. After all, they would take away from him and money and people. And he himself spent something else in such a quantity that he could not afford to afford the useless waste. Therefore, he lost to the United States for just a few million last remnants of French colonial possessions in America.

Fortunately, peoples remained in the world, not subject to its iron hand. Although these countries led the incessant struggle with France, they were people who in their will have multiplied geographical knowledge, created archeology on a truly scientific foundation and started the first linguistic and ethnographic research.

In France, the scientist Geographer Maltbren in the article published by him in 1817 in the first issue of Nouvelles Annales Des Voyages magazine ("New Annals of Travels"), painstakingly and extremely accurately draws a state of geographic science to the beginning of the XIX century and lists its further tasks. He especially stops on the successes achieved in the field of navigation, astronomy and linguistics. The British is an EAS-India company not only does not hide his discoveries, as the Gulzova Gully company did from the fear of competition, but creates scientific societies, publishes travel magazines and encourages travelers. Even war contributes to science, we have already said that the French army was engaged in Egypt to collect materials for enormous scientific work. Soon, the impulse of noble competition covers all nations.

At the beginning of the XIX century, one country is put forward in the number of great geographical discoveries. This country is Germany. German researchers are so diligent, their will is so stubborn, and the instinct is so faithful that the subsequent travelers remain only to check and supplement their discoveries.

The first of the time was Ulrich Yasper Zetzzz. He was born in 1767 in Eastern Friesland, graduated from the University in Göttingen and published several work on statistics and on the natural sciences, to which an innate tendency was experienced. These articles paid the attention of government.

The skeleton of Zetzen - as subsequently and Burkhardt was a journey to Central Africa. But he had previously wanted to explore Palestine and Syria, the countries to which the Palestinian Society, founded in London in 1805, attracted all of all attention. Zetzzez scored more advisory letters and went to Constantinople in 1802.

Although many pilgrims and travelers have drawn into the holy land and in Syria, there were rarely vague information about these countries. The issues of physical geography were not studied with sufficient completeness. The collected information was scarce, and some areas, such as Lebanon and the Dead Sea, was still at all investigated. Comparative geographical study These countries are essentially not beginning. To lay its foundations, it took the zealous work of the English "Palestinian society" and the scientific experience of many travelers. But Zetzitz, who had versatile knowledge, was excellent for the study of this country, which, as long as it was attended, remained in fact an unknown.

Zetzen crossed all Anatoly and in May 1804 arrived in Haleb. There he lived for almost a year, engaged in the practical study of the Arabic language, making extracts from the works of Eastern geographers and historians and specifying the astronomical position of Haleba. In addition, he produced natural historical studies, collected ancient manuscript and translated a lot of folk songs and legends, which are important for close familiarization with the life of the people.

In April 1805, Zetzen left Chalaba to Damascus. At first he had to cross the Hauranian and Jolansky district, located on the south-east of this city. Before him, no traveler attended these two provinces that played a rather important role in the history of Jews during the times of Roman domination and then Ausartis and Gaulonitis. Titzen first gave us their geographical description.

The brave traveler also studied Lebanon and Baalbek. He went to the south from Damascus, reached Jews and explored the eastern part of Hermon, Jordan and the Dead Sea. There were sometime tribes, well-known in Jewish history - ammonites, Moabita, Galadites, Bathani and others. The southern part of the country in the era of Roman rule was called, and there was a famous December decapolis, that is, the Union of Ten Cities. " In a new time, no traveler attended to be reached. For Zetzen, this circumstance was the reason exactly from there to start his research.


Russian discovers and travelers of the 19th century committed a number of outstanding discoveries that have become the property of not only Russian, but also foreign, world science. In addition, they made a significant contribution to the development of domestic knowledge and made a lot in order to facilitate the preparation of new personnel for the development of maritime research.


The Russian discovers and travelers of the 19th century carried out their discovers in many ways because this century was the need for new trade routes and opportunities to support Russia's communications with other countries. In the late XVIII - early XIX century, our country finally strengthened its status in the international arena as a world power. Naturally, this new situation has expanded its geopolitical space, which demanded new research in the seas, islands and ocean coasts for the construction of ports, vessels and trade development with foreign states.

Russian discovers and travelers of the 19th century took place as talented navigators just at the very time, when our country has achieved access to the two seas: Baltic and black. And it is no coincidence. This opened new prospects for marine studies and gave impetus to the construction and development of fleets, sea business in general. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in the first decades of the century under consideration, the Russian discovers and travelers of the 19th century carried out a number of outstanding studies that significantly enriched Russian geographic science.

Plan around the world expedition

Such a project has become possible largely due to the successful military actions of our country in the late XVIII century. At this time, Russia got the opportunity to build his fleet on the Black Sea, which, of course, should stimulate the marine case. Russian navigators at this time seriously thought to pave comfortable trading paths. This is still facilitated by the fact that our country owned in North America Alaska. It also needed to maintain permanent ties and develop economic cooperation.

I.F. Kruzenshtern at the end of the XVIII century introduced the plan of the circular expedition. However, then he was rejected. But in just a few years, after the top of Alexander I, the Russian government showed interest in the plan presented. He received approval.


I.F. Kruzenshtern occurred from the nobleman. He studied in the Kronstadt Maritime Corps and, being his student, took part in the war against Sweden, well then proven. After that, he was sent to internship in England, where he received a wonderful education. Upon returning to Russia, the plan of the circular expedition was presented. Having received approval, it was carefully prepared for her, bought the best devices and equipped the ships.

His closest assistant in this matter was his comrade Yuri Fedorovich Lisynsky. With him, he became friends in the Cadet Corps. Friend also perfectly proven as a talented marine officer in the years of the Russian-Swedish war 1788-1790. Already in a short time, two ships under the names "Neva" and "Hope" were equipped. The latter was led by the graph Nikolai Rezanov, who became famous thanks to the famous rock opera. The expedition went swimming in 1803. Its purpose was to explore and explore the possibility of opening new trade routes from Russia to China and the coast of the North American territory.


Russian navigators reinforced Cape Horn and, going out Pacific Ocean, divided. Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky led his ship to the North American shores, where he beat off the commercial Russian city of Novo-Arkhangelsk. During this trip, he also held for the first time in the history of navigation sailing ship Around South Africa.

The ship "Nadezhda" under the leadership of Cruisesttern went to the Japanese Sea. The merit of this researcher is that he carefully examined the shores of Sakhalin Island and made significant changes to the card. The main thing was to investigate how long the management was interested. Pacific Fleet.. Kruzenshtern entered the Amur Liman, after which, examining the coast of Kamchatka, returned to his homeland.

Contribution of Cruisesttern in Science

Russia's travelers have significantly advanced Russian geographic science, bringing it to the global level of development. Attracted the attention of the general public. After the end of the trip both wrote books in which the results of their research were set out. Kruzenshtern has published a "travel around the world", but it has a special meaning of the atlas with hydrographic applications. He filled many white spots on the map, spent the most valuable studies of the seas and oceans. So, he studied the pressure and temperature of the water, sea currents, tides and flow.

Social activity

His further career was closely related to the marine corps where he was first determined by the inspector. Subsequently, he began to teach there, and then he headed him at all. On his initiative, senior officers were created. In the future, they were transformed into the Marine Academy. Kruzenshtern introduced new disciplines in educational process. It significantly increased the qualitative level of the teaching of the sea.

In addition, he helped in the organization of other expeditions, in particular, promoted the plans of another prominent researcher O. Kotzebu. Kruzenshtern participated in the creation of a famous Russian geographical society, which was destined to take one of the leading places not only in the Russian, but also in world science. Of particular importance for the development of geography had the "Southern Sea Atlas" issued.

Preparation of a new expedition

Cruzenshtern a few years after his journey insisted on a thorough study of southern latitudes. He offered to equip two expeditions to the North and South Poles in two ships each. Before that, the navigator almost came to the Antarctic, but the ice was prevented further to pass. Then suggested that the sixth mainland either does not exist, or it is impossible to get to it.

In 1819, the Russian leadership decided to gear a new sailing squadron. Fadda Faddeevich Bellinshausen after a number of wires was appointed her head. It was decided to build two ships: "Mirny" and "East". The first was designed according to the plan of Russian scientists. It was distinguished by strength and waterproofing. However, the second, built in the UK, was less stable, so it had to redo it, rebuild and repair. The preparation and construction was led by Mikhail Lazarev, which was compiled on such a non-compliance of two vessels.

Journey to the south

The new expedition went in 1819. She reached Brazil and, having encouraged the mainland, came out to the Sandvic Islands. In January 1820, the Russian expedition opened the sixth mainland - Antarctica. During maneuvers around it, many islands were found and described. Among the most significant discoveries, Peter I island, the coast of Alexander I. Making the necessary description of the shores, as well as the sketches of animals seen at the new mainland, Faddeyevich Bellinshausen sailed back.

During the expedition, in addition to the detection of Antarctica, other discoveries were made. For example, participants found that the land of Sandwich is a whole archipelago. In addition, South George Island was described. Special importance are describing new mainland. From his ship, Mikhail Lazarev had the opportunity to observe better for earth, so his conclusions are of particular value for science.

The value of discoveries

The expedition of 1819-1821 was of great importance for domestic and global geographic science. The opening of the new, sixth mainland, turned the idea of \u200b\u200bthe geography of the Earth. Both travelers have published the results of their research in two volumes with an attachment of the atlas and the necessary instructions. During the trip, about thirty islands were described, great sketches were made by the species of Antarctica and her animal world. In addition, the participants of the expedition collected a unique ethnographic collection, which is kept in Kazan University.

Further activities

Bellinshausen subsequently continued his naval career. He participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829, commanded the Baltic Fleet, and then he was appointed Governor of Kronstadt. An indicator of recognition of his merit is the fact that it is named after his name geographic objects. First of all, you should mention the sea in the Pacific Ocean.

Lazarev also distinguished himself after his famous travel to Antarctica. He was appointed commander of the expedition to protect the shores of Russian America from smugglers, with which he successfully and coped. Subsequently, he commanded the Black Sea Fleet, participated in what a few awards was awarded. So, great discovers from Russia also make their outstanding contribution to the development of geography.

See also: