Three lakes on the border of Italy and Switzerland and family restaurants around them. Lakes in Switzerland Border between Switzerland and Italy

A small selection of colorful cozy restaurants, most of which are a family business, which is also felt in service, and by the atmosphere, and to taste) the geography of Lake Maggiore and Lugano at the intersection of Italy and Switzerland, who are not inferior to her neighbor - Lake Como. And a little about como too)

Lake Lugano

Grotto della Salute.

Located on the hills a little higher than the city of Lugano. Typical Italian menu, delicious homemade paste, broth with tiny ravioli and a huge Schnitzel in Milan. There is also a cozy courtyard with tables under the crown of an ancient and huge pillar. And lanterns that create a wonderful atmosphere)

Da Candida.

Chef restaurant - Bernard Fournier. marked by one Mishlen star. Located on a piece of Italian land inside the territory of Switzerland - Enclose Campione D'Italia. French kitchen with a demonstrative dish - frogs. In essence, this is the only restaurant on the entire enclave, the rest is just cafes. But on a beautiful promenade.


Highly above the city of Lugano, on the top of the very beautiful village of Carona, surprised by old buildings with frescoes, medieval courtyards and ancient church.

The town clearly lives an active social life - it has a cozy restaurant La Sosta in the colorful hotel of Villa Carona, and in the neighborhood of the family restaurant La Posta in the room of the old post office.

He is so much family, that on the whole kitchen and the service of all three halls is only one of the same family, so you get ready for a long time and pardon. To choose wine, you will be given a not a wine card, but they will go rummage themselves in the wine cellar and choose any wine directly from the shelves.

Molino Del Torchio.

And this restaurant is right in the building old mill - The wheel left the workers and still rotating, for the flavor naturally) the restaurant is almost in the forest in the meadow - hidden in large blooming trees, which is incredibly beautiful for the large events. There is a game, homemade paste and onion soup in bread, which is immediately baked.

La Locanda Del Notaio

High in the mountains, deep in the forest. A secluded hotel, with a beautiful restaurant overlooking the lawn with a small pond and sculpture in the form of a skeleton of dinosaver. There refers one of the youngest chefs marked with a star. Ready, tasty and beautiful)

Lake Maggiore

Da Nani Aerodromo.

Also a family restaurant, inside such a completely dilapidated and touching with its neglence and launition of the garden. From this courtyard - view right on the old taketon stripwhich is no longer used, and they run on it and ride on different types of plastic transport of children.

The kitchen has notes of something Portuguese. Tasty very chicken - obviously from the same chicken coop, as they bring with a chicken and a piece of paper on which the sequence number of the eaten chicken is written.

Ristorante Easy.

One of the many institutions of the large network of Seven, on the embankment of the city of Ascona, where most of their places (hotel, wine bar, etc.) are concentrated. Naivest pizza, wood stove, a little alpine design (with wooden log cabin). The restaurant is certainly a little embossing from the concept of this selection of family restaurants, but greatly deserves attention. And the most important advantage of this restaurant - you can eat all day in it! That is, they do not close from 14:00 to 18:00, like everyone else, leaving Eastern European tourists who do not limit themselves in the time of making food, starve)

The menu pizza is divided into white pizza, red (with tomato sauce) and closed Calcone - they are my most beloved!

Is one of the most popular resorts at Western Europe. The Italian part of the lake is located in the provinces of Piedmont and, and Swiss - in Canton Ticino. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface is more than 200 square kilometers. Lago-Maggiore was formed due to the melting of glaciers, for millions of years and is a tectonic hollow, filled with purest water and surrounded by high shores, followed by the outlines of the Lombard Alps.

On all sides, the lake is blown by the winds, and each direction has its own name. So "Mergozzo," means "Western", and "Maggiore" - "Northern", which is reflected in the name of the lake. Its main features are a significant fluctuation of the water level during the year and tolerance to frosts. Lago Maggiore does not freeze even in the coldest winter. Thanks to the soft climate and beautiful landscapes, these places are roundly collects thousands of those who want to relax on the picturesque shores of this Italian-Swiss resort. In addition to tourism in the region, such areas of activity as fisheries, shipping and water species Sports, and cities, cannobio and straces, are particularly popular among tourists, because they are located directly along the coast of Lago Maggior.

Village Cannobiolocated in the Italian territory of the lake is a tiny settlement with quantity local residents About five thousand people who live in small single-storey houses with tiled roofs. Among the attractions there can be noted the Palace of Palazzo-Mandamental, in the picturesque mountain gorge Wang Cannobio and the Church of Santupario-della Peta. There are several hotels in the Three and four stars in the settlement. Pure mountain air and convenient location relative to Lago Maggiore make Cannobio a great place for a quiet family holiday.

On the very coast of the lake, at the foot of the mountains MOTARONE, Italian communes called the Streza spread. After it was erected here railwayThis resort became the most visited in the region. For a long time, famous painters and artists of Europe rested. At one time, Strastle preferred other resorts even members of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom. Picturesque parks and gardens closed on all sides majestic Mountains Motaron is a tremendous impression, and the architecture of the city resembles the traditional Italian culture of the Middle Ages. In turn, along the coast of Lago Maggiore, there are luxury villas and five-star hotels that, despite high pricesAlmost always filled to failure.

- A small Swiss town in the south of the country, in the Ticino Italy-speaking canton. In Europe, he became known thanks to the Annual International Film Festival, held in August-month on the main urban area of \u200b\u200bPiazza Grande. Being on the shores northern coast Lago Maggiore, Locarno is considered to be a favorite resort area, among the inhabitants of this region and the cities adjacent to it. Picturesque gorge Valleptiatage and Crentovalli, are considered a great place for tourist hiking, and the coast itself has excellent conditions for active pastime, including diving, water skiing and the mass of others active entertainment. And those who are tired of contemplating the narrow streets of the provincial town can sit in the train at the nearest railway station, and after half an hour, to be in one of the most sophisticated Italian cities - Milan. A small distance from the major megacities of the Italian-Swiss region is also considered a distinctive feature of Locarno.

Another cozy tourist town in the Swiss part of Lago Maggior is considered. This is also a small town with a population of a little more than 5,000 people. It is located at an altitude of 156 meters in the sea level, on the picturesque Montte hill believes. At one time there were born here famous peopleAs English Writer James He Hedley Chase, Russian Sailor Ferdinand Wrangel, Italian Architect Gaetano Matteo and Catholic Martyr Peter Berno. Every summer, the Jazz Music Festival is held in Ascona, which many fans of this musical direction come to. The old district of the city is a storehouse of historical attractions, including the ruins of the once majestic castle of San Materno, which remained to our days, Cathedral San Pietro and Church of Santa Maria Misericondi. Ascona, as well as other resorts of Lago Maggiore, enjoys special attention from tourists, but mainly in winter time of the year, taking into account the edge of the mountains and the thickness of the snow cover.

The climate in the region is subtropical, despite the considerable height above sea level and remoteness from the equator. These places are rich in fruit and green vegetation. At the same time there are areas where the snow does not melt over the years. Already by the end of April, the hot summer agrees on Lago Magger. The air temperature from May to October does not fall below +22 degrees, and in June, July, can reach +30. Winter is not cold, thanks to which, here you can relax almost round year, regardless of preferences. Here are equally in demand, both skiing with sticks and a mask with a tube. The infrastructure of the resorts is debugged at the traditional European level, and the hospitality of local residents only complements the positive impressions of staying on the shores of Lago Maggorn.

Today we need to cross the border of Italy and Switzerland and get closer to the beginning of the climb on San Gotthard Pass. Our plan is minimum - it is to get to Bellinzona. There is camping and there I looked at a place for wild camping. I explained Peter that the most difficult day will be on Wednesday, tomorrow. But to save power for the pass, we need to get to it today. We collected things, screwed the wheels for bicycles, packed and started looking for the road to the border. There is a road, but a locally walkway goes slightly below the slope, where it is possible to climb on a large. At first we twisted the pedals on the subsidence, and when we went to the street Bellinzone, then the descent began here. At the edges of the street, any shops, cafes and pizzerias. But many places are still closed. We found an open shop with fruit and decided to buy products, because Switzerland is taken to the cheapest country. And nearby there was an open cafe, where we decided to drink hot coffee. I asked Cocao, but it was not and I was offered hot chocolate. Little and cozy cafe, solid italian bartender made us thick, hot and sweet chocolate. Gave 2 euros. I asked a glass of water to drink. Grace, Italy, we still come.

The border passed unnoticed. Not in the sense that we disguised and unnoticed all the Cardons. On the border, which looks like two arches on the same street there are two policemen and selectively check the vans. The passenger cars are simply slowed down on the Stop sign. And bicycles pass along the green. We smiled at the police, they smiled to us. We did not even understand, these were Italian ministers of the law or already Swiss. Here we are in Switzerland. You need to verify the map and find the right departure from the city of Chiasso. The right departure is again subside, where, however, it was an excellent top view of the city and railway tracks.

Last night, there was one problem with electronic devices. I tried to charge my tracker Garmin, which I consider traveled kilometers, but he refused to charge. Most likely, going to I took the first USB wire. It was from an external hard disk and is only suitable for data transfer, and not for charging. The problem is that Garmin is charged from the MINI-USB mode, when in all over the world most devices are charged from micro-USB. We have asked about a wire or charger in a couple of stores cellular communicationBut they did not have such a product. We were advised to call in Lugano to the Big MediaMarkt. Apparently, we will do this.

On the subsidence to Lake Lugano, the road goes along the coast. Our other cyclists go to meet us and there are many of them. Most on the sacraments. When we piced to the bridge on the opposite side of the road drove two guys in the form of "Astana". Seeing an expressive schnobe, I was awesome. Fabio Aru himself drove towards us. This face does not confuse with any other. Cool, I don't want to wash directly.

According to the legend of the route on the site, our path was to go straight, but I determined on the map that you can noticeably cut and immediately go to Lugano. Therefore, after the bridge, we turned right and shoved to the mountain, along the road along the railway tracks. It was another subside, but we prepared for this. Peter is hard to go uphill, but does not lag much.

We we leave in Lugano. We recruit drinking water in the font plate, rolled along the embankment and went to look for a shopping center to buy wiring. The store had to spend money - bought the Hama wire (gilded). Damn, now I have a real USB lace HAMA for 17 Swiss francs. What is so unique in it? Bytes are transmitted by a high-quality tube? On weekdays B. mall few people. I notice in the chair of a sitting man fucking similar to Eric Clapton. Also guitar on a T-shirt. Either I am very lucky to a meeting with celebrities, or this is his very good twin.

Time in the day, the bake begins. We bought a cold coland and arranged a small lunch. Relieved fruit and cocked nuts. At the same time, Wi-Fi was highlighted. Then they left Lugano and now our path leads to Belinzon.

Driving a kilometers of ten in the open area, the cyclehead turned into the forest. I took advantage of the moment and decided to undermine the shadows 20 minutes. In such a heat, even water does not save. The body is rundated to the maximum and any fluid melted simply instantly evaporates through the skin. I try to sleep 20-30 minutes in the heat. We grow cleaning from great and cut down for half an hour. Cyclists on mountain bikes sometimes pass.

Here I have to explain that the leaks have differences. We have not understood this yet, but it seems never to get lost. The entire Switzerland is crossed by cycles, mountain bike trails for roller skating or hiking hiking. So the roads for mountain and highways are sometimes diverged. And if you drove along the usual road, and then saw a pointer with a bouncing great, then do not rush to turn, where it will show. Perhaps it will be a separate detour for the owners of piston forks and wide tires.

After leaving the forest, we drove the refueling, there was even the ability to charge the electric vessels. And then the descent began. Yes, so cool and turns that I got sick from a convulsive holding the steering wheel. The descent was on the usual road where passenger cars and overall trucks go. It was dumbgained. While rushed from the mountain, we went to the meeting a couple of cyclists. One was not much loaded, and the second slowly rolled up the mountain with the front and rear cloaks. What do people do this with them?

We viehal in the valley between the mountains. So we fulfilled the program for at least the Bellinzons. And the time is about 4 days. We did not leave the city itself, as the track leads separately through the fields. Sometimes the smells of greenery in the mix with fried food from the surround house cause associations with Asia. The juicy colors of the fields here are exactly the same.

Right through small towns. There are already no snow-covered peaks ahead, but they are far away. Inside the treason originates - and suddenly we are on these mountains tomorrow you will have to climb. Sometimes, to grab a good frame, you have to choose the position so that the wires of power lines do not fall into the lens.

From the slopes of the mountains flows many waterfalls and streams. And often nearly installed a small hydropower station.

In Biasco, they drove into the supermarket and purchased by gasing, buns and apples. In the fields and without any submarines, we have been adjusted to the town of Giornico (Giornico). On the way, we met a couple of their Germany - uncle with aunt drove from Saint Gotard. They are dressed in the jacket, so I asked them as cold on the pass. They replied: "Very cold, especially when you descend down." And then the aunt finished me by the phrase that from our side I was much more difficult for the passage. Excellent! Now I will even more worry about tomorrow's tail and I will not sleep at night.

Later we met another cycle equipment. Young guy from Vancouver, Canada. Wrap, the dude from another continent flew to ride in Europe. He also confirmed to us that on the pass of Dubak. We wished each other good luck, the truth about hockey I forgot to chat with him.

Time is half eighth. The nearest campsite 15 kilometers. We are going to the river, we make pictures, and a new subsidence begins. There are few cars on the road, the sun does not fall here and the sky becomes darker. At the beginning of the ninth, I make a decision to look for a place for wild parking. We find a caller from the road that leads to the slide. Prolazis through the barrier, then through very spiny bushes and on the track we fall on a clean plateau. We are surrounded by bushes and nobody disturbs us. We put the tent and dinner to all that remains. The place seems to be planned for the construction of the house. Even several concrete slabs are standing above the foundation pit. But the owner has changed his mind here to live and the playground was useful to tourists like us.

Those bushes through which we were made through there were topped with long spines. I had to check both great on the subject of punctures. I carried great on my shoulder, so my tires were clean. And Petki found one spike in the wheel. His nails had to learn. The wheel does not descend, but if it goes further with such a spike, he will slowly dive deep into rubber until he does his vigilant matter. She spent ten minutes until he was pulled out. Peter writes SMS-ku home with the text that we go to bed in an illegal place. In time grabbed his hand. "Please think what you write. Do you want a mother all night fall asleep and wondered what is it for an illegal place? Write to her that they put a tent in the bushes at the road. " Also, I was illegal found. We sent a message and went to bed.

Two tracks happened per day. Before bought wiring for charging in Lugano. And the path from Lugano. In general, I drove 116 km.

On November 30, a referendum on a sharp limitation of immigration into the country will be held in Switzerland. The photographer of the agency Reuters Denis Balibouse did not wait for this date and not so long ago began to walk along the border of Switzerland with France, Italy, Germany and Austria.

On November 30, the Swiss will vote on a referendum to limit immigration into a country to 0.2% of the population or 16,000 people per year. In 2013, net migration was five times higher than - 82,800 people, in accordance with the data of national statistics.

1. Military reconstruction in a place where Germany, France and Switzerland met in 1914. Ahead is the sign of the Western Front during. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse).

Initiative "Stop overcrowding - save our natural resources"Was launched by Ekopop Environmental Organization shortly after voters supported the overwhelming majority proposal for the introduction of quotas for EU citizens.

2. The Swiss aircraft was seen at Cointrin airport on the border with France, April 28, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

4. South du waterfall, on the border between Switzerland (left) and France (right), April 23, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

5. The border between Liechtenstein (rear) and Switzerland, May 14, 2014. Also see ". (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

6. Theme park Dinosaurs on the border of France (in front) and Switzerland, April 24, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

7. Pillars on the ridge that shares Switzerland (left) and Italy (right), Monte Genreroso, May 11, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

8. Sign, denoting the border between France (rear) and Switzerland (in front), April 22, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

9. Swiss border guards on the border between Italy and Switzerland, May 12, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

10. Stalagmites in the cave on the border of France and Switzerland, April 24, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

11. Ship going with Geneva Lake On Lake Leman on the border between Switzerland and France not far from Lausanne, May 8, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

12. Stone in front of the dam, denoting the border between Italy and Switzerland at Cerets, May 13, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

13. The border between Italy and Switzerland at Cerets takes place just on the dam, May 13, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

14. The border of three countries on the Rhine River - France (left), Switzerland (where sculpture) and Germany, April 30, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

15. Lizard on the border between Italy (rear) and Switzerland (in front) in Santa Margarita, May 12, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

16. Climbers climb into a glacier between Switzerland (right) and Italy (left) on the famous alpine resort Zermatt August 4, 2014. It is among the most prestigious year-round resorts of the world, located at an altitude of 1620 m. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

17. The border between Italy and Switzerland at Cerets, May 13, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

18. The border in the forest between France (in front) in Switzerland (rear) in Valle de Zhu, April 9, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

19. The border on the ridge dividing Switzerland (left) and Italy (right) in Monte-Generaloso, May 11, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

20. Climbers on the border between Switzerland (left) and Italy (right) on the Alpine Resort of Zermatt, August 4, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse):

22. The boundary at an altitude of 4 164 meters between Switzerland (left) and Italy (right) in the Alpine Resort of Zermatt, August 4, 2014. (Photo Reuters | Denis Balibouse).

Panorama Del Lago Maggiore Da Poggio Sant "Elsa Sopra Laveno-Mombello (VA)

One of the most beautiful lakes in the Alps on the border of Italy and Switzerland attracts with distinctive villages and picturesque islands.

Lago Maggiore (Ial. big Lake) - Lake on the border of Switzerland and Italy. The Swiss part of the lake is located in Canton Ticino, Italian - in Piedmont and Lombardy. Lago-Maggiore water is the lowest point of Switzerland.

Lake Maggiore - the second largest in Italy after the Lake Garda - is a huge reservoir at the foot mountainsStretching to the Swiss Alps. The length of the lake is 65 km, the maximum width is 4.5 km. Camellia, Azalea and Verben are growing on his shores, from which ancient lake and got his Roman name -

Vorbanus.The main attractions of Lake Maggiore: Four Islands of Bordero - Isola Bella, Isola Dei Pescatar, Isola Madre and Isola San Giovanni. The patron of this district-cardinal Carlo Borromeo. Borrome Islands of Lake Maggiore - Pearls natural beautyenriched with the creations of architects and gardeners. The island of Isola-Bella is Palazzo Borromeo XVII century with a delightful park, decorative terraces, fountains, peacocks, statues and grotts.

"If you have a heart and shirt, sell a shirt and visit the neighborhood of Lago Maggiore," so advised to enter the great classic Standal.

Isola-Bella island enjoys extremely popular. Almost all of its territory is the palace in the Baroque style and the garden adjacent to it with exotic plants.

On the north shore of Lake Lago Maggiore is located the city of Locarno.

The city is known for the annual film festival.

The main attraction of the Swiss city is the abode of Madonna del Sasso, located in incredible picturesque place!

How to get:from Moscow to Milan, direct flights are carried out by Alitalia airlines. The cost is 460 euros (there and back). Next, by train to Straza - from 6 euros. Well, or you can get a savage :)

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