Horror of money. As the family of owner "Vim-Avia" reset the assets before collapse

The consulting firm Rashid Mursekayeva a month before the collapse of the aircraft industry was bankrupt, Sergey Galan, and Murshekayeva's daughter sold his fuel company to Galana.

Investigators in the case of "Vim-Avia" find out how co-owners brought the airline to collapse and where they could hide assets and money. It is possible that Rashid Murshekayev guessed the emergency crash of the aircraft industry and the alert took assets, including through relatives and proxies. According to one of the versions, the money went to Luxembourg - there at the son-in-law Mursekayev (or his full twirl) was discovered by offshore. And the daughter of Mursekayeva sold its fuel company with billion turns a few weeks before the Collapse "Vim-Avia". The month earlier went bankrupt a firm that was created to manage the finances of the carrier. In both stories, the longtime business partner Mursekayev Sergey Galan participated.

Strong bonds of family business

Most of Rashid Mursekayeva firms are tied to a family. Even in the "Vim-Avia" the main owner is he, but the spouse Svetlana. The two sisters, for example, owned companies operating in the real estate market.

And in 2014, the businessman's daughter was served in business. Anna Ambrosova (Mursekayeva) still on the fourth course MGIMO founded the fuel company "FT International". Two years after the creation of the "FT International" earned 2.5 billion per year. The second co-owner was Anna's husband, a 25-year-old graduate of the Higher School of Economics Nikolai Ambrosov. He is the son of a long-standing business partner Mursekayev, Evgenia Ambrosov. Together, they at the beginning of zero managed the major marine hob of Russia - the Far Eastern maritime shipping company.

Presumably, the fuel firm of the daughter earned, including on the sale of kerosene at Bratsk airport in the Irkutsk region. This airport has long been owned by the Mursekayev family - first through the office "Invest Holding", and now through "Vim-Avia".

Bratsk is a small, but important hub that uses transatlantic flights for refueling, and the Russian Emergencies Ministry to extinguish fires in the taiga and for observation flights. "Vim-Avia" he was needed as a transshipment point for refueling and maintenance of its Chinese flights: they began their business from charter flights to China. And this airfield halfway from Moscow to China. On it, experts say, you can earn money by selling fuel.

"The main earnings there is a refueling of helicopters and airplanes," said Boris Rybak, head of the consulting company "Infomost".

Despite the good financial indicators, in August of this year, Anna Ambrosov and her husband unexpectedly decided to sell "FT International". Interestingly, the Father's Airlines by the time the problems with the debts for aviation kerosene began. If we assume that Mursekayev guessed about the soon collapse and prepared to escape abroad, then this step looks like getting rid of Russian assets. Especially considering the identity of the buyer. They became the Moscow businessman Sergey Galan - a long-time familiar family. Offices His firms are even located in the same business center as Mursekayev.

Interestingly, a month before the repurchase of "FT International" Galan through the Technopolis controlled by him, "Technopolis" went bankrupt the company Mursekayev, who initially owned Bratsk airport. Speech about Invest Holding. Mursekayev created it 10 years ago to manage assets and securities, word, for managerial and operating support "Vim-Avia". According to the Kartoteka.ru base, last year "Invest Holding" showed a net profit of 9 million rubles. However, for some reason he did not have enough million to extinguish certain obligations in time to "Technopolis". The forensic materials do not say, for what exactly "Invest Holding" owed.

Offshore latitude

Interest's interest can cause foreign assets of the family. At one time the airline was 20% owned by Liechtenstein's company called Hercules Partners Fund. This can speak at least that Mursekayev has connections there, and as a maximum - that part of the profit was displayed there.

And now, thanks to the Mossack Foneska database, it was possible to find out that a person with the same name and surname, like the son-in-law Mursekayev, is associated with the offshore in Luxembourg. This is a firm called Aloma S.A. Nikolai Ambrosov is its beneficiary. The consequence is to find out whether the company really controls the son-in-law of Mursekayev or simply its namesake. To do this, in Luxembourg can send a request over Interpol line.

Aloma chose its correspondent to the largest French Credit Agricole. "Correspondent Bank" means that all calculations were carried out through it, and most likely, the company's funds are stored in it. It is located in the same building that is occupied by the Luxembourg branch of the bank.

Experts divided

Some experts say that the whole path of bankruptcies, the change of owners and offshore could serve to bring assets. Mursekayev understood that the airline could soon come the lid, and prepared the soil for waste. Thus, the chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee Kirill Kabanov is confident that the owners of Vim-Avia and did not plan to save the airline.

- Owners "Vim-Avia" acted according to a well-known fraudulent scheme. They gained loans under the guarantees of property (liners) in four banks (according to preliminary data of the investigation, it is Sberbank, "Absolut Bank", "VTB" and "Zenith"), "Kirill Kabanov told Life.

According to the chairman of NAC, most likely, most money Banks Mursekayev brought abroad. And this process began not now, and three years ago, when the owners began to execute loans in large Russian banks, Kabanov believes.

- There are questions for the overall bodies that poorly controlled the movement of funds from bank accounts of the airline, "notes the head of Nak.

However, other specialists believe that Mursekayev did not plan to spend a hurry to leave the country. According to the expert, the editor-in-chief of the journal "Aviatransport Review", Alexey Sinitsky, most likely, the cause of the collapse of "Vim-Avia" became a shortage of working capital due to the desire to earn a maximum of a high season.

- Owners did not calculate their financial opportunities. The money that the airline received for sold tickets to the autumn-winter season was not enough to pay off with creditors, "Sinitsky suggests. - Cash gap could arise, and then everything just fell.

Sinitsky is confident: Mursekayev hoped that they would support banks loans, and Domodedovo Airport will continue to serve in debt.

- Autumn - financially always difficult time of year, and the owners of VIM-Avia could find out of the current situation, "the interlocutor will summarize. - But, it seems, they fought for the last to live for the survivability of the company and did not plan to leave Russia in advance.

Flew away but did not promise to return

Planned Mursekayev to leave the country or not, but they did it. According to the SC, the family flew out of Russia at the beginning of last week. Presumably, they flew into Turkey immediately after they publicly announced the investigative test of the SC.

Turkey usually cooperates quite readily with Russian power structures. Therefore, Life in the previous material about "Vim-Avia" suggested that the family can move from Turkey to the UAE, Great Britain or Uzbekistan.

In Russia, they have some immunity assets. So, Svetlana Mursekayeva is registered in the apartment in two steps away from Arbat. Shares in this apartment are owned by the son of Mursekayeva Rashid and daughter Anna. The income house in the tablet alley was built at the beginning of the last century, and in zero were renovated and made club. Now there are only 12 apartments in it, each on average 200 square meters and at no less than 200 million.

From Arbat in Moscow traffic jams, Mursekayev's children traveled to the place of their studies. Both were enrolled in MGIMO. Moreover, Rashid recommended that only 65 points for the exam in Russian.

Mursekayev-Junior, unlike sister, has not yet completed study. On the way to the university, he sometimes violates the rules for the road. He will fuck, goes in the opposite and shows disrespect for other drivers. In early 2017, he did not give way to the car with special signals. This is stated in the materials of the metropolitan courts. True, there is not said, to whom exactly Rashid did not infuriate the road - the ambulance or police.

Life on the judicial base consisted of him four fine in the amount of 18 thousand. He did not pay them on time, why the amount of the fine doubled and went to the guy a debt burden.

In this sense, Mursekayev Jr. went in the footsteps of the Father. The problems of Mursekayev senior began because of debts. This led to a collapse of his business, criminal matters, and thousands of our compatriots could not return home in time.

The first wave of claims fell on his company in May: the carrier delayed dozens of charter flights throughout the country. Then the company was justified by the fact that allegedly not all airplanes managed to return from scheduled maintenance.

The second wave was for the company and the latter. Fuel suppliers and airports stated that "Vim-Avia" owed them more than half a billion and they do not intend to fill a fuel to the debt. And in August-September, all departments were made to Vim-Avia. Rostransnadzor, Rosavitia, Rostrud, Prosecutor General's Office, Investigative Committee.

Rostransnadzor PLAL to the fact that the company violated the conditions and timing of aircraft service. Prosecutor General's Office and Rostrud discovered space - more than 200 million wage debts.

And the Investigation Committee generally opened a criminal case on the accountant and the general director. The investigation believes that the airline knew about the shortage of funds for fuel for flights, but still sold tickets to passengers. Because of this, property harm was caused at least 2997 passengers. In total, more than 40 thousand passengers are stuck in the resorts abroad and in the Russian Federation due to the collapse. Even when the CC claims were at the stage of pre-investigation, the family of Mursekayev and escaped abroad.

On Friday, President Vladimir Putin stated the Arkady Dvorkovich to the Deputy Prime Minister of Arkady Dvorkovich, that he does not cope with the situation. And to the Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov at all applied disciplinary measures - signed a decree on incomplete service compliance. The President criticized the Ministry of Transportation approach to the development of criteria by which the Office appreciates the performance of the carrier.

The owners of the federal carrier re-registered "Vim-Avia" in one of the successful areas of Tatarstan

As it became known to the "real time", in February of this year, Tatarstan quite imperceptibly acquired another airline, at least legally. The international carrier "VIM-Avia", based on Domodedovo, replaced the Moscow residence per ... Sabinsky district. Officially, no one comments on the causes of what happened. But experts are lost in guesses: whether it is about buying a second carrier to implement international flights or only about obtaining a large taxpayer for the Tatarstan budget.

Poskaya International Airline

As it became known to "real-time", one of the largest Russian air carriers The VIM-Avia company received registration in Tatarstan (carries out international transport, 10 aircraft flies, including 6 "Boeing 757", and ordered 12 more aircraft "Eirbas"). Initially, the company was registered in Moscow, in the Dmitrovskoye highway. In November 2015, the Legal address was changed to Bagrationic passage, and on February 3, 2016, according to the SPARK system, on the street builders, d. 1a in the village of urban-type rich saba. The same address is subject to legal on the company's website while maintaining the former actual address in Moscow.

Interestingly, in the same building in rich sabah, there are registering several other legal entities, including 100% of the Sabinsky municipal district executive committee. However, in the administration of the district, the situation with the re-registration of the air carrier does not comment. By the time of publishing the material, the official response from "VIM-Avia" was not received.

Whatever connections with Tatarstan in the airline have not been earlier, except that its current co-owner Rashid Mursekayev is an ethnic Tatar.

In general, Rashid Mursekayev - Tatarar Barnaulsky, perhaps he has roots from rich sabs - I have not clarified, "Jacket Khakim, director of Tulpar. - Maybe I wanted to help historical Motherland taxes, not to give everything to Moscow.

However, our republic is not a native region for him, and the airline has much more connections with Bashkiria, but a little later. True, not so long ago, Vim-Avia filed an application to Rosaviazia for the implementation of the flight Kazan - Paris, but in February of this year, the tolerance was denied. The company does not have other flights from Kazan.

One of the possible reasons for re-registration could be care from creditors. Sberbank Airlines should have 4 billion rubles. Photo epa.eu.

Care of creditors?

One of the possible reasons for re-registration could be care from creditors. Last year, the company's claim was presented first VTB, and then Sberbank. Moreover, the "Sber" threatened the carrier by bankruptcy, accusing in non-payment of debt more than nine months. Then, according to the Bank, the total amount of the debt "VIM-Avia" exceeded 4.3 billion rubles, and the airline should directly "Sberbank" should be 4 billion rubles.

However, absolutely all respondents " Real time»Experts are confident that it is unlikely that debts caused re-registration. Moreover, large loans are a normal situation for the air transportation market. Yes, and the problems with the "Sber", apparently have been solved last year.

I had information that last year in the summer they were all issues related to banking relationships closed, and there are no problems there, "Peter Trubaev says, General Director of YUVT-AERO airline.

In the company itself, it is also said that the story with the claims "Sberbank" - in the past.

Tatarstan bought Vim-Avia?

An unexpected assumption of another one possible reason Re-registration expressed Azamat Sabirov, director of AVT:

Maybe in the republic thought about what a powerful carrier needed? Perhaps we are talking about what "Vim-Avia" bought. If this really happened, then the authorities of Tatarstan thought about the basic carrier, which would allow to expand the program of departures from Kazan. Tatarstan begins to grow in terms of tourist flow. It is necessary to move more extensively in this direction. If so, then this is a very good step.

According to Sabirov, such a decision suggested a long time ago, even after the closure of the airline Tatarstan and Ak Bars Aero. When the question is, the already existing "YUVT-AERO" is not satisfied, the answer is also logical - there is no possibility to carry out international flights.

There was an airline Tatarstan, which had certification of ICAO (International Civil Airlines International Organization - approx.), "Sabirov says. - By famous reasons She was closed, although the debts of the Tatarstan airline were negligible compared to the debts of the same "UTair" and "Transaero". The debts of the airline Tatarstan passed the company "AK BARS AERO", which aggravated and without that difficult situation. Plus there, Bugulma Airport hung on Ak Bars Aero. "AK BARS AERO" did not give the opportunity to break through, although both of these companies had the opportunity to fly abroad. AK Tatarstan has access to wide-body aircraft, Ak Bars Aero thought about such access to get. Juwt is a new airline, and they have no opportunity to carry out international flights until they fly 2 years. At all, they can not do this yet.

Perhaps the company was convinced by some preferences to relocate in Kazan, argued Azamat Sabirov. Photo Maxim Platonov

Tatarstan in a crisis got a big taxpayer?

Logical looks and, at first glance, the humorial assumption of Azat Khakim about the help of the historical homeland by taxes. Even if Tatarstan did not buy "Vim-Avia", but only convinced to re-register, in this decision there is a mutual benefit. The Republic receives taxes, and the air carrier is additional preferences.

Either it was convinced by some preferences to relocate in Kazan, "Azamat Sabirov argues. - By and large, re-registration for the airline is the possibility of obtaining benefits. But you need to understand that if Vim-Avia is re-registered in Kazan, it will be able to participate in the program of preferential financing of regional transport. But as soon as this happened, in Rosaviation they began talking about the fact that Kazan should be deprived of benefits. Apparently, we are talking about the fact that the company is trying to optimize costs.

From the point of view of the economy of the republic, the benefit is even more obvious - just look at the company's turnover. According to the end of 2014 (the latest available indicators), the revenue of VIM-Avia Avia Airlines amounted to 12.6 billion rubles. This result grew up compared to 2013 by a third (then it was 9.4 billion rubles). Gross profits amounted to 1.396 billion rubles, here growth is even more noticeable - 6.5 times - from 212 million rubles. However, due to an increase in interest to pay from 464 to 816 million rubles and deferred tax liabilities from 273 to 326 million rubles, net profit decreased more than three times: from 133 million rubles in 2013 to 39 million rubles in 2014.

The company's assets at the end of 2014 amounted to 13.2 billion rubles (12.1 billion rubles a year earlier). Long-term liabilities increased from 7.9 billion rubles to 8.3 billion rubles. Credit debt has grown - from 1.5 billion rubles to 2.1 billion rubles. In general, short-term liabilities rose from 2.8 billion rubles to 4 billion rubles.

However, 2015, despite the crisis, was clearly successful for the company and was marked by its transition to regular flights.

In 2004, the company began to replace his fleet, consisting of IL-62 and An-12 aircraft, on Boeing 757. Photo Airliners.net

From charter - in regular

VIM-Avia Airlines was founded in 2002 by Viktor Merkulov, director of Aerferat. In 2004, he began to replace his fleet, consisting of IL-62 and An-12 aircraft, on Boeing 757. At the same time, charter flights to Italy and Spain began, as well as regular - in Bratsk and cheat. In 2005, flights to Sochi were launched.

In 2006, a subsidiary division was created - Bashkortostan airline. By 2007 became the biggest russian airline By passenger traffic on charter flights. By 2010, he carried out flights to 17 cities, including Barcelona, \u200b\u200bNaples, Thessaloniki, Palermo, Rimini, Malaga, Ganja.

It is engaged in regular and charter shipments, based in Moscow Domodedovo. After leaving the Transaero market, Vim-Avia managed to get new directions of regular traffic. As a result, in 2015, she transported 1.6 million passengers for themselves, fulfilled more than 11 thousand flights, about 90% of which are regular.

Airport owners and airlines

Impressive and the whole business of its current owners - Family Mursekayev. According to the SPARK system, the founders "Vim-Avia" - Svetlana Mursekayev (share - 79%), Liechtenstein company Hercules partners Foundation Gemini-twin Gemini (share - 20%), 1% belongs to Rashid Mursekayev.

Vim-Avia Airlines earlier was the one hundred percent founder of JSC "Aerobit" ( international Airport "Chita" in the Trans-Baikal Territory), now belongs to the Cyprus company T.S. TRANS SIBERIA CO LIMITED, AND PJSC "AREBOTSK" (Bratsk airport in the Irkutsk region), now belongs to the Moscow Technopolis LLC. Note that the registered name Technopolis LLC on Latin is Vim-Avia Finance, which makes it possible to conclude about the real preservation of control over the enterprise structures of Mursekayev family. In addition, earlier Technopolis LLC belonged to the airline "VIM-Avia", and even earlier, by 0.01%, Rashid Mursekayev.

50% of VIM-Avia Holding OJSC belongs to Rashid Mursekayev (right), called the owner of the airline. Photo Bashinform.ru.

Svetlana Mursekayeva officially - the main owner of Vim-Avia Airlines, she owns 50% of VIM-Avia Holding OJSC, the remaining half belongs to Rashid Mursekayev, who is called the owner of the airline. Rashidu Mursekayev, in addition, 66% belongs to VIM-Avia Tours LLC (the remaining 34% belong to Yuri Fenenko).

VIM-AVIA AVTOS-AVIA LLC previously owned 25% of the shares of Ticket Ufa LLC, 100% of the shares of the Bashkortostan Airlines. The latter was part of Vim-Avia, as well as the Russian sky airline, which also belonged to "Vim-Avia" by 99.97%. Rashid Mursekayev was the co-owner of ZAO Ruslan Air - another airline entered into "Vim-Avia". In addition, Mursekayev owned 100% of the currently not operating Ufa LLC "Bal-Service", officially engaged in the activities of the terminals of airports and the management of them. Earlier, 10% "Bal-Service" was owned by Konstantin Zhuravov, also owned 22% of Ufa-Aero LLC.

In addition, Mursekayev owned 49% of Lising 757 CJSC from the Republic of Altai, which was engaged in terrestrial court services.

Industrialist and Banker Mintrans

According to open sources, Rashid Mursekayev was born in 1965, in the early 1990s he was engaged in the supply of food and consumer goods from Asia to debt for the Russian instrument and aircraft, together with Sergey inexpressible.

The president of the Cascol Group, which works in various fields, including the production and modernization of the MiG aircraft, ice and atomic surface shipbuilding, the production of hydraulics and chassis for the aerospace industry, and also engaged in superheavy cargo transportation with Volga-Dnepr's airline, outcomes from which was the founder of Vim-Avia Merkulov.

In the late 1990s, Mursekayev was the General Director of the Central Sales Organization CJSC, from 1998 to 2004 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Midbank (Sectoral Bank of the Ministry of Transport). In 2001, Center-Capital Mursekayeva received control over the Far Eastern Maritime Shipping Company, and in 2002, Mursekayev bought a part of Vim-Avia, and later received full control over the airline.

Dmitry Semyagin, Maxim Matveyev

Tatarstan went to meet

Over the past day, two federal editions are at once - The Bell (the former RBC Team) and Vedomosti - reported that Tatneft agreed to help the Wim-Avia Airlines, which cancels and delays flights and may not stop flights due to Debt in front of Domodedovo Airport. On Saturday, September 23, the Investigation Committee of Russia reported that the carrier canceled or delayed indefinitely over a dozen flights - both intrapronian and international ones. Chapter Owning Alexander Bastrykin instructed to hold a predetermined check on these facts. According to the SC, a delay of 15 flights from September 22 and 23 caused damage to almost 3 thousand passengers.

The main problem, according to the data leaked in the media, in the large debt of the carrier in front of Domodedovo for airport services and primarily for fuel. Debts only before the airport reach 500 million rubles. Here, "Vim-Avia" went to Tatneft, providing Domodedovo a guarantee letter on payment. Recall that the supply of air traffic is engaged in the "daughter" "Tatneft" - "TatneftAviaviavis". In addition, according to The Bell, the company's material assistance also provided the Bank Tatneft "Zenit". According to the source "Business Online", "Tatneft" and "Zenith" are indeed the creditors of the airline (how many of them are unknown). According to him, the debt "Vim-Avia" in front of Zenit exceeds 1 billion rubles. In the bank, the bank remains aircraft and real estate. Yesterday in Moscow - on the initiative of Rosaviation - the Council of Creditors "VIM-Avia" took place with the participation of Tatneft, Zenit and Domodedovo, as well as a whole group of players. At the meeting, it was decided to restructure the airline debt, with which all lenders agreed. For how long, our interlocutor did not specify.

Curious moment: the airline is registered in Tatarstan, in the village of rich Saven - she replaced registration from Moscow to Tatarstan in February of this year. Owners "Vim-Avia", according to official information of the airline, - Tatar businessman Rashid Mursekayev and his wife Svetlana. Note that, according to the database of "Kontur.Fokus", "Wim-Avia" is credited from Zenit for a long time ago: 5% of VIM-Avia Avia Airlines LLC has laid in this bank under the loan agreement of December 8, 2016.

Bank "Zenit" refused to comment on the situation, and Tatneft answered very restrained. "Yes, we as fuel suppliers are one of the creditors, but not more," the press service of the oil company reported in response to our request. And the head of the press service of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Edward Khairullin reported "Business Online" that "Neither the Government of Tatarstan, nor Tatneft relations to the airline" Vim-Avia "and its obligations do not have."

"The head is interesting, sensible, but did not calculate his financial strength"

The players of the Tatarstan aircraft say they are well acquainted with the owner of Vim-Avia. "I know Rashid Mursekayeva well. He is not from Tatarstan, he is from Barnaul, just he is ethnic Tatar. For many years familiar. The head is interesting, sensible, but unfortunately, did not calculate its financial forces, "says Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tulpar GK Azat Khakim.

The general director of Juv Aero, Peter Trubaev, and I wish you only a good airline, especially since I personally know her leader and would like them faster to come out of this situation. I would not want our colleagues to get into such a situation, out of it unworthy. "

The source "Business Online" at the aviation market told how "Vim-Avia" fell into Tatarstan. According to his information, Mursekayev planned to develop freight air transport In the direction of China - Europe through Kazan and, accordingly, intended to "make friends" with the Kazan airport. To establish work in Tatarstan, he on the advice of its business partners, large businessmen, registered the company in Sabah. However, the cargo project did not go (but the registration remained!), And the acting began to experience difficulties. Two main directions of work "VIM-Avia" - charter transportation of tourists and "Watchtovikov", the first of which gave a failure. The company developed rapidly, too dynamically and ultimately "undermined power," says our source.

However, Vim-Avia entered into relations with Zenit before the "moving" to Tatarstan - probably in Moscow. Recall that Tatneft two years ago herself entered the Aviation Business, buying aerial doors Southeast Tatarstan - Bugulma Airport. The rally left after bankruptcies "AK Tatarstan" and AK BARS AERO "Republican Airlines" YUVT AERO "(registered with a private person) is also based in Zakamye. The latter planned the airfield update, now the company owns the Bombardier family and two helicopters. Literally the other day, Juworth Aero received admission to international flights from Rosaviation.

Will fly?

Judging by the information of our source, after a decision on the restructuring of debts, flights must be resumed in normal mode. Judging by the online scoreboard of the Base Airport "VIM-Avia", the company in the next two days has a high load and plans flights not only in Russia and neighboring abroad, but also in Belgium and China. Today, 10 aircraft companies in Antalya (Turkey), Sochi, Simferopol, Blagoveshchensk, Anadyr, Taiyuan (China), Pevek, Irkutsk, Haikou (China) must fly from Domodedovo. Another 9 aircraft must fly to Moscow from Antalya, Krasnodar, Yerevan (Armenia), Liege (Belgium), Dalamana (Turkey), Sochi and Simferopol. On September 26, Vim-Avia has planned 15 flights to the same cities as today, and 13 more back.

So far, official information about the regularity of flights does not give any airline or power. The adviser to the leader of Rosaviatsiya Sergey Resvsky in a conversation with Business Online reported that the official position of the Office on the situation with VIM-Avia will be published on the official website of Rosaviatsiya during the day. He refused to even approximate the state of affairs, because, according to him, it concerns "The fate of thousands of passengers who bought tickets."

Director of Public Relations Airlines VIM-Avia, Elena Fedorova, told us that the airline was now participating in the meeting of the Rosaviation Operational Staff, and also conducted a number of consultations with government agencies controlling the aviation industry. "Take negotiations with partners of the airline. AT this moment Prerequisites have been reached, which should lead to correction of the situation. A plan to resolve the situation in conjunction with financial organizations that have decided to support the airline are being developed. The airline brings apologies to passengers for those delivered inconveniences, "Fedorov said in response to the official request of our edition.

"They have very competent management, they always managed to be effective."

About the likely destiny "VIM-Avia" and what to wait for passengers of the airline, the experts "Business Online" told.

Azat Khakim - Chairman of the Board of Directors of GK "Tulpar Ayr":

- The situation is really critical, because these debts have an airline for the first year and they constantly come negotiations, they agree. But, apparently, debts have become so critical that the airport will not go on any concessions. It is clear that it is not just so on an empty place arose. The airline scored a lot of technology, especially expensive - this is "Boeing 777". There are very large lease payments that need to be paid on time, and it is clear that the airline is simply financially not pulling such costs. Borrow fuel for the airline is normal, but in this case it already suggests that the financial situation is very heavy. If they need everyone, then the situation becomes critical. They must leasers, carriers, must be for the span, and the worst thing that they also have to pay employees. And when employees are in debt, they work without much zeal. With more probability, I think that the company will be forced to stop their operating activities.

As for the support of the government, then the company has no share of the State Registry, and the Ministry of Transport will be unlikely to meet. The fact that the tickets are already sold, passengers must be transported - we have already passed. Will redistribute other airlines and take out all. In my opinion, the Ministry of Transport will adopt a more balanced solution - subsidize those airlines, which will then be taken out of Passengers "VIM-Avia".

Oleg Panteleev - chief editor "Aviaport.ru":

- It all depends on what relationship between carrier and creditors will be, including service providers. Of course, we had precedents when service providers stopped servicing the airline, and in connection with this, the organization ceased to operate their operational activities. As neither regrettable, but the risks are very high, but no one is interested in stopping the airline, because even for service providers, it is quite obvious that the airline stop means that a significant part of the debt will not be able to return anymore. In addition, from the point of view of the government "VIM-Avia" is one of the few carriers operating on regular lines in the Far Eastern direction. The airline flew to Magadan, flew to Blagoveshchensk. From this point of view, of course, it would be important that the carrier is preserved because it increases transport accessibility Far Eastern regions. Once again I repeat that much depends on creditors, and if the company will still support the government and provide financial guarantees, it will give the opportunity to continue flight. In the long run, nothing positive is visible.

Passengers makes sense by going on a journey, take a cash reserve with them to pay food, overnight or transport to the house. You need to constantly monitor the readings on the scoreboard, where the parameters of the arrival and departure of the flight are indicated, if possible, contact representatives of the airline. But it is worth noting that we see the example of previous problem situations, when one or another company was on the verge of stopping either generally stopped its flights, the government found the opportunity to redistribute passengers on other airlines. Thus, in some cases, their problems have been minimized. If a passenger provides a return funds, then in the case of a long delay, it makes sense to return, and with a high probability of money will return quickly.

Roman Gusarov - chief editor of the sectoral portal Avia.ru:

- There is always chances of survival from the airline, but it all depends on the goodwill and the possibilities of those to whom the company appeals for help. There are negative, and positive outcomes of this situation. A bright negative example is Transaero, which scored as many debts that her support had no meaning, even with support, it would be unprofitable and would accumulate debts. At the same time, similar difficulties experienced UTair airlines. And here the situation has developed quite differently. Shareholders found the opportunity to support their resources to support the airline, conducting negotiations with creditors, restructured debts, optimized the structure of the company, reduced by about 40 percent of the park aircraft. They gave way to market positions, went to a number of victims, but led the airline to the positive zone of profitability. Yes, it became smaller in volume, but it stopped producing losses, and now it works quite successfully.

As for the "Vim-Avia", they have very competent management, they always managed to be effective. They were not inclined to some adventures, they did not even risk them, but they always have enough good enough of their financial consistency. And the company's reputation is good, she never had serious failures before this summer, there were no problems with creditors. I think it should be supported. No one is interested in reducing market participants. If the pace goes and will go on one, two large airline a year, then in a few years we can just stay with one carrier. Market monopolization is not interested in anyone - neither the state or passengers. Therefore, the airline with a good reputation could be supported. The chances of survival would be estimated 50/50.

An employee of the press service of VIM-Avia Alena Panarina reported RBC that she does not comment on the movement of owners.

According to Spark Interfax, Svetlana Mursekayeva belongs to 99% "VIM-Avia", Rashid Mursekayev - 1% (earlier than 20% of the airline belonged to Liechtenstein "Hercules Partners Foundation Gemini-Gemini II").

On September 25, after the massive delays of Vim-Avia flights and the information that appeared that the airline had no funds to pay for fuel, Mursekayev acknowledged that "the airline has a difficult economic situation, working capital ended and financing frozen." "Since the airline cannot fly without additional funding, we study the possibilities for the introduction of external anti-crisis management," said Mursekayev in an interview with Russia.

On Monday, September 25, in relation to the unnamed officials of Vim-Avia under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of Russia (fraud). They are suspected that 1 million rubles received. Due to the sale of tickets, knowing that there is no money for the purchase of fuel and fulfill the airlines.

On the evening of September 27, the investigation into the officials of Vim-Avia, on behalf of the head of the investigative committee of Alexander Bastrykin, to investigate particularly important cases.

The situation with the "VIM-Avia" on Wednesday with members of the government, which was conducted by President Vladimir Putin. The head of state expressed bewilderment of the fact that the airline, according to officials, meets all the criteria, but it cannot work.

Rashid Murshekayev in the early 1990s was engaged in the supply of food from Asia to debt for the supply of Russian weapons along with Sergey inexpressible (now - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cascol Group of Companies). Partners were established by Beluja, which bought shares of defense and aviation enterprises. Subsequently, Mursekayev took up an independent business - consolidated 68% of the shares of Far Eastern maritime shipping, which in 2002 sold Sergey General for $ 60 million. In 2002, Mursekayev became a partner of the founder of VIM-Avia - Viktor Merkulov, and in 2003 he bought 75% In the air carrier. In 2003, as Forbes wrote, Mursekayev spent on the purchase of 12 used Boeing aircraft $ 160 million.

Airline "Vim-Avia"

The airline Vim-Avia was established in October 2002. The first flights carrier carried out mainly in the Asian direction (Vietnam, China, Thailand). The airline fleet consists of Boeing 777-300, 777-200, 767-300, 757-200 and AIRBUS 319-111, 330-200. According to the EGRUL, the founders of VIM-Avia LLC - Rashid (1%) and Svetlana (99%) Mursekayev. Also, they are found by the founders of the bankrupt PJSC Invest Holding recognized in July 2017.

Financial indicators
In 2016, the company showed a net profit of 89 million rubles. When revenue 17.174 billion rubles. The cost of assets as of December 31, 2016 amounted to 10.481 billion rubles, and net financial debt - 7.007 billion rubles. (Source: GMT Rosstat).

Volume volumes
According to Rosaviation, in 2016, VIM-Avia transported 2.076 million passengers, showing an increase in this indicator by 30% and taking a ninth place in the industry. In the company itself, such an increase was associated with the introduction of new aircraft (four Boeing 737-500, two Boeing 767-300, six Boeing 777-200 and one Airbus A330-200). From January to August 2017, the number of passenger transported continued to grow compared to the same period last year - by 31.4%. Nevertheless, the company sank into the tenth place, passing forward "North Wind".

The problems of the airline
In 2016, the company has problems with exercise passenger traffic. "Vim-Avia" allowed massive many hours of flight delays. In July 2016, Rosaviation warned Vim-Avia about the possibility of limiting the certificate of the operator in connection with mass delays and gave it a week to solve all problems. The carrier spokesman noted that the delays were associated with a high season and an attempt to the state coup in Turkey. The day after making a warning, the company announced the stabilization of the transport situation and reported that the problems managed to solve thanks to the commissioning of new ships.

In 2017, the company again faced problems when, after delays in early June, several dozen flights were canceled. Representative of Rostransnadzor then explained the breakdown of the charter program with delays with aircraft repair. The number of victims due to the problems "Vim-Avia" in June 2017 was estimated at about 30 thousand people. As a result, the share of detainees of flights from the airline this month amounted to 13.56%. In July-August, problems remained: for July, the share of detainees was 13.83%, and in August - 19.45%. In September, the airline detained more than 40% of flights.

In January-September 2017, the Office of State Aviation Supervision and Supervision for Providing Transport Security at the Volga Federal District held seven inspections in the airline, mainly on the appeal of citizens.

According to the SC, they fled abroad. At the same time, at the very morning lawyers could not contact them, so they suggested that those were in question. According to investigators, the company's heads knew that money taken from the sale of tickets would not be enough for the implementation of obligations

In the Investigation Committee, it is stated that the owners of Vim-Aviation company Rashid and Svetlana Mursekayev fled abroad. Their location establishes, the official representative of SK Svetlana Petrenko said. According to her, the first detentions were also held in VIM-Aviai:

Svetlana Petrenko Official Representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia"The Investigative Committee detained the general director of VIM-Avia, Alexander Kochenev, as well as Chief Accountant Ekaterina Panteleeva. In the near future, they will be charged, after which the investigation plans to apply to the court on the election of a criminal case against the criminal proceedings. Co-owners of Rashid and Svetlana Mursekayev hurriedly left the country and, according to the consistent of information, are abroad, therefore measures are taken to find them. Currently, investigative actions continue to establish all persons involved in the presence of funds and the circumstances of the crime. "

An informed source told Interfax that Mursekayev left Russia on September 26 through Sheremetyevo Airport. The sources of the TASS in law enforcement agencies report that "co-owners" VIM-Avia "will be announced first to the federal, and then perhaps both international wanted list."

Today, September 28, Mursekayev should have come for interrogation to the investigator, because on the eve of him sent the appropriate agenda. However, since the very morning, even his lawyers could not be contacted with him, so they suggested that Mursekayev was already in question and, therefore, located in Russia. This was reported by Business FM Nadezhda Arkhipova - a representative of the legal company Yukov and Partners, which carries out the lawyer support "VIM-Avia":

Nadezhda Arhipovrepresentative of the Law Company Yukov and Partners"Due to the fact that Rashid Mursekayev in the last night did not come into contact, the assumption was made that he was detained."

According to the SPARK-Interfax system, Svetlana Mursekayeva 99% "Vim-Avia", while her husband rashida is only 1%. RBC, with reference to a source in SC, writes that Mursekayev will be charged by correspondence.

It was reported that investigators suspected the leaders of VIM-Avia in obtaining 1 million rubles due to the sale of tickets. It is assumed that they knew that money was not enough for the fulfillment of obligations.

The criminal case on the embezzlement of cash of passengers of the airline "VIM-Avia" on behalf of the head of the investigative committee of Alexander Bastrykin was transferred to the central office of the SC. They will be managed to investigate particularly important cases.

Can it aggravate the further fate of the co-owners "Vim-Avia" the fact that they left the country, and did not cooperate with the investigation? Comments the partner of the Law Office "A2" Mikhail Alexandrov:

Mikhail Alexandrovpartner of the Law Office "A2""The fact of what he flew out, he does not speak of his guilt or no innocence. Another, probably moment: if it is still detained, it increases significantly a chance that it will be elected a preventive measure associated with the restriction of liberty - either home arrest, or conclusion in the SIZO. To track exactly how he left the Russian Federation, we have all the investigating authorities, law enforcement, for sure they will establish how he left the Russian Federation. "

The media involved photos of the office of the airline "VIM-Avia" at its legal address. This is a small room in a village 100 kilometers from Kazan.

To get there from the capital of Tatarstan, the Tatar-Inform correspondents took approximately an hour and a half trip by car and another hour to find the necessary building, lost among unsolved buildings on the outskirts of the village. On the gate of the castle.

"The room is empty standing, no one works there. As the sign was put in the past year, they went there, and after that no one was visible, "," the guard told journalists.

The Ministry of Transport said that regular carrier flights will be executed until October 15. Tickets with departure after this date are recommended to pass.

See also: