Aviation incidents, incidents and air crashing of the USSR and Russia. Aviation accidents, incidents and air crashing of the USSR and Russia Circular location Il 18 on Sakhalin

"You see, so go ..."

Information about this aircraft crash, which happened in 1964 near Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, in official sources you can find quite a bit. In any case, in the state archive of the region there is no mention of that tragedy, even in declassified funds. It is not surprising, because in those days it was not at all necessary to do similar facts to the public domain. Usually all the investigative data of the aircraft crash remained the property of special commissions. It is possible that in the time of restructuring and subsequent reforms, the information could be transmitted to different hands and get lost at all. The most basic - On September 2, 1964, the IL-18 plane fulfilled the flight from Moscow to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, did not reach the regional center to the airport quite a bit and collapsed in the area of \u200b\u200ba non-existent railway station Pass (Holmsky district).

From the Internet resource Airdisaster.ru (there are information about airframes on the territory of the former Soviet Union) you can additionally find out that 78 passengers and 9 crew members died in this catastrophe. Total - 87 people. The IL-18 aircraft belonged to the Krasnoyarsk management of civil aviation and had a side number 75531. In the description of the incident, it was said: "The crew insisted and received permission to enter the direct in complex meteors, instead of performing the standard approach scheme. As a result of a premature decline, the aircraft faced the cropped a hillside at an altitude of 600 m. There is a lack of radar means at this airport, insufficient acquaintance of the crew of the crew and poor flight planning. "

It would seem that everything is obvious, the wines of the crew - there are obvious. The pain of relatives and loved ones lay down, the bitter experience of the Krasnoyarsk crew is taken into account in the instructions that pilots are guided. But ... Veteran Sakhalin civil aviation Stalia Konyashov believes that not everyone knows about that tragedy. And I remove few lessons from it. Stalia Engelsovich knows what he says. His position is the Senior Inspector Engineer Airport Safety South Sakhalinsk. His obligations include participation in the work of commissions, which are investigating airfire and incidents in the main air gate Islands. Experience at S. Konyashova has a considerable one here.

At that time, in 1964, he just started working at the regional center airport and the details of the incident remember quite well.

- Judging according to the Internet data, then everything is extremely clear, - recalls veteran. - I remember how after the disaster they told: the pilot reported to the dispatcher, which sees lights take-off stripAnd the dispatcher like in the hearts said: Well, you see, so sit down ... And then it turned out that it was completely different lights, the airfield was far away. So they said ... I, like the aviator, immediately the question arose: Well, I could not have a crew to be so bad, so as not to distinguish the lights of the takeoff landing strip From the lights of the city, for example! And the dispatcher Viktor Lagunov also could not so much to say: sit, if you see, only harvest. By the way, guilty of the death of the aircraft recognized him. Condemned for 10 years, he went out after 5. After that, he fleed the navigator on the aircraft, then he left Sakhalin, now lives somewhere on the mainland.

Flag-navigator on board

- I understand that after 40 years old, it is almost impossible to find materials investigation of the incident, - continues S. Konashov. - But still want to restore justice. I will begin with the fact that in the conclusions of the commission, which was investigated by the death of Krasnoyarsk IL-18, nothing is said about whether the anti-icing system was included on the plane. And whether the plane itself was icing before he fell. And this is the main key to the rays. To begin with, I will explain without going into the debris of the aerodynamics that the icing is able to turn the plane into a stone - it will cease to obey the steering wheel, because the growing layer of ice growing on the shelf significantly worsens its aerodynamic qualities. And then aircraft falls into the corkscrew. That is, the stone falls on the ground. The icing may occur when entering the clouds, and in general at altitudes, where the outdoor temperature of the plus is 5 degrees and below. All this is written in the instructions and instructions, which determine the operation of the crew. To prevent trouble and the anti-icing system has been created.

Apparently, the Krasnoyarsk Il-18 began icing somewhere over the Tatar strait, not far from the Sakhalin shore. The crew commander understood this and began to think, how to get out of the situation. To be reported to Earth - this will fix it as a violation, the troubles will begin, and the coupon from flight certificate to remove (in civil aviation, too, there are no warnings tickets like those that are issued to drivers along with rights). Include the system late - ice can get into the air intakes of engines. And the idea came: Request the dispatcher has a decline to enter a straight line. Yes, this is not supposed according to the instructions: the evening time, it means you need to go out on a safe height to the airfield, then decline and go to the landing according to the scheme, or on the box, as pilots say. But if the decline is allowed - at the bottom of the ice, I will quickly melt, and it will be possible to go with a straight line, there is enough experience.

Please note - the navigator Il-18 twice requested a decline of up to 600 meters from the dispatcher, and did not allow that twice. Gave permission only for the third time. Why? Here the human factor played the role.

Stalia Engelsovich well remembers that the Lagunov himself was the naval aviation assault, did not think of himself without heaven, but he fell under a great reduction, which happened in the army in 1959. He was lucky more than others - he got a dispatcher at the South Sakhalin airport and did not leave thoughts again to become a member of the flight crew. Just at that time, the light appeared at the end of the tunnel - loomed the opportunity to fly again.

And now you can present his condition: the navigator with IL-18 asks the decline again and at the same time adds: you understand, we have on board the flag navigator of the Krasnoyarsk management of civil aviation (the main navigator, one of the top managers, speaking in modern language), not I want to circle for a long time, I want to land quickly. And Lagunov, thinking about restoring on the navigator work and the flights, the decline was allowed. After all, the crew has reported that he sees the lights of the landing strip.

The lesson is not included

But it was not true ... When Lagunov allowed to decline, the plane was already lost height. Pilot lands have not seen. And the aircraft and height lost and handling. Due to icing. The process, apparently, began to catastrophically develop somewhere from Cape Klokhkinsky. After the dispatcher gave good, Il-18 got into a corkscrew and began to decline with a large vertical speed - up to 10 meters per second. Engines rapidly lost power. No crew efforts could no longer withdraw an aircraft in a normal flight. In the last minutes, pilots could see that they fell on Soping - the plane was inevitably leaving left ... Krasnoyarsk Il-18 collapsed on the mountain of Ufa about 700 meters high. 28 kilometers remained before the South Sakhalin airport landing. The explosion was very clearly heard in the area where the airport's administrative buildings were located (now in the place there is a growth school of Rosto, it is called an old airfield).

The first to the place of the fall came run the brigades of the militarized protection of the tunnels - the plane fell, we recall, not far from the railway station operated then. The then commander of the Sakhalin Joint Avia Dwinchuk, the Sakhalin Commander of the Sakhalin Joint Avia Dwyon, flew there. A helicopter was driven by A. Korolev, who later became the commander of the detachment.

- For some reason, it is indicated on the Internet that everyone died, "says S. Konashov," but I know for sure that the part of the passengers remained alive. Saved them, apparently, the fact that the IL-18 lost the speed and the plafhmy hit the ground, lounging into two parts. Those who sat in front died along with the pilots. And a part of passengers sitting closer to the tail survived. Man 6 or 8. I remember that among them there was a girl who had the whole family - Dad, Mom, brother. When it began to decline, Mom thought that it would now be landing, and she told her to put her shoes to a little brother. She drove out of her chair, and at that time there was a blow to the Earth. Apparently, the fact that she was not in her chair, her and revealed. But the fate of the survivors turned out to be sad. Someone after the experienced shock went crazy, someone committed suicide.

What is the lesson of the old tragedy?

"You see, no one said and does not say that the reason for everything was icing," explains S. Konashov. - On this factor and still pay little attention. Meanwhile, I listen to information about recent catastrophes and come to the conclusion that in many of these the main cause of the death of aircraft and people was precisely icing. Take the death of the Khabarovsk Tu-154 (flew out of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in December 1995 and fell on Mount Bo-Jauus, without reaching Khabarovsk), the tragedy in Irkutsk, when Vladivostok Tu-154 crashed near the airfield while entering the landing. And the tragedy of August 2006 near Donetsk Tu-154 "Pulkovo Airlines"! All these catastrophes occurred after the aircraft began to fall into the corkscrew. Commissions are called different reasons for the duct, but it is worth listening to the record of negotiations, and everything will become clear - critical situations were provoked by icing.

Unfortunately, the lack of understanding of this danger in the pilot environment exists, and for his work I have come across this with this, I made strict suggestion. Maybe the story with IL-18, which occurred on September 2, 1964, will make something and flyers and the flight authorities ...

And I am very sorry that it is no longer possible to rehabilitate the dispatcher of Viktor Lagunova. In fact, his without guilt was forced to respond for the deceased carriage ... But only no longer find confirmation - it worked or there is no anti-icing system on IL-18 in those fatal moments ...

The tragedy was played in the sky over Yuzhno-Sakhalin December 19, 1976. The fallen plane was looking for several days. Of the 14 people who were on board, survived only two

IL-14 aircraft with on-board number USSR 61752 performed a long flight of ice intelligence, reports Ria SakhalinMedia, after which I flew out of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The crew was inspected from the Khabarovsky Aviation Administration Pilot Inspector Stanislav Shevchenko, Valentin Delianko flew commander. On board, besides them and the second pilot Yuri Alekseeva, Bortmeukhan Vitaly Potapova, Bordistist Eduard Shelkovsky, there were two hydrolyth specialists who performed the task of Sakhalinromet, its own correspondent of the Central Television of the USSR on Sakhalin Yuri Kudrin, two employees of the Biology Laboratory of the Sakhalin Complex Research Institute USSR Academy of Sciences Zoologists Voronov Viktor Grigorievich and Basarukin Anatoly Mikhailovich.

After completing the flight, the plane by the end of the day was returning to the airport of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk along the western foot of the Susuna Range, where the individual vertices reach a height of 1000m. Sakhalin pilots knew perfectly natural features This route. But, as it turned out, there was no commander of the crew behind the aircraft steering wheel, but checking from Khabarovsk to whom the commander entrusted the aircraft helpers at that moment. When hitting the aircraft, the aircraft broke around in the middle. The whole front half completely collapsed, and the tail part with the toilet and the remains of the passenger compartment remained almost unharmed. The history of aviation says that anyone who has fallen in a plane crash in the mountains, and in the same winter, chances to survive, almost no.

"Organize search and rescue work at the scene of the fall commissioned the Internal Affairs Directorate," says one of the participants in those events, - we were already two hours after the news of the crash. It was noticed on the street, and we expected without delay to go to the area where could fall The plane. And as a result, three days sat in the corridors of the police department. I had to call our colleague on the detachment, my classmate in the 10th school of Volodya Tsvetkov. Volodya served in the KGB - a fairly solid organization, in order for the police bosses to listen to it. Classmate understood and appreciated Quickly. Soon the all-terrain vehicle drove up to the Department of Internal Affairs.

Only in the morning of December 22, the Department of Internal Affairs announced the beginning of search and rescue work. At 11 am, a column from covered trends truck filled with 2 thousand boys and girls from technical schools and schools finally advanced. At the chapter - the service machine of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. There was a conflict because there was no place for professional rescuers. The situation was destroyed by one of the regional leaders.

It was 36 years from the day the plane crash, in which two Sakhalin scientists survived. Photo by: Archive Vladimir Tsvetkov

As a result, the suggestion was put in the truck. Already there, on the spot, the leadership of the Internal Affairs Directorate gave the team to distribute students to each of the rescuers. People who visited not in one extreme situation, it was clear that inexperienced teenagers in such affairs will be only a burden, it would be necessary to ensure that nothing happened to them. Valery Polyakov allocated people from his squad and sent young people with them. Thus, the group in Polyakova, Tsvetkov, Schinakareva, Bragin and Sergeeva turned out to be unleashed. Where it is necessary to look for the place of the catastrophe, they already imagined.

As Vladimir Flowers, Vladimir Flowers, who took direct participation in this operation told RIA Sakhalinmedia, despite the strongest cyclone, which swept the South Sakhalin. Searching began in a huge territory. Servicemen, hunters, tourists were involved, local residents Cities, villages and towns. Aviation was used.

December 21 was undertaken unsuccessful attempt (Because of the blizzard) to examine Major's felling of Major in the Career district of the "luxury" group of the regional search and rescue detachment of the club of tourists. The next day, 10 search groups were staffed, which on high-proof techniques were thrown at the maximum possible height of this hill, from where they had to descend, carefully examining the terrain.

The group of Vladimir Konstantinovich included tourists and athletes-guidelines to Sakhalin and outside the limits: Bragin, Sergeev, Shinkarev and Poles. The group moved along the watershed of the Major's hill. Hurricane wind, snow charges did not give the opportunity to stop and translate their breath.

It was 36 years from the day the plane crash, in which two Sakhalin scientists survived. Photo by: ArchTv Vladimir Tsvetkov

Approximately 2 hours after the start of the search operation, Valery Polyakov saw the subject of the right geometric outlines behind the snow barhalan. Approaching, understood that this is the tail of the aircraft. IL-14 was very destroyed. Wings fell off, and two engines were 50-70 meters from each other. Having made the first photographs at the crash site, the rescuers heard a weak man moan. In the luggage room of the tail of the fuselage found frostbitated Voronin and Basarukin. The rest were outside the aircraft and their bodies were already lined with snow. Six of the dead died from supercooling. They obtained, relatively minor, injuries did not allow them to move ...

The members of the search group, who revealed the plane, was awarded the diplomas of the Communist Party of the CPSU and valuable gifts - Speedol's radio receivers.

Reference Ria Sakhalinmedia: Basarukin, Anatoly Mikhailovich (1952, Aniva -1995), Zoologist, Herpetologist, Popularizer Zoological Knowledge. Took part in more than 40 expeditions on Sakhalin, South and northern Islands Kuril ridge. Published 53. scientific work According to the distribution and biology of amphibians and reptiles Sakhalin region And other fields of biology. One of the authors of the collective monograph "Siberian Ceysserlingii Dybowski, 1870): Ecology, behavior, security" (1995). Member of the five All-Union and two regional herpedological conferences. He conducted the first revision, an overview of the ecology, the dissemination and biology of Sakhalin and the Kuril species of amphibians and reptiles. I discovered and explored the biology of Far Eastern Quake on the m. Slokinkovsky (Holmsky district). B. One of the first to substantiate the role of hot springs on about. Kunashir in the preservation of the Relic Herpetofauna of this island. After the tragic death B. Published his book "First Expedition" (2005) and diaries "from the diaries of the Herpetologist" (2000-2002). Of the fees B. specialists described more than a dozen new types of insects and spiders, hundreds of species are first indicated for Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. As a sign of respect for the memory of the researcher, ten types of insects and spiders assigned the name B., including the new genus of Basarukinia Egorov weevil. His name is called the cave in the East Sakhalin Mountains.

An IL-18 catastrophe occurred, which was at that time the largest in the number of victims in domestic aviation.

Il-18 was the first passenger aircraft in the USSR, designed "from pure sheet", precisely as a civil plane.

The first IL-18 rose into the air on July 4, 1957. In 1958, the IL-18A modification was created with a taking weight of 58 tons and an increased salon increased to 89 seats. The Zaporizhzhya AI-20 engines were installed on them, which turned out to be more reliable than those standing at first NK-4, the resource of which was only 50 hours. IL-18 was very reliable and easy to manage, forgives many errors by piloting crew. The plane loved passengers - in contrast to the unscrupulous fame of Tu-104.

Nevertheless, the first 10 years of exploitation of the liner were marked by a number of heavy incidents.

In 1959, due to the failure of the engine, IL-18B crashes. In 1959, a plane flew out of Kabul - he crashed into the mountains. In the summer of 1960, the Il-18, which followed the route Baku - Moscow in the air destroyed the turbine of the fourth engine, only due to the chance it did not lead to a catastrophe. But after a month, a car, flying from Cairo with 27 passengers, was lost near Kiev. The reason is the fourth engine fire.

In the 60s, several aircraft were also lost,

as a result of one of the catastrophe near Belgrade, the Soviet military delegation was killed led by Marshal Turquoise.

On November 16, 1967, the crew of IL-18V of the Urals Department of Civil Aviation was preparing for departure from Koltsovo Airport (Sverdlovsk) to Tashkent.

The aircraft with onboard number 75538 was released only three years ago, and there was a raid 5326 hours, 2111 landings. The commander reported to takeoff at 21.02 local time, the rise took place in complex meteors with the lower boundary of the cloudiness at an altitude of 170 meters, visibility - six kilometers.

and crashed at a distance of almost three kilometers from the end of the runway on the plowed field.

It was established that during the fall, the speed was 440 km / h, the vertical speed of 20 m / s, the plane fell with a strong right roll of about 37 degrees, touching the ground with the end of the wing.

When falling the design of the aircraft completely collapsed, a fire originated on Earth. The liner wreckage was scattered throughout the three hundred meters, as a result of the catastrophe did not survive any of those who were on board 8 crew and 99 passengers (according to other 122 passenger data and 8 crew members).

The wreck of IL-18 has become one of those disasters,

the reasons for which to establish exactly failed due to the complete destruction of all aggregates and aircraft systems when hitting.

According to one of the versions, the reason for the emergence of negative traction due to the refusal to manage the extreme right-wing engine. According to another version, the reason could be the problem of the work of the "Path-1M" directive instruments, which led to the false testimony of aircraftizers. However, in any case, the Commission considered, these refuses could lead to a catastrophe only if there were other concomitant factors.

The catastrophe in Koltsovo became the largest incident with this type aircraft and as of 1967 -

the largest air traffic in the USSR.

Catastrophes with IL-18 did not stop at this. After just three months in the Brutsk district, a plane crashed at an altitude of 9 thousand meters. He began to fall unexpectedly and fell apart in the air. 82 people died.

In February 1970, when landing in Samarkand, IL-18 crashed, 92 people were killed. The IL-18 accident rate was rather high due to problems with engines. Only in the period from 1965-71, 37 cases of internal destruction of engines were noted in flight, which did not lead to disasters, noted technicians.

Due to the fire of the engine on April 27, 1974, Il-18 crashed out from Pulkovo airport, 118 people died. In total, during the operation of IL-18, about hundreds of aircraft were lost, more than 2,300 people died in disasters. In Russia, the commercial exploitation of IL-18 ceased only in 2002, when the appropriate order came out.

There is information that two IL-18 are still used airlines Air. Koryo (DPRK).

Hello, dear readers!

Today I present to you a report on searches aircraft IL-18B, fallen on September 2, 1964. In the village of Village, I was expected and st. Pass along old railway Kholmsk-Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, which were conducted by participants club "Breeze" in 2012.

I would not want to deal with plagiarism, because these searches have already written very much in different media (for example, an article by the Sakhalin Sailor of October 18, 2012). But, since, recently, our readers and people we meet, are interested in this aircraft, and success in search belongs to our participants club "Breeze", It would be logical to tell you about it on the pages of our site.

Many know about the very history of searching, but how this thought originated to organize searches - few people know.

It all started with one person, the surname of which was not even mentioned so far. I do not know what the reasons for this interest were, but this person calls his Martahin Alexander Mikhailovich, became interested in this problem and came to the Kholm district library to find information about airplane IL-18B, with the onboard number of the USSR-75531, which crashed in the area with. Waiting for the Sakhalin region, in official sources it is written that the district of Ufa.

The teacher of the library of Tamara Nikolaevna Sokolov found and provided material that was published in the Gubernskie Vedomosti No. 110 of June 19, 2008, and also introduced Alexander Mikhailovich with Yuri Petrovich Korzhenko. But the way it was winter, the search for the aircraft was postponed indefinitely.

Yuri Petrovich Korzzhenko discussed his plans with the club repeatedly, but I must say that people did not really believe in this idea, considering her empty spending time. After all, the plane before this was looking for many, and no one managed to find him. But Yuri Petrovich did not give up, he went to the archive, in the management of the GO and EFS in search of information on this issue. He was supported in this endeavors only Leontiy Leontievich Salnikov. He remembered his acquaintances who lived just in p. Waiting. This is a married couple Koshevchuk Vladimir Mefodievich and Claudia Ivanovna. It turned out that they not only know about the exact location of the aircraft, but also took the hottest participation in the salvation of the surviving people and evacuating the bodies of the dead. Vladimir Mefodieevich told everything about this tragedy, which happened just in their eyes. Claudia Ivanovna saw a glow of a fire crashing Il-18B, she told her husband, and he had already taken all actions to save people. To eliminate the consequences, 120 conscripts soldiers were allocated. Vladimir Mefodievich himself made seven people on himself. The spectacle, of course, was terrible. The corpses hung right on the trees, and were also scattered in the district, but this was not so shocked by this person so much, and cases of vandalism. Some people, despite the tragedy, were engaged in having kidnapped the things of passengers, removing very valuable, even from the dead.

The corpses of people were loaded into the wagons and sent to Moscow to expertise, and later relatives sent their dust. It is good that there were people who survived in this catastrophe. Some live in Moscow, as well as near Odessa. Unfortunately, they failed to communicate with them.

And hereinafter, 2012, when the grass fell, a hike was planned for searching for the IL-18B aircraft.

Preparing for him very carefully, in advance, because Participants had no shadow of doubt in the successful completion of the search. To immortalize the memory of the dead, it was decided to make a cross. Why the cross? After all, in the 60s there were very few believers, there was a Soviet regime and most people were atheists, but as they say: "We all go under God ..." And the funeral of the deceased sincereractions is considered the main procedure, regardless of the regime and political views. But for the Soviet regime, there is no procedure at all, with the exception of a minute of silence. And the church never refuses such things, regardless of whether the person was a believer or not, especially if he died not his death. Probably, so ... although you can discuss on this topic infinitely.

And Yuri Petrovich took the work of the Cross. After all, it was necessary to make the cross did not rust and did not dry from time to time, and the dimensions had to be observed. On this occasion, he also "enlighted" in the special literature. Cross Yuri Petrovich made metal, rather tall and heavy, and also painted his special paint by 2 times. Then I made a sign, and Elena Isaakovna Kirilha made the inscription as follows: "The eternal memory of those who died in a plane crash. 78 passengers killed in this tragedy, 9 crew members on September 2, 1964. Airplane IL-18 fulfilled the flight Moscow-Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk b / n 75531 Krasnoyarsky U.G.A. The collision occurred with Mount Ufa. Height 600 m. From the icing of the aircraft. Remember, grief. July 2012. "

And on October 8, 2012, Yuri Petrovich and Leonte Leontievich poisoned in search of an IL-18 aircraft. It is not known for what reason did not go with them to the campaign himself Martakhin Alexander Mikhailovich, but we know that he participated in subsequent campaigns. Spouses Koshevchuk explained in detail how to go to the plane. After all, the plane was not on Mount Ufa, as was said in official sources, but on Mount Kirov, height 601 m on the map. For the aircraft, this error is the sowing trifles, and for search engines - people walking - this is a significant distance. But Leonte Leontievich Salnikov is perfectly focused on any terrain. On the railway, it was necessary to go through 13 km from the station I was waiting. On the way there is a railway car lying on the side, disassembled buildings and old semaphore, it is not known what miraculously the preserved and steel ladder, descending down into the collapsis. The distribution had to cross the river and climb the castle to the mountain.

All the way Yuri Petrovich carried a cross on himself, which was necessary to wear on the place of the tragedy. At first, on the way, small fragments of the aircraft came across, then larger.

Leonty Leontievich and Yuri Petrovich carefully examined the place of disaster and photographed everything that was found in the cross and honored the memory of the dead a minute of silence.

Returned early when it was dark. Spouses Koshevchuk were very worried that there are no long. Search area - unsafe.

Next HikingAlexei Leontyevich and Yuri Petrovich organized already with the help of GO and EFC management, with correspondents and even relatives of surviving passengers (of course, who were able to find). Half of the Breeze Club went to this campaign. Also, the Father Sergius was invited to hold a dirhide for the dead. On October 20, 2012, they went to the place of disaster on two cars.

Transportation sometimes stuck on the road, had to pull out.

So reached the place of descent to the collaps.

For those who are going to go to the Council there: the cars must be high enough, because On the way, bridges were afraid and it is necessary to cross the River Vyod, and rails and sleepers still remained along the railway canvase. Someone drove there on quadciccles, who on bicycles.

Petrol trail will not tarnish ...

The distribution continued on foot to the installed cross.

Leonty Leontievich appealed to the gathered:

The father of Sergius was held a memorial service for the dead and said words of faithful to those present.

Correspondents took interviews from relatives. Mikhail from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk answered questions:

A year later, campaigns were organized in place of the plane. I think that they will not be continued, all the more so that this year, on the eve of the Second World War, is performed exactly 50 years from the date of this tragedy.

Eternal memory to people who died in this aircraft crash!

South Sakhalinsk. 22 of October. East media - an expedition to the crash site of the aircraft "IL-18", crashed near the village that was expected in 1964, the Turkluba Activists "Breeze" were performed.

According to RIA Vostok-Media organizers, together with a group of researchers in the campaign, the priest of the arrival of St. Nicholas The Wonderworker of the city of Holmsk Hieromona Sergiy Fedotov took part. Also, one of the relatives of the dead Mikhail joined the expedition, he said that the two aunt was killed in that flight, and a three-year cousin stayed alive and lives in Moscow.

Arriving to the crash site of the airliner, Sergiy's father accomplished the chin of the consecration of the cross installed there recently, and the dihid on the dead. After the laying of wreaths and colors took place.

Then there was a crash seat. Small parts of the aircraft were scattered a few kilometers around the perimeter, but the major were not found. Due to the weather conditions, it is already snow in the disinth, detailed search has been postponed for the next year, however, a search circle was defined.

"It is very gratifying that there are still no indifferent people, because the tourist club does not lead to search engines, but as soon as they found out that somewhere in the area I was expected when the plane fell out, I immediately went to search for not knowing even the place of fall. But these are stories, "said Sergius's father.

In the future, members of the Club "Breeze" intend to take some more expeditions to learn more about this tragedy, because many rumors and speculations arose around the catastrophe.

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