Map of Yalta from the satellite - Streets and home online. Map of Yalta Detailed with streets, house numbers and districts

Yalta is famous resort and important port for the trading message. Map of Yalta from the satellite shows that the city is located in the south of the Crimean Peninsula. There is a city of Yalta and a whole district Big Yalta. This city is located on the shore of the Gulf. From sushi it is surrounded by beautiful mountain ridges. On the territory of the city ruled the hill Darsan.

In the urban surroundings using the map of Yalta scheme, you can find a variety of parks.

Therapeutic climatic resources have reserves and park zones. The card is necessary on any trip, because it helps find the right objects very quickly.

Map of Yalta with streets. City architecture

The city is divided into several districts: new and old town, as well as Chekhovo.

  1. The old town district captures a boulevard street and stretches into the eastern part of the city. This part of the city is saturated with different old buildings. Here are all administrative buildings, clinics and other important institutions. A detailed map of Yalta will help find all objects in the area. The central part of this area presents a huge amount of different vegetation.
  2. The sleeping area is the area of \u200b\u200bthe new city. This area is built up with modern multi-storey buildings. There are many supermarkets and a variety of cultural institutions.
  3. Chekhovo's area used to be a village, it is located in the western part of the city. This area can be found using the Yalta card by districts. There are many elite buildings. This territory is fully landscaped.

Since Yalta has a mountainous terrain, then there is no airport and railway.

Communication with other cities is carried out by bus service. Also in the city there sea \u200b\u200bportwhich serves passenger and cargo ships.

Map of Yalta with streets will help choose the right city routes. Urban transport is represented by bus and trolley buses.

Map of Yalta with houses

In this city, you can find both modern buildings and buildings with historical value. The old area of \u200b\u200bthe city has small houses made in baroque styles and classicism.

Yalta is a great city museum. It consists of mansions and estates. The city is saturated with old buildings of 19-20 centuries. Map of Yalta with streets in good quality It will help accurately calculate the distance to any cultural and historical object.

  1. Every guest of the city is worth a visit embankmentlocated in the center. There are many restaurants, cafes and attractions. In addition, beautiful plants grow on the embankment, and in its center there is a berth from which sea travel on a boat or a motor ship is made.
  2. Since the famous classic Chekhov He loved this city and often in it was one of the important sights of his house, which is a museum.
  3. Church of St. John Zlatoust Help to find Yandex Maps Yalta. This is an old stone building.
  4. It is worth visiting well-known religious structures. it nevsky Cathedral, Armenian church and Nicholas Wonderworker.
  5. In the vicinity of Yalta is Livadia Palacewhich is this moment is a museum.
  6. Special attention deserves the palace in the Mauritan style, which is palace complex Emir Bukhara. Yalta routes will be brought to him on the map.

In Yalta there are interesting sights for each tourist. With children you can visit the water park, theater with marine animals and the zoo.

This city has developed a hotel economy. Map of Yalta with houses will help you find best hotel or pension.

To better know the city, it is necessary to inspect all its museums: a historical and literary museum, houses - museums famous people, Museum of sculpture and glade fairy tales.

Yalta is known for its convenient and beautiful beaches. To prevent landslides, the beaches were equipped with retaining walls and rubble. They are distinguished by purity, deepness and developed infrastructure.

Map Yalta Scheme will help to find all the beaches.

Economy and Yalta Industry

The main enterprises in the city are connected with the light, food industry, electric power and construction activities.

Most of the production accounted for the food industry. With the help of the Yalta card with house numbers, you can find the following companies: Vintage wines plant, bakery, and fish farmers and meat combine.

Many residents of the city are busy in tourism and in trading activities. There are many household service enterprises, shops and markets in the city. Also in Yalta, the financial industry is developed, which is represented by numerous banks.

Agriculture has been developed in the city. Grapes, lavender, quince, peaches and other cultures are grown in Yalta farms and the surrounding area.

An important article of the city's income is the tourist industry. In the plans of the city's authorities, the expansion of recreational possibilities.

On the page interactive Card. Yalta from the satellite. Read more on. Below satellite diagram and real-time search Google Maps., photos of the city and the Yalta district of Crimea online.

Satellite map of Yalta - Crimea

The opportunity to learn on the satellite map of Yalta (YALTA), as the streets of Rudansky and Moscow are placed. Also see the whole territory of the Yalta district, ul. Kiev and Sverdlov, Square and Lane.

The map of Yalta from the satellite, presented here in the online mode, contains photos of the area, and will help to find the address of any house. Where exactly starts ul. Garden and Gogol. Using the search for the Google service, you will find the right object in the city. We advise you to change the scale of the +/- schema and move its center to the desired side, for example, to find the streets of Yalta - Kirov and Roosevelt.

Squares and shops, buildings and roads, squares and houses, the streets of Drugsky and Leningradskaya. On the Detailed Information page and location of all roads and objects. To real-time to find the necessary home on the map of the city and the entire Yalta region in Crimea, Ukraine.

Detailed satellite map of Yalta is provided by Google Maps.

Coordinates - 44.5021,34.1704

Yalta - resort town in Crimea. Satellite map. Yalta shows that the city is located in the southern part of the Crimean Peninsula, on the Black Sea coast. The map also shows that the city from three sides is surrounded by mountains. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 17.37 square meters. km.

The Yalta economy is based on tourism, agriculture, food industry and the activities of the commercial and passenger port. On the territory of the city there is a famous Massandra winemaker.

In the summer season, the population of Yalta increases sharply due to the flow of tourists coming for beach holiday. After the inclusion of the Crimea, the number of russian tourists On the beaches of Yalta significantly increased.

Harbor in Yalta.

Brief history of Yalta

Legend says that Yalta was founded by the Greek navigators who drank and could not find the shore.

1154 - the first official mention

XIII century - in the territory modern City Weathered venetian merchants, and then the Genoese

1475 - Capturing Yalta by Ottoman Turks

XV century - settlement destroyed by an earthquake

XVI century - Greek and Armenian settlement

The end of the XVIII century - Crimea is part of the Russian Empire, Yalta turned into a fishing village

1838 - gets city status

End of the XIX century - becomes a popular seaside resort

Swallow's Nest

Attractions Yalta

On the detailed map Yalta with streets and houses can be seen that the city is located on three hills. Due to the hilly relief, the city is chatted with winding streets.

Yalta is popular tourist resort. In the summer, hundreds of thousands of tourists come here to swim in the Black Sea, sunbathe local beaches, relax in local boarding houses, hotels and sanatoriums. Most beaches in Yalta are artificial, since "natural" beaches are constantly destroyed by landslides.

Church of Alexander Nevsky

Among the main attractions of Yalta, the famous Yalta embankment, Primorsky Park, Massandra Wingraft, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Church of John Zlatoust, Armenian Church, Kupalni Roffe, cable road, Palace Emir Bukhara and Historical and Literary Museum.

As part of the agglomeration, the Livadia Palace and the Livadian Park, the Massandra Palace and the Park of the same name can be called Bolshaya Yalta among the attractions of the region, Vorontsov Palace Both Park, Swallow Nest, Dulber Palace, Mount Ai-Petri, Dulber Palaces and Kichkin.

Tourist on note

Gulrypsh - Calmable place for celebrities

Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia City Town Type Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely related to the name of the Russian patron of Nikolai Nikolayevich Svytsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. The case decided the case.

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