Description of Micronesia. Federated States of Micronesia

The region where Micronesia is located differs in its remoteness from the main transport routes, a small land area and a huge area of ​​water separating the small lonely islands on which the state of the Federated States of Micronesia is located. The state is located in the western part Pacific Ocean, four thousand kilometers from Hawaiian Islands near the coast of New Guinea, with which it is in the same economic region.

Where is Micronesia?

The Federated States of Micronesia is located in Oceania, a region that, in geopolitical terms, consists of hundreds of fragmented islands. They are located and

Since these islands are located at a considerable distance from the main centers of industry and transport, and their small territories do not allow them to have a developed economy, they have to enter into close relations with larger states and create federal unions.

This is exactly what the Federated States of Micronesia did when it entered into “free association” with the United States. Such an alliance allows you to have stable incomes and security guarantees from the most powerful state on the planet.

Capital of Micronesia

It is worth noting that the States of Micronesia is part of a larger geographical region Micronesia, which includes states such as Guam, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau and the Marshall Islands. In addition, they are adjacent to the US-dependent territories of Wake and Northern Mariana Islands.

As for the state of Micronesia, the form of government in which is a presidential republic, it has been formally considered independent since 1986. The capital of the sovereign state is the city of Palikir. Micronesia is one of the least populated countries in the region, and the population of the capital barely exceeds six thousand people.

Since the country has fairly close relations with the United States, it state language The country's language is English, although local residents also speak numerous island languages: Chuuk, Ponape, Kosyae. In addition, despite the significant influence of local cults on the life of the indigenous population, the overwhelming number of locals profess Christianity - Protestantism and Catholicism.

How to get to Micronesia?

Considering the remoteness and its large territories separating the individual islands of the archipelago, transport is of great importance, which, unfortunately, is not very well developed on the islands.

The islands' international airport is located in the capital of Micronesia, which is located on the largest of the islands - Pohnpei. This island is also the largest state of the state, and its administrative center is the city of Colonia, whose population is about six thousand people. Before Palikir became the capital of the state, these functions were performed by the city of Colonia.

In general, it is worth noting that transport infrastructure is extremely poorly developed in the state, which hinders the construction of a productive tourism industry, although the country is in an extremely favorable climate and its environmental situation is favorable. Even the capital of Micronesia has very clean air and high quality drinking water.

Internal communication is carried out by small aircraft or sea ferry service, but it is not regular due to the small number of passengers.

Nature of Micronesia

The capital of the country is located on one of the largest Caroline Islands. In total, there are more than six hundred islands in the archipelago, sixty of them are large, and inhabited there are sixty-five islands in total.

Despite the fact that the scattered nature of the islands, the small number of inhabitants and the almost complete absence of mineral resources create serious obstacles to building an economy, these same difficulties also provide certain advantages, including the impeccable state of the environment.

The nature of Micronesia consists of virgin tropical forests located on the slopes of mountains, rising above the turquoise waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Culture on the islands

The history of foreign domination over the islands goes back several centuries. The first Europeans to claim their rights to the island were the Spaniards, who opened the islands to the West in 1527, but for a long time they had actual control over the archipelago European states were not implemented.

In 1885, Germany unexpectedly declared its rights to the entire archipelago, but Spain protested and turned for help to an international mediator, who chose Pope Leo XIII, who decided to leave the rights to the islands to the Spanish kingdom.

Between 1914 and the end of World War II, the islands belonged to Japan, after which they were occupied by the United States as guardian, which only ended in 1986 when the Federated States of Micronesia became a sovereign state. It was at this time that the form of government in Micronesia became a presidential republic.

Federated States of Micronesia(Federated States of Micronesia) is a state in Oceania, located on the Caroline Islands, north of the coast of New Guinea.

Formally independent since November 3, 1986, the country remains closely tied to the United States ("free association with the United States" status) and heavily dependent on American economic assistance. According to the Association Agreement, the United States is obliged to provide defense and financially subsidize the FSM.


The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is a state in the Pacific Ocean, located in the northwestern part of Oceania in the Caroline Islands archipelago. between 0 and 14° N and 136 and 166° E. about 2,500 miles southwest of the Hawaiian Islands, lying directly above the equator. It is a state consisting of 607 small islands, only 40 of which are of significant size. Of the 607 islands, 65 are inhabited. FSM Consists of four states: Yap, Chuuk (formerly Truk), Pohnpei (formerly Ponape) and Kosrae (formerly Kusai). The capital is the city of Palikir on the island. Pohnpei. Although the country's total land area is only 270.8 square kilometers, it occupies more than 1 million square kilometers of the Pacific Ocean. Each of the four states consists of one or more high islands, usually of volcanic origin, and all except Kosrae include numerous atolls. State of Chuuk - The total area is 49.2 square kilometers and includes seven main groups of islands. The state of Pohnpei covers an area of ​​133.4 square kilometers, of which 130 are on the island of Pohnpei, the largest in the FSM. Yap State consists of 4 big islands, seven small islands and 134 atolls, with a total land area of ​​45.6 square kilometers. The state of Kosrae is one high island with an area of ​​42.3 square kilometers.

All large islands are of volcanic origin, mountainous, covered with forest, surrounded by coral reefs. Others are atolls - ring-shaped coral islands containing a shallow lagoon inside. The highest point is Mount Nana Laud (on Pohnpei Island, height 798 m). Main languages: English (official), Japanese, Trukian, Pohnpei, Kosrae. The islands are connected by sea and air transport. There is a sea connection with west coast USA, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Guam and air connections with Guam, Hawaii, Nauru, Japan.


The climate is equatorial and subequatorial, trade wind-monsoon type. Seasonal temperature fluctuations are insignificant. Average monthly temperatures- 26-33°. It often rains heavily here. The wettest month is April. Precipitation ranges from 2250 mm to 3000-6000 mm (in the mountains on the island of Kusape) per year. The part of the Pacific Ocean where Micronesia is located is an area where typhoons (terrible seasonal cyclones) occur; on average, there are up to 25 typhoons per year. Typhoon season is from August to December. Typhoons are characterized by destructive hurricane-force winds, the speed of which reaches 240 kilometers per hour.

Evergreen tropical forests, savannas; on large coral islands Coconut palm and pandanus predominate.


Population - 107.2 thousand people (estimated as of July 2010).

Annual loss - 0.28% ( high level emigration from the country).

Birth rate - 22.6 people. per 1000 people (fertility - 2.8 births per woman)

Mortality - 4.4 people. per 1000 people

Emigration - 21 people. per 1000 people

Average life expectancy is 69 years for men and 73 years for women.

Ethnic composition: Chuuk - 48.8%, Ponape - 24.2%, Kosrae - 6.2%, Japanese - 5.2%, Japanese outer islands- 4.5%, Asians - 1.8%, Polynesians - 1.5%, others - about 8% (according to the 2000 census).

Languages: English (official and interethnic communication), 8 local languages.

Religions: Catholics - 50%, Protestants - 47%, others - 3%.

Literacy of the population is 89%.


In all likelihood, Micronesians began arriving on these islands from Asia in the second millennium BC. e. A monument to the pre-colonial period of history is the Nan Madol complex, located on the island of Ponape.

By the time Europeans began colonizing the islands, the local population was at the stage of decomposition of the primitive communal system. Society was divided into a number of social groups unequal in their status. Large territorial associations arose on some island groups, although states had not yet been created.

The Caroline Islands were discovered by the Spanish in 1527. In the 17th century, Spain declared Carolina as its possession, but actual control over the archipelago was not established. In 1885, Germany announced its claims to the Caroline Islands, and a German flag was hoisted on one of the islands. Spain turned to international arbitration, and the chosen arbitrator, Pope Leo XIII, awarded the islands to Spain.

In 1899, Germany bought the Caroline Islands from Spain.

During the First World War in 1914, the islands were captured by Japan; after the end of the war, according to the Treaty of Versailles, the islands were given to Japan as a “mandate territory”. The Japanese created large sugar plantations there, and the policy of relocating the Japanese to the Carolinas was actively pursued. Locals were subjected to forced assimilation by the Japanese.

During World War II, the Carolinas were occupied by the United States, which since 1947 has administered them under a UN mandate as part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

In 1978, the Caroline Islands received the status of a “freely associated territory of the United States” (an agreement signed in 1982).

Since November 3, 1986, the Federated States of Micronesia has been a sovereign state in free association with the United States. This status means that the United States is responsible for the defense of the FSM and is committed to financially subsidizing the FSM.

State structure

Micronesia is a federal state consisting of 4 states with their own governments: Chuuk (formerly Truk), Kosrae, Pohnpei (Ponape) and Yap. States have a high degree of independence in almost all spheres of public life.

The Constitution of 1979 is in force, modeled on the US Constitution.

According to the form of government, the FSM is a republic of a special type. The political regime is democratic. There are no political parties.

Legislative power belongs to the federal unicameral parliament - the National Congress of the FSM, consisting of 14 senators (4 senators are elected, one from each state for a period of 4 years, 10 in single-member districts with approximately an equal number of voters for a period of 2 years).

The head of state and government is the President, elected by members of the FSM National Congress from among 4 state senators for a term of 4 years. At the same time, the Vice President is elected. The government of the states is established by their own constitutions and is generally similar to the federal one.

There are no armed forces.

Administrative division

The FSM consists of 4 states.


GDP per capita in 2008 was $2.2 thousand (183rd place in the world).

Economic activities are mainly agriculture and fishing. Coconut palm, vegetables and fruits, bananas, tapioca, and black pepper are cultivated. Pigs, goats, dogs (for meat), and chickens are raised.

Industry - agricultural processing, soap factories, sawmills, boat manufacturing.

Export goods ($14 million) - fish, copra, black pepper, bananas, souvenirs (mainly to Japan and the USA).

Imports ($133 million) include food and industrial goods (mainly from the USA and Japan).

The islands have no mineral resources other than phosphates. There is potential for tourism business, but its development is hampered by the remoteness of the islands, the lack of appropriate structures and the lack of developed air links with the outside world.

Under the terms of the Compact of Free Association, the United States allocated $1.3 billion to the FSM between 1986 and 2001. Then the amount of annual assistance was reduced, but constant multi-million dollar cash flows from the United States were promised until 2023.

Member of the international organization of ACP countries.

The Federated States of Micronesia is a country with an area of ​​702 square kilometers. km and which occupies the Caroline Islands in the western Pacific Ocean. The capital is Palikir, located on the island of Pohnpei. The territorial sea of ​​Micronesia is bordered in the south by the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea, in the east by the territorial waters of the Marshall Islands, in the southeast by Kiribati, and in the west by Palau. Large islands, due to their volcanic origin, have a mountainous landscape, the highest point reaching 798 m (Mount Nana Laud).

Population of Micronesia

About 130 thousand people live in the country. The majority of the population is Truki - 41%, Pohnpei - 26%.

Nature of Micronesia

Tropical rainforests grow on the islands, some parts are covered with savanna woodlands. There are no large mammals in the country. Rats, bats, crocodiles, some species of snakes and lizards live here.

Climate conditions of Micronesia

The country has an equatorial climate. The average annual temperature is +27...28°C. It rains throughout the year, precipitation falls up to 5000 mm, on the island of Pohnpei - up to 9000 mm. Cyclones and hurricane winds often form in the area of ​​the islands.


The official language is English, but in addition to it, the population uses 8 more local dialects in everyday life.


A feature of the traditional cuisine of Micronesia is the consumption of breadfruit and yams. Seafood is much more popular than any meat, and pork, for example, is prepared only for tourists. Coconuts and coconut milk are often used in fish recipes. The favorite everyday drink of Micronesians is water with lemon juice.


The majority of the believing population professes Christianity: Catholics - 50%, Protestants - 47%.


Independence Day is celebrated in different states at different times: March 1 in the state of Yap, September 8 in Kosrae, September 11 in Pohnpei, September 23 in the state of Chuuk. The states of the country also celebrate Constitution Day at different times. On November 11, everyone honors veterans who fought outside of Micronesia.

Currency of Micronesia

The currency in the country is the US dollar (USD code).


In time, the states of Yap and Chuuk are 6 hours ahead of Moscow, the states of Pohnpei and Kosrae are 7 hours ahead.

Major resorts in Micronesia

Several hundred planes and ships sank in the territorial waters of Micronesia during World War II, which divers come to explore. 50 of them are located in the Chuuk Island area, which is why these places are called the “Underwater Museum”. Those who want to watch giant rays (manta rays), sharks, eels, and schools of colorful fish go to the state of Yap. Lovers beach holiday and nightlife awaits the island of Pohnpei, where large hotels, restaurants, casinos and shops are located. The states of Map, Namonuito and Noukuro Atoll are ideal for a quiet, secluded holiday, especially since you can stay in a small bungalow right on the shore.

Sights of Micronesia

On the island of Pohnpei, the main attraction is the Sauwartik and Keprohi Lidudunlap waterfalls. There are bungalows nearby so that you can rest and recuperate, since the high humidity, which is not noticed by local residents, makes it very difficult for foreigners to move around.

In the area of ​​the southeastern coast of the island of Pohnpei, on one of the atolls, you can see the ruins of an ancient stone city Nan Madol, called the Venice of the Pacific.

Another amazing place on the island is the almost two-hundred-meter basalt cliff Sohes Rock, in which the features of a human face can be discerned.

In the state of Yap, stone money is still in use - disks of various diameters with a hole in the middle. Since no one else makes them, they are very valuable and are kept in a special jar.

The main attraction of Nukuoro Atoll is its pearl farm.

The island atoll of Kosrae is famous for its caves and tunnels in Lelu Hill. The Blue Hole underwater cave is interesting for divers. Not only are there very beautiful corals here, but there are even stingrays and barracudas. The underwater world attracts not only reefs, but also the remains of sunken ships and planes.

  • Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
  • Federated States of Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia
  • Palau Palau
  • Guam Guam (USA USA)
  • Northern Mariana Islands (USA)
  • Geography

    Geographical device

    Geographically, Micronesia is divided into:

    Of these, the Western Carolinas and Mariana Islands are volcanic. The largest of the Marianas is the island of Guam, the capital is Agana. Local residents divide the archipelago into two parts - Ratak (sunrise islands) and Ralik (sunset islands).

    The largest atolls: Bikini (Eshsholtsa), Rongelap (Rimsky-Korsakov), Maloelap (Arakcheeva), Majuro, Eniwetok (Brown), Kusaie, Uliti, Tarawa, etc., as well as the Senyavin islands (the largest of them is Ponape) and the Truk islands . Some of them have two names, including Russian ones. This is a memory of the Russian expedition led by Otto Kotzebue.

    State structure

    Currently, Micronesia is divided into several states.

    Micronesia in computer games

    Apparently, because of the size of the islands, the creators of the games Crysis and Far Cry really liked Micronesia: the action of these games takes place there.

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    Excerpt characterizing Micronesia

    – Have you ever thought about marrying your prodigal son Anatole? They say,” she said, “that old maids are ont la manie des Marieiages.” [they have a mania to get married.] I don’t yet feel this weakness in me, but I have one petite personne [little person] who is very unhappy with her father, une parente a nous, une princesse [our relative, Princess] Bolkonskaya. “Prince Vasily did not answer, although with the quickness of thought and memory characteristic of secular people, he showed with a movement of his head that he had taken this information into account.
    “No, you know that this Anatole costs me 40,000 a year,” he said, apparently unable to control the sad train of his thoughts. He paused.
    – What will happen in five years if it goes like this? Voila l"avantage d"etre pere. [This is the benefit of being a father.] Is she rich, your princess?
    - My father is very rich and stingy. He lives in the village. You know, this famous Prince Bolkonsky, who was dismissed under the late emperor and nicknamed the Prussian king. He is a very smart person, but strange and difficult. La pauvre petite est malheureuse, comme les pierres. [The poor thing is as unhappy as stones.] She has a brother who recently married Lise Meinen, Kutuzov’s adjutant. He will be with me today.
    “Ecoutez, chere Annette, [Listen, dear Annette,” said the prince, suddenly taking his interlocutor by the hand and bending it down for some reason. – Arrangez moi cette affaire et je suis votre [Arrange this matter for me, and I will be yours forever] most faithful slave a tout jamais pan, comme mon headman m"ecrit des [as my headman writes to me] reports: rest ep!. She is good family name and rich... Everything I need.
    And he, with those free and familiar, graceful movements that distinguished him, took the maid of honor by the hand, kissed her and, having kissed her, waved the maid of honor's hand, lounging on the chair and looking to the side.
    “Attendez [Wait],” said Anna Pavlovna, thinking. – I’ll talk to Lise today (la femme du jeune Bolkonsky). [with Liza (the wife of young Bolkonsky).] And maybe this will work out. Ce sera dans votre famille, que je ferai mon apprentissage de vieille fille. [I will begin to learn the craft of a spinster in your family.]

    Anna Pavlovna's living room began to gradually fill up. The highest nobility of St. Petersburg arrived, people of the most diverse ages and characters, but identical in the society in which they all lived; Prince Vasily's daughter, the beautiful Helen, arrived, picking up her father to go with him to the envoy's holiday. She was wearing a cipher and a ball gown. Also known as la femme la plus seduisante de Petersbourg [the most charming woman in St. Petersburg], the young, little princess Bolkonskaya, who got married last winter and now did not go out into the big world because of her pregnancy, but still went to small evenings, also arrived. Prince Hippolyte, the son of Prince Vasily, arrived with Mortemar, whom he introduced; Abbot Moriot and many others also arrived.
    -Have you seen it yet? or: – you don’t know ma tante [my aunt]? - Anna Pavlovna said to the arriving guests and very seriously led them to a little old lady in high bows, who floated out from another room, as soon as the guests began to arrive, called them by name, slowly moving her eyes from the guest to ma tante [auntie], and then walked away.
    All the guests performed the ritual of greeting an unknown, uninteresting and unnecessary aunt. Anna Pavlovna watched their greetings with sad, solemn sympathy, silently approving them. Ma tante spoke to everyone in the same terms about his health, about her health and about the health of Her Majesty, which was now, thank God, better. All those who approached, without showing haste out of decency, with a feeling of relief at the fulfillment of a difficult duty, walked away from the old woman, so as not to approach her once all evening.
    The young Princess Bolkonskaya arrived with her work in an embroidered gold velvet bag. Her pretty upper lip, with a slightly blackened mustache, was short in teeth, but it opened even more sweetly and sometimes stretched even more sweetly and fell onto the lower one. As is always the case with quite attractive women, her flaw—short lips and half-open mouth—seemed special to her, her actual beauty. Everyone had fun looking at this pretty expectant mother, full of health and vivacity, bearing her situation so easily. It seemed to the old people and bored, gloomy young people who looked at her that they themselves became like her, having been and talked with her for a while. Whoever spoke to her and saw her bright smile and shiny white teeth, which were constantly visible, with every word, thought that he was especially kind today. And that's what everyone thought.
    The little princess, waddled, walked around the table with small quick steps with her work bag on her arm and, cheerfully straightening her dress, sat down on the sofa, near the silver samovar, as if everything she did was part de plaisir [entertainment] for her and for everyone those around her.
    “J"ai apporte mon ouvrage [I captured the work],” she said, unfolding her reticule and addressing everyone together.
    “Look, Annette, ne me jouez pas un mauvais tour,” she turned to the hostess. – Vous m"avez ecrit, que c"etait une toute petite soiree; Voyez, comme je suis attifee. [Don't play a bad joke on me; you wrote to me that you were having a very short evening. You see how poorly I am dressed.]
    And she spread her arms to show her graceful gray dress covered in lace, girded with a wide ribbon just below her breasts.
    “Soyez tranquille, Lise, vous serez toujours la plus jolie [Be calm, you will be better than everyone else],” answered Anna Pavlovna.
    “Vous savez, mon mari m"abandonne,” she continued in the same tone, addressing the general, “il va se faire tuer. Dites moi, pourquoi cette vilaine guerre, [You know, my husband is leaving me. He is going to his death. Tell me “Why this nasty war,” she said to Prince Vasily and, without waiting for an answer, turned to Prince Vasily’s daughter, the beautiful Helen.
    – Quelle delicieuse personne, que cette petite princesse! [What a lovely person this little princess is!] - Prince Vasily said quietly to Anna Pavlovna.
    Soon after the little princess, a massive, fat young man with a cropped head, glasses, light trousers in the fashion of that time, a high frill and a brown tailcoat entered. This fat young man was the illegitimate son of the famous Catherine’s nobleman, Count Bezukhy, who was now dying in Moscow. He had not served anywhere yet, he had just arrived from abroad, where he was brought up, and was for the first time in society. Anna Pavlovna greeted him with a bow that belonged to people of the lowest hierarchy in her salon. But, despite this inferior greeting, at the sight of Pierre entering, Anna Pavlovna’s face showed concern and fear, similar to that expressed at the sight of something too huge and unusual for the place. Although, indeed, Pierre was somewhat larger than the other men in the room, this fear could only relate to that intelligent and at the same time timid, observant and natural look that distinguished him from everyone in this living room.

    - a state on 607 islands in the western Pacific Ocean. Former name - Caroline Islands.

    The name of the country comes from the ancient Greek "mikros" and "nesos", meaning "small" and "island", meaning "micro-island".

    General information about Micronesia

    Official name: Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)

    Capital - Palikir.

    Square - 702 km2.

    Population - 130 thousand people

    Administrative division - The state is divided into 4 states: Truk, Kostrae, Ponape, Yap.

    Form of government - Republic.

    Head of State - The president.

    Official language - English (official and inter-ethnic communication), 8 local languages: Japanese, Woleai, Ulithi and Sonsorol, Caroline, Truk, Kosrae, Nukuoro and Kapingamarangi.

    Religion - 50% are Catholics, 47% are Protestants, 3% are others..

    Ethnic composition - 41% - Chuukeans, 26% - Pohnpeians, 7 other ethnic groups - 33%..

    Currency - US dollar = 100 cents.

    Internet domain : .fm

    Mains voltage : ~120 V, 60 Hz

    Country dialing code: +691

    Description of the country

    Micronesia means “small islands”, and this absolutely accurately reflects the essence of this country. Although the islands are firmly tied to the economic and political interests of the United States, Micronesia stubbornly follows its traditional path - a country where people sport loincloths and stone coins are still used as a means of payment. Micronesians are very proud of their past, especially since they have every right to be - their ancestors crossed the Pacific Ocean in fragile canoes long before Europeans entered these waters.

    The islands have some of the world's best diving, snorkeling and surfing conditions and are seen as potential international center for a beach holiday and aquatic species sports The waters around the islands are filled with many forms of spectacular marine life. Eat a large number of species of hard and soft corals, anemones, sponges, fish, dolphins and shellfish, including the giant clam Tridacna. Large pods of whales pass through these waters every year. Several varieties sea ​​turtle lays eggs on these shores, and the islanders are allowed to use both turtle meat and eggs for food. The islands are also home to more than 200 species of seabirds.


    The climate of Micronesia is equatorial, more humid in the east of the archipelago, where the cyclone zone passes. Conventionally, two seasons are distinguished: dry (January - March) and wet (April - December). From November to December, northeast trade winds predominate; the rest of the year, southwest monsoon winds blow, bringing heavy rainfall. Pohnpei has an average of 300 rainy days a year. Average annual precipitation is 3000–4000 mm. Seasonal fluctuations in air temperature are insignificant, average monthly temperatures are 24–30° C. The length of daylight hours is the same throughout the year. The part of the Pacific Ocean where Micronesia is located is an area where typhoons occur (on average there are up to 25 typhoons per year). Typhoon season is from August to December.


    The Federated States of Micronesia is an island country in western Oceania and the Pacific Ocean. It is bordered in the west by the Palau Islands, in the north by the Mariana Islands, and in the east by the Marshall Islands. Occupies most of the Caroline Islands (with the exception of Palau). Outside the main island arc there are numerous atolls that make up the country. Micronesia consists of 607 islands, the largest of which are Pohnpei (342 sq. km), Kosrae (Kusaiye, 111 sq. km), Chuuk (126 sq. km), Yap (118 sq. km). total area islands - 720.6 sq. km, and the water area is 2.6 million square meters. km.

    The most mountainous are about. Pohnpei (with highest point- Mount Ngineni, 779 m), and about. Kosrae (Mount Finkol, 619 m). On about. Yap is dominated by rounded hills; The islands of Kosrae, Chuuk and Pohnpei are of volcanic origin. Most of the islands are low atolls on coral reefs. The most extensive marine lagoon is Chuuk (surrounded by 80 small islands).

    Flora and fauna

    Volcanic and coral islands differ in the nature of their vegetation. On the coast volcanic islands- mangroves, coconut palms, bamboo. The coral islands are dominated by coconut palms.

    The fauna is represented by bats, rats, crocodiles, snakes, and lizards. The world of birds is diverse. Yap, unlike other “high” islands, is of non-volcanic origin, it is covered with hills and meadows. The waters of coral reefs and lagoons are rich in fish and sea animals.

    Banks and currency

    United States dollar (USD), equal to 100 cents. Banknotes in circulation are in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars. And also coins: penny (1 cent), nickel (5 cents), dime (10 cents), quarter (25 cents), half dollar (50 cents) and 1 dollar. The dollar is the official currency of the country, so there is no point in importing anything else. American dollar travel checks are accepted almost everywhere, and most large hotels, restaurants and shops accept them as cash. There are no commercial banks on either Truk (Chuuk) or Kosrae, so make sure you have enough cash before heading to these islands. Credit cards are widely accepted on Pohnpei and are increasingly used in Truk and Yap.

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