Where the biggest volcano in the world. The biggest volcano in the world

Volcanic activity is one of the forces of nature capable of changing the face of the Earth. And at the moment, underground forces continue their titanic work. Created from a variety of lava layers, monstrous sizes, the biggest volcanoes in the world Awesome under water or hang over nearby cities.

What are them considered the biggest? Scientists have not yet come to a common opinion. Some believe that it is necessary to build a rating according to the height above sea level. Others - what to take into account the area for which the lava flows are sprawling, forming a new surface. Third - What is primarily important to the human factor: the danger to human settlements.

10. Etna - Altitude 3295 meters

Most high volcano In Europe is located on Sicily Island and is still valid. The last eruption began on 25.12.2018. Due to frequent eruptions, it is impossible to determine its height - it is constantly changing. For example, over the past 30 years, Etna "lost" in an altitude of more than 20 meters. At the moment it rises above the island by 3295 m.

Mountain is famous for its bad temper - its slopes are dressed up with craters, from where in a couple of three months it is consistently poured out of Lava. Approximately once in the eruption century is larger, presenting a direct danger to the inhabable slopes of human settlements. However, stubborn people do not stop - due to frequent soil eruptions on the mountain slopes are rich in plants useful for plants with elements that allow you to remove large crops.

9. Erebus - 3794 meters

If the remaining volcanoes are in the affected part of the world, then Erebus is located on the uninhabited mainland Antarctica. This is the largest active volcano of the southern polar edge. Despite its surrounding lifeless ice spaces, Erebus leads a very active life. And it geographical location - Accurate over several faults of the earth's crust - a lot of things contributes.

Despite the fact that nearby, people do not live near Erebus, he still affects their life in a negative sense. From the subsoil of the volcano, the flows of gases contained inside the Earth are periodically broken, mainly methane and hydrogen, which destroy the ozone layer. It is believed that the smallest thickness of the ozone sea exactly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe volcanic area.

8. Klyuchevskaya Sopka - 4835 meters

As with Etna, the height of the Klyuchevsky volcano is constantly changing. Although he lost after the five years ago of the eruption of about 15 meters, but still remains the highest current volcano in Russia and Asia.

Although compared to other vertices of Kamchatka, the Klyuchevsky volcano loses in the frequency, but success compensates for it with power. For example, the eruption of 1938 continued for 13 months and caused several craters with a height of 1900 m. And the eruption of 1980 moved away and threw up into the air to the height of more than 500 m of ice block with an area of \u200b\u200bat least half a kilometer.

But the most spectacular and most terrible eruption was the eruption of 1994, when an impressive column of the ashes was raised over the volcano, and the plume of volcanic ash stretched from the place of emission to many tens of kilometers and disappeared somewhere in the ocean.

7. Orizaba - 5636 meters

"Must be, the top of the volcano concerns the sky itself," they probably thought the ancient incops and gave him the name of Sitlaltetet, or "Star Mountain". This is the highest acting volcano of Northern and Central America, and the third largest vertex of this region. It can be seen from afar - for many more miles to the coast, the Konouse of the Orizaba can be seen from the side of the next through the Mexican bay in the port of Veracruz vessel.

Although now the volcano is sleeping, his calm is deceptive - he led a very active existence from the moment of coming to these places of Conquistadors up to the 19th century, and in last years Located at its footing station fixed permanent internal activity.

6. Elbrus - 5642 meters

SAMI high mountain At the same time is the largest volcano of Russia and Europe. Glaciers descending from the snow-covered surface give rise to several significant rivers that feed the plains of the Caucasus region.

In addition to beauty, a snow-white cone with two vertices and a small saddle between them is distinguished by a meek and peace-loving character. Elbrus has long been sleeping, and its last eruption was more than 5,000 years ago. Despite the external severity, climbing Elbrus easily and simply - climbing routes to the top of the sleeping patriarch one of the most simple.

5. Kilimanjaro - 5885 meters

Magnificent handsome Kilimanjaro - Business Card Africa, Her Most large volcano. Sleeping giant actually represents three volcanic cones, which are visible from almost any point of neighboring Tanzania and Kenya.

Unlike many rated volcanoes, Kilimanjaro is the most famous volcano in the world, typical stratov toll. If you ask the child to portray it, most likely, it will draw a conical shape of the mountain, from the top of which the ashes, burning gases and a very viscous lava, which quickly freezes, increasing the cone is increasingly higher. This is a stratovan. The magnitude of Kilimanjaro is 4800 km3, and his height is 5885 m. The last time the volcano was active at the dawn of mankind - 360000 years ago.

4. Hosh del Salado - 6,893 meters

If the second and third ranking places are the largest volcanoes of the world, if you consider from the seabed, then Okhos del Salado is the highest volcano in the world, located above the sea surface. It takes up 6,893 m. Over the ground. Giant mountain is located on the border between Argentina and Chile.

Although the last active eruption of the volcano occurred before the invention of humanity of writing - no data about it was preserved - however, the fuck-del-salado cannot be called sleeping in the full sense of the word. In the depths of a huge mountain, a mysterious hidden work is happening, the echo of which comes to land inhabitants in the form of clouds of steam and ash. The latter such activity took place quite recently - in 1993.

3. Mauna Loa - 9800 meters

Mauna Loa - the underwater volcano, whose vertex (together with five others) caused the occurrence Big Islands Hawaii archipelago. Mauna Loa 40,000 km3, an area of \u200b\u200b75,000 m2, and the height (if counting from the seabed) - as many as 9800 m. And it is the highest active volcano in the world - the last Mauna-Loa eruption was only 34 years ago, in 1984 year. In total, over the past 170 years, Mauna Loa frightened people with their activity, throwing out the lava, 33 times.

2. Mauna Kea - 10058 meters

Mauna Loa sister rises by almost 4267 m above sea level. It seems to be a little, right? However, in Mauna Kea, there is more potential than it seems at first glance - its foundation is deeply under the thickness of the water at a depth of more than 6000 m. It makes Mauna-Kea. If it was completely located on land, she would beat the record of all the highest volcanoes of the world, bypassing the "ground" Favorite Okhos del Salado for almost 3000 m.

At the top of Mauna Kea, very low humidity and almost never there are clouds - now there is one of the largest observatories in the world.

Mauna Kea arose over the hot point of the Earth - the place where the hot and molten magma rises from the mantle layer of the earth. Within millions of years, the outgoing outward molten breed created the surface of the entire Hawaiian archipelago. Mauna Kea - Sleeping volcano; This means that it is inactive for over 4,000 years, and the hot point of the magma's exit to the surface has shifted. However, the inaction does not mean that he will dorm forever.

1. The biggest volcano in the world: an array of clause - 4000 meters

"How, only 4000 meters - and the biggest volcano in the world?" - The reader may be outraged. Yes, the height of the Tama is not too impressive. But let's consider it in more detail from all sides.

Most of the largest natural objects of the world, humanity has found a long time ago at the dawn of its existence. But the massif of Tama is the most huge volcano on the planet Earth - for many years managed to hide from people.

It is amazing that humanity knew more about huge volcanoes on Mars, than about the giant mountain under the very nose. The reason for the remote location (it is 1,600 with an excess km to the east of Japan) and the depth. His peak is immersed in the crowd of the World Ocean for 2000 km. And only in 2013, scientists found out that the imagination of the mountain of Lava at the bottom of the ocean is actually a single volcano.

Its volume is approximately equal to 2.5 million km3, and the area is more than 311 km2. Fortunately, he has long been sleeping - the last eruption of Tamu was about 144 million years ago.

The most dangerous volcano in the world

Supervulkan Yellowstone is considered the most active and dangerous today. B. national Park US, it represents a huge threat not only for Wyoming, but also for the entire planet. It is believed that the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano can lead to climate change throughout the Earth.

As a result of the catastrophe, more than 70% of the territory of the United States will be destroyed. Magma and Pelle will cover the territory of the 3-meter layer. Losses will be more than 10 million lives, and the territory will turn into uninhabited due to a high level of radiation.

Today, the park visit is limited, the entrance is completely prohibited for some territories. Scientists carefully examine the caldera, the eruption can begin in the coming decades.

Most of the volcanoes of our planet is located in " fire ring", Which stretches on the shores of the whole Pacific Ocean. And there is only 1.5 thousand volcanoes on Earth, of which 540 are active.

Here is a list of the most dangerous of them.

1. Niiragongo, height 3470 m, Democratic Republic of the Congo

This is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Africa. Since 1882, 34 eruptions have been registered here. The main crater is 250 meters deep and 2 km wide, and in it there is a lake of actively burly lava. This lava is extremely fluid and its streams can reach a speed of 100 km / h. In 2002, 147 people were killed as a result of eruptions and 120,000 people were left without housing. The last eruption at the moment happened in 2016.

2. TALA, height 311 m, Philippines

This is one of the smallest active volcanoes on our planet. From 1572, he everacted 34 times. Located on Luzon Island, on Lake Tala. The strongest eruption of this volcano in the 20th century happened in 1911 - 1335 people died in 10 minutes and in general everything is alive at a distance of 10 km. In 1965, 200 people died. Last eruption - 1977

3. Mauna Loa, height 4 169 m, Hawaii (USA)

In Hawaii, many volcanoes, but it is the largest and most dangerous of all. Since 1832, 39 eruptions have been recorded. The last eruption occurred in 1984, the last strong eruption in 1950.

4. Vesuvius, height 1 281 m, Italy

One of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world is located just 15 km east of Naples. The most famous historical eruption occurred in 79 AD. As a result, this casterfields are two cities - Pompeii and Herculaneum - disappeared from the face of the earth. In modern history, the last eruption of Vesuvius happened in 1944.

5. Merapy, height 2 930 m, Indonesia

This most active in Indonesia the current volcano is located on the island of Java not far from the city of Yogyakarta. "Merapy" is translated as "mountain fire". The volcano is young, so he puffs with enviable regularity. Large eruptions occur on average every 7 years. In 1930, about 1,300 people died, in 1974 two villages were destroyed, in 2010 353 people died. Last eruption - 2011

6. Saint Helens, height 2 550 m, USA

Located 154 km from Seattle and 85 km from Portland. The most famous eruption of this active volcano occurred in 1980, when 57 people died. The eruption was rare type - "directional explosion". The process of eruption of the volcano and the spread of the ash cloud was filmed by photographer Robert Landsburg, who died at the same time, but retaining the film. The last activity today has been fixed in 2008.

7. Etna, height 3 350 m, Italy

Etna volcano is located on eastern coast Sicily. This is the highest active volcano in Europe. Throughout its existence, he everacted about 200 times. In 1992, one of the largest eruptions was recorded, during which the town of Dzaffera was barely saved. On December 3, 2015, the central crater of the volcano threw the lava fountain for kilometer height. Last eruption - February 27, 2017.

8. Sakuradzima, height 1 117 m, Japan

The volcano is located on the Peninsula of the Osuma Kyushu Island in the Japanese Kagosima Prefecture. Almost always stands over the volcano cloud of smoke. The eruptions were recorded on August 18, 2013, in March 2009. The last eruption was recorded on July 26, 2016.

9. Galeras, height 4 276 m, Colombia

Over the past 7 thousand years, at least six major eruptions occurred on the gallers and many small ones. In 1993 during research work In the crater, six volcanologists and three tourists were killed (the eruption also began). Latest registered eruptions: January 2008, February 2009, January and August 2010

10. Popochetetet, height 5426 m, Mexico

The name is translated as a "smoking hill". Volcano is located near Mexico City. From 1519 he everacted 20 times. The last eruption was recorded in 2015.

11. Undwan, height 1,500 m, Japan

The volcano is located on the Simabara Peninsula. The eruption of the Unclean volcano in 1792 is among the five most devastating eruptions in the history of mankind in the number of human victims. The eruption caused tsunami with a height of 55 meters, the victims of which were more than 15 thousand people. And in 1991, 43 people were killed during the eruption. Since 1996, eruptions have not been observed.

12. Krakataau, height 813 m, Indonesia

This acting volcano is located between the Islands of Java and Sumatra. Until the historic eruption of 1883, the volcano was significantly higher and presented one big island. However, the most powerful eruption of 1883 destroyed the island and volcano. Today Krakatau is still active and small eruptions occur quite regularly. Last Activity - 2014.

13. Santa Maria, height 3 772 m, Guatemala

The first registered eruption of this volcano occurred in October 1902, before that he was "rested" for 500 years. The explosion was heard over 800 km in Costa Rica, and the ash pillar rose 28 km. About 6 thousand people died. Today, the volcano is in active condition. The last eruption is registered in 2011.

14. Klyuchevskaya Natka, height 4835 m, Russia

The volcano is located in the east of Kamchatka 60 km from the coast. This is the largest acting volcano in Russia. Over the past 270 years, more than 50 eruptions have been recorded, the latter - in April 2016.

15. Karamskaya Natka, height 1468 m, Russia

Also located on Kamchatka. Since 1852, more than 20 eruptions have been recorded. Eruption of recent years: 2005, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 Very restless volcano.

Volcanic activity is one of the forces of nature capable of changing the face of the Earth. And at the moment, underground forces continue their titanic work. Created from a variety of lava layers, monstrous sizes, the biggest volcanoes in the world Awesome under water or hang over nearby cities.

What are them considered the biggest? Scientists have not yet come to a common opinion. Some believe that it is necessary to build a rating according to the height above sea level. Others - what to take into account the area for which the lava flows are sprawling, forming a new surface. Third - What is primarily important to the human factor: the danger to human settlements.

10. Etna - Altitude 3295 meters

The highest volcano in Europe is located on Sicily Island and is still valid. The last eruption began on 25.12.2018. Due to frequent eruptions, it is impossible to determine its height - it is constantly changing. For example, over the past 30 years, Etna "lost" in an altitude of more than 20 meters. At the moment it rises above the island by 3295 m.

Mountain is famous for its bad temper - its slopes are dressed up with craters, from where in a couple of three months it is consistently poured out of Lava. Approximately once in the eruption century is larger, presenting a direct danger to the inhabable slopes of human settlements. However, stubborn people do not stop - due to frequent soil eruptions on the mountain slopes are rich in plants useful for plants with elements that allow you to remove large crops.

9. Erebus - 3794 meters

If the remaining volcanoes are in the affected part of the world, then Erebus is located on the uninhabited mainland Antarctica. This is the largest active volcano of the southern polar edge. Despite its surrounding lifeless ice spaces, Erebus leads a very active life. And his geographical location - accurate over several faults of the earth's crust - a lot of things contributes.

Despite the fact that nearby, people do not live near Erebus, he still affects their life in a negative sense. From the subsoil of the volcano, the flows of gases contained inside the Earth are periodically broken, mainly methane and hydrogen, which destroy the ozone layer. It is believed that the smallest thickness of the ozone sea exactly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe volcanic area.

8. Klyuchevskaya Sopka - 4835 meters

As with Etna, the height of the Klyuchevsky volcano is constantly changing. Although he lost after the five years ago of the eruption of about 15 meters, but still remains the highest current volcano in Russia and Asia.

Although compared to other vertices of Kamchatka, the Klyuchevsky volcano loses in the frequency, but success compensates for it with power. For example, the eruption of 1938 continued for 13 months and caused several craters with a height of 1900 m. And the eruption of 1980 moved away and threw up into the air to the height of more than 500 m of ice block with an area of \u200b\u200bat least half a kilometer.

But the most spectacular and most terrible eruption was the eruption of 1994, when an impressive column of the ashes was raised over the volcano, and the plume of volcanic ash stretched from the place of emission to many tens of kilometers and disappeared somewhere in the ocean.

7. Orizaba - 5636 meters

"Must be, the top of the volcano concerns the sky itself," they probably thought the ancient incops and gave him the name of Sitlaltetet, or "Star Mountain". This is the highest acting volcano of Northern and Central America, and the third largest vertex of this region. It can be seen from afar - for many more miles to the coast, the Konouse of the Orizaba can be seen from the side of the next through the Mexican bay in the port of Veracruz vessel.

Although now the volcano is sleeping, his calm is deceptive - he led to a very active existence from the moment of coming in these places of Conquistadors up to the 19th century, and in recent years the station located at its footage fixed permanent internal activity.

6. Elbrus - 5642 meters

The highest mountain is at the same time the largest volcano of Russia and Europe. Glaciers descending from the snow-covered surface give rise to several significant rivers that feed the plains of the Caucasus region.

In addition to beauty, a snow-white cone with two vertices and a small saddle between them is distinguished by a meek and peace-loving character. Elbrus has long been sleeping, and its last eruption was more than 5,000 years ago. Despite the external severity, climbing Elbrus easily and simply - climbing routes to the top of the sleeping patriarch one of the most simple.

5. Kilimanjaro - 5885 meters

Magnificent handsome Kilimanjaro - Business Card Africa, her biggest volcano. Sleeping giant actually represents three volcanic cones, which are visible from almost any point of neighboring Tanzania and Kenya.

Unlike many rated volcanoes, Kilimanjaro is the most famous volcano in the world, typical stratov toll. If you ask the child to portray it, most likely, it will draw a conical shape of the mountain, from the top of which the ashes, burning gases and a very viscous lava, which quickly freezes, increasing the cone is increasingly higher. This is a stratovan. The magnitude of Kilimanjaro is 4800 km3, and his height is 5885 m. The last time the volcano was active at the dawn of mankind - 360000 years ago.

4. Hosh del Salado - 6,893 meters

If the second and third ranking places are the largest volcanoes of the world, if you consider from the seabed, then Okhos del Salado is the highest volcano in the world, located above the sea surface. It takes up 6,893 m. Over the ground. Giant mountain is located on the border between Argentina and Chile.

Although the last active eruption of the volcano occurred before the invention of humanity of writing - no data about it was preserved - however, the fuck-del-salado cannot be called sleeping in the full sense of the word. In the depths of a huge mountain, a mysterious hidden work is happening, the echo of which comes to land inhabitants in the form of clouds of steam and ash. The latter such activity took place quite recently - in 1993.

3. Mauna Loa - 9800 meters

Mauna Loa is the underwater volcano, the top of which (together with five others) served as the emergence of the Great Island of Hawaii's archipelago. Mauna Loa 40,000 km3, an area of \u200b\u200b75,000 m2, and the height (if counting from the seabed) - as many as 9800 m. And it is the highest active volcano in the world - the last Mauna-Loa eruption was only 34 years ago, in 1984 year. In total, over the past 170 years, Mauna Loa frightened people with their activity, throwing out the lava, 33 times.

2. Mauna Kea - 10058 meters

Mauna Loa sister rises by almost 4267 m above sea level. It seems to be a little, right? However, in Mauna Kea, there is more potential than it seems at first glance - its foundation is deeply under the thickness of the water at a depth of more than 6000 m. It makes Mauna-Kea. If it was completely located on land, she would beat the record of all the highest volcanoes of the world, bypassing the "ground" Favorite Okhos del Salado for almost 3000 m.

At the top of Mauna Kea, very low humidity and almost never there are clouds - now there is one of the largest observatories in the world.

Mauna Kea arose over the hot point of the Earth - the place where the hot and molten magma rises from the mantle layer of the earth. Within millions of years, the outgoing outward molten breed created the surface of the entire Hawaiian archipelago. Mauna Kea - Sleeping volcano; This means that it is inactive for over 4,000 years, and the hot point of the magma's exit to the surface has shifted. However, the inaction does not mean that he will dorm forever.

1. The biggest volcano in the world: an array of clause - 4000 meters

"How, only 4000 meters - and the biggest volcano in the world?" - The reader may be outraged. Yes, the height of the Tama is not too impressive. But let's consider it in more detail from all sides.

Most of the largest natural objects of the world, humanity has found a long time ago at the dawn of its existence. But the massif of Tama is the most huge volcano on the planet Earth - for many years managed to hide from people.

It is amazing that humanity knew more about huge volcanoes on Mars, than about the giant mountain under the very nose. The reason for the remote location (it is 1,600 with an excess km to the east of Japan) and the depth. His peak is immersed in the crowd of the World Ocean for 2000 km. And only in 2013, scientists found out that the imagination of the mountain of Lava at the bottom of the ocean is actually a single volcano.

Its volume is approximately equal to 2.5 million km3, and the area is more than 311 km2. Fortunately, he has long been sleeping - the last eruption of Tamu was about 144 million years ago.

The most dangerous volcano in the world

Supervulkan Yellowstone is considered the most active and dangerous today. Located in the US National Park, it represents a huge threat not only for Wyoming, but also for the entire planet. It is believed that the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano can lead to climate change throughout the Earth.

As a result of the catastrophe, more than 70% of the territory of the United States will be destroyed. Magma and Pelle will cover the territory of the 3-meter layer. Losses will be more than 10 million lives, and the territory will turn into uninhabited due to a high level of radiation.

Today, the park visit is limited, the entrance is completely prohibited for some territories. Scientists carefully examine the caldera, the eruption can begin in the coming decades.


In those countries where there are volcanoes, for example in Indonesia, they are located in such major provinces such as Western Java, East Java or Central Java. One of the worst disasters is an eruption of a volcano that can carry hundreds, and even thousands of lives. It is impossible to forget about the eruption of the Volcano Krakataau, that huge damage and thousands of victims. And here we present a list of the most dangerous and active volcanoes of the world. However, not all volcanoes are danger. Enjoying huge demand among travelers and lovers of wildlife.

No. 10. Hawaii, Volcano Mauna Loa

Mauna Loa is one of the five mountains that form the island of Hawaii. Despite the fact that this is not the highest mountain, the volcanic eruption is highly dangerous, since its lava is based on liquid consistency, which can lead to serious fires. Mauna Loa is the largest volcano in the world (in terms of volume and square), taking into account the volume of lava, it reaches 18,000 cubic miles. The last eruption occurred on April 15, 1984.

№ 9. Philippines, Volcano Tala

Approximately 50 km (31 miles) from the capital of Manila is one of the most dangerous volcanoes, Tal. This mountain is an island on a lake Tala, which is located inside the caldera formed as a result of very strong previous eruptions (this process is similar to the Toba lake). Volcano Tala is a complex of volcanoes on Luzon Island in the Philippines. Several times there were strong eruptions of this volcano, including one of the most powerful eruptions that took more than a thousand people.

No. 8. Papua New Guinea, Volcano Wywoon

Volcano Wywoon is located in Papua New Guinea, on the Bismarck Archipelago, and is one of most active and dangerous volcanoes New Guinea. Several eruptions were registered, one of the strongests occurred in 1980, the asset pillar, which was erupted from Wlower reached 60,000 feet to height, and its pyroclastic flows swept the mountains from all sides.

No. 7. Congo, Nyragongo Volcano

Starting from 1882, he everacted at least 34 times. One of the most terrible eruptions occurred on September 17, 2002, when Lava, which flowed down the slopes of Nyraongo covered about 40% of the city of Goma and left almost 120,000 people without bed. Nyragongo - one of the most active volcanoes In Africa, his activity never stops.

No. 6. Indonesia, Volcano Merapy

Mount Merapi is a conical volcano, which is located in Indonesia on the border between Central Yava and Jokyakata. Most of the eruption of the Merapy, including Lava, continues to descend, from time to time accompanied by hot smoke, capable of spreading at a speed of up to 120 km per hour. This is the most active and dangerous volcanoes In Indonesia, they were intensified 10,000 years ago, and from 1548 their activities do not stop.

№ 5. Colombia, Volcano Galeras

This mountain the most active volcano In Colombia. Since 2000, his eruption occurred practical every year. It is dangerous, because The frequency of eruptions is unpredictable. Galeras volcano is active for at least a million years. Its location near the South Colombian border with Ecuador could lead to a descent of hot lava on the slope of the Mountain Galeras by 3.5 km. The last eruption of January 3, 2010 forced the government to evacuate 8,000 people.

№ 4. Japan, Volcano Sakuradzim

Sakuradzim Volcano is located on Kyushu Island in Japan and is one of the most dangerous volcanoes. On March 10, 2009, a terrible eruption occurred when the volcano threw stones and other rocks to a distance of up to 2 miles. Sakuradyzima eruption intensity is one of the strongest not only in Japan, but also in the world. Over the past 45 years, 73 eruptions were registered.

№ 3. Mexico, volcano Popochetetet

The acting volcano Popochettel is located at an altitude of 5426 meters above sea level. Since December 1994, the dangerous activity of the volcano continued, while in 2000 there was no such strongest eruption, which only known history. Since 1519, 20 eruptions are registered. The explosion was so strong that he threw ashes on a satisfied long distance.

No. 2. Italy, Vesuviy Volcano

Mount Vesuvius is a valid volcano in the Neapolitan Gulf, in Italy, approximately 9 miles east of Naples. Mount Vesuvius is the only volcano in Europe, which everacted over the past 100 years. This volcano could explode at any time and cruelly punish people living in its surroundings. The eruption of the lava from the volcano can reach a high height, so in March 1994, Lava splashed to a height of up to 1000 meters. The famous eruption of 79 destroyed the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

No. 1. USA, Vulcan Yellowstone

Vulcan Yeloustin - the most dangerous and active volcano in the world. Emitted from this volcano, stones and breed can fly up to 1000 km away. The volcanic eruption of Lava and the ashes of this mountain threatens extinct living and can cause a mass disaster, because it will entail other volcanic activity defined by tectonic fluctuations, which will cause other explosions.

One of the first fixed in the history of volcanic eruptions, which caused large human sacrificesThere was an eruption of Vesuvius volcano in 79, covered by volcanic ashes of the city of Pompeii, Staby and Herculane. Of all the dangers that lie humanity, volcanoes are the most dangerous geological formations on the surface of our planet.

The Special Organization for the UN even amounted to a list of the most dangerous volcanoes of recent decades. Based on the list and other information, we will make a rating and learn what the same powerful volcano On the ground in the history of mankind.

Merapy. Indonesia

Over the expanses of Java at an altitude of 2,914 meters there is a crater of a dangerous volcano South-East Asia. Merapy eruptions are recorded by specialists with regularity at 7 years.

Merapy releases smoke every day without giving people to forget that he can wake up at any time. One of the latter large catastrophe It happened in the mid-1970s of the last century, when the village covered the village, and 29 people were listed.

Koryak. Russia

35 kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky over the hills of Kamchatka rose stratovolnik Koryaksky. Today it is one of the largest volcanoes of Russia.

Koryaksky, who formed about two and a half million years ago, periodically reminds itself emissions of ashes and eruptions.

In 2008, an emission was released from the western slope, which was visible from nearby townships, and the smoke loop stretched more than 100 kilometers.

Tadeid. Spain

On the Spanish island of Tenerife is a beautiful volcano Tadeid. It is noteworthy that this mountain is highest point Spain and pay in itself, despite the beauty, potential danger.

The island itself is one of the many volcanic formations At the shores of Spain. Today, Tadeid is not active, and the last time worried about the surroundings in 1909.

If it is awakened, and the seismologists do not exclude such an opportunity, it will become an unpleasant surprise not only for the Spaniards, but also the Southern Europe.

Santa Maria. Guatemala

In the mountain range in the West, Guatemala is a volcano with the beautiful and romantic name of Santa Maria. Despite the harmless name, in the history of the mountain was the most powerful emissions of the lava, and the explosions were heard over 700 kilometers.

Then, in 1902, more than 6 thousand people died, and today it is potentially dangerous for the population of Guatemala. After all, at any moment Santa Maria can wake up, demonstrating its character's emissions of thousands of tons of lava and ash.

Santorin. Greece

In the XVII century BC. A catastrophic eruption of the Santorin volcanic eruption destroyed the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete, and served as the birth of the legend of Atlantis.

And the tsunamis that followed the eruption reached the shores of Greece and flooded the Aegean coastal cities.

Tira Island itself has significantly changed his form. Crater failed, forming a convex caldera, which the sea immediately flooded.

Ethna. Italy

The largest of the existing volcanoes in Europe is located on the east coast of Sicily Island among the picturesque landscapes of the Mediterranean.

It carries a potential danger if several crater are activated simultaneously, and about four hundred and their counts are activated.

The last major emission of the lava and volcanic ash occurred in 2011. But if you believe the ancient Greek myth of the Goddess of Athena pressed the euti Giant Enkenlad, and the eruption is the fiery breath of the defeated titanium.

Tala. Philippines

On the island of Luzon, just 50 kilometers from the capital of the Philippines of the city of Manila spread its slopes of the actual stratovol.

Now Tal sleeps, and in his crater, a beautiful little lake was formed, which pleases the beauty of those who rose to the top. But for the last time he was erupted in 1965, as a result of which about 200 people died.

But at the beginning of the twentieth century, one small volcano of the planet caused a big trouble. In 10 minutes, all living things died within a radius of 20 kilometers, and the ashes of the ashes were visible for hundreds of kilometers from the island.

Wywoon. Papua New Guinea

The acting volcano, formed during the period of Pleistocene from basalt and Andesite rocks.

From the moment when the slave began to observe 22 powerful volcanic eruptions.

And from the latter it is worth noting the 2007 catastrophe when there was a powerful magma's emission. A large number of The asked asked on the green slopes of the mountain and in nearby settlements.

Undwan. Japan

Now Undzen in the Japanese Peninsula of the Simabara is considered a weakly active seismologist, and at one time endowed a lot of noise in the region.

The powerful eruption of Undzen was recorded in the Middle Ages era, in 1663. But in 119 years after that, its activity caused tsunamis, as sources with a wave height of 55 meters fix. As a result of natural disaster, 15,000 people died.

In 1991, during the research expedition, Lava covered 43 seismologists and media representatives, which at the time of the lava were located on the mountain slopes of the mountain.

Popochette. Mexico

In the Nastyl language, the name of this translates as a "smoking hill", and today it is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the ridge of Mexican mountains.

For a long time it was believed that Popochettel, as well as his fellow Istaxioatl, is extinct, but at the end of the twentieth century began to show activity.

The danger is that there are more than 20 million people around the mountain ridge, where there is more than 20 million people, and in the case of a powerful eruption, a large-scale evacuation operation will be required.

Yellowstone. USA

For several years, Yellowstone has been holding not only the scientific community in tension, but all of humanity. This caldera is often called supervulkan, but it is impossible to calculate the potential power and the danger of this geological education.

But no matter how it was, Yellowstone is considered today, even in perspective, the most powerful volcano of the world.

As a result of the most powerful eruption of approximately 650000 years ago, the yellosotunsk caldera was formed, and many exactly what she believes possible cause The end of the world.

Volcano on Isabel Island in the Pacific Ocean for many centuries keeps the population of the region in suspense.

Sierra Negra, according to the estimates of seismologists and researchers of the geological structure of the Earth, the most powerful volcano in the world. There are many catastrophes with him, and the last time the evacuation of the inhabitants due to its activity was carried out in 2006.

The Ecuadorian giant has a thyroid form, and is often the cause of seismicactivity in this part of the Pacific Ocean.


As you can see, from time to time, volcanoes show their violent character, carrying the death of everything in the district and presenting the potential danger of mankind.

Many millions of years ago the most powerful eruptions Volcanoes formed the surface of the earth's crust, and today they are the causes of small shifts of tectonic plates. And, for example, in 1963, a new island appeared as a result of eruptions in Iceland.

See also: