Secrets of the Aryan Civilization. what was Hyperborea - the ancient homeland of the Slavs? Kovdor - the capital of Hyperborea

Researchers of ancient legends and myths mention one mysterious world called Hyperborea. There is also information that this country was sometimes called Arctida. Many have tried to find its possible location, but so far its existence has not been proven and nothing but myths has been confirmed. What is Hyperborea? This is a hypothetical ancient continent or a huge island that previously existed in the northern part of the planet near the North Pole. In those days, Hyperborea was inhabited by a very powerful people - the Hyperboreans, who had a fairly developed civilization. Considering what Hyperborea is, it should be noted that its name means "beyond the north wind Boreas." Some researchers believe that this is the notorious Atlantis.


So far, there is no evidence that Hyperborea ever existed. we can only learn from ancient Greek legends and images of this piece of land on old engravings, for example, on the map of Mercator, which was published by his son back in 1595. On it in the center is an image of this legendary mainland, and around is the coast of the Northern Arctic Ocean with modern, easily recognizable rivers and islands.

It should be noted that this map gave rise to many questions from researchers who also wanted to understand what Hyperborea is. According to the descriptions of many ancient Greek chroniclers, a favorable climate prevailed on this mainland, and from the sea or big lake, which was located in the center of Hyperborea, flowed out and fell into the ocean 4 big rivers, which is why on the map this mysterious place looks like a round shield with a cross.

What else can be said about this place? The ancient Greeks believed that the inhabitants of this continent (island) were especially loved by the god Apollo. His servants and priests lived on the territory of Hyperborea. Ancient legends say that the god Apollo came to this area once every 19 years.

According to some astronomical data, one can understand the essence of the appearance of this Hyperborean deity. The fact is that the lunar nodes in orbit return to their starting point exactly after 18.5 years. But any celestial body in ancient times was something divine, for example, the Moon in Ancient Greece was Selena. To the names of various Greek gods, including Apollo, as well as to famous heroes, for example, Hercules, a generalized epithet was added - Hyperborean.

Inhabitants of Hyperborea

There are many different books about Hyperborea. From them you can find out that the inhabitants of this country were Hyperboreans. They belonged to those peoples who were close to the gods. The inhabitants of this mysterious place enjoyed joyful labor with dances, songs, prayers, feasts, as well as general endless fun. It was believed that the death of the Hyperborean occurred only because of satiety and fatigue. The rite of termination of life at the same time was quite simple - when the Hyperboreans got tired of their lives, they threw themselves into the sea.

The wise inhabitants of this place possessed multiple knowledge and secrets of Hyperborea. Natives of these lands (wise men Arsitey and Abaris) were considered both hypostasis and servants of Apollo. They taught the Greek people to compose hymns and poems, and for the first time revealed to them the secrets of the universe, philosophy and music.

The capital of Hyperborea was the city of Pola.

Homeland of the ancient Slavs

Dozens of scientists and writers tried to localize this mysterious continent. As mentioned earlier, there is no confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea, but there is a theory that it was from these lands that the Slavic peoples came. That is why Hyperborea is considered to be the birthplace of the entire Russian people. The polar Northern continent once connected the lands of the New World and Eurasia. Various authors and researchers find remains ancient civilization in the following places:

  • Kola Peninsula.
  • Greenland.
  • Ural mountains.
  • Karelia.
  • Peninsula Taimyr.

Reality or myth

There are many people who do not delve into history, but are interested in the question of whether ancient Hyperborea ever existed? The first mention of this country appeared in ancient sources. The Hyperboreans were described by various writers and historians, starting with Hesiod and ending with Nostradamus:

  1. Pliny Sr. spoke of the Hyperboreans as inhabitants of the Arctic Circle, where the sun shone for six months.
  2. The poet Alkey in his hymn to Apollo spoke about the proximity of the solar god with this people, which was also confirmed by the famous historian
  3. Aristotle united the Scythians-Rus and the Hyperborean peoples.
  4. Hekatey of Abdera, who lived in Egypt, told a legend about small island, which was in the ocean opposite the country of the Celts.
  5. In addition to the Romans and Greeks, the mystical lands and their inhabitants were mentioned by the Indian peoples, the Chinese, and the Persians. There is information about them in the German epics.

What scientists say

The mysteries of Hyperborea could not be ignored by modern historians. They both put forward and continue to put forward their versions about the inhabitants of the secret place and their culture, comparing the facts and drawing certain conclusions. According to some historians, Arctida is the mother of all world culture, since in the past these lands were a very favorable place for the prosperity and life of people. Previously, a favorable subtropical climate reigned there, which attracted advanced people of that time. Therefore, the Hyperboreans often contacted the Romans and Greeks.

Where did the mysterious Hyperborea disappear?

Surely you are wondering where did Hyperborea - the cradle of mankind? The history of this continent or island has more than one millennium. Based on ancient writings, we can conclude that the way of life of this people was democratic and simple. All people here lived as one family, settled near water bodies, and their main activity in the form of crafts, art and creativity contributed to the disclosure of the spiritual qualities of a person. At present, only the northern part of modern Russia is considered the remnants of that ancient Hyperborea, which was once inhabited by people. But why did she disappear? Where did you go? Scientists suggest that the reasons why Hyperborea, the cradle of mankind, ceased to exist are as follows:

  1. Changing of the climate. Most likely, the peoples who inhabited this continent, due to changes climatic conditions started migrating south. Lomonosov also wrote that for a very long time in Siberia and to the north it was so warm that even elephants could feel comfortable there. This is confirmed by the fossilized remains of palm trees and magnolias found in Greenland. The climate could change due to the displacement of the earth's axis. Ice ages also contributed to this. The glaciation came so fast that the mammoths froze to death.
  2. War of Hyperborea and Atlantis. This version is not supported by any facts or documents. Scientists have only records of Plato. He argued that the disappeared civilization ceased to exist as a result of the disastrous war that was waged between Hyperborea and Atlantis.

Since the existence of this ancient civilization has not yet been scientifically proven, it is possible to talk about it only in theory, drawing information from various ancient sources. There are many different legends about Antarctica. Consider the most popular of them:

  1. As mentioned earlier, Apollo himself made his trip to Hyperborea every 19 years.
  2. Another myth connects the territory of Hyperborea with modern northern peoples. Even some of the modern studies prove that Hyperborea once existed in the north of the Eurasian continent, and the Slavs come from it.
  3. The war between Hyperborea and Atlantis was fought with the use of nuclear weapons. Perhaps this legend can be called the most incredible.

Historical facts

Historians have concluded that the ancient civilization existed about 20,000 years ago. It was then that huge ridges (Lomonosov and Mendeleev) towered above the surface of the Arctic Ocean. In those days there was no ice, and the water in the sea was very warm, as modern paleontologists say. To confirm the existence of this disappeared continent is possible only empirically. This suggests that traces of the Hyperboreans, various artifacts, ancient maps, and monuments should be looked for. Incredibly, such evidence is now available.

In 1922, a Russian expedition led by Alexander Barchenko on the Kola Peninsula found skillfully crafted stones that were oriented to the cardinal points. At the same time, a blocked manhole was found. These finds belonged to a more ancient period than the Egyptian civilization.

More about the expedition

Targeted searches for this place have never been carried out, but at the beginning of the 20th century in the area of ​​Lovozero and Seydozero (now they are in Murmansk region) sent a scientific expedition. Its leader was the travelers Barchenko and Kondiayn. During research work, they were engaged in geographical, ethnographic and psychophysical study of the area.

Once the expedition quite by accident stumbled upon an unusual hole that went under the surface of the earth. However, they failed to penetrate it quite strange reason: everyone who tried to get there was seized by a wild inexplicable horror. But still, the researchers managed to photograph a strange passage into the very depths of the earth.

When the expedition returned to Moscow, it submitted a report on the journey, but the data was immediately classified. The most interesting thing in this story is that in the most hungry years for our country, the government quickly approved the financing and preparation of this expedition. Most likely, it was given great importance.

The leader of the expedition, Barchenko, after returning, was repressed and then shot. The materials he provided were kept secret for a long time.

However, in the early nineties, Doctor of Philosophy Demin managed to find out about the expedition. When he got acquainted with the results of the trip, studied in detail the traditions and legends of the peoples, he decided to independently go in search of Hyperborea.

In 1997-1999, a scientific expedition was again organized to search for the legendary territory on the Kola Peninsula. The researchers were given the only task, which was to search for traces of this ancient cradle humanity.

What was found

For 2 years, this expedition discovered a large number of traces of an ancient civilization on the territory of the Kola Peninsula. Here travelers found ancient petroglyphs depicting the sun. Similar symbolism has also been found among the ancient Chinese and the heptanes.

In addition, artificially created labyrinths aroused great interest among researchers. It is from here that they took their distribution around the world. Modern scientists have been able to prove that these stone labyrinths are a coded projection of the passage of a heavenly body across the polar sky.

The expedition managed to find several rock carvings in the form of a trident and a lotus. In addition, special interest arose in the image of a man who, according to legend, was walled up in the rock of Karnasurta.

Of course, these finds cannot be considered direct evidence of the existence of a highly developed civilization. However, it often happens that the most daring hypotheses, which venerable scientists smashed to smithereens, were later fully confirmed.

What is now in the place of Hyperborea

Until now, there is no specific data regarding the location of the island or the mainland of Hyperborea. If we turn to modern scientific data, then there are no islands near the North Pole, but there is an underwater Lomonosov Ridge, which was named after its discoverer. Next to it is the Mendeleev Ridge. They both sank under water relatively recently.

That is why it can be assumed that a millennium ago this range was inhabited, and its inhabitants could move to the neighboring continent in the regions of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, on Taimyr or on the Kola Peninsula.

Books about Hyperborea

If you want to delve into the study of this ancient culture, you can read books written by foreign and Russian authors:

  • "The Babylonian Phenomenon. Russian language from time immemorial”, author N.N. Oreshkin.
  • Paradise Found at the North Pole by W.F. Warren.
  • "Hyperborea. Foremother of Russian culture”, author V.N. Demin, and other publications.
  • “In search of Hyperborea”, authors V.V. Golubev and V.V. Tokarev.
  • "Hyperborea. Historical roots of the Russian people”, author V.N. Demin.
  • "Arctic homeland in the Vedas", author B.L. Tilak.


Currently, Hyperborea is one of the most mysterious and mythical places, the mystery of which excites mankind. Perhaps the stories about the mainland are fiction, but many believe in its real existence.

The legendary proto-civilization of the Hyperboreans was sought by many, including the Bolsheviks and the Nazis. Journalists from Goroda 812 found the capital of Hyperborea in the polar Kovdor, a dead-end Russian monotown in the Lapland tundra, 17 km from the Finnish border.

Traces of ancient culture are found everywhere there - artifacts, literally, lie under your feet. For many years, no one, except for crazy enthusiasts, did not pay attention to them. Recently, Kovdor officially declared itself the capital of Hyperborea. Why did the authorities believe in the legend, and why does the oligarch Melnichenko need it? - learned "City 812".

What happens if you dig for 60 years without stopping

Kovdor is located on the Kola Peninsula, this is the only place on the planet where baddeleyite (zirconium ore) is mined. But the city will become famous (it has not yet become famous, but is already ready) not for this: in Kovdor and its environs, unique monuments, belonging to the (presumably) disappeared Hyperborean civilization. The journalists of "City 812" devoted their vacation to researching the legend of the wonderland, and what benefits can be derived from ancient runes.

Until now, the Kovdorsky Mining and Processing Plant (GOK) has been (and remains) the main one here. Near the plant, built in the 1950s on the "place of power" of the Hyperboreans, is the city of Kovdor. The pictures from space show that the area of ​​the GOK is larger than the area of ​​the city.

Kovdor on the map: quarry and city

The central point of Kovdor is a giant quarry with a diameter of 2.5 km and a depth of almost half a kilometer (!), where iron ore is mined. There used to be a hill in this place.

For more than 60 years, they have been digging here non-stop: excavators and trucks as high as a three-story building, transporting ore, crawl around the walls of the crater around the clock. The journey from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the crater on a shift (worker transport vehicle) takes about an hour.

GOK works seven days a week - continuous production.

We were given protective clothing (a complete set - from sandals to gloves) and were allowed to walk along the edge of the quarry. You look down - as if from the tower of the Lakhta Center. The depth of the quarry and the height of the St. Petersburg skyscraper are the same.

Twice a week - on Wednesdays and Saturdays - the rock is blown up at the GOK. Stone dust hangs in the air, the locals are already used to it and do not notice it. On the territory of the Mining and Processing Plant, sprinklers drive, irrigating sand and gravel roads.

The enterprise produces iron ore, apatite and baddeleyite concentrate. The plant has a license to dig another hundred years - to a depth of two kilometers.

Artifacts underfoot

Kovdor stands on the lands of the ancient Saami. Many Kovdorians call themselves Sami and believe that they are the heirs of the Hyperboreans.

According to legend, Hyperborea (aka Arctida) tens of thousands of years ago founded a highly developed proto-civilization, which then mysteriously disappeared. Where exactly she was and whether she really was, has not yet been found out. In favor of the Arctic indicate the names - Arctida, as well as Hyperborea, which is translated from ancient Greek - "the country lying behind the north wind."

Artist Vsevolod Ivanov draws Hyperborea. From this picture it is clear that it was destroyed by global cooling.

Traces of the Hyperborean civilization in in large numbers found by the inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula. Artifacts are lying under your feet! We were able to see only a small part of them. The main obstacle for researchers is nature, which hides ancient monuments in hard-to-reach places.

The main Kovdor artifact, fortunately, is located in a very accessible place. This is a runestone lying a hundred meters from the GOK entrance. Now it is hidden in the thickets of grass, overgrown with moss. According to Natalia Ilina, the artifact was discovered by local historian Valentina Popova back in 1997. She saw runic symbols on it, running along the snake's body. By the way, Kovdor is translated from Sami as "snake".

The most accessible artifact is a stone with runes

Later, local researchers identified the runes on the stone as ancient Aryan. (According to the common version, the Aryans were descendants of the Hyperboreans). The symbols add up to a topographic map. Runes of Fire and Stone are located in place ancient volcano(now there is a mine "Iron"). Rune of Water - on the site of the city lake.

The stone is not guarded, and has not been seriously examined by anyone. Although they made tracing paper from the runes to show scientists.

Tracing paper from stone runes

One of the latest Kovdor discoveries is a megalithic complex on the banks of the Tolva River. Rectangular slabs were found there, laid in the form of stairs, and clusters of the same slabs, reminiscent of the foundations of buildings. This is the capital of Hyperborea, the locals are sure.

We are waiting for the Chinese

Local residents call Kovdor a dead end - because to him with " mainland”There is only one road that ends here. Few people go to Kovdor - only business trips to the mining and processing plant and occasional tourists.

The population of Kovdor is about 16 thousand people, over the past 30 years it has halved. The whole life of the townspeople revolves around the Mining and Processing Plant: for them, it is both an employer, a host and a benefactor. The plant gives money for social programs, culture, improvement and, in fact, manages life in Kovdor.

- It is impossible today to separate what the plant does and what the city does. But the city needs to move away from dependence on the plant, local residents explain.

Together with the government of the Murmansk region and the administration of the Kovdorsky district, GOK created a concept for the development of the territory, naming it straightforwardly - "Kovdor - the capital of Hyperborea".

The main task is to attract tourists and create a tourist infrastructure in the region. Large-scale plans: hiking in the footsteps of the Hyperboreans, the construction of hostels, tents, camp sites. Creation of deer and trout farms. Pearl fishing on the Yena River (supplied to the imperial court of the Romanovs). Alluvium of gold. Collection of mushrooms, cloudberries and everything useful that has grown. Viewing the Northern Lights. Industrial excursions to the mining and processing complex and to the abandoned mines of Kovdorslyuda.

The concept is mainly focused on Russian tourists. Although they hope for foreigners. “We are waiting for the Chinese,” the locals admit. “And, of course, the Finns.” Kovdor is located 17 km from the border with Finland. The city could live richly if a border crossing was opened nearby. The construction of the checkpoint "Kovdor - Savukovsky", as well as the road to the state border - the main points of the project "Kovdor - the capital of Hyperborea". This issue is being addressed by the government of the Murmansk region and MHK "EuroChem" oligarch Andrey Melnichenko, who owns the Kovdorsky GOK.

Pseudo-scientific Stonehenge

The search for Hyperborea on the Kola Peninsula has been going on since the beginning of the 20th century. We have already found a lot of things, but the controversy does not stop.

The first expedition led by Baron Eduard Tol, who went to the Arctic in search of the ancestral home of mankind, disappeared without a trace in 1902.

In the early 1920s, a special department of the OGPU under the leadership of Gleb Bokiy equipped an expedition to the area of ​​Lovozero and Seydozero (these are lakes located 200 km east of modern Kovdor), which was entrusted to lead Alexander Barchenko, an employee of the Institute. Bekhterev.

Expedition Barchenko. 1922

Barchenko found a lot of amazing things - tundra paved with granite blocks, entrances to underground caves, pyramids, stone seids, petroglyphs. The megalithic complexes he described are reminiscent of Stonehenge. But the main thing Barchenko went for was the study of unusual mental states that arose in people near the discovered artifacts. In the 1930s, the expedition members were shot.

A.B. Barchenko (1881 -1938). Photo from the investigation file, 1937.

In the 1940s, the Nazis tried to find Aryan civilization in the north when they broke into the Arctic during the Second World War.

In the late 1990s, under the leadership of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Valery Dyomin, several expeditions “in the footsteps of Barchenko” took place. Demin assures that he confirmed his discoveries. Plus, I discovered images of geometric figures at the bottom of Seydozero and a stone observatory on Mount Ninchurt.

There is no scientific explanation for these findings. In academic circles, the existence of Hyperborea is considered "pseudo-scientific".

We wanted to see with our own eyes the mysterious artifacts that academicians do not believe in. Indigenous people, however, say that not everyone can see the legacy of their ancestors.

"If the lake opens for you"

We were looking for a guide for a trip to Seydozero (the Saami have this sacred lake). The locals, in response to requests to be taken there, spoke. “If the lake opens for you… Try to be silent there more… Try to hear it.”

But not all the guides turned out to be so reverent - on a boat we crossed about 30 km along another lake - Lovozero, then walked several kilometers on foot to Seydozero. By the time the bloodthirsty mosquitoes had almost gnawed through the jackets, a mirror-like surface peeped out from the tangle of branches.

Still water. Colored pebbles at the bottom. And blue (this is a color, not a metaphor) mountains in the distance. sacred lake Saami, and possibly Hyperboreans.

As advised, we quieted down and listened. The lake did not say anything, but gave 10 rubles, two fishing hooks with baubles and a tiny lilac amethyst. All this wealth lay underfoot on the shore. We were able to see a 70-meter image of the giant Kuyva on the Kuyvchorr rock.


We were not alone on the lake. Four Chinese men in identical poisonous green windbreakers wandered silently nearby. Their translator said that they were bloggers from Hong Kong. If they like it, then crowds of Chinese tourists will be drawn to Seydozero.

But maybe they won’t stretch – Hong Kong bloggers covered their faces with their hands and looked haggard. According to the translator, they are shocked by mosquitoes. In Hong Kong, insect bites can be fatal, as mosquitoes carry tropical diseases. Locals convinced bloggers that northern mosquitoes are completely harmless. But the Chinese did not believe - and did not talk, fearing that some insect would fly into their mouths.

In addition to mosquitoes, many snakes, bears and deer also live on Hyperborean land. We did not meet anyone larger than a mosquito, although we did come across heaps of bear life. They ate reindeer - smoked and dried. Sad, but delicious.

Our guide to the artifacts of Hyperborea is skeptical - although not completely rejected. Because Hyperborea is important for the development of tourism.

On Mount Karnasurta, 6 km from the city of Revda, not far from Seydozero, ruins were discovered - enthusiasts believe that these are the remains of a Hyperborean city.

There is a similar masonry in the Kovdorsky district.

Sensation again

Ever since EuroChem and the Kovdor administration started the project “Kovdor – the capital of Hyperborea”, cases of discovery of ancient artifacts on the territory of the Murmansk region have become more frequent. Just a few days ago another sensational discovery was made. At the end of July 2019, a resident of Kovdor, Alexei Tolmachev, while fishing on Lake Girvas, stumbled upon a large boulder decorated with stone threads, with a portrait of a humanoid creature carved on it. Geologists have already stated that the image on the stone, which is approximately 25-30 thousand years old, does not look like traces of natural weathering. Most likely, the boulder was a fragment of some structure.

A newly discovered stone in Girvas Lake

A photograph of the find was sent to the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Elena Rotkevich, St. Petersburg-Kovdor-Kuelporr-Lovozero-Seydozero

231 years ago, on November 14, 1788, Mikhail Lazarev, a Russian naval commander and admiral, a participant in several round-the-world voyages and other sea voyages, a discoverer and explorer of Antarctica, was born in Vladimir.

Having traveled a long and difficult path from midshipman to admiral, Lazarev not only took part in the most key naval battles of the 19th century, but also did a lot to improve the coastal infrastructure of the fleet, stood at the origins of the establishment of the Admiralty and the founding of the Sevastopol Maritime Library.

The life path and exploits of M. P. Lazarev in the historical material of the Research Institute military history Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev devoted his entire life to serving the Russian Navy. He was born into the family of a nobleman, Senator Pyotr Gavrilovich Lazarev, who came from the nobles of the Arzamas district of the Nizhny Novgorod province, was the middle of three brothers - the future Vice Admiral Andrei Petrovich Lazarev (born in 1787) and Rear Admiral Alexei Petrovich Lazarev (born in 1787). in 1793).

Already after the death of their father, in February 1800, the brothers were enrolled as ordinary cadets in the Naval Cadet Corps. In 1803, Mikhail Petrovich passed the exam for the rank of midshipman, becoming the third best student out of 32 students.

E. I. Botman. Portrait of Admiral Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev. 1873

In June of the same year, for further study of maritime affairs, he was assigned to the battleship Yaroslav, which operated in the Baltic Sea. And two months later, together with the seven best-performing graduates, he was sent to England, where for five years he participated in voyages in the Northern and mediterranean seas, in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. In 1808, Lazarev returned to his homeland and passed the exam for the rank of midshipman.

During the Russo-Swedish War of 1808-1809, Mikhail Petrovich was on the battleship Blagodat, which was part of the flotilla of Vice Admiral P. I. Khlynov. During the fighting near the island of Gogland, the flotilla captured a brig and five transports of the Swedes.

When evading the superior English squadron, one of the ships - the battleship Vsevolod - ran aground. August 15 (27), 1808 Lazarev with a team on lifeboat was sent to help. It was not possible to refloat the ship, and after a fierce boarding battle with the British, the Vsevolod was burned, and Lazarev and the crew were captured.

In May 1809 he returned to the Baltic Fleet. In 1811 he was promoted to lieutenant.

Mikhail Petrovich met the Patriotic War of 1812 on the 24-gun brig "Phoenix", which, together with other ships, defended the Gulf of Riga, participated in the bombardment and landing in Danzig. For bravery, Lazarev was awarded a silver medal.

After the end of the war, preparations began in the port of Kronstadt world travel to Russian America. The frigate "Suvorov" was chosen to participate in it, in 1813 Lieutenant Lazarev was appointed its commander. The ship belonged to the Russian-American Company, which was interested in regular sea traffic between St. Petersburg and Russian America.

On October 9 (21), 1813, the ship left Kronstadt. Having overcome strong winds and dense fogs, having passed the Sound, Kattegat and Skagerrak straits (between Denmark and the Scandinavian Peninsula) and avoiding a collision with French and Danish ships allied to them, the frigate arrived in Portsmouth (England). After a three-month stop, the ship, passing along the coast of Africa, crossed the Atlantic and stopped for a month in Rio de Janeiro.

At the end of May 1814, the Suvorov entered the Atlantic, crossed Indian Ocean and on August 14 (26) he entered Port Jackson (Australia), where he met the news of the final victory over Napoleon. Continuing to sail across the Pacific Ocean, at the end of November the frigate arrived at the Novo-Arkhangelsk port, where the residence of the chief manager of Russian America, A. A. Baranov, was located.

During the voyage, on the approach to the equator, a group of coral islands was discovered, to which Lazarev gave the name "Suvorov".

After wintering, the frigate made a trip to the Aleutian Islands, where it received a large cargo of furs for delivery to Kronstadt. At the end of July 1815, the Suvorov left Novo-Arkhangelsk. Now his path lay along the coasts of North and South America, bypassing Cape Horn.

During the voyage, the frigate made a call at the Peruvian port of Callao, becoming the first Russian ship to visit Peru. Here Mikhail Petrovich successfully carried out the trade negotiations entrusted to him, having received permission for Russian sailors to trade without any additional taxes.

Rounding Cape Horn, the ship passed through the entire Atlantic Ocean and on July 15 (28), 1816 he arrived in Kronstadt. In addition to a large cargo of valuable furs, Peruvian animals were delivered to Europe - nine llamas, one each of vigonii and alpacas. Under sail on the way from Kronstadt to Novo-Arkhangelsk "Suvorov" was 239 days, and on the way back - 245 days.

The route of navigation of M.P. Lazarev on the frigate "Suvorov" in 1813 - 1815

At the beginning of 1819, Lazarev, already an experienced commander and navigator, received under his command the Mirny sloop, which was preparing for an expedition to the Antarctic Circle.

After two months of preparation, re-equipment of ships, sheathing of the underwater part of the hull with copper sheets, selection of a team and preparation of provisions, Mirny, together with the Vostok sloop (under the general command of its commander, Lieutenant Commander F. F. Bellingshausen), in July 1819 left Kronstadt. Having made a stop in the capital of Brazil, the sloops headed for the island of South Georgia, nicknamed the "entrance gate" to Antarctica.

The voyage took place in difficult polar conditions: among icy mountains and large ice floes, with frequent storms and snowstorms, heaps floating ice that hindered the movement of ships.

Thanks to the excellent knowledge of the sea by Lazarev and Bellingshausen, the ships never lost sight of each other.

Making their way among the icebergs to the south, on January 16 (30), 1820, the sailors reached a latitude of 69 ° 23´5. This was the edge of the Antarctic continent, but the sailors did not fully realize their feat - the discovery of the sixth part of the world.

Lazarev wrote in his diary:

On the sixteenth we reached latitude 69° 23'5, where we encountered ice of extraordinary height, extending as far as sight could reach. However, we didn’t enjoy this amazing spectacle for long, because soon it became cloudy again and, as usual, it began to snow ... From here we continued our way to the east, attempting to the south at every opportunity, but, not reaching 70 °, we invariably came across an icy mainland.

After vain attempts to find a passage, the commanders of the ships, after consulting, decided to retreat and turned north. The crews of the sloops were in constant nervous tension, they were plagued by dampness and cold. Bellingshausen and Lazarev made every effort to ensure normal living conditions. The Vostok and Mirny went to the Australian port of Jackson for wintering.

Swimming of F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev in 1819 - 1821

On May 8 (20), 1820, the repaired ships headed for the shores of New Zealand, where for three months they plowed the waters of the little-studied southeastern region Pacific Ocean, opening a number of islands. In September, the ships returned to Australia, and two months later they headed back to Antarctica.

During the second voyage, the sailors managed to discover the island of Peter I and the coast of Alexander I, which completed them research work in Antarctica.

So Russian sailors were the first in the world to discover new part light - Antarctica, refuting the opinion of the English traveler James Cook, who argued that in the southern latitudes there is no mainland, and if it exists, then only near the pole, in areas not accessible for navigation.

The ships were on the march for 751 days, 527 of them under sail, and traveled over 50,000 miles. The expedition discovered 29 islands, including a group of coral islands named after the heroes Patriotic War 1812 - M. I. Kutuzov, M. B. Barclay de Tolly, P. H. Wittgenstein, A. P. Yermolov, N. N. Raevsky, M. A. Miloradovich, S. G. Volkonsky.

For a successful voyage, Lazarev, bypassing the rank of lieutenant commander, was promoted to captain of the 2nd rank.

Sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny". Artist Y. Sorokin

In March 1822, MP Lazarev was appointed commander of the newly built 36-gun frigate Kreyser.

At that time, the situation in Russian America became aggravated, American industrialists savagely exterminated valuable fur-bearing animals in our possessions. It was decided to send the Cruiser frigate and the Ladoga sloop, commanded by his older brother Andrei, to distant shores. In August of the same year, the ships left the Kronstadt raid.

After stopping in Tahiti, each ship went on its own course, the Ladoga - to the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Cruiser - to the shores of Russian America. For about a year, the frigate guarded Russian territorial waters from smugglers. In the summer of 1824, the sloop "Enterprise" replaced it, and the "Cruiser" left Novo-Arkhangelsk. In August 1825, the frigate arrived in Kronstadt.

For exemplary performance of the task, Lazarev was promoted to captain of the 1st rank and awarded the Order of Vladimir, III degree.

At the beginning of 1826, Mikhail Petrovich was appointed commander of the building under construction in Arkhangelsk battleship"Azov", at that time the most advanced ship of the domestic military fleet.

The commander carefully selected his crew, which included Lieutenant P. S. Nakhimov, midshipman V. A. Kornilov and midshipman V. I. Istomin - the future leaders of the defense of Sevastopol.

His influence on his subordinates was unlimited, Nakhimov wrote to a friend:

It is worth listening, my dear, how everyone treats the captain here, how they love him! ... Indeed, the Russian fleet has not yet had such a captain.

Upon the ship's arrival in Kronstadt, it entered service with the Baltic squadron. Here Mikhail Petrovich had a chance to serve for some time under the command of the famous Russian Admiral D.N. Senyavin.

In 1827, Lazarev was appointed part-time chief of staff of the squadron, equipped for a campaign in the Mediterranean. In the summer of the same year, a squadron under the command of Rear Admiral L.P. Heyden entered the Mediterranean Sea and joined with the French and English squadrons.

British Vice-Admiral Edward Codrington, a student of Admiral Nelson, took command of the combined fleet, it included 27 ships (11 English, seven French and nine Russian) with 1.3 thousand guns. The Turkish-Egyptian fleet consisted of over 50 ships with 2.3 thousand guns. In addition, the enemy had coastal batteries on the island of Sphacteria and in the Navarino fortress.

On October 8 (20), 1827, the famous Battle of Navarino took place. "Azov" was in the center of a battle curved line of four battleships. It was here that the Turks sent their main blow.

The battleship "Azov" had to fight simultaneously with five Turkish ships, it sank two large frigates and a corvette with artillery fire, burned the flagship under the flag of Tagir Pasha, forced the 80-gun battleship to run aground, after which it ignited and blew it up.

In addition, the ship under the command of Lazarev destroyed the flagship of Muharrem Bey.

At the end of the battle at Azov, all the masts were broken, the sides were broken, and 153 holes were counted in the hull. Despite such serious damage, the ship continued to fight until the last minute of the battle.

Russian ships bore the brunt of the battle and played leading role in the defeat of the Turkish-Egyptian fleet. The enemy lost a battleship, 13 frigates, 17 corvettes, four brigs, five fireships and other vessels.

For the battle of Navarino, the battleship "Azov", for the first time in the Russian fleet, was awarded the highest award - the stern St. George's flag.

Lazarev was promoted to rear admiral and was awarded three orders at once: the Greek - the Commander's Cross of the Savior, the English - Baths and the French - St. Louis.

Later, Mikhail Petrovich, being the chief of staff of the squadron, cruised in the Archipelago and participated in the blockade of the Dardanelles, cutting off the Turks from Constantinople.

"Navarin battle". Artist I. Aivazovsky

Since 1830, Lazarev commanded a brigade of ships of the Baltic Fleet, in 1832 he was appointed chief of staff of the Black Sea Fleet, and the following year - fleet commander, governor of Nikolaev and Sevastopol. Mikhail Petrovich held this post for 18 years.

Already at the beginning of 1833, Lazarev led the successful campaign of the Russian fleet and the transfer of 10,000 troops to the Bosphorus, as a result of which an attempt to capture Istanbul by the Egyptians was prevented. Russia's military assistance forced Sultan Mahmud II to conclude the Unkiar-Iskelesi Treaty, which raised Russia's prestige high.

The consolidation of Russia in the Caucasus was especially hostile to England, which sought to turn the Caucasus with its rich natural resources into its colony.

For these purposes, with the active support of England, a movement of groups of religious fanatics (muridism) was organized, one of the main slogans of which was the annexation of the Caucasus to Turkey.

To violate the plans of the British and Turks, the Black Sea Fleet needed to block the Caucasian coast. To this end, for operations off the coast of the Caucasus, Lazarev allocated a detachment, and later a squadron of the Black Sea Fleet, consisting of six armed ships. In 1838, a place was chosen for basing the squadron at the mouth of the Tsemes River, which marked the beginning of the construction of the Novorossiysk port.

In 1838-1840, with the direct participation of Lazarev, troops of the troops of General N. N. Raevsky (junior) landed from the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, which cleared the coast and mouths of the Tuapse, Subashi and Pazuape rivers from the enemy, a fort named after Lazarev was built on the banks of the latter . The successful activity of the Black Sea Fleet prevented the implementation of the aggressive plans of the British and Turks in the Caucasus.

Lazarev was the first to organize a two-year expedition of the frigate "Fast" and the tender "Hurry" in order to describe the Black Sea, which resulted in the publication of the first Black Sea sail.

Under the personal supervision of Lazarev, plans were drawn up and the area was prepared for the construction of the Admiralty in Sevastopol, docks were built. In the Hydrographic Depot reorganized on his instructions, many maps, sailing directions, regulations, manuals were printed and a detailed atlas of the Black Sea was published.

Under the leadership of Mikhail Petrovich, the Black Sea Fleet became the best in Russia. Serious progress was made in shipbuilding, he personally supervised the construction of each ship.

Under Lazarev, the number of ships of the Black Sea Fleet was brought to full complement, and naval artillery was improved. In Nikolaev, an admiralty was built taking into account all the achievements of technology of that time, and the construction of an admiralty near Novorossiysk began.

MP Lazarev was well aware that the sailing fleet was becoming obsolete and that it should be replaced by a steam one. However, technological backwardness did not allow Russia to quickly make such a transition.

Lazarev directed all his efforts so that steamships appeared in the Black Sea Fleet. He achieves this by commissioning the construction of iron steam ships with all the latest improvements. Preparations were made for the construction in Nikolaev of the screw 131-gun battleship Bosphorus (laid down after the death of Lazarev in 1852).

In 1842, Mikhail Petrovich secured orders for the construction of shipyards for the Black Sea Fleet of five steam frigates Khersones, Bessarabia, Krym, Gromonosets and Odessa.

In 1846, he sent his closest assistant captain 1st rank Kornilov to the English shipyards to directly supervise the construction of four steamships: Vladimir, Elbrus, Yenikale and Taman. All steamships were built according to Russian designs and draft drawings.

Lazarev paid much attention to the cultural growth of sailors. On his instructions and under his leadership, the Sevastopol Maritime Library was reorganized and the Assembly House was built, and many other public and cultural institutions were organized.

The admiral paid great attention to the defensive structures of Sevastopol, bringing the number of guns that defended the city to 734 units.

The Lazarev school was harsh, and sometimes it was not easy to work with the admiral. However, those sailors in whom he managed to awaken the living spark that lived in himself became true Lazarevites.

Mikhail Petrovich brought up such outstanding sailors as Nakhimov, Putyatin, Kornilov, Unkovsky, Istomin and Butakov. The great merit of Lazarev is that he trained the cadres of sailors who ensured the transition of the Russian fleet from sailing to steam.

The admiral has always cared little about his health. However, at the end of 1850, stomach pains intensified, and on the personal instructions of Nicholas I, he was sent to Vienna for treatment. The disease was severely neglected, and local surgeons refused to operate on him. On the night of April 11 (23), 1851, at the age of 63, Lazarev died of stomach cancer.

His ashes were transported to Russia and interred in Sevastopol in the Vladimir Cathedral. M. P. Lazarev, P. S. Nakhimov, V. A. Kornilov and V. I. Istomin are buried in the basement of this cathedral in the form of a cross, with their heads to the center of the cross.

The burial place of Admiral MP Lazarev in the Vladimir Cathedral, Sevastopol.

In 1867, in this city, which was then still in ruins after the Crimean War of 1853-1856, the solemn opening of the monument to MP Lazarev took place. At the opening, Rear Admiral I. A. Shestakov made a brilliant speech in which he vividly outlined the merits of the famous admiral in creating the Russian fleet and educating the high qualities of Russian sailors.

Perfect by M. P. Lazarev geographical discoveries are of world historical significance. They are included in the golden fund of Russian science. Mikhail Petrovich was elected an honorary member of the Geographical Society.

The St. Petersburg Naval Assembly in memory of the remarkable Russian Admiral M.P. Lazarev in 1995 established a silver medal, which is awarded to employees of the sea, river and fishing fleet, educational institutions, research institutes and other naval organizations that have made a great contribution to the cause development of the fleet, who made significant voyages, as well as taking a significant part in the creation of equipment for the fleet and previously awarded the gold badge of the Naval Assembly.

The Russian people lovingly keep the memory of the outstanding Russian admiral, deservedly placing him among the best naval commanders of our Motherland.

Medal of M. P. Lazarev of the St. Petersburg Maritime Assembly

Is there something similar to Stonehenge in Russia? Shamans from Kola have always been the most energetic, Ivan the Terrible collected them at court. And the Soviet expeditions in all seriousness stated that they had found traces of the ancient civilization of Hyperborea. All the artifacts are left, you can go and see...

Kola - the territory where the Sami lived. Now this is a small nationality of Russia, earlier they were just pagans who hung out in the north and performed shamanism very powerfully. There are indeed mentions in the annals of the case with Ivan the Terrible. In Soviet times, it was worthless to conjure, and the Saami were dispersed (or driven?) To collective farms. Many became addicted to alcohol, and now the population is approaching zero.

Kola is the birthplace of mankind, the pra-civilization of Hyperborea. You can treat this differently, but the secret service of the SS Anenerbe was looking for artifacts here, and the expedition of the most famous occultist of the USSR, Barchenko, also passed here. He stated that he had found irrefutable evidence of traces of the Hyperboreans. Now there are no official documents about this, and the parapsychologist himself, in general, a couple of years after the trip, was declared an enemy of the people and shot. So, it is quite possible that some small town, like the local Kovdor, is nothing more than the ancient capital of the legendary Hyperborea.

Kovdor. Career

№1 Seydozero

The peninsula is covered with lakes. The Saami treated them like the inhabitants of central Russia treated the fields. Main power supply. Only now Seyodozero was considered sacred, and even with a triple bottom. In the 90s, Demin's expedition set off here (just in the footsteps of the first Soviet one), they checked the bottom of the lake with an echo sounder and found a dungeon under it with a stone floor and a vault leading towards the mountain.

Mount Ninchurt

There is just one of the evidence of Barchenko. He wrote that he found underground passage from the lake to the heart of the mountain itself. There is even a photograph from the place of discovery. On it is an expedition of councils and not yet collective farm Sami.

photo from the Barchenko expedition

In the 30s, the secret department of the NKVD blew up and blocked the entrance to these caves. But something mysterious still remains. To do this, you need to climb the mountain itself. Some claim that there used to be pyramids there. And “before” is before the war. Now we see only a suspicious pile of stones, which, if the beholder wishes, could be a pyramid. And with an even greater desire - a spaceship of the Hyperboreans.

№3 temple complex ancient civilization

If you go further from the “pyramid ruins” along Ninchurt, you will see many stones with very even rocks. Blocks with very even chips. And even a stone cube with some suspiciously hewn edges. Then you will see a gorge with a bridge, from which steps made of stone go up and down.

There are many versions of this place, both among scientists and mystics. In short, here is either a very geometric work of nature. Or ancient temple Hyperborea. A place for spectacular service to the elements or something else quite suitable.

But these are all fantasies, but the traces on the stone above the “temple” date back thousands of years. They are absolutely clear and no one can explain why, and most importantly - who made them.

Photo - Alexander Matveev

№4 Kuyva

According to the “biological” essence, Kuyva are microcolonial fungi that give a dark pigment on the rock exactly along this contour. But why the contour has not changed for hundreds of years, despite rock weathering, is completely incomprehensible.

№5 Seida

These are perhaps the most famous points of power on the Kola. Usually this is called huge stones, standing on smaller ones. But there may be other types, for the Sami, seid is any place of worship for spirits. There are many of them on the peninsula, we saw this one, on Mount Ninchurt. Who brought it and put it on the most beautiful view point? Scientists say that the glacier. Mystics claim that there was no glacier on Kola at all (there are quite scientific versions of this), and seids are parts of the ancient observatory of Hyperborea.


For thousands of years, the minds of millions of people around the world have been occupied with the secrets of Hyperborea - a mysterious country inhabited by beautiful, strong people-gods. This country was searched for by ancient Greek scientists and philosophers - Alcaeus, Herodotus, Pliny the Elder, and then by medieval scientists. They all believed that the unknown country was located where the Kola Peninsula is now located. No wonder it was called Hyperborea: hyper - means over, beyond, Boreas - the north wind. The country behind northern winds, with a wonderful warm climate and natural abundance, became a super-civilization of mighty titans, because its patron was the ancient Greek god Apollo himself and his sister Artemis.

Apollo came here every 19 years on a chariot drawn by swans, which Zeus gave him. The young god argued for the leadership of his territory with the god of the seas and oceans, Poseidon, who patronized Atlantis. In the decisive battle, Apollo defeated Poseidon and Atlantis went to the bottom.

The fact that in our area it was known about the god Apollo from ancient times is evidenced by the names of two mountain peaks, located 70 kilometers from Kovdor - Payuaiv and Payoiva, which are translated from the Sami language as Apollo and Artemis. Means, northern peoples, who appeared here millennia later, knew something about Hyperborea and its divine patrons?

Myths about Hyperborea haunted people striving for world domination. Even Adolf Hitler, a lover of everything occult, little studied and obsessed with the idea of ​​a superman, searched for this country on an ancient map, which he cherished like the apple of his eye. Surprisingly, the borders of this mysterious country coincided with the borders where Russian soldiers in 1941 stopped the advance of German troops to the north. This happened in the area of ​​Zapadnaya Litsa and the Verman line in the Kandalaksha direction in the Alakurtti area.

The search for Hyperborea was carried out by Soviet scientists Barchenko and Demin, who conducted two series of expeditions to the Kola Peninsula and found traces of an ancient civilization. These studies were classified for a long time.

Until now, no one has found the ancient mysterious country. But even today, the Kovdorsky district is full of little-studied artifacts and mysteries that will invariably arouse world interest: seids and stone pyramids, petroglyphs and shaman altars, stone labyrinths and ruins ancient city, star maps made of stones - these are just a small part of the found traces of the stay of ancient people on this earth.

And who knows, maybe it is we who will be able to find the key to unraveling the mysteries of Hyperborea and become the discoverers of the unknown?

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