What does Niagara Falls mean. Niagara Falls is the most famous waterfall in the world.

- One of the main attractions of North America, the place where millions of tourists seek. Here you will learn interesting facts about the waterfall, its location, height, power and the cost of visiting.

Where is Niagara Falls

- These are three powerful cascades, 48 \u200b\u200bmeters high, located on the border of Canada and the United States. Here are their names:
Horseshoe - very big waterfallwhich is located on the Canadian side. The 90% of the total water mass is eructed through it. The width of this part of the waterfall reaches 800 meters.
American waterfall. This waterfall is somewhat already - only 330 meters.
The vest vest is the narrower of Niagara Cascades. It is through it that the Rainbow Bridge is shifted, connecting 2 states.

There are several islands between the cascades, among which the greatest glory has a goy of the island, located between the American waterfall and undercover.

Those who already remember with the lessons of geography, where is Niagara Falls, Let's say that it is located on the border of Canada and the United States on the Niagara River. The river follows from Lake Erie and flows into another major lake - Ontario.

Niagara Falls are not the highest in the world, but one of the most powerful (along with Victoria and Iguazu). The height of the Niagara Falls is 51 meters (in its American part) and 49 (in Canadian) and it is significantly inferior to the highest waterfall of the planet - Anhel. But in width and power, he surpasses everyone in North America - in second, it takes 5,700 cubic meters of water through it. But earlier, when there were no power plants on the river, this figure was twice as much.

Niagara Falls: Video

Niagara Falls: Photos at different times of the year
Each season, the Niagara Falls waterfall appears in the new appearance. So, in spring and summer on photo Niagara Falls Shahny greens falls from the surrounding trees. In the autumn, it is covered with a crumb of paints of a leaf fall, which are especially effects in sunset clock.

And in winter, part of the waterfall turns into gigantic icicles. Their sizes reach tens of meters and look very spectacular, especially at night in the rays of neon lights: a light showed daily from the waterfall, the schedule of which offers the official website of Niagara http://www.niagaraparks.com/niagara-falls-attractions/niagara-falls -Illumination.html.

In winter, the winter festival of lights is held here. However, in winter only the edges of the waterfall typically freeze, and its central part continues to drive water from Lake Erie to Ontario.

During the ice, all blocks of ice fall in the formidable junior waterfall. In 1848, ice scored the source of the river, therefore Niagara Waterfall is dried. However, after 30 o'clock, the ice mass was broken and the water rushed along the channel with the force, reminiscent of the grot of earthquake and eruption of the volcano at the same time.

In 1911 it happened that Niagara Falls frozen Fully. The last time this happened in 2014.

Niagara Falls - Interesting Facts
The name of Niagara comes from "Onguiaahra", which in the language of Iroquozov means "Thunder of water". For the first time, Europeans learned about him in 1677 due to the monk father Louis Ennepin.

Nikola Tesla built a power plant on a waterfall that feeds the surrounding current.
On the waterfall you can see the rainbow. Moreover, even at night, when the rare lunar rainbow becomes visible.

Annually, Niagara Falls retreats up the river for about 2 meters. This is due to the fact that the power of the stream has and destroys the rock.

Excursions to Niagara Falls
You can admire the waterfall from sightseeing sites or go to it on a ship that run here since 1846. The cost of a trip is $ 13. The main thing is to capture the raincoat and replacement clothes.
There is an option walking over it on hot-air balloon or helicopter. Do not forget to try a walk in the "Wind cave" under the waterfall (from the American side). The cost of excursion is $ 8.

You can order an excursion to the Niagara Falls on the System "All Inclusive" - \u200b\u200bwith delivery and accommodation:

Another way to look at the Niagara Falls - webcam, online showing all the power of the stream. The camera from the Canadian side works with sound and transmits all the power of the falling jets.

One of the most beautiful natural phenomena in the world is Niagara Falls. He fascinates with his majestic and power. Hundreds of travelers from all over the world come back daily, where this amazing and unique monument of nature is located.

General information about Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a complex consisting of three waterfalls. It is located on the border of two states: USA (New York) and Canada (Ontario Province) on the river with the same name. Coordinates of this place: 43.0834 degrees of northern latitude and 79.0663 degrees of Western longitude. The waterfall connects the lakes in the system of the Great North American lakes: Erie and Ontario. On the coast of the Niagara River next to the waterfall from both countries there are two cities with the same name Niagara Falls.

Going to the Niagara Falls, it is worth thinking in advance to your route, as you can get here in two ways: flying to New York, or to the Canadian city of Toronto. From both cities organize excursions, but it is not necessary to take them at all, as it is possible to get there and independently on the flight buses.

Each of the three Cascades of Niagara has its own name. Waterfalls located in the United States are called "American" and "Fata". In Canada, there is a waterfall "Horseshoe".

Cascades of water rush down from the height of just over 50 meters, but the visible part is only 21 meters due to the races of the stones at the foot. Niagara is not among the highest waterfalls of the world, but due to the huge volumes of water passing through it, it is considered one of the most powerful on Earth. In one second, he misses more than 5.5 thousand cubic meters of water. Width of the Waterfall "Horseshoe" is 792 meters, "American" - 323 meters.

Climate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfall is moderately continental. In the summer there is enough heat, and sometimes hot, in winter the temperature is minus, and the waterfall partially freezes. You can come here round yearAfter all, in any season it is beautiful here.

The water Niagara is actively used to provide the energy of the nearby regions of Canada and the USA. On the banks of the river built several hydroelectric power plants.

History of origin and name

The Niagara River and the Great North American lakes appeared about 6,000 years ago. Wisconsinic glaciation provoked their education. As a result of the movement of the glacier, swept away in its path, the relief of this area has completely changed. The riverbed flowed in those edges of rivers was covered, and some, on the contrary, were expanded. After the melting of glaciers began, water from the Great Lakes began to drain in the Niagar. The breeds forming it in the bottom, the places were soft, so the water blurred them, forming a steep cliff - and the famous natural attraction appeared in the form of a waterfall.

The first mention of Niagara Falls dated to the beginning of the XVII century. In 1604, the mainland on which the waterfall is located, the expedition of Samuel de Champlane visited the expedition. Later he described this natural object in his magazine from the words of other participants in the trip. Personally, semped waterfall did not see. The six decades later a detailed description of Niagara Falls Catholic Monk Louis Ennepin, traveling in North America.

The word "Niagara" is literally translated from the Language of Iroquois Indians, like "Water Return". It is believed that the waterfall is named in honor of the indigenous peoples who lived nearby, the tribe of Onigar.

Extreme or madness

Since those times, when traveling has become fashionable, or rather from the beginning of the XIX century, tourists began to go to the shores of the Niagara Falls. Some of them wanted not to just see a unique miracle of nature, but also try to go through it.

The first thing that it happened was the American Cascadener Sam Patch. He jumped into the Niagara River at the foot of the waterfall in November 1929 and remained alive. Sam's jump was preparing for the jump, information about the upcoming stunt appeared long before its execution. The event, according to his plans, was to be present a lot of people. However, bad weather conditions were overshadowed by the "performance" of Cascaderal. People gathered a little, and the received fee did not suit Patcha. Therefore, exactly one week later he promised to repeat the jump. However, the second attempt to conquer the Niagar ended sadly. Sam did not come to the surface, and the body was found only after a few months.

In 1901, the 63-year-old extreme car from America Annie Taylor decided to pass the waterfall, sitting in a barrel. In such an unusual way, the lady wanted to celebrate his birthday. A woman managed to survive, and her name entered the story.

After this incident, Niagara Falls periodically tried to conquer the fans of acute sensations. The authorities even had to impose a ban on the commission of such tricks. However, the bolts are that and then rushed from the waterfall. Many of them died, and on those who survived, the fine was injected.

An interesting fact is the wonderful salvation of a seven-year-old boy named Roger Woodward, who accidentally entered the Niagara Falls. It was only a life jacket, but nevertheless the child managed to survive.

Excursions and entertainment

Mainly tourists come to Niagar for the sake of visiting the waterfall itself. You can do this from both America and Canada. There are several viewing sites here, from which you can make stunning photos of falling down water flows. The most impressive pictures can be seen from the Table Rock viewing area.

Those who want to consider the landmark closer and even feel the spray of jets, it is worth a ride on pleasure ships. Tourists are brought in turn for each of the three cascades. Before landing for a pleasure ship, everyone gives a raincoat, but even he will not save from powerful jets of Niagara Falls. The most spectacular to observe the Waterfall "Horseshoe".

Another excursion, which will certainly be remembered, offers travelers to be for a waterfall. You can also fly over this unique natural object Helicopter or balloon. The only minus of this entertainment is a fairly high price.

Be sure to stroll through the Rainbow Bridge, which is a few hundred meters from the main attraction of Niagara. In clear weather, the bridge can be seen from the viewing sites.

Museums, national monuments and park areas are located in the Niagara Falls area. Tourists have particularly popular with Queen Victoria Park. He is in Canada. Here you can walk among colors and trees, sit in a cafe and see the main attraction of this area from the observation deck.

Nearby museums are devoted to the main opening history and interesting facts associated with Niagara Falls. They can see a collection of objects on which desperate coupling tried to conquer the waterfall. As well as wax figures of people whose lives are somehow connected with the famous natural monument.

Niagara Falls are interested in seeing at night. In the dark, this day takes real light show. The jet is highlighted by different colors using spotlights. All this looks truly fabulously.

In winter, the waterfall is no less beautiful. Niagara is a partially freezing waterfall. Only its edges are covered with ice. In the middle of the cascade, water continues to overturn down all year round. For all the time the well-known history of the waterfall due to abnormally low temperatures, it is completely frozen completely. Ride to Niagare on a boat in winter, of course, it will not work, but at this time of the year you can watch the colorful festival of fireworks. The illumination of the waterfalls these days is included almost the round day, and the colorful lights of the salutes swept into the sky.

Niagara Falls is one of the most impressive and vibrant natural objects in the world. His beauty will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated tourists. Once at his foot, it is impossible not to feel the power and the power of this natural phenomenon. Developed infrastructure near the object will allow you to travel brightly and remember it for life.

The Niagara Falls is the most famous waterfall in the world, and quite deservedly - after all, the spectacle is simply indescribable ...

It is one of the most beautiful waterfalls of the world, along with African Waterfall Victoria and the Argentine Monster Iguazu. It is located on the border between the United States and Canada, and it is interesting that the water falls from the territory of the United States, but it can be seen from Canada, that is, the Canadians are earned on the spectacle :) downstream will shift the "Rainbow Bridge", open for the movement of cars and pedestrians Between the two countries

The roar of the waterfall is heard at the distance of many kilometers, especially at night, so the man standing at the Niagara itself, does not hear anything (hence the name went, because in the Indiana "Niagara -" Running Water ")

Indian legend talks about beautiful girl Llavala, who his father gained the Indian warrior, whom she did not love and despised. To marriage, she chose to sacrifice her true love, the God of Thunder He, who lived in a cave under the Horseshoe waterfall. She sent her canoe in the fast stream of the Niagara River and rushed from the height of the waterfall. He, but caught her on the fly, and from that time their souls began to live together in the sanctuary of the god of thunder under the waterfall

In fact, the Niagara waterfall is the total name of the three waterfalls on the Niagara River, separating the American state of New York from the Canadian province of Ontario. Two waterfalls are pleasing to tourists, and the third - electric power industry :) Niagara Falls are a waterfall "Horseshoe", sometimes also called Canadian waterfall, American waterfall and Fata Falls. Although the height difference is not very large, the waterfalls are very wide, and the Niagara Falls passing through it passing through it is the most powerful in North America.

Already in 1881, due to the produced energy of the waterfall, nearby villages were illuminated. And after, giant underground pipelines connected to turbines were created, the energies of which were enough to supply Buffalo in 32 kilometers away. On the this moment Power plants produce up to 4.4 electricity gigavatt

In October 1829, Sam Pach, who called himself Yanki Liper, jumped from the "Horseshoe" waterfall and became the first famous personwhich survived this drop. This gave the beginning of the long tradition of the Sorvigolov, trying to go through the waterfalls and stay alive. In 1901, 63-year-old Annie Taylor became the first person who rushed from a waterfall in a barrel and survivors. Since then, 14 other people intentionally tried to go through the waterfall. Some survived, others either drowned, or were seriously crippled. The survivors were subject to a big penalty in view of the violation of the law, both Canadian and American

Yet interesting fact. Because of the erosion, the waterfalls gradually changed the form of the bed, and in 1969, for working to strengthen the slopes on the top of the waterfall, the river was completely allowed on another channel and Niagara Falls for several months remained dry

When the cars pass by this miracle, then deliberately slow down speed, almost to the pedestrian speed. Above and below the waterfall of the river for the convenience of tourists, bridges were built to love the grandiose spectacle. Tourists enchanted by the phenomenon witchcraft, do not dismiss the eye from the waterfall

At night, the amazing illumination lights up. The game of the Element is so impressive that the huge crowds of tourists are watching her by hours without moving

Niagara has dozens of multi-colored spotlights with a total capacity of 1.5 million kW. As soon as hemneets, their rays are sent to a continuously moving wall of the waterfall and, creating a fabulous illumination, enhance the already impressive picture.

Height of waterfalls Niagara It is 53 meters. The foot of the American waterfall obscures the roughement of the stones, which is why its visible height is only 21 meters. The width of the American waterfall is 323 meters, the "Horseshoe" waterfall - 792 meters. The volume of falling water reaches 5720 m 3 / s

The total width of the Niagara waterfalls exceeds 1200 m - this is the fifth waterfall in the world in the width of the falling water front

In clear weather, the rays of the sun, refracted in the smallest drops of water, form seven-color rainbows. There are several of them, often one inside another

Niagara, like any other waterfall, looks differently depending on the time of day, but also from the time of year. In the spring and summer, the boiling white curtain shall be laid with a juicy greens, in the fall - crimped paints. In winter, only the edges of the river freeze. From cliff protrusions, the ridge - gradually mercy with the factory pipe, Ice Slops are giant "icicles", sparkling with diamonds against the background of a broken water. "Pipes" is not a metaphor. "Icicles" of frozen waterfalls are really hollow inside, and through their transparent walls can be observed, how falls, pulsates and beats, resisting freezing, water

The formidable picture on Niagara Falls unfolds early in the spring, during the ice drift

Huge floes like icebergs, the crash and the roar are smashed and disappear in his bottomless puchin ...

Niagara is glorified for the whole world, it is visited annually to 16 million tourists. Hotels, motels built around the waterfall watching towers, suspended road, even grew up two cities with one name - Niagara Falls, only one of them Canadian, with 100 thousand inhabitants, and the other is American, with 50 thousand)

Scientists have determined that each year moves upstream per meter. It is believed that the waterfall has already exists about 50 thousand years and during this time he moved upstream by about 10 kilometers. Based on this, after 20 thousand years, the waterfall will come close to the Lake ERI and disappear, and along with its disappearance heins and the lake ...

There is Niagara Falls in North America on the Niagare River. This aqueous stream connects Eri and Ontario lakes. The water surface of the Lake Ery is above the water surface of Ontario by 99 meters. Therefore, taking into account the relief and rocks is not at all surprisingly, in these places, nature has created such amazing and exciting creation. It is located on the border of the United States and Canada.

The city of Buffalo (USA) is 27 km away, and Toronto (Canada) the corresponding value is 121 km. On the shores near the waterfall are the cities of the twin. This is Niagara Falls (New York, USA) and Niagara Falls (Ontario Province, Canada). That is, cities have the same name, but relate to different countries.

General view of Niagara Falls
Right Horseshoe, Left Fata and American Waterfall

General characteristics

Speaking of Niagara Falls, you need to know that it consists from three different waterfallslocated next to each other. On the Canadian side is waterfall Horseshoe. He is the biggest and powerful of three. It takes 90% of all river water through it. From his fellow, it is separated by the Goat Island. The length of the horseshoe is 792 meters, and the height is 51 meters.

Between the goat island and the island of the Moon, right on the American and Canadian border, is waterfall Fata.. If an association with the news of the bride occurs, then absolutely correct. Falling down water is amazing white and frothy, like a wedding outfit of a young girl. This waterfall is the smallest. Its width reaches only 17 meters. Visible height is 24 meters. The rest is hidden with the booming of boulders.

The third waterfall is called AmericanSo located on the territory US states. From Fata He is separated by the island of the Moon. Its width reaches 323 meters. The visible height is 21 meters. All the rest of the splendor is hidden by bulk boulders.

Niagara Falls on the map of North America

Every minute from the 51-meter height falls down on average 110 thousand cubic meters. meters of water. This mighty nature rosy attracts a huge flow of tourists. People also built under a waterfall of a hydroelectric station. Their total capacity is more than 4 GW.

The breed under the waterfall is composed of dolomite limestone and clay shale. Water blurs the shale, that is, erosion is observed. As a result, the falling pillar of water steadily retreats upstream. That is, the waterfall moves towards Lake Erie. The average speed in our day is 30 cm per year. The average historical speed is 91 cm per year. If the movement continues within the indicated speed modes, the remaining 32 km to ERI will be overcome for about 50 thousand years, and the Niagara miracle will cease to exist.

View of American Waterfall and Fata Falls

Opening by Europeans Niagara Falls

It is believed that for the first time the Europeans saw this miracle of nature in 1604. These were members of the French traveler's expedition and samuel de chaped hydrograph (1567-1635). It is from the words of his colleagues and described those falling from a huge height of water. Samuel himself did not see them.

Then the French researcher La Sal (1643-1687) and the Catholic priest Louis Enpane appeared in roaring and earrupt waters. It was the last and made a detailed description of the majestic spectacle in 1677.

The following was the Finnish-Swedish traveler and the naturalist Pen Calm (1716-1779). He saw and described the Niagara Falls during his trip to North America in 1747-1751.

Thus, starting from the beginning of the XVII century, the Europeans periodically appeared near the mighty and sheer water flow. And in the XIX century, people began to practice tourism, and curious waters stretched to the sheer waters. This pilgrimage continues to this day, but only on a larger scale.

View of the horseshoe waterfall

Conquest Niagara Waterfall People

A man has a restless nature. Therefore, desperate coughs were always located, seeking to conquer the majestic and mighty creatures of nature. Niagara Miracle did not exception.

The first is the American Cascade of Sam Patch. In the autumn of 1829, he jumped from a tower to the Horseshoe waterfall. The jump went well, and the cascade was the national hero. His feat was seen 10 thousand people. However, in November of the same year, Patch died, jumping into the Rochester Waterfall, whose height is 29 meters.

The feat repeated In October 1901, Annie Taylor. Dame October 24 turned 63 years old. And on the day of his birth, she conquered an American waterfall in a wooden barrel. During the fall, the woman broke his head, but everything ended well. The prosperity of adventure died in 1921.

After that, there were another 14 sneakers who challenged the mighty waters. Half of them died, others seriously crushed. Above the waterfall also showed their skills. In particular, the French Rattle Party Charles Blondes. In 1859, he recalculated the gorge below the waterfall on the rope. That was pulled at an altitude of 50 meters and had a length of 335 meters.

In the summer of 1960, a real miracle happened, which was called the Niagara Miracle. In early July, a 7-year-old boy named Roger and his 17-year-old sister Denny fell into the Niagar. On unfortunate were life jackets, so they did not drown, and rapidly rushed in a raging water to the horseshoe.

The girl was separated only by a strong fright, as 6 meters from the edge of the waterfall, it was pulled out by a rescue circle on the Goat Island of 2 tourist. As for the boy, he flew down along with tons of water. However, after a few minutes, the swirl was noticed from the walking ship "mustard fog". Roger threw a rescue circle and raised on the deck. The child flew down 51 meters, but remained intact and unharmed.

Pleasure vessel near American waterfall

In early July 1984, Czech by nationality and resident of Canada Karel Fees overcame the horseshoe in the barrel. He was separated only by several bruises. But the Canadian authorities fined it by $ 500, as this professional cascadener had no license for such tricks.

The feat of Karel Charchka repeated American Cascader Steve Trotter in August 1985. He also overcame the Niagara Falls in the barrel. From the Americans, he became the first for the last quarter of a century. After 10 years, the trotter repeated his trick, and again everything ended well.

In October 2003, Kirk Jones from Canton (Michigan) jumped into the raging water, trying to commit suicide. However, he was separated only by broken ribs and bruises. Without having no float, this man survived.

It should be noted that it is much safer to conquer the horseshoe than the American waterfall. Since the beginning of the 50s of the last century, the American is a serious danger, since as a result of landslides, his bottom covered huge boulders. Therefore, a person can crash, falling on them.

However, it is perfect to live well without conquering Niagara Falls, but only admiring him from the outside. For this purpose, all conditions have been created today. And in order to make sure that you need to visit the northeast of American states and to see one of the greatest creations of nature.

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In the fact that the Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls) is one of the miracles of the world, inevitably makes sure every lucky one who felt the coolness of giant flows on her skin on his skin, loudly overthrowing from the cliffs in a picturesque place on the border of the United States and Canada.

Niagara - "Running Water" - a waterfall, lowered from a height of 50 m, a miracle of nature and the landmark of Canada and the USA. Each year, millions of tourists come to North America to see this personification of the strength and power of nature. The niagara is visible and audible long before its appearance: the cloud of the water vapor appears before you and the noise is heard the breaking water.

The legendary complex of Horseshoe Falls (Horseshoe Falls), American Falls and Fata (Bridal Veil Falls) is near the five largest fresh lakes globe: Upper, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario and is the tourist pride of the prosperous Town-Malnis-Falls, Canadian and American.

There are two islands near the waterfall - lunar and kosy, and from the cliff water rushes three threads. The Canadians were lucky, because the largest waterfall "Big Hobby" is located on the territory of their country. In width, it reaches 800 meters. And the waterfalls "Fata Bride" and "American" took themselves the United States.

Niagara Falls is the most powerful and wide in North America. All three waterfalls have a width of a more kilometer, a height is about 50 m.

"Niagara" takes its name from the indigenous local residents - The Iroquois tribe of Ongiara. Literally "Niagara" means Onguiaahra - "Thunder of Water".

How to get

There are two options for arrival: from Canadian or American sides. In the first case, it is best to fly to Toronto, and to Niagara Falls to get a bus that depart every one and a half or two hours from the Toronto Coach Terminal central bus station. Driving time for about two hours. Niagara Falls bus station to Niagara Falls runs local bustice, the path will take 20 minutes, the price of a ticket is about 3 USD. Prices on the page are shown in September 2018.

On the waterfall you can commit day excursion From New York, Toronto or Ottawa. The nearest airport is Buffalo (Buffalo) 40 km away.

It is possible to look at the Niagara Falls from a bird's eye view, rising by helicopter, or "bottom", sweeping into a ship on a steamer. At the foot of the waterfall is a "wind cave", where tourists descend on a special elevator. Each traveler receives a raincoat and a package for personal belongings, because Niagara can not be left dry.

Search flights to New York (Nearest a / n to New York)


The waterfall is open all year round. Summer - best time To visit Niagara. In winter, when the temperature drops below zero, the shores and viewing platforms are covered with ice, and the open-air excursions are pretty cool.

But in the winter in Canada, a festival of lights is held near the waterfall. Against the background of the dark sky, fireworks explode and reflected in the jets of water and the ice belt of the waterfall.

Niagara Falls

Entertainment and attractions of Niagara Falls

It is best to overcome the natural miracle from the Table Rock viewing platform, but many prefer to do it from the deck of one of the boats of Maid of Mist (Virgin Tuman), which move away every 30 minutes from both Canadian and American coast. These are two boats MAIDS VI and MAIDS VII, the capacity of which is 600 passengers. Ticket price - 19.25 USD.

In addition, the IMAX cinema is also built. Travelers introduce the history of the waterfall, its discovery and conquest. The building created a kind of museum, where the items on which the madmen tried to overcome the water of Niagara: someone sailed on the boat, someone on the barrel, someone seemed a sufficient rescue belt.

The surroundings of Niagara Falls are no less interesting than their main attraction. Here are located national parks, Museums and historical monuments.

In the vicinity of the waterfall attractive Botanical Garden Niagara, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b100 acres. It is located 9 km north of the waterfall, and is known in the world in the world with floral clocks collected from 19 thousand colors, with a fragrant "dial", updated twice a year.

Immediately in the Niagara greenhouse, the butterflies grow tropical plants from all over the world, among which there are about 2,000 species of exotic butterflies from countries Latin America, Africa, Asia. It supports a wet and warm tropical climate. Here you can relax in the park with fountains, visit the decorative pond and magnolia garden.

Further, by the course of the Niagara River, you can find the Queen Victoria Park, made in an old style. Tourists here come in the spring to admire Sakura flowering, or in the summer, at the time of flowering Rosary. There is here viewpointFrom where a wonderful view of the waterfall.

See the prints of ancient earthly creatures and immerse themselves in the secrets of biology and geology of the Earth allow the natural wealth of Niagara Glen - natural ParkIn the depths of the canyon. Scientists have established that millions of years ago there was a huge ocean. The exciting world of underground tropics, concluded in the arms of stones, granite and limestone, is amazing the imagination of even sophisticated lovers of natural "unusualness."

And in the town of Niagara Falls there is a famous aviation museum and a museum of wax figures. Among his characters are the heroes, the conquerors of Niagara Falls. Nearby is the Museum of the policy of William Malezi. Part of the house is a typography, a museum of newspapers and typographic equipment works here.

5 Things to do in Niagara Falls

  1. To visit the border between the United States and Canada, walking on the "Rainbow Bridge" (Rainbow Bridge), which is located a few hundred meters from the Niagara Falls.
  2. In the winter season, visit the Canadian Niagar to personally see the noisy colorful fireworks of the "Winter Festival of Lights".
  3. To capture the rainbow born in the splashes of the waterfall, for which it is necessary to be on the Canadian side of the waterfall from noon before sunset.
  4. Make sure that the fish, indeed, "travels" along the waterfall, visiting the "Wise Cave". Cost - 15 USD.
  5. Make a boat cruise on the Waters of Niagara on the ship called "Virgin Tuman" (Maid of the Mist), which is named in honor of the ancient Indian mythical character of Ongiara.

See also: