An essay by the comedy of Gogol "The Auditor" tour of the city N, conducted by Gingerborn Anton Antonovich Snovnik-Dmukhanovsky. Excursion "County City" - Discover the richness of the Russian Earth Tour of the county city


  • 1 day | (Saturday)
  • 08:00 - Collecting groups in Moscow (Art. Metro "VDNH", Parking to the right of the hotel "Cosmos")
  • 08:15 - Departure by bus with a guide to Kalyazin.
    Travel excursion. Stop in Kalyazin (if possible), inspection of a unique "floating" bell tower of the Nikolsky Cathedral.
    Mentioning in the chronicles on the first settlement (Nicola to Zhabna) refer to the XII century. At the end of the XVII century, young Peter I was performed to the district of the monastery.

    In 1939-1940, part of the territory of the Old Town was flooded during the construction of the Uglich HPP. Monastery (ensemble of the XVI-XVII century) and other old buildings were in the zone of the reservoir. Preserved "Floating" on a small island of the bell tower of the Nikolsky Cathedral.

  • 12:00 - Departure in Uglich.
    Founded in 937 by Jan Pleskovich, a led from Pskov, a relative of Prinjean Olga. Rostov-Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1148 opposes the Kiev, Smolensky and Novgorod princes in the Uglich field.

    From 1207 as part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. In 1238, destroyed by Mongol-Tatars. From the XIV century as part of the Moscow principality. In 1591, Zesarevich Dmitry, son of Ivan Grozny, killed in Uglich.

  • 13:00 - Dinner In the restaurant of the city of Uglich.
  • 14:00 - Excursion program for Uglich - The beauty of the nature of the Volga places and the greatness of vintage attractions. Sightseeing tour in the city.
    Uglich Kremlin - Historical and urban core of the city.
    Chambers Tsarevich Dimitri ("Chambers of Uglich-specific princes") - the only preserved construction from the founding of the Kremlin (15th century building).
    Church of Dmitry on blood - built on the site of the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. Inside the painting of artists of the late 18th century, describing this event in detail.
    Transfiguration Cathedral (interior) - cathedral Uglich city, located in the center of the Kremlin.
    Assumption "Warred" Church of the Alekseevsky Monastery - The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept here.
    Interactive program "Tales of the Old House"where the guide will tell you about life and the life of the provincial city at the end of the XIX. The twentieth century, about the text of the traditions, customs, leisure, fashion treated at the time. In the living room on the evening, you will hear fashionable romances at the time accompanied by a guitar.
  • 18:00 - accommodation in the hotel "Seagull 3 *" G. Uglich (Reserve hotels: Summit 3 * Myshkin). Numbers category "Standard".
  • 20:00 - Dinner The hotel's restaurant.
  • 2nd day | (Sunday)
  • 07:30 - Breakfast The hotel's restaurant.
  • 08:30 - departure in Myshkin - A kind of city-museum of the Russian province, which has retained the old building of the merchant city and a special provincial lifestyle. The city was famous for his blacksmiths and potters.
    People on the site of modern Myshkina lived in the V-III millennia BC. The town existed here, apparently, in the XII-XIII centuries, but was completely destroyed by Tatar-Mongols in 1238.
  • 09:15 - Overview excursion program in Myshkin: alley of Glory, Assumption Cathedral, museum "Russian boots" With exposures "Linen" and "Sisters and Valenka Brothers", house crafts With a blacksmith and a pottery workshop.
    Myshkina Chambers - The atmosphere of royal life. The hospitable king with the queen will tell, as the crown heavier and teach how to protect themselves from cats. You can run your hand to the royal bodies, and in the darkness of the royal animal you will see exotic live mice.
  • 12:00 - departure in Martynovo. - "Capital" of the ancient Katssky.
    In the extreme west Yaroslavl region There is a small one - 57 km long - the river of the river, the inhabitants inhabiting her shores - Katkari.
    Katkari - Russian people who have, however, their own features in their customs, tongue, folklore.
    The local guide will introduce you to various katsi myths who lived to this day. All this will allow you to plunge into the life and life of the peasants of the XIX-XX centuries. AT katsko Pozworny. Visitors are waiting for amazing animals.
    Visit Museum Katskaye (peasant hut in the end of the nineteenth century). The life and life of the peasants of the Hihhhhhhhh, in the hut, all things live in their places since 1910 surrounded by Katskoy Folklore, Katskiy myths and Katskii dialect.
  • 14:00 - Komednitsy - theatrical entertainment program At the katol dialect.
    Consignment from a Russian oven (soup, potatoes with chicken, sour cream, pies, spreads, grained milk / tea).
  • 15:00 - Departure to Moscow.
  • 21:00 - An indicative time of arrival in Moscow (to the metro station "VDNH").

Hotel information

Cost of the tour for 1 person
in a double room (2 people in the room):
at the races October-April (not season):
6,150 rubles.
6,450 rubles.(without dinner)
6,750 rubles.

on the races May-September (season):
6,450 rubles.(breakfast + treat in Martynovo)
6,750 rubles.(without dinner)
7,050 rubles.(Full meals | 2 lunch + breakfast + dinner)

Supplement for the Single Room -1190 rub.(1 person in the room)
Discount on extra place -200 rubles.(3 or more people in the room)

Selection of space in the bus -500 rubles.
Discount for place on the last row -200 rubles.

On Nekhehta, as an ancient, the original town came by chance, Lazay via the Internet. The sightseeing tour included a visit to Kostroma and Nerekhti as well as temples, churches in both cities. I will tell about Nerekhta as a typical Russian district city with well-preserved buildings of the XVI -XIX centuries.
At the entrance was installed stela in the form of a stylized rook with the date of birth of the city of 1214.
Two rivers flow in this small town. The riverbed of the Nerekhta river passes through the entire city, dividing it into two parts. By the end of the XVI century, according to the "script books" on the shores of this river there were 25 salt varnarits. What is interesting, each salt well with the "thick" brine had its name, such as "Burko", "nettle", "Bear". Part of the salt wells belonged to monasteries: Trinity-Sergiev, Goritsky, Spassky. According to the first snow, the Towing with salt went to the capital.
By the XVII century, salt brines in the wells are depleted and work on the crowns is suspended. Cheap salt with the lower Volga also played a role in stopping salvation. Nerekhta becomes a textile city.
On the outskirts of the city flows the second river - Solonitsa, named in honor of a few stray taste of water.
In 1678, in Nerekhta visited the six-year-old Peter I.
The first stone church in Nerekhta became Vladimir Church (1686). The famous painter MA took part in her wallopi. Snakes "with comrades". Murals are well preserved on the second tier of the Chetverka, where gospel events are depicted. The most expressive scenes on the rented arches depicting the sufferings of Christ: "The cross of the Cross", "Christ in front of the Pilate", "Removing from the Cross".
In the first quarter of the XVIII century, a new stone structure was built on the place of the previous dilapidated wooden Nikolsky (Epiphany) church, a crucible five-key temple. The painting of the Nikolsk Church with a solid bright carpet covers the walls and arch, giving the interior an unusually festive look. The names of the artists are recorded on the portal's sonial (among them the icon painter Andrei Denisov). I recommend paying attention to the belt western Wall With images of fantastic scenes on the themes of the apocalypse.
At the end of the XVIII century on the project and with the participation of S.A. Vortilova is built by the Varvarian Church. The construction of both floors was stretched for 17 years.
On the central Square Cities on the site of the old city temple in honor of the Russian princes of Boris and Gleb in 1709, the Kazan Cathedral is erected. The cathedral is based on the direction of Peter I, there is a reason to assume that it is the first monument in honor of the victory in the Poltava battle. In the 40s of the XIX century, a 60-meter bell tower of the Kazan Cathedral is built. When the bell tower is lifted, the spirit captures, maybe it may be due to the wind, and maybe from the view that opens from sightsets.
In the XIV century, next to the stroke, called Syavanovo, the monk Pahomi was founded by Trinity Monastery. Last lifetime, Rev. Pahomi was famous for his wonderful acts. In the second half of the XVII century, the wooden structure of the temple began to be replaced by stone.
Time under Soviet power with Orthodox structures cost differently. The Kazan Cathedral still has a local bakery. The bell tower is renovated and excursions are underway on it.
Trinity-Savan Monastery is revived. In the Trinity Church there are the relics of St. Pakhomy. Under a small mountain next to the monastery, there is a holy source. According to reference, if we wash with water from the holy source, and then three times barefoot climb the steep slope to the holy slide that near the monastery, you can heal from many ailments. Unfortunately, I could only wash myself, but did not take the barefoot. Probably I will come here again, but in the summer.

In early August, we managed to visit one curious event - the feast of the Samovar. The little Russian city of Nerekhta celebrated the city's Day, and in the local local history museum was arranged "Ca Day

With children on the bell tower of the Kazan Cathedral in Nerekhta Who at least once did not dream of closing the bell tower? Sometimes dreams come true, and at the very unexpected time. City Day of the small provincial town of Nerekhta, which in the Kostroma region. Row

I'll tell you about the museum in the city of Vyborg "Karelian Estiments". The museum is dedicated to the Soviet-Finnish war 1939-1940

There was a dream to visit the real fortress. Stand on the walls, look at the loopholes, climb on

  • Tours on November holidays (Day of People's Unity, 02.11-04.11.2019) The Day of People's Unity is celebrated in Russia on November 4th. Despite the fact that the official weekend about the holiday of only one, to rest this year the inhabitants of Russia will be as many as three days that can be devoted to travel. Excursions for the Day of People's Unity is a great opportunity to relax, enjoy the beauty of autumn nature and of course get a lot of new unforgettable impressions. Choose tours for the Day of People's Unity from Moscow to your taste and go to the fascinating journey! Our company is ready to offer you a large selection. interesting excursionsthat will give you the opportunity to have a great time on the weekend and holidays. The advantages of an organized rest to go on a trip can be a sightseeing group or independently. Some people like spontaneous travel, during which you do not need to plan anything in advance. However, in this case, you will be deprived of the masses of the advantages that give you organized rest. Excursion tours for the Day of People's Unity This: an interesting, carefully thought out route; Movement in a comfortable bus; experienced guides; Rest in a cozy hotel; quality nutrition; Friendly atmosphere; Ability to make new, interesting acquaintances. Traveling in the group, you will be insured against failures that often happen to single tourists. There is no risk to be late, do not have time, to face the lack of free rooms in the hotel, closed at the time of your arrival museum or inability to inspect the sights that interest you are interested in the fact that the skip is allowed only organized ...
  • Tours to meet the new 2020 New Year - This is an unusual time. In these holidays, you always want to return a little in childhood, believe in a fairy tale and feel something magical. And what could be better and more interesting than to go into a small new Year's journey Together with family or friends. Excursions for the New Year is a great opportunity to visit other cities, see a lot of new things, get closer to the story and get a lot of bright emotions and new impressions. This feature is provided by Turglobussian. Here you can order tours for the new year 2020 from Moscow on very affordable prices, and it is guaranteed to get a maximum of positive emotions from the New Year holidays. Excursion tours for the new year in Russia The best way Mark new Year holidays - It is to go to an unforgettable adventure. The Turglobussian company offers a huge number of options for New Year's holidays. Excursion tours in Russia for the new year can be bus or rail. Each such travel includes visiting historical and architectural monuments, inspection of the most popular museums, as well as accommodation in the hotel, guide services and additional entertainment programs. Top tours In Russia, the new year is presented on the company's website. Here you can find the most excursion program, worth one person and brief description each of the tours. Tour "Merry New Year in Karelia" is very popular for the New Year. ...
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  • Tours on March 8 (03/07/2013.03.2020) Not everyone can fully relax in the spring, but this first spring month has holidays in which you can arrange a mini journey, first of all it is March 8. Despite the fact that March is the spring month, the weather in most regions is still winter, however, solar and warm days in March are much more than in February. Get positive emotions to International Women's Day, you can not only at home at the festive table, but also on traveling in Russia. Our travel agency organizes tours on March 8, 2018 from Moscow to the most big cities and tourist clusters of the country, as well as there are also separate tours in Belarus. Excursions on March 8 every year they are becoming more and more popular that it is not at all surprising, because this is an opportunity not only to relax, but also get a lot of positive impressions. Self popular tours On March 8, from our company in the list of tourists offered by us there are such cities like Nizhny Novgorod and Sochi, St. Petersburg and Pskov, Vladimir and Suzdal. All directions are not listed, you will definitely select the perfect tour for you. Among the most popular destinations, tours in Russia on March 8, 2019 in ancient cities Russia, trips to the capital of Belarus and the South of the country (Abkhazia and Sochi). For example, the four-day tour "Russian souvenir" is in great demand. During the time you can ...
  • 07:30 - Collecting a group near the guide in the parking lot of buses to the right of the Sosmos Hotel (M. VDNH).
    Landing on the bus (fixed seating on the bus, places are determined automatically 2 days before departure).

    Moving to Calyazin. Travel information. Stop in Kalyazin (if possible), inspection of a unique "floating" bell tower of the Nikolsky Cathedral.
    Mentioning in the chronicles on the first settlement (Nicola to Zhabna) refer to the XII century. At the end of the XVII century, young Peter I was committed to the area of \u200b\u200bthe monastery.
    In 1939-1940, part of the territory of the Old Town was flooded during the construction of the Uglich HPP. Monastery (ensemble of the XVI-XVII century) and other old buildings were in the zone of the reservoir. The "floating" is preserved on a small island of the bell tower of the Nikolsky Cathedral.
    12:00 - Departure in Uglich.
    Founded in 937 by Jan Pleskovich, a led from Pskov, a relative of Prinjean Olga. Rostov-Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1148 opposes the Kiev, Smolensky and Novgorod princes in the Uglich field.
    From 1207 as part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. In 1238, destroyed by Mongol-Tatars. From the XIV century as part of the Moscow principality. In 1591, Zesarevich Dmitry, son of Ivan Grozny, killed in Uglich.
    For add. Lunch fee in the restaurant of the city. Paid along with the junction.
    14:00 Excursion program for Uglich - The beauty of the nature of the Volga places and the greatness of vintage attractions. City tour.
    Uglich Kremlin - Historical and urban core of the city.
    Chambers Tsarevich Dimitri ("Chambers of Uglich's specific princes") - the only building preserved from the founding of the Kremlin (15th century building).
    Church of Dmitry on blood - built on the site of the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. Inside the painting of artists of the late 18th century, describing this event in detail.
    Transfiguration Cathedral (Interior) - Cathedral of the city of Uglich, located in the center of the Kremlin.
    Assumption "Wonderful" Church of the Alekseevsky Monastery - The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept here.
    16:00 - Visit to the Museum "City Life", with animation program "Russian pleasure."
    The program includes an excursion with animation elements. The guide will tell you about life and the life of the provincial city at the end of the XIX - early XX century, about the device of the wealthy house, about the way, traditions, conventions, leisure, fashion trees at the time. You can visit merry Fairwhere a broken cradle with jokes and additives will offer you all sorts of goods. In the living room on the evening, there will be romance sounded, accompanied by guitar and piano. In the household room at home you will hear about the wedding events of the Uglican, about the unique feast of the brides Fair.
    At the end, in a teahouse, you will go tea with cakes, gingerbread and ladies, and the ganging Uglich merchant will invite Roma there and sound the melodies of their songs, and the beautiful-gypsy will dance incendiary dances.
    18:00 - Accommodation in the hotel "Volzhskaya Riviera 4 *" G. Uglich. Numbers category "Standard".
    20:00 - For add. Dinner fee at the hotel's restaurant. Paid along with the junction.

    1 day | (Saturday)

    Collecting a group in Moscow (Art. Metro "VDNH", Parking to the right of the hotel "Cosmos"): parking scheme of buses.

    Check out the bus with a guide to Kalyazin.

    Travel excursion. Stop in Kalyazin (if possible), inspection of a unique "floating" bell tower of the Nikolsky Cathedral.

    Mentioning in the chronicles on the first settlement (Nicola to Zhabna) refer to the XII century. At the end of the XVII century, young Peter I was committed to the area of \u200b\u200bthe monastery.

    In 1939-1940, part of the territory of the Old Town was flooded during the construction of the Uglich HPP. Monastery (ensemble of the XVI-XVII century) and other old buildings were in the zone of the reservoir. Preserved "Floating" on a small island of the bell tower of the Nikolsky Cathedral.

    Departure B. Uglich.

    Founded in 937 by Jan Pleskovich, a led from Pskov, a relative of Prinjean Olga. Rostov-Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1148 opposes the Kiev, Smolensky and Novgorod princes in the Uglich field.

    From 1207 as part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. In 1238, destroyed by Mongol-Tatars. From the XIV century as part of the Moscow principality. In 1591, Zesarevich Dmitry, son of Ivan Grozny, killed in Uglich.

    Dinner In the restaurant of the city of Uglich.

    Excursion program for Uglich - The beauty of the nature of the Volga places and the greatness of vintage attractions. City tour.

    Uglich Kremlin - Historical and urban core of the city.
    Chambers Tsarevich Dimitri ("Chambers of Uglich's specific princes") - the only building preserved from the founding of the Kremlin (15th century building).

    Church of Dmitry on blood - built on the site of the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. Inside the painting of artists of the late 18th century, describing this event in detail.

    Transfiguration Cathedral (Interior) - Cathedral of the city of Uglich, located in the center of the Kremlin.

    Assumption "Wonderful" Church of the Alekseevsky Monastery - The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept here.

    Interactive program "Tales of the Old House"where the guide will tell you about life and the life of the provincial city at the end of the XIX. The twentieth century, about the text of the traditions, customs, leisure, fashion treated at the time. In the living room on the evening, you will hear fashionable romances at the time accompanied by a guitar.

    Accommodation hotel "Seagull 3 *" G. Uglich (Reserve hotels: Summit 3 * Myshkin). Numbers category "Standard".

    Dinner The hotel's restaurant.

    2nd day | (Sunday)

    Breakfast The hotel's restaurant.

    Departure B. Myshkin - A kind of city-museum of the Russian province, which has retained the old building of the merchant city and a special provincial lifestyle. The city was famous for his blacksmiths and potters.

    People on the site of modern Myshkina lived in the V-III millennia BC. The town existed here, apparently, in the XII-XIII centuries, but was completely destroyed by Tatar-Mongols in 1238.

    Overview excursion program in Myshkin: alley of Glory, Assumption Cathedral, museum "Russian boots" With exposures "Linen" and "Sisters and Valenka Brothers", house crafts With a blacksmith and a pottery workshop.

    Myshkina Chambers - The atmosphere of royal life. The hospitable king with the queen will tell, as the crown heavier and teach how to protect themselves from cats. You can run your hand to the royal bodies, and in the darkness of the royal animal you will see exotic live mice.

    Departure B. Martynovo. - "Capital" of the ancient katsby mill.

    At the extreme West of the Yaroslavl region there is a small - 57 km long - the river of the junior, residents inhabiting her shores - Katkari.
    Katkari - Russian people who have, however, their own features in their customs, tongue, folklore.

    The local guide will introduce you to various katsi myths who lived to this day. All this will allow you to plunge into the life and life of the peasants of the XIX-XX centuries. AT katsko Pozworny. Visitors are waiting for amazing animals.

    Visit Museum Katskaye (peasant hut in the end of the nineteenth century). The life and life of the peasants of the Hihhhhhhhh, in the hut, all things live in their places since 1910 surrounded by Katskoy Folklore, Katskiy myths and Katskii dialect.

    Komennich - theatrical entertainment program At the katol dialect.
    Consignment from a Russian oven (soup, potatoes with chicken, sour cream, pies, spreads, grained milk / tea).

    Departure to Moscow.

    An indicative time of arrival in Moscow (to the station Metro "VDNH").

    Cost of the tour for 1 person
    in a double room (2 people in the room ):
    at the races October-April (not season):
    6,150 rubles.
    6,450 rubles. (without dinner)
    6,750 rubles.

    on the races May-September (season):
    6,450 rubles. (breakfast + treat in Martynovo)
    6,750 rubles. (without dinner)
    7,050 rubles. (Full meals | 2 lunch + breakfast + dinner)

    Supplement for the Single Room - 1190 rub. (1 person in the room )
    Discount on extra place - 200 rubles. (3 or more people in the room )

    Selection of space in the bus - 600 rubles.

    In the price of the tour included
    Hotel accommodation , Food on the tour menu according to the selected option , tour maintenance program (including tickets to museums and guide accompanying services) , Transport service . Note
    * The departure time and arrival in Moscow is indicative and cannot be considered a mandatory program.
    * The company reserves the right to make changes to the excursion program depending on objective circumstances with the preservation of volume and quality. It is possible to replace some excursions to equivalent. And also to replace the hotel of the same category or higher.
    * With the number of tourists in a group of less than 17 people, a minibus of the tourist class foreign car can be provided.
    * The company does not organize the subsidence to the room for your safety and comfort.
    * This program Recommended for children from 6 years.
    * Seating on the bus Fixed (in priority previously made and paid armor). Places on the bus are provided automatically 2 days before the start of the tour. When non-standard situationThe available places are determined by the guide.
    * Service "Select Place", the manager will fix the desired place in advance (the cost of the service in the price unit and discounts).

    See also: