Picturesque volcanoes of Kamchatka (35 photos). What volcanoes in Kamchatka Kamchatka volcanoes

Volcanoes of the Kamchatka Peninsula is an amazing spectacle. They are employed about 40% of the entire territory. These giggles, like nearby surroundings around them, are constantly in a state of change. The eruptions themselves produce a stunning effect. Powerful fire elements, hot red lava rivers, explosive volleys and fireworks from stones. Of course, a person who happened to see this kind natural phenomena, completely changes the attitude towards them.

Volcanoes of Kamchatka and Russia

Vulcanism is an essential geological process that promotes the development of land relief. At the stage of the origin of the planet, the volcanoes covered the entire surface. Later, the formation of buildings began to form along the largest faults in the earth's crust.

The origin of vulcanism is dated to the chalk period. The activity of the Earth on the territory was manifested by the last 2.5 million years.

Giants located on the territory of Kamchatka are part of the Pacific Fiery Ring. The latter is a kind of area within the borders Pacific Oceanin which most of all on the planet is located. This zone has 328 active terrestrial buildings from 540 famous humanity.

The volcano in its structure is a geological formation on the surface of the earth's crust, through which the liquid melt goes to the surface, forming volcanic rocks in the form of lava. The classification of them occurs both in the form of education: Starovulkan, thyroid, slag cone, and so on; According to their activity: acting, sleeping, extinct; So find in nature: ground or underwater.

Extluous volcanoes Kamchatka

The buildings of the Kamchatka are characterized by a large variety of forms and sizes. Their formation occurred in different epochs, so today activity is manifested with varying degrees. Some of the gigids relating to extinct, or having small sizes, are called mountains, regardless of their volcanic origin.

Now the whole territory has 29 active centers. The title of the acting volcano was assigned to these hills depending on the historical period of their eruptions. Some of them were erused more than 1000 and even 2,000 years ago. Active does not mean "working" constantly. In most cases, fumurol activity presented by pillars of water vapor and gas emissions is observed between eruptions.

The area of \u200b\u200bactivity has changed over time, moving from the west to the east. This contributed to the formation of two main volcanic belts: the median volcanic belt and the East Kamchatka belt. In the latter's belt today, the main group of the current buildings of Kamchatka is formed.

Since 1996, thanks to the actions of the organization Greenpeace Russia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site "Volcakes" has arose in Kamchatka Territory. This nomination includes, the South Kamchatka reserve and.

Also, these fireworming mountains have their own annual celebrated holiday -.

History - Kamchatka volcanic description

Grand volcanic phenomena and their consequences attracted the attention of people from ancient times. The first residents saw in them the shelters of gods and local spirits, connected many legends with them.

Studies and descriptions began approximately from the beginning of the 18th century and formed the basis of many works and popular books. The first described the Camchatka volcanoes researcher S. P. Krasheninnikov in 1756. His book "Description of the Earth Kamchatka" contains information both about the high gigates of this edge and hot springs.

Systematic information about the firewood mountains began to appear in the works of P. T. Novograblenova, B. I. Piyp and A. E. Svolylovsky. The latter was released by the "Atlas of Volcanoes of the USSR", compiled by aerial photography, performed in 1946-47. One of the main works of our time was the book "The current volcanoes of Kamchatka", published in 1991, containing 700 pages of descriptions accompanied by hundreds of color illustrations.

The first card with the designations of buildings on the peninsula was compiled in 1926 by scientists N. Kelle, the participant of the expedition of the Russian geographical community.

The biggest giant of the Kamchatka Peninsula, as well as the highest in Eurasia. Sopgia varies from 4750 to 4850 meters. During the eruptions, the part of the dome demolishes, and in the state of rest, he again increases. The construction belongs to the formations of the Starovochik type, which reaches 7,000 years. The last eruption is dated August 2013. One of the strongest was the eruption of 1994, which lasted for almost a month. The gas-ash-ash fountain rose to a height of 13 km, and the size of the fragments reached 2 meters in diameter. Mud streams came up 30 km and reached the river Kamchatka.

Medium volcanic belt includes 65 objects. Samoa highest point And the highest object of this belt is the Iichy Napka. Sopka height 3621 m and it is the only active median belt. The rest are classified as a row of extinct or sleeping. Alley, Big and Hangar, are also among the middle ridge.

The most active East Kamchatka belt has in turn division into several groups, such as Central Kamchatka Depression, Harchinskaya Group, Klyuchevskaya Group, East Kamchatka Comb, Uzonsko-Geyser Depression, Tolmachev Dol, East Range, Avachinsky-Koryak Group, Zhevanovsko - Dzendzur group, etc. Some groups of volcanoes are stretched for hundreds of kilometers along the peninsula. Some of the groups are characterized by very large volumes of volcanic rocks, up to 5000 cu., Which can be compared with the volume of all Japan volcanic rocks.

Kamchatka - home volcanoes

The most famous objects of this belt, Kamchatka and Russia are generally discussed: Klyuchevskaya Nightsome, stone, Kizenimen, Komarov, Kraschiennikova, Kikhpinich, Large and Small Semyon, Zhepanovsky, Zenzur, Tolmachev, Opan, Khutovka, Xudach, Ilinsky, Yolovskaya Sopka.

A separate group stands out a group of domestic volcanoes. Related to the East Kamchatka belt, it includes :, AAAG and ARIR. Sometimes Vilyuchinsky is attributed to this group. This group of gigids on the Kamchatka Peninsula has long become a platform, leisure and competition.

The strongest catastrophe of the XX century

Despite the fact that some of the buildings are extinct, they can surprise eruptions at least active. It often happened so that the extremely large catastrophes were sources. So, for example, an explosion of extinct nameless in Kamchatka in 1956 is as one of the strongest eruptions of the last century. White smoke clubs were noticed in the fall of 1955. For a few days, the height of volcanic emissions has reached 8 kilometers, and bright zippers sparkled among the gray huge clouds. Strong explosions continued all November. Sometimes the cloud of smoke was so thick that he stopped skipping the sun's rays.

At that time, the crater volcano expanded 800 meters. A month later, the formation of a dome from a viscous lava was noticed, which closed the passage of gas emissions. The pressure inside the volcano has become so great that the neighboring dome, which reminded sometime frozen stone Rose 100 meters toast and moved in the southeast direction. March 30, 1956 there was a huge explosion. Fiery pillar, accompanied by black smoke clubs, closing everything around, rushed at 40 km. In the settlement of Ust-Kamchatsk, 120 km from the Unnamed, there was no horizon. A little time followed a huge jet of gas with a height of 45 km. Behind him is the peplopad. He was so strong that it was impossible to see the thing in his hands. The area covered with ash was about 400 km in length, and the ash volume was 0.5 billion cubic meters. Its ash emissions were seen on the territory of Great Britain. After a strong eruption of March 30, the last stage began, which lasted until the end of November. Unnamed changed. Fortunately, this catastrophe did not take one life. Nearby territories were free from the population.

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Almost all tourists visiting Kamchatka make ascent at least one volcano. In each of our team, there is such a program, but the greatest number volcanoes you can conquer exactly in this

- Business card of this Russian region, annually collecting thousand tourists from different parts of the world on this land. Volcanoes, so different that the acquaintance with each of them will have to spend more than one day. Among them there are many acting, the eruption of which can cause contradictory feelings from travelers: delight and horror, admiration and fear, and all at the same time. Kamchatka volcanoes are erupted very rarely, without harm to local residents. Volcans are an amazing spectacle that attracts guests to such a distance. Today we will introduce you to the most famous volcanoes of Kamchatka.

Despite the fact that all volcanoes are great, each in its own way, in the Kamchatka Peninsula you can allocate three main things in size and unusual form: Klyuchevskaya, Koryaksky, Kronotsky volcanoes. Each of them can boldly qualify for the proud title of Kamchatka symbol. But we will tell about all local volcanoes.

1. Volcano Uzon - It is surrounded by the eponymous ring-shaped failure, formed forty years ago after the eruption. The diameter of the caldera is ten kilometers, and the main riches of Kamchatka are located throughout this territory: mineral springs, with unique algae and microorganisms living in them, healing mud baths, lakes, with flocks of snow-white swans, endless tundra, birch forests with terrible shores living there - Bear. The autumn landscapes are especially delicious here when the forest and tundra are painted in golden and red shades.

2. Vulcan Klyuchevsky - The famous natural education of Russia, which appeared seven thousand years ago. The volcano has a shape of a huge cone, created due to the layers of basalt lava. Tourists are affected by surprisingly clear lines and so correct geometric shape created by nature. Small volcanoes have grown with the main volcano: stone, flat, flat, flat. The peculiarity of the Klyuchevskaya volcano, in a constantly rising from his echo pole, which is created, constant and numerous explosions occurring inside. The height of this Russian volcano is four thousand seven hundred fifty meters, but it varies periodically: it depends on the power of the explosions occurring. All the fittings of the Klyuchevskaya hill volcano covered with thick coniferous forests - fir and hunting larch. The first inhabitants chose these places in the Stone Age, they became the tribes of Koryakov and Itelmen, they were engaged in fishing and hunting. This volcano received its name in the seventeenth century, after the start of mastering the territory of the Kamchatka, when the springs were found with the purest water. There was a settlement for researchers, who called the keys, as well as the volcano - Klyuchevskaya. The first conquered the top of this volcano - Daniel Gauss, who arrived here in the Russian expedition. He and his two comrades rose upstairs without special equipment, despite the huge risk, everything ended well. It was created here National Parkwho, together with the Klyuchesk Sopnia, hit the list World Heritage UNESCO. This is the acting volcano of Russia, at the foot of which is the station of the Institute of Wolcanology. Scientists find out that the volcanic eruption occurs once every six years, but the destructive eruptions are only once every twenty-five years. It is estimated that for three thousand years, Lava was thrown fifty times. With each such emission of the lava, the pillars of dust and smoke rose into the sky, which are gradually scattered through the surrounding area, the flame can hold on as a week and three years, as was one day. But it does not frighten the local residents of the settlement of the keys, which, like their distant ancestors hunt, fishing, lead agriculture, dilute livestock, that is, they lead a funny lifestyle, in the shade of a terrible neighbor who attracts the crowd of tourists to these edges.

3. Volcano Karymsky - The most active volcano of Kamchatka, who for one age produced more than twenty eruptions, many of which lasted over the years, replacing one to others. The most intense eruption happened in 1962, it went three years, issuing more than three thousand cubic meters of dust and gases in one explosion. Sometimes in one day it happened before the nine hundred emissions. Even the volcano eruption looks at night, when luminous balls of smoke, ashes and flames of fire are rising into the sky, illuminating the surroundings as a white day. Tourists are not afraid of the Terrible Volcano, making climbs on his top, pre-stopping on the ridge a small seed to enjoy the delightful look around. The history of the origin of this volcano is confused: first here was the volcano courtyard, which was completely destroyed when he was eruption, but in the caldera, which arose after the explosion, the Karymsky volcano sometimes originated over time, the central part of which was also very destroyed after the eruption. Here, the caldera and the new cone appeared again, which we can observe today. At the foot of the Karym volcano put a volcanological station to preserve security in the area.

4. Volcano Small Semyon "This is a completely amazing volcano of Kamchatka, stretches for three kilometers." It is unique in the presence of three crater, in one of which, with an acidic lake, a kilometer depth, with water of green, the temperature of which varies from twenty-five to forty-five degrees, and the composition of the lake water is similar to sulfuric acid. In sunny weather, tourists have the opportunity not only to rise to this volcano, but also approach the lake, however, it is not worth standing next to him, since it periodically begins to "spinning" the jet of acid water in different directions.

5. Vulcan Gorely - has an elongated shape in the west direction. This is a typical volcano formed from the caldera. The height of the burner is a thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine meters, he has eleven craters, some of them intersect picturesque. Craters where eruptions occurred have a ring-shaped shape and filled with acidic lakes. In one part of the volcano, Gorely, caldera, sank out of faults, created on the walls some kind of entrance gate. It looks all very unusual, which attracts tourists here.

6. Avachinsky volcano - This Kamchatka volcano has a complex structure, similar to Vesuvius volcano. Its height is two thousand seven hundred fifty one meter, and the diameter of the crater is three hundred fifty meters, with depth - in two hundred and twenty meters. With the last eruption, which happened at the end of the twentieth century, the crater funnel filled in Looy and here began to form Furollas, departing sulfur.

7. Vulcan Koryaksky - The picturesque Kamchatka volcano, with a very correct and perfectly smooth cone. His height is three thousand two hundred fifty six meters. At the top there are numerous glaciers, which are absolutely not affected by the formed near Fumurollas, which warm the inner part of the volcanic crater. This volcano is the champion in the content of mountain and volcanic rocks.

8. Vulcan Zenzur - Already a long-range volcano, in the crater which is now a glacier. But in the southeastern part of Zenzur there is a fumarol focus, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200ba hundred square meters, which warms the inner water to the boiling point - one hundred degrees.

9. Vilyuchsky volcano - Located nearby big City Kamchatka - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. It is for a long time extinct and characterized by a cut peak, with areas filled with ice, and flowing on it in the old times of Lava, thanks to fumarols, became multi-colored.

10. Volcano sharp TBAC - It has an acute roof that was formed by the glacier. The height of the volcano is three thousand six hundred and eighty-two meters. The cocks are covered by the glaciers, the most famous of which is the Schmidt glacier, from which the Barrancoses are clearly visible, which picturesquely cut the protrusions of the Tobachik. From the West, you can watch dyes, similar to gear walls having basalt origin, which are interesting not only to researchers, but also ordinary tourists.

11. Vulcan Xudach - on form similar to a cropped cone, with craters filled with acid water lakes. In height, this volcano reaches only thousands of meters, whereas at the time of his appearance he had two thousand meters in height, but in the process of its volcanic activity, it became a thousand meters below. There is a lot of quadder of different sizes, calculated by different ages. Kamdach Volcano is the most unusual volcano of Kamchatka: here you can meet lakes with a clean water, the origins of the waterfall originates from his caldera, and beautiful olhovy forests are growing on the slopes of the volcano.

12. Volcano Mutnovsky - the most complicated array in its structure, with numerous fumeric zones, several crater, with hot mineral source, boiling boiling boilers and warm lakes. The height of this Kamchatka volcano is two thousand three hundred twenty-three meters. Nearby river Vulcannaya flowing into a huge and most beautiful waterfall flows.

Volcanoes Kamchatka - So dangerous and beautiful in all of its manifestations, every year they attract more and more tourists who are broken from the spaced places and leaving the comfort zone, go to a long journey through the far region of Russia - Kamchatka to get acquainted with these amazing natural creations.

The Kamchatka Peninsula is a unique region in the east of Russia, which is distinguished by the presence of a huge number of volcanoes formed in different geological epochs. To date, there are also sleeping, ancient volcanoes, and active acting. What volcanoes in Kamchatka will manifest themselves, wake up and start erupting at that or another time interval - unknown. Some of them can sleep for centuries, and some begin their work every few years. In 2014, Carymsky, Shivech, Zheupanovsky and Unnamed are intensified immediately. In 2015 - Klyuchevskaya Natka. In 2017 - Cambal.

Currently, there are no accurate data as to how many volcanoes in Kamchatka. In different sources, numbers indicate, fluctuating from several hundred to several thousand. Most of them did not wake up for a long time. Many have lost their initial species under the action of external factors. All volcanoes have their own shape and sizes. Some of themselves are high hills, others look like small mountains. Today there are two main volcanic belts - the East Kamchatka volcanic belt and the middle volcanic belt, which is more ancient. According to the latest data, approximate figures are at how many volcanoes in Kamchatka, such:

  • Existing volcanoes - 29;
  • Extluous - 160.

List of volcanic on Kamchatka

1. Kuevskaya: Height - 4.75 km, age - 8 thousand years, active.

2. Unnamed: height - 2.882 km, young active volcano.

3. Avachinsky : Height - 2.741 km valid.

4. Vilyuchsky : Height - 2,175 km, extinct.

5. Mutnovsky : Height - 2,323 km acting.

6. Burnt : Height - 1,829 km acting.

7. Karymsky : Height - 1,536 km, acting.

8. Xudache : Height - 1 km, volcanic array, declared by the nature monument.

9. Small seed : 3-kilometer volcanic ridge with acid lakeacting volcano.

10. Kronotsky : Height - 3.528 km, acting.

11. Kizenim : Height - 2,485 km acting.

12. Tolbachik : A volcanic array of acute tolchik - 3.682 km (extinct) and a flat Tobachik 3,14 km (valid).

13. A rock : Height - 4,579 km, extinct.

14. Udine Big (2.923 km) and Udine Malaya (1.945 km) - extinct volcanoes.

15. Caldera Uzon. - Ring-shaped failure of the volcano Uzon, which appeared 40,000 years ago. In the diameter, the funnel reaches 12 km. Best caldera - about 100 km2. Squad of volcanism I. wildlife Kamchatka.

16. Koryaksky : Height 3.456 km, operating.

17. Dzenzur : Height - 2,159 km, destroyed volcano.

The list of chocatia volcanoes includes all geological objects known to date. There is a separately and list of existing volcanoes, in which the years of the eruption and other characteristics are indicated. Given the fact that it is in Kamchatka that the most active volcanoes are focused, which are in different activity mode, it is quite extensive. Here are accomplished by reliable data about each object.

Volcanoes Kamchatka

Modern acting volcanoes of Kamchatka are a vivid manifestation of endogenous processes available to direct observation, which has played a huge role in the development of geographic science. However, the study of volcanism has not only cognitive importance. Active volcanoes Along with earthquakes are a formidable danger to closely located settlements. The moments of their eruptions bring often irreparable natural disasters.

The manifestations of volcanism are one of the most characteristic and important geological processes that are of tremendous importance in the history of the formation of the earth's crust. No area on earth, whether the continent or oceanic collar, folded area or platform - was not formed without the participation of volcanism. The fact that the direct formation of the Earth's surface through volcanic activity continues to this day, is continuing. Without a deep and thorough study of this problem, it will be impossible to timely and prompt response to any manifestations of volcanic activities, which, later, can lead to human sacrifice. As indicated by G. Taziev: "Despite the fact that geological epochs are millions of years and geological processes proceed very slowly, it is also undoubted that sudden underground shocks caused by volcanic activities can instantly split and move the layers of earthly crust, to complete what lasted Millions of years "

Historical Overview

The study of Kamchatka volcanoes began about 300 years ago. The first information about "burned hills" (volcanoes) on Kamchatka was communicated by the Russian Cossacks and industrialists who settled in Kamchatka at the end of the XVII century. Systematic research of nature and volcanoes of Kamchatka belong to the first quarter of the 19th century. Large volcanoes Shiveluch, Klyuchevskaya and Avachinsky were applied to the map of Northeast Asia and Kamchatka, compiled in 1725 - 1730. The first Kamchatka expedition of this and subsequent, second Kamchatka expedition (1733 - 1743) commanded Vitus Bering. His name is immortalized in the names Bering Sea, Bering Strait and O-Va Bering in the Commander Islands group. The participant of the second Kamchatka expedition was S.P. Crashinnikov, famous explorer of Kamchatka. He landed on the shore of the Kamchatka in October 1737 and held four years here in the tireless observations and travels, 1737 - 1741. His "Description of the Earth of Kamchatka", published for the first time in 1755, refers to the number of classical geographical works of the XVIII century. [Krashinnikov, 1949]. So over 250 years ago, the beginning of the scientific study of the volcanoes of Kamchatka was laid.

Among the researchers of Kamchatka XVIII and XIH centuries. A. Erman, who watched the eruption of the Klyuchevsky volcano in 1828 - 1830. And leaving the first petrographic description of his Love, and K. Ditmar, who conducted research on Kamchatka in 1851 - 1855. K.i Bogdanovich began in 1897 - 1898. Systematic study of the geology of Kamchatka and its volcanic areas. Member of the Kamchatka Expedition of the Russian Geographical Society N.G. Kellem published the first card of Kamchatka volcanoes [Kelle, 1926]. Famous Kamchatsky Locatern P.T. In 1932, Novograblinov published the first "Atlas of Kamchatka volcanoes", in which information about 127 valid and extluous volcanoesThe form of eruptions and petrography of breeds of 19 volcanoes are described [Novograblinov, 1932].

Despite the fact that many believe that the volcanoes of Kamchatka are not bloodthirsty, in fact, they are obliged first of all that people build houses at their foots are avoided - on the peninsula of Kamchatka is from 28 to 36 active volcanoes (depends on the type of classification ) and a huge number of such that are considered as falling or extinct.

Nobody wants to take risks, especially if we take into account that volcanic activity almost never subsides here: only at the end of 2014, several Kamchatka Sokiov, Volcano, and others, began to be woken up here and began the eruption, Zhupanovsky, Karymsky volcano, and others.

What is a kamchatka

The Kamchatka Peninsula is located in the northeast of Eurasia, located on the territory Russian Federation. In the west it was washed by water Sea OkhotskIn the East - Beringov, as well as the Pacific Ocean. The peninsula has an oblong shape and stretches from the northeast to the southwest of about 1200 km, while its greatest width is almost 450 km. With the continent, Kamchatka connects narrow (a little less than a hundred kilometers) of the experiencing.

This peninsula is unique primarily by the fact that there is a huge number of volcanoes here - both for a long time, and sleeping, many and actively operating (Kamchatka volcanoes occupy about 40% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe peninsula).

In total, scientists have about three hundred of fire-haired mountains here, therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the eruption of volcanoes and related processes occurring at a depth (primarily concerns thermal sources and geysers), form a local landscape.

The nature of this edge is constantly changing, because about three-four volcanoes are sprayed here every year, which is not only an increased volcanic, but also causing seismic activity. Camchatka volcanoes and geasers are quite a typical phenomenon for local residents.

How Kamchatka was formed

The Kamchatsky Peninsula belongs to the Pacific Fire Ring, so the oceanic and continental plates are constantly faced here. A huge ridge formed over the waters of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and the Kamchatsky chute, the total length of which was 2.5 thousand km. In the north of the newly formed ridge, in his wider part, the Kamchatka Peninsula arose, whereas in the south of the water were made only separate vertices, forming the Kuril Islands.

It is worth noting that the relief of the peninsula consists of a low-rise and rock ridges running each other. It was formed in this way: in deep faults from the depths of the earth, lava poured out and volcanic loose materials (ashes, slag) were thrown up, forming high plateau and volcanoes.

Over time, the Kamchatka volcanoes have decreased significantly in size. This happened for several reasons:

  • The powerful water flows blurred the slopes, forming ravines and gorges;
  • Destroyed the formated winds wind, sharp temperature fluctuations and even constant melting / freezing of water;
  • Glaciers hit the peninsula more than once, and faced the ridges, destroyed the rock.

At the same time, the tectonic plates of their activities did not stop and now for many millennia, they are almost also actively faced with each other, as before. This is one of the reasons that Kamchatka volcanoes show active operation throughout the entire existence of the peninsula, gradually moving from the west to the East, forming lowlands, two main mountain systems and other hills:

  1. West Kamchatka lowland, the maximum width of which is about forty meters, the hills begin to appear closer to the median ridge.
  2. The middle ridge is one of the main mountain systems of Kamchatka, the length of which is about 900 km and stretches along the median ridge watershed, which is located in the center of the peninsula and expands to the south. The active volcano here is only one - Hangar, who last trampled more than 1.5 thousand years ago.
  3. Central Kamchatka Depression with a length of 500 km. Here the rivers are fast and kamchatka leading to the Bering Sea.
  4. The eastern volcanic zone is another, a younger mountain system of Kamchatka, stretches from the north to south along the entire peninsula. It consists of almost all active acting camcove volcanoes and about 70% of thermal sources.

Klyuchevskaya Natka

The height of the Klyuchevsky volcano is constantly changing and ranges from 4,750 to 4850 meters, thus, it is the highest active volcano Eurasia. It will be erupted mostly once every 5-6 years and even more often: despite the fact that in 2013 he threw aside as a height of 12 km above sea level, already in January 2015, the hex kilometer column of ashes and a huge herself woke up Number of lava.

Avachinskaya Sopka

Avachinsky volcano is valid and located in the north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - 25 km. The height of its little more than 2.7 thousand meters, the peak of the cone-shaped form. Avachinsky volcano has a huge crater, the diameter of which is almost half a thousand meters, height is 700 meters. In its upper part (together with the next to the Kozelski Sopnia) there are 10 glaciers, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich exceeds ten kilometers of volcanoes.

Since Avachinsky volcano is located near Petropavlovsk, and raising him quite simple and takes the path from 6 to 8 hours along the path, it is one of the most visited volcanoes of Kamchatka.

Koryak Sopka

One of the most famous volcanoes of this mining system is located 35 km from Petropavlovsk Koryaksky Volcano, whose height is about 3.5 thousand meters. At the same time local residents imagine the city without it can not: in good weather It can be seen almost from anywhere in the city.

In terms of volcanic activity, the Koryak Volcano is relatively safe (the last major eruption has been observed here in the 50s of the last century).

In 2008, there was a volcanic gas emission here, which could be seen even from space, and the smoke train stretched almost 100 km and reached Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Recently, the Koryak volcano due to its extremely steep slopes more and more attracts the attention of climbers. Another one plus for them is that due to a heavy rise on this mountain there are no such mass climbations as more affordable hills. Therefore, to climb the Koryak volcano only an experienced, well-trained climber, otherwise it may well end the tragedy.

Karymskaya Natka

One more an interesting mountain The Eastern Range is the Karym Volcano, the height of which is almost 1.5 thousand m. It is extremely active - starting from the middle of the XIX century, geologists recorded about twenty eruptions here (over the past ten years, the Carym Volcano eves two times), while, despite That from Petropavlovsk, it separates it 115 km, in case of strong emissions, volcanic ashes come there.

Mutnovskaya Natka

Vulcan Mutnovsky is in eighty kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Its height is about 2.3 km and it consists of several cones, which over time merged into a single array. The North-West Cone, despite the small crater (2 by 1.5 m), has all the signs of volcanic activity.

Despite the fact that Vulcan Mutnovsky is valid (all geologists recorded about 16 eruptions, the last of which was in 2000), he reminds about themselves, it reminds that the emissions of volcanic gases and the presence of a huge number of thermal sources - it is here that one of the largest geothermal deposits on our planet.

Zhepanovskaya Sopka.

In seventy kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (in the south-west side) there is Vulcan Zupanovsky, whose height is almost 3 thousand m. This is one of the most active volcanoes of recent time: in last years He erupts it extremely actively, and the release of volcanic ash in January 2015 reached 5 km above sea level. Currently, Zhupanovsky volcano has an orange aviation danger code - and all tourists who have found themselves, they advise to leave the terrain.

Vulcan Gorely

Volcano Gorely is located in the south-west of Petropavlovsk (80 km). This volcano actor, its height is almost 2 km above the sea level and is located in the south of the peninsula. It consists of eleven cones superimposed on each other and thirty craters, the length of which is three kilometers on the ridge. Some of them are filled with acid, other - fresh water. Total scientists recorded about 50 eruptions of this hill.

In the previous times, the volcano was so active that the underground magmatic hearth was completely empty, because of which the plateau could not stand and dropped down, into the formed emptiness, forming a volcanic caldera.

Since the eruptions did not stop, the ridge rises inside it. At the same time, the lava was so much that she followed even outside the caldera: one of her stream moved in the north-west direction by 9 km, the other - to the south-west - 15 km.

The last time the volcano was active in 2010, while this process accompanied seismic activity, significant emissions of steam and gas. In the past few years, this mountain is silent and does not show anyone. Geologists argue that the resting period between eruptions is on average about twenty years, and the greatest break was the whole sixty (for this volcano it is quite a lot).
Kronotskaya Natka

Kronotsky volcano, whose height exceeds 3,538 meters, and the peak has a regular ribbed cone. The eruptions of this stratovulkan occur, however, rarely - for the last time it happened in 1923. Not far from it is the famous Valley of Geysers.

Volcano Shivelch

Shivech volcano is the northernmost acting vulcan of the peninsula, from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, it separates it more than 400 km. Recently, it is extremely active: In January 2015, the asset emission was about 6 km above sea level, and the clouds from the ashes were carried out in the western direction by 200 km.

At the moment, Shiveluch volcano has a height of 3283 meters, whereas earlier it was significantly higher, but as a result of extremely strong eruptions at the beginning of the XXI century, it became below 114 meters. After three years, the Volcano Shiveluch thrown out of his depths volcanic ash and Lava to a height of more than ten kilometers - his activity turned out to be so strong that part of his dome was not easy to hit, but it was cut in it deeply in thirty meters.

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