What is the name of a unhurried trip in Africa. Traveling in Africa

While Europe has long been cleared and studied, and Asia has become the usual direction for traveling for exotic, Africa is still a white spot on the map of most travelers. This continent of Oweyan is not only a halo of mystery, but also, importantly, stereotypes and prejudices. But you can go to Africa and you need, because it personifies itself the whole world, new and unknown. The main thing is to get rid of the illusions and properly prepare for the journey.

Why go

Why go to Africa? This is the first question to which you need to ask before going on a trip to this continent. In Africa, there are not many places for the usual beach holiday. And those that are, cannot offer a sufficiently high level of service or democratic prices. Architectural attractions and cultural facilities in African countries are also a bit. These are the consequences of wars, internecine conflicts, colonization and in general the inability of Africans to preserve their cultural and historical heritage. Of course, in any country of the continent there are attractions, but their number and degree of preservation is not a comparison with the countries of Europe and Asia. But Africa will surely surprise with its national parks, where you can see wild animals in their natural habitat, beautiful and diverse nature, tribes with their unusual and exotic external species And nothing like life.

Where to go

Geographically, Africa is divided into five regions: North, South, Western, Eastern and Central. North Africa includes all countries of the continent on the coast Mediterranean Sea. IN South Africa Enter countries in the south of the continent from South Africa to Angola and Zambia. West Africa includes countries located south of central sugar and washed by the Atlantic Ocean. East Africa is countries in the East of Sudan before. And countries located in the heart of the African continent (from the Central African Republic to the Democratic Republic of the Congo) are the region of Central Africa.

In each of the regions there are countries, more interesting, safe and easy to travel, and there are those from trips to which it is better to refrain by virtue of certain reasons. For example, in North Africa, many have already visited, Egypt and, but Algeria and Libya famous reasons deprived of the attention of tourists. In West Africa, you should visit Ghana and Mali, but refrain from traveling to Nigeria.

The most popular directions among travelers are South Africa, Kenya and. Tourism in these countries is rapidly developing, appears more possibilities For travel, the choice of tours and routes is becoming wider, and more and more local travel companies Offers their services on the organization of safaris and other trips. At the same time, these countries retain their original culture and real African exotic and flavor.

When to go

To visit most countries in Africa, the most suitable are the winter months (from November to March). During this period, few precipitation falls on most of the continent, and you can not be afraid that the rainy season will hurt the journey. It is relevant for South Africa, since these months on the other side of the equator - summer.

Travel to Africa can be coincided with one of the most interesting events. For example, in early January, immediately after the new year in West Africa, the annual festival of African music Festival Au Desert is held. Interesting this festival by what he passes for several days in the open sky right in the Sahara desert. But lovers of wildlife and safari can go to Kenya or in Tanzania from July to October to catch the Great Wildebeest Migration, the Great Wildebeest Migration.

How to get

Flights to Most African countries perform large airlines Europe (,) and Asia (Emirates, Etihad, Qatar Airways). Direct flights from Moscow are not executed by these airlines. Anyway, travelers expect transit flightsThe time for which you have to lay on the route and travel plan. The most convenient docks and favorable tariffs in a number of African countries offer Turkish Airlines and Egyptair airlines with a change in Istanbul and Cairo, respectively. And here, transit flights can play on hand: both airlines offer convenient and profitable docks with a short time of waiting or, on the contrary, with the possibility of departure to the end item in a day. In this case, the airline offers passengers accommodation at the hotel, breakfast, shuttle and sometimes excursions in the city (). Thus, you can choose a convenient flight and a transit option and visit another city. And the absence of the need to make a visa to Turkey or Egypt further simplifies the task.

Direct flights from Moscow to Kenya (Nairobi) offers Aeroflot. In addition to Nairobi Aeroflot flights to other African capitals: Algeria, Tunisia, Casablanca and Accra (Ghana). Nairobi and Johannesburg (South Africa) from Moscow flies (also transit) and the Budget company Airberlin (closed).

It is worth being prepared for the fact that the flight to any African country will cost very expensive: on average, it is 35-45 thousand rubles, depending on the direction and airline. Whatever way of the flight you do not have chosen, before buying a ticket, you should always pay attention to the shares ( public), Spetstiferifers and special offers of airlines. For example, AIR France suits tickets to African countries, once former colonia France: Algeria, Senegal, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire and others.

Preparation: vaccinations and paperwork

When the purpose of the trip is defined, the country is chosen, and the air tickets were purchased, it's time to take care of all the necessary documents.

  1. Visa. Carefully examine the migration and customs rules of a particular country. Visas in some countries are obtained very quickly, and some will take time. For example, an Angola visa needs a standard set of documents (questionnaire, passport, tickets, confirmation of hotel booking, etc.) and up to two weeks of time. But to get the visa Algeria is much more difficult: this country has an extremely rigid visa regime for citizens of most states of the world. Visas Uganda, Ethiopia and a number of other countries can be decorated at the border (at airports or ground checkpoints). It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the rules for obtaining a visa upon arrival, since in some countries on ground checkpoint permission for the entry is not issued.
    Some states (Kenya, Senegal and others) introduced the electronic system for registration of visas, in which all the necessary documents are poured over the Internet on a special portal, and the applicant receives an email to the visa. The resulting entry permission must be printed and present at the border.
    By the way, exist Uniform East African Visawhich resolves stay in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda and free movement for these countries without obtaining national visas of these states. Such a visa is issued only in Consulates of Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda; On the border or on the Internet, this document is not issued.
  2. Vaccinations. To visit most African countries, you must make vaccinations from the yellow fever. Moreover, it is necessary to obtain an international certificate of vaccination. This document is often asked when crossing the border, it can also be in the list of documents required to obtain a visa. The certificate is issued on vaccination day in the vaccination clause (in Moscow this is a central vaccination point at the Polyclinic No. 13). In addition to vaccination against yellow fever, it will not be superfluous to make vaccination from abdominal typhoid and hepatitis A, information about which will also be entered into the certificate. But the recommended vaccinations may differ depending on the region.
  3. Permissions. To visit some facilities in a number of countries, you may need permission to visit. For example, such permissions are needed for trips to some cities of Eritrea, which gives the Ministry of Tourism of the country. It is necessary to find out in advance whether any special documents are needed for certain objects on the proposed route, as well as where and how they can be issued (in advance via the Internet or with a personal visit on arrival to the country).
  4. Insurance. Do not neglect and do not save on. There are no special requirements for insurance for visiting African countries. The main thing is to pay attention to whether the selected insurance company gives insurance to this region with the desired coating amount.
  5. Documentation. It is worth learn in advance whether foreigners need to register at the police station or the migration service upon arrival in the country. In the event that it is necessary, it will not be superfluous to take with you the documents that may need to do this (photo, copies of the passport pages, a copy of the visa, etc.). The same documents will be useful in the terrestrial crossing of the borders of states, especially if visas in these countries are drawn up at the border.

Security: Real hazards and stereotypes

There is a commodity opinion that Africa is extremely dangerous. Of course, something from the common stereotypes has a basis, but, in fact, everything is not as scary, as it looks in the eyes of the public. To ensure your own security, it suffices to comply with simple and well-known rules of behavior. As elsewhere, in countries in Africa, it is necessary to politely communicate with the locals, ask permission to take photos, carefully refer to the laws and norms of behavior in a particular country. It will eliminate possible problems with the police or local. In African countries, corruption is very developed. For foreigners, this may manifest itself in imposing fines, services, overestimated tariffs for certain services or an attempt of extortion. Therefore, it is not necessary to provoke conflicts and ambiguous situations associated with violation of the procedure, laws, behavior standards, the rules of moving around the country and crossing borders. It will save from long-term proceedings and extorting money.

Like everywhere in the world, traveling in Africa, you have to be attentive to your own things, money and documents. In most countries of the continent, theft is a common phenomenon. Foreigners, especially whites, are considered to be rich, so the white brief becomes almost a matter of honor for Africans. Of course, this does not apply to all without exception. But, it is necessary to admit, in undeveloped and poor countries with a high level of unemployment and corruption, such stereotypical thinking occurs often. Therefore, you should not take dear things with you: electronics and equipment, gold jewelry. Money and valuable things must be kept with you, not to get a large amount on the street and follow the bag or backpack.

As for health, there are the same rules of sanitation and personal hygiene, as when traveling to Asia: do not drink raw water, avoid drinking ice in drinks (as it is most likely made from raw water), more often wash your hands Especially before meals, and refrain from buying and eating outdoor food. In fact, very often street food turns out to be edible, you can try it. It is only important to take care of the choice of food. For example, bread pellets, popular in almost all countries, are quite safe, but from buying fried meat (usually it is small pieces of meat on a skewer) it is better to refuse, because because of the hot climate and the inappropriate storage and treatment conditions, the meat can be spoiled.

Traveling over tropical and equatorial countries, you need to remember the natural hazards associated with climate, insects, animals, and so on. It is worthwhile to avoid visiting, especially independent, without conductors and guides, countryside, marsh territories, jungle, and so on. It is impossible to walk barefoot or in open shoes on grass and earth, try to touch animals, even ordinary cats and dogs.

Malaria.It is no secret that malaria is very common in tropical and equatorial countries. A large percentage of infection falls on the African continent. Mosquitoes are mosquitoes. Today there is no vaccine from malaria. That is, it is formally exist, but while testing is passed. The certified vaccine from malaria, affordable for the population, to speak early in Russia. Therefore, the risk of infected is always. To minimize it, it is important to remember that, firstly, to protect against mosquitoes (both from ordinary and malarious) can be ordinary repellents or tincture with carnation extracts (usually sold in pharmacies) and other natural substances whose smells scare insects. Secondly, for the night, you need to choose a hostel (hotel), in which a mosquito net hangs over the bed. It must be omitted as low as possible and cover the bed in such a way that there is no cracks and that the mesh can be rolled into contact with the body. Thirdly, it is important to remember that the number of mosquitoes increases with high humidity. This means that the risk of a meeting with a malarious mosquito increases in water bodies, in a swampy terrain and in the rainy season (where it is where it is). These factors must be taken into account when planning travel and making a route.

On the Internet there are a lot of information and advice on receiving money from malaria as prevention (Loriam / Loriam, Malaron / Malaron). It is extremely undesirable to take these drugs without appointing a doctor and even more so in preventive purposes, because, firstly, they do not make one hundred percent guarantee that infection will not happen, and secondly, these drugs have a number of contraindications and a huge number of side effects. They also give a greater load, and sometimes complications, to the liver, as they contain a large quantine. Remember that not all mosquitoes in Africa malaria, and infection may not be at all for all the time travel. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the incubation period in these diseases lasts from several days to several weeks, and the first symptoms can manifest themselves after returning home. Therefore, when making it is necessary to consult a doctor and make it known that you returned from African countries. As for drugs, they should be taken only in case of illness. You can buy them in pharmacies directly in African countries. There they are much cheaper. An express test for malaria is used everywhere, which can be carried out independently in minutes. Upon arrival in the country, it will not be superfluous to immediately go to the pharmacy, buy a test and medicine, and have them with you for the time of all the journey, as well as bring them home in case the symptoms of the disease will appear after returning.

Money: Cash, bank cards, currency

In what currency take with me money (euro or dollar)? Depends on the region. For example, eight countries of Western and Central Africa, who were once French territories and now entering the African financial community, use a single monetary unit - Frank CFA (CFA), which is tightly tied to the euro. Therefore, going to this region, it is the euro better to take with you, since the exchange rate will be more profitable. In the rest of Africa, the dollar has gained more distribution, although the euro has borrowing. But in some countries you can face difficulties in the exchange of currency, be it euro or dollar. For example, in Uganda, hundred-year bills over 2000 are cheaper, and exchange offices, both official and unofficial, reluctantly take them. And in Kenya may not take into payments or exchange of hundred dollar bills issued until 2006. When exchanged currency in banks and exchange offices, attention should be paid not only to the course, but also at the commission, which is often charged (for example, in South Africa).

Bank cards take far from everywhere. In more developed Kenya and Tanzania, cards can be paid in large hotels, supermarkets and agencies for the organization of safaris. In South Africa, you can pay almost everywhere. In less major cities and less developed countries with a much lower stream of tourist opportunities to pay a card or remove cash in an ATM is much smaller. You can take cash from a card in ATMs only in large cities. Sometimes removal of money in ATMs may threaten the lock card, since Russian banks such operations can be perceived as suspicious (suddenly the card was stolen!). Therefore, you need to have cash with you in case if for some reason it will not be possible to use cards.

Sometimes you can pay dollars (euro - rarely) for individual services or goods. For example, in Kenya in a number of souvenir shops can take US currency to pay. At the same time, the passing, most likely, will be issued by Kenyan shillings. With such a system of calculation, you need to be particularly attentive, as they can calculate. Also dollars will be paid organized tours By country, safaris and entrance to national parks and other similar services. You should prepare about 100-150 dollars with small bills for paying a taxi, excursions, tips.

Price level and expenses

Assembly to travel in Africa, initially need to be prepared for the fact that this is not a budget direction. Prices for transport, food in cafes and restaurants, accommodation almost comparable to European. The price level varies from the country to the country. The most cheap country of the African continent, perhaps, can be called Ethiopia. But here it all depends on the fact that travelers are going to watch and how to spend time. In general, on a two-week trip to Africa, most likely, you will have to lay 1000-1500 dollars per person at least, not counting the air ticket. Of course, if Safari is planned for the National Park, because it is behind this here and go.

Safari is the largest line of expenses. And it is necessary to treat it with great attention. Local agencies are engaged in the Safari organization, and their services are unlikely to be avoided. First, because in most cases it is prohibited in the territory of the National Park without a car and the guide, as it is simply dangerous due to wild animals. Secondly, safari, as a rule, takes not one day, and from two to seven, depending on the route and the selected National Park. Safari cost is different and depends on the company, places included services and number of days. On average, prices start from $ 130-150 per day per person. The price includes a car with a driver, a guide, overnight in campsite or loneg, food and fee for entrance to the territory of the reserve. Some companies offer also the service of the cook, which will accompany throughout the route, if the tour is provided for overnight stays in tents. Of course, the chef services will slightly increase safari costs, but the tents and other necessary equipment are included in the cost. Separately, drinks (water, juices, soda, beer) and tip for the driver, guide and cook will be paid separately. Tips are accepted in American currency at the rate of $ 5-10 per person per day each team member. The question with teapot needs to be discussed before the trip and agree that it will be a total amount of the entire group or another form of encouragement.

The Agency for the Organization of Safari can be selected before departure to Africa, contact it, refine prices, information about the type of recruitable group and other organizational issues. In addition, very often such agencies offer their customers a pleasant bonuses in the form of a free shuttle from airport or free accommodation at the hotel on the night before the departure for Safari. You can choose an individual safari for 2-4 people, and you can join the group and thereby slightly reduce the cost of the tour. By the way, you can always ask about the possibility of making a discount, and very often companies go to meet. Safari is possible in place, at the hotel or guesthouse, of course, if the selected hotel (Guesthouse, Hostel) offers such services.


For moving along the continent, you can use the services of African airlines flying between the major cities of Africa. The cost of flights is quite high. For example, a flight Dakar (Senegal) - Bamako (Mali) costs about 400 euros.

Another variant transport message - buses such as intercity and international, binding capital and large cities of the nearest countries. Here we are talking about the so-called "buses for local", that is, about those on whom the Africans themselves go. The cost of the bus ticket depends on the direction and region. For example, Dakar-Bamako moving around 40 euros, but takes about 25 hours. In practice, this time increases several times. First, because a stop is done at night, because at night a border crossing does not work, and in general, do not go buses at night. Secondly, the fleet is predominantly very old, buses break often, and a lot of time leaves for repairs. In addition, buses are mostly very uncomfortable, close and crowded, with rigid seats, which makes such long-term moving very tedious. Bus departure may not coincide with the schedule: very often they are sent as the cabin fills. Therefore, choosing buses for movement, it is necessary to remember the inconveniences of this type of transport and lay an extra time on the route.

Inside countries, travel on long-distance buses is not expensive. In the same Mali, for example, the average price of a bus ticket 8-12. In Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa between major cities there is a railway message, which makes moving on these countries more comfortable and fast. The average cost of the train ticket may be from 30 to 60 dollars.

Trips around the city on public transport Available to all. For example, in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania are very popular with Matatah (analogue of our minibus) and Boda Boda (Mototaxi). The cost of traveling to Matat is less than on Boda-Boda - about 1 and 3 dollars, respectively (depends on the country). Moreover, Boda Boda is private cabins on their motorcycles, and the bargaining with them is always appropriate, unlike Matatat.

As for the taxi, it is always the most convenient and fast view of the city transport. But, like everywhere, trips to a taxi cost more than ordinary buses and minibuses. For example, traveling to a taxi in Dakar (Senegal) is an average of 30 euros, in Campal (Uganda) - $ 25, and in Nairobi (Kenya) - from $ 40.

A hitchhiker in Africa who loved many travelers cannot be called popular. First, it means to give someone to sue, and for services in Africa is always asked for money. Especially when it comes to foreigners. Secondly, in some countries, the situation with the roads and, therefore, with the vehicle is quite deplorable. For example, in the DRC as such, on which cars can ride, very little. And in Eritrea due to the lack and high cost of gasoline cars are not popular. Thirdly, in African countries there are places or closed for foreigners, or the visit to which is not recommended (for example, the combat zones, military bases, and so on). It is impossible to foreigners in a particular place, often do not even know the local themselves.

Where to live

Tourism in individual African countries is gaining momentum. At the same time, the choice of hotels and hostels for every taste and wallet is growing. But still the system of budget housing is not yet well developed, to offer travelers acceptable at the price and quality of the post. Prices for a double room in a guesthouse or a hostel, like everything else, depend on the country, but on average it is 25-50 dollars. For example, in the campala, the average cost of the double room in Guesthouse - $ 25, in Nairobi - about 40, and on the island Zanzibar - from 60. In Dakar, a double room in a hostel costs 25-30 euros, in Bamako and Mopti (Mali) - 20 euros . Of course, the average cost of housing is given here, but it fully reflects the level of prices that is expected in African countries.

What to eat

Feeding in cafes and restaurants you can safely, especially if there are many foreigners in them. Of course, prices in such places will be significantly higher than those where local. By the way, local preferred cafe and restaurants in many respects, and street food, which is not every foreigner wants to try. On the other hand, some street food does not represent a big danger: for example, bread, cakes, baking, fruit. Caution should be treated for meat and fish. By the way, these are the most expensive products in many African countries. Always affordable and popular products in Africa is: rice, millet, beans, batt, chicken, eggs, bread, pellets, pasta and vegetables. Simple dishes from these products can be bought everywhere, both on street trays and in a cafe.

What to see

Africa is famous for its natural attractions - reserves and national parks where you can see pristine nature, animal I. vegetable world, waterfalls, mountains, volcanoes and full rivers. Reserved territories worth to visit for the sake natural beauty, There are almost every country. The largest and most famous are Masai Mara (Masai Mara) in Kenya, Serengeti (Ngorongoro) in Tanzania, Kruger (Kruger) in South Africa. It is here who come thousands of travelers to go to safari, watch wildlife, make spectacular photos.

Those who are more interested in history and African ethnology will be interested in the concerning Ethiopia and see the ancient cities of Aksum and Lalibel, as well as to go to the Omo River Valley to African tribes. And those who are interested in the stories of slavery can poison in Senegal and visit the island of Mount (île de Gorée) with his slavery museum. It was from here that began to export Africans to a new light.

Africa is able to surprise even the experienced traveler. She leaves no one indifferent. Sometimes she pushes from the first sight, and then nothing can change this feeling. And sometimes travelers fall in love with her immediately and no longer may not come here again and again, opening new pieces of this yet also an unfounded continent.

Matreshkar LL6MPP., You drive 4xnn7s.


Establish the mobile application of Treselbelki iOS or Android and subscribe to telegrams - shock rates appear there earlier than in social networks.
Tickets for museums and attractions are cheaper to acquire in advance and not stand in the oncesses.
Detained the flight - take 600 euros

Africa. Far, mysterious, inaccessible, but so desired. Strange, but about Africa we hear almost from birth. Of course, it's all Chukovsky: "Do not go to the children in Africa for a walk", "Aibolit" and "Stolen Sun". Later Hemingway: "Green Hills of Africa" \u200b\u200band "Snow Kilimanjaro". Again, Nelson Mandela with his struggle. A, Ja? Ras Tafari I, Seliassia I I-n-ah ...

Africa. Far, mysterious, inaccessible. My path there was long and strange. It all started from the mountains. For the first time I heard about the climbing program "7 vertices" in the distant 95th year. The idea was to

climb the highest peaks of all seven continents and parts of the world. Very ambitious and attractive, I must say, the idea. In that year, the group of climbers from Yekaterinburg and Perm went to Africa to Kilimanjaro - the highest mountain (volcano) of the Black Continent. Then I could not afford such a journey, but the dream was lit in the soul of a little spark and began to smolden, waiting for his hour.

A few years later, a financial opportunity appeared. I called the most famous and only at that time in Yekaterinburg, the organizer of expeditions and asked about Africa. "There are no people on Kilimanjaro. We went better to Alaska, let's go to Mak Kinley (6194 m) - the highest mountain of North America. " "But, there

cold, probably ... ". "So you are dull". And instead of hot Africa drove into Alaska snow. Even after a couple of years: "Does anyone else have in Africa?", "No, but there is a group to South America on Akonkagua (6962 m) - highest vertex" "Food." Even after a couple of years, I already call a call: "We are going to Australia to the highest mountain - Kuuseushko (2224 m). And yet B. New Zealand Willock. " There, at least warm - "Food". Then there was still the highest mountain of Europe - Elbrus volcano (5642 m) and only 2006, after exactly 10 years of the porch of dreams could finally flame in the flame of travel.

So, we went to Africa. The event program included climbing Kilimanjaro (5895 m), Safari National Parks And a few days on Zanzibar. All this happened on New Year Since 2005 on the 2006th. According to the results of this expedition, I even had a personal exhibition in the photographic Museum Museum.

That the way is that the road . Apparently so easy to me in Africa still not to get. We are going on which day. Ekaterinburg - Moscow - Dubai - Nairobi. New 2006 we met in Arab Emirates Somewhere between the plane and the airport. Short new year's night At the hotel and register again. What is the number today? Still on January 1? Can't be: we are already going for a whole eternity. Happy New Year!

"MERRY CHRISTMAS! Happy New Year! " - Scream to us black children when we pass on a minibus through the wise villages. Someone congratulates someone shows the fact ... Happy New Year! We are traveling from Nairobi - the capital of Kenya in Moshi - the town at the foot of Kilimanjaro.

To be honest, the first impressions of Africa are simply not. Is it unusual to feel white among the black population. The path from Nairobi in Mosha is not unclear. The road goes among the burned savannah sun. The landscape is sad.

The road is quite decent. Someone saw Zebra. Everyone was adecified to the windows, but already drove. Closer to the evening they arrived on the border of Kenya and Tanzania. Wooden barn, 50 dollars, stamp into a passport.

Tanzania immediately struck dear. European class track! The highest quality road fabric, borders, pointers, markup. Special ceramic tiles in the asphalt cause noise in the tires and warn the driver that he approached the sidelines, to turn or a pedestrian crossing. Amazing! Such roads in Russia and now a little, and then ... the accompanying guide explained that these are Germans

built here the road in compensation for the colonial period.

That's so.

Closer to midnight finally arrived at the place. The bus went to some gate and stopped. Hotel - a few two-storey houses among the trees. Lighting is small. In the dark passed to the reception. Distributed by numbers. The ministers of the hotel praise backpacks and suffered around the rooms. My backpack remained. I threw it on my shoulder and wandered in the darkness after you have gone forward. With the lighting of their explicit savings. I make my way in the darkness among the bushes, as a man suddenly, he had a man; Blacks in a raincoat and with the gun Kalashnikov in advance! Heart shoved. "OPA!" - I think "got!". The man took the key from my hand and entered her.

"Ugh, you, damn. The guard is apparently. " And there is. He led to the house and disappeared into the darkness. Forces no longer left and everyone fell to sleep.

In the morning, finally managed to look around. The hotel is quite decent. With garden and pools. In the distance, our goal is visible - Kilimanjaro:

They had breakfast, worked out, left unnecessary things in the storage chamber and closer to the noon went to the entrance to Kilimanjaro National Park. There are several routes on Kiel. Our was the easiest - Marangu. Page passed, registered. Around the imaint bustle: some skarb is packaged, the porters disassemble the goods, something is weighed-outweigh-shifted. We stand on the sidelines. Porters bulge Baulas on their heads and go ahead. We go to the next and we.

The first day of the path is very short. We go on the way through the rainforest. In the forest is cool. With us two guide conductors. One in front, the other closes. The first one comes deliberately slowly and no one goes forward: "Pearpole," he says to us: "Sushch, do not rush." It is right. Acclimatization is almost no anyone, plus a lot of those who are for the first time in the mountains. We go slowly slowly. "Jumbo!" - Greeting us on Swahili those who descend, "Jumbo!" - We speak to them in response. An hour later, the hare. Another hour later they came to the glade with several huts. This is a mandara camp (2700 m). Around everything is cultural and urgent. Toilets, washbasins, large dining. Looks like a pioneer camp, only a kiosk with beer does not fit into a familiar picture.

Quickly dark. We are almost at the equator, but in the southern hemisphere. Showed people South Cross. The cook prepared dinner: a soup, omelette, cakes, some fruit, tea. After dinner - jokes, whiskey, preference; The evening flew unnoticed. We slept on the second floor, or rather, to say in the attic, dining room on the floor.

In the morning breakfast and again on the road. "Polepol". "Jumbo!" - "Jumbo!". The forest is rare and we enter the Alpine meadows zone:

The wide road leads us away. Soon strange plants began to come across:

Nor her grass nor a tree. The guide calls their sinedion. They say this endemic plants - we grow only on the slopes of Kili. Later read the name: Dendrockrest and dendrose. Grow groups:

or a single way:

In general, we went, went and hours for 4 came to the next camp - Khorombo (3700 m). We were settled in triangular houses:

Really resemble a drawing of zebra strips:

The walk is quite pleasant and useful, since rose above 4000 meters. Necessary acclimatization before climbing. Returned to the camp. Lunch, whiskey, preference, dinner, whiskey, preference. Jokes ended.

In the morning, breakfast and go to the next camp. The weather is incomprehensible: pulled the clouds and it is not clear: it will rain or not. I would like to go to the mountain of course in good weather. The road leads us to a foggy distance through thickets of sinitsa:

Closer to the linen clouds and we saw Kilimanjaro:

Gradually, vegetation ended and we entered the zone of the highland desert. The transition from Camp Khorombo to Camp Camp (4700 m) is quite difficult and tedious. It is felt, though that the acclimatization is insufficient. Nevertheless, go ahead. Down together several victims from mining diseases. Local adapted to the storm and shock absorbers - it turned out something like a wheelbarrow, in which the grief-climb and run down, so as not to die.

In general, climbing Kilimanjaro, with the seeming simplicity of the route - the case is quite extreme. It is necessary to prepare. To train, run crosses, go hiking. Plus height. 5895 meters - this is not a joke. Health must be excellent. Heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys, musculoskeletal system. And here there are some grandmothers, German grandparents, the fatings of the American ... they are taking down on the carts. Mechanical movement vehicle In the park is prohibited. Although die.

But, we kind of collective gathered in combat and everyone reached the Cybo hut. Stone house with a variety of rooms and bunk beds. Settled. I advised those who in the mountains for the first time, walk up, and fell to sleep, because the outlet was to stay on the night. The people went back. Not everyone went. Someone harvested the pots. Lying without strength and emotions. Up, it seems, not everyone will go ... dinner, droplets of whiskey, sleep.

Sharp light, noise, gams, a knock of dishes ... It seems that I just fell asleep, and already get up; How do you do not want ... Nevertheless, we get up, we dress. We fed up with some sovereign, backpacks are collected from the evening. From the evening? So now even evening! Time 23-00. We go to the assault.

The headlamp clots the yellow circle under the legs from the darkness. We go along the trail up. Step by step. Ski sticks - knock-knock. Step by step in the pitch darkness somewhere. Black sky is all in stars diamonds. Stranger constellations cover the heavenly scope of the southern hemisphere. The southern cross indicates where the south. We pass the stone on which the paint is written in numbers: 5000. Meters above sea level, it is necessary to assume.

It seems not to be cold, but the body is somehow zyabko. I'm trying to go faster to warm up - "Polepol". The group stretched out. Ahead at the top and behind the bottom of the fireflies of naked lanterns. I go to my pace - not fast, but confident. Chill. Folded fingers on hand and legs. I look - among the stones of the streams. So the temperature is higher than zero; Why is it so cold? And because the acclimatization is weak; the body lacks oxygen, it produces more red blood

taurus for delivery to O2 organs, blood is thick and does not go into capillaries from which the body is experiencing oxygen starvation and produces even more hemoglobin ... Insufficient acclimatization. But what can you do! Won is already visible in the embroidery edge of the crater. Wow, it means lights! Indeed, the shape of the slopes began to draw in the pitch darkness.

Height 5500 meters. On the right, from behind the slope, a part of the bucket of a big bear appeared! Blimey! From such a height, you can look for the equator! The northern polar star is not visible, but the bucket is almost all. And cross, and bucket. I have not seen this yet.

Step by step. Ski sticks - knock-knock. Cold dog. To frog, of course it will not work at the plus temperature, but it's not very nice to go to the fingers and legs. Heaven sulfur. Someone has already reached the edge of the crater and shines down the flashlight. Step by step. Ski sticks - knock-knock. In a predawed Mollet, climbing the edge of the crater of the Kilimanjaro volcano. Gilmans Point (5685 m).

Guide stretches a cup of hot tea. Very handy! And a glass of brandy. And here it is just wonderful! Cognac instantly seized a hot wave by body. The stuffed fingers warmed up, the cheeks were stuck with a blush. Excellent! You can go on!

I began to wear a backpack, how froned by beauty - the sun was boosted over Africa:

The clouds of the wide river flowed into the valley separating Kilimanjaro from Maventsi (5334 m) - the second in the altitude of the top of Africa.

So far admired the sunrise, finally dawned and it became possible to look around.

Inside the crater, a small glacier was discovered on the south side:

Here they are the legendary Sgega Kilimanjaro:

Widow in love with those who opened the species we went on, to Wurau Peiku - higher point Volcano Kilimanjaro. The trail led to the left. We walked among the lava rocks and placers of rubble. Stones under the legs were covered with the Andy:

This is the breath of the volcano. He sleeps, but steam climbs from the bottom of the earth and freezes it from the outside.

Someone has already descended from the top, which was visible ahead:

A little more, and here it is the top!

The highest point of Africa - Peak Ugra 5895 meters above sea level! Dream came true! Wuora - means freedom.

It is difficult to describe what you experience when you reach the vertices. For this, perhaps, there is simply no words.

The path from Gilmans Point to the top took 45 minutes. I tried to call home. The connection seems to be, but the call did not go. God bless him. Stone from the top in the backpack. Traditional photo for memory:

Descent from the cone of the volcano on fission slopes. It is easy if you know how to run in bulk. A little more than an hour and I am below. After some time, people began to pull up. One of the guides came. He said that we can sleep a little in the hut; until 12-13 hours. I looked at the clock - it was 9-00 in the morning. And, in sensations it seemed that evening.

We were fed up with a sovereign and I am pleasure and a sense of accomplished debt fell asleep.

Closer to noon you woke us, fed and we went down. On the way, I clarified who did not climb. It turned out that not all reached the vertices. Someone did not come out at all, someone turned from 5,000, and someone came only to Gilmans Point. But in general, the result is good - about 80%. Even very good, given that participants with the experience of high-rise ascents of only three people, and the rest in the mountains for the first time.

Down - not up. We go under the mountain with a confident step and come to Khorombo in 2 hours. Another Russian group from Kemerovo under the guidance of two legendary climbers was discovered in the camp. They congratulate us on Christmas. But the truth is already on January 7th!

For dinner, Siberians put 5 liter bottle of whiskey on a special stand-throughup. With Mountain and Merry Christmas. Men! Respect! With such a transzant no longer before the preference. "Eh Frost, Frost ...", "Black Raven ...". Some bottle is some reason. Far over midnight, swaying went through houses.

In the morning a little in itself, after yesterday. But still have to go. Breakfast and down. The organism of little girl comes back. For three hours, he dumped up to the entrance to the National Park - Maranga Gate. Here it is all our route (and me):

Participants and porters are suitable. The chef welded awesome goulash with meat, potatoes and bananas. A notophe bottle someone guessed down down. Very good! They saw, drank, distributed tip guides and porters, said goodbye to them.

We load into the minibus and go to the hotel. Divided by numbers. You need to stretch a little after the mountain. Evening a festive dinner. The representative of the host company issues all certificates confirming that it was at the top (those who did not reach the MAX height). Improved gatherings after dinner. We were on top - we have the right!

In the morning we are going on safari. Several participants leave home. Muscovites. Business We bring them to Kilimanjaro Airport and we are going to safari. Instead of a minibus we have jeeps. Land Cruisers and Land Rovers with a removable roof. In the Safari program, visit the three national parks: "Lake Manyar", "Serengetti Valley" and "Crater Ngorongoro".

Superdogus soon ended and the jeeps drank on the primer. Wild animals began to come across:

We are categorically prohibited from jeeps. And, here are the indigenous inhabitants - Masai, walking along the savannah completely fearlessly:

They look extremely colorful: bright clothes, the ears of the ears are drawn to the shoulders, beads-earrings bracelets. Men are mandatory with a stick or with a spear. However, they rarely go. Basically sit under the trees:

If there is a tree, then Masai is necessarily sits under it:

Probably from the fact that noon and very, very hot. The sun is simply plot. Here they are hiding in a cah shadow:

On the way, decided to call in the Masay village - to look at the local closer. The village is a fence of barbed branches of acacia with the only entrance to the perimeter. Inside the fence of houses from branches and straw, plastered with clay and manure. In the center of the see of Maidan, where Masai hold cows. The village is not quite authentic. Built near the road to lure tourists and cut dollars. Let so, but Masai are real! We took $ 10 and we entered into the village.

It turned out that for $ 10 we will still show the idea. While Masai was preparing for a speech, I quietly went aside and made some photos.

But, he was caught uncle, who claimed that he was a leader:

And transmitted to the view of the presentation. Everything was ready there. At first, women sang the Masai People's Song choir. Then the men gathered by a semicircle and began to trigger and rhythmically to pronounce: "sulfur-s) ..." Suddenly, one of them jumped into the center and began to bounce:

High bounce. Very high! It was even a feeling that he hangs in the air for a moment. Stunning spectacle! Widow, unscrewed the peasants of the houses, and women unfolded an improvised market. We were offered bracelets, beads, earrings, Masai sticks, dishes and even traditional spears with a wide blade. Busy: Previously, white people came here and treated Masaev for the beads of their land, now Masai will be swapped for beads of dollars of white people. Here is such a circulation.

People plunged into bargaining, and I am in a photo. Masai cheerfully photographed, if they buy something and turn away if not. I bought different trinkets (1 $ -2 $) and did a photo:

In the end, we were still led to the hut on the knuckle:

They said that this is a school and asked to make donations to the formation of Masai kids. All this was naive and comical so that couples did not regret dollars.

Masai men came to spend out:

We said goodbye to them, disinfected with antibacterial wipes and drove further to the lake of Manyar.

In the National Park "Lake Manyar" we arrived in the evening. They say that the beasts show activity only in the morning and in the evening, and the rest of the time or hiding from the sun or sleep.

Lake Manyara - conditional concept. As such a lake and not at all; Some places are marshy plain and forest along the edges.

Apparently the lake is the lake only in the rainy season. Now the dry season. It strains it a bit. "The boss, and the animals will be?", I worry and ask the manager, "will" be - do not worry. " Drivers removed the roofs from jeeps and we went to the forest. The beasts at first could not be seen; Only huge piles of manure talked about the fact that there were elephants somewhere here. We still drove into the depths and suddenly, unexpectedly right in front of our car, an elephant came out of the thickets:

The driver immediately stopped. The elephant switched the road and disappeared in the thickets. It was cool! Safari began! Jeeps went further. Beasts became more and more. Elephants were peacefully embellished:

Giraffes wandered in the bushes:

Zebras graze on the glade:

In dirty puddles lay hippos:

Types of circle are just awesome:

The beasts seem to be not much, but they are. Live themselves, graze; We are going, I photograph them. Very interesting, in fact. I just sincerely liked everything. However, the safari was not very long. Soon it became dark and we left Nats. Park in the next village for the night. We were settled in some hotel in the tents on the gland on the banks of the pool. Cook prepared dinner. We celebrated the first day of the safari and divided the tents.

The next day we got up not very early. Speded in the pool, have breakfast and drove into the National Park "Valley of Serengetti". The path must be said there not close. Feels, kilometers of 300. And all by primer. Heat, dust, mirage on the horizon ... struck Masai. No, no, let someone come to meet. Go somewhere yourself. Circle nor settlements nor the villages of theirs, but they go. Spear on the shoulders, hands on a spear and go. There is no water, we have a circle, the beast of wild, and they go ...

In the afternoon, finally arrived in Serengetti:

I understand that Serenthtti from the rest of the savanna is distinguished by the presence of umbrella acacias there:

As you know, the valleys of Masai Mara and Serengetti stretch for two hemispheres - North and South and two states - Kenya and Tanzania, respectively. Beasts who live there migrate from north to south and back twice a year, following the rains and, respectively, behind water, grass and meat, depending on who he eats. In January, the dry season and the herld of antelope, which show by Animal Planet, graze in Masai Mara. But in Serengetti beasts abound. Most antelope implace:

Many zebras:


We go on specially laid roads, we are watching everything and take pictures.

Rather, we photograph us only threesome. Film adepts; The rest of the digital apparatus and batteries have long been exhausted, and recharge - nowhere. We go and we all take pictures:

There are cars with groups from other countries. In fact, the full intermenimal. During forced stops:

We talk with colleagues-tourists, share your impressions. Drivers also find out each other who, where and whom he saw and carry "their" tourists to interesting places. From the big five, we have seen only elephants and giraffes. The driver finds out that the leopard is seen somewhere. This is a rather rare beast. We are going somewhere. Casting machines, Germans with meter lenses on the most modern chambers, spotted skin in the bushes. Stand and wait. Tourists - when visuns, leopard - when tourists leave.

I photographed Pavian in dry grass:

And we went further. Despite the dry season, many animals. Probably it is still to go to Africa in the dry season. To climb Keei - is definitely! The beasts are quite a lot, but the malarious mosquitoes and the flies of the tse-tse are not at all. Yes, and dry heat is easier tolerated than wet. Meanwhile, the driver showed us Pride Lviv:

The king of the beasts collapsed near the buffalo carcass, and the lionesses were peacefully on the sidelines:

It was a water. There were periodically approached different animals and drank water. Different antelope, zebras, elephants. Even the hyena was seen, but it was already dark and photograph. The pride of Lviv is located near the drain. In the bushes, the young lioness of the yard tormented Tsuma Zebra. Disgusting spectacle. I will not publish a photo ...

Overweight We arrived our other jeeps. The driver asked: "FINISH?", We nodded and he took us to the camp. Two or three turns and we stopped on a small glade. "FINISH".

E-EEE! What finish! We will spend the night here ??? "YES-YES ...". E-EEE! And fence ??? Grid, grille, cell ??? Around the same beast wild ... A truck with kitchen and tents is already here. Guide and drivers laughing at our confusion, begin to put tents. "I need," I say, "in the center of the tent take! Extremely night will definitely eat ... ".

The sun sits down. Aist Marabu sat on acacia at night:

Sunset in the Valley of Serengetti. Beautiful and solemnly.

We walked around the meadow. Camping, a few gazebo - canteens, a big tank with water, slightly away to the toilets. Waters are warm, almost hot. Wash off the dust, watering each other from the bucket.

Almost in the dark approached the rest of our jeeps. Of these, the fool's people dumped and began to tell you how they killed Zebra in their eyes the lioness. The spectacle apparently produced a strong impression on the guys. They waved their hands, shouted, interrupted each other. They had to urgently "disinfectant", after which the people calmed down a little and a narrator was appointed, who told that after our jeep left, a herd had a herd of Zebras. The lioness, who sat in the bushes and eaten Zebra, left prey, burst between jeeps to the herd and pulled out another striped horse. And, also say that the predator kills only if the hungry! No one removed anything, because the batteries of photo and video cameras finally discharged, but the bloody scene shocked everyone to the depths of the soul. In fact, people extremely rarely become witnesses like this hunt. It turns out that our lucky is very lucky. But looking at the impression of a scene of hunting for the guys, I don't even know, I would like to be there, in their place, and all this ...

Meanwhile, it is completely dark. A few more groups arrived at the clearing. All settled in the tents separated by the arbor-table. Cooks prepared dinner. It turned out that the camp is still guarded: Rangers with rifles strolled around the perimeter. After dinner, we were sitting under some kind of tree for a long time, in the light of the lanterns (the bonfire is forbidden), they sang whiskey, they listened to the story about the hunt of the lioness, shared their impressions. Far over midnight they came to us two lean, swollen and shaggy Frenchwomen, and asked them to carry them up to the toilet, and then they were very, very, very scary. We were also scary, but volunteers were appointed for this noble business.

Night in the savannah ... it's cool!

The night went without loss. Early in the morning, the rise, breakfast and some more safaris. Antelope, zebras, elephants, giraffes, bavians. Lviv did not meet. Closer to the afternoon went back. A pair of hundreds of kilometers on the dusty road with a scales with a scaper and we arrived at the "Crater Ngoronoro" National Park:

Crater is really huge. It is difficult to present the forces that led to the formation of such a huge crater. So far, I waited for the rest of the jeeps, I worked at Masayev approached us (see photo above) Spear for $ 20. It is it; It is in the corner at the battery, the eye is pleased ...

Finally all cars assembly and we rush down the serpentine. We at the meeting Masai chase a flock of cows. We are waiting for the cows and go further. Cows in Africa are some small; As our calves, only with adult horns and a big hump. Masai quietly graze them in the National Park:

The antelope of the GNU will be passed nearby:

And rest lions:

We went somewhere through the entire crater. On the way, they stayed and watched different animals and birds. We fell away:

Boar Warthog:

Soon we came to the shore of the lake and stopped there for lunch. In the lake floated hippos:

Eagles circled in the sky:

We threw into the top of the slices of bread from Supajaka, and the eagles have grabbed them on the fly. Beauty! But life in Africa is not so cloudless:

After lunch, we went to the so-called "hippopo pool" to watch Hippo:

Of course it was necessary to make it better to dinner - stench there is inside! But the hippopotics are stronger:

Still birds:

When it is impossible to breathe these "aromas", we went to leave the crater. At the very edge in the forest they saw an elephant with huge tails:

Apparently it was a very, very old elephant.

We rose on the jeep to the edge of the crater and drove to the gland for the camp. Tents are already installed. Dining room under the open sky. Big barrel with water and shower cabins - quite by the way! While they were sorted by tents and stood in line in the shower from the forest came out elephant and began to drink water from a big barrel:

Got drunk and left. And SMS-ki went to Russia that an elephant walks on the camp. While everyone stared at the elephant, behind the tents cursed storks Marabu and drove into our things. But they, unlike an elephant, guides were driven by sticks.

After some time, we fed ulus. Quickly, as it is found in the antvatorial zone, dark. And it became somehow unexpectedly cold. The altimeter showed 2400 m. Climbed in Baulas for jackets and sweaters that were already stunned on the very bottom after climbing. We have something at least for us, but for those European tourists who arrived only on safari, except for shorts and males - nothing. In the center of the Polyana was a wilderness and guides were divorced by a large pioneer fire. Paul nights we sat around the fire and mountaineered songs on the whole savannah.

In the morning I woke up from the noise of screams and inhuman squeal! Guides were driving on the camp of the Kobanov warts, who came to be engaged in our union. We laughed at the situation, then wash away, had breakfast and went back to Moshi.

On the way, we were brought to the store selling black trees. Everything was somehow expensive there. We lit on the road "there", the wild market and, vydroy, spontaneously, were purchased by baubles from ebony and other Masai products.

In the evening we returned to Moshi. For tomorrow we were scheduled for departure on about. Zanzibar.

Another night gatherings finally shredded by the company. I was always amazed how not familiar people with the most different interests, looks for life, the situation in society become good friends during joint climbing.

After breakfast we are going to Kilimanjaro Airport. He is near - 30-40 minutes. In our team, more - 2 (minus two). Go home. Muscovites. Business The airport is small but neat. At the entrance frame of the metal detector. Masay jewelry that we were getting hurt as the aborigines ring. Come down. Passed, again wear countless bracelets. Immediately go to the landing. There is another frame; Over the friendly laughter of friends again.

To fly less than an hour, nevertheless bring lunch: hot dog and a beer can. Soon below appeared the edge of the African continent and the line of the surf of the Indian Ocean. Coast uncomfortable: Rocky cloth shores, high waves, white foam of the surf. Fly over the ocean. Soon the color of the water downstairs has changed: instead of a murder-milk, the ocean became Ocean-turquoise; There were emerald shales. The plane comes to landing. Coastline, unrealistic color of water, on the waves. Long dangled boats with white triangles of sails, snow-white beach sand, coconut palms on the shore. Stunning painting!

The plane landed at the Stone Town Airport. Stone city - Capital Zanzibar. Previously, it was an independent state and the center of the slave trade in the colonial era. After the African states gained independence, Zanzibar combined with Tanganic and the State of Tanzania (Tanning) was obtained.

We meet us. We cheer on the bus. We ask the guide to make us in some supermarket for the "Diesentezing", which began to approach the end, however, it turned out that the elections had just passed (with a crazy pre-election struggle, with clashes, shooting and victims; this struggle was even covered by CT and almost Forced us to abandon Zanzibar), "good" won and now on Zanzibar holiday and all stores are closed. What can you do, we will solve the problem in place. We are going to the hotel. The road walks through the outskirts of Stone Town. Shackles, white houses, workshops, shopping beefs. All possible surfaces are sealed by portraits of former candidates. Soon the signs of the city ended and the road spoke on the tropical forest. After some time we left for Eastern coast and shoved south.

We drove long enough, among coconut palms and white coral sand and finally arrived in a certain village from white houses with straw roofs. It turned out to be our hotel (even kill, I do not remember what is called). Not at all present at first glance. Settled on the bungalow. Inside the pair of beds, a shower-toilet, refrigerators. No electricity, no water in cranes.

Gathered in the courtyard: a few curves of stationary umbrellas, homemade sun beds wanted to prevent claim to the head. However, the turquoise ocean, snow-white sand, palm coconuts caused the feeling that we fell into paradise. Purchased in the ocean - exactly paradise! And the head is our good old friend ... The chef put up a bottle of tequila. Someone saw on the road Lyme tree, someone went to the dining room for salt. Everyone was delivered, poured, lied, salted, drank, bored. Raaaaay! "Let's go, still redeemed ...". "OPA! And where is the sea ???. "It's not the sea, this is the ocean ...". "Yes, do not care! Where is water? " There was no water:

Ocean left. Low tide. Everyone turned to the head. He won his hands, they say it is not exactly what, and poured to everyone else tequila. It is necessary how quickly everything happened. It seems to be just bathed, and now we have a snow-white desert, though with puddles and algae. Barrier reef. The kids rushed among the puddle and gathered some kind of seafood:

The territory of our hotel was fenced with a closure of curved sticks. Apparently, he having heard that they brought tourists, the local black people reached the election. They behaved peacefully enough and did not go for the fence. Except for one guy; He said that there would be our assistant, will always be there and we can ask him at least about what. Okay. We asked him to drive Zewak and he, do not believe it, drove! Hakuna Matata - no problem. Dressed, despite the heat, the boy was all black, plus himself was absolutely black, for which he immediately got a nickname: Black Macker. We clarified him about the sea. He said that the sea comes and goes on schedule twice a day and we have a couple of hours before the tide. Hakuna Matata. We decided to dedicate this clock with an overlooking and went to our dining room:

There have been ordered a variety of seafood dishes. Yes Aaa ... of such an abundance, lobster, crabs, shrimp, squid, octopus, Karakatits, Malysov, not to mention fish, for such a funny money I have never seen anything else.

With the onset of darkness came the sea. Came and black broker. He suggested ride on Johnka on the sea and see the white sharks, who, according to him, in the sea behind the reef, apparently invisible. Hakuna Matata. We descended in indecision to the water. He asked to wait, ran somewhere and sailed on a rolled boat under a leaky triangular sail. At the top of the mast hung a kerosene lamp illuminating a scanty light with a closer construction of the ocean vessel. Captain, he smiled at a white sailor in the night with her teeth and walked a huge self-craft, with a familiar odor. We looked around and looked around. I could not stand and regained the captain with us. "NO-NO-NO!" No white sharks! On such a boat! It's the same way to one conc. Hakuna Matata. We gave the captain-sailor a couple of bucks for a run and he sailed somewhere in the darkness rolling from the laughter.

Returned to the restaurant. There is a new portion of lobster. Lunch smoothly flow into dinner. Our head discussed with the manager whether the hotel, whether the host parties, possible excursions on the island. We were proposed for several trips: to Stone Town (his historical part), a turtle island (Torta Reserve), Kizim-Kizi (where you can swim with dolphins) and something else. Personally, I read all this and decided at home, I will go to Kizim-Kizi. The people partially decided to go in the morning in Stone Town. In town? From the sea? In January? Bring something disinfectant. Hakuna Matata.

We returned to the hotel. There was electricity and water. A small refrigerator tried to cool beer with +40 at least up to +20, but did not have time. We sat still a little on the sun beds, listening to the noise of the surf and diverged the bungalow. Someone remained to sleep on the street. Hakuna Matata.

In the morning after breakfast, the people partially left. Several people stayed. At about 10 am, the sampling began. To the water reached out local residents: Men naked to the belt, women walking down to the heads in a bright handkerchief (on the island dominates Islam), barefoot kids. Adults were loaded into dwarf boats, raised sails and desperately with a treble wave. Kids spent them and scattered on

coast. 15 minutes lively bustle and silence: neither the ocean, nor people - a tump. Someone went to the house; No water or electricity. Really! What for? Everyone went to the sea ... Hakuna Matata.

We decided not yet very hot, walk along the naked shore:

They went and went out on strange plantations:

Kens, rope stretched on them, algae grow on ropes:

The view is absolutely surreal. Women feel algae, move them, washed in puddles and fold into bags:

"What is it?" Women are closed with a handkerchief from the look of incorrect and silent. Nevertheless, the landscape and types around are simply not earthly:

In the distance they visited the land barrier Reefa. There were junok sails. Apparently men fish, and women cared for marine gardens.

We returned to our hotel and fall apart in the shadow on sun beds. Hakuna Matata. Black broker supplied us with delicious fruits. Light breeze pleasantly refresh. The smell of the sea. All the surrounding situation caused simply paradise sensations in the shower.

Hakuna Matata. Closer to the hour of the day the breeze intensified. From the side of Reef was heard noise. Tide. The ocean came straight to the legs. Powerfully and confident.

Together with the ocean sailed and boats. Men unloaded boxes with fish, lobster and huge (up to 2 meters) squid. Women - bags with sea grass. Seafood quickly carried away somewhere, and algae pulling the shore right on the fine coral sand to dry. Strange: women were very thoroughly washed every twig, and here - in the sand. Someone remembered that there is such a thing called agar-agar. Apparently it is it.

However, it is possible for lunch. Are you looking for a new place? Let's go along the coast. Hotel Typers, restaurants. Canopy from palm leaves, homemade bar rack, several peculiar tables and chairs. A young man in Bermuda sits in the corner, T-shirt and reads a crumpled newspaper. "This is a restaurant? Feed? ". "Yes Yes! Please go through! Here is the menu ... "While a man was disappeared. After all, at least a beer gave ... Looking for a rack - there are refrigerators, it's not hot beer. Opened, sip, relaxes. Our bartender appeared. In black pants, white shirt with a butterfly, though barefoot. Through the hand is a snow-white towel. We just didn't fall from the chairs from surprise. It is not. Made an order: "Carry everything that is." Nodded my head and ran away. Not there was a bartender. We drank more Pare Beer, as long as he returned. Returned with fish, lobster, squid, chicken and a piece of meat. Changed up for a translucent shirma and began to fry-soar. Then he again changed and put the big plates in which from Ketchup and the onions arrows The intricate pattern. Well done man! This is generally unexpectedly and very exotic! Soon there was a dish. Everything was fresh and very tasty. Very-very tasty. The account is less than $ 10 per person.

Well done man, pleased! Left generous tips. However, it turned out as much as 3 hours. We are talking to the owner-bartender waiter: "My friend, you will prepare for us, and we will come at eight hours, so as not to wait ..." "Sorry," smiles embarrassed, "But you now eate the whole meal in this village. No more than anything. Come tomorrow, we will find something for you ... "That's it!

In the morning of the next day I made one of my best photos:

Called "We Photographers". In 2007, this photo took the i-point on the photo contest "Epson. My favorite photo".

Then there was still a trip to Kizim-Kizi and bathing with dolphins. It is very interesting. The people went on turtle Island. Me not. More and more sat on the shore under the palm tree and looked in the distance. Unlimited Ocean Sea Ocean ...

Three days flew like one. Zanzibar is a paradise, but it's time for us to go home. Early in the morning we were taken to the port of Stone Town. Not without adventures plunged on the ship. Dreamed to the gift Es Salaam. They sat until the evening in a park of some hotel. We moved to the airport and flew home. In cold and snowy Moscow and further, in just Ice Yekaterinburg.

The dream came true. The journey took place. I was there seems to not at all for a long time, but Africa remained in my heart forever.

Many thanks to our leaders: Sergey Cofanov and Lyudmila Koroshko. Best wishes to all our!

Alexander Verevkin


Africa is the second largest continent, more than 1.1 billion people live here: a huge amount of nationality, languages \u200b\u200band cultures. Among conflict and poor countries there are quite peaceful, safe and interesting for tourists. Many travelers are familiar to countries such as South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. And about where you can spend the south of the Sahara, we will tell you in this article.


Perhaps the most unexpected state in this list - Sierra Leone, which is not so long for ten years civil War. However, since 2002, serious changes occurred in Sierra Leone and today it is already among the peace-loving countries according to the Global Security Index (GPI). Sierra Leone is considered one of the most religious tolerant states in the world, and the life expectancy of the local population is 57 years, which is not bad for African standards.

In Sierra Leone a lot of beautiful natural reservessuch as the rainforest gala or the National Park of Autamba Kilimi, clean beaches on the coast of the Atlantic, and its capital Freetown - oldest city in West Africa.


Security Leader on the African Continent. Is this related to the fact that peaceful and tranquility and tranquility are one of the main features and the people of TSSvan, and Bushmen, or with the fact that Botswans understand what economic contribution to tourists, but one way or another there is a very low crime rate here.

No one, however, does not promise that grandparents will not attack you, so during Safari it is recommended not to feed these warlord monkeys and do not even smile. In general, animals in Botswana are a lot; For example, here lives the greatest population of elephants in the world.

One of the popular tourist attractions, along with Safari to the Kalahari Desert and a visit to the national parks, since the 30s of the last century, the search for ancient treasures hidden from colonialists in the Caves of the Gchwihab is considered. The treasure still has found no one, but the caves themselves with amazing stalactites up to 10 meters long, are worth going to the north of the country.


In 2008, Ghana was determined by the Global Security Index as the most safe Country Africa since then holds the top lines in this rating. In the country is rare internal conflicts and with her neighbors have peaceful relations. Tourists here are very friendly and talking to them in English - this is the official language of Ghana.

Here you can visit numerous reserves with elephants, antilopes, monkeys and other exotic beast, to visit the collaps of Cape Post and Elmina castles and fortresses listed in the list. World Heritage UNESCO and spend time on pure little beaches.


This country is in the south-west of Africa - an oasis of stability and safety on a hectic black continent. It is late enough (in 1878) was opened by Europeans, quickly out of all internal and external conflicts and is now one of the richest African countries.

Here is the most ancient desert on Earth - Namib, the legendary shore of skeletons, many national parks, the place of falling the largest meteorite Kob, the second largest after the Colorado Canyon and much more.
Do not miss:

In Namibia, good car tracks, and The Desert Express tourist train runs between the capital of Windhoek and the resort city of Swakopmund, making along the way of stopping in particularly remarkable places.


Uganda and GPI, and public tourist opinion consider the country safe for foreigners. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is not accepted here that merchants and climb themselves to stick to people may be due to the fact that the share of urban population in the country is only 13%, and the main attractions are not in the villages.

Tourists in Uganda need to have time to see a lot: one of the oldest in Africa Queen Elizabeth National Park, the Enttebbe Botanical Garden, where the first film about Tarzan was filmed, Ruvenzori's mountain chain - most likely, they are their ancient Egyptians called the lunar mountains. Here are engaged sailing sports On Lake Victoria and Rafting on Nile, who takes his beginning in Uganda.

If the locals here do not cause special concerns to tourists, then you need to be careful with animals, especially if you see Slonich with a baby. By the way, Uganda is located on the main migration route of northern birds: eagles, cuckoo, swallows, crucibles and many familiar to us very much here.


Cape Verde or Islands Green Cape - Archipelago near the western coast of Africa. Calm, peacekeeping, relative purity and acceptable level of service (European companies are invested in local tourism) expect tourists here, in the homeland of the famous singer Cesary Evora.

There are enough pictorial landscapes on the islands: extinct volcanoes, mountain ranges, where you can go trekking, blooming meadows, in which you just take a walk. But the main feature of Cape Verde, it is, of course, the ocean - it is used at full capacity: from the beaches with black volcanic sand, continuing to dives to shipwreck places and ending with windsurfing, whose school is on every island, but they are especially famous Isama Sal Island.



Tanzania residents are friendly and smiling, but, like everywhere, travelers are not worth losing a vigilance - robbers are enough. But in Tanzania, there are still a lot of tourists who go here without fear. Here, at home Freddie Mercury, there is something to see.

First, Kilimanjaro volcano, to the top of which numerous tourist trails lead. Secondly, Zanzibar island - a resort place where the beautiful stone city is located in the 9th century. From here they go to the tours for spices, during which cinnamon can be touched and try unfamiliar spices. Thirdly, the famous Serengeti National Park, which occupies a huge area and where more than three million large wild animals live.

Fourth, Biosphere Ngoronoro Reserve, located in colossal (21 km in diameter) Crater extluous volcano. About 25 thousand different animals live in it and here the highest concentration of predators in all Africa.


Madagascar is a separate mainland in miniature: so much does not look like in Africa, no other place on Earth. Here are amazing landscapes, and 80% of dwelling animals and plants are no longer found anywhere.

On the island a lot of natural parks and protected areas. The largest Zinggi de Bimaraha reserve, which, like many others, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Country is rich beautiful beaches; Traditionally it is believed to swim on west coast safer - there is less sharks.
Take a look at it:


Zimbabwe is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa: it is here that the famous Victoria Waterfall is on the border with Zambia. In Zambia, by the way, tourists are less, so those who prefer a more secluded environment, recommend to admire the miracle of nature there.
This is exactly worth seeing:

In Zimbabwe, the environmental structure and animals are very well working here, even much even for Africa, so in some places the hunt is allowed (almost everywhere on the continent is already prohibited).

In addition to countless national parks, there is a unique historical object here - the stone ruins of Big Zimbabwe: pagan temple complex, built over a thousand years ago.

Tourists going on a journey to Africa must necessarily do all vaccinations, their list is usually on the embassy site. Even in those countries, for a trip to which vaccination is not necessary, it is necessary to take antimalarial pills, and start taking them before the trip. It is strictly forbidden to use crude water even to clean the teeth.

Going on a trip? Do not forget about pro

Never South Africa did not interest me as an object for traveling. Well, Australia, well, the land of the Inca in America, well, Kenya. And South Africa ...? In childhood, the book "Captain Sori-Head" like the English-Board War liked. Well, still stitching in my head: "About Transvaal, my country, you are all burning on fire." But I was not going to go there. Yes, and the sacramental phrase "Do not go to the children in Africa for a walk ..." familiar to everyone since childhood.

However, a person suggests, and God has. The daughter married a Bura, or a African serving in Cape Town, and had to go for a wedding to the south of South Africa. Visas were issued through a travel agency specializing in South Africa. So the Russians go there. The tourist visa was drawn up, and did not go at the invitation, since the Supreme Government fears, no matter how the Russians did not follow them. Nothing, a visa was given without problems.

You can fly to Cape Town from Moscow in several ways, for example, through London, which is faster, but much more expensive or through the Emirates. Chose yourself cheap option: Emi plea

state airline etay, through Abu Dhabi. Long, there are 20 hours, back 26, but only 30 thousand rubles in both ends. And here we are (I, my ex-wife and Sasha, the son of my old friend, respectively, the father, mother and friend of childhood brides) in the aircraft. Otmented service, feeding every 2 hours, before each passenger monitor, which can be observed by the trajectory of the flight, watch movies, play toys. To the Emirates of the Russians in the cabin there were a lot. 2 hours at the airport, transplantation, and in Cape Town from Russia, only we are already. This flight was a min. Yes, another 1.5 hours intermediate landing in Johannesburg.

But all ever ends, and now, finally, we are in the Cape Town airport. On my passport control, I was somewhat confused and for the words of the black customer "How Are You?" replied "Ai Em Frome Rasha." But it was, nevertheless, admitted to South Africa, "the country for barbed wire", as she was called in the Soviet press during my childhood.

Introducing the description of our route, I note that I made it and organized my African son-in-law, and therefore I played the role of passive and many places in the title did not remember. But the most pleasant impressions remained. So…

Cape Town, first impressions

On the first day, upon arrival, we were taken to the ocean. Despite sunny weather, it was pretty cold, for the blowing southern wind blew. That is, South there is blowing right from Antarctica. In South Africa, a lot on the contrary, because it is a southern hemisphere. We were there at the end of September, early October, they have this early spring. The sun stands there on the right, sits down on the left, but shines from the north. And the north there is a heat, and the south is cold. Almost all the time of our stay in Africa was cold - that's you and Africa. This feeling, perhaps, is also connected with the fact that white (and we, of course) dress there very easily, usually in T-shirts and shorts or jeans. But Negros - those love to dress warmer: jackets, pants and knitted hats.

On the ocean it was cold and we did not swim. And the local defense did it with pleasure. Externally, then the place where we were brought to get acquainted with the ocean, resembles averaged Mediterranean-Black Sea Chernoma - palm trees and coniferous trees, the blue sea (in this case, the ocean), along the shore of the iron and highways, then several rows of houses, and then there are high mountains. Probably, Zurbagan Alexander Green was to look like.

Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point

After that, we went to one of the cult local places - Cape of Good Hope. There is a great road laid among Bush, thickets of different deciduous and coniferous shrubs. On the occasion of spring, everything bloomed, especially beautifully - a protest or, in local, tidence. On the way, the road was seen a flock of wild monkeys of baboons, "Babun" on Afrikaans. They go to the track in Nadezhda rejoicing with something near the passage. But windows and doors in the machines are not recommended - the creatures are very aggressive.

Cape of Good Hope is the most famous southern point of Africa. But the Cape itself is inexpressive, almost invisible.

It is incomparably more impressive nearby rocky Cape Point, "Cape of Meeting" in Russian, where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are found. It is here that the Mayak of Cape of Good Hope is there, there is a picturesque pedestrian trail, laid along the edge of the cliff. And lazy can drive back there on a red bus. Near the lighthouse stands the pointer on which it is written how many km to which city (Moscow is absent). Although the ocean border is human fiction, but here it has a concrete expression, there are warm water of Indian and cold - the Atlantic Oceans. Above the Atlantic is the fog. There is only a vast ocean ahead, and behind him - Antarctica, from where a serious cold wind blows. The air is clean and crystal, the space is immense, you are on the edge of the earth.

Cape Point

Having descended from Cape Point, the cape of good hope was set off. On the way, they saw wild ostriches and 3, no less wild antelopes, which I received from the color and in myopia at first for Lviv. At Cape there is a sign "Cape of Good Hope", around which at that time gathered a large number of omnipresent Chinese tourists.

In the evening we went to dinner in the restaurant on the shore of the cozy bay, the 2nd Ocean high mountains. Between the restaurant and the bay was spread eat beach From white sand, according to which people slowly strolled in pre-ordered hour. Nobody bought up - early spring. We sat in the room and absorbed a delicious and very cheap local food. Dinner of the freshest sea, or more precisely, oceanov products, with wine costs about 300 rubles for our money. And when the sunset painted the mountains with the last rays, I could not stand and ran photograph. This was done by many others. Already in the dark, we returned to Cape Town, loved on top of it and looked at the stars. I did not see the southern cross.


The next day in the morning we went to watch penguins. Penguins there live on a protected area, according to which raised over the ground tracks from the boards are laid. South African Penguins are small and black and white. They form very faithful couples and, if one of the pair dies, the remaining preserves loneliness. Chicks they feed up to 3 years old and, while they do not learn to swim well, they do not let them go far into the sea, because there is a lot of sharks. Mostly penguins are sitting in pairs, lifting the wings - heat. Between themselves, penguins communicate loudly, and sometimes fighting. Among the penguins sometimes you can see the funny animals of the Dassi, similar to Surkov, but relatives of the elephants, which, they say, do not mind to enjoy the penguin eggs.

dassi or Daman.

Botanical Garden

Then we went to the Botanical Garden. The Botanical Garden is divided not far from the ocean on the shore of a small river with a dark-buoying from rotting foliage, but transparent water, like our swamps. A feature of the local flora is the predominance of shrubs and the almost complete absence of large trees. The trees in this part of South Africa are either European or American pines, or Australian eucalyptus. Here, on the shores of the river water is enough round yearAnd local trees reach a considerable height. It seemed that we came to the film "Avatar", so unearthly and beautiful looked all around. Climbing up the river, going on the wooden flooring, then barefoot on the cutting lawn, we reached the end of the track, which rested in a small waterfall. Here, under the canopy of the hanging cliff, we snapped, drinking food with a remarkably delicious Yaara juice with a 5 liter bottle, and went back. On the lawns, then there were sitting there or played the ball visitors. Not a single caretaker or worker. But everywhere pure and everything is well maintained. This combination of well-groomed and pristine is striking. The Botanical Garden gives a bright idea of \u200b\u200blocal vegetation, which, if you believe Wikipedia, is the most diverse on the whole earth. This is the kingdom of daisies (daisy blue, yellow, red, ordinary, but growing on trees, etc.), aloe and plants similar to them and protein. Flowers are presented and separate, indoors in front of the entrance to Botsad.

protest or Privacy


After Botsad, we went to the town of Hermanus, to the bay, where at this time of the year the whales give birth to cubs. On a small shoe, we first sailed not far from the shore, seeing a glimpse of the emergence of China - the males gather here. But no longer seemed to be, and we floated to another shore of the bay, along the way to meet several maritime cats. There, a few hundred meters from the coast were constantly visible huge black and brown backs. These were females, giving birth to kitat. They were then emerged, they almost disappeared, they allowed fountains, they raised huge fins, they beat their tails. Whales are really huge, and this is one of the biggest impressions for the whole trip.

harbor city of Hermanus

Here we stood for quite a long time, and then floated back, and then the ship was surrounded and sailed along the dolphins for a long time. There were 10 of them, they jumped out of the water, they walked at all close, it seemed to be touched, they walked away. Finally, they fell behind, and we swam to the pier. We were fed and drove us in the way, it is included in the cost of a tour, about 3000 rubles. It was the most expensive excursion for the whole journey. Served us black and colored. And at the end, from somewhere, the most important white appeared. This is typically: the most unqualified work is performed by negros, not even Yaarovsky, and immigrants from other countries in Africa, there are local blacks, even higher than color, and if problems arise, then because of the scene there is a white owner and solves them. So on average, but seen white homeless, and very well dressed in black, buying goods in the most expensive stores. By the way, the word Negro in South Africa is not offensive, because there are countries in Nigeria and Niger. But the word kefir cannot be said, we were warned, for Kafr is a crucial word, such as "black".

We spent the night in a two-story guest Housebelonging to the parents of the son-in-law, a 5-minute walk from the ocean in the Great Village of Pringle Bay, such as our country. Parents themselves live in a single-storey building in Cape Town. In the Dutch tradition, Afrikaner is considered prestigious to live in a one-story house, since two-story houses build those who have no money for a sufficient land plot where you can build a large one-storey house. Alternately, we went to local beach, wide, from white sand And covered with wonderful shells. For us they got rid of the kindest dog, I really wanted to play with him. When we left, he disappeared just as unnoticed as it appeared.

Start Traveling in South Africa

And we shoved along the excellent road along the shore of the Indian Ocean.

On the sides were floating well-groomed fields with some kind of cereals, vineyards, cow, sheep and ostrich farms, man-made lakes, and an ancient African mountains were smoked in the distance. Independent feeling. The combination of civilization, comfort, space and primacy. On the way, we drove to the store, called the "Gallery", where the African Artist-Gonchar sells his works: plates, bowls, jugs, mugs ... What was not done or maybe marriage is done in the tracks and walls of the institution. We liked it, and we bought different souvenirs.

After a while we arrived at the Aloe factory. More precisely, we stopped at the store at this factory, where all sorts of creams, teas and other drugs made from Aloe are sold. Actually, aloe is growing there along the roads on the manner of our Lopukhov. But for this factory, Aloe is grown on special plantations.

Safari Park

Further, in terms of our trip, there was a visit to the safari park. It was promised that, riding horses, we will see buffaloes (buffalo, in local), rhinos and giraffes. Lions were declared, but somehow passing. Here we wear helmets, turn the legs with special dodge and sit down on the horses. We are accompanied by a black guide, too riding. If we consider that my experience of riding is limited to one trip in a distant childhood, and others from our company it is not much more, everything went well. Horses, however, did not have so much as much as a guide. For a common serpentine, we rose high in the mountains surrounding the impressive valley, in which the office of the office of the Safari Park is located. Pereted the ridge and began to descend.

And here meters in 400 saw two rhinos and several giraffes aristocrats. But my naughty horse after nicknamed Mandan wanted to sow herbs, and he turned away. I was content with the view through his back. The return path was also interesting. We descended cool down, it was rather scary. Horses were laughed in at times, sometimes passed to a gallop (or on her own will, or on the secret team of the guide). And they constantly wanted to go there, where we need. Especially unanimous was the heal of Zulu, storing to bite or other horses or us. The heal means redhead - oh, these redheads! On the way, we saw the marsh antelope and a flock of black gnu, which we were presented as "Buffalo". "And where are the lions?" I asked. "Lions on the other side of the mountains," was the answer. Impressions and experiences Weight: 2 hours riding in the African mountains - this is not a joke.


We spent the night in the city of Mossel-Bai, which is considered the capital of South African colored. This is picturesque resort town On the shore of the vast bay. Settled in the hotel converted from passenger train. Everyone has a separate coupe, a toilet, as in the usual train, is only connected to sewage.

Dinelied in the restaurant on the shore. The form is the usual dining room, only the food is very tasty and cheap. We are a later hour (8 pm, not season) in the hall of one. And only at the exit, looking at the walls of the woven photos, learn that the restaurant in the same form existed already in 1895, was in 1927 and in 1939.

In the morning I got up early and walked around the city. Unusually and beautiful. Leaning, we and my daughter, without claiming, Patched: "Good Bai, Hood Bai, May Mosselbai!" And I said to the son-in-law: "That song we composed." He replied that this song for many years, she was sang back in the 30s of the 20th century. It comes out in the same circumstances appear the same thoughts.

Then we drove along the coast, then removing from him, then leaving the ocean mountainous bank. Along the coast passes the railway, according to which we were told, the real steam locomotive rides and carries ancient trailers with tourists.

Hotel "Wood Frog"

For the night we arrived in a wonderful place, called the "Wood Frog". This hotel imitates the house bungalow in the jungle. We promised that wild monkeys will jump around the bungalows, but or whether it was not the season, whether they were somewhere on, but we did not notice a single monkey. There is a two-story building on piles in the midst of the forest and, it seems that you are lost in the endless African forests, and a modern highway passes in several hundred meters.

hotel "Wood Frog"

The owner of this institution Albert is a German from Bavaria. When asked why he lives here, responded in German: "Warum Nicht?", ("Why not?"). And on the proposal to sit with us, drinking wine, chatting the right German refused, because: a) he has a family and b) he needs to play on the old flute donated grandfather, and this is he doing every evening.

We were not upset and went in a jacuzzi, which is also arranged on stilts in the forest of 50 meters from our house. A large bath with hot bubble water was waiting for us, and we gladly ship our, once again frozen in Africa, bodies. In the jacuzzi we spent 2 hours, first at the light of the day, and at the end under the African stars. Returning to the bungalow, the fireplace was flooded and dinner fried meat grilled with African fruits, drinking it with excellent Iarovsky wine. The evening was a success.

Elephant Park

In the morning we went to a special elephant park. Elephants There are not Indian, who have long been tamed and trained everything, and the more African, who were not domesticated. Once Hannibal went to Rome, leading with him the combat African elephants, but it was a long time ago. And when the Europeans colonized Africa, the elephants were completely wild. It was rumored that African elephants aggressive and taming were not subject to. But in the 20th century, Europeans brought Indian chasers to Africa and tamed local elephants.

When we arrived, it turned out that I wanted to ride on an elephant of us. The rest decided to restrict ourselves to communicating with elephants and their feeding. It is a bit cheaper, about 390 rands, and lasts about 2 hours. And skating costs 420 rands and lasts only 5-7 minutes. But I said that, maybe I came to Africa only then to ride on an elephant, elephants I saw in the zoo, so I agree to wait 2 hours.

But when everything was paid, the guide said that I could also join the main group, they say, do not wait for me for 2 hours. In addition to us, there was another man 10. We were led to a special platform, degraded from a large field with a low metal fence. Several elephants grazed passed away. We were almost separated from them, and it was a little alone. The guide told about elephants in English for a long time, but I didn't understand almost anything.

Then they led to us three elements, and we fed them, stroked and drove there and here for tricks. The elephants were very kind and obedient. Slonich carefully takes a human hand, folding from the tip of the trunk like 3-fingers. While you are leading it, she keeps his hand all the time, noisy and warmly breathing. The only inconvenience - the mucus is distinguished from the trunk and dirty hand. Elephants are coming, despite the size, almost silently. Upon closer examination, the elephants showed huge eyelashes. The elephants obediently performed all the teams, trying to please their migrants. At the end of the presentation, those who wish to ride, and those turned out three, climbed to elephants from the special platform and went in a circle, tightly holding for the challenges. There was no came on African elephants, and it was inconvenient to go, it was necessary to sit directly on the filling ridge of the animal.

Zoo in Outshore

Then we continued to move along the coast. In the city of Plettenberg, before leaving the coast and turn deep into the mainland, we decided to swim in the ocean. In addition to us, almost no one bathed - the water was cold. Yes, and swim in the ocean is not so nice. Constantly covers a mighty tidal wave, and if you swim for it, there may be sharks. We calmed down that a man does not like sharks that, having fallen, sharks usually stand out that over the past 10 years, only 10 people died from sharks to South Africa. But for some reason I did not want to be eleventh. And, nevertheless, yes, in Indian Ocean I was swimming.

After that, we went deep into the mainland. To do this, you need to cross the mountains, the wall overlooking the ocean. On a good road, this is not difficult, but the mountains are impressive. We drove around the serpentine, "and the mountains got up more and above, and the mountains rode everything cooler, and the mountains go under the very clouds", exactly according to the book K. Chukovsky about Aibolita. Only a good doctor, as you know, overcame the African mountains, flews on the eagles, and we drove on prosemic Mercedes.

Passing the mountain range, in a few hours reached the town with a difficult door to the type of obschorn. There we visited the local open-air zoo. In front of his inspection, they went to the cafe, where those who wish were hungry and crocodiletin. I ordered a kebab. On the wooden, on the local tradition, the Shapeurs were risening slices of ostrich meat and crocodile, vested by sweet pepper. Straysytina resembles a turkey, just beaten. But the crocodile is very peculiar, white, fatty and rubber consistency. Did not like.

entrance to Zoo

dwarf hippo

crocodile with almost human palm

After such an exotic lunch under the guidance of a pretty "color" girl, a guide went to inspect animals. Well, the zoo - he and Africa zoo. One local feature, "Fishka", so to speak: for a particular fee of anyone can put in the iron cell and omit into the pool to crocodiles, where it can feed them. Among us were not found.

feeding crocodiles

Farm in small carru

From the town we went for the night to the farm located in the Valley of the Small Carr (the semi-desert such). In the spring, everything blooms in this carru, and it doesn't look like a desert. The owners of the farm (and these were the descendants of the Scottish, fled at their time from the English nest) I did not notice. But we were greeted by good-natured dogs that were very glad to any sign of attention from our part. They say these dog dogs, they are merciless to snakes, and white people love very much.

old farm

This wonderful farm, the landscape of which caused the Association with Australia, was the only place in South Africa during our trip, where there were many insects and was hot. And we were not recommended to leave the room at night, because there are many poisonous snakes. But we did not have to go anywhere - all the amenities, including a bath, located indoors.

Wine farm

In the morning we left for the last item of our journey, on the wine farm located on the shore of the banned river. At first we had a small tasting, gave to try 6 varieties of wine, red and white. My son-in-law, as the right tastor, was sprinkled by a lot of wine into a special basin, and I, of course, drank everything. After tasting, we bought the bottle of your favorite wines, we were given different sandwiches for a snack, and we went to ride on the river on a small steam house. We were alone on the upper deck, and a couple of a man on the bottom. For drinking delicious wine, we spent an excellent 2 hours.

After that, we returned to Cape Town, passing a total of about 1900 km.

Walking on Cape Town

A couple of times we traveled on Cape Town. In the area where my new relatives live, there are almost no sidewalks, but the cars are rarely driving. Near houses are broken up beautiful flower beds with low-touch plants. Rare passersby, regardless of whenever white or black, smiled and told us "Hello!" The life and morals of this area resemble some comfortable village.

Bicycle rental, scooters, quadro- and motorcycles -
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This continent is sure to make many of you from childhood. Ancient tribes, wild animals, unique nature And familiar words - Calahari, Zanzibar, Serengeti. All this is Africa. Unfortunately, as far as this continent is attacked, he scans the travelers as much. Diseases, crime, danger to eaten. These horror stories were also vaccinated from an early age, but fortunately, not all of them are true. In this article we will tell, how to independently organize a trip to the most popular African countries, which must be done before a trip, what amount to take with you and what is really worth being afraid.

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Let's start with the preparation for the journey.

Trip to Africa: about disease

Yellow fever

To enter most African countries require a certificate of vaccination from the yellow fever. Muscovites can make vaccination for free in the urban clinic number 5 at the address: 107052, Moscow, ul. Pipe, d. 19, p. 1 in the order of a living queue. A passport will be required with registration and insurance policy.

Those who have no registration can be vaccinated at the following addresses:

  • Gkuse infectious clinical hospital №1Adress: 195367, Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, 63Fax: +7 495 490-14-14

    Tel.: +7 495 942-48-39

    Price - 810 rubles

  • GBUZ urban polyclinic №5Address: 107052, Moscow, ul. Pipe, d. 19, p. 1The.: +7 495 621-94-65

    Fax: +7 495 621-15-28

    Price - 1700 rubles

  • Valuation clause number 6 of the FGBU "Polyclinic № 1" UD of the President of the Russian Federation: 119002, Moscow, Alley of the Sivtsev enesek, d. 26 / 28Tell.: +7 499 241-01-90, 499 241-09-31

    Price - 2550 rubles


Yellow fever is not a real threat. Much worse things are with malaria. There are no vaccinations from it, and therefore it will have to buy preventive type tablets of Chlorochin (delagil). You need to start taking two weeks before the trip and two weeks after. But remember that all antimalarial drugs have a large number of side effects, and therefore it is better to avoid their use.

In fact, on the experience of our colleague, the day of the mosquito is practically no, and in the evening you need to use a repellent and wearing clothes with long sleeves. If you do not neglect these rules, then nothing terrible will happen.

Visas to Africa

Russian citizens in most African countries require a visa, but we are talking about popular tourist countriesSo let's stop at several.

  • Kenya. The visa must be issued in advance in the embassy, \u200b\u200bthe cost of $ 50. Usually, the acquisition of Kenya visa does not cause any difficulties, but can incur stamp exactly on the date of the trip, so be careful.
  • Tanzania.
  • Uganda. The visa is drawn up by arrival, the cost of $ 50 for three months.
  • Zambia. The visa is drawn up by arrival, the cost is 50 dollars for one month.
  • Zimbabwe. The visa is drawn up by arrival, the cost of $ 30 for one month.
  • Botswana. Visa is not needed.
  • Namibia. Visa is not needed.

Visa in South Africa

Since March 30, 2017, Russians can travel to South Africa without a visa for up to 90 days. Prior to that, the visa had to pay $ 30.

What to take with you

  1. Repellent (local good funds are 3-4 times more expensive than in Russia).
  2. Powerful tanning cream (Equatorial sun do not sleep).
  3. Acclaimed clothing (preferably khaki or sand color, women should not walk in short skirts).
  4. Headdress (Panamka or Baseball Cap).
  5. Insurance.


  1. I will go to Africa and Ebola sick. Not true. In all of the countries listed, there are no ebola virus.
  2. Africa is a wild, uncivilized place. Not true. In Africa, there is a good Internet, inexpensive mobile connection, a huge number of restaurants for tourists and hundreds of hostels and hotels for every taste.
  3. In Africa, it is expensive to fly expensive, I will break on tickets. Not true. Very often you can buy tickets from and thanzy by tickets to Asia.
  4. In Africa, I will be killed, rape and robbed (it is in such a sequence), as soon as I leave the airport. No, it is not. You need to be careful in large cities, especially in the capitals, because it is where everyone who wants a lot of profit come there. Measures are the most ordinary: be careful, do not swing your camera or iPhone above your head, do not go into slums. In general, the inhabitants of the listed countries are very and very friendly, you can easily contact them on the street for help, calmly sit down in a taxi. But there is one "but" - you tourist, which means you are money. And in African countries it is felt especially bright. Get ready for constant beggars, helpers, merchants all please (and they do not understand the words "do not need, I do not want, no money") and other annoying, but not dangerous people.

What is sure to look in Africa and how much does it cost?

Safari in Tanzania

Entrance to the National Park is 40-50 dollars. But you need to not forget that if you are going to the Park of Serengeti, it will have to pay even for the crater Ngorongoro, and twice. And Safari itself will take at least two days, so it will have to pay twice and for the Serengeti.

See also: