Scenario of the quest game "journey along the Kuban river". Route "Amazing nature of the region"

Quest - a game for teachers

"Journey along the Kuban River"

Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of using modern forms of work on the patriotic education of preschoolers.

Material: Kuban farmstead; wheat ears; layout of an apple tree with apples - sayings; presentation "Journey along the Kuban River"; a basket with souvenirs (doll egg - herbalist); treats for tea drinking - pies, fresh fruits, folk drink "Sbiten".

Today we invite you to travel a little. Do you agree? The journey will be unusual, we will play a quest game. Quest is an entertaining team game with a storyline that involves solving various tasks. If we talk about our childhood, this is a game with "secrets".

And so, we will make a trip along the Kuban River. you will need to complete a series of tasks, as a result of which you will receive a victory spikelet. If you solve all the tasks, a surprise awaits you.

I encourage everyone to wear life jackets, take a comfortable position on our ship "Kubanochka". We are leaving!

A calm folk melody sounds in the background.

While we travel - a bit of history.

Slide #1

Oh! Kuban, you are a mother!

Edge of villages and farms.

Steppe from end to end

Drowning in the gold of bread.

This happiness is to live in the world

And you breathe all the time.

And meet your sunrises

And see off the sunsets...

Kuban begins with a field - spacious and boundless. From the Don steppes to the ridges of the Caucasus, like a bowl, slightly tilted towards the humid winds of the Black Sea, there are expanses of the bread land.

From time immemorial, wide fields along the banks of the fast and capricious river, which gave the name to this region, attracted and beckoned to themselves. The Kuban land heard the roar of the hooves of the Sarmatian and Polovtsian cavalry, Slide #2, 3 , 4 jingle of gold coins in leather belts Greek colonists and Genoese merchants, the mighty tread of the Russian squads of Tmutarakan, wild pirates of the Tatar hordes and Ottoman Turks.

Tormented by one or the other colonialists, for many years the natives of the Kuban, the Adyghe tribes, waged a bloody and unequal struggle. Slide #5 Foreign conquerors, especially Tatars and Turks, plundered the land, devastated the Adyghe auls, captured and sold into slavery the recalcitrant highlanders, took Circassian women to all the harems of the East. Exhausted by robberies and violence, the Adygs, or, as they were then called, the Circassians, sought protection and help from their powerful northern brother, the Russian people.

Slide #6 In 1552, Circassian ambassadors arrived in Moscow to Tsar Ivan IV with a request to annex Adygea to Russia. Having accepted the Circassians into its citizenship, Russia helped to expel the Turks from the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

The Circassian prince Temryuk married his daughter to Ivan the Terrible, founded his "capital" city of Temryuk on the site of the Tatar-Turkish fortress Tumnev. But before the dust had settled behind the Russian regiments that left the Kuban, the Tatars and Turks again flew in and, pushing the possessions of the Circassians far to the east, destroyed Temryuk, in its place they erected their fortress Adis, Slide number 7 from which their hordes made devastating raids on the possessions of the Russian state. Slide #8 In 1720, Russian troops entered the Kuban in order to approximately punish the "infidels" and discourage them from robbing in Russian lands. But separate, even successful operations could not resolve the dispute. Slide #9, 10 A long war with Turkey ensued.

The systematic settlement of the Kuban by Russian subjects began after two Russian-Turkish wars of the 18th century. In 1778, the commander of the Caucasian Corps A.V. Suvorov, having arrived in the Kuban, began to strengthen the southern borders of the state. On June 30, 1792, the Black Sea army (former Cossacks) who became famous in the fight against the Turks, Catherine II granted the lands of the Taman Peninsula with the surrounding area between the Kuban and the Sea of ​​Azov. Slide №11, 12 The Cossacks were granted "the island of Phanagoria with all the land lying on the right side of the Kuban from its mouth to the Ust-Labinsk redoubt, so that on the one hand the Kuban River, on the other, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov to the Yeysk town served as the border of the military land ...".

Slide #13 The first batch of combatant Cossacks, led by S. Bely, arrived here by sea and landed in Taman on August 25, 1792. Slide №14, 15, 16 Decades later - already after the abolition of serfdom - thousands of peasants from the central provinces of Russia moved to the Kuban.

My Kuban, I hear your voice. Slide #17
It sounds like a swan song in my soul.
I see an image bright and alive -
We are connected by an invisible umbilical cord.
You are like a mother to me with a loving hand
You offer all your holy gifts.
There are among them sunsets over the river, Slide #18
And the dawns at the mounds are golden.
Amber honey and tender vine
Chamomile fields charm, Slide #19
Ringing June thunderstorm
And cooing doves of lovers.
The fogs are blue and the dew
Strung on a feather grass by someone,
Weeping willows green braid, Slide #20
In the mountains, a path winding like a ribbon.
Sea surf and the clatter of herds,
Yes hay aroma is always intoxicating. Slide #21
And the sweetness of ripe, juicy kavoons. *
Kuban spirit flying over the Motherland ...

* Kavun - watermelon (Kuban balachka)


Kuban dear, I gently sing
The great beauty of your land!
Holy land from end to end!
Seas, forests, fields, my land, yours!
Here the sky above you is brighter and higher
And the stars shine brighter and the moon ...
No one in the world will find more beautiful.
The whole country is proud of you!
Your fields of spiked wheat,
Your gardens, your sweet grapes.
Everything will be raised on a pedestal
Sparkling with bright gold awards!
I sing to you my great love,
And the music sounds in my soul ...
My Kuban, with all my soul I ask
Blossom, dear, with each stronger during the day.

Svetlana Donchenko

So our first stop "TALKING"

You are invited to a proverb quiz and the following task (an apple tree with apples):

"Finish the proverb"

Ataman of the community ......... ( strong) Be patient Cossack, - .... ( you will be chieftain)

Without an ataman, a Cossack .......... ( orphan) Cossacks are few ......... ( can not be)

Not all Cossacks in atamans ..... ( be) On a Cossack and matting ...... ( comely)

Good Cossack Bache, where ... ( ataman gallop) He is not a Cossack who ... ( afraid of dogs)

Resigned from the post-.......( missed the enemy) A good Cossack does not disdain, .... ( What

horrible - then it cracks)

Well done, they coped well with the task, earned their first victorious spikelet and our journey continues.

Music plays in the background.

Slide #22 The Kuban River flows through the entire territory of our region. Its beginning is considered to be the confluence of the two rivers Ullukam and Uchkulan, flowing from under the glaciers of Mount Elbrus. The length of the Kuban is 870 kilometers, of which Krasnodar Territory accounts for more than 700 kilometers.

Kuban river
We live. Earth in new clothes Slide #23
Sings its eternal hymn to spring.
Kuban in the channels of reeds
She sings along half asleep.
River. Gorgeous. Minx.
Drinker of young bread.
Lands of Cossack bustle,
A friend of the steppe feather grasses.
Will wake up. Bubbling with the flow Slide #24
Swallowing melted mountain snow.
Reeds breaking inadvertently,
Accelerate full-flow running.
Deep secrets of the earthly witch, Slide #25
Mistress of steep shores,
Singer of the rarest beauty, Slide #26
Bow to you from all

Svetlana Donchenko

See what a huge path the river makes: first it flows in the mountains, then through the forest-steppe, then through the steppe and flows into the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. The history of the river is very ancient, a lot has been written about it. beautiful legends, listen to one of them.

From the North Caucasian mountains the river has flowed since ancient times. Along the banks of the river, in the forests, lived a marvelous bird - the Kuban. She was small, not very bright, but her voice sounded so that the sun rose in the soul of the one who heard it. Local residents were very fond of listening to the singing of this bird. “Let's go - they said - to the river, let's listen to the Kuban bird! Then the river began to be called the Kuban in honor of this fabulous bird. Her voice still sounds on the banks of the river, but not everyone can hear it.

Hence the land is called Kuban, and the inhabitants are called Kuban Cossacks.

Wayward people of Kuban, multinational. It was here that a mixture of cultures, a mixture of cuisine, a mixture of traditions took place. But the main traditions of our Cossacks remain unchanged. And you will now get acquainted with one such tradition.

Our next stop "GAME". And we will play the Kuban folk game:

"Dream of a Cossack"

A “Cossack” is selected from the players, who becomes in the middle of the circle. The “Cossack” is blindfolded, or he closes them himself. Children move in a circle with the words:

Who chases devils in the morning,

Songs sonorous sleeps,

Sleep prevents the Cossack

And shouts "Ku-ka-re-ku"?

One of those standing in a circle crows like a rooster, trying to change his voice. The Cossack, opening his eyes, tries to guess who is screaming. If he succeeds, he takes the screamer into the middle of the circle. Game continues:

All the cows in the yard

Rumbled at dawn.

Nobody understands

Why "Mu-Mu, Mu-Mu".

The one standing in the circle hums, the Cossack guesses and takes him into his circle. Game continues:

Here the Cossack fell asleep again,

But he didn't sleep long.

duck ducks not in vain

Teaches to quack "quack-quack-quack."

The action is repeated - the Cossack takes the "duck".

Tired of the Cossack

Quack-quack-quack" with "Ku-ka-re-ku".

- I won't sleep anymore

I will chase you!

At the end of the words, the players, forming a round dance, raise their hands - “collars”, and the Cossack catches up with those players whom he took into the circle.

Well done! Done with the second challenge! Get your second victory spike.

And now we are back on the road and our journey along the river continues.

Many villages and farms were built on the land of the Kuban. And wherever you look - a sea of ​​​​wheat fields.

And over the Kuban poplars, Slide #27

And willows in three girths,

And all the fields, fields, fields

Until sunset. Slide #28

... Wheat whispers with rain

And looks down the road.

Summer is on the rise

And the ripe ear touches.

And in every grain - fields Slide #29

And willows in three girths,

And in each - a generous land

From sunrise to sunset.

T. Golub

Slide №30, 31 The turbulent life of the Cossacks flowed on both sides of the river. The usual morning reigns in the Cossack huts: having crossed themselves on the icons of the red corner, everyone hurries to wash, get dressed and get down to business, and the villagers have a lot of work to do. Slide #32 The grain harvested from the fields must be put in barns, the harvested hay should be removed for the winter in the bins.


Hello hay sen,

What did you bring with you?

- The hot work of skilled people,

Conversations of sharp braids.

- Tell me, haymaking,

What else did you bring with you?

- Aromas of dried herbs

And the sparkle of sonorous grew!

- Hay-hay-haymaking!

Is your cut good?

- He mowed hay for cows -

What a huge cart!

V. Nesterenko

Slide #33 The dough started in the evening creeps out of the clay makitr and hurries into the furnace; Slide #34 juicy, ripe vegetables are languishing in the gardens and waiting for harvesting; the milk milked early in the morning asks for churns. Slide #35 In September, there is less work in the field, and many Cossacks rush to hunt or fish in the morning.

I invite you to to "KUBANSKAYA STATION" Slide #36

Under folk music, Kazachka (leading educator) comes out to the middle of the hall

Cossack: Good day to all good people!

May it be so for all.

Hello, invited and welcome guests!

Guests are welcome as good news!

According to the good Russian tradition

We welcome everyone, sincerely welcome!

Slide #37 Under the Cossack song, children come in pairs to the middle of the hall and become a semicircle near the central wall.

Reb: How many fabulous places in Russia,

There are countless cities in Russia!

Maybe somewhere it's more beautiful

But it will not be dearer than here.

Reb: You bloom, my Kuban,

Become more beautiful.

Will not drop the honor of the Cossack

Our generation.

Reb: We are growing the country for glory

Under the Cuban sky.

We will praise the Kuban region

Rich bread!

Song "COSSACK" - M.R. #1-16 p.44

Under the last loss, the children sit down on the chairs.

Oh, Cossacks, Cossacks,

Wild heads!

Yes, and the horses are under them

Hooves are clattering!

How they jump, run

How the Cossacks will sing!

You, look, there are Cossacks

Necks are twisted!

Fall in love, spinning

Let them paint over, laughing!

Rockers will be forgotten

The wattle fence has its own.

They will come running to the parties

Round dances will lead

You don't wait, mom, soon,

They will come in the dark.


Music is played after the dance. Children become a semicircle at the central wall.

Reb: Good Kuban expanses,

Fertile generous land.

Vast fields, like the sea,

The land of the Cossacks, my Motherland!


There is no flour in the barn, but there is no water on the river.

Mother sent me spring life to reap,

And I didn’t press, I lay on the couch.

I fell and lay down, looking in all directions.

I looked back, behind is a Cossack.

Cossack Cossack, Cossack dear little friend,

You walk more often, but you wear more.

When a ruble, when two, when a ruble and a half.

To the barn for flour, and to the river for water.

There is no flour in the barn, and there is no water on the river.

(Each line of the couplet is repeated 2 times).

A Cossack woman comes out to the middle of the hall with a loaf in her hands.

Slide #39

Cossack: We sang and danced for you.

Our guests, are you tired?

Here is the third challenge...

We have prepared a test for you.

Come out, dance.

Show us the moves.

The leader explains the task.

Cossack: How great we all did!

The kids have learned a lot!

Here is the third spike

You have earned for the future!

Presenter: We all played nicely, earned spikelets. And here is the promised surprise. (The Cossack woman takes out a surprise in a basket and talks about it)

Cossack: Testaments of antiquity in the Cossack family

Kept sacred for centuries.

The custom of hospitality of rich kurens

He glorified the land of his fathers.

Bread and salt to you, dear guests! We invite everyone to taste the magnificent loaf!

To the music, the children leave the hall to the group.

(The presenter invites all guests to the table to taste pies with apples and the old Cossack drink Sbiten. The Cossack tells about sbitna).

Shchukina Olga Alekseevna, teacher, Kropotkin.

Educational area: cognitive development.

Kind of activity: directly educational.

Age group: preparatory group for school.

Target: development of curiosity, the formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and its nature.

Program content

Educational tasks:

To form interest in cognitive activity;

to acquaint children with the Kuban River - the main reservoir of the Krasnodar Territory, to give an idea about its inhabitants and flora coastal zone.


Develop curiosity, observation, attention;
develop interest in the artistic word, the beauty of poetic images and comparisons.


To cultivate love for the small motherland, respect for its natural resources.

Preliminary work: Excursion to the local history museum, looking at postcards with views of the city of Krasnodar. Examination of illustrations depicting trees, shrubs, plants, animals, fish, birds and other species of flora and fauna of the Krasnodar Territory. Excursions in nature. Reading works of art, learning songs and poems about the Krasnodar Territory.

Vocabulary: Expand vocabulary through familiarity with local natural objects.

Materials and equipment:"Teplokhod", multimedia projector, presentations: "Kuban expanses", "The fourth extra. Fish"; tape recorder, sound recording of bird voices; illustrations depicting meadow plants, trees and leaf cards for these trees.

The course of activity.

Educator:"Children, today we will travel along the river, which is the largest in our region."

What is the name of our region? (Krasnodar or Kuban)

- And the most big river Kuban is also called ... (Kuban).

The Kuban River originates in the Caucasus Mountains, on Elbrus and carries its waters thousands of kilometers to Sea of ​​Azov. At first, it flows through the gorges.

How else can you say about her? (rushes, splashes, runs, jumps, rolls, etc.)

- How does it flow? (Quickly, swiftly, noisily, playfully, etc.)

- Why? (Because of the rocks).

Where does the river flow down from the mountains? (On the plain).

The river connects the fertile right bank with the hills of the Trans-Kuban region.

- How does the river carry its waters here? (Smoothly, slowly, calmly, quietly, etc.)

- What do you think, in which part of the Kuban is it convenient to travel in the mountains or the flat part? (In the flat part, since the ship will not be able to sail in the mountains).

We will swim to the end of the river.

- Where does the course of the Kuban end? (In the Sea of ​​Azov).

To get on the ship, you need to go to the pier, which is located in our regional center .... (Krasnodar). Let's remember what Krasnodar looks like to make it easier for us to navigate.

(This Big city With tall buildings. There are theatres, shops, museums, factories, parks, hospitals, exhibition halls, institutions, etc.)

We will go along Krasnaya Street to the embankment and board the ship.

Children pretend to be transport, move to the music hall and take their seats on the "boat".

Educator: " Guys, look what beautiful view Kuban expanses opened up to us. / Display of multimedia "Kuban expanses"./

1 child: The sun soared over the fields.

The light swirls over the river

And around, wherever you look -

The edge of the Kuban, my native.

2 child: Mighty mountains, steppe expanses.

Primorsky coast line.

Forests and glades, gardens and estuaries.

All this is native Kuban.

3 child: Mighty songs fly in the sky.

The open sky is blue.

And no more beautiful edge at Russia,

Than our - native Kuban.

Educator: " Our Krasnodar has already been left behind, what can we see on the right side of the Kuban? (Steppes plowed up for fields where bread, vegetables, sunflowers, corn, sugar beets grow. Forest belts and gardens are planted there.)

- Children, look how many fish are splashing in the waters of the Kuban.

The game "The Fourth Extra" is being played. /Multimedia/

(Children call fish and find an extra one that does not live in the Kuban River.)

Educator:“Children, if we look at the left bank, then there we will see beyond the Kuban plain. She is hilly. Near the mountains we see forests and groves where various trees and shrubs grow. Name them. (Oak, Linden, willow, maple, poplar, ash, chestnut, wild rose, hawthorn, hazel, blackthorn).

“And this is a beech, a hornbeam, a dogwood, an elder.”

Didactic game: "Recognize a tree by a leaf."

Educator: Here we are sailing past the reserve, which is located on the right bank of the Kuban and is called the "Red Forest". The reserve is under the protection of foresters and rangers. You can not hunt in it, spoil the plants. Let's get off the ship and walk very carefully and quietly through the forest so as not to scare away the animals that are hiding behind the trees and bushes.

What animals do you see? (Wolf, bear, fox, hare, jackal, squirrel, roe deer, wild boar, raccoon dog, badger, tour, lynx, bison, hedgehog, mole, hamster, field mice).

- And look who is found there near the water? (Beavers, otters, muskrats, water rats, snakes, turtles).

The phonogram of the noise of the forest of birds singing sounds.

Educator: " Let's walk on the lawn, admire the meadow flowers.

A didactic game is being held: "Name the plant"(according to the image).

(coltsfoot, oregano, knotweed, plantain, chamomile, marshmallow, St. John's wort, nettle, dandelion, clover).

Educator: " How many insects are there, name them. (Dragonfly, wasp, bee, ant, grasshopper, butterfly, mosquito, fly, beetle, bumblebee)

Music game: "Flowers and bumblebees"(under the soundtrack).

Educator:“Let's sit in the ship, sail along the river to the floodplains. The floodplains are formed from the flood of the river in low-lying places. And now we are in the estuaries. Estuaries are shallow bodies of water connecting the sea and the river.

Who do we see here? (Geese, ducks, wagtails, herons, otters, muskrats).

Educator: Here is the Sea of ​​Azov. Our journey ends. We saw how rich our region is. We will return home, we will remember the beauty of our native spaces, their inhabitants and remember that animals and plants adorn our lives, bring great benefits, so we must protect and protect them, not destroy them.

In my dashing metal satanic teenage years.

I have long wanted to travel around the Kuban to see her and get to know her, and now, I did it, and I am very glad about it

The Kuban is noticeably monocultural. This is surprising, because the south is associated with human hodgepodge, but in fact the Kuban turns out to be much more Slavic in appearance and Orthodox in essence than most other Russian cities.

By God - in Petrozavodsk, the capital of cool lake Karelia, behind which Finland seems to be, and then you will meet the whole Caucasus, but here - no.
There are a lot of Orthodox churches, and very diverse ones - I have never seen such diversity, multicolor and courage in Orthodox churches in Russia anywhere

Courage is not only in multicolor, but also in simplicity - here is a church from a change house in Arkhipo-Osipovka - and nothing, does not bother anyone

At the same time, for the entire time of my stay in the Kuban, I did not see a single mosque.
Why mosques - signs "halal", and those flashed once or twice.
Somehow the impression that they waved the population - all Caucasians in the Moscow region, all those near Moscow here

The Kuban people really have a southern dialect, surzhik, but then again - in the same Orel they bark much more accentuated.
But they really like to wag their tongues. Oh, the Kuban is, of course, a complete copy of Ukraine, I have never met a single region so related to Ukraine as the Kuban.

All local villages - as if he returned to childhood, to Eastern Ukraine

The similarity is not surprising, in general, if we remember that these regions were populated mainly by the Cossacks - some of whom agreed to go here, to the Kuban, and swear allegiance to the Russian crown, and some said that they would not be free Cossacks under the yoke, and went beyond the Danube, into the other side, essentially to Busurman Turkey.
It is better to be under the busurmans than under Russia.

The most visible national minority is undoubtedly the Armenians.
There are many of them here since they were called to settle in the Kuban by Queen Catherine.
Then the word "khach" appeared in everyday life to designate Armenians as co-religionists, but gentiles.
"Khach" is a "cross", that's all. Therefore, it is funny when, out of ignorance, any people from the Caucasus, especially Muslims, are called khachs.

There are many Armenians in the Kuban and they are influential.
So far, only in Cyprus have I seen a vivid precedent of how Christians expelled Muslims, but with the Kuban there is the same feeling.
The Armenians of the Krasnodar Territory everywhere and everywhere remind of the 100-year-old genocide, and thank Russia for recognizing this episode of Turkish history as genocide

It is not clear only the very form of address - "I remember and demand the Armenian genocide."
Yes, and to whom is this appeal? Some Armenians are already in solidarity, and you squeezed out your opponents yourself - who will read this now?

It's been tough here Civil War century ago.
The war was like this, "on wheels", fast, crazy, dashing - they landed, hit, pushed through, pierced, shot, moved on

The dashing seems to have subsided, although ...
Guess what is very easy to get in the cafe "Luli"?

On the roads of the Krasnodar Territory, traffic is frisky and there are two great, terrible, unshakable rules:
1) double jerky beep
2) never, under any circumstances, even under pain of death, never, never, never, NEVER, HEAR, NEVER let anyone through.

In my opinion, letting someone pass on the roads of the Krasnodar Territory is considered something akin to a confession of non-traditional sexual orientation.
If you want to break the Kuban brain - let it pass on the road. It's funny to see their round eyes like bowls - it's hard to surprise with something more.
They see that you are missing, but they do not twitch from their place - they know that this does not happen, this is a mirage.
Sign to the collection, downcast pedestrian

And the first point is that double beeping is constantly heard on the roads, and I have no idea what it means.
Who knows?
Circumstances are very different - and when it goes to overtake, and when not. And when in a traffic jam, and when the road is free. Logics? No.
When I also beeped twice in response, there was a tantrum - they blinked at me, honked, waved their hands.
What did you want? Explain, good people, what do two beeps mean in the Kuban?
It’s just that I haven’t seen anything like this anywhere else, in any region of Russia, and the Kuban people, it seemed to me, are firmly convinced that this is how they beep everywhere.

When I first came to India, I saw the traffic there, and even left-hand traffic, I immediately said - no-no-no, I won’t get into this chaos.
But then he got used to it, began to drive more boldly, and then he drove as if stung - despite the external chaos of what is happening in the Indian movement, there is a simple system - you hear a beep from behind - skip it, they will overtake you now. He beeped himself - the one in front presses and misses.
Here. And here, in the Kuban - no logic.

But the roads are generally good, including many minor ones.

Often you drive between farms, waiting for a washboard, and fears with enviable regularity turn out to be inflated

Large tracks are flat and boring, but only mountains appear on the horizon - that’s it, you won’t be bored

Kuban was very disappointed with products and prices for them.
Here, it would seem - the breadbasket of the country, and it is true - solid cultivated fields, fat herds. And where is the result tangible from this?

Corn is sold in jars, which is produced in the Kuban - more expensive than exactly the same in Moscow - where is the logic?
Imported meat from Mordovia, sweets and chocolate in general at such prices that Moscow begins to seem like a treasury for a rogue.
Potatoes - all the same from Israel as in Moscow, Uzbek berries, Turkish fruits, Greek strawberries.

Christmas trees, yes, I should go to the market in my provincial Orel, for the same products, it’s cheaper

Gasoline is more expensive, and everything is taken for a circle - the Kuban region is not cheap. And you pay for nothing.
Sometimes you go to the store, bought - there is nothing to watch

But okay.
The main wealth of the Krasnodar Territory is the coast, built up with all kinds of madness

It's great. Just a gift from God. Incredibly generous.
Everything is given.

Well, almost everything.

It stretches across one region, but manages to change many, many times.

In the south - the only Russian subtropics, the region of Sochi and its numerous villages, stretched in a line for 145 kilometers.
Along the coast, right on a par with the sea, is one of the most amazing railway lines in the country.
Nearby, incredible loops are laid by a motor road.

It is exotic for us, but for Sochi residents or for Abkhazians it is the only artery.
Those tangerines from Abkhazia that we juicy consume on New Year- pass by wagons with these endless automobile loops.

In these places, for the first time, they began to grow domestic tea, the one that is now sold under the brand of Krasnodar
(Who remembers - "Well, here I am in Khoper!", "What kind of tea do you like? Indian? Krasnodar?", "Krasnodar!")

Modern elevator to the beach of the Gazprom sanatorium in Nebug

Vain, gassed, unloved by many and beloved by me, Adler seduces, like David Blaine, to street magic

From Tuapse to Gelendzhik, the mountains change their character dramatically and become similar to my beloved Transcarpathia to the point of aching anguish in the heart.

Mountains are similar

And the villages at the foot

Even the Magyar tiled roofs characteristic of the Hungarian regions of Transcarpathia

mobile apiary

The resort towns are united by a common passion for attractions with the letter D.
It was 3D at first, but then someone decided 3D was for suckers and wrote 4D. Someone saw, decided - hey, yes, I'm something like an eared sucker, I'll write 5D.
Wrote. A neighbor saw - quickly ordered a showcase with 6D.
And so it went. This, 9D, this is already for dense, pitch-black suckers, who are not even worthy anymore - the largest D that I have seen is 91D.

There is again a sharp contrast between Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk.
Novorossiysk is a city completely devoid of resorts, the most severe industrial monster on the seashore, strewn with cement dust

Anapa is even further away - the mountains are only on the horizon, the places are flat, the beaches are sandy, the houses are characteristic, simple rural

Even further (or closer - from what to count) Taman. "Soviet Champagne", as Khrushchev dreamed of seeing it, a storehouse of winemaking.

During the struggle for sobriety, the vineyards of these places were destroyed.
But grapes are a complex culture, cultivated not only for years but decades.
There are dozens of varieties of grapes, and each of them has its own, unlike other varieties, features.
According to one technology, excellent wine will come out of grapes of one variety, and from another variety, according to the same technology, only swill for drunks.
Now Krasnodar region revives the traditions of winemaking. the whole area, Taman Peninsula especially in the vineyards.

Thank God - ten years ago, Krasnodar wines, in essence, did not exist, and what was sold under their guise was an alcohol solution brought from Argentina or Brazil, stupidly bodyated with water and filled with flavors and tannins.
I am a non-drinker - who has tasted modern Krasnodar wines? How are you?

The city of Taman, so stuck in the teeth of Lermontov, who served here and sent here Pechorin, the hero of our time, a prosperous and solid Cossack village, despite references to narrow-minded and sometimes psychedelic Sovietism

A popular Cossack village Ataman was built on the shore, using the national color for monetization - to arrange a healthy one - so many thousand, the Kuban choir - so much, dancing - so much

Through the Strait of Crimea.
On the roads, new Crimean license plates begin to appear, where the trident of the Ukrainian license plate is sealed with a mutant eagle.
Those who travel around Ukraine on Russian plates do the opposite - they seal the tricolor with a yellow-black flag - a sign, "I am mine"

Behind Tamanya, a dead end leading to the Tuzla Spit, which became famous at one time, is such an island-shoal between the Kuban and the Crimea, in a wide part of the strait.
At one time, the Tamanians, whose coast suffered from erosion - there were strong sea currents, began to build a dam to somehow cover the coast, and from the border post on the Tuzla Spit this was perceived as the beginning of preparations for hostilities.
Mdya, then the very phrase about the war between Russia and Ukraine sounded crazy.

Now I went beyond Taman to visit the ill-fated spit and wash my boots in the Indian Ocean, that is, the Black Sea.
Beyond Tamanya there is an excellent quality road. Chu, strange - why would this excellent road lead, in fact, to a dead end?
However, the excellent road quickly ended and large-scale construction began.
Suddenly it dawned on me - and, damn it, they are going to build a bridge to the Crimea, they are pulling, if not the main road, then at least for transportation.

I really hope that the bridge to the Crimea will exist - this is the only thing that can somehow smooth out all this pitch shame of its annexation, and do at least one useful thing.
But I don’t envy all the builders of the bridge - I don’t understand, to be honest, how they will build it - seismically dangerous places, strong currents, unreliable soil, rich in underwater mud volcanoes, running sea strait, strong depth behind the Tuzla spit.
There is talk that this will be one of the most expensive and complex bridges - from what I know, there is every reason to believe this.

In short, summing up - the Kuban is really a granary, a health resort and sometimes a forge.
Our Florida, our fields, our sea, main resort countries

You can repeat endless instructive mantras about the need to tighten the service, build quality, feed tasty - but it's all blah blah blah about nothing and no one.
There will be no acceptable service. There will be no quality construction. There will be no delicious food.

Why won't it? Yes, because where will they come from, if we are always waiting for THEM, some unknown THEY (to know who it is, these incomprehensible "they") will come and fix everything.

And this, God - create escho.

Mountains, the sea, caves, waterfalls, a safari park, clean air and a sea of ​​​​impressions await on the ecological route through the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea.

Mountains, sea, caves, waterfalls, safari park - a dream vacation for many, many people. But in order to make it a reality, you need not so much time and effort. Approximately 2 weeks free from work and other things, and the desire to spend driving for several hours in a row. Do not forget about pleasant fellow travelers, without them a car trip will be boring.

We propose to go to the south of Russia, to the Krasnodar Territory, and capture Adygea. And the route will pass through Khosta, Sochi (Krasnaya Polyana), Dagomys, Lazarevskoye, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Hot key, Belorechensk, Maykop, the village of Dakhovskaya and the village of Guzeripl. Total length- 350 kilometers. Not all cities of the route are of interest to auto travelers, but a detailed description of the route will help you stay on track.

The nature in the places of travel is amazing. Mountains delight the eye with all shades of green. In the Kuban, the road goes either along the seashore or circling in a serpentine. Many travelers often fall behind their predetermined traffic schedule, because they constantly want to stop to photograph nature views.

During the summer, there is a lot of traffic in these places. Thousands of motorists with friends and families from different regions rush to different cities Black Sea coast to capture a piece of the southern sun. Therefore, traffic congestion is not uncommon, especially because of those drivers who are not used to driving along serpentine roads. The length of the most difficult section mountain road, from Sochi to Dzhubga - 200 kilometers. But it also ends - it will be easier further.

Until you pass the Black Sea coast, you run the risk of being stopped by local traffic police officers everywhere. Especially if the number plate of another region is on the car. We sympathize with Muscovites, residents of the Moscow region and St. Petersburg residents: this trinity is breaking records in the number of document checks.

The road throughout the route is excellent. But this is more typical for the Krasnodar Territory and the way to Maykop. In the Adyghe mountains, asphalt is replaced by a primer.

A nice feature of the route is a large number of gas stations along the way. Therefore, you should not think about the stock of gasoline. But it’s still worth refueling not at the first “point” that comes across, but at gas stations known good quality fuel. For example, on "", especially since there will be many gas stations of this company on the route.

Vorontsov caves near Sochi

Khosta (point of interest - Vorontsov caves)

The first natural monument on the route is the Vorontsov caves. This is probably the best thing in this place in the Krasnodar Territory. They are named after Count Illarion Vorontsov-Dashkov, the Russian viceroy in the Caucasus in 1905–1916.

To get to the caves from the city of Khosta (this is an area Greater Sochi), drive towards the village of Kalinovoye Ozero, behind which you will find picturesque tea plantations. There are a lot of ups and downs, so it can lay your ears. Stock up on lollipops, with their help it is easier to endure constant pressure drops.

The peculiarity of the road to the Vorontsov caves is pigs and cows that graze on their own. Many animals lie right on the roadway. Be careful when driving around.

Then the asphalt road descends to the mountain river Vostochnaya Khosta and rises in a serpentine to the village of Vorontsovka. By the way, excellent honey and homemade wine are prepared here. But the cave is ahead, so do not be distracted by the tasting.

Closer to the Vorontsov caves, the road enters a relic grove of tall oriental beeches. It's beautiful and impressive. You have to drive a few more kilometers, and when you see the monument to the dead pilots, you can stop. 15 minutes on foot - and you are already at the grotto of Prometheus. And next to the cave, do not forget to take pictures with man-made pagan idols carved from stone and wood.

Pagan idol at the grotto of Prometheus. Khosta, Sochi district Photo: from the site of the Krasnodar Territory

The Vorontsov caves (now privately owned) are one of the largest and longest in the Caucasus. Their total length is more than 11 kilometers, the height difference is 240 meters. The caves are not only a remarkable geological monument, in them archaeologists have found numerous material evidence of the settlement of the Caucasus by primitive man, who lived here 15-20 thousand years ago. And in more remote branches of the system, the remains of cave bears are still being found.

Before descending into the caves, take warm clothes with you, as all year round The temperature is about 12 degrees there. Humidity is almost 100%.

And here are the impressions and advice from a car traveler who looked into the bowels of the cave: “They are allowed inside in groups of 15 people, accompanied by a guide. With each step, the darkness in the cave thickens, the chirping of birds and the sound of the wind remain behind. We are all plunging into the realm of eternal darkness. Before us are high galleries and bizarre snail grottoes. It's hard to believe, but all the endless passages and huge halls are created by ordinary water. No wonder they say that a drop wears away a stone. For hundreds of thousands of years, underground streams have dug into limestone, and small cracks have turned into spacious passages and deep wells. Water still flows through the cave today, washing passages and building dams. Returning to the surface, you already appreciate the sunlight, the beauty of forest flowers, the singing of birds and the bright colors of the Caucasus Mountains in a new way.

The duration of the tour of the Vorontsov caves is 4 hours. There are 2 kilometers to go.

Krasnaya Polyana. Peaks of the Caucasus Mountains Photo: Shutterstock

Sochi (point of interest - Krasnaya Polyana)

Only mountains can be better than mountains. Therefore, after visiting the Vorontsov caves, we are going for a new portion of impressions - now to Krasnaya Polyana.

Distance - 50 kilometers: 10 - from Khosta to Sochi, and 40 - from the capital of the 2014 Winter Olympics to Krasnaya Polyana.

Drivers, be careful on the way. On the road there are tricks - interchanges. It is very easy to miss if you miss the pointer. GPS-navigators in those places rarely work correctly. And all because of the preparation for the Olympics. Updates of satellite gadgets do not keep up with the pace of construction and road works. Andrey, one of the motorists, became a hostage of interchanges that were incomprehensible at first glance: “The road junction after Sochi was seriously taken aback. First, the size. Secondly, floridity. And the signs are there. They must have been painted by an artist. What the arrows indicate with a corner is approximately clear. But what the arrows in the form of a snake mean is absolutely incomprehensible. But, having slipped through the necessary turn and swept once again in a circle, we nevertheless jumped out on the track we needed from the second run. ”

Cableway in Krasnaya Polyana Photo: Shutterstock

It is better to go to Krasnaya Polyana early. First, less congestion. Secondly, if you decide to ride the cable car, you can not get to all levels due to early closing. Remember that boarding for the fourth stage ends at 15.40.

At each stage of the cable car, you need to get off and transfer to a new lift yourself. At all stops there is a cafe or a bar. The higher the rise, the stronger the drinks on sale. The ascent takes about an hour - an average of 15 minutes for each stage.

For those who are afraid of heights, it will be creepy in Krasnaya Polyana. The autotourist Andrey, already familiar to us, shares his impressions: “When you go up, there are no extreme sensations. So, at a level of 1.5 to 5 meters, the ground and even feet can reach the bushes. But when descending, the spirit is already breathtaking.

And one more feature of Krasnaya Polyana - even in summer without warm clothes it is chilly there. At many peaks, the temperature drops to zero degrees. You can see snow in places. And don't forget sunscreen. Alpine tan, according to many tourists, "sticks imperceptibly, so it's easy to get burned."

And also in Krasnaya Polyana very high prices for food and drinks. Therefore, when traveling to this place, take more money. Rest here is better not to delay, as the cost hotel rooms also high. Plan about 4 hours for the personal conquest of this Krasnodar peak and viewing the local beauties.

Kiselev rock. View from the sea. Tuapse Photo: from the site of the Krasnodar Territory

Tuapse (point of interest - Kiselev rock)

The further path lies along the coast through Dagomys and Lazarevskoye. The destination of the route of this day is the city of Tuapse. The distance from Sochi to it is 142 kilometers.

Tuapse is famous for its unique natural monument - the Kiselev rock. It is named after the artist A. A. Kiselev, who painted local landscapes at the beginning of the 20th century.

But the rock is known not only by the name of the famous artist. Remember the movie "The Diamond Arm"? What about the fishing episode? It was filmed just in the place where our route leads. Every year tourists set records for conquering the rock. And to be honest, this is not easy. Therefore, before visiting the sights, it is better to relax.

You can stay in a few hotels in Tuapse or in the private sector. The cost of daily living: with comfort - from 1,500 rubles, in relatively Spartan conditions (without a shower and a bathroom in the room) - from 500 rubles. But there are more places where you can eat in Tuapse - coastal cafes work everywhere.

And to the Kiselev rock. It's a beautiful sight. Tourist Irina shares her impressions: “The facade of the rock is a sheer wall 46 meters high, going into the water and continuing there. The depth is great. The coast around is like a huge layered pie: layers of sandstone and other harder rocks, alternating with each other, stretch parallel to the coastline, forming in some places a kind of reefs in the water. And suddenly this mass rises vertically. The edges of the rock are corrugated, and the side that faces the sea is perfectly smooth and strong, like concrete. Nearby is a hard-to-reach when descending from above, but a very picturesque beach (there is a passage to it along the stream, which abruptly breaks off on rocky and almost vertical “steps”).”

Tent on the beach Photo: Shutterstock

And now the maximum useful information: there are no springs near the rock. Therefore, tourists need to take water with them. This is especially true for those who set up a tent camp on the shore.

In bad weather, it is dangerous to be near the rock. The traveler Victor was convinced of this: “It is dangerous to put up a tent under a rock - everything crumbles, water comes from the mountains. But there is also a risk on the beach, as the sea beats with a wave. The tent can float."

We hope that the weather during the days of your trip will be sunny and without precipitation. Therefore, when visiting the Kiseleva rock, use the recommendation of the tourist Elena Kropotova and walk around the surroundings. At the same time you will learn new way to the rock: “You can get to it along the shore from the beach. But there is a way through the heights. The fact is that in the recent past there was a rocket military base. Now she is abandoned. But giant bunkers remained underground labyrinths, pillboxes, fortifications and caves. Elena also suggests ways to return from the cliff: “There is an extreme route - through the cliff. Climb onto it, go through the forest and go out onto the highway. The second way is along the coast to Tuapse.

After visiting the Kiselev rock, it is worth spending one more night in Tuapse to recuperate, and then hit the road again.

Gelendzhik (points of interest - safari park, Parus rock)

From Tuapse to Gelendzhik 134 kilometers. The path is pleasant: the roads are wide and beautiful, the signs are clear. It is impossible to get lost here. Outside the window there will be nature of marvelous beauty, only the driver should not be distracted by it, because video recording of speed is installed along the entire section of the road. Pay close attention to the headlights of oncoming drivers, which almost always warn of an "ambush".

In Gelendzhik, it is better to start acquaintance with the local nature in a safari park. It is located on the slope of the Markkhot Range. The territory of the park is almost 160 hectares. The air there is crystal clear, and all because you find yourself in a deciduous and coniferous forest with glades, where there are many beautiful wild flowers.

This natural corner, in addition to environmental cleanliness, has two more features: a zoo and cable car 1,600 meters long and 645 meters high.

Tourist Alexander advises visiting the safari park in the morning, as it is hot during the day and animals prefer to rest. Regarding tickets: you can buy them separately for all types of entertainment, but there are also all-inclusive ones. By the way, they are much cheaper.

Sail Rock. Divnomorskoe Photo: ITAR-TASS

There is another unique natural monument 20 kilometers from Gelendzhik. In the village of Praskoveevka you will find the Parus rock. It is 30 meters high, 25 meters long and about a meter thick. All this splendor rises directly from the water, starting on the shore. The rock is fraught with a mystery - a through hole with a diameter of about a meter. There is still no official explanation for this phenomenon. The second attraction of Praskoveevka is the cleanest sea. Many consider it the cleanest in the Gelendzhik region.

Of the minuses - in Praskoveevka you may experience difficulties with quality cellular communication. And don't expect to find places here where you can relax with a grand scale and music. The atmosphere in Praskoveevka is very peaceful.

If you want to spend a couple of days here, you can rent a house in the private sector. The cost varies from 350 to 1,500 rubles per day. Why such a price difference? From the availability of conditions for a comfortable stay.

If you are drawn to where life is in full swing and shimmers with all the colors of the summer south, return to Gelendzhik. Here, after a day's wandering around local attractions, you can relax in a cafe and dance at night discos.

The cost of living in city hotels with all amenities is from 1,500 rubles per day. There are also cheaper ones - from 1,000 rubles, but there is also less comfort, respectively.

Caucasian mountains. Adygea Photo: Shutterstock

Adygea, village Dakhovskaya

The longest stage of the trip is ahead - 284 kilometers. To find yourself in the Autonomous Republic of Adygea, adjacent to the Krasnodar Territory, you need to pass through Goryachiy Klyuch and Belorechensk. The border between the regions is conditional - an ordinary checkpoint. Not everyone is stopped there, but if the car is dull tinted (which is contrary to the rules of the road) or a young man of a very athletic build in sunglasses is driving, be prepared for the wave of a striped wand. Someone will chuckle or even doubt about it. But the experience of many auto travelers crossing the border of Kuban and Adygea convinces of such features of the work of the local traffic inspectorate.

Further on the way Maikop. Beautiful city. But since our trip is more ecological than cultural and educational, we go to the mountains. The path lies to the village of Dakhovskaya. This place can be called the junction of civilization and nature. And this is how the tourist Irina tells about the living conditions after visiting Dakhovskaya: “There are many hostel hotels with two-story houses from 3 to 4 rooms with private facilities. We paid 2100 rubles for the room. This price includes breakfast in a cafe on site, no choice, but quite decent and varied. You can have lunch and dinner - everything will be prepared at the appointed time, you just need to announce your desire. Opens from all verandas great view to forested Mountain peaks. The houses have free parking for cars.

Waterfall on the river Suk. Adygea Photo: Shutterstock

And now about what is interesting in Dakhovskaya. If you prefer not to travel by car all the time, you can walk to a small farm with horses for rent. The cost is 150 rubles per hour. To do this, you need to go over a suspension bridge across the stormy mountain river Belaya. At a distance of 3-4 kilometers from the village with hotels and recreation centers, on the Syuk River, there is a waterfall. And above it, on the mountain, are the abandoned adits of the Nickel mine.

If you prefer car trips, visit the Khodzhokh gorge. You will find it in the village of Kamennomostsky, neighboring Dakhovskaya. This unique place, where the river cut a kilometer-long canyon with a width of 5–7 meters and a depth of 40–60 meters. The entrance to the canyon is paid. Along the way, you will also see Rufabgo waterfalls.

Waterfall on the Malchepa River in Guzeripl, Adygea Photo: Shutterstock

The village of Guzeripl

The village of Guzeripl is located in the Maykop region at the foot of the Main Caucasian Range. A difficult road leads to it, in some places the asphalt settles and fails.

The village itself is small, but for ecotourism this is even an advantage. After crossing the bridge over the Belaya River, you will enter the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. Paid entrance. On its territory you will find a rich world of flora and fauna, as well as the largest dolmen in Adygea. There is an opinion: if you lean against it and make a wish, it will surely come true.

On the Malchepa River in Guzeripl you will find beautiful waterfall falling from the dam of an old hydroelectric power plant. You can spend 2-3 days of vacation in the village. It is easy to rent an accommodation either in one of the 4 hotels or 2 campsites, or local residents. The cost is from 1,000 rubles per day. Many tourists pitch tents right on the banks of the Belaya River. Products can be purchased at local shops. Don't expect a lot, but everything you need is there.

Completion of the ecotrip

Still, it's nice to get out into the mountains, to the sea. And not to spend time aimlessly lying under the sun, but for the sake of active rest. It is not for nothing that tours to ecologically clean places with natural monuments are becoming more and more popular. Residents of megacities miss real nature, the smell of flowers, forests, rivers and waterfalls, and there are a lot of such oases in the Russian south. And if you decide to drive along the route proposed by us, we will be very happy. We wish you a pleasant journey!

We thank Elena Kropotova for help in preparing the material, as well as Andrey, Irina, Alexander, and Victor.

/ Kira Kalinina

Lesson topic: Journey through the Krasnodar Territory.

Conduct form: absentee travel.

Purpose and objectives of the lesson:

Continue to acquaint students with the nature of their small homeland.

To develop creative thinking, the imagination of students through the figurative presentation of the material.

To educate the emotional-volitional, moral qualities of the child's personality.

To promote the development of the ability to explore, analyze, compare, generalize.


Physical, administrative map of the Krasnodar Territory.

multimedia support.

Materials for execution creative work.


I. Organizing moment

My friend, what could be nicer
Priceless native land?
There the sun seems brighter
There is a happier golden spring,
Cooler light breeze
More fragrant flowers
The hills are greener there
There the stream sounds sweeter,
There the nightingale sings louder.

Nikolay Yazykov

II. Announcement of the purpose and topic of the lesson

(SLIDES No. 1, 2 )

– At the lessons of Cuban studies, we discovered an amazing

the world of our region, noted the bright character traits of the Kuban Cossacks and approached the main goal of today's meeting. What attracts the Kuban land to itself, what does it mean for Russia? I suggest you make some tourist routes, to show everyone what is unique about our region, which has always aroused genuine interest among people living outside of it.

III. Main part.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher. Sightseeing tour in the Krasnodar Territory.

( SLIDES № 3, 4)

The Krasnodar Territory was formed on September 13, 1937 and united 13 cities and 71 districts with a population of 2 million 993 thousand people. It then included the Adygei Autonomous Region with six districts with the center in Maikop. In 1991, Adygea separated from the Krasnodar Territory, transforming into the Republic of Adygea within Russia.

As of the beginning of the XXI century. The Krasnodar Territory includes 38 administrative districts, 15 cities of regional and 11 district subordination, 24 urban-type settlements, 178 rural settlements. The territory of the region is 76 thousand square meters. km. The length of the border is 1540 km. The region borders on Rostov region And Stavropol Territory, the republics of Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia. The state border runs along the perimeter of the Krasnodar Territory Russian Federation with Turkey, Ukraine, Georgia.

In terms of population, the Krasnodar Territory ranks third in the Russian Federation - more than five million people live in it. The population is multinational. Russians, Armenians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Greeks, Jews, Germans, Circassians, representatives of dozens of other nationalities and nationalities live here.

The administrative center of the region is the city of Krasnodar with a population of about 800 thousand. The city was founded in 1793 by the Cossacks of the Black Sea Cossack Army and was named Yekaterinodar in honor of Empress Catherine 11. At present, Krasnodar is a large-scale, industrial, educational and Cultural Center Krasnodar Territory.

2. Research multi-level group work with the physical administrative card Krasnodar Territory (for 3rd grade)

    Determine the number of districts into which the Krasnodar Territory is divided;

    Find cities that have airports:

    Show cities-seaports;

    Find the Republic of Adygea and its capital;

    Determine the rail route:

From Armavir to Krasnodar;

From Krasnodar to Timashevsk;

3. Route " Amazing nature the edges"

( SLIDE № 5)

The Krasnodar Territory is the southernmost part of Russia, which has long been called the Kuban by the name of the river, dividing the region into the northern - steppe - and the southern - mountainous and foothill parts.

– The nature of the Krasnodar Territory is unique: it high mountains with forests, glaciers, caves. Mountain rivers at first rapidly flowing through the gorges turn into wide flat ones. Boundless steppes, cultivated by the workers of the region. The shores of the two seas are the border of the Kuban from the northwest to the southwest. (SLIDE No. 3 )

The Krasnodar Territory is located within the Northwestern Caucasus. The length from north to south is 400 km. From west to east 360 km. The northern and central parts of the region are occupied by the Kuban Plain, and the southern - by mountains Greater Caucasus. The uniqueness of nature lies in the diversity of landscapes and their alternation.
The Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve is also located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. This scientific natural complex occupies 236.5 thousand hectares and is part of international network biosphere reserves.

4. Route "Kuban - a health resort of Russia."

(SLIDE No. 6 )

- How wonderful nature is, how it helps people. favorable climate, warm seas, unique natural mineral springs and therapeutic mud, mountain and sea beauties - all this determined the direction of the Krasnodar Territory as the largest resort tourist region in Russia and the CIS.
The main sea resorts of Russia are concentrated in the region: Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Yeysk, Taman, as well as picturesque resorts in the foothills of the Caucasus: Goryachiy Klyuch, Apsheronsk, Krasnaya Polyana, Khadyzhensk.

– Favorable climate and sea ​​bathing are active natural biostimulants that have a multifaceted therapeutic effect on a person with the right dosage.


5. Route "Olympic Kuban".

( SLIDE №7

Sochi is the capital of the 2014 Winter Olympics. This city will be transformed into one of them the best resorts European scale. More than 250 objects will be built here using the latest architectural and construction technologies. These are sports palaces and modern hotels, medical and rehabilitation, trade and entertainment centers, numerous park recreation areas.

Sochi is a recognized international resort. One of the recognized objects is Krasnaya Polyana, a modern center of tourism. The Mzymta valley connects this marvelous corner with the Black Sea coast.

6. Creative task (individual, pair work)

- You can make a souvenir, a memorable gift for the guests of our region. Display of works (optional).

IV. Summary of the lesson.(SLIDE No. 8 )

– The territory of the Krasnodar Territory is one of unique corners Russia. Fertile fields with endless grain expanses, well-groomed rice fields, prosperous Cossack villages, huge mirrors of man-made reservoirs, forests and mountains, the Azov Sea of ​​fish and the Russian Black Sea coast- all this is the fertile Krasnodar Territory. There is another Kuban with its original culture and rich history. The most important asset of our region is courageous, hardworking, cheerful and hospitable people.

V. Reflection.(SLIDE #9)

Continue the offer

Kuban is ... ( open spaces, sea, mountains, nature, winter Olympics, etc.)

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