Barcelona name. Where is Barcelona located, in which country? Double World Exhibition

There are two different versions of the founding of Barcelona. According to the first one, the city was founded by the mythical semi-deity Hercules during regular heroic expeditions in the 12th century BC. The second, more probable, says that the small village of Barcino, on the site of which the city of Barcelona was formed centuries later, was nevertheless founded by Hannibal's father Hamilcar Barca in the 3rd century BC. Be that as it may, but the historically confirmed fact is only the fact that already in the 1st century BC. on the site of the future capital of Catalonia was the small city of Laie, in 133 BC. conquered by the Romans under the leadership of Lucius Cornelius Scipio.

Laie, thanks to its advantageous location in the sea bay, becomes a military fort centered on the Mons Taber hill, now this place is located next to the Barcelona City Hall on Plaça de Sant Jaume. The Romans gave the city its name - Faventia, or Colonia Faventia Julia Augusta Pia Barcino. It was under the Romans that the city began to experience its first heyday. The fragments of ancient columns on Paradis Street and the typical Roman layout of the Barri Gòtic quarter remind of Roman rule in Barcelona today. By the 4th century - the time of its conquest by the Franks - Fort Faventia becomes a numerous settlement on the coast, minting its own coins. The Franks also give the town its name - Ziterior.

Since the 5th century, the future Barcelona has been under the rule of the Visigoths, whose king Ataulf makes the city his capital and renames it again - this time to Barsenona. Then, from the beginning of the VIII century until the arrival of the French troops of Louis the Pious in 801, Barcelona is considered a Moorish territory, and the name of the city already sounds softer - Barcelona. Further, for almost two hundred years, the history of Barcelona was made by the Spanish margraves, the most famous of which was Wifred the Hairy.

For his courage, courage and strength shown in battles, Wifred received the title of count and governor of Barcelona from the hands of Charles I the Bald, the head of the Frankish army.

Gebr city of Barcelona, ​​1st century

At the same time, the city's flag appeared - a golden shield with four vertical red stripes, which Barcelona proudly wears to this day.

Thus, from 878 Barcelona becomes a county city. The founder of the dynasty of the Barcelona counts, which existed for five centuries, is Wifred the Hairy.

By the end of the first millennium, the caliphate seized power in Cordoba, a wave of punitive campaigns against the infidels swept along the coast. In 985, Al-Mansur practically wipes the future capital of Catalonia off the face of the earth. However, with the death of Al-Mansur in 1002, the Great Caliphate breaks up into many parts - taifs that are at war with each other. Barcelona is getting rid of an external threat, and at the same time from the protectorate of the Carolingians, but, reborn from the ashes, plunges into its own internecine conflicts. Many small principalities, owning their own fortresses and castles, continuously waged wars with each other during the reign of Count Borel II of Barcelona. It was at this moment that the name of Catalonia appeared - the area belonging to the owners of castles (castlans).

Only the ruler of Barcelona Ramon Berenguer III, nicknamed the Great, in 1111-1117 manages to put an end to the unrest. military force and politically advantageous marriages, Ramon III manages to unite two counties in Catalonia and the Provence area into a single possession, and for one, to win Mallorca, Ibiza and Tarragona from the Moors. His work is continued by his son, Ramon Berenguer IV, who married the three-year-old Petrolina, heir to the throne of the neighboring kingdom of Aragon in 1137. From then on, the united kingdom would be called the Crown of Aragon or, as they say today in Barcelona, ​​the Catalan-Aragonese Confederation, and the descendants of Ramon IV would become the Kings of Aragon and the Counts of Barcelona.

Crusade of the 13th century

The next turning point in Barcelona's history was Pope Innocent III's crusade against the "Catalan heresy" at the beginning of the 13th century.

The Pope was pretty tired of the recalcitrant and unruly half-pagan Spaniards. However, the Languedoc nobles, and with them many Catalans, were not eager to join the ranks of strict Catholics, desperately resisting. Don Pedro I, although popularly called the Catholic, could not leave his vassals to their fate, led the rebel army and died in a battle with de Montfont's crusaders at Muret in 1213. The result of these perturbations for Catalonia was deplorable: the County of Barcelona lost a significant part of its possessions in France, excluding Montpellier, and the Languedoc area was in the power of Paris.

From the VIII century, in Spain began the Reconquista (Reconquista) - the conquest of the original Catalan lands from the Muslims.

Army of the Reconquista

This process took place over the centuries with varying success, but, thanks to the efforts of the first Barcelona count-kings, who replenished the ranks of their army with brave Aragonese knights, it eventually led to the return of the regions of Lleida and Tortosa under the rule of the Aragonese crown. The forced recruitment of Moors and Jews into the ranks of Catholics, which began in the 13th century, continued in subsequent centuries through the efforts of the Holy Inquisition.

Wedding portrait of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile

The Reconquista ended with the complete expulsion of the last Saracen ruler from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492 during the reign of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile with the unification of most of Spain under the rule of Aragon.

There comes a time when the influence of the Catalan-Aragonese confederation is in decline.

Back in 1410, leaving no heirs, the last descendant of Wifred the Hairy, Martin I the Humanist, dies. The next Count of Barcelona, ​​and at the same time the King of Aragon, Valencia, Sicily, Sardinia, is Ferdinand de Antequera, who is the uncle of the King of Castile. Since then, there will be no more Catalans on the throne of Barcelona, ​​and the new dynasty will be called Trastamara.

Barcelona of the 15th century was a large developing city in which crafts and sciences flourished, in particular, the famous University of Barcelona was founded in 1450. And in 1492, in the Grand Royal Palace, the ruling royal couple met Columbus, who returned from his first voyage to America. This audience marked the beginning of a process that would lead to the rise of France's influence on the world stage and the decline of Catalonia in the future. In 1520-1522, the troops of King Charles I crushed the uprising, many were executed or expelled from the country. After Charles gained a foothold in Spain, in 1522 he was declared the new Spanish king, deprived Barcelona of many rights, began to control the supply of goods from the New World through Cadiz, which forced Catalonia to forget about claims to trade with America.

Barcelona did not completely impoverish only thanks to its former wealth and greatness. King Philip IV of Madrid noticeably oppressed the Catalans, and, finally, the patience of the latter snapped. This happened during the so-called "War of the Reapers" in 1640, when Spain fought with both France and Portugal. The Catalans took the side of the French and proclaimed Louis XIII Count of Barcelona, ​​with whom Spain was at war then. However, 12 years later, the French betrayed Catalonia by making a "peace" with the king of Spain. Philip IV of Spain takes Barcelona to death, and by mutual agreement, France receives all the Catalan lands north of the Pyrenees.

Barcelona next rebelled in 1701, once again betrayed - this time by the British and Dutch - in the struggle for the vacant Spanish throne. French and Spanish troops, united, held the city in a thirty-month siege. Barcelona fell on September 11, 1714. Today in Barcelona this day is celebrated as Catalonia Day.

After that, "black" times came in the history of Barcelona. The city was flooded with troops of the invaders, the townspeople lived in constant fear at gunpoint, located in the fortresses of Ciutadelle and Montjuic.

Fortress of Montjuic

The Bourbons abolished many truly Barcelona municipalities, such as the Generalitat or the Council of the Hundred, while imposing on the city a single official language - Castilian. However, all changes, as you know, are for the better, and, along with other innovations, access to the sea was returned to Barcelona. The lifting of the ban on trade with the American colonies once again returned Barcelona to the path to prosperity and glory.

Trade and industry, construction and the arts flourished in Barcelona. In the 1770s, the Rambla Square appeared in the center, surrounded by the palaces of the "Indians" - fabulously rich in trade with the colonies of the "new Spaniards" - the Mozha Palace, the Palace of the Viceroy.

The Rambla

By the beginning of the 19th century, Barcelona was becoming the recognized industrial center of the Pyrenees. In 1832, the first factory in Spain appeared in the city, the machines of which were powered by steam, and in 1848 the first railway in the country was opened.

In the Napoleonic Wars, Barcelona took the side of Bourbon, which, however, pretty much surprised all of Europe. The French promised mountains of gold to Barcelona in exchange for abandoning pro-Bourbon sentiments, but achieved nothing.

By the middle of the 18th century, Barcelona was growing so much that it ceased to fit within the city limits, limited by the fortress wall, Ciutedell and Montjuic. In addition, the first two buildings are presented to Barcelona as hated symbols of the power of the Bourbons. And the townspeople destroy first the wall in 1854, and then, in 1868, the fortress of Ciutadelle. This event heralds a whole era of Catalan architectural modernism, which flourished in riotous color in a space liberated from ruins and called the Eixample quarter.

The 20th century was marked politically for Barcelona by the development of the movement for national revival, which led in 1914 to the formation of an autonomous government, the Mancomunitat.

During the First World War, Barcelona remains neutral, which attracts people of art and science from all over Europe. Among the guests of the city of those years were Einstein, Stravinsky, Schoenberg, the Russian Ballets, Breton, Satie, Duchamp, Picabia. However, the city becomes unsafe: due to its geographical location, Barcelona is turning into a transshipment base for cocaine dealers, and also due to the fact that the struggle between the activists of the labor movement of the industrial capital of the Pyrenees with fabrications is tougher year by year and pours into the streets of the city.

In 1931, King Alfonso III abdicates the throne and a republic is established in Catalonia, governed by its own government, called the Generalitat.

Military coup led by General Franco

However, in 1936, the military, led by General Franco, carried out a coup, as a result of which Barcelona plunged into the abyss. civil war between Republicans and Francoists.

The rebels gained the upper hand, and the next 40 years were, apparently, the most difficult for Barcelona. Mass executions, repressions and deportations took place in the city. The Catalan language and Catalan symbols were again in disgrace. The power of the dictator ended only with his death on November 20, 1975.

In 1978, the new Constitution of Spain comes into force, and the country turns into a constitutional monarchy, consisting of autonomies. The Basque Country and Catalonia, led by Barcelona, ​​receive the most autonomous freedoms. In 1980, the Generalitat was revived, Jordi Pujol was elected its head, who, by the way, remains in this post until the end of 2003.

Jordi Pujol, head of the Generalitat party

In 1992, the International Olympic Committee gives Barcelona the right to host the next Olympic Games, which entails an incredibly large-scale restructuring of the city. A lot of the world's leading architects are involved in restoration work and in the construction of new buildings. The result of this "building of the century" in 1999 is the unprecedented award of the City of Barcelona with the medal of the Royal Association of British Architects. For the first time in the century and a half history of the association, such a valuable award was presented not to an individual architect, but to the entire city as a whole.

All these events have led to the fact that today Barcelona is one of the most popular tourist destinations Europe. Every self-respecting traveler considers it his duty to visit Barcelona and get acquainted with its unique architecture and amazing history.

Modern Barcelona

Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, one of the best and most popular tourist resorts in all and . Moreover, this is a significant sea ​​port Mediterranean, a large commercial and industrial center of the EU.

Barcelona is the capital of the Mediterranean Union, which includes more than four dozen states. This city hosted the Summer Olympics-92, various sports competitions of the European and world level were held here.


Barcelona is located in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula on the coast mediterranean sea. The Pyrenees are located more than 100 km north of the capital of Catalonia. Nearby are the mountains of Colseropa, which are the boundaries of the city.

Barcelona lies on a hilly area, each hill has given its names to its quarters: Carmel, Monterols, Puchet, Rovira, Peyra, etc. All of them have their own cultural, historical and architectural attractions.


Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate. There is a dry winter, similar to our Indian summer, and a mild warm summer with warm rains. The coldest time here is in January and February - about +10C. The warmest time of the year is the second half of summer - around +25C.

Most of the rain falls in the city in October, and the least - in July. This climate is ideal for tourist holiday, there is never sweltering heat or frost here.


Regarding the origin of Barcelona, ​​there are two main legends. The first says that the city was founded by the famous hero of ancient Greek myths Hercules in the 11th century BC, and then it was rebuilt in the 3rd century BC. Carthaginian Barca, father of Hannibal.

The second legend excludes Hercules from the founders of Barcelona and says that it was the Carthaginian Barca who was the first founder of this city and named it Barcino in honor of his own family.

By the beginning of our era, Barcelona became a Roman colony, gradually grew rich due to its harbor, minted its own coin and settled down. Beautiful Roman buildings have been preserved here to this day.

In the 5th century, the city was conquered by the Visigoths and became the capital of their kingdom. After a short time, Barcelona was conquered by other barbarians - the Ostrogoths. And two centuries later, in the 7th century, the Moors came here.

And in the 9th century, Barcelona was recaptured by the son of the King of the Franks, Charlemagne, and appointed his own count here, who proclaimed the independence of Catalonia. Then the confederation of Catalonia and Aragon was formed, and in the XVII century - the Catalan Republic.

In the XVIII century, the battle of Spain for Catalonia began. Philip V captured Barcelona, ​​destroyed most of the city and banned the Catalan language. Then Catalonia was annexed to France, and after the fall of Napoleon returned to Spain.

In the 20th century, during the Spanish Civil War, the Catalan language was again banned in Catalonia. Protests in the seventies of the XX century led to the revival of the language and the permission to use it in everyday life. Today there are 7 universities in Barcelona.


A few kilometers from Barcelona there is an international airport, it is the second largest in Spain and the largest in the Mediterranean. The airport is connected to Barcelona by metro, rail and highway.

The seaport of Barcelona has a history of 2,000 years. It is engaged in maritime transport of passengers and cargo, is growing rapidly, and in the near future its area should double.

Barcelona is the most important railway center in Spain. There are several major railway stations here. There are high-speed railways in the country, incl. passing through Barcelona.

Public transport in Barcelona is represented by the underground with 11 lines (city and private). Subway lines connect the city with its suburbs, they are located underground and on its surface.

Networks of city buses, trams belong to private companies. All urban transport is adapted for the disabled. Taxi drivers in Barcelona are mostly privately licensed. There is a practice of renting a car.


Sant Sebastia beach

This is the most popular beach in Barcelona where tourists and locals although it is quite far from the city center. The beach is located in a cozy and clean bay and has all the necessary beach equipment, incl. for invalids.

Sant Miguel beach

Once there was a church with the same name, and today there is a small but very comfortable beach. It is located almost in the center of Barcelona, ​​so it continues to gain popularity.

Bogatell Beach

And this beach is located further from the center, so it is not so noisy on it. But there is a very clean and well-groomed territory, free showers and access to the beach, cafes and restaurants with excellent Catalan cuisine, etc.

Levant beach

This is the farthest beach from the city center. It opened just a few years ago, but already has all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable stay. It has excellent service and relatively few visitors.

Mar Bella beach

This beach was opened for the Olympics-92 and tourists and residents of Barcelona almost immediately liked it. Sports fans will find entertainment here. Nearby is the well-known yacht club in the city. There are nudists nearby.

Barceloneta beach

This is the oldest beach in the city. However, age has not affected its quality in any way, so the beach is extremely popular. It has recently been completely renovated, so it is now considered the cleanest and safest in the city.


Gothic Quarter

In this part of Barcelona, ​​most of the historical and architectural monuments built here during the time of Ancient Rome, as well as Gothic buildings erected in the Middle Ages and Modern times, have been preserved. Beautiful place for excursions.

Olimpic village

A modern landmark of the city, built for the Olympics-92. Here you can visit the Olympic Port, sail around the harbor on a yacht, visit two skyscrapers where the athletes lived, etc.

Plaza Catalunya

This is the beginning of the New City in Barcelona, ​​built during the time of Queen Isabella II. The square is located on the border with the Gothic quarter, and further from it are quarters built along straight and perpendicular lines, with outgoing highways.

The aquarium is the world's longest glass tunnel, passing through which you can observe the life of fish, animals and other sea creatures. It is also the largest European aquarium.

Sagrada Familia

This Catholic Cathedral was designed by the great Antoni Gaudí. The temple is supported only by donations from private individuals. One of the most popular architectural monuments in the world.

The Rambla

The famous boulevard of Barcelona, ​​where tourists and residents of Barcelona walk in the evenings. There are many street cafes, souvenir shops, you can watch performances of street artists, etc.

House Mila

Another great landmark of the city created by Gaudí. This house is considered a symbol of Barcelona, ​​its hallmark. Ordinary people live on the lower floors of the house, and a museum is located upstairs.

Casa Batlló

Gaudí houses in Barcelona

Another work of Antonio Gaudi, a real masterpiece of a brilliant architect. In fact, this is the beginning of his independent path, the first unique creation, the ideas of which Gaudi later applied in other projects.

spanish village

This is a big museum open sky, which contains reconstructions of dwellings from Catalonia, Andalusia, Galicia, Aragon and other Spanish regions, in which the Spaniards lived during the Middle Ages.

This famous monument observation deck upstairs is set on the Las Ramblas. It was in the old port of Barcelona that Columbus arrived after his famous campaign, which ended with the discovery of America.


Very stormy in Barcelona night life, which you should definitely get acquainted with, first with a guide, and then on your own. It is best to avoid the beaten paths of tourists and wander in the back streets of the Old Town and the Gothic Quarter.

Here you can find old pubs with their own unique history, bohemian bars where Picasso and Dali used to visit, drinking establishments serving great craft beer, and other "evil" places.


There are hundreds of famous excursions from professional guides who will help you:

  • get a general idea of ​​the city;
  • learn more about its history and architecture;
  • enjoy Catalan museums and art;
  • taste the dishes local cuisine etc.

Who is this resort for?

Of course, Barcelona, ​​as a resort, is intended for people of the European middle class and more affluent segments of the population. The prices here are quite high, because. this is one of the best resorts Europe.

Video about Barcelona

Helpful information

The Russian Embassy in Spain is located at:

Madrid, st. Velasquez, 155.

Tel.: +34 915622264 or +34 914110807,

24/7 phone: +34 670848773.

Consulate General of Russia in Barcelona:

Tel.: +34 932805432 or +34 932800220,

24/7 phone: +34 609306346.

Emergency Phones:

091 - national police,

092 - local police,

061 - ambulance,

080 - emergency assistance in case of fires.

Choose a hotel at a bargain price

To the twelve exploits of Hercules known in mythology, the Catalans will gladly add one more - the founding of Barcelona. According to one of the most beautiful legends The history of the city of Barcelona began during the search for the Golden Fleece. As you know, the ancient Greek strongman also participated in the campaign of the Argonauts. However, his ship went astray and unexpectedly landed on Montjuic. Hercules was impressed by her beauty and founded a city on the mountain with the name "Barka Nona". That is, the "ninth ship", the incident with which marked the beginning of the history of Barcelona in Spain. It happened 400 years before the founding of Rome.

Traces of Father Hannibal

The hero of another appearance myth was Hannibal's father. The famous commander from Carthage, Hamilcar Barca, founded the city on a narrow coastal strip and named it after his family - Barcino. This is evidenced by the chronicle of Barcelona, ​​which in 237 BC the commander himself began to keep. A little over a century later, the Romans made their contribution to the history of Barcelona, ​​​​who captured Barcino and made it a fortification centered on the current Saint James Square, where the city hall is located today.

History of Barcelona between the Franks and the Moors

The city grew, minted its own coins, but before the arrival of the Visigoths in the fifth century AD, it was inferior in importance to Tarragona. Three centuries later, the current capital of Catalonia was captured by the Moors. However, they did not settle here, preferring warmer southern cities, therefore, they did not have a special influence on the course of the history of the city of Barcelona. The absence of the Moors in Barcelona was skillfully used by the barbarians. The Carolingian dynasty made the city the capital of the Spanish brand - a kind of buffer zone between Franks and Arabs. In the history of Barcelona, ​​this episode became a key one, marking the formation of an independent Catalonia.

Blooming alliance with Aragon

Double World Exhibition

The next turning point in the history of the city of Barcelona is laid by the World Industrial Exhibition of 1888. A new construction boom begins: especially for the exhibition, 115 hectares of the territory of the former fortress of Ciutadella are covered with modern infrastructure. The main attractions appear on the city map - the Arc de Triomphe and the monument to Columbus. The exhibition becomes a highlight in the history of Barcelona and ensures its reputation as a wealthy industrial center. The World Industrial Exhibition will be held in Barcelona again in 1929. The city will build the Plaza de España, the National Palace, the magical fountains of Montjuic.

Catalan identity

However, the development of Barcelona at the beginning of the 20th century is characterized not only by a new economic breakthrough. On the wave of financial well-being in the Catalan capital, national self-consciousness will seriously grow. In books on the history of Barcelona, ​​they will write about the appearance in 1914 of the first local government, the Catalan council - Mancommunitat. Barcelona will begin an active struggle for independence and in 1932 will receive autonomy. However, the history of autonomy in Barcelona will not last long. The civil war and the rise to power of General Franco will put dissent under a ban. For the next forty years, the Catalan language and culture will be outlawed.

1992 Olympics

Fate brought the air of freedom to Barcelona only after the departure of the dictator. The revived monarchy in 1979 returned the long-awaited autonomy to Catalonia. A year later, for the first time in history, parliamentary elections were held in Barcelona. A real explosion of economic, cultural and social activity in the Catalan capital was the preparation for the Summer Olympics. It was held in Barcelona in 1992 and contributed to a large-scale restructuring of the city. Kilometers of industrial zones on the Mediterranean coast have gone down in history. Factories were moved, and in their place equipped with the cleanest sandy beaches with modern infrastructure.

Cultural Forum

The World Cultural Forum produced a similar effect of the rapid development of the city. It took place in 2004. Thanks to the forum, along with investments, the Catalan capital received a new prestigious Forum district with amazing modern architecture.

You can learn more about the history of Barcelona at MUHBA, the Barcelona History Museum. Its expositions can be called one of the most entertaining and informative in the Catalan capital. In addition to the well-known archaeological finds - products made of clay, gold and silver - here you can see the ruins of ancient city: fragments of walls, pavements, baths, water supply and sewerage system. The Barcelona History Museum is built right on the site of the excavations on Plaça del Rei. You can get to it by the yellow metro line L4 (Jaume I station). An adult ticket costs 7 euros. For students and pensioners - 4 euros. Children are admitted to the Barcelona History Museum free of charge.

Robert Hughes "Barcelona: the history of the city"

Well, for those who have not yet been to Barcelona, ​​but are interested in its history, it will be interesting to read the book of the Australian Robert Hughes. According to The New York Times, one of the most influential art critics and art critics of the 20th century, according to The New York Times, leads a tour of the Catalan capital on 704 pages of printed text, sharing with the reader the most vivid impressions of the largest Mediterranean city. Leafing through the book "Barcelona: the history of the city" by Robert Hughes, you feel the aroma of coffee houses in the narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter, you imagine a majestic temple under construction

The proud beauty of Barcelona, ​​beautiful in its exquisite and bold features, is the main symbol and capital of Catalonia, a real pearl of tourist Spain. Rich history, magnificent sights, delicious cuisine and unique atmosphere make a trip to Barcelona bright and unforgettable. The city, saturated with the spirit of freedom, carelessness and freedom, simply cannot leave you indifferent - having been here at least once, you want to return again and again. Walk down the Ramblas again, gawk a little at the clown mimes, go to the old Boqueria market and buy something refreshingly useless, climb the statue of Columbus and enjoy the beautiful view of the port and the endless sea - but you never know the reasons to revisit this wonderful city!

The locals, it seems, as in the well-known proverb, “understood life” and are in no hurry - from behind the tables of numerous cafes during the hours of the afternoon siesta, good-natured laughter or the sounds of a hot Spanish dispute are heard here and there, a young guitarist spends hours improving his skills, sitting on the lawn in the park of the Ciutadella, and not far from it, a young Catalan woman is napping behind a book. Strange, but at the same time, Barcelona is considered one of the liveliest cities in the country, it has the most features of major European capitals. This is perhaps the most industrial city in Spain, playing a significant role in the industrial and economic spheres of the entire Mediterranean region.

General description, city landmarks

The city of Barcelona is located on a small plateau at the mouth of the Llobregat River, and covers an area of ​​101 km2. The unusual landscape of the city is formed by several large hills, and highest point The Catalan capital is Mount Tibidabo - here, at an altitude of 512 meters, there is a beautiful temple of the Sacred Heart and a famous amusement park.

From an administrative point of view, Barcelona is divided into 10 large areas, among which the most popular among tourists are Old city, Montjuic, Gracia and Eixample. The heart of the city, without a doubt, can be called Plaza Catalunya - it is here that the old and new areas of Barcelona meet. From this beautiful square originates the famous Rambla, which cuts the Old Town in half, and goes straight to the coast, the Old Port and the Barceloneta quarter.

To the north of Plaza Catalunya is Eixample - a modern area built up according to an interesting pattern (all the streets here intersect at right angles). In this area, by the way, one of the main attractions of Barcelona is located - the amazing Sagrada Familia Cathedral, the author of which is the famous Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. In the upper part of the city, a little further from the Eixample district, is located famous park Güell is another creation of this great architect. Many attractions associated with the name of Antoni Gaudí are also located in the Gracia area.

It is worth noting that Barcelona is part of, so to speak, "the other Spain". The Catalans value their autonomy and independence very much - for example, the official language, along with Spanish, is Catalan, and many residents consider it to be the main one. Very often you can see Catalan flags on the balconies. By the way, this is traditional. spanish fun, like a bullfight, is not welcomed by the Catalans and has even been officially banned here since 2010.


The climate of Barcelona is characterized as Mediterranean, generally quite mild in winter and warm in summer. The weather in the capital of Catalonia creates the most favorable conditions for a holiday - in the summer months there is no sizzling heat and it is quite dry, but autumn and spring are wet.

Monthly average temperatures in Barcelona

Transport in Barcelona

Almost all types of sports are represented in Barcelona. public transport, which you can only imagine - metro, buses, taxis, trams, funiculars. international Airport The city of "El Prat" is the largest on the Mediterranean coast. In addition, Barcelona has an excellent rail connection - a network railways Renfe connects most of the cities of Catalonia and all of Spain.

Tip: Especially for tourists in Barcelona, ​​a network of Bus Turistic bus routes has been organized, consisting of 3 lines and covering the main attractions of the city. Buses run in a circle every 10-15 minutes - you can get off at any stop you like, and then continue the tour at the next one. Each route is accompanied by an audio guide in different languages. If you have a little time at your disposal and want to have time to see as much as possible in Barcelona, ​​Bus Turistic - great option, however, it should be noted that hiking for so beautiful city can be a lot of fun.

The main attractions of Barcelona

Barcelona is not in vain considered the cultural capital of Spain - for example, such great personalities as Picasso, Antonio Gaudi and Salvador Dali lived and worked here. A variety of styles, eras and genres are mixed here in a magical cocktail that boggles the imagination. The number of attractions in Barcelona is so great that it is simply not possible to see everything in a short time.

The Rambla

This is the famous pedestrian street in Barcelona, ​​stretching for 1.2 kilometers from Plaza Catalunya to the sea, where it rests on the Columbus monument. According to the famous English writer Somerset Maugham, the Rambla is the most beautiful street in the world. This is one of the most colorful and lively places in the city - crowds of tourists, street vendors and mimes cleverly disguised as statues create an indescribable atmosphere. On the Rambla there is an old Boqueria market, whose name translates as Abyss - it is simply impossible to pass by this place, bright stalls beckon.

By the way, one beautiful Barcelona sign is connected with the Rambla. At the very beginning of the street, near Plaza Catalunya, there is a small drinking fountain called Canaletas - a sign says that everyone who quenches their thirst here will certainly return to Barcelona again.

Gothic Quarter

On the left side of the Rambla is the heart of the Old Town - the Gothic Quarter. Here, in a labyrinth of medieval lanes, among cramped chaotic streets, the history of the birth of Barcelona since Roman times is kept. The area is home to many old churches and buildings, such as the Gothic Cathedral, the Church of Santa Maria del Mar, the remains of buildings and structures of the Roman era and much more.

barcelona gaudi

A lot of things in Barcelona are connected with the name of the outstanding architect Antonio Gaudi - without his participation, we would not have known that delightful city that the capital of Catalonia is now. Gaudi lived all his life in Barcelona and put all his great talent, all his strength at the feet of his beloved city. Such creations of the architect as the houses of Mila and Batlló, Palace Güell, Park Güell and, of course, the famous Sagrada Familia are the main attractions of Barcelona and largely form its unique appearance.

Hill of Montjuic

Montjuic hill, which means "Jewish mountain", is a favorite place for tourists and residents of the city to walk. A large number of interesting sights are concentrated here, so you can safely allocate a whole day to explore this area. For a long time the hill was a strategic defensive point, as evidenced by the ancient fortress on its top. In anticipation of the 1929 World's Fair, the appearance Plaza de España, as well as the National Palace and the famous singing fountain, also called the Magic Fountain. In addition to all this, many interesting sports facilities built for the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992 are concentrated on the hill.

(SV. Spain), on the Mediterranean coast. 1506 thousand inhabitants (1998), in the agglomeration 3.5 million people. (the second largest city in Spain after Madrid). Founded on the site of the settlement of the Carthaginians (230 BC), then the Romans under the name Barcino (whence the name Barcelona). In the IX-XII centuries. is the capital of the county of the same name. Cult. center of Spain. Numerous architects. monuments of the 10th–19th centuries: a cathedral (Gothic), churches (Santa Maria del Mar, San Pablo del Campo); stock exchange, palaces (bishop's, former count's, etc.); parks, fountains, sculptures. There are many buildings built according to the designs of the world-famous architect Gaudí: Palace Güell (1885–89), the Sagrada Familia church (begun in 1884, being completed) and others. The Barceloneta fishing quarter, the Tibidabo peak with a funicular from which a magnificent panorama of the city opens. Monument to X. Columbus (60 m high). 3 un. Opera and ballet theatre, conservatory, bullrings. Museums: archeology, maritime, fine arts, modern art, the village-museum of archit. appearance of all regions. (Spain in miniature), etc. World Exhibitions of 1888 and 1929. (palaces, pavilions, gardens). Modern B. - large prom. agglomeration. Machining; text., chemical, cell.-paper., leather., food., optical, glass., cement. prom. Transp. node, port, intl. airport. Metropolitan. Intern. trade-industrial trade fairs. Tourism center. On SW. is prom. the suburb of Badalona is an important center of the text. industry and machinery; seaside resort.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


Barcelona (Barcelona) - main city Catalonia (cm. Catalonia) and the province of Barcelona, ​​the most important port and the second largest city in Spain (cm. Spain)(about 2 million inhabitants). This is one of the most beautiful Mediterranean cities. It is surrounded by mountains in a semicircle, on the slopes of which there are parks, recreation areas and places for viewing the panorama of the city, and from the east they are opened to the sea. The history of the city goes back many centuries. In 218, the Romans founded the colony of Barcino near Mount Montjuic. At the same time, excavations carried out in the 20th century showed that the Roman colony was not the first settlement on the territory of Barcelona. The Romans built fortress walls, the ruins of which have survived to this day. The walls surrounded the territory on which the cathedral is now located, San Jaime Square (Plaza de San Jaume) and Pi Square (Plaza de Pi). Around the Old Town in the Middle Ages, walls were erected twice more; until the end of the 18th century, Barcelona was considered a city bounded by them. Outside the walls, villages arose, which then became full-fledged areas of Barcelona - Sants (Sants), Sarria (Sarria), Gracia (Gracia). The exhibitions of 1888 and 1929 gave impetus to the development of the city, but the period of Franco's rule became a time of crisis for Barcelona. The 1992 Olympics held in Barcelona gave the city a new impetus.
The central part of Barcelona is divided into the Old Town - historical Center of the city, the region of Montjuic and the Eixample - an area that arose in the 19th century as a result of the expansion of the city to the north. Barcelona architecture combines the most diverse trends, but it gained worldwide fame thanks to the rapid development of Art Nouveau or Art Nouveau, the brightest representatives of which were the architects Josep Puig i Cadafalch, Domènech i Montenar and, perhaps, one of the most famous architects of the last two centuries , Antonio Gaudí i Cornet.

Old city
The old city, stretching along the Ramblas (Las Ramblas) is one of the most extensive and well-preserved architectural ensembles medieval Europe. The Gothic Quarter (Barri Gothic, Barri Gotic) with the Barcelona Cathedral, La Ribera district with the Picasso Museum, Parc de la Ciutadella, stands out especially here. The main architectural, including temple, monuments of the Old Town are located within the Gothic Quarter.
The very first cathedral on its territory was built in 985, during the conquest of the city by Almanzor. The construction of the Gothic cathedral with the Romanesque chapel of Capella de Santa Lucia (Capella de Santa Lucia) began in 1298 under Jaime (Jaume) II on the site of an old Visigoth settlement. The facade of the majestic cathedral was completed only in the 19th century, and the central spire - in 1913. All work was carried out according to the drawings of the French architect Charles Gaultier (1408). Two octagonal bell towers (1386-1393) stand out in the ensemble of the cathedral, the central nave, made in the style of Catalan Gothic, Capella del Santissim Sagrament (Capella del Santissim Sagrament) (chapel of the Holy Sacraments) with a 16th century crucifix "Christ Lepanto", Capella -de San Benet (Capella de San Benet), dedicated to the founder of the monastic order of the Benedictines. Under the main altar of the cathedral is a crypt with an alabaster sarcophagus (1339) of St. Eulalia, a Christian martyr of the 4th century, to whom the cathedral is dedicated. In the interior of the cathedral, one should note the seats in the choirs, the upper tier of which is decorated with images of the coats of arms of 12 knights.
One of the most revered churches in Barcelona is the Basilica de Santa Maria del Mar, designed in the Catalan Gothic style. Due to the excellent acoustics of the temple, concerts are often held in it. The church was built about 55 years. The stained-glass window of the western rose window (15th century) depicts the coronation of the Virgin Mary, the windows of the central and side aisles are decorated with stained-glass windows of the 15th - 18th centuries.
The most interesting monument of the Gothic Quarter is the House of the Archdeacon (Casa de l "Ardiaca), built in the 12th century on the foundation of a Roman fortress wall, and then rebuilt several times. The Archdeacon's House adjoins the cathedral. The architecture of the House intricately combined the features of Gothic and Renaissance. In the Art Nouveau era a marble mailbox carved with swallows and a tortoise by the architect Domènech y Montaner appeared at its entrance.
Royal Palace(Palau Reial Major) on Plaza del Rei (Plaza del Rei) was created in the 13th century as the residence of the Counts of Barcelona. A significant example of the Gothic of the 14th century is the Tinel Hall. Here Ferdinand and Isabella received Columbus, who returned from America. Later, the Most Holy Tribunal met in this hall.
Within the Gothic Quarter are the government buildings of Barcelona and Catalonia. The building of the town hall (Casa de la Ciutat) began to be built in the 14th century opposite the palace of the government of the Palau de la Generalitat, on the Plaza de Sant Jaume. At the entrance to the building there are two statues - one depicts Jaime (Jaume) I, who in 1249 granted the inhabitants of Barcelona the right to choose a city council, and the other - Joan Fiveller, who forced in the 1500s. city ​​nobility to pay taxes. Salo de les Croniques was created especially for the 1929 World's Fair.
The Catalan government has occupied the building of the Palau de la Generalitat since 1403. The facade of the building is designed in the Renaissance style, above the main entrance there is a statue of the patron saint of Catalonia - St. George. The late Catalan Gothic courtyard is decorated with sculptures by Marc Safont. The interior of the building is distinguished by the Sant Jordi chapel and the Salo de Sant Jordi hall, decorated by Pere Blai in the Italian spirit.
The oldest monument of civil architecture in Barcelona is the stock exchange (La Llotja), built around 1380 for the guild of Catalan merchant sailors. The building was rebuilt in 1771, until 1994 it housed a trade exchange. In 1849 - 1970. the upper floors of the building were occupied by the Academy of Fine Arts, whose audience included Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro.
Once in the Old Town, you can not miss Carrer Montcada Street, which has preserved all the features of medieval architecture. Above the pavement, the ledges of the roofs almost close, from which fantastic gargoyles look. Behind the massive wooden gates of the houses are delightful patios. In the 13th century, during the prosperity of Catalonia, the street was built up with Gothic mansions, almost all the buildings were rebuilt in the 17th century.
The center of the Old Town is the Ramblas (Las Ramblas), where life does not stop day or night. The Arabic word "rambla" means a dry riverbed - such channels in Catalan cities often turned into streets and that is why streets with the name "Rambla" are often found here. The Ramblas of Barcelona consists of several separate parts, the Rambla, including the Rambla de Canaletes, named after the fountain, and the Rambla dels Estudis, which was named after the first university in Barcelona - Estudis General (Estudis General). The Ramblas is 1.2 km long. The Ramblas is to Barcelona what the Arbat is to Moscow or Montmartre is to Paris. The Ramblas is home to the Liceu Opera House (Gran Teatre del Liceu), the La Boqueria Market (La Boqueria, translated as “The Abyss”), also known as the Mercat de Sant Josep Market, and several old mansions . At the beginning of the Ramblas, on Plaza de Catalunya (Plaza de Catalunya), there is the Canaletes Fountain (Font de Canaletes), cast in the last century from iron, and its completion is the 87-meter-high Columbus Monument (Monument a Colom), which dominates the entire port area, World Exhibition in 1888.
A little away from it stands the Church of Mercedes - the Mother of God "Mercy", the patroness of Barcelona. Among the buildings of the Ramblas, the Palau Guell mansion stands out, built in 1889 by Antoni Gaudí for his patron, the manufacturer Count de Güell. Inside the mansion, carved partitions, galleries and niches create a feeling of spaciousness. All furnishings have been preserved to this day. Among other attractions of the Ramblas, it is necessary to mention the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts (Reial Academia), Virreina Palace (Palau de Virreina), the Classicist Palace of Mozha (Palau Moja) with a magnificent courtyard, as well as the Plaza de la Broqueria (Plaza de la Broqueria), the pavement mosaic of which was made according to the drawings of Miro, and the Royal Square (Plaza Reial, Plaza Reial), whose lanterns were designed by Gaudí. In front of the Royal Square, there is Ferran Street (Carrera de Ferran), which goes into the Gothic Quarter, in one of the houses of which Joan Miro was born. Behind the Sant Josep market is Calle de Hospital, where the building of the oldest hospital in Barcelona, ​​the Hospital of the Holy Cross (Hospital de Santa Creu), built in 1401, is located. Currently, the hospital houses the richest collection of Catalan books.
To the west of the southern part of the Ramblas are the districts of El Raval (El Raval) and Chinatown (Barri Shines, Barri Shines). The 16th century mansion Casa de la Caritat (House of Mercy) houses Cultural Center. Next to it rises the building of the Barcelona Museum of Modern Art, built in 1995 by Richard Meyer. Immediately after the old customs, if you go down the Ramblas, the Old Port of the city (Port Vel, Port Vell) begins, converted into a harbor for pleasure boats. On the waterfront of the Moll de Barcelona (Moll de Barcelona) there is a marina for passenger ships and the World Trade Center. The Ramblas is connected to the Moll d'Espanya by a drawbridge and the Rambla de Mar pedestrian dam. On Mol d'España, the Maregagnum is built - a complex of restaurants, shops and cinemas, one of the best aquariums in Europe is located here. You can see the Barcelona harbor at the Old Port thanks to excursions on small ships called golondrinas ("swallows "") They dock at the steps of the embankment at the Plaza del Portal de la Pau (Plaza del Portal de la Pau). Golondrinas pass Montjuic mountain and enter the industrial port.
A significant monument of modern architecture in Spain is the Olympic Village (Vila Olimpica), built in Barcelona specifically for the 1992 Olympics on the site of the former port quarter. New houses were built on the lands of the former factory district, and the Nova Icaria park was laid out. Two 44-story skyscrapers were erected by the sea, one of them is occupied by offices, and the other by the Arts Hotel. A yacht club was built nearby (Port Olympic, Port Olimpic).
There are many museums and cultural monuments in the Old Town. One of the most significant is the Palace of Catalan Music (Palau de la Musica Catalana), located in the north of the Gothic Quarter. The architecture of the building and its decorative elements are made in the Art Nouveau style. This is the only one in Europe concert hall with natural light. It was designed by Luis Domenech y Montaner and built in 1908 on the site of a monastery that closed in the 19th century. The house is surrounded by mosaic columns with busts of Palestrina, Bach and Beethoven. The hall on the second floor is illuminated through a magnificent mosaic dome. The arch of the proscenium is decorated with two sculptures - Wagner and the Catalan composer Josep Anselm Clave, who participated in the creation of the Orfeo-Catala choral society.
One of the main attractions of the Old Town and Barcelona as a whole is the Picasso Museum (Museu Picasso), which occupies five mansions on Montcada Street - Meca, Berenguer d "Aguilar, Mauri, Finestres and Baro de Castellet. The basis of the museum, which opened in 1968 , was a collection of Picasso's friend Jaime Sabartes.Picasso's life has been connected with Barcelona from the moment when he moved here from his native Malaga at the age of 14. Picasso left for Paris at the age of 20, repeatedly returned to Barcelona, ​​but after the victory of Franco did not came to Spain. After the death of Sabartes, Picasso himself transferred many of his works to the museum, the collection of which was also replenished with the artist’s graphics and 141 works of his ceramics, a gift from his widow Jacqueline. Of particular interest in the museum’s exposition are the early works of Picasso. -Meninas", which is a grotesque interpretation of the painting of the same name by Velasquez.
In the Ciutadella Park area (Parc de la Ciutadella) is the Museum of Modern Art (Museu d "Art Modern), which contains works by masters of Catalan art of the 19th and 20th centuries, including paintings by Santiago Rusiñol and Ramon Casas, the pioneers of Catalan impressionism. In the collection The museum also presents works by Joaquim Mir, Isidre Nonel, Miquel Blei.
Noteworthy are the Barcelona Museum of the History of the City (Museu d "Historia), located in a Gothic building and the Museum Frederic Mares (Museu Frederic Mares), located in the Gothic Quarter. Of primary interest are valuable archaeological exhibits, for example, the remains of a Roman plumbing, fragments of Roman pavements and The second one was created by the famous sculptor and collector Mares, the museum building was previously part of the ensemble of the royal palace.In the collections of the Mares Museum, expositions of works of religious art of the Romanesque and Gothic periods stand out.
Other museums in Barcelona include the Geological Museum (Museu de Geologia), the Zoological Museum (Museu de Zoologia), Maritime Museum(Museu Maritim) in Drassanes. The latter is based on the Drassanes dry docks. Barcelona's docks are the largest surviving medieval docks in the world. Among the rowing ships built at Drassanes was the Real, the flagship of Juan of Austria, whose fleet defeated the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. Among the exhibits of the museum is an authentic travel map of Amerigo Vespucci.
Within the Old Town are the Ciutadella Park and the Zoo (Parc Zoologic). Ciutadella Park was created on the site of a former fortress built under Philip V after a 13-month siege of the city, which refused to recognize the rights of the Bourbons to the Spanish throne. In 1787, the fortress, which became a political prison, was demolished, the park was transferred to the city, it hosted the World Exhibition of 1888. Of the fortress ensemble, only three buildings have survived - the arsenal, which now houses the Parliament of Catalonia and the Museum of Modern Art, the Governor's Palace (now a school) and a chapel. The park is particularly attractive thanks to the cascade of fountains created by the architect Josep Fontsere with the participation of the young Gaudí. The cascade is topped by the Arc de Triomphe, the general view of the fountains resembles the Trevi Fountain in Rome.
Barcelona Zoo, one of the best in Europe, is located in the southern part of Ciutadella Park and was built in the 1940s. according to a special project - the animals are separated here not by cages, but by ditches with water. At the entrance to the zoo there is a sculpture of Roig y Soler "Lady with an umbrella", which has become a kind of symbol of Barcelona. The zoo's aquarium hosts dolphin and whale performances, of particular interest are the zoo's monkeys, including the famous albino gorilla Capito de nieves (Snowflake).

The Eixample district arose after the decision was made in 1854 to expand Barcelona (“eixample” in Catalan means “expansion”). Here are located greatest monuments era of modernity. According to the plan drawn up by Ildefons Cerda y Sunyer, the streets of the new quarters were to intersect at right angles, with the exception of Avinguda Diagonal and Avinguda de Gaudi, connecting the Plaza de la Sagrada Familia ( Plaza de la Sagrada Familia) and the Hospital de la Santa Creu I de Sant Pau built by the famous Catalan architect Domenca i Montaner.
The most famous creation of European Art Nouveau and the most famous architectural monument of Eixample is the Sagrada Familia Church (Church of the Holy Family, Sagrada Familia) by the great architect Antonio Gaudi. The construction of the church began in 1889, but only the Nativity façade was completed during Gaudí's lifetime; after the architect's death, construction continued according to his drawings, however, the civil war prevented its completion. By 1954, the original plans of Gaudí were restored and work on the temple continued, but to this day there are disputes about the reliability of the reconstruction. The façade of the Nativity, completed by Gaudí in 1904, embodies the images of Faith, Hope and Mercy. The sculptural compositions on the portals depict scenes of the birth of Christ and his childhood. The opposite facade of the temple - the facade of the Passion of Christ was completed in 1980 under the direction of Josep Maria Subirax. The buildings made during Gaudí's lifetime include the apse, the altar canopy and the crypt. In the crypt is the grave of Gaudi, a service is held here. An altar has not yet been installed under the altar canopy. It is planned to complete the construction of the temple with the construction of the nave and the southern facade of Glory, which should become the main entrance. The finished building should take the form of a Latin cross in plan, and the upper galleries should be supported by many carved columns.
Most of the Eixample Art Nouveau architectural monuments are concentrated in the so-called Golden Square (Quadrat d "Or), formed by blocks around Passeig de Gracia Avenue. In the southwestern part of the Golden Square is the Discord Quarter (Illa de la Discordia) , a real open-air museum with a variety of monuments of Art Nouveau, including Casa Lleo Morera (Casa Lleo Morera) - the first residential building built by Luis Domenech i Montaner, Casa Amatller (Casa Amatller) by the architect Puig i Cadafalchi (now The building houses the Amatller Institute of Spanish Art, as well as the Casa Batllo, Gaudí's creation, with its characteristic rounded façade lines and convex lattice balconies.
One of the most famous monuments Art Nouveau of the Golden Square, Eixample and Barcelona in general is Casa Mila (Casa Mila, or La Pedrera, La Pedrera - a quarry) - Gaudí's most important contribution to the architecture of the city. The building is located on the Passeig de Gracia and was built between 1906 and 1910. The design of this eight-story corner building included two round courtyards for ventilation and the first underground garage in Barcelona. There is not a single even wall in the whole building, the outer walls are not decorated with anything, they are decorated only with bizarre balcony lattices created by Josep Maria Jujol. The roof of the house is crowned with amazing chimneys and ventilation pipes, which the inhabitants of the city jokingly call "a scarecrow for witches."
On Avinguda Diagonal Street there is another significant monument of Eixample architecture - the Casa Terrades residential building, built in 1903-1905. designed by Puig i Cadafalca. Because of the six pointed towers at the corners, the house is often called the "House of Needles" (Casa de les Punches). This is the largest of all the buildings erected by Puig i Cadafalch. The style of Casa Terrades is eclectic - it combines the features of Gothic and Renaissance. Typical for Art Nouveau is the combination of red brick and lighter stone, from which the carved floral ornament on the facade is made.
In the northeastern district of Eixample is the Hospital de la Santa Creu y de Sant Pau, which began to be designed by Domènech y Montaner in 1902 and completed by his son Pere in 1930 . Instead of the usual hospital wards, the architect conceived to build 26 graceful pavilions in the Mudéjar style, surrounded by trees. Service rooms and corridors are located underground. The pavilions are richly decorated: the towers are decorated with ceramic tiles, the waiting room is decorated with mosaics and sculptures by Pablo (Pau) Gargallo.
On the territory of the Golden Square is one of the most interesting museums Barcelona - Tapies Museum (Fundacio Antoni Tapies), which exhibits the work of one of the most famous contemporary abstract artists, Antoni Tapies. The building of the museum is quite remarkable - it is the first house in Barcelona built of metal structures. Passeig de Gracia, which runs along the Golden Square, is home to the most famous fashion houses, clothing stores and boutiques. For example, Adolfo Dominges is a store of classic men's and women's clothing, while Arman Basi sells high-quality footwear for recreation and sports. Vincon is also located here - one of the largest shops in Barcelona selling interior items. It is easy to choose a gift for every taste here.

Montjuic Mountain area (the name, according to one version, means "Jewish mountain", since there was once a Jewish cemetery here, and according to another version, it is connected with the fact that the Romans built a temple of Jupiter on it, giving it the name Mount Iovis - Mount Jupiter), located in the southern part of the city near trading port, represents a concentration of significant cultural monuments, museums, attractions and nightclubs. In 1640, a castle was built on Mount Montjuic; for a long time, no housing was built here due to difficulties with water supply. In 1929, Montjuic became the center of the World Exhibition, then Aviguda de la Reina Cristina Avenue (Aviguda de la Reina Cristina) was laid, in the center of which is the famous magic fountain with color illumination. Behind it is the National Palace in the Museum of Art. On Montjuic, there is the so-called Spanish Village (Poble Espanyol) - a complex of rural houses that house various souvenir shops and craft workshops. For the 1992 Olympics, modern sports facilities were built on Montjuic.
Montjuic is a great walking place, from here you can see a beautiful view of the city. The architecture of Montjuic is characterized by eclecticism, for example, the traditional rural architecture of Spain dominates in the Spanish Village, and the building of the Fundacio Miró Museum is built in an emphatically modern style. At the top of Mount Montjuic is a castle (Castell de Montjuic)) of the 18th century. For the first time, the castle was built on this site in 1640, then it was demolished in 1705 by order of Philip V. The modern castle was built under the Bourbons. After the civil war, it was used as a prison and currently houses the Museum of Military History.
The Spanish village was created with the aim of presenting typical Spanish architectural styles and folk crafts. All of its 116 houses represent a miniature model of Spain. Famous artists and architects worked on the creation of the Spanish Village. In its stores and shops they sell glassware, ceramics, figurines and damaskinados - Toledo jewelry with a gold notch. In the "Towers of Avila" (Torres de Avila), through which you can get to the Spanish village, is placed the famous night club with interiors designed by renowned designers A. Arrabis and H. Mariscal.
On Passeig Olimpic is the Olympic Stadium (Estadi Olimpic de Montjuic), built by 1992 on the basis of the former stadium created by Domènech i Roura for the "alternative" Olympic Games in 1936, which did not take place due to the civil war. The modern stadium can accommodate 70,000 people. Next to it is the Palace of Sant Jordi (Palau Sant Jordi).
wonderful architectural monument of the modern era is the Pavilion Mies van der Rohe (Pavello Mies van der Rohe), created as the German Pavilion for the World Exhibition of 1929 by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, head of the avant-garde school of artists and designers "Bauhaus". In the pavilion stands the famous Barcelona chair of his work. The building was demolished after the closing of the exhibition and then rebuilt on the centenary of the birth of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
The National Museum of Catalan Art (Museu Nacional d "Art de Catalunya) is located in the magnificent building of the National Palace (Palau Nacional), which was built for the World Exhibition of 1929. The museum houses the largest collection of Romanesque art in Europe. Frescoes of the 12th century are especially impressive, transferred from the churches of the Pyrenees.The exhibits of the Gothic period are collected from all over Spain.The works of the Catalan masters Luis Dalmau and Jaume Huguet (15th century) are of considerable value.In the expositions of the museum, which tell about the art of the Baroque and Renaissance, the works of El Greco, Velazquez and Zurbaran stand out In front of the Palau Nacional is the Magic Fountain on Avinguda da la Reina Maria Cristina Avenue, which is dominated by two 47-meter bell towers designed by R. Raventos, between which was the entrance to the World's Fair in 1929.
Another significant museum on Montjuic is the Fundacio Joan Miro, associated with the work of the famous Catalan artist Joan Miro. One of the founders of surrealism, Miró has always been a fan of Catalan art. In 1975, after the decline of Franco's regime, Miro's friend, the architect Josep Luis Sert, designed a building with natural light for a permanent exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculpture. Miró donated many of his works to the museum, including the Barcelona Cycle (1939-1944), consisting of 50 black and white lithographs.
The Ethnological Museum (Museu Etnologic) and the Museum of Archeology (Museu Arqueologic) on Montjuic are also of interest. The first contains exhibits from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania. The exposition of the Museum of Archeology, located in the Palace of Graphic Arts, covers the period from prehistoric times to the rule of the Visigoths. The oldest exhibit of the museum is a statue of the 4th century BC. "Lady of Ibiza" from the excavations of the Carthaginian necropolis on the island of Ibiza.

The outskirts of Barcelona are the most modern areas of the city, they were built up in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Then the main station of Sants was renovated, next to it were the parks of Industrial Spain (Parc d "Espanya Industrial) and Joan Miro Park (Parc Joan Miro). Parc El Clot Park is distinguished by its ultramodern layout New National Theatre.
On western outskirts Barcelona is the Royal Palace of Pedralbes (Palau Reial de Pedralbes), named after the famous Barcelona monastery. This building, formerly the estate of Eusebio Güell, was rebuilt in 1919 as a royal residence. The palace has been open for tours since 1937. It houses the expositions of the Museum of Decorative Arts and the Museum of Ceramics.
In the northwest of Barcelona is architectural complex Monastery of Santa Maria de Pedralbes. The monastery was founded in 1326 by Elisenda de Moncada de Pinhos, the fourth wife of Jaume II, King of Aragon and Catalonia. The cells, refectory, kitchen and hospital of the monastery have been perfectly preserved. Particularly interesting is the Chapel of Michael the Archangel (Capella de Sant Miquel, Capella de Sant Miquel), where the wall painting depicting the Passion of Christ and the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary was made by Ferrer Bassa (1346). In 1989, the monastery was donated 60 paintings from the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection, which are currently on display in the former monastery dormitory.
On the outskirts of Barcelona are parks and other attractions loved by the residents of the city and its guests. Any fan of contemporary art must visit the Joan Miro Park, also known as the Parc de l "Escoshador, from the name of the city's slaughterhouse -" Escoshador ". The park is divided into two levels, on the top is Miro's famous sculpture "Woman and Bird" (1983). No less interesting is the Industrial Park of Spain, broken in 1986. The park, which attracts with its composition, exhibits the work of six contemporary sculptors, including Andreas Nagel.
In 1922, Parc Guell was opened, created by Gaudi and declared by UNESCO as part of the world cultural heritage. Gaudí was going to build 60 buildings in this park, especially the Hundred Columns Hall, which, according to the project, was supposed to serve as a place for the market. Fans all over the world know football stadium"Camp Nou" (Camp Nou) and the Museum of the football club "Barcelona" - one of the most popular in Europe. The museum displays portraits and statues of Barcelona's most famous players commissioned for the Blau Grana Biennial, an exhibition honoring the club in 1985 and 1987.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .

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