Strange houses of Vietnamese rich (9 photos). Features of Vietnam - Our observations are traditional Vietnamese homes

We live in the usual Vietnamese area, not in the closed quarter for foreigners. Our house is nine-story and stands in the depths of the quarter, so no noise from the road is heard. Is that in the evening children play the ball, and in the morning they saw the iron in the next workshop :) Nine-story houses are not so common here, as in Russia, there are four and five-story buildings around. The whole house belongs to one rich Vietnamese family. House they built for themselves. The family consists of a husband (he trades the plumbing), his wife (she housewife is engaged in the affairs of the removals) and daughters of 14-15 years old. Daughter walks in a French lyceum, speaks freely in English and French. One of the hostess's sons is studying in Singapore, the other in America.

On the first floor there is a huge hall in which cars are put (three pieces are placed), mopeds and bicycles. There lived a dog Mil (accent on y). During the day, the doors are kept open, and a dog wandered into the hall one day in the hall. She was trying to tremble, she did not leave. Then she decided to feed and still to drive. The dog was placed and equipped forever. The hostess said that according to believing, the animal who came to the house brings a good luck to the house. Dog bought a rug and a jumpsuit. The guard walks with her in the morning and evenings.

Still in the lobby constantly stare toilet bowls, from which we concluded that the owner trades plumbing. 6 days a week on the first floor sits a guard. The guard has an extra bed, microwave, kettle, TV. The features of the guard - "not to bother" of the same, open the doors to us striking at night, take the mail, parcel, water, helping to load plumbing, wash the masters of the owners.

On the second and third floors there is a warehouse of plumbing. Whether who lives on the fourth, I do not know. On the fifth we live our neighbors, the German-Vietnamese couple. Flashlights of the Vietnamese live on the sixth, which at 6 am can start washing the floor. On the seventh and eighth floor there is a two-level owner apartment. The house serves a security guard, two maids and a wide profile repairman.

Interestingly arranged security system. Apartments are fend off from the overall staircase with lattice doors, the keys are only at the tenants. On a common inter-storey area is a hanger for drying linen. Here is my dress will dry.

That is, even if someone else's person falls on the common house staircase, he will not be able to go to the apartment. For the same purpose, the elevator works only on cards. A card must be attached to the reader and press the floor button. Each card has different levels of tolerance. We live on the 5th floor, and with the help of our card you can only get on the 1st, 5th and 9th floor. The guard and the maid card always with you, on the neck, and they have admission to any floor.

About Vietnamese maids often say that they are unclean in hand, and if you do not follow things, then you can lose anything. The company's chat is often complaints that breaths or cosmetics disappeared after cleaning, minor money. Theft up to 500 thousand dong ($ 25) is considered an administrative violation, over this amount - criminal. We do not have such problems, because our maids are not from the company (where they do not follow them), but from the hostess that keeps them in the cord. Our maids do not even take chocolates and minor money that I'm trying to give them. Nevertheless, for calm, we brought safe.

Our apartment consists of a kitchen-living room, two bedrooms and two toilets. It costs 900 dollars a month, the company pays the whole amount. The price includes: Actually an apartment, water supply and drainage, Internet (Wi-Fi), cleaning 2 times a week. For electricity and drinking water (in bottles) we pay yourself, separately.
Living room


All windows are burned. In the Hanoi lattice have every floor on any floor. This is due to frequent households. We still have very bad with kinds. Our kitchen comes out on the backs of another street, and our window in the bedroom goes to the balcony of the German-Vietnamese couple. Because of this, the bedroom is always dark that in general, it's not bad, because there we are just sleeping.

On the 9th floor there is a public zone: a garden and a room with karaoke. There you can give guests, friends, meet with neighbors. Bonsai, hibiscus, citruses and chickens grow in the garden. Yes, chickens! Because Vietnamese can leave the village, and there is no village from Vietnamese :) And when I asked the hostess when they eaten these chickens (maybe in Chinese New Year Celebrate?), She was very indignant and said that the chickens were living there for communication! To admire, stroke and feed. And she buys in the village for food. Another 9th is a common water heater and a satubrel for cooking barbecue and other joys.

My favorite chair.

Rocking and hibiscus.




About trash. Stationary tanks are not here. I think this is due to the fact that in such a climate the garbage would instantly become a source of rats, mice and diseases. Rats, by the way, here is there. In the evening, they can be seen who shyly running in the alley. Each resident puts his bag with garbage to the threshold of the house or refers to the specified location (under the board with information for the area), so that it takes it away every 3-4 hours. The arrival of the garrist is marked by a beautiful ringing of the bell. The last time the garbage is relatively late, at 9.30. Sorting garbage tenants there is no. There are people who collect waste paper, there are harmonious electronics. The garbered most often women (but also men are also found) with drawers on wheels. Having gained a full drawer of the garbage, the garbage will take him into the nearest point of garbage collection, "garbage truck arrives there and takes garbage. The garbers themselves sort the garbage for some unknown categories, silent it by packages.

Just recently, we returned from a two-week journey in Vietnam, which produced a very positive impression on us.

Recently, we prefer to spend in new country At least a month, to get to know its culture better, but about Vietnam we heard so many diverse (including many negative) reviews, which decided to meet a couple of weeks.

Already literally from the first days of the journey, we regretted so little time, because Vietnam, undoubtedly, deserves much more close attention, so that we decided that it was definitely not the last meeting.

Despite the fact that we spent only two weeks in the country, we tried to pay attention to the details at the maximum and notice interesting features. Such features turned out so much that we decided with them and start our stories about Vietnam.

We managed to capture only the southern part of the country, so our observations are not generalizing, but concern only the places we visited.

Arriving in Vietnam, we instantly became "dong millionaires" - the local currency is called Vietnamese dongs and its course is 1 USD \u003d 21 100 VND, i.e. For $ 100 we received more than 2 million dong. 1000 VND \u003d 1.57 RUB and in order to quickly navigate in price, you can drop 3 scratch and multiplied by 1.5 - it turns out a rough cost in rubles.

One of the remarkable features of the Dongs is that they are not made of paper, but from thin plastic and, therefore, their service life is much higher - they in the fire are not lit and in the water do not sneak Do not rush and do not break. At each bill depicted the Vietnamese analogue of Lenin - Grandpa Ho Chi Minh.


The most popular dish in Vietnam is pho soup, with rice noodles, sprouts of beans, mint and basil. Usually, it is done with beef, it also happens with chicken and fish, but at the base, while, most often, it is also used by beef broth.

In addition to rice, Vietnamese do not alien and bakery products - the consequences of French colonization are felt. Various pastry and diverse pastries and French baguetas are quite popular. The latter are especially popular - often in the stores we saw a queue, arranged to grab hot bread straight from the stove. They also sell them in markets, minibogets are used by special demand.

It is worth noting that in tourist places, Vietnamese cuisine is very diverse - here you can try the steaks from the crocodile or ostrich, eat the heart of the cobra, frogs, not to mention the diversity of seafood. We tried frogs and crocodile meat 🙂

Another popular dish is "Hot Pot" (hot pot). More precisely, it is not even a dish, but a whole process that is fascinating independent cooking soup right at the table, in a pot on a gas tiles. We ate them with seafood and fish, but hot sweats with beef, again, are greater popularity.

Basically, Vietnamese dishes (with the exception of numerous seafood and fish), the locals eat every day - an amateur

We still have a separate culinary post dedicated to Vietnamese cuisine, so all the secrets will not give out now 🙂

One of the features that we immediately rushed into the eyes are local cafes in which, very often, small, "children's" chairs and tables - looks like a dining room in kindergarten


Vietnam will definitely like the fruit lovers - their choice here is 1.5 more than in. Sell \u200b\u200bthem in fruit shops or with hands / bicycles, we embarrassed with pink and starry (yoghurt) apples, Durians, Mangostes, Rambutans and Mango, tried 2 new fruits - Sugar Apple (Annon)

and a variety of melon with a non-prosecable name, we will soon add them to our book " Asian exotic"

In local markets, traders, sometimes, called us as foreigners, prices 2 above. To find out the real price, we usually asked for buyers, and often, in this case, the sellers began to swear on such prompts that prevent them from doing business.

For example, in the Malat, we refused to sell strawberries at a price for local - according to their logic it turned out that it was better not to sell the goods at all than selling it to the Europeans at a conventional price.
Fortunately, not all sellers are, and usually we bought fruit at adequate prices.

In network supermarkets, fruit prices are also good, sometimes lower than in the markets. So, for example, in Malat there is "Big C", known to us by more - vegetables / fruits / seafood there and local buy, then prices are justified. By the way, the prices for fruit, in general, in Vietnam lower than in.


Vietnam is a real paradise for coffee makers, coffee consumption is erected here in the rank of cult. There is even a traditional way to prepare this attractive drink, in a nutshell and not describe - in the near future I will release a separate article about the Coffee Traditions of Vietnam, where everyone will tell about everything in detail (in order not to miss, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates).

Looking ahead, I want to say that we are not at all coffee makers, in the usual life of coffee they drink quite rarely, once every 1-2 weeks and more often cappuccino and mocke. But on this trip, "covered us")) I drank 2 cups per day, and a couple of kilograms bought with it

Vietnamese know a sense in coffee, drink it very strong, in small doses, most often with condensed milk and almost always - with ice

We, not accustomed to such a fortress, almost always diluted a little.

Oh, yes - that we still liked it very much, so this is what when ordering coffee, almost everywhere, free brings green tea, or 2 cups or a whole kettle


Throughout the route, we stayed in small cozy hotel, guesthouses - all rooms, even in Saigon managed to us $ 10. At the same time, we did not try to save (if desired, it would be possible to find and cheaper) - just chose at the comfort and always received a room with air conditioning, a refrigerator, TV, Wi-Fi, a balcony, towels (which were also changed every day) , hygiene objects (soap, toothpaste, dental brushes) and sneakers \u003d)

By the way about the sneakers 🙂 Vietnamese - so called not only Vietnam women, but also slaps (they are shale). They are so popular here, which is necessarily eating in almost any hotel, we, every time there were blue, apparently this is a general standard. Very convenient, especially traveling light, detect the slap in the room - we went to the beach in them and went on excursions to the islands.

An interesting architectural feature - Guesthouses in Vietnam, often, are a narrow building, wide in one room-room, often build back to each other, so that common walls are obtained. From the side it even seemed to us that we were one building, and in fact - these are 4 different guesthouses


The South China Sea, which we saw in Vietnam, unfortunately, did not dare to our soul.

For the first time we met him in the town of Vungtau, which is 100 km south of Ho Chi Minh. The sea there is gray and ugly, and the beaches are sleeping by crowds of people - this is the closest resort to southern capitalso the metropolitan residents chose local beaches, on the weekend it does not push around at all.

The beaches are not very well-groomed, for one and a half day in the city, we managed to see the main, but to swim, and thoughts did not arise

The beaches in Muin, we also didn't like it very much - this is Mecca for KiteSerfers, here is a great wind and waves, and for those who are not fond of kite, this, in our opinion, is far from the best place

The beach is long, well suited for running, but the sea at the shore is some gray, and landscapes are completely unattractive.

In general, Muin is a fishing village, on the range with not comparing, of course, but look at the morning catch we, yet, came

Perhaps this is necessary to go to the north of the country, in the Halong Bay, but something according to the reviews of travelers and there is not everything so beautiful and wonderful, as the guidebooks describe.

From the point of view of infrastructure, the beach line is good, which is quite suitable for tourists coming from winter. We already, apparently, have seen it, and we expect to see the next incredible beauty of the paradise coves.

But we liked the beach in Nha Trang, more,

despite the fact that it is urban - there and the color of water is surprisingly beautiful, and the sand is pleasant, though yellow. The beach is clean, wide, very long, and the most interesting, very alive, especially in the morning - this will probably be a separate post

There are also beaches and beyond the city, we did not go there, but something tells that there should be not bad.

Most Vietnamese tourists and at all did not get into the water, limiting the boat trip with a transparent bottom.


Here are completely ambiguous conclusions - on the one hand, we met many benevolent Vietnamese, and not only, but also simple local residents. On the other hand, they often met and indifferent, with gloomy persons, and at all embittered something.

Even in the tourist service, where it would seem, income is directly tied to attitudes towards tourists, not all of this take. There are, for example, those who are well-owning Russian, the hospital, smile, was mainly with guides in Muin and Nha Trang. Or velaiks, offering to ride around the city - completely and night broke into a smile and did not oppose photos

And there was such that even at the hotel at the reception or at the station at the checkout, we were simply not understood and did not even try to understand. From us just lazily shook out and did not want to decide - they were easier for them not to sell the room at the hotel or a bus ticket and continue to pick in the nose, how to try to somehow understand white tourist, Help him and at the same time earn it myself.

So, one day, was done by us tourist bus (late, by the way, for 40 minutes). We stood right on the road and even mad to the driver of the tickets, but he, for some reason, ignored us, although the transfer from the hotel was agreed. When we, bothering at speeds, threesome on a moped with a travel agency and backpacks, caught up with a bus, the driver swore very much, claiming that I had not seen us 🙂

In the sphere of sale, those sellers who have bought something, smiled, or, at least, did not turn away from the camera,

and many reacted in the style - "do not buy, so nothing to photograph"

Whether it is in, for them, the photo "White" is an additional plus to karma))

In Saigon, we met with different - benevolent, attentive guys interested in other culture, and perfectly spent time together.

If not to talk about the Vietnamese themselves, we met with Russian guys, someone has long lived in Vietnam entirely and completely in love with him, and someone like we traveled, and with those and others we gladly spent time together , chatted, dinner, drank coffee.


Vietnam pleased us, including their culture. We always try to find a certain ideal (for us) Balance between civilization and color - I want to, at the same time, and comfort and culture, but, unfortunately, these are two opposite poles. For example, in - everything is very civilized, but almost no identity remains, and in - everything is exactly the opposite.

For us, the optimal ratio has so far, but Vietnam also seemed interesting in this regard. Small nationalities survived in the villages,

pioneers in ties,

street shoppers in triangular straw hats, traditional games in Domino and Checkers,

coffee and cafes with "toy" chairs - all these signs that globalization is also spreading increasingly and wider, but moving on planet uneven steps.


the names and menu in restaurants are duplicated in Russian. Even in the Indian restaurant we brought us a menu in which the names of Indian dishes were used to us with Russian translation.


On long-distance long movements (more than 4 hours), the buses-Slippers are popular, with folding shelves in 2 floors - it is convenient to overcome long distances in them. Surprised that when landing in such buses, you need to go out 🙂

We had one nightly 6-hour crossing and one day 5.5 hours, the remaining distances were shorter, we were overcome in the usual seating buses. Travel is cheap, 200 km stands, about 130 rubles.

We passed on public transport In the city, travel from 8 rubles, usually the price depends on the distance, and by taxi, according to European standards, it turned out to be quite cheap (5 km, we paid 80,000 dongs - 120 rubles).

Also, very popular mototaxi, the price is negotiable. Mototaxists love to sleep, directly in their workplace, during the trip we have a whole selection of such a "sleepy kingdom" formed))

In more or less major cities Veloriksh saw, whose type constantly reminded us by India \u003d)

In Vietnam, motorbikes are extremely popular, they are much more than cars. This is especially felt in the southern capital, Ho Chi Minh City, where they constitute the overwhelming mass of traffic

At first, it seemed to us that the road to go was simply impossible - a pedestrian crossing for motorcyclists, like an empty place)) But we quickly understood that you could go through the road completely anywhere - the main thing is to go confidently and slowly. Motorcyclists are very maneuble, will definitely turn, the main thing is not to be nervous and not accelerate a step. So every time moving the road, we seemed to make a little feat))

IN modern cities, especially among young people, popular fashion electrobics, well, people aged prefer ordinary city bikes

As a child, I painted the house as follows: Square with a window, a roof triangle and a pipe with smoke curls. Show such a drawing of the Vietnamese baby, he will not immediately understand that it is. First, in Vietnam it is hot and there is no stoves or chimney pipes. And secondly, typical houses are narrow, like pencils, with a flat roof and a huge goal instead of windows and doors.

Socialist Vietnamese Society officially does not have a caster, but appearance At home you can immediately determine the position of the owner. And the point is not in marble columns or how many floors by the mansion, but in the form of a house.

Higher estates - officials, military, police and priests - do not have problems with Earth. She goes free of charge.

The buildings belonging to them are usually elongated along the road, and even recessed deep into the area of \u200b\u200bthe area. The priests prefer to surround their homes with green plantings, and officials and military cars.

The main thing - closer to the road

The trading person is forced to pay for the land of Stridor, because it is important to business in the most lively parts of the city. There are money from businessmen, so the houses of bankers and merchants stretch to a few floors. Well, simple ordinary people make their narrow houses where it fell, if only the road.

Before B. South-East Asia There were few real roads. People built bamboo huts near the sea or large riversused as transport highways. If earlier Vietnamese fed the river, then today - the road. As soon as the authorities are paving new road, along it, begins to appear at home. And any roadside house can be turned into a source of income. Most of the population has its own small business - shop, cafe, hairdresser or repair shop - right on the first floor of the house. And all family members are from a 5-year-old baby to an 80-year-old grandmother - automatically become attendants. Official wages in Vietnam are very small, and pensions are rare at all, so each family tries to work as it can.

It is more convenient and most profitable to make the door-gate houses went on a lively street, where many potential buyers. Therefore, the areas of the road are several times more expensive, and in large cities - ten times. The houses are built narrow and long, sometimes in the width of the facade - no more than two meters, and in length - all twenty.

Unlike the previous "bamboo" times today, a typical Vietnamese house is cast from concrete. An exception is at home around brick plants, looking at which you might think that the salary here is issued by the produced products. In the villages near such plants, even swelling and brick sorts. In the rest of Vietnam, all of the concrete: government agencies, private houses, temples and even the statues of Buddha. There are many in the country cement factoriesSo this building material is inexpensive.

From concrete here make a very beautiful stucco. The facades of many houses are decorated with images of horses, eagles, colors and other things. A similar image like the Latin motto on herbs in medieval knights, determines the spirit of the family. Eagles for human, aggressive people, suit both military and gangsters. Horses - for merchants, pigeons and flowers - for peaceful people. The image of the Virgin Mary is for Catholics, the Yin-Yang sign - for ethnic Chinese.

Moving with the graves of ancestors

An ordinary residential building is divided into several zones. The first is the hall whose doors come out. In the afternoon, this room can be a shop, and a cafe, and at night is being made a regular living room. The family spends most of the time in the living room, so there are two "red corners" at once. One of them is a TV, in another - altar with photos of ancestors.

The memory of the ancestors in Vietnam is more than the saints. Even atheists and communists at home there are altars with yellowed photographs of long-dead relatives or with a board, where the names of the ancestors are carved by Chinese hieroglyphs used in Vietnam to the XIX century. From the point of view of Vietnamese, the ancestors have no less power than even the Buddha or the Goddess of Mercy Guanin. But the gods are often busy, and they can always turn to the ancestors - they will not refuse. The Vietnamese prefer to live where their ancestors are buried, and if the need makes moving to another city, then it happens, roll the graves and take their native bones with them to get buried next to the new home.

In the house itself, as a rule, it is dark in the living room there is no windows, the light gets only through the open gate. During the midday heat, Siesta comes, and their homework sleep in the middle of the hall in the hammocks or right on the cool tile floor.

In a narrow house, all rooms are also elongated, a long and narrow corridor leads from the living room, from which the tiny bedroom rooms are departed. There are also no windows in the bedrooms, so they are similar to monastic cells. If they do not have an air conditioner, then the day there is still very stuffy. The corridor rests on the kitchen, occasionally being spacious, but more often - tiny. So dinner and dinner still fall in the hall.

Even if only one person lives in the Vietnamese home, which is rare, there are always many inhabitants. In the house there are also lizards-gecko, spiders, beetles, moshkara - they are allotted by walls. Cockroaches were attracted in the plumbing pipes, but not small Russian, but large tropical - with tremendous effort and thick chitinovy \u200b\u200bshell - not every broom will take. The chipmunks jump around the iron roofs, and sometimes very noisy, creating a straight apocalyptic roar at night. To visit the courtyard, poisonous snakes and scrolls are often covered, but they can be expelled by a broom. The same main attack - ants. They pave their trails everywhere. Ants are wonderful logists, they know how and where to deliver bread crumbs or dead dragonflies, their actions are debited and accurate. Ants adore sugar, so in those Vietnamese homes where there is no refrigerator, the sugarists put in a saucer with water. And in any case, the food garbage does not store at home, but take out to the street.

Spirit neighbors

Vietnamese house does not stop even at night. He buzzes, creaks, rustles, stuffing, whistles and clicks. In addition to the wildlife, there are otherworldly in it. For example, the spirit of the first owner of the Earth on which the house stands. It may be a ancestor of the current homeowner or an extraneous person who sold this house a hundred years ago. But he was the first on this earth and remained her owner forever. In the courtyard of the house, Vietnamese build another altar, similar to a large concrete nest. To delete the spirit of the "host", the altar is decorated with flowers, flashes aromatic sticks, put a plate with fresh fruit. "The owner", as the Russian house, protects the house from the misfortune.

In the courtyard at home, in front of the entrance or on the balcony there are flowers or dwarf bonsai trees in pots. According to the tradition of Feng Shui, it is believed that they help attract the vitality of "qi". If enough in the house of this energy, the inhabitants are guaranteed health and happiness. If not, then you can get sick. Therefore, at least one pot, but needed. And sometimes you can see how the whole courtyard is made with floral vases.

Vietnamese home is almost like a living being. It rarely is beautiful, but often friendly. In Vietnam somehow you believe that the concrete box has a soul. Or maybe not. But the spirits in it live for sure.

From "AIF. Without borders "â„– 24, 2012

The width of the facades of such houses - 3-3.5 m

Unlike neighboring countries Indochina houses in Vietnam were rarely built on piles. In former times, the construction of the house began with the construction of a wooden frame of the entire building along with the roof, and then proceeded to filling the walls. Materials for the walls of the house served boards, shields made of braided bamboo or clay, mixed with straw. Currently, these materials are almost completely displaced by bricks. However, a bamboo remains one of the utility buildings.

Due to the warm climate, the house for Vietnamese is not a critical parameter of life, which it is in the Northern countries. However, since ancient times, he performed such functions as protection against bad weather, wild animals, outsiders.

Private residential buildings

In today's Vietnam, private houses have two to four floors. The width of the house is 3-6 meters. In the depths of the yard, it stretches to 20 meters. This is explained by the desire of everyone to have a way out. Where spaces are more, the houses are more diverse and not crowded as in big cities. The construction of cottages, compared to Russia, is very cheap. There is no need for the construction of deep foundations, insulation of gender and ceiling of mineral wool. The wall thickness is 10-20 cm, that is, as the builders say, "in one brick" or even "in Polkirpich".
From the streets in the house pass through a wide four-dimensional massive inlet wooden door. These doors are simple, but often it is a work of art with carvings and it is difficult to say that this is: part of the design or furniture. Through the door you immediately get into the living room. Here is a sofa, a table for green tea, a buffet with dishes, TV. IN good weather The door is open and clean air with the smells of fruits from the garden penetrates the living room. IN hot weather People often sleep in the yard.
The number of rooms in the house, most often, even.
The main room has a family altar ancestors. This room is decorated better than others. Often there are columns that are also decorated with patterns and patterns.

In the southern one settlement Vietnam - the village of Mui (in translation means Cape) Province of Kamau people live at all without entrance doors, although there are consumer electronics and other things in homes. In the village for many years of its existence there was a certain mentality of confidence in each other. Warm tropical climate also does not cause the need to be corrected from fresh air. Nearby is the year-round warm sea surrounding the village from three sides.

In those villages where the old structure was preserved, economic buildings are erected in the courtyards: kitchen, chill, chicken coop. In most families, a small altar of ancestors is installed in the house, beautiful and carefully separated. Each each attached a plank in memory of ancestors covered with gold and red varnish. There are many old houses in the countryside, which over a hundred years. These houses require repairs, but the standard of living in villages is much lower than in cities.

On a separate page, you can see photos of houses of different types.

House and life

Refrigerators in Vietnam are still not much common. Therefore, food reserves in the house can be in the form of rice, dried fruit. Drinking water is stored in stainless steel tanks placed on a flat part of the roof of the house.

In Vietnam, a house is often a place for small businesses. On the first floor there are benches and shops, hairdressers, all sorts of repair shops, computer rooms, dental and massage rooms, cafes. On the second-third, or even the fourth floors of the house - directly residential premises. At the same time, these institutions work from early morning until late evening. The lunch break falls on the hottest time of the day and lasts about from 11 to 14 hours. At this time it is customary to sleep. The hammock can pull between the trees on the street, between the fences, between the electric pillars, if only in the shade.

IN last years Vietnamese "moved" from long wars and heavy post-war times. They began to pay more time to hobbies. One of them is bonsai and landscape design, including near private houses. People are cooked near the pools, tennis courts and other sports sites and outdoor activities.

Settlements, real estate

Vietnam villages are removed from cities slightly and often their continuation. From the most distant Vietnamese village to the nearest major city, you must go no more than two hours, and on average - half an hour. The rural community still has great importance. Sometimes at the entrance to the village there are a gate in the form of a small Arc Triomphe. The typical county town in a prominent place is the buildings of the district committee of the Committee of the Committee of the Committee of the Committee and the People's Committee. A school is located nearby, from which schoolchildren in Pioneer Ties are published at noon, as well as Buddhist temples. Sometimes, both in the north and in the south, you can see the Catholic Church towers among small private houses.

Currently, Vietnam is experiencing a real estate boom, both construction and speculative. There are many hotels, residential buildings, office buildings. This is especially clearly seen in the largest cities of Vietnam and in resort places.

Since 2008, the Ministry of Construction has introduced a classification of residential apartments in new residential buildings.
First class apartments must be at least 70 sq.m. And with a bedroom more than 20 sq.m. This apartment should have a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and at least 2 toilets. In addition: security, survey cameras, improvement and infrastructure around the house, nearby - Park area and services.
Second class: the same standards except for the protection. The area of \u200b\u200bthe third apartments should be at least 50 sq.m., and the fourth - permissal less than 50 sq.m.
Budget houses are not included in this classification.

The construction of budget houses is finally gaining reality. The government takes measures to attract funds to this sphere, as well as administrative levers.

The planning of the house seemingly implies an extensive territory on which all the necessary parts of the future dwelling can be located, plus a place under the extension, the patio and some free space around the house. But what to do if the places for construction allocated quite a little, really worth completely abandoning the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a house on a limited sweat? Today's our article will show you how at all, it would seem, a small area can be built quite comfortable and original housing, if you resort to the help of designers and architects.

The site highlighted for the construction of this house allowed to build a building with a width of just three meters, but specialists from DD Concept could create unusual home Three floors height, which may well become a comfortable and cozy place to live a small family. Its interior is no less original than the exterior.

The layout of the structure is very thoughtful and follows the logic of everyday life. Therefore, immediately from the threshold, you can get into the social zone, then in sanitation, and only after it to climb into the bedroom. It is noteworthy that still span above, on the roof, there is an improvised summer garden.

The facades of the building are separated by lattices of different structures, due to which in the hot climate the house better retains the coolness of the interior. At the same time, sunlight penetrates the room, creating a pleasant atmosphere, saturated with natural warmth and natural light. It's not only functional solution, but also a modern decorative element. It looks good together with concrete surfaces, because the walls and floors are polished here and remained without additional finishes. The neutral gray color is ideal for such an interior and is opposed to the Penter streets and excessive brightness of the external life.

The tree has become the best addition to such a base, almost all furniture is made of it. Its simple, uncomplicated forms allow you to visually expand the space without loading it with unnecessary details. And the greenery of a garden grown on a pebble pillow looks simply charming.

See also: