Resorts in Mexico with white sand. Mexico Tips for tourists

\u003e Tips for tourists in Mexico

Mexico - The country is definitely interesting for all categories of tourists. During the trip to Mexico, you can combine cognitive tourism with the beach, if desired
It is possible to see the two Great Ocean in one trip - quiet and atlantic.

Most Russians of loving travels discovered Egypt's pyramids for themselves, and now they will compare them with superbly preserved Maya pyramids.
In addition, in 2011, a simplified regime of obtaining free visas in Mexico for Russians was introduced. Currently, Cancun is carried out direct flights Transero.

Resorts Mexico

Mexico map with resorts

Resorts Mexico are located on the coasts of the two oceans - on the coast Pacific Ocean The most gorgeous resorts of Mexico - the name of one of them is known, probably everyone - Acapulco. Two other resort are less known and, nevertheless, the Costa Alegre and Puerte Valita.
The Pacific coast is especially famous for its mild climate, long and wide beaches. Hotels on this high-level coast, many night entertainment, high-quality restaurants.

Cancun and Riviera Maya

The coast of the Atlantic Ocean, or rather, the coast Caribbean More democratic and more popular among Russians is the most famous resorts in the Caribbean coast - Cancun and Riviera - Maya.

From Cancun and Riviera Maya, excursions are carried out in Chichen-ICU - the main attraction of the Yucatan Peninsula. it ancient city Maya perfectly preserved, the center of which is the famous Pyramid of Cukulkana. It is included in the list of UNESCO.

Map of Cancun resort with hotels. Maja Riviera resort map with hotels


Cancun Unusual resort - as all hotels are located on the island. The island is very narrow and long, beautifully curved in the form of a number seven.
When choosing hotels, it is necessary to take into account that the short horizontal part of the island is almost closed from the waves in front of her Island Mucheres

In addition, as you can see on the map, it is from this part of the island that the most convenient way to go to the city center. All the length of the island is 25 km, so for a trip to the most remote hotels in the center you will need about 30 to 40 minutes.

Riviera Maya.

When Cancun was no longer able to accommodate all those who wanted to stop there tourists, the resort began to develop Riviera Maya..
A huge strip of beaches stretched to the south of Cancun at 130 km of the extreme northern point of Riviera Maya is Puerto Morelos, the Last South Punta-Alain.

Puerto Morelos - a village, preserving a flavor, nearby Garden Yash-Che, Rio Secret Reserve - underground River with stalagmites.
Akumal - differs from the other towns that the coral reef is located next to it. Turtles, skates and naturally a huge number of beautiful sea fish live in the lagoon

Playa del Carmen - The place of rest of European tourists, a great place for shopping, the hotel life and the life of the town are not separated from each other, you can find a fairly cheap accommodation.
Tulum is the most distant town from the airport (130 km), and is popular in the first place of a very beautiful beach, and secondly due to the fact that it is located in the archaeological zone of Tulum. Tulum is an ancient city of Maya Indians, towering on 12 meter rocks. This place is asking for photos, because the ruins are perfectly combined with sea landscapes.

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Maybe you will be interested.

Friends going to relax in Mexico or just it interested, today we have a note about "delicious", namely, review mexican resortsand Beach.

On the beach man
spreading hands -
crucified in the sun.

Albert Kama
"Notes of Absurdist"

I guess that many of the Mexican beaches are cut by many, anticipating long-awaited vacation. Now this direction is becoming more and more popular. Why did Mexico, what is it attractive? First, it is exotic: besides elegant beaches Vacationers are waiting for at least bright unusual cities and mysterious Mexican pyramids. Secondly, when our homeland does not fall to the tooth from the cold, grace here: warm, birds sing, palm trees are rustling, in general, paradise, and only. Thirdly, Mexico offers resorts for every taste: Mexican bay, the coast of the Pacific Ocean, and, of course, the Caribbean Sea. Not bad, right? It is time to think about tickets))

What resorts did we visit?

For six months of traveling in Mexico and, Andriusiks managed to visit several resorts: Veracruz, Puerto Angel, Cancun, Puerto Escondido, Riviera Maya. Yes, this is not a complete list, but we visited the most popular among tourists and not very corners. I will describe them all in the order in which they were on the path of our following.

Veracruz (Veracruz) and Boca del Rio (Boca Del Rio)

Description of Veracruus will, rather, a warning about where you don't need to go, if of course, you do not want to get a complete disappointment from the seen seated.

Why did we go to Veracruz? Because I liked the name and on the trip there were time. If you have all a couple of weeks in the arsenal and I want not only to be sought by the sea, but also see interesting places, spend time on the port city of Veracrus is definitely not worth it. I heard that we were not alone peaked on beautiful name And more or less decent photos on the network. Do not come to the same hook.

Veracruz - This is a port city in the state of the same name, on the shores of the Gulf of Mexican, in three hours drive from Puebla. In fact, it is a resort for local with a very dirty sea of \u200b\u200ball shades of gray and the same sand. That Mexicans in it find a mystery to me. Rook, it is an inexpensive option to spend rest at least from someone. But not for the purpose of this for you to fly 14 hours by plane?

If they still found themselves in these parts and wish to swim (in the urban beach it is unlikely to want), go to the suburb of Veracrus - Boca del Rio -on the beach mokambo. The sea here is cleaner and the atmosphere is more pleasant.

Puerto Escondido (Puerto Esconido)

After failure in Veraakruus, I was waiting for a series of beaches on the shore of the Pacific Ocean. How we wanted to see him! And he did not disappoint us!

The first Pacific resort became the town Puerto Escondidolocated in Oaxaca. Tourists usually go here from Oaxaca de Juarez, which is about five hours ride by bus.

Puerto Escondidido is more like a village with a not too developed infrastructure. However, the bus station, supermarket, hotels and restaurants are available. This comes here for measured relaxing rest, surfing and unity with nature. Most like this is the place of youth, which finds a special hippie atmosphere here.

Us Puerto Escondido pleased, struck and surprised precisely beach. Cute cozy coves, palm thickets, scenic rocks, emerald water, pleasant sand, having fun for surfing lovers, excursions to dolphins and turtles are an incomplete set of advantages of local beaches. More than others we fell to taste Karisalo and sicatel. It turned out that the second beach is known for its waves among the surfers almost all over the world.

Puerto Angel (Puerto Angel) and surroundings

Not far from Puerto Escondido, literally at one and a half hours drive, on the shore of the whole of the Pacific Ocean, the whole scratching of places were attached, ready to give tourists all their warmth and beauty. It is a pity, only few people look here, being in pursuit of the Caribbean Sea, which we will talk about. Basically, there are all knowing secret places Americans, and they, believe me, abubs where to relax will not be.

In this place, you can detect resort town Puerto Angel, villages Masunte and San Agustinia And a few more light-headed beaches and bays. We came here one day from Puerto Escondido, but here you can live a week, and two, and much more, if there is no fear to be in almost complete separation from civilization. It is in these edges that can be found completely wild beacheswhere there will be no hotels, no bungalows, nor people, no cafes with soft drinks. The rest is also very nice and are not overflowing by sunbathing and bathing bodies. I would have many of the local beaches described in one word - Idyll.

Of all the listed fewer, I liked the coast of Puerto Angel with Andrews (it does not mean at all that there is bad and ugly), most liked san Agustinia Beachand deserted camaron Bay.

What output Can be made regarding Mexican beaches on the Pacific Ocean? Maybe the resorts of Puerto Escondido, Puerto Angel and their surroundings and are not the most popular among tourists, but, in my opinion, more than worthy! Sheboldasik and Andrews recommend))


So we got to the most burning beach theme!

Cancun - The largest and most famous Mexican resort on the coast of the Caribbean Sea. He is considered one of the best in the world. This is a treasure on the Yucatan Peninsula, in the state of Kintana Roo. Many tourists are only for the sake of this resort and are sent for the thirty lands. Why and why? It's all about the unique sea. Believe me, it is necessary to see with my own eyes, because no words will not be enough to describe the beauty of the combination of the white sand and an incredibly blue sea.

For me, it was discovery that Cancun could not be so expensive as it was considered. The thing is that quite definitely Cancun shares the invisible wall in two: dear and crowned area of \u200b\u200bhotels and ordinary, unremarkable city. Just in the latter can be stopped, if you are interested in the budget version of your stay at the famous resort.

Concerning beach, then there are a lot of them and they are different: with waves and without waves, beautiful and not very, with algae and without them, crowded and almost lonely. I think, for the twenty-cell meter coastal strip, everyone will find their own perfect piece of the beach.

What beaches did most like us? Playa Delphines I made a pleasant impression, despite the crowd of bathing. Gaviota Asul I also liked. In fact, all the beaches are good in their own, especially by 9-20 km.

Women Isla (Isla Mujeres)

Not far from Cancuna, in the waters of the Caribbean, another resort corner attached - women Islandor in Spanish Isla Mucheres. Someone prefers his famous neighbor, someone just goes there for a day to dispel and change the situation. All the more sailing, only twenty minutes on the ferry.

The island is completely small and almost all tourist things are concentrated in the northern part of it. The rest of the territory at the disposal of Mexicans, who simply live, work, grow, learn, etc. Is that along the western edge you can find several hotels, but in our visit they looked completely deserted.

Beach On Isle-Mucheres not so what good, even the one that is in the north (where most tourists are spinning). What beach on the island of women liked us with Andrews most? No. Liked east Coast Islands, but it is impossible to swim there because of the rocks and strong waves, except to look at cool landscapes.

Riviera Maya - Playa del Carmen (Playa Del Carmen)

By the end of his trip, I got to the Maja Riviera. Many tourists break their heads, what beaches prefer: those in Cancun or those near one of the cities of Riviera. Let's first figure it out that there is something.

Riviera Maya (Riviera Maya) - This is the coastal strip of the Caribbean from Cancun in the north to Tulum in the south (including the last), destroyed by small resort cities. She stretched out at 100 kilometers and it was here that the resorts of Mexico, as Puerto Aventuras, Playa del Carmen, Cozumel Island, Akumal, Tulum are located. We only visited Playa and Tulum.

So, Playa del Carmen. As you guessed, everything is located on the same Yucatan in the state of Kintana Roo, a half hours ride by bus from Cancun.

It is a very compact coastal town, which has everything you need for rest: large souvenir shops, all sorts of cafes and eaters, clubs, hotels, apartments, travel agencies and, of course, beaches. Someone in Playa del Carmen is even more fun than in Cancun.

Beach In Playa del Carmen, they are divided into two parts: to the pier (north) and behind it (south). There are several urban beaches before the pier, where the people are full and dirty, but there are bars, masseurs and rescuers. Behind the Pierce, the situation is gradually improving and the sea together with the shore is becoming more attractive and less people, with the exception of the side zones. The number of products of civilization is also reduced.

We mostly like the southern beaches most of all in Playa del Carmen, where hotels end and green thickets begin to be seen.

Tackle: We liked the sea more in Cancun, but the Playa won on the detention.

Riviera Maya - Tulum (Tulum)

The latter, visited by us by the resort town in Mexico, became Tulum. Here we drove not only because of the beaches, but also because of the Mayan pyramids, but about it in another article.

Tulum Located in the same state and on the same peninsula, an hour from Playia del Carmen and two and a half from Cancun. He looks like a village more than a lively tourist town. Of all its neighbors, Tulum, probably the most quiet and provincial. Entertainment lovers here can get bored, but connoisseurs of calm will appreciate this place.

Beaches Tuluma They differ in some "busty" in the good sense of the word. They are not so spoiled by tourists, as in Cancun or Playa, there is no continuous series of larger hotels along the coast and cafes with issuing screaming speakers. The accumulations of people are found for the most part locally - opposite one or another compact hotel. In general, quiet, yes smooth.

They say to find the best Tulum beaches, it is necessary to go far, far south towards the Sian-Kaan reserve. We did not reach, maybe someone will share their impressions?

Verdict everything and all

Friends, and Want to clean? Let me throw sneakers, but personally, in mood and the extreme emotions, the Pacific beaches liked even more Caribbean. Oh, I said it out loud?

What other resorts can be visited?

All of the above is not a complete list of resorts and beaches of Mexico to which the country is so rich. Take at least a famous resort town Acapulco (acapulco), about who a hundred years ago Lyme Vaikule sang "Ay-Yai Yai". On the shore of the same Pacific, you will find Puerto Vallarta (Puerto Vallarta) And a small town Watulco (Huatulco) With wonderful beaches (if you believed the photos of there). Do not forget about the resorts of Riviera-Maya, including us, including cozumel Island (IZLA COZUMEL), Akumal (Acumal) etc .. probably, something and missed ... oh yes, beaches Lower California (Baja California).

In which vacationers are waiting for chic sand beaches, unusual bright cities and mysterious pyramids. Mexican resorts can be chosen on any, the most arrogant taste.

Many, having arrived here for the first time, can not get rid of the feeling that they were already here. And it is not surprising. After all, many have seen numerous commercials who were filmed in these paradise places. Coconut palms, clean and warm sea water, snow-white sand and gentle sun - all this can be found on the coasts of Mexico.

Why do many choose rest in Mexico?

Mexico is a paradise corner of the Earth, where first-class resorts, tropical nature and five star hotels are concentrated on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe planet. Every year, a huge number of tourists choose this particular country to the place of your holiday.

Mexico is a holiday on the best coasts of Riviera Maya and Cancuna, these are monuments of ancient civilizations, this is diving and fishing, tequila, surfing, disco, Mexican cuisine. In this, all Mexico, where smells, tastes, paints - everything is bright, juicy and clean. Only and have time to enjoy.

This is a country with a motley mixture of three cultures: Caribbean, Indian and Spanish. Mexico entails tourists with an interesting culture, history, exotic kitchen, amazing architecture. But most of the tourists come here because of the amazing coast.

General characteristics of beaches Mexico

According to Mexican legislation, all beaches are state ownership, therefore, they are public.

Such sights of the country are divided into two large groups: Caribbean coast and Pacific coast.

The beaches of the Caribbean coast are known for their white sand, warm sea. Most of them are protected by reefs. This is cancun.

The beaches of the Pacific coast are famous for surfing lovers. In addition, they are striking the beauty of their waters and huge waves.

Colorite Mexico is the ability to combine rest on the beach and excursions to the ruins of the ancient Indian cities. For example, the resort Tulum combines these unique features. Not far from him is the famous resort complex that is considered to be the center of Riviera Maya.

Near Riviera is located the world famous Cancun resort, which offers nightclubs, hotels and beautiful beaches. Next to this resort is the island of women, which is enveloped by romantic legends and legends.

Lovers of solitary calm holiday The beaches of the Pacific Coast are suitable: Punta de Mita, Los Cabos, Huatulko, Costa Alegre. There are also places for surf lovers: Puerto Escondido and Oaksaka. And of course, the pearl of the Pacific coast - Acapulco, the most visited resort of the country.

All Beaches Mexico are free, public, sandy. On the territory of any of them posted numerous cafes and restaurants that offer to taste unique Mexican dishes with abundance of acute chili peppers and local spices.

The main component of all coarse Mexico is the safety of bathing. Many of them are in the zone open seaAnd this creates the risk of underwater flows. Here, a system of alerts of vacationers about weather conditions was adopted:

  • black or red flag - mean a danger, you can not swim with them;
  • yellow flag - indicates changing weather conditions, care must be taken;
  • green - normal conditions, swimming is allowed;
  • white - excellent conditions, you can engage in any kind of water entertainment.

According to holidaymakers and tourists who leave the Internet reviews, the best beaches of Mexico are: Cancun, Acapulco, Los Cabos, Cozumel, Riviera Maya beaches, hidden beach, Puerto Vallarta beaches.


The most popular resort of Mexico, which is among the top ten popular resorts World. It is located on the Yucatan Peninsula on sandy spit And it is famous for its white sandy beaches, transparent sea water and tropical exotic plants.

The resort is littered with first-class hotels and hotels. The recreational season here is year-round, the difference in the temperatures of the winter and summer period is only a few degrees.

Cancun consists of two parts: the city center and the hotel area. Locals live in the center, the hotel area is built only for holidaymakers and tourists. There are more than 50 five-star hotels in the area. It also built fitness centers and sports complexes, nightclubs and discos, as well as other entertainment facilities of the resort area.

The sandy spit on which Cancun is located is divided into two components: short and long. The sea in the first part is calm and quiet. The coast of the long part of the braid is not protected from the ocean. Therefore here round year Waves.


Another world famous resort of Mexico - Acapulco. It was at this resort that a huge number of beach TV shows and romantic commercials was removed and removed. Acapulco is located near the capital of Mexico. Therefore, this resort is considered purely Mexican. Soft warm climate, sandy beaches, transparent water Lagun is all the resort of Acapulco. The bay is one of the most beautiful bays of the world.

In addition, Acapulco is a city with a centuries-old history. In 1530, Spanish courts were built here. Acapulco in the 16th century was the second important port of the newly open territory.

Acapulco and Cancun are the most the oldest resorts of the country. But world fame, the resort of Acapulco acquired only since the beginning of the 60s, when Mexican beaches began to attend Hollywood stars. This is a favorite resort of Robert de Niro and Madonna. He was the most favorite place to rest Marilyn Monroe and other celebrities.

Acapulco is a night resort. Nights of carnivals and entertainment that continue until dawn. But besides such a life, the resort is known for a huge number of small beaches, often with isolated bays and hidden shores, where you can swim in silence in solitude, far from the bustle of large cities.

Los Cabos

Los Cabos is an elite young and expensive resort of the country. Resting here come mostly rich Americans. There are practically no local residents here. Los Cabos is famous for snow-white hotels, exotic nature, fishing and diving.

Elevate golf courses are equipped here, organized on the jeeps in the Safari desert, you can do any kind. water sports. In addition, there are unique sand and coral reefs. In any hotel you can buy a tour of the first-class marine fishing: Fish Sail, Marlin, black perch. From January to April from the shore, you can watch whales that go here in the bay.


The largest coral island of Mexico. Almost all the territory of the island is national Reserve. The resort is unique that the whole island is drowning in the jungle, a lot on the beach of fishing huts, and the ruins of Maya civilization are preserved.

Famous resort and its underwater world. This is one of the largest coral reefs (length of it under water about 700 kilometers), is inferior in magnitude only to the large coral reef of Australia. This resort is very loved by divinggists, both professionals and amateurs. In addition, the best and dangerous diving areas of the world are located here - the multi-kilometer underwater caves of Santa Rosa and Punta Sur.

The underwater world of the resort has about 700 species of reptiles, 220 species of amphibians, 200 types of tropical fish. At the depth of divers, in full swing can enjoy the beauty of landscapes and test themselves from a professional point of view.

Maja Riviera Beaches

On the coast of Riviera Maya are 6 beaches. Each of them has its own highlight and its unusual flavor: Merma, Akumal, Tulum, Sian Kaan, Boca Paul, Puerto Morelos.

Merma is the beach of the coast of Yucatan, from the border with Belize to the Cancun resort. Turquoise water and sandy white beaches, calm warm sea water, jungle hectares. It is very beautiful resort World.

Akamul is two beaches: one in the Gulf of Half Mouong Bai, the second in the bay of Akumal Bai. The coast with water turquoise color, very calm water, but with a rich underwater world. The resort attracts the opportunity to swim with turtles.

Tulum - Snow Whole Sand, Maja fortifications ruins, turquoise water - one of best beaches Mexico. Here you can easily combine bathing and sunbathing on the coast with a visit to the ruins of an ancient settlement.

Sian Kaan is the beach of the biosphere reserve. It is a continuation of the spa complex Tulum. The coast is isolated by mangrove thickets. Suitable for secluded rest and communicating with nature.

Boca Paul is one of the romantic beaches of Mexico, where tropical idyll is combined with marine beauty. Not far from the coast is the Cottage of Boca Pile - one of the best for fishing. In addition, there are first-class services and comfortable rooms.

Puerto Morelos is a fishing village. It is famous for its secluded beach. It is very wide, not crowded with rest. The perfect place to relax and swim in clean, transparent, calm water. Favorite place divers. Reefs are removed from the shore of 500 meters. Lovers of underwater depths to reefs deliver local fishermen.

Hidden beach

The shores of a small island in the Pacific is located

It is located inside the cliffs of one of the islands of Mariet's archipelago and reminds a large swimming pool, knocked out in an open top cave. It is called "hidden", as the walls of the cliffs are blown away the beach from the outside world.

It is perfect for lovers, and originally called "Love Beach" in Mexico. it unique place Thanks to the Internet, it became famous for the whole world.

Amazing imagination and wealth of the underwater world. Here lives more than a hundred species of fish. You can meet the rods, sea turtles, octopuses, dolphins, humpback whales.

The easiest way to get to the island of Mariet and the hidden Beach Mexico is to join the excursion. This is a sea walk along the Mariet archipelago, which includes a visit to a romantic seaside.

Beaches Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Puerto Vallarta is a resort city located on the coast of Banderas Bay. The city was founded in 1851. Today, his vintage buildings harmoniously coexist with modern ultra-fashioned hotels.

The resort is very pleasant to diving lovers, water species Sports, fishing and windsurfing.

On the coast of Puerto Vallarta there is about ten beaches. The most popular of them: Destiladeras and La Manzanilla. They are famous for the large number of vacationers and developed tourist infrastructure. But the most popular - Los Muertos Beach. He is the largest at the resort and is located near the Old Town.

Internet Pespit with numerous reviews about Mexico beaches. Tourists who visited this country note that all seats for recreation are very picturesque, water is clean and transparent. There is also an opportunity to combine beach rest with cultural. In addition, there is a paradise for diving.

All resorts of Mexico with their history, ancient ruins, gastronomic exotic, turbulent nightlife, as well as the quiet romantic coasts and lagoons, attract millions of tourists every year. Mexico is ideal for a romantic honeymoon or rest with children, and just for an unforgettable vacation alone.

Mexico attractive with its beaches of amazing beauty. Active leisure, underwater and water sports, family picnics, holidays savage, mysterious ruins and breathtaking scenery - this is what can be seen on the Mexican coast. Along the coastline washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the California Bay, there is a half thousand unique beaches.

The uniqueness of the selection of the beach in Mexico for suitable rest It is that they are all very diverse thanks to the unique natural reliefs and rock formations. Some beaches are removed and surrounded by juicy green jungle and the ancient ruins of local tribes, others are endless sandy shores with soft sand and calm waters that are perfect for swimming, and there are "secret" beaches, ideally suitable for active rest: Surfing, diving and snorkeling.

Beaches Tuluma

The famous rich history of the ancient Mayan tribe is attracted to himself numerous antiquities. The ruins found here from their buildings dated 13m century create a special natural relief of these places. Tulum Beaches are an ideal place for all lovers of history. It's not difficult to get here because of the popular resort Cancuna, the road takes only 2 hours.

Beach shore is a white soft sand. Here you can hide in the shadow, because numerous palm trees grow under the edge of the beach. Next to the beach on the shore there is natural castle lakes with fresh water, where you can refresh yourself after salty sea waters. On the first line of the shore, comfortable hotels are built, where you can book accommodation.

If vacationers want to truly relax and disconnect from the bustle and urban noise, Tulum and its beaches are a great place for a secluded rest.

Beach Akumal

Akumal Beach is a great place where you can get acquainted with marine turtles. The name of the beach is translated as a "turtle place." The fact is that the beach is a favorite place for marine turtles, which come ashore and lay eggs. Scuba diving on Akumal Beach is a mandatory program for lovers of underwater excursions and acquaintances with coral reefs and their inhabitants.

Akumal Beach is ideal for relaxing with babies, since the shore and bottom clean and not stony, and also here you can easily find a secluded place, even on weekends.

The beach is located just 5 km south of Siuatanekho. This beach with white sand is named after the preoccupied sharks, which have long been inhabited in these waters.

This is not so easy to get, that's why this beach is a favorite place for those who are looking for little-known sights and seats for recreation. There are only two to get here. Waiting savagers most often choose the route winding, steep pathway, which goes down to the beach.

Those who rest with comfort can rent a motorboat. Lovers of underwater swimming can make a diving in the rocks near the shore of the bay.

For all who were hungry, there are several restaurants on the beach, which serves delicious seafood. The best shrimps can be found in the restaurant - Otily. Other landmarks can be noted a lighthouse near the beach, with a breathtaking view of the coastline and rocks.

World famous cannon beaches

Most popular place This is Cancun Beach. 22.5 km long beach - untouched strip white sand and crystal clear turquoise waters. For the Mayan tribes, this place was part of life and worship the mysterious gods. This conclusion allows numerous ancient buildings, which became famous sights.

An amazing coral reef extends from the beach, which is ideal for scuba diving and diving. Vacationers can also swim on kayaks, fishing or kayaking.

At the coast of attractive hotels, and in hotels there are several restaurants with open terraces, where visitors can taste a variety of mexican dishes. Cancun Beach can be compared with Las Vegas stretched along the beach because of a huge amount of entertainment, resorts and luxury hotels.

Beaches Puerto Vallarta Beach

This place is characterized by an ideal tropical climate. To enjoy spending all day on the beach, Puerto Vallarta offers many water entertainment:

  • boat walks;
  • swimming with a mask and tube;
  • yachting;
  • fishing.

Protected bays are ideal for underwater dives, and deep-water fishing and whale observation is an opportunity to get unforgettable impressions from recreation.

To come here - means getting an ideal rest, because you can get acquainted with a new city, explore its originality and relax in clean nature.

Fabulous beach Playa Norte on the island of women

The main beach on the island is Playa Norte. It is famous for his clean waters and shining white sand.

Families with children love this beach very much, because its waters are calm, and the bottom is clean, which allows you to rest safely, eliminating injuries. Vacationers will find a wide selection of restaurants, beach bars and resettlement opportunities in this resort area.

Playa Norte is definitely one of the most beautiful beachesBut on weekends it is very crowded. Therefore, the recommended time for visiting is earlier morning and weekdays.

XPU HA Beach is unique pearl Maya Riviera. It is located south of Puerto Aventuras and attracts mainly local residents. This amazing beach is not too crowded even during the rank. tourist seasonWhat makes it an ideal place for travelers who hoped to find silence and calm during the summer vacation.

On the beach there are regular yoga classes. Also everyone will actively spend time can join the beach to a football or beach volleyball with locals. Water sports, including fishing, kayaking, snorkeling and scuba diving are also popular here.

For those who want to have a snack, local vendors sell on the beach, offering refreshments and seafood.

Zipolite Beach for Hippie Travelers


Zipolite from the 1960s before the 1980s was a favorite hippie place. It was the center of recreation, fun and a variety of youth events. Hippie travelers from all over the world came here. This beach was also one of the first wild places to relax, camping and tent cursories. Also here they loved to relax nudists.

Today Zipolite Beach attracts less hippie, but still everyone here is going to all who love yoga and surfing.

On the beach of the beach there are budget hotels, where you can relax in the framework of the modest budget, but there are also several luxurious hotels and fashionable restaurants in the western part.

Famous Playa del Amor

Playa del Amor is one of the most famous beaches of Mexico. It can easily be on the boat from the pier in Cape San Lucas.

Playa del-Amor is also known as "Lover's Beach", because it is known for its romantic atmosphere.

The beach is subjected to frequent tides of the Pacific Ocean, so it is recommended to enter the water only in the Bahia de Cabo-San Lucas area. The Cortes side of Playa del Amor is ideal for snorkeling and attracts mainly local residents and fans of underwater dives. Although it's not easy to get here, rest and impressions of this pleasant and cozy beach are definitely worth any effort.

Perfect beach for swimming Playa de Tecolote

One of the busiest beaches in La Paz is Playa de Techolote. He is perfect beach For swimming. It offers stunning views of uninhabited island Espirita Santa.

Local sellers on the beach offer corporate dishes such as Marlin Escabeche and chocolate clams.

Although Playa de Teholot may not be as popular as the neighboring Balandra Beach, it provides its unique beach vacation. Here you can find the main amenities, including showers and toilets. If there is a desire to order a full dinner, you can go to the EL Tecolote bar-restaurant, where the orders are provided with an extensive menu of fresh seafood and sophisticated dishes from them.

Bahia Balandra

The beach is located in the Bajja La Paz region, famous for its Rocky Relief. The biggest rock is called the diamond cliff. The beach is protected by natural bay from all sides, which makes the water of the sea around it completely safe, and the underwater reefs are attractive for a variety of underwater inhabitants. Therefore, lovers will crush can spend an unforgettable time here.

Although the water of Bahinene Balanters belong to the cold Pacific flow, the water is well warmed by direct sunlight. Therefore, in shallow water and on the surface it is ideal for comfortable swimming.

On the shore there is no beach amenities that makes Bahía Balandra a less crowded beach than the neighboring. Therefore, here you can find a calm and quiet rest on the merchant, away from noisy fun.

One of the best beaches on Maya Riviera is Playa Merma. According to the results of polls, this beach is one of the ten best beaches in the world.

Beach shore extends 6 km and is part resort hotel Catalonia All-inclusive. Gentle water and small soft sand give comfortable rest And the ability to fully relax and plunge into relaxes. The beach is ideal for swimming and looks as beautiful as if it came down from the pages of glossy magazines.

The only drawback in Playa Maroma is the lack of budget options. Here you can find only luxury villas and boutique hotels.

Beach Siggy.

The resort is located in the Mayan Riviere is a very popular place for both party lovers, and for those who wish to get acquainted with nature. Underwater reef is a house for hundreds of varieties of fish and arthropods. It is this colorful and diverse flora and fauna that attracts those who want to learn about what is hidden under the surface of affectionate waters.

The shore is divided into two separate seats of the beach. One site belongs to the beachclub - Ziggy Beach Club., and the other part of the beach is open to public visits.

Ziggy Beach is also known for many water sports:

  • padding;
  • kayaking;
  • sailing;
  • water skiing.

The beach developed infrastructure available:

  • shops for renting sports equipment;
  • cafe;
  • boutiques;
  • restaurants;
  • night club.

This is a sandy-limestone beach, so it's not very comfortable to walk barefoot. Due to the fact that on the beach you need to go to the shoes, many vacationers seek to avoid this place. That is why there are quite few people here.

However, for those who are not looking for easy ways and does not feel inconvenience due to the need to take footwear with them, the beach opens its attractive sides and is ready to give an unforgettable impression.

A fascinating coral garden is a real paradise for scuba and snorkels. On Pamul Beach, there are several bars, shops and restaurants, as well as in the public pool, for those who want to refreshing in fresh water and avoid for many unpleasant, barbed sand.

Isla Holbek

Isla Holbox is a small island, located just three hours from Cancun. Some call this place the most mysterious secret Peninsula Yutakan because of its desert beaches, a relaxed atmosphere and shallow water.

There is not so many ways to get here, and the island itself is not yet strongly used for commercial purposes. This is probably an excellent news for visitors who want to receive an unforgettable impression of this. untouched placewhere silence reigns and peace. Most beaches on the island are ideal for swimming in calm waters. Sandy shore with cute shells creates an unusual natural landscape.

Therefore, all connoisseurs of relaxing holidays or those who want to relax with tents can experience the charm of these places and majestic landscapes.

- This is a distinctive culture. And not least, it is paradise beaches lying on the banks of the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean. Today we will talk about them.

This snow white beach Located next to and is of great interest for those who love to watch the underwater world. A large coral reef, covering the coast, makes the sea in this place very calm, thanks to which snorkeling is solid pleasure.

Emerald water contrasts sharply with white sand, the sun flies on top, and around - high mountains. This beach is worth visiting at least for the sake of the charge of inspiration, which here can be obtained, looking at all this beauty. The beach belongs to the Pacific Ocean, the water of which is always cold, however, by Baya Balant, the water level is not high, and here you can comfortably swim at any time!

Previously, this is the place was a quiet fishing village. Now there are crowds of European tourists, perky music is heard, the boats are cutting the waves. Despite the crowded, the beach is stunning. Particularly often choose by those who want a little ride on the sights of the region. Also nearby is famous for its nature and animal world.

Free love, "All People-Brothers", "Mama-Marijuana" ... In general, you understood what kind of beach. In the 1960s, the first hippies appeared here, in the 70s the place was the most popular nudist beach. Today, surfers and lovers of independent cost-effective surfers come here.

This is one of the most popular Mexican resorts, where many tourists from the United States arrive in the summer. Accordingly, there is a fairly high service, many good hotels And fully opportunities for outdoor activities. The beach is famous for the fact that you can watch whales here or go fishing. The resort itself has an interesting historical part and a large number of Entertainment establishments.

The most famous beach, popular with active water sports. His name from Spanish is translated as "beach clothes." Once on this shore, the ship was thrown by a storm, and its cargo, many multi-colored tissues, was scattered along the shore. If you decide to swim here, be careful and do not go there where there are no locals. Crocodiles are found here!


- Famous resort, popular among Russians. The beach is a wide white sand strip and bright blue water of the Gulf of Mexican. Here turtles are found, you can go on sea walkTo watch whales or snorkeling.

The beach is located where the sea of \u200b\u200bCortiza is found with the water of the Pacific Ocean. This is perhaps the most famous beach. Here are very beautiful rocks, clean sea and bright white sand.

The North Beach is located on the northern tip of the island of women. If you stopped at, be sure to go to Playa North, because the beach does not go with it any comparison. On this beach you can really feel unity with nature.

Perfect beach for fans of antiquities and history. Right on the hill above the beach is old Citybuilt by Maya Indians. Although do not be these ruins here, the beach would be among the best in. Here is a completely incredible color of the sea and sand, a lot of greens and a stunning atmosphere, apparently, remaining since Maya since the time.

See also: