Sights of Uruguay where to relax. What to see in Uruguay

The central streets in the Prado are avenida April 19 (there are many churches and beautiful mansions on this street) and avenida Lucas Obes.

On Irigoitia street (next to April 19) there is a very beautiful Catholic church in the Gothic style. Also in the Prado there is Botanical Garden and a very pleasant park of the same name.

Tacuarembo. Founded in 1832, the town of Tacuarembo is replete with sculptures, statues and monuments dedicated to statesmen and war heroes, which are comfortably located on the quiet and shady streets of the city. In Tacuarembo, the Gaucho Festival is held annually, during which, and it lasts three days, various exhibitions, musical performances, horse races and much more are organized, which is no less interesting.

Uruguay Riviera. Uruguay has chic beach resorts, which are located in the eastern regions of the country, near Montevideo. Most popular resorts are Atlantis and Piriapolis. Once in this area, you can climb the Cerro Pan de Azucar, which is 493 meters high. One of the most amazing places in South America resort of Punta del Este.

The resort offers to visit yacht and golf clubs and fishing clubs, casinos. Here you can reserve small, cozy holiday houses. All the beaches on Punta del Este amaze with excellent conditions for swimming and sunbathing. On the island of Gorriti, off the coast of Uruguay, there are many first-class beaches and an 18th-century fort. Nearby, the island de Lobos protrudes from the water, which is nature reserve home to a large population of sea lions.

Coast of Uruguay. To the west of the capital of Uruguay, between the two rivers Uruguay and Rio de la Plata, an agricultural region extends. It occupies a fairly large part of the country. This area has a truly charming landmark - the colonial town of Cologna del Sacramento, where narrow cobbled streets intertwine.

The small town of Mercedes offers excellent conditions for water activities such as boating, fishing and swimming. Interesting museums can be visited in the city of Paysandu, the second largest city in Uruguay.

Iguazu Falls located on the border of three states - Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. The Iguazu River feeds the waterfalls, originating near the Atlantic coast of Brazil, south of Sao Paulo. The width of the water surface near the waterfall is 4 km. Water falls from a high crescent-shaped cliff.

In total, Iguazu Falls has 275 individual falls. The deafening “song” of rushing water can be heard for many kilometers, and a huge amount of spray creates rainbows of amazing beauty.

In addition to the Iguazu Reserve, the country has about 10 national parks: Cabo Polono, Santa Teresa, etc.

A small South American state, invisible between large neighbors - and washed by Atlantic Ocean, difficult to name popular destination For Russian tourist. The name, translated from the language of the Guarani Indians, means "river of colorful birds." The country is worthy of the attention of fans of colonial architecture, examples of which are widely represented in the capital. Interested in what to see in Uruguay other than? Head to Colonia del Sacramento in the southwest of the country. The historic center of the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

TOP 15 attractions in Uruguay

Colonia del Sacramento Historic Quarter

The oldest town in Uruguay was founded in 1680 by the Portuguese. The Spaniards could not come to terms with the appearance of other colonialists on the opposite bank of La Plata and captured the city in the same year. The colony changed hands several more times, and all the historical vicissitudes for the right to own the city could not but be reflected in its architecture.
Today, UNESCO protects narrow cobbled streets and multi-colored one-story houses, tightly adjacent to each other - a typical old quarter of a Latin American city. In the old part of Colonia del Sacramento, you can observe the usual life of the townspeople, take colorful photos and drink coffee in one of the street cafes.

El Faro Lighthouse

Mankind has not yet learned to control the sea, despite high technology, and therefore the lighthouse in Colonia del Sacramento, first built on the Atlantic coast in the 17th century, continues to show the way to ships arriving at the city port.
For only half a dollar, you can look at Uruguay and the ocean from the observation decks of the lighthouse. A spiral staircase leads upstairs, and you can climb up to the middle of the snow-white tower, and to the very top.

Basilica del Sanctisimo Sacramento

The Church of Santissima Sacramento in Colonia is one of the oldest churches in the country. The first basilica on this site was built in 1690, but did not last long. In 1808, the Portuguese, who at that time owned these territories, erected a new temple.
The building is made of white stone. Its façade is adorned with two symmetrical towers viewing platforms where you can climb to look at the city and its surroundings. The interiors of the basilica look very modest and the only decoration is a golden sculpture in the altar niche.

Montevideo old town

The capital of the country was founded in the last third of the 17th century by the Portuguese, who built a fortress on the shore of the bay. For a long time, the fort served as smugglers, until the Spaniards, who took the territories, founded another fortification base on the opposite side of La Plata.
The old city today is main square Montevideo, Cathedral built in best traditions classicism with baroque elements, and numerous colonial houses, characteristic feature which are big courtyards.

Fortaleza del Cerro

Dominating the old town is a fort that appeared on a high hill in Montevideo at the beginning of the 19th century. The project was developed by the famous fortification engineer José dal Pozo. The fortress has repeatedly participated in military campaigns that were undertaken between the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers. Fortaleza del Cerro became the last Spanish stronghold in Uruguay.
In 1931, the fort was named a national monument and a military museum was opened in it, where you can look at Spanish and Portuguese weapons of the 18th-20th centuries, army ammunition, old maps and uniforms of soldiers who took part in conquest campaigns.

Parliament of Uruguay

In the capital you can see another architectural monument, in which the legislative assembly of the country sits today. A building made of marble and granite appeared in the city in the first third of the last century. The palace was designed by the Italian architect Vittorio Meano, who is the author of the idea of ​​a similar mansion in Buenos Aires.
The roof of the Parliament is decorated with two symmetrical domes made of granite, and almost thirty varieties of marble of different shades were used in the decoration of the walls outside and inside.
The sculptural groups of José Belloni deserve special attention. The artist created bas-reliefs depicting both moments true history Uruguay, and allegorical characters.
Today, the building of the Parliament of Uruguay is on the lists of national historical monuments.

National Museum of Fine Arts

The Art Museum of the capital was founded in 1911, and since then its collection has collected many real masterpieces of painting and graphics - about 6,000 items. At five exhibition halls paintings by Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Juan Manuel Blanes and local painters who have won international fame - Rafael Barradas, Joaquin Torres Garcia and José Cuneo.

Museum. Juan Manuel Blanes

Another Montevideo art gallery specializes in Uruguayan art history. The museum, founded in 1930, exhibits the works of the artist, after whom the exposition is named, as well as paintings by his colleague and contemporary Pedro Figari.
Among the exhibits belonging to the brushes of artists with world-famous names, you will find masterpieces of Europeans. In the halls of the museum exhibited paintings by Goya, Honore Daumier, Paul Gauguin, Albrecht Durer, Picasso and Rembrandt.

Solis Theater

The capital's Solis Theater is the oldest in the country and throughout the Western Hemisphere. It was opened in 1865, and the opera "Ernani" by the immortal D. Verdi was the first production on its stage.
The Solis building was designed and built by the French master Victor Rabu. Neoclassical features are clearly traced in the architecture of the theater: both in the austere portico above the main facade, and in the capitals of the columns, and in the interior decoration.
The theater got its name in honor of the Spanish discoverer Juan del Solis, whose expedition was one of the first to land on the shores of La Plata Bay.

Palacio Piria

Another outstanding architectural monument of the Uruguayan capital, Palacio Piria today serves as the seat of the country's Supreme Court. Its construction began in 1916. The architect Camille Gardell, who designed the palace, was initially tasked with building a private residence for Francisco Piria, who in those years was not only a businessman, but also an outstanding politician in Uruguay. In the 40s. of the last century, the mansion served as the residence of the president of the country, and a decade later the court moved there.
The Piria Palace is an outstanding example of the architectural style that today is called eclecticism. Its main feature is the use of several architectural and artistic techniques in one building. In the building of the palace, the features of baroque, classicism, rococo and even empire are easily guessed.

Palacio Salva

Residents of Montevideo, answering the question of what to see in Uruguay, will be among the first to name Palacio Salvo. This palace is often called the symbol of the capital, especially since its tower dominates the entire architectural composition of the old center.
The skyscraper was built in the first third of the 20th century. commissioned by the Salvo brothers. The businessmen intended to open a business center there. For a long time Palacio Salva was one of the tallest buildings in South America. The height of the building reaches 105 m, including the spire.
The architectural style in which the project was developed can be called the same eclecticism. The skyscraper has features of art deco, neoclassicism and even neogothic. As conceived by the author of the project, Mario Palanti, the skyscraper symbolizes the "Divine Comedy". In full accordance with the work of Dante, the lower floors are reminiscent of the existence of hell, and high tower embodies the dreams of paradise. Many decorative sculptural elements recreating fragments from Dante's work have been preserved on the facades.

Mausoleum of Artigas

Jose Hervasio Artigas - one of the prominent politicians of Uruguay, who led in the 19th century. local liberation movement, whose members fought for independence from Portuguese and Spanish colonization.
In 1977, the remains of the hero were solemnly buried in a mausoleum on Independence Square in Montevideo. Today Mausoleo de Artigas is one of the most important local residents sights of Uruguay. During an excursion to the mausoleum, you will be able to watch the changing of the guard of honor - a bright and memorable ceremony.
Access to the hall where the urn with the ashes of the hero is located is open on weekends.

Mercado del Puerto

The Mercado del Puerto metropolitan covered market is an ideal place not only for shopping, but also for getting to know the local flavor. Seeing the artisans of Uruguay, buying authentic first-hand souvenirs, tasting South American cuisine in numerous street restaurants - an excellent plan for a few hours of stay in Montevideo.

Azulejo Museum

The private collection of the architect Artusio, collected by him for 40 years and donated by Montevideo, includes about 5,000 samples of tiles and other products made in the Portuguese azulejo technique. The exposition presents art nouveau and art deco ceramics, ceramic tiles, Neapolitan ceramic masterpieces, tiles from Delphi, glazed tiles from and many more magnificent products of artists involved in pottery.

Hand of Punta del Este

The monument on the ocean in the resort of the same name in Uruguay is known among tourists vacationing on local beaches. Its author is Mario Irarrasabal, who took part in an outdoor sculpture competition in the 1980s. last century.
Being the youngest among the participants in the competition, Mario could only get a place on the beach to implement his project. Then he came up with a sculpture in the form of a hand. Her fingers protrude above the edge of the sand and warn swimmers that the ocean is a serious test for an inexperienced swimmer.
As a result, the rest of the entries from the competition have long since disappeared, and the hand of Irarrasabal has become a tourist attraction in Uruguay.

How to fly

Of course, it is better to plan a trip to Uruguay on your own. It will be much cheaper, besides, ready-made tours to this country are not popular with us. There are no direct flights from Russia, you will have to fly with connections in European cities and possibly also in Sao Paulo.

What to see

Montevideo - the capital of Uruguay, the city is relatively small, very calm. In the center you can find one- or two-story houses. There is no subway in the city, only ground transport. Independence Square is considered the very center of the city. There is no ocean in Montevideo itself, it is built at the mouth of La Plata. The water on the city beach is brown, but not because it is dirty, it has such a color because of the silt dissolved in it.

It is no exaggeration to call mate tea a hallmark of Uruguay and national pride. This drink is brewed in special containers, calabash, and drunk through a straw. Then it is brewed many times. On the embankment and in the streets of the city you can meet people with calabash in one hand and a thermos in the other.

Every morning, horse carts - garbage collectors - pass through the streets. This is also unlikely to be found in modern big city. It should be noted that Montevideo is quite dirty - people are not accustomed to throwing garbage into the bins.

Ciudad vieja, or Old city- This is a historical center, very small in area. There is a market, a theater, and beautiful colonial buildings. And although in general it is quite safe in Montevideo, it is better not to walk along the streets of the old city early in the morning and late in the evening, as cases of robbery are known.

Restaurants and food

Uruguay is famous primarily for meat dishes. It is believed that this is where the best meat in South America is grown, as it is grown without the use of artificial additives and hormones. One of the national dishes is pariya, or parischa. This is an assortment of grilled meats and sausages. The best parischa is prepared in open restaurants right on the market near the port. But they are only open until 6pm. Local wines are of excellent quality and relatively low price.

One of the most interesting museums Montevideo is a carnival museum.

The inhabitants of Uruguay are very friendly people, here you will not encounter aggression. In addition, almost all of them are of European appearance, and there is no hatred for the “gringo”, as in some other countries. Spanish is distinct from classical Castilian.

Recently Uruguay has legalized some soft drugs and same-sex marriages.

Currency and prices

The national currency of the country is the Uruguayan peso. The country has an official exchange rate, so paying with a bank card will also be beneficial. Recently, prices in Uruguay have risen and they can be compared with European ones.

What to bring

Calabash, mate tea, red wine, and leather goods are traditionally brought from Uruguay.

Suburbs of Montevideo

The most famous resort in Uruguay is Punto del Este, where wealthy Argentines love to relax. This is a rather expensive resort with many hotels and restaurants.

Very close to the capital is the small town of Periapolis, which is also a resort. It is much quieter and calmer here, you can ride on cable car and swim in the ocean.

From Montevideo, you can take a ferry to Buenos Aires in just a few hours.

Uruguay - not at all tourist country and there are not many famous sights here, but peace, tranquility and nature conquer. It is especially good to relax here after noisy cities.

Independence Square is the largest square in Montevideo, where many historical and architectural sights are located.

The main attraction of the city is the Mausoleum de Artigo, in which the remains of the national hero José Artigas are buried. The mausoleum contains a beautiful urn with the hero's ashes, guarded by two national guardsmen. Next to the mausoleum is a bronze statue dedicated to José Artigas. This man became famous for leading the struggle for the independence of Uruguay in 1811.

The square often hosts interesting exhibitions and other events. For example, not so long ago there was an exhibition of bears, when more than 140 sculptures of bears of different heights were put up on the square.

Also on the square you can stroll along Sarandi Street, rich in amethyst shops.

Coordinates: -34.90650000,-56.19979000

Buddhist monastery

The Buddhist monastery is located in the mountains of Uruguay, an hour and a half drive from Montevideo. The monastery, also called "Lion's Gate", is one of the most beautiful Buddhist temples in South America.

The monastery was built to commemorate the Dalai Lama's visit to Uruguay. It is located in deserted place in the middle high mountains. The main temple is located at an altitude of 400 meters and is built in the traditional Tibetan style. The territory of the monastery occupies about 600 hectares near the settlement of Solis de Matahos.

The monastery is the main shrine of a small Buddhist community living mainly in Montevideo. Religious ceremonies are performed daily in the monastery.

Coordinates: -31.56928500,-55.47911200

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Centenario is the home stadium of the Uruguay national team, accommodating up to 80,000 spectators in its stands. The arena was built in record time, almost a year. Centenario Stadium was built specifically for the first championship in 1930, which coincided with the centenary of Uruguay's independence. The very name "Centenario" is translated as "a century".

10 matches of the tournament were held at this stadium, including the final, in which the hosts of the championship won, beating their longtime rivals - the Argentina national team with a score of 4:2.

The Uruguay national team celebrated the victory at the Centenario six more times, winning the Copa America and the FIFA Gold Cup. Today, the stadium hosts home games for two leading clubs in the country, Peñarol and Nacional.

Coordinates: -34.89443200,-56.15290800

The Rambla in Montevideo is a large promenade that stretches for 20 kilometers along La Plata Bay. All secular life focuses on this place.

The promenade is an ideal place for running, walking, cycling, fishing, running kites, collective aerobics, sunbathing on sandy beaches, skateboarding and roller skating. Palm trees grow on the embankment, among which it is pleasant to watch the sunset.

Behind the embankment is the first line of houses, which is considered the most prestigious real estate - the price here reaches 1 million dollars. There are also food outlets - restaurants and cafes.

It is worth noting that in good weather The beach is always very crowded. Someone goes in for sports, someone drinks mate, and someone bathes and basks in the sun.

Coordinates: -34.89804000,-56.10074000

Solis Theater

The Solis Theater is the oldest theater in Uruguay. It was built in 1856 and is now owned by the government of Montevideo. IN concert hall The theater hosts opera and ballet performances.

The theater was built in the classical style by the architects Zucchi, Garmendia and Rabu. A large-scale reconstruction of the theater building was carried out by the government of Montevideo in 1998. The reconstruction of the theater cost the government $110,000. The restoration of the building was fully completed in 2004.

The Uruguayan theater throughout its existence was considered the best stage in South America, on the stage of which many stars of world art performed. Among such personalities, the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova and the Italian tenor Enrique Caruso stand out.

Coordinates: -34.90796500,-56.20129100

Legislativo Palace

Legislativo Palace is the legislative palace and the seat of the Uruguayan Parliament. The building of the palace was built in 1904 with the support of President José Batlle y Ordoñez.

The building was designed by the Italian architects Vittorio Meano and Gaetano Moreti, who also planned the interior of the palace. Among the notable participants in the project is the sculptor José Belloni, who created numerous reliefs and allegorical sculptures that can now be seen on the building of the palace.

The palace was opened on August 25, 1925, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. The opening was attended by the Uruguayan government. In 1975, the building was declared a national historical monument.

Coordinates: -34.89133500,-56.18724000

Pocitos beach

Positos beach is popular sand beach located in the area of ​​the same name. On the beach, ten-to-15-story apartment buildings have been built, offering magnificent views of the beach and the sea. Of course it is popular place, which has many hotels and hotels.

On the beaches, people not only prefer to lie down and sunbathe, but also engage in active sports: playing football, volleyball, running, aerobics. It is often held here various events on the water and championships.

The beach is a 10-minute drive from downtown Montevideo. There are many chic and trendy restaurants and shops here, attracting not only locals but also tourists from neighboring Argentina and Brazil.

Coordinates: -34.91204800,-56.14537200

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Montevideo parliament building

The building of the Parliament of Uruguay is located in the capital of the country, Montevideo, on Law Avenue. The Uruguayans themselves call it the Palace of the Law.

Neoclassical building architectural style, surprisingly harmonious - luxurious, stylized as ancient Greek facades, beautiful interior decoration with marble and granite. And at the same time - a very successful organization of space.

The history of the construction of the Palace is also interesting. At the time of the preparation of the project in 1923, Uruguay, small and poor in resources, in principle did not have extra funds for large-scale construction. However, the population recognized the need to build a building that combines functionality and beauty as a symbol of the state.

In fact, the Palace of Law was assigned the role of a national monument.

Coordinates: -34.89093000,-56.18721500

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Uruguay is one of the smallest countries in South America. It got its name from the river that flows along the border of the state. For a long time Uruguay was a Spanish colony, which left its mark on culture and traditions. There are a lot of ancient settlements and buildings of the colonial period. The cities of Colonia are saturated with the spirit of antiquity
del Sacramento and Colonia Suiza. Colonia del Sacramento is the oldest city in Uruguay, dating back to the 17th century. In Montevideo, along with ancient buildings, ultra-modern buildings in the style of modernism and neoclassicism coexist. On the ocean coast there are excellent resorts. The most fashionable is Punta del Este, where international festivals and business meetings.

Sights of Uruguay

1. Solis Theater (Teatro Solis)

The Solis Theater is located in the Old Center of Montevideo, a few blocks from the city center and a few dozen meters from the coastline, on Independence Square. It was built in 1856 and the Solis Theater is the most important theater in Uruguay, the second largest theater in South America. The Solis Theater is the main cultural attraction of Uruguay.

2. La Rambla, Montevideo (La Rambla, Montevideo

La Rambla refers to the coastal road and promenade that runs along the entire length of Montevideo's coastline, which is as much as 22 kilometers. On La Rambla is one of the most popular beaches in Uruguay - Positos.

3. Mercado del Puerto, Montevideo (Mercado del Puerto

The main market of the country was opened in 1868 with the assistance of the President of the Republic of Uruguay, Lorenzo Batlle and members of his cabinet. The market building used to be railway station, and now there are many otdelchik who sell mainly seafood. Inside the market and in its vicinity is located a large number of restaurants and cafes, the great Caruso himself drank coffee here under open sky. Not far from the market there is a port where cruise ships call.

4. Independence Square, Montevideo (Plaza Independencia, Montevideo

Independence Square is located on the border between the Old City and the center, it is the main and most important square of Montevideo and the landmark of Uruguay. Around the square are the Solis Theatre, the Salvo Palace and the last remnants of the city gates and city walls. In the center of the square stands a monument to the national hero of Uruguay - José Artigas. The creation of the project of the square dates back to 1837.

5. Punta del Este(PuntadelEste)

Punta del Este is Saint Tropez in Latin America or Miami Beach Uruguay. Punta del Este is one of the main tourist destinations for Uruguayans, Brazilians and Argentines. During the high season in December - February, the population of this small coastal town jumps from 7,000 to 170,000 people.

6. Colonia del Sacramento (Colonia del Sacramento

Del Sacramento is a port and city in southwestern Uruguay, the capital of the province of Colonia. The city was founded by the Portuguese in 1680. Colonia Del Sacramento is located one hour by ferry from Buenos Aires and 180 kilometers from Montevideo. It has been declared a UNESCO city world heritage, because of its old colorful historical houses of the 17th-18th century, built under the influence of the Portuguese and Spaniards. Barrio Historico - common name historical center Colonia Del Sacramento, where it's so nice to get lost walking along its sun-drenched cobbled streets.

The city's historic quarter is stunning as it is one of oldest cities Uruguay, and everywhere you look you will see beautiful colonial architecture and picturesque old cobbled streets.Being ruled at different times by the Spaniards and the Portuguese, who fought for it, which resulted in an interesting combination of architectural styles.The city wall that once protected the city from invaders still surrounds the old quarter.There are some excellent museums near the Rio de la Plata.The two main tourist attractions in the city are tall lighthouse from which opens great view over the city, and the Basilica of Santhrazimo Sacramento.

7. Punta del Diablo(Punta del Diablo

Punta del Diablo, a small urban beach considered one of the best in South America. It is located 43 kilometers from the city of Chui, which is on the border with Brazil.

8. Cabo Polonio (Cabo Polonio)

Cabo Polonio is a beautiful little fishing village a few hours east of Punta del Este. Here you can fully experience the atmosphere of the Uruguayan province. This place is notable for its atmospheric location, historic lighthouse and a sea lion rookery.

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