Staraya Ladoga: sights and excursions. Monasteries, fortress and museum

Do you want to see the oldest settlement Leningrad region, walk along the oldest Russian street, visit monasteries and reserves? Plan your trip to Staraya Ladoga is a small village in the Volkhovsky district. Here, according to the chronicles, is the grave of Prince Oleg, was the first place of the reign of Prince Rurik. Today, in Staraya Ladoga, you can find a lot of interesting things - both for history buffs and for those who are in love with places of worship, architectural monuments, or who prefer outdoor recreation.

What to see in Staraya Ladoga

Although today Staraya Ladoga - this is a small village, earlier it was a city called Ladoga. Centuries-old history has left a tangible mark here: literally at the entrance you seem to be transported into the past. Naturally, a significant part of the Old Ladoga sights is connected precisely with history.

architectural landmarks

  • Acquaintance with Staraya Ladoga and its sights should start with a tour Old Ladoga fortress, fortunately, every resident of the village will tell you how to get to it. Initially, the fortress was built here at the beginning of the 12th century, but today you can admire the monumental building of the 15th century. Naturally, time has left its mark on the fortress - it is gradually being reconstructed, but part of the structure still resembles either ruins after the battle, or rocks (the thickness of the walls, by the way, in some places reached 5 m). Previously, the fortress had five towers, but only two were restored - Klimentovskaya and Vorotnaya. You can visit here for a nominal fee - tickets are more than affordable.
  • On the territory of the fortress is St. George's Church, which is also worth a visit and admire the frescoes of the XII century, which are still preserved on the walls. Actually, it is worth talking about this temple separately, so I will pay more attention to it below.
  • Manor "Uspenskoe"- Another place that should definitely be included in the itinerary. It was erected by lieutenant-general Roman Tomilov in the 1780s, but after three decades his son changed the appearance of the estate, adding the so-called "Schwartz House" (stone outbuilding), where a luxurious collection of drawings and paintings, including Rembrandt's brushes, was kept. . Today the estate is part of the Staraya Ladoga Museum. Here are the funds of graphics, painting, frescoes, archaeological and historical household.
  • deserves attention and merchant Kalyazin's house a majestic stone structure, which now houses an archaeological exposition. There is something to see here, because excavations near Staraya Ladoga have been going on since the middle of the century before last. Of course, not all finds are presented in the exposition, but in three halls there are interesting things related to different eras - from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages.

Did you know? If you decide to visit the fortress, St. George's Church, expositions, remember that they all belong to the historical, architectural and archaeological museum-reserve so you can buy a single ticket.

Religious buildings of Staraya Ladoga

Their list may take several pages, but if you are going to Staraya Ladoga for a day or two, it is worth visiting at least the main attractions, photos with descriptions of which are found on many travel sites.

  • Since we started our acquaintance with the city from the fortress, the first thing we visited St. George's Church, which has already been mentioned. In addition to frescoes, it is also remarkable for the richness of decorations. According to legend, it was here that Alexander Nevsky consecrated his sword.
  • Holy Assumption Monastery And Dormition Church. The monastery was originally male, but later it was given to nuns (by the way, it was here that Evdokia Lopukhina, the wife of Peter the Great, Evdokia Gannibal, lived; relatives of the Decembrists were also exiled here). Majestic architecture, dramatic history - this is what attracts tourists to the monastery.
  • Nikolsky Monastery- it is believed that it was founded during the victory of Alexander Nevsky over the Swedes. Of the sights of the monastery, it is worth highlighting the bell tower and the Holy Gates made by Tikhvin masters. Parts of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept in the monastery.
  • - today it is assigned to the Nikopol Monastery, but remains the main cathedral for the believers of Staraya Ladoga. The temple is located on Malysheva Hill, so relatively recently it had to be saved: there are many voids and underground passages in the mountain, so the church began to sag. It is believed that the temple was erected on the spot where St. Andrew the First-Called once placed his cross. Initially, the temple was wooden, but in the 17th century a stone structure was erected on this site.

St. George's Church

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

Museums of Staraya Ladoga

First of all, it is worth highlighting historical and architectural museum reserve, which was already mentioned above: this is a fortress, merchants' estates, St. George's Church.
There are in Staraya Ladoga and local history museum, which is located in the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica - a small wooden temple, which was erected at the beginning of the 17th century. Of course, today's church was built later, but it is a complete copy of its predecessor.

Natural monuments of Staraya Ladoga

  • Situated near the village natural monument "Staroladozhsky" with a total area of ​​more than 200 hectares. There are three artificial caves here: Tanechkina (bats winter here), Staroladozhskaya and Malyshka.
  • The complex also has geological outcrops(near Volkhov), which are of value, paleontological fossils. But most an interesting place is the Sopki tract where ancient burial mounds have been preserved. Under one of them, according to legend, Prophetic Oleg is buried.
  • Naturally, burial mounds riddled with passages and catacombs, but tourists have no chance to get inside, since there are no entrances to them. Fans of the biofield theory have found that there are some fields in the Sopki that have a healing effect. However, even if this is not the case, it is worth visiting the mounds to admire the most beautiful landscapes of the Volkhov and Staraya Ladoga itself.
  • Finally, the list of natural points of interest would be incomplete without Gorchakovshchinsky waterfall which is located near the village. You can get here with a guide from among local residents or on your own. Quiet streams of water and picturesque greenery around will allow you to relax and enjoy being close to nature.

Gorchakovsky waterfall

Staraya Ladoga - what to see in winter

  • If you decide to come here to new year holidays, visit Sopki unlikely to succeed - most likely, they will be covered with snow.
  • But to get acquainted with the expositions of the museum in merchant Kalyazin's house, in the estate "Uspenskoye", wander around the fortress and temples - it is quite possible.
  • Do not forget about Gorchakovsky waterfall: in winter, its frozen waters are a truly delightful sight.

A story about the history of Staraya Ladoga - in the past - a city in Novgorod Rus', now - a village. About the Old Ladoga fortress, about the old monasteries and mounds located on this one.

Staraya Ladoga - what to see with children

  • It is worth noting that, in principle, it is better not to drag kids under five years old here with you - they will be frankly bored. But older kids will love it in the fortress.
  • With schoolchildren it is quite possible to go to tour of the Sopki, but it's better to do it with a guide - his stories will surely come in handy in history lessons, and vivid impressions will stick in your memory for a long time.
  • If you decide to go to Staraya Ladoga, it is most convenient to do this by car, and stop for the night - in.


Two days were enough for us to explore the main sights of the village, but if you want to relax and rest longer (for example, in nature), allocate one more day.

Have you been to Staraya Ladoga? What sights of the village impressed you the most? Share your impressions in the comments.

Staraya Ladoga is village in the Leningrad region, 120 km from St. Petersburg on the banks of the Volkhov River. But what other village can boast such a truly great history and so many attractions? In Staraya Ladoga there is a stone fortress, two ancient monasteries, Nikolsky for men and Assumption for women, several churches and ancient mounds.

According to many historians and archaeologists, it was Staraya Ladoga that became the first capital of the Old Russian state. In any case, it was one of the most ancient and significant cities of Ancient Rus', which played an important role in the formation of the state, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds.

This "village" with its architectural and fortification monuments is a real treasure trove of Russian and world cultural heritage.

Ancient history of Staraya Ladoga

The territory around Staraya Ladoga was developed as early as the 4th-2nd millennium BC, in the Neolithic and early metal epochs. The exact date of the founding of Ladoga is unknown, but the studies carried out by archaeologists make it possible to say with accuracy that this happened no later than 753 of the year.

A group of scientists and archaeologists led by A. N. Kirpichnikov determined that in the middle of the 8th century there was a settlement here. The year 753 was determined as the date of the city's foundation using dendrochronological analysis of one of the ancient buildings. However, the results of the study of some finds and soil suggest that a settlement already existed in this place in the second half of the 7th and early 8th centuries, and perhaps even earlier. Traces of arable land were found under the cultural layer, and radiocarbon analysis showed that its age belongs to the 6th century.

Where did the name come from? Ladoga?

According to one version, the name of the city comes from the river Ladozhka, which flows into the Volkhov here. And the name of this river comes from the Finnish hydronym "Alode-jogi (joki)", which means "lower river". The Scandinavians began to call the fortress on the cape at the confluence of two rivers and the settlement next to the fortress - Aldeigya, further - Aldeiguborg, and the huge lake into which the Volkhov River flows was called Aldoga in those days. Over time, the name of the settlement was transformed into "Ladoga", the lake also became known.

The appearance of a fortress and a city in this place is not accidental. The Volkhov River, on the banks of which the settlement was founded, was part of the most important trade routes. Along the Volkhov, through Ladoga, there were ways "from the Varangians to the Arabs" and "from the Varangians to the Greeks", further along the Volga and the Dnieper - to the Arab Caliphate and Byzantium. It is the key position on the trade routes that Ladoga owes its rapid rise to. The city played an important role in the commercial and political life of Northern Europe in the 8th-10th centuries.

According to archeology, from the very beginning of the emergence of Ladoga, people lived in the city permanently or temporarily different countries. During the excavations, objects belonging to the Slavs, Scandinavians, Finno-Ugric peoples, and Balts were found.

The main occupation of the population was trade. On the banks of the Volkhov there was an intensive exchange of goods.

From Scandinavia, furs were supplied, weapons that the locals sold to the Arabs for silver dirhams. Arab dirhems were in great use in Staraya Ladoga, as evidenced by the numerous finds of Arab coins and even entire treasures during excavations, the earliest of the treasures dates back to 786.

Through Ladoga, ships carried weapons, utensils, various decorations, fabrics, luxury items, spices and incense.

Back in the 780s, the production of eye-beads was launched using the Arab low-temperature technology. Moreover, these beads served not only as decoration; beads were also a monetary unit.

Various crafts flourished in Ladoga. Numerous workshops of blacksmiths, jewelers, bone carvers, potters, and bronze casters worked in the city. Of course, there were also shipyards here.

Around Ladoga, points arose for inspecting cargo and collecting tribute, as well as fortified settlements, one of which was, and the other was fortifications near the village of Duboviki (now it is the Novye Duboviki microdistrict in Volkhov).

In the first third of the 9th century, Ladoga became the center of a large early state formation (Russian Khaganate, Ladoga Rus), which was an important Eurasian economic partner and traded along the Great Volga and Dnieper routes. Ladoga became a prosperous city, one of the key international ports on transcontinental trade routes, and provided the Slavs with free ties with countries Western Europe, West Slavic Pomorye and others. It was also a major craft and spiritual center.

The historical significance of Ladoga was enormous: the foundation and development of this city provided Rus' with free access to the Baltic and securing the Neva-Ladoga lands for the country.

Many historians believe that it is Ladoga - the first capital of Rus': the Ipatiev list of the Tale of Bygone Years says: “And having come to Slovenia first and cut down the city of Ladoga and gray-haired Rurik, the oldest in Ladoza”. IN 862 Ladoga became the first residence of Rurik, the founder of the Rurik dynasty, who was called to the principality. Rurik ruled here in 862-865. Later, the prince transferred his throne to Novgorod, and later Kyiv became the main city of Rus', but Ladoga was still the first capital.

V. M. Vasnetsov. The calling of the Varangians. 1909

Under Rurik, a wooden fortress was built on the cape formed by the confluence of Ladozhka and Volkhov to protect against raids by the Varangian tribes and control trade routes. And the settlement was located on both banks of Ladozhka and on the banks of the Volkhov. In 882 Prince Oleg, Rurik's successor, "starting to set up cities", that is, to build a stone fortress. Under Rurik and Oleg, the trade relations of Ladoga expanded significantly.

In the 11th century, in 1019, Ladoga was given as a wedding gift to the wife of Yaroslav the Wise, the Swedish princess Ingigerd. Then Ladoga became the center of the Ladoga yarlstvo, a special territory in the composition of Ancient Rus'. Ladoga was ruled by Swedish military rulers. Interestingly, Aldeigjuborg is mentioned in the ancient Scandinavian sagas of the 10th-13th centuries.

At the beginning of the 12th century, Novgorod prince Mstislav the Great subjugated Ladoga, and intensive stone construction began. In 1114-1116, Prince Mstislav erected a new stone fortress in Ladoga, which became a reliable defense for the city. During the 12th century, one after another, six stone temples were built in the city. At the same time, the main planning structure of the settlement was formed. The temples became the centers of the "ends" of the city. The main part of the building was yards with extensive garden plots.

Until 1703, Ladoga retained the status of a city, and then at the mouth of the Volkhov, on the shore Lake Ladoga, Novaya Ladoga arose, and then ancient city became a village and was renamed Staraya Ladoga.

Old Ladoga fortress

The main attraction of Staraya Ladoga, its heart, is ancient fortress, located in the very center of the village on a cape at the confluence of the confluence of the Ladozhka River into the Volkhov.

She witnessed many historical and military-political events. For more than eight centuries, the fortress protected the northwestern borders of Rus' and in its history has been repeatedly attacked by the Swedes and other Scandinavian tribes, destroyed, as well as numerous reconstructions.

The very first wooden fortification was built on this site in the 9th century. As reported in The Tale of Bygone Years, 862 year in Ladoga was called to reign Rurik with their brothers Sineus and Truvor, and on a promontory formed by two rivers, they began building wooden fortress to protect against raids by overseas Varangians from Lake Ladoga and to strengthen control over the waterway along Ladoga. This fortress became the administrative center of Ladoga, as well as the urban core around which the ancient settlement was formed.

IN 1114-1116 years during the reign of Novgorod Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich built a new stone fortress in Ladoga.

IN 1164 In 1999, the Ladoga fortress was attacked by the Swedes, who sailed here on 55 ships. After a long siege, the enemy troops retreated, and then they were finally defeated by an army from Novgorod that came to the rescue. In honor of this victory, most likely, it was erected on the territory of the fortress temple dedicated St. George- the patron saint of the army.

With regard to the proliferation of firearms in 15-16 centuries, a complete reconstruction and modernization of the Ladoga fortress was carried out according to all the rules of fire fortification. IN 1584-1585 years, south of the stone fortress made of wood and earth, an additional wood-and-earth fortification with three bastions was erected - Earth city, - an innovative construction for those times.

During the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century, the Ladoga fortress was at the center of hostilities. The fortress was the object of constant struggle between the warring parties, passed from hand to hand many times, was significantly damaged, but then restored.

The last, unsuccessful, assault on the stronghold by the Swedes took place at the beginning of the Northern War; soon the border of the state moved to the west by almost 100 km, the fortress lost its military and strategic importance and was no longer used for military purposes. The fortress garrison was transferred to new town, built on the shores of Lake Ladoga, Novaya Ladoga.

All this determined the further fate of the fortress: it began to collapse and gradually turned into ruins.

The current appearance of the towers and walls of the legendary Staraya Ladoga Fortress, dating back to the 16th century, is mainly the work of modern restorers.

Arrow and Gate towers of the fortress

The archaeological complex, consisting of the stone Ladoga Fortress and Zemlyanoy Gorodishche, is a unique example of fortifications, demonstrating all stages of the development of ancient Russian defense construction. Elements of fortifications of the 11th, 12th, 16th centuries and the remains of earthen fortifications of the 16th-17th centuries have been preserved here.

The fortress is now part of Staraya Ladoga Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve of federal significance, which includes monuments of history and architecture of the 8th-19th centuries, monuments of archeology and monumental painting.

There are two churches on the territory of the fortress: the stone church of St. George the Victorious of the 12th century and the wooden church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica at the beginning of the 20th century.

Church of St. George the Victorious, built in 12 century in honor of the victory of Russian weapons, is one of the most ancient in Staraya Ladoga and in the north of Rus'. And in terms of the expressiveness of architectural forms, it is considered one of the best examples of ancient Russian architecture.

This is a typical ancient Russian temple of the 12th century with architectural forms typical for the Novgorod churches of that time: single-dome, with a helmet-shaped dome and pozakomar covering, four pillars and three apses.

Cathedral is famous unique frescoes 12th century, miraculously preserved to this day and are an outstanding monument of ancient Russian and world culture. These frescoes are an amazing example of religious painting of the 12th century, one of the few preserved in Rus' of this period. They were found under a layer of later applied plaster and partially restored.

Church of St. George Fresco "Miracle of George about the Serpent"

To date, about 150 square meters have survived on the walls of the temple from the original interior painting. m. of fresco painting of the 12th century (this is about a fifth) and minor parts of the painting of the middle of the 15th century.

The most interesting of the surviving frescoes is considered "Miracle of George about the Serpent", which depicts a popular plot: a holy warrior with the word of God pacifies a serpent - the personification of evil.

In terms of the expressiveness of the composition, the thoroughness of the drawing and the coloring, this is one of the best creations of medieval Byzantine-Russian art and the oldest image of St. George the Victorious in ancient Russian monumental painting, which is known today.

Near the St. George's Cathedral is a small wooden church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, erected in 1901 year on the spot more ancient temple "according to its former forms and details, preserved to the smallest detail".

St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, like St. George is considered the patron saint of warriors. Church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica was built as a winter, warm temple, next to the cold stone church of St. George. St. George's Cathedral was summer, unheated, and in the church of St. Dmitry Solunsky services were conducted in the cold season.

Now in the church building there is an interesting exhibition dedicated to the study and reconstruction of frescoes in the church of St. George.

Read more about the Old Ladoga Fortress -.

The fortress is located in the very center of the village of Staraya Ladoga.
Address: Staraya Ladoga, Volkhovsky pr., 19
Coordinates: 59.997239 , 32.29671

Historical, architectural and archaeological museum-reserve "Staraya Ladoga" includes itself Old Ladoga fortress, on the territory of which there are several expositions: in the Gate, Klimentovskaya and Raskatnaya towers, in the church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica and St. George, as well as the exposition "Archaeology of Ladoga", which is located in the old stone house of the merchant P.V. Kalyazin on Varyazhskaya street, 8 (not far from the fortress, across the Ladozhka river).

Opening hours of the expositions of the museum-reserve "Staraya Ladoga": from June 1 to August 31 - Monday - from 9.00 before 17.00 , Tuesday - Sunday from 9.00 before 18.00 , from September 1 to May 31 - 9.00 before 17.00 day off - January 1.
Ticket sales close 30 minutes before the end of the expositions.
Tickets for all expositions are sold only at the box office in front of the entrance to the fortress (tickets are not sold at the Museum of Archeology).

Church of St. George is only open from 1 May to 1 October and only if the weather is warm and dry. This is due to the need to comply with the conditions for the preservation of unique frescoes.

Varyazhskaya street

Varyazhskaya Street starts from Volkhovsky Prospekt near the Ladozhka River and goes to the fence of the Assumption Monastery. An ordinary village street - gravel road, fences, one-story and two-story houses with flower beds and vegetable gardens behind fences; but it is this street that certainly deserves special attention, as the most old street Staraya Ladoga and one of the oldest streets in Russia. Its name - Varangian - has been known since the 12th-13th centuries.

The beginning of Varyazhskaya Street is decorated with a symbolic sculpture - bronze falcon with its wings spread wide.

The sculpture was installed in 2013 The tablet reads: "FALCON - a symbol of the ancient Russian princely family."

The falcon is a symbol of the whole Staraya Ladoga. The image of this bird is present on the coat of arms and on the flag of the Old Ladoga rural settlement and personifies its glorious history. "In a purple field, a golden falcon flying down into a pillar", says the heraldic description.

Coat of arms of Staraya Ladoga Flag of Staraya Ladoga

The falcon in heraldry is a symbol of nobility, courage, intelligence, strength and beauty.

The falcon on the coat of arms resembles a bronze form with the image of a bird found during excavations in Staraya Ladoga, and, in addition, it looks like a trident - the sign of the Rurikids.

The falcon is generally one of the most popular symbols in Ancient Rus'. The ancient Slavic god of fire and light, Rarog, was considered similar to a falcon. In Rus', the hunting falcon was called rerik, it was a revered symbol of courage and invincibility. Based on this, some researchers derive the name of the founder of the ancient Russian princely dynasty, Rurik.

On a small square crossed by Varyazhskaya Street stands a majestic monument to Rurik and Prophetic Oleg- the legendary Russian princes, the founders of the Old Ladoga fortress and the Old Russian state.

Rurik, according to the ancient Russian chronicles, is the founder of the Novgorod principality in Rus' and the prince of Novgorod since 862, as well as the ancestor of the princely and subsequently royal dynasty of Rurikovich.

Oleg- Prince of Novgorod since 879. In the chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" he is referred to as Prophetic Oleg. After the death of Rurik in 879, Oleg took power as regent for his son Igor. Oleg captured Kyiv and moved the capital of Ancient Rus' there, uniting the lands of the Eastern Slavs, and since 882 he has been referred to as the Grand Duke of Kiev.

The majestic figures of two Russian princes, Rurik and Oleg, embody the power and strength of the Russian people. The shield on which they rely symbolizes the protection of the state.

The monument was opened in 2015 year and became a real decoration of Staraya Ladoga. It is made in bronze and has a height of 5 meters. The author of the monument is a sculptor Oleg Shorov.

In the competition for best project monument, which was held in 2013, was attended by 38 architects. Oleg Shorov became the winner. In 2014-2015, work was carried out on the project. The sculptor traveled to Staraya Ladoga several times, studied the results of archaeological excavations and historical literature to give credibility to the monument, he reworked the details in the process of work - clothes, weapons. As a result, the shield was installed exactly the same as used by the soldiers. In the hands of Rurik, instead of the originally conceived staff, a scroll appeared, which shows that the founder of statehood is not only a warrior, but, first of all, a diplomat.

Especially for the installation of the monument, a 40-ton stone pedestal was brought from Kamennogorsk. It was decided to install the monument on Varyazhskaya Street, in the place where a wonderful view of the Ladoga Fortress opens. At the same time, the square was reconstructed and the entire adjacent territory was landscaped.

An observation deck behind the monument, from where a view of the Staraya Ladoga fortress opens.

Previously, here, at the intersection of Culture Street with Varyazhskaya Street, there was a square called Torgovaya. characteristic feature merchant houses, located near the Market Square, was the presence of trading shops in them.

Residential development of Varyazhskaya street of the 19th-early 20th centuries. is located on the territory of the cultural layer of Ladoga Posad of the 8th-15th centuries, an important monument of archeology. During archaeological excavations in this area, various household items dating back to the 8th-10th centuries were found, which allowed the researchers to conclude that at that time the left bank of the Ladozhka River had already been fully developed. Data from archaeological excavations show that in the second half of the 10th century, on the left bank of the Ladozhka, there were farmsteads at some distance from each other. Around that time, Varyazhskaya Street began to form. According to some reports, this street once ran in a slightly different direction, to the northwest.

On Varyazhskaya street

From the end of the 18th century, Varyazhskaya Street began to be built up with merchant houses. Then there was the current direction of the street, parallel to the river and the highway. Some of the houses that now stand on Varyazhskaya Street date back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries (although most of the old houses have not been preserved).

In general, almost all the central streets in Staraya Ladoga - this is Varyazhskaya Street, Volkhovsky Prospekt (known since the 16th century), Kultury Street, formerly Progonnaya, this is the historical direction of the road to Oreshek - have retained the main historical planning directions.

From the house number 2 on Naberezhnaya Street, which departs from Varyazhskaya and goes along the very bank of the Volkhov, from the beginning of the 19th century there was a transport across the river in private boats. In this place, it is noticeable as if the exit into the water. In summer there is a small beach. And in cold winters, when strong ice rises on the river, from here there is a path to the other side.

On Varyazhskaya Street there are two houses, wooden and stone, built in the 19th century and belonging to the wealthy merchant family of Kalyazins. In the 80s of the 19th century, the four Kalyazin brothers were listed as New Ladoga merchants of the 2nd guild.

IN stone house of P. V. Kalyazin, which is an architectural monument of the 19th century, is located Museum of Archeology of Staraya Ladoga.

The house of the merchant P. V. Kalyazin, now the Museum of Archeology of Staraya Ladoga

The owner of the stone house was one of the four Kalyazin brothers - Pyotr Vasilyevich. After the fire of 1884, the merchant built a new house, in which the main walls were made of the strongest Eliseevsky brick. The ground floor of the house was occupied by a store that sold mainly dry food products. On the second floor there were living rooms where the owner of the house lived with his wife and three children. In Soviet times, the building housed a village club, then a kindergarten.

In 2003, on the second floor in the house of the merchant P. V. Kalyazin, exposition "Archaeology of Ladoga", which is constantly updated and supplemented.

The archaeological heritage of Staraya Ladoga is a rich material for study. In the halls of the museum there are more than a thousand exhibits relating to the Neolithic and early Middle Ages.

These are archaeological artefacts that have been found at Zemlyanoy Gorodishche and Posad in Staraya Ladoga from 1972 to this day, telling about the heyday of the early medieval city of Ladoga in the Viking Age from the second half of the 8th century to the 10th century, including very rare finds found in Ladoga objects with Scandinavian runic inscriptions.

This and items material culture and life of the inhabitants of Ladoga from the late Middle Ages to the 17th century: weapons and horse harness, household items, kitchen utensils, costume details and jewelry, numerous glass and stone beads, handicrafts and tools that tell about the occupations of the townspeople, liturgical books, silver oriental and Western European coins. All these exhibits allow you to vividly imagine the appearance and occupations of the inhabitants of the city.

On the first floor is showroom museum-reserve "Staraya Ladoga", where exhibitions of contemporary artists are held.

Address of the Museum of Archeology: Varyazhskaya st., 8, village of Staraya Ladoga
Coordinates: 59.999184 , 32.296190

Opening hours: from June 1 to August 31 - daily from 9.00 before 18.00 , from September 1 to May 31 - daily from 9.00 before 17.00 , day off - January 1
Sale entrance tickets ends 30 minutes before the end of the exhibition.
Tickets to the Museum of Archeology are sold only at the box office near the fortress.

Wooden house of A. V. Kalyazin, which is closer to the banks of the Volkhov, is also part of the museum-reserve and is protected as an architectural monument. Previously, there was an exposition "Merchant life of the 19th and early 20th centuries". The house is now closed.

House of the merchant A. V. Kalyazin

On Varyazhskaya Street, behind the museum building, there is a small stone chapel. The brick chapel was built in 1913 at the expense of the Imperial Geographical Society on the initiative of the archaeologist N. E. Brandenburg, who discovered the foundation of an older temple that was previously located here. A 12th-century church once stood on this site, consecrated in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, which was the main temple of the Spassky (Resurrection) end of Ladoga.

Chapel on Varyazhskaya street

Nearby on the Volkhov highway (house 27) is located House-museum of the old life of Ladoga, this is a small museum-shop, arranged in a private house, where you can see various old items used in village houses, as well as all sorts of crafts, amulets, amulets and other gizmos. The museum is like a junk shop; however, there is an inscription on the house: “The House of Babayeshka,” what else could be the house of this very Babayeshka?

Staraya Ladoga St. Nicholas Monastery

One of the main attractions of Staraya Ladoga is the Staraya Ladoga Nikolsky Monastery, located on the southern outskirts of Staraya Ladoga on the picturesque left bank of the Volkhov River at the foot of a high hill called Victory.

The foundation of the St. Nicholas Monastery is associated with the name of Alexander Nevsky. According to ancient monastic tradition, the monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was founded in 1240 or 1241 year Prince Alexander Nevsky after his victory over the Swedes in the Battle of the Neva in 1240, in which a detachment of Ladoga participated. The monastery chronicle says that the monastery was built "in memory of the dead Ladoga relatives", - associates of Alexander Nevsky, who returned from the battlefield.

There are two temples on the territory of the monastery.

The oldest building and the main temple of the Nikolsky Monastery - cathedral of st. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of sailors and travelers, originally built back in 12 century; The present appearance of the temple belongs to 17 century. The temple is now not functioning, restoration is underway.

The decoration of the monastery was church of st. John Chrysostom built in 1860-1873 gg. according to the project of the academician of architecture A. M. Gornostaeva in the form of a Romanesque basilica with elements of the Old Russian style. Surprisingly beautiful murals have been preserved in the temple. This is the main operating temple of the Nikolsky Monastery.

Between St. Nicholas Cathedral and the Church of St. John Chrysostom rises a slender octagonal three-tiered Bell tower, with a hipped wooden top, built by Tikhvin craftsmen in 1691-1692 years.

Today, the monastery is a functioning monastic cloister and an architectural monument of federal significance.

Nikolsky Monastery is located in the southern part of the village of Staraya Ladoga.
Monastery parking coordinates: 59.990927 , 32.301729

The monastery is open to the public daily from 9:00 before 19:00 .

More about the Staroladoga Nikolsky Monastery -.

At the pier of the Nikolsky Monastery there is a nice sculpture - Ladoga fisherman in an earflap and a waterproof raincoat, with a fishing rod and a tackle box at his feet. A little to the side - a cat, waiting, suddenly something from the catch will fall to him.

On the pier at the Nikolsky Monastery

Holy Assumption Monastery

To the north of the Staraya Ladoga fortress is the Staroladoga Holy Assumption Monastery, one of the oldest in northwestern Russia.

The time of the founding of the Assumption Monastery is not exactly known. According to one version, the monastery was founded at the beginning 12 century, when the oldest of the stone temples of Ladoga that have survived to this day was built - Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1114-1116 years) - as a temple-tomb of the princely women's monastery.

But, perhaps, the monastery was founded much later than the Church of the Assumption itself. The Assumption Cathedral was originally a parish, and the monastery around it was built later, in any case, the first mention of the monastery in the annals dates back to 1500.

Holy Assumption Convent, view from the opposite bank of the Volkhov

The monastery for a long time remained one of the largest religious centers in the Russian North.

In the center of the monastery rises Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the main temple of the monastery and a unique monument of Novgorod architecture of the 12th century. The construction of the Cathedral of the Dormition belongs to period from 1114 to 1150 year. This is one of the oldest fully preserved church buildings in the north-west of Russia and the northernmost temple of pre-Mongolian Rus'.

The four-pillar, three-nave, three-apse temple is crowned with a dome with a helmet-shaped dome on a high drum. The architecture of the Assumption Cathedral is similar to the Church of St. George, but has b O more volume. During worship, it could accommodate several dozen believers.

The Assumption Church and the monastery around it could have arisen simultaneously with the construction of the Ladoga fortress in 1114-1116. or right after that. The customer of the temple could be the Novgorod prince Mstislav the Great (1076-1132).

However, not so long ago, during restoration work under the vaults of the Assumption Church, on one of the spring arches, a heraldic sign of Rurikovich, which, as it turned out, belonged to Prince Rostislav Mstislavovich, one of the sons of Mstislav and Christina, who reigned in Novgorod in 1154 and in 1157. At that time, that is, 1157-1158 years, obviously, they built the church, but the posadnik and the posad people could be the customers. However, this date is not considered accurate, but is only an assumption.

In the 12th century, several stone temples were erected in the city. The Assumption Cathedral, according to a number of scientists, is the first church building in Ladoga, which embodied the architectural features of a new type of parish church. All other temples were built in his likeness.

With all the numerous reconstructions, the Assumption Church of the 12th century has been completely preserved in all its main parts. In 1958-1960. During the restoration of the temple, later additions were removed and the temple appeared in its original form. At the same time, a total of about 50 square meters were uncovered on the walls of the temple. meters of surviving fragments of frescoes of the 12th century.

The Assumption Monastery is surrounded by a white fence with turrets. Main entrance— Western Holy Gates.

Western Holy Doors of the Dormition Monastery

Most of the buildings on the territory of the monastery belong to the 19th century. Until the beginning of the 19th century, all the buildings of the monastery, with the exception of the Assumption Cathedral, were wooden. In the 19th century, intensive construction began in the monastery: the Western Holy Gates, the Hospital Building with the Exaltation of the Cross Church and other buildings were built.

After the revolution, the monastery was closed and reopened in 2005. In August 2005, the first Divine Liturgy was held in the Dormition Church.

Now all the buildings of the monastery complex are architectural monuments of federal significance.

The Church of the Assumption is open to the public only during the summer on weekends, and services are held only in the summer.

Therefore, the main functioning temple of the monastery is Holy Cross Church, which is located in the southeastern part of the monastery, almost at the very wall overlooking the Volkhov, in the Hospital building, is a monumental brick building, built, like many other buildings on the territory of the monastery, in the neo-Russian style. There is a monastery shop attached to the church.

Hospital building with the Exaltation of the Cross Church, 1860-1862, designed by architect A. M. Gornostaev

At various times, the monastery became a refuge or a place of imprisonment for many famous women. Perhaps the most famous prisoner of the monastery was the first wife of Peter I and the last Russian queen Evdokia Lopukhina, in monasticism Elena. She was here from 1718 to 1725; around the monastery then a military guard was on duty, the entrance of parishioners to the territory of the monastery was prohibited and the tonsure of new novices was suspended. The stay of Evdokia Lopukhina, the nun Elena, in the monastery is reminiscent of the second name of the Ladozhka river - Elena.

More about the Assumption Monastery -.

The Assumption Monastery is located in the middle of the village, north of the fortress; along the Volkhov highway there is a white fence, which is impossible not to notice.
The main entrance to the monastery is the Western Holy Gates, but there is another entrance on the south side, where it is convenient to park a car, there is a small parking lot.
Parking coordinates: 60.001039 , 32.293330

Assumption Monastery is open to the public daily from 9:00 before 19:00 hours.
The Church of the Dormition is open to the public on weekends in the summer.

Across the road from the monastery is the Alekseevsky cemetery with Church of Alexy, the man of God; earlier, both the church and the cemetery belonged to the Assumption Monastery.

In 1831, the parishioners of the Assumption Monastery built a chapel at their own expense, consecrated in the name of Alexy, the man of God. And two years later, in 1833 year, on the site of the chapel on the donations of the St. Petersburg merchant Semyon Kalinin and other parishioners, a single-domed stone church was erected in the style of late classicism. At the beginning of the 20th century, a porch-porch was added to the church according to the project of the architect A.P. Melnikov.

In 1939, the Aleksievskaya Church was closed and fell into disrepair. In 2000, the temple was returned to the church and restored (1999-2001) at the expense of the Volkhov Aluminum enterprise, in memory of its director B. A. Alekseev.

Not far from here, in the park next to the regional cultural and sports center "Ladoga", there is commemorative sign in honor of the 1250th anniversary of Staraya Ladoga. It was installed in 2003 during the celebration of the anniversary.


Near the Assumption Monastery, on the north side, there is a small park overlooking the Volkhov. There are benches in the park, and here you can relax in the shade of trees, so that later you can continue walking and sightseeing with renewed vigor.

This was the territory of the Uspenskoye estate, which is famous primarily for its cultural traditions, established by the owner of the estate, A.R. Tomilov, and the memory of the wonderful people who were guests here.

In the 18th century, the estate on the banks of the Volkhov belonged to the Melgunovs, one of the richest families in Staraya Ladoga. In 1807, the owners of the estate were Varvara Andreevna, the daughter of the provincial marshal of the nobility in the Olonets governorship A.P. Melgunov, and her husband Alexey Romanovich Tomilov(1779-1848) - philanthropist, great lover and connoisseur of art, collector. During the war with the French in 1812, Tomilov joined the militia and led a detachment of soldiers from his serfs, and since 1815, after being wounded in the battle of Polotsk, he settled in Uspensky without a break and began to improve the estate.

Most of the territory of the estate was occupied by a picturesque park with deciduous trees, in the center of which there was a one-story wooden manor house. On the south side of the house, a parterre park with a regular layout was laid out, and on the opposite side, the park was a dense green massif. A staircase made of limestone slabs descended from the manor's house towards the river. Two ponds were dug near the banks of the Volkhov, in which silver carps were bred. A linden alley led towards the monastery fence, the alleys also stretched to Malysheva Hill and to the road towards Novaya Ladoga. To the west of the house were greenhouses, vegetable gardens and an orchard.

In 1816, a two-story brick building was added to the wooden manor house on the north side, both buildings were connected by a covered gallery. Later, the brick building became the main one. Perhaps at first it was one-story in the middle, and two-story along the edges, but then it was repeatedly rebuilt.

O. A. Kiprensky. Portrait
Alexei Romanovich Tomilov. 1808
(State Russian Museum)

The owner of Uspensky Alexei Romanovich Tomilov was a very respected person in the district, he was elected several times as the leader of the nobility of the Novoladozhsky district. Under Tomilov, the estate became a center of art and cultural life. A fine connoisseur and connoisseur of art, the owner of Uspensky collected a large and very valuable collection of paintings and drawings by Russian and foreign masters, as well as sculptures, prints, and antiquities.

At the invitation of Tomilov, artists often visited Uspensky, and sometimes lived and worked for a long time - I. K. Aivazovsky, O. A. Kiprensky, A. O. Orlovsky, A. G. Venetsianov, P. E. Zabolotsky and many others, here there were architects, poets, writers. Creative evenings were arranged in the estate, creative ideas were discussed. Here the artistic taste of novice artists was formed, who were patronized and helped by the Tomilov family. The artists who stayed in Uspensky captured the surroundings of the estate on their canvases.

A great friend of the owner of the estate was the artist Orest Kiprensky; he is in different years painted several portraits of A. R. Tomilov.

A. R. Tomilov died in 1848 and was buried in. After his death, the estate was inherited by his son, Roman Alekseevich, who maintained the traditions established by his father, and artists continued to come to Uspenskoye. R. A. Tomilov died in 1864, his widow owned the estate; in those years, part of the collection of drawings was sold to P. M. Tretyakov.

Subsequently, in 1895, the estate was inherited by E. G. Schwartz (brother of the famous historical painter V. G. Schwartz). The new owner revived the artistic traditions of Uspensky, and the collection collected by the Tomilovs was replenished with new works.

In 1908, the outstanding artist B. M. Kustodiev visited Uspensky. Here he created a wonderful painting "The Nun" - a portrait of Abbess Olympias. In addition, Kustodiev painted a portrait of the Schwartz family, a view of the estate, and interiors in Uspensky.

B. M. Kustodiev. In the estate of the collector E. G. Schwartz Uspenskoe in Staraya Ladoga. 1908 (Tyumen Regional Museum of Fine Arts)

In 1916, E. G. Schwartz sold part of the collection to the Russian Museum, and in 1917 he transferred the rest of the collection, as well as furniture and other things, to the Russian Museum for storage. This saved the collection from plunder and destruction.

But the Schwartz family, shortly after the revolution, was evicted from their home and deported outside the Novoladozhsky district. And when the owner tried to return, if not collectible, then at least his own things, furniture, he was refused.

The wooden manor house has not survived, it burned down in the 1920s, only a brick outbuilding and another one-story building (barn) survived, where there was a barnyard. The main layout of the park has been preserved: the central alley crossing the park from north to south, and the access road that led to the house; you can also find traces of two ponds near the river.

The territory of the Uspenskoye estate and a brick outbuilding. This building is sometimes called the "Schwartz House", after the last owners of the estate.

An interesting attraction of the park is the hill, one of the many ancient burial mounds that have been preserved on the northern outskirts of Staraya Ladoga. The hill is located near the intersection of two alleys, closer to the river bank. A. R. Tomilov explored the hill together with the Polish archaeologist Zorian Dolenga-Khodakovsky, who was excavating burial mounds in Staraya Ladoga. Later, a gazebo was placed on the hill, and the hill was an element of the park's layout.

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

On the northern outskirts of Staraya Ladoga rises the five-domed Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist with a slender bell tower with a spire. The place for the temple was chosen surprisingly. The high hill above the river, on which the church is built, has long been known as Malysheva Gora and is one of the best viewpoints in Staraya Ladoga. The snow-white temple is located on the very high point Staraya Ladoga near the bend of the river and beautifully completes its perspective from the north side.

Once in this place was the John the Baptist Monastery. And in ancient times, before the founding of the monastery, there was a pagan temple on Malysheva Mountain, where they prayed to Perun and Makrusha. It is believed that the first mention of the monastery on a hill called Malysheva Mountain is found in the chronicle. 1276 of the year. The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist was the main temple of the monastery.

It is known that the family of Tsar Boris Godunov showed favor to this monastery. In the chronicles (1604) there is information about the donation of two bells by the king to the monastery. On one of them the inscription was embossed: "Ladoga - the stronghold of my state." On another bell it was written: “Summer 7112 (1604) to the Ascension of the Lord and the Nativity of John the Baptist on Malyshev Mountain in Ladoga, two bells were merged under the Blessed Tsar and Grand Duke Boris Fedorovich of All Russia and his Blessed Queen Grand Duchess Maria and with their noble children , Tsarevich Fyodor, Princess Xenia and His Grace Metropolitan Isidore of Veliky Novgorod and with the real hegumen Dionysius.

Until the end of the 17th century, all the buildings of the monastery were wooden. IN 1695 On the site of the former wooden church, the current five-domed stone church of the Nativity of John the Baptist with a chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa and a high octagonal bell tower was erected on the site of the former wooden church (the head and spire of the bell tower date back to the 19th century).

The monastery existed until the end of the 18th century. Then for many years (until its closure in the 1920s) the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist was the main parish cathedral of Staraya Ladoga.

Not so long ago, the temple building was threatened with complete destruction. Suddenly, the bell tower began to lean and the vault of the apse collapsed. As it turned out, the entire Malysheva mountain was dug up from the inside. underground passages. In the 19th century, the peasants of the village mined quartz sand here and sold it in St. Petersburg to make light bulbs. The resulting voids threatened the safety architectural monument. During the restoration of the temple, the underground passages were filled with concrete, this strengthened the soil and stopped the destruction.

Now it is active Orthodox Church. After the completion of the restoration in 1991, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist was the first in Staraya Ladoga to be returned to believers and again became the main parish church of the city. The church is assigned to Services are held here on Saturdays and temple holidays.

During the restoration, a new multi-tiered iconostasis was installed in the temple. Chapel in the name of St. Paraskeva-Friday was also decorated with a new iconostasis and elegant forged candlesticks. A brick walls the aisles remained unplastered, as a reminder of the times when the temples in the village were closed and looted. The walls of the adjoining refectory were painted by St. Petersburg artists.

Painted ceiling in the dining room

Not far from the temple there is a spring - healing source. It is located at the foot of Malysheva Mountain on the banks of the Volkhov River. It is believed that this is one of the most ancient holy springs not only in the Leningrad region, but also in Russia, and its water helps with many different diseases.

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist and a chapel-bath at the Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa spring

A staircase leads from the Church of John the Baptist to the spring. From here you can see the river bend and the bank, where the barrow of Prophetic Oleg is located.

Chapel-font and the source of Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa

Nicholas Roerich. Overseas guests. From the cycle “The Beginning of Rus'. Slavs". 1901 (State Tretyakov Gallery)

View from the mound to the side

Many legends and legends are associated with these mounds. They say that the Oleg mound is connected by underground passages with the old Ladoga caves and the system of catacombs, secret passages seem to lead even to the fortress and monasteries. There is a legend that the grave of Rurik himself is located in Staraya Ladoga. Rurik, as if, was buried in a golden coffin in one of the many caves and underground galleries; there, of course, countless treasures are stored. Not surprisingly, at all times there were many adventurers who tried to find Rurik's golden coffin in the dungeons, but to no avail.

Sopki tract coordinates: 60.012296 , 32.301235


There really are underground passages, caves and catacombs, both of natural and artificial origin.

The caves are also a landmark of Staraya Ladoga. The most famous are Tanechkina and Staroladozhskaya.

Tanechkina cave, - it is located about a kilometer from the old Ladoga mounds, - the largest, most beautiful and interesting. According to official data, the passages of the Tanechkina cave stretched along the Volkhov for almost eight kilometers, but local legends say that it was almost forty.

This cave is mainly of artificial origin. At the end of the 19th century, quarries were set up in this place, in which white quartz sandstone was mined, which is used for the production of glass, and after the depletion of the quarries, the quarries were abandoned. Extraction was carried out by the room-and-pillar method, in which numerous columns were formed. Therefore, the cave looks very beautiful: the arched vaults are supported by columns, between which a winding labyrinth of halls and passages has formed. Many sections of the cave are flooded, and the vaults are beautifully reflected in the water. In addition, several species of bats live in the cave.

Old Ladoga cave is located in the lower part of the Malysheva Mountain, under the Church of John the Baptist.

It was also created as a result of the extraction of quartz sandstone, but is much smaller in size. Because of the cavities formed under the mountain, the Church of John the Baptist was threatened with collapse, and some of the passages were filled with concrete.

There are other caves in the area, and some of them remain practically unexplored.

How to get to Staraya Ladoga

By car you need to go along the highway from St. Petersburg to Petrozavodsk and Murmansk to the village of Kiselnya (95 km from the Ring Road to Kiselnya), there follow the sign to the right, after 2.5 km at the fork, take to the left and go to the bridge over the Volkhov (from Kiselnya to bridge 12 km) and in front of the bridge at the traffic lights to the left - to Staraya Ladoga (another 5 km).

You can go along the highway to the Volkhov River and in Yushkovo before the bridge turn right; then you will enter Staraya Ladoga from the north side. After 6.5 kilometers after the turn, on the left side there will be the Sopki tract and the mound of Prophetic Oleg, and here a very beautiful panoramic view of Staraya Ladoga, the bend of the Volkhov River, the towers of the fortress and the domes of churches will open at the entrance.

On public transport from Saint-Petersburg:

Trains to Volkhovstroy-1 station depart from Moskovsky and Ladozhsky stations. Travel time is approximately 2.5 hours. You can board those electric trains that depart from Moskovsky railway station at the Obukhovo and Rybatskoye stations, at the Obukhovo and Rybatskoye metro stations. Some evening trains from Volkhovstroy to the city may not go to the Moscow railway station, but only to Obukhovo.

Shuttle Buses go from the bus station on the Obvodny Canal in the direction of Boksitogorsk or Volkhov, from the Northern bus station in Murino in the direction of Kirishi.

From the station Volkhovstroy-1 to Staraya Ladoga can be reached bus number 23 going along the route Volkhov-Staraya Ladoga-Novaya Ladoga. It leaves from a stop at the station square. Buses run approximately every hour. It takes 15-20 minutes to get to Staraya Ladoga. The bus passes the entire Staraya Ladoga on its way and makes three stops in the village. The first stop is at the turn to the Nikolsky Monastery, the second is closer to the fortress, at the Museum of Archeology and the monument to Rurik and Oleg, the third is at the Church of John the Baptist. You can get back to the station square of Volkhovstroy by the same bus number 23. There is a schedule at the stops.

We will tell you what interesting places to see in the ancient capital of Rus'. Let's talk about the fortress, monasteries and local infrastructure. Read before your trip.

For many years, historians cannot come to a consensus about where the first capital of Ancient Rus' was located. However, most sources, including The Tale of Bygone Years, claim that Ladoga was the center of the ancient Russian state.

For more than a thousand years of history, the settlement has constantly attracted attention - first of researchers and scientists, and then of tourists. The village, which became a protected area at the end of the last century, keeps hundreds of monuments of archeology and architecture and attracts both lovers of Russian history and travelers who are bored with majestic palaces and the aesthetics of imperial possessions.

Legends of Staraya Ladoga

Several legends are connected with the capital of Ancient Rus'. Here are the main ones:

  • In these places there was a stone castle of Rurik. Only a fragment of the protective wall remained from it, and scientists have not yet agreed on it. The dating coincides, but whether Rurik himself was involved in it is a big question.
  • Under the ruins of the fortress there is a chain of secret tunnels in case of a siege. They are mentioned by various, including very serious, sources. Most of them date back to the last century. Unfortunately, a large-scale expedition led by N.E. Brandenburg did not find any secret passages.
  • Alexander Nevsky consecrated his sword in the fortress church before the battle on Lake Peipus. Like, this is what brought him victory.
  • Guides and local residents are sure that the same prophetic Oleg is buried in one of the mounds near the fortress. This is not known for certain.

The main attractions of Staraya Ladoga

Before you go to the village of Staraya Ladoga, you should take care of the accommodation. The best option is to stay at any hotel in St. Petersburg or its environs. road from northern capital not the easiest.

In order to have time to go “galloping across Europe” in a day and get acquainted with the main sights, you need to take an electric train from the Ladoga railway station to the Volkhovstroy-1 station at half past six in the morning. In Volkhov, we transfer to bus number 23, which will take you to the desired bus stop "Staraya Ladoga" in 15 minutes. The cost of the trip in this case will be about 700 rubles. You can go back by bus directly to St. Petersburg, it leaves at 19:00, the ticket costs 250 rubles.

Old Ladoga fortress

Perhaps the main attraction of Ladoga. It is located in the center of the village, on the banks of the Volkhov River. The first buildings appeared here under the Prophetic Oleg and subsequently grew and were supplemented. The buildings of the 15th century are best preserved, the older ones are in a dilapidated state, but their appearance is maintained unchanged. In the seventies of the XX century, reconstruction was carried out, and on the territory architectural complex the museum opened.

In addition to defensive structures and fortress walls, the complex of the fortress includes several historical monuments. The Church of St. George the Victorious was built long before the start of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, in the 12th century. It is there that the first known image of St. George is located, which made the architectural monument a museum of the only fresco. Nearby is another temple, the wooden church of Demetrius of Thessalonica. It was built in 1901 on the site of a 17th century chapel. Also in one of the towers of the fortress there is a museum of local lore, and behind its wall there is an Earthen settlement.

Church of John the Baptist on Malysheva Hill. Photo: S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky. 1909

Varyazhskaya street

After walking around the fortress, it is worth walking along Varyazhskaya Street, which is on the opposite bank of the Ladozhka River. At its very beginning, a modest monument was erected - a bronze falcon on a stone, a symbol of Staraya Ladoga. Ahead is an inconspicuous rural landscape: a narrow country road, small houses. But after a few minutes the path leads to a large square with a square and a monument to the founders of the Russian State Rurik and Oleg. It is Varyazhskaya Street that is considered the first street in Russia. The point is the archaeological finds, which scientists date back to the 9th century: they prove that already at that time the shores of Ladozhka were fully developed. From the monument you can go down to the river and admire the view of the fortress for a few minutes. The restored Arrow Tower is especially well seen.


Let's go back to the square. In its northeastern part, in the very corner, there are two houses, stone and wooden. In the 19th century they belonged to the merchants Kalyazin. In the stone one there is now the Ladoga Archeology Museum, in the wooden one until recently there was a museum of merchant life. Over time, the building fell into disrepair, and the second museum had to be closed. However, the house is not demolished: moreover, its “face” is regularly updated so that Ladoga does not lose an important cultural monument.


Varyazhskaya street leads to the Assumption Convent. Despite the fact that the first mentions in the annals date back to the 15th century, the date of its foundation is considered to be 1156. For a long time the monastery had a bad reputation: it was the place of imprisonment of many famous women. Among his "hostages" are the first wife of Peter the Great Evdokia Lopukhina, Evdokia Gannibal and the wives of the Decembrists.

On the territory of the monastery is cathedral of the same name deserving special attention of tourists. The Assumption Cathedral was built in the 12th century and became the standard of Novgorod architecture. From the moment of its foundation, it has been preserved in its original form, and more than 13 thousand fragments of wall paintings dating back to the same 12th century have been found on its walls. The Assumption Church is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Staraya Ladoga, along with the Holy Cross Church, where the relics of saints are kept. Both churches are open from 9 am to 7 pm.

Another important shrine of Staraya Ladoga is the St. Nicholas Monastery. This is one of the most significant monuments of Russian history. The monastery was founded in 1240, immediately after the victory in the Battle of the Neva, personally by Alexander Nevsky. The prince dedicated it to Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of travelers, sailors and fishermen. In less than eight centuries, the monastery has experienced a lot: the devastating attack of the Swedes in 1611, re-erection, several restorations. In 1927 the monastery was closed, but in 2002 everything returned to normal. Today, the relics of the founders of the Valaam Monastery, Sergius and Herman, are kept in the shrine. In addition, the churches of St. John Chrysostom and Nikolskaya with its majestic bell tower are of interest.


The sights of Staraya Ladoga do not end with its topographical boundaries. On the northern outskirts of the village, on the high bank of the Volkhva, there is a group of burial mounds. The highest of them is usually called Olegov. Despite the fact that Pushkin in The Song of the Prophetic Oleg and Nestor in The Tale of Bygone Years call Kiev the place of the prince's death, the Novgorod chronicles indicate that Oleg was buried in Ladoga. Of course, today there is no evidence of a particular theory that can be trusted unquestioningly. However, it is worth going to the mounds if only for the sake of a panoramic view of Staraya Ladoga and the measured flow of the waters of the Magus.

Tanechkina cave

One kilometer from the grave of the Prophetic Oleg lies another place that extreme travelers have chosen - Tanechkina Cave. A man-made grotto with many labyrinths and passages appeared in the 19th century. Part of the passages is littered, the walls are fascinating layers of rocks. Here, in the cave, winters the largest colony of bats in the northwest. Going to explore the cave, of course, is not worth it without an experienced guide.

View of the Church of St. George. Photo: S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky. 1909

What else to see

The largest event in Staraya Ladoga is considered to be the festival "Staraya Ladoga - the first capital of Rus'". Traditionally, it takes place in the summer, the program lasts two days. The main part of the holiday is reconstructed military competitions, but a lot of events take place along with them. Among them are a theatrical performance about the first centuries of Ladoga's existence, a competition of historical costumes, folklore music concerts, demonstration performances by participants and interactive platforms for adults and children. The festival takes place in the Staraya Ladoga fortress, a ticket for an adult will cost 300 rubles, a ticket for children will be half the price.

Sights of Staraya Ladoga. At the present time, Staraya Ladoga is not a large village; earlier it was one of the largest cities in Russia. Staraya Ladoga is the first ancient capital of Rus', which already makes it a landmark. It is here that ancient structures, artifacts and burials are located.

You can get to Staraya Ladoga by regular buses, by train, by train or by car. The village is located 120 km from St. Petersburg. What to see in Staraya Ladoga?

Tourists, historians and archaeologists aspire here, both from all over Russia and from abroad. Having visited Staraya Ladoga, you will plunge into the world of antiquity, get acquainted with local attractions. You can see the village and its surroundings on your own, or as part of an excursion group, where you will be acquainted in detail with the description and history of all artifacts and attractions.

The territory of Staraya Ladoga and its environs belong to the Staraya Ladoga Historical, Architectural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve. All sights are connected with the history of ancient Rus'. You can get acquainted with architectural sights, shrines, monuments and memorials.

Architectural sights of Staraya Ladoga


  • Old Ladoga fortress was first built of wood in the 9th century and performed defensive functions from the side Baltic Sea. The stone fortress was built in the 12th century and was completed and rebuilt more than once. The fortress itself is located in the center of the village and is its "heart". The Staraya Ladoga fortress was erected at the confluence of the Ladozhka River into the Volkhov, which complemented its defensive capabilities.

The fortress was repeatedly attacked, destroyed, sieged, so buildings dating back to the 16th century have survived to our time. Of its five towers, only two Klimentovskaya and Vorotnaya have been preserved and reconstructed, in some places the thickness of the walls is from 5 to 7 meters. Rolling, Arrow and Secret towers lie in ruins.

On the territory of the fortress there is a church and a cathedral. The fortress lost its defensive functions and strategic importance at the beginning of the 18th century, after the conquest of Noteburg. Now you can visit the fortress on any day, and in summer festivals and holidays are held on its territory.

  • Lubsha fortress was discovered not so long ago. Historians began to study it at the end of the 20th century. Lyubsha fortress is the oldest stone building, which, unfortunately, has not been preserved. In the 8th century - it was a major shopping mall, located not far from the border, but in the 9th century the village was abandoned.

Now only two-meter ruins and ramparts remain from the fortress, and the area around the fortress is overgrown, so it can not be seen right away. However, there is beautiful nature here, which, together with the fortress, is depicted by the famous artist Nicholas Roerich in his painting “Visitors from Overseas”.

  • Earthen hillfort located to the south of the Staraya Ladoga fortress, surrounded by wooden and earth ramparts dating back to the 16th century. The earthen settlement and the Old Ladoga fortress were the main defense structures until the eighteenth century.

Archaeological excavations are currently underway on the territory of the settlement, many artifacts, household items of the 8th-11th centuries, which are of European and Arab origin, have been found. You can visit the ancient building and attend the excavations, plunging into the spirit of that time.

  • stone chapel was built in 1913 by architect N. Brandenburg, on the site of the Church of the Savior. The initiator of the construction was the Imperial Geographical Society, who decided to build a shrine on the site of the former one, which has not been preserved.
  • Houses of merchants Kolyazins. In one of the houses, wooden, there is a museum "Merchant Life of Staraya Ladoga", which presents household items, dishes, clothes of merchants and peasants of the 19th and 20th centuries. Where you can see how the merchants of that time lived.

In the stone house of the Kolyazins there is an archaeological museum, which presents exhibits of ancient Ladoga, because excavations in this area have been conducted since the 19th century.

Historical sights of Staraya Ladoga

  • Manor "Uspenskoe" adjoins the Assumption Monastery. The estate was erected by Lieutenant-General R.N.Tomilin and was rebuilt by his son. Tomilin was a connoisseur of art, famous artists such as Aivazovsky, Roerich, Kiprensky, Venetsianov often visited his house. And in his house a collection of paintings by these and other famous artists was kept. After the revolution, the estate was confiscated, and a collection of 6,000 paintings and objects was transferred to the museum of St. Petersburg, among which were paintings by Rembrandt.

Now the estate is in an abandoned state and the entrance to the building is closed, but many tourists and locals love to walk along the alleys and parks of this estate.

  • Museum of the Old Ladoga Fortress located in the Gate Tower of the Staraya Ladoga Fortress on the second and third tiers. The museum includes all churches, buildings, mounds and other structures located in Staraya Ladoga. Separately, exhibits are presented in the form of household items, dishes, weapons, armor of the Middle Ages, discovered by archaeologists on this territory.

On the territory of Staraya Ladoga, the annual themed festival "The First Capital of Rus'" is held in the summer, where everyone can try on chain mail, local residents prepare old recipes, battles and battles are held with the help of ancient weapons. Everyone can visit this wonderful action and plunge into the Middle Ages.

  • Varyazhskaya street- this is the oldest street of ancient Rus'. Walking along this street is a tradition for all tourists. Now there are modern buildings on the street, but archaeologists and historians still find objects of the 9th-10th centuries on this street, which made it popular. It is on this street that the Stone Chapel is located, built in 1913, on the site where the Church of the Savior stood, destroyed by time. Along Varyazhskaya Street are the houses of the merchants Kalyazins and the famous sculpture of the Falcon.
  • mounds they don’t look anything special, but it’s worth realizing that these mounds date back to the 8th-9th centuries, which makes them special. In total, there are three burial mounds in Sopki - these are ancient burials. According to one theory of historians, one of the barrows is the burial place of Prince Oleg. The mounds have artificially and naturally created catacombs, but there is no way to get into them. The mounds are easy to climb and offer amazing views of the Volkhov River.
  • Oleg's grave- one of the oldest burials in Russia, so many tourists visit the mounds every day. There is an opinion that the energy of these places has healing properties. Having been in these parts, be sure to visit the burial mounds dating back to the 8th-9th century. However, be careful when going up and down the hills, as they are surrounded on one side by a gentle slope to the river.
  • caves in Staraya Ladoga were created in the 19th century by people who mined white quartz sandstone here, which was used in the glass industry. There are several caves here, the most famous of them are Staroladoga, Tanechkina, Malyshka. The length of some caves reaches 7.5 km;

There is an underground lake in the Tanechka cave, which practically does not dry out, and patterns from various rocks are visible on the walls. A large number of bats winter in the cave. It will be safe to visit the caves under the guidance of an experienced guide and in comfortable shoes, as many passages in the caves are littered and flooded.

  • Tract "Victory" is located on the southern outskirts of the village of Staraya Ladoga, the discoverer of which was the geographer Branderbug N.E. Here were found the remains of people and horses, weapons.

According to legend, it was here that a major battle with the Swedes took place, in which many soldiers died, whose blood flowed down the stream into the waters of the Volkhov River. Not far from the tract flows this stream, which is called "Bloody".

  • Sopki tract - This is a cluster of burial mounds in the form of ancient burials. There are still disputes over the most famous burial - Oleg's grave, which has been studied since the 19th century, one of the archaeologists found human remains, but evidence of authenticity is still in doubt.
  • Lyubsha settlement was discovered in 1997 and is considered ancient building dated to the 7th century. However, according to research, the fortress was abandoned in the 9th century, as it lost its defensive significance for the Slavs.
  • Gorchakovsky waterfall located near the village. Its peculiarity is that it is the highest waterfall in the entire Leningrad region, its height is 4 meters. It is located on a small river that flows into the Volkhov. The waterfall is surrounded by greenery and picturesque countryside, you can find it with the help of local residents, or on your own.

Shrines of Staraya Ladoga

On the territory of the small village of Staraya Ladoga is located a large number of churches, temples, monasteries. This is due to the fact that Staraya Ladoga is considered the first capital of Rus', which makes them unique, consider some of them:

  • Nicholas Monastery on its territory it has the church of St. Nicholas, the church of St. John Chrysostom, a bell tower and a number of monastic buildings. The founder of the monastery was Alexander Nevsky in 1240, after the victory over the Swedes.

In 1611, the monastery was almost completely destroyed by the Swedes, after which it was rebuilt again. Not an easy story suffered the building of the monastery. In the 17th century, Valaam monks moved here after the destruction of their monastery by the Swedes. In 1927, the monastery was closed, in Soviet times, a school, a hostel and a warehouse for agricultural equipment were located on the territory of the monastery.

In 1974, the Nikolsky Monastery was recognized historical monument state importance. Reconstruction work in it is still ongoing. The main attraction of the Nikolsky Monastery is that a particle is stored on its territory. relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

  • Holy Assumption Monastery and Assumption Church. The Assumption Church was built in 1156, and is one of the oldest buildings in Staraya Ladoga, the rest of the buildings adjacent to the monastery were erected in the 19th century.

The Assumption Monastery was originally a male monastery, but after that it was transferred to the nuns. The monastery was famous for the fact that at different times famous women were imprisoned on its territory, such as Evdokia Fedorovna Lopukhina, wife of Peter 1, Evdokia Hannibal. During the imprisonment of the wife of Peter 1, the tonsure of new nuns was stopped, parishioners were forbidden to enter the territory of the monastery, and a military guard was on duty. Later, relatives of the Decembrists were also exiled here.

The temple building belongs to the pre-Mongolian period, has a large number of frescoes that are not very well preserved.

On the territory of the monastery there is the Holy Cross Church, where the relics of the saints are kept, which significantly increases the flow of tourists and pilgrims.

  • Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist erected in 1695 on Malysheva Hill. Previously, there was a monastery dating back to the 13th century, but one stone building survived.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the church began to sag due to voids and caves in the mountain, formed as a result of the extraction of quartz sand by local residents. After that, the temple had to be saved from destruction by filling the voids with concrete. In the temple there is the limit of St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, and not far from the temple, the spring of St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa flows, the water in which is healing.

  • Church of St. George located on the territory of the Staraya Ladoga fortress, in which frescoes of the 12th century have been preserved. According to legend, it was in this temple that Alexander Nevsky prayed and lit his sword before the battle with the Swedes.

The construction of the temple dates back to the 12th century, and is considered one of the two shrines that have survived to this day. Unique, preserved frescoes adorn the walls of the temple. One of the most famous is the image of George the victorious on a horse that steps on a snake, has the name "The Miracle of George about the snake." The second known image, on the drum dome, is the Ascension of the Lord.

Now they do not hold worship and services in the temple, but it is open to tourists and local residents.

  • Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica built in the 17th century on the territory of the fortress at the temple of St. George the Victorious, the church itself was dismantled and erected several times. Until now, a copy dating from the 20th century has been preserved. The Church now houses a museum of local lore, where you can get acquainted with the history of the temple and objects of peasant life.
  • Church of Alexis, the Man of God was built of wood in the nineteenth century with donations from local residents, as a small chapel. Over time, local entrepreneur Semyon Kalinin allocated money for the construction of a stone church. The church underwent a complete restoration in 2000.
  • Church of the Transfiguration was built on the banks of the Volkhov River from wood in the 17th century, but it could not survive the fire. A new stone temple was erected in its place in 1871 with donations from the merchant Rybin, and has survived to this day.
  • Churchyard and Church of Basil of Caesarea were here back in 1618, but the building was completely destroyed by the end of the century. Several decades later, a new stone temple was erected at the expense of the local governor. Not long ago, the temple experienced another restoration and is now open to the public.

Monuments and memorials of Staraya Ladoga

  • Monument to Rurik and Prophetic Oleg was opened along Varyazhskaya Street, embodying the beginning of the revival of Russian statehood. It is unique, as it exists in a single copy in all of Russia.
  • Stele in memory of the 1250th anniversary of Staraya Ladoga located next to the cultural and sports center "Ladoga", embodying the prescription of the existence of the village.
  • Falcon sculpture located at the beginning of Varyazhskaya street, is symbolic for local residents. It is this bird that is depicted on the coat of arms of Staraya Ladoga, personifies the unity of people and nature. There is a tradition to put a coin between the feathers of this bird - for good luck.


The territory of Staraya Ladoga is natural monument, with total area above 200 ha. It is important to preserve local burial mounds, caves, and the geology of local regions. All sights are part of the architectural and historical-archaeological museum-reserve "Staraya Ladoga".

On this territory it is forbidden to make fires, extract minerals, carry out construction work, graze cattle, dig up mounds, dump garbage. Staraya Ladoga attracts many tourists, here you can touch the history and feel the spirit of the old times. Having been here once, many return to these lands, Staraya Ladoga will not leave anyone indifferent!

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