From Reggio di Calabria in the seminar. The city of Reggio Emilia, in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna

The province of Reggio Calabria is located in the southernmost part of the “Italian boot” on the shores of the Strait of Messina, and bears the name of the main city of Reggio Calabria.

Rebuilt after the natural disaster of 1908, Reggio took on a completely different appearance. The new center is located along the sea, between the Calo Pinache and Annunziata rivers. Today, the seat of the Calabrian Episcopate is located here, and the city’s port is considered one of the largest in the south of the country. The A3 motorway, which runs from north to south across Italy, also ends here.

How to get there

Reggio Calabria is easily accessible by car from Lamezia Terme Airport and Naples Airport. By train you can get there from Naples at the Centrale station, the journey takes 5 hours 20 minutes, also on the Lamezia Terme route, from the Centrale station in 1 hour 30 minutes.

  • How to get from Reggio Calabria airport to the train station

Search for flights to Naples (closest airport to Reggio Calabria)

A little history

Ancient Rechion was founded in 743 BC. e., in 270 BC. e. Regium Iulium became the center of one of the southern municipalities of Rome. In the Middle Ages, the city was repeatedly destroyed by Saracen pirates. Today, very little remains of Reggio Calabria's glorious past - the sad result of numerous earthquakes. The last time a disaster struck Reggio was in 1908 and almost completely wiped out the city from the face of the earth.

Weather in Reggio Calabria

Cuisine of Reggio Calabria

The region's most famous gastronomic tradition is the mandatory 13-course Christmas menu. The hostess has no right to be shortchanged. The main dish of all restaurants is sagna chine (lasagne piene) - festive lasagna with the addition of minced pork, mushrooms, peas and eggs. You can’t do without capocollo - a delicious smoked neck roll, along with salted pancetta ham and salsicce pork sausages.

Pork dishes are frequent guests on Italian tables, so cervellata - pork cervelat in white wine and with fennel is solemnly placed in the center. The savory ngugghia liverwurst has a pâté base and spreads easily on bread. Fish and seafood dishes are no less tasty: Pesce stocco alla calabrese - dried cod, alici - anchovies fried in oil, sarde a scapece - sardines fried in breadcrumbs, alalunga in agrodolce - tuna in a sweet and sour sauce with vinegar and onions.

You can’t miss from your tourist menu Maccarruni i’casa - pasta with meat sauce, Frittole - stewed tongue and kidneys, Melanzane alla parmigiana - eggplant baked with Parmigiana cheese and tomatoes.

5 things to do in Reggio Calabria

  1. See Fata Morgana, a mirage that appears at certain moments in the Gulf of Messina.
  2. Try aromatic swordfish dishes in the fishermen's village of Chianalea, because only the local fishermen know how to prepare a real culinary masterpiece from it. You can get here by train.
  3. Enjoy the fireworks festival in honor of St. Roch in the colorful town of Scilla.
  4. Bring as a souvenir one of the cheeses sold everywhere: Pecorino Crotonese, Pecorino del Monte Poro; Caprino della Limina; Ricotta di capra affumicata di Mammola; Ricottone salato; Ricotta di capra; Ricotta di pecora.
  5. Admire the purple hue of the sea waters Tyrrhenian coast, off the coast of Costa Viola (Purple Coast).

Popular hotels in Reggio Calabria

Entertainment and attractions in Reggio Calabria

The city layout, which is not typical for Italy, immediately catches the eye: perfectly rectangular streets cut at right angles into wide spacious squares, and the most colorful straight line is undoubtedly “the most beautiful kilometer in Italy” according to the poet Gabriele d'Annunzio - the embankment taking starting from the railway station.

The famous Matteotti promenade (Lungomare Matteotti) is planted with fruit and exotic trees. There are many mansions, palaces and villas in the Art Nouveau style, and good weather The silhouette of Sicily and the volcano Etna are clearly visible. By the way, nearby are the ruins of Greek walls, which were built back in the 4th century. BC e., and the ruins of Roman baths.

It is better to start exploring the city from Piazza Castello. Nearby you can see the Church of Ottimati (Chiesa dell'Ottimati) in Piazza Castello, inside which individual columns and fragments of the mosaic floor have been preserved, remaining from the Byzantine Abbey of Santa Maria di Terreti and belonging to the fine Arabic style 10th century.

Cathedral of Maria Santissima Assunta in Celo

The central street Corso Garibaldi allows you to go shopping and at the same time explore the vibrant sights of the city. This is where the sky dome rests Cathedral Maria Santissima Assunta in Cielo, the tallest religious building in the city. The facade of the cathedral, consisting of three parts, has three bronze portals of rare beauty; sunbeams swirl in the stained glass windows. Sarcophagi of local bishops from the 5th and 6th centuries are kept inside the cathedral. Of particular value are two fonts of Concesso Barca, a marble altar with bronze bas-reliefs by Antonio Berti, 19th-century paintings and a medallion by Francesco Gerace - real works of art.

Not far from the Cathedral stands the largest theater in the entire Calabria region, the Teatro Francesco Cilea, named after the musician who founded it.

Arena dello Stretto, Arena dello Stretto

Other temples of Reggio

Another church of della Graziella (Chiesa della Graziella) is a prime example of Calabrian Baroque architecture. Its name comes from the word grazie, which translates as “thank you.” The meaning is grandiose: it is gratitude to the Virgin Mary, who stands up for people and helps in difficult times.

The Sanctuary of Maria Santissima della Consolazione is known among locals and tourists as Eremo. It is within its walls that the image of Madonna Consolazione, the patroness of the city, is kept, whose day is celebrated on the second Saturday of September.

Aragonese castle

Aragonese Castle (Castello Aragonese) is another sparkling jewel of Reggio Calabria. Ravelin, a defensive ditch, an aqueduct, two cylindrical towers - everything has been perfectly preserved since the times of irrepressible medieval battles.

National Museum of Magna Graecia

All the details of the history of the region will be revealed by the exhibition of the National Museum of Magna Grecia (Museo nazionale della Magna Grecia), which is also ready to reveal the secrets of many cultures that have become integral ingredients in the cocktail of the formation of Reggio Calabria. The museum is located in the Palazzo Piacentini building. Here you can get acquainted with artifacts from the era of Ancient Rome and the Byzantine Empire, a collection of pinakas, as well as medals, mirrors, jewelry, and the marble head of Apollo from Ciro. In De Nava Square, located in front of the museum, there are formidable figures of warriors, one of which refers to Phidias. Another unique exhibit is an example of ancient Greek portraiture, the painting “Head of the Philosopher” from Porticello.

Neighborhood of Reggio

Mount Aspromonte, on the slopes of which the park is located, on its territory there is a southern ski resort Gambari, ready to receive winter period lovers of snow extreme sports.

The neighboring town of San Giorgio will welcome you sandy beach, protected medieval castle Ruffo. Marina di Scilla is another excellent golden beach, on the edge of which there are colorful discos and the best restaurants.

Reggio Calabria (Reggio di Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Reggio).

Reggio Calabria- the largest and oldest city in Calabria, famous for its incredible panoramic views.

Reggio Calabria. Panorama of Messina.

Nature has preserved the unusual beauty of those places in Calabria that it itself often destroyed.
one of the most ancient Greek colonies, founded in VIII BC. While Reggio was very important Greek city, in which in the VI-V centuries. BC. one of the most important philosophical schools was founded - the Pythagorean school.
In 387 BC. the city was attacked by the tyrant of Syracuse Dionysius I, Reggio was destroyed and its inhabitants forcibly relocated to Syracuse.
Later the city came under the rule of Rome and began to be called Regium-Julium, it did not lose its significance; on the contrary, it became the center of one of the southern municipalities of Rome.
During the Duchy of Calabria Reggio was the capital. In the 8th century, a bishop sat.
Since the city had an advantageous strategic position, it often became the cause of disputes between the Saracens, Byzantines, Lombards and Normans.
In the 14th century Reggio was part of the Kingdom of Naples. The 16th century saw continued barbarian raids, epidemics and oppressive Spanish rule, leading the city into decline, culminating in a devastating earthquake in 1783.
In 1806 Napoleon occupied Reggio. And in 1860 Reggio was annexed to a united Italy.
On December 28, 1908, one of the most powerful earthquakes occurred (7 points on the Richter scale), which seriously destroyed the city, claimed about five thousand lives and lowered coastline by 21 inches.
Modern Reggio has a rectangular layout - straight streets, spacious squares, all this is not typical for Italian cities. On one side there is a beautiful sand beach, along the sea there is a wonderful promenade lined with palm trees and shrubs - the embankment, which the poet Gabriele d'Annunzio called - “the most beautiful kilometer in Italy”.

Reggio Calabria. Italy.

Embankment (Lungomare) starts almost from the port and goes almost to the central railway station.

City Beach. Reggio Calabria. Italy.

A pleasant walk, a light breeze from the sea, and people strolling along the embankment both day and evening.
The monument to Vittorio Emmanuel III, erected in 1930, opposite the outdoor theater - Arena del Stretto.

Monument to those who fell in all wars.

Reggio Calabria. Italy.

Villa Genoese Zerbi

Villa Genoese Zerbi - pictured behind the modern sculpture. Reggio Calabria. Italy.

On the embankment you can see the ruins of Greek walls, built by Greek settlers from stone blocks in the 4th century. BC.

Reggio Calabria. Greek walls.

Near ruins of roman baths, it is worth paying attention to the mosaic floor.

Reggio Calabria. Roman baths.

Central Corso Garibaldi– a long and straight street with many shops and cafes.

Reggio Calabria. Corso Garibaldi.

On Corso Garibaldi located Cathedral – Maria Santissima Assunta in Cielo. The first cathedral on this site was built in 1061. In 1741, the cathedral was completely rebuilt in the Sicilian Baroque style. But the earthquake of 1908 did not spare the cathedral and it was rebuilt again.
Near the cathedral there is a statue of the Apostle Paul and the first bishop Stefano di Nicea.

Reggio Calabria. Cathedral.

Church of Ottimati or Santa Maria Annunziata (piazza Castello)– the church was built in the Byzantine-Arab style in the 10th century, during the time of the Saracens. It is worth paying attention to the mosaic floor.

Reggio Calabria. Church of Ottimati.

Aragonese castle (piazza Castello) was the main fortress of the city. Most likely, the first fortress wall was erected back in the 8th century BC. In 1327, during the war between the Angevin and Aragonese dynasties, the castle was strengthened and restored. In 1539 the fortress was used as a prison. In 1860, the Garibaldians stormed the castle. They wanted to destroy the fortress, as a symbol of the past government. And only state recognition of the fortress as an archaeological monument saved it from destruction. In the earthquake of 1908, the fortress was damaged, but survived. Periodic exhibitions were held in the fortress. It is now closed for restoration.

Reggio Calabria. Aragonese castle.

IN National Museum of Reggio (Museo nazionale della Magna Grecia) (piazza De Nava) there are figures of warriors, one of which is attributed to Phidias. These two bronze figures were found in 1972 in the coastal waters of Riace Marina.

U Reggio There are two unique features - Fata Morgana And bergamot.
Fata Morgana- This is an unusual mirage. It appears at certain moments in the Gulf of Messina, and can only be seen from the side.
Bergamot grows only in Reggi di Calabria (at least that's what they say local residents) - This is a small yellow orange with a bitter taste.

Maccarruni i'casa– homemade pasta with meat sauce.
Pasta o" furnu o Pasta "ncasciata– short rigatoni filled with meat or chicken stew, with the addition of eggs and cheese, sometimes with fried eggplant and peas, baked in the oven.

Pasta ca" muddhica- pasta with bread crumb.
Frittole– stewed tongue, ears, throats, stigmas, kidneys, etc.
Cervellata– freshly smoked pork cervelat with black pepper, white wine and fennel.

And, of course, fish: the famous swordfish, tuna, sea bream and etc.

Melanzane alla parmigiana- eggplant baked with tomatoes and Parmigiana cheese.
Pizza alla reggina


‘Nduja - nduja - Liver sausage, with paprika and hot red pepper.
Suppizzatao or Sopressata (cured) white and red, red - old, white - not.
Capocollo - dry-cured ham.

Cheeses: Pecorino Crotonese, Caciocavallo Silano, Pecorino del Monte Poro; Caprino della Limina; Pecorino del Ricotta affumicata Crotonese; Ricotta di capra affumicata di Mammola; Ricottone salato; Ricotta di capra; Ricotta di pecora.

Ice cream: Pignolata – with chocolate and lemon (or bergamot).

Liqueurs: Amaro dell "Abate, Vecchio Amaro del Capo, Bergamino - bergamot liqueur, Liquirice, Liquore di Cedro, Pollino, Limoncello, Zagara, Calabrisella, More di gelso, Liquore al mandarino, Nocino, Paesanella, Amarotto.

One of the best trattorias in Reggio Calabria:
Home Trattoria D&P (Diego Trunfio e Pietro Macheda), via Cairoli Angolo G. del Fosso, 7

This is not to say that Reggio Calabria is great for shopping - there are, of course, fashionable shops on Corso Garibaldi and a few others, but the choice is limited and the prices are quite high. In the same way, those who are interested in cultural heritage, although here you can admire good architecture and valuable works of art. The city walls, now preserved in the form of 4 separate sections, were built by Greek settlers in the pre-Christian era. National Museum Magna Graecia is famous for two bronze statues “Riace”, depicting full-length naked men and dating back to the 5th century. BC. There are also ruins of Roman baths here. The cathedral is the largest temple in Calabria, and the Aragonese castle dates back to the 6th century. Despite all this, Reggio Calabria is simply not looking to benefit from its ancient history.

This is an ideal place for leisurely strolls around botanical garden Lungomare and to enjoy the wonders of local culinary specialists, allowing you to leave an accurate impression of old Italy.

When is the best time to come

In the summer, when it is simply impossible to resist the charm of leisurely life on the shore of an unimaginably blue sea.

Do not miss

  • The miraculous relics of St. Gaetano. This is a parish priest who died in 1963 and was canonized in 2005. The relics are in the church named after this saint.
  • Calabrian siesta (three hours in the middle of the day, each one) - there is no point in trying to find something interesting at this time.
  • City art gallery with a good exhibition of works by Italian artists, including works by the Sicilian Antonello da Messina (1430-1479). Nearby is Scilla, from where Messina appears to float above the sea.

Should know

In 1907, during an earthquake, about 80% of the buildings of Reggio Calabria were destroyed - it was the strongest earthquake recorded in Western Europe in the era of modern history.

Useful information for tourists about Reggio Calabria in Italy - geographical position, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Reggio di Calabria is the largest and most populated city in the Calabria region, lying at the very tip of the “Italian boot” directly opposite the Sicilian city of Messina on the slopes of the Aspromonte mountains. it's the same administrative center province of the same name. According to the latest census, about 200 thousand people live here.

Reggio Calabria is the second oldest city in Italy, it was founded back in the 8th century BC. people from Greek island Chalkida on the site of an older settlement. It was originally called Regium. In 386 BC. the city was captured by the tyrant from Syracuse Dionysius, but just a hundred years later Reggio di Calabria became part of the Roman Empire. Then the Visigoths, Byzantines, Saracens and Normans ruled here. In the Middle Ages, Reggio was the capital of the Duchy of Calabria.

The main problem of the city throughout its history was regular earthquakes, which more than once destroyed it to the ground. One of the worst, the Messina earthquake, happened in 1908. Many were destroyed then historical monuments, and Reggio itself had to be rebuilt. And it was then that wide seaside boulevards and low-rise concrete residential areas appeared.

Today Reggio di Calabria is not only the third most important economic center Southern Italy and a large port, but also an attractive place for tourists. Some ancient monuments have been preserved here, interesting museums are located, and nearby is mountain range Aspromonte with the national park of the same name. Reggio di Calabria is often called the "City of Bergamot", which is grown only in this part of the country, and the "City of Fatamorgana" due to an optical phenomenon observed only on this coast of Italy.

Among the main attractions of Reggio di Calabria are the medieval Aragonese castle, built in the 6th century, and the luxurious National Museum of Magna Graecia, which houses the famous figurines - the so-called “Riace bronzes”. You can also see the Cathedral - the largest religious building in Calabria, the Church of Chiesa degli Ottimati, built in the Byzantine-Norman style, and the Church of St. Gaetano Catanoso, the patron saint of the city.

Villa Zerbi, built in the 14th century in Venetian style, today hosts the main events of the Venice Art Biennale in southern Italy, and the Municipal Pinacoteca houses works by Antonello da Messina, Mattia Preti, Luca Giordano and others. The walls are also noteworthy ancient city, preserved from the times Ancient Greece, and the ruins of ancient Roman baths.

Tourists visiting Reggio Calabria and its surroundings are usually divided into three streams: some go to the coast Ionian Sea(Costa Ionica), others - on the Tyrrhenian Sea (Costa Viola), and still others - in national park Aspromonte, from where, from an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level, you can admire picturesque views of the Strait of Messina, the snow-capped cone of Etna in the distance and the outlines of the Aeolian Islands.

Reggio di Calabria (Italian: Reggio di Calabria) is a province of Italy and the capital city of the same name, located in the southernmost region of the country - Calabria.

The location of Reggio di Calabria can be determined by its location at the very “toe of the Italian boot”, on the shore of the strait separating Sicily from Italy.

Location of Reggio di Calabria on the map of Italy

The old name of Reggio Calabria is "Rhegion", which means "to divide". In this case it means the division of Italy from. The name was given by the first inhabitants of these places - the Greeks.

Reggio di Calabria is closed to the north by the Aspromonte mountain range, so the city had only a commercial role related to navigation in the strait.

Even in the Middle Ages, Reggio Calabria, unlike many other cities in modern Italy, always supported the basic functions of traffic and trade.

While the rest big cities withstood constant invasions, wars and destruction for centuries.
IN different years the city passed from hand to hand to different invaders. In 386 BC. Reggio Calabria became subject to the cruel Dionysius. In the future, it was under the yoke of Roman invaders, Visigoths and Byzantine Greeks.

Reggio di Calabria underwent significant reconstruction after the 1908 earthquake. This completely changed the urban layout.

Most beautiful city Calabrian territory in terms of history, architecture and natural landscapes - Reggio di Calabria.
Known for its picturesque promenade, Corso Garibaldi, full of trendy shops, bars and restaurants, hides other attractions frequented by tourists:

For those not indifferent to museums, Reggio Calabria has several:

  • Museum of handmade textiles, silk, clothing and Calabrian fashion(, at Via Re Ruggero, 9, open from 9.00 to 19.00);
  • Museum of Musical Instruments(Italian: Museo dello Strumento Musicale) on Viale Genoese Zerbi.

    The ticket price includes a guide, the opportunity to play on some musical instruments, watch the training video.

    Opening hours daily from 10:00 to 12:00. Ticket price for adults is € 3.50, children from 4 to 16 years old - € 2.50. Children under 3 years old are free. Website

  • Museum of the History of Pharmaceuticals(Italian: Museo di Storia della Farmacia), on Via Ravagnese Inferiore, 2. Ticket price 3 euros, every first Tuesday of the month is open for free admission. Website

After watching the video, you can admire the city and its attractions:

Events and local holidays

In Reggio di Calabria you can attend any of the holidays or festivals, depending on what time you are in the city:

  • Every year, on the first Sunday of August, it is celebrated with a procession of flags. Feast of St. Marina Theotokos(Italian Santa Marina Virgin). Held in memory of the earthquake of 1783, which destroyed the whole of Reggio Calabria. The result was more than 2,000 casualties;
  • On August 23rd every year in Reggio Calabria they celebrate Cavaluccio(Italian: Cavalluccio) is a celebration of Calabrian dance dedicated to the patron saint of the castle of St. Anthony.

    A huge papier mache horse is placed on the person who controls the figure.

    All participants of the holiday gather in a circle and perform the tarantella (Calabrian dance). The holiday is accompanied by explosions of firecrackers and fiery shots;

  • Mushroom Festival in Reggio Calabria takes place at the end of October. The event is aimed at encouraging the development of the mushroom industry. On the day of the festival, mushrooms are prepared in different ways. The menu at the festival is very varied: from appetizers to main courses with local wine, homemade bread and roasted chestnuts;
  • In August in Reggio Calabria it is held STOCCO Festival- tasting of fresh or dried cod prepared in various ways according to traditional recipes.

Where to stay

Reggio di Calabria is a city where more than 10 best beaches famous in Italy. This is the territory of the best seafood cuisine. Landscapes of extraordinary beauty can be seen everywhere. Among all these offers in Reggio Calabria, you can choose a place to stay/stay according to your taste.

Reggio Calabria is a great place for beach holiday

Many Italians and European visitors come to Reggio Calabria in motorhomes and camp right on the coast, by the water.

Several hotels that tourists liked in one way or another:

  • Grand Hotel Excelsior's 4*, located in Via Vittorio Veneto, 66, almost on the beach. Luxurious interiors and views from balconies and room windows. The city center is also nearby, a very convenient location. Price with breakfast from 6400 rub./day;
  • Albanuova Hotel 4*, in the center of Reggio Calabria, on Via Marsala 18/20. Multilingual staff, continental breakfast. Price from 4600 rub./day, breakfast from 440 rub.;
  • Hotel Continental 3*, located on Via Florio N.10, close to the train station, the National Museum and the beach are also nearby. Price from 4000 rubles/day without breakfast;
  • Bed and Breakfast - Civico 46, located at Via Fiume, 46. At 300 m is the Aragonese Tower, it is proposed free parking. Price with breakfast from 3400 rub./day;
  • Apartments Vallone Petrara with sea views, on Via Petrara 95. Sun terrace, free Wi-Fi. Price from 2300 rub./day with breakfast.

Local cuisine and where to eat

The cuisine of Reggio Calabria has Neapolitan and Sicilian influences. However, he also maintains his “typicality” associated with the sea, not forgetting about meat.

Typical dishes found in Reggio Calabria are:


Haute cuisine:

Simply delicious:

  • Pizzeria Mandalari on Via Udine 5. The best pizza in Reggio Calabria. There is a vegetarian menu. Average check 15 euros;
  • La Tavernetta at Contrada Pietrastorta, 45. Italian, Mediterranean cuisine, soups. Average check 1,546 ₽ - 1,832 ₽;
  • A pub Bridge Lounge Pub, located on Via Sbarre Centrali 775. Beer, European cuisine. The average bill is from 18 -25 euros.


The Calabria region is the southernmost in Italy, and accordingly the climate here is quite dry and very hot. In June-July there is practically no precipitation; in winter it rains more often in December-January.

The summer weather in Reggio di Calabria is perfect for a beach holiday. The temperature in the hottest months of July-August approaches 33C, and the water in the sea is warmed up to 26 - 27C.

In winter, the air temperature drops to a maximum of 8C.


Of course, people mainly come to Reggio di Calabria for the sea air and relaxation on the beaches.
You can admire the beautiful, crystal blue sea in the city itself. Marina di Scilla beach very close a few km.
One of the best beaches - Tonnara beach 50 km from Reggio di Calabria.

One of the best beaches is Tonnara beach

There are many places on the coast, which are located at a distance of 40-50 km from the city: Bova Marina beach, Bruzzano beach (White Cape), Marinella beach in the town of Palmi.


Shopping in Reggio di Calabria can be done on Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, the main shopping street. Also Via San Paolo, Viale S. Martino, Via Tommaso Campanella.

Good souvenirs from this province include: ceramics, bronze and copper masks, mostaccioli cookies, Bergamino liqueur and red onion jam.


Near Reggio Calabria, you can easily travel around the area by bus ( or by car.
Interesting cities:

How to get there

Airplane. Reggio Calabria Airport, located at Via Ravagnese, 11. Website International Airport Lamezia Terme is 130 km away.

Train. Central station Reggio Calabria - main center transport communication in the city. Located in Piazza Garibaldi at the beginning of Corso Garibaldi. From the station it is convenient to get to the old city within 24 hours. Opposite the railway station there is a bus hub that connects to the main stops located on the Matteotti Promenade (north-south) and Via Torrione (south-north). Information desk - tel. 0965 899123. Care for disabled passengers - tel. 0965 27427

Automobile. From the North of Italy along the A3 highway (Reggio Calabria). From the South, take the SS106 Ionica road (Reggio Calabria - ).

Ferry and ships.
In Reggio Calabria there is sea ​​port, which provides transport links with other ports and neighboring towns on the coast through pleasure boats. Ships and ferries depart daily to and from. There is also a line that provides constant communication with Malta for the transport of cars and passengers. Website

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