Which sea is better to go in the summer. Best Sea for Health

An extensive selection where you can cheap to go to rest in the summer of 2019 to the sea thanks low prices on tours and air tickets. Budget - up to 30000 rubles per person.

Prices in the article are indicated in rubles for tours for two people for 7-14 nights with departure from Moscow (For tickets - for the flight back-back with departure from Moscow, taking into account all fees) and are relevant at the time of publication.

Rest in the summer of your sea. Tours and tickets

Cheap tours at sea in the summer of 2019

Very inexpensive can be ride in the summer to the Black Sea: in June 2019, tours to the resorts of the Russian south cost only from 21 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights, from 38 thousand - for 11 nights and from 43 thousand - for 14 nights. In July, the cost of vouchers increases by 5-7 thousand rubles, in August - by 3-4 thousand. The choice of resorts is huge: it is the Crimea (Balaclava, Yalta, Olenevka, Saki, Kerch, Alushta), and cities Krasnodar Region (Anapa, etc.).

Cheap tickets to the sea

To fly in the summer season to the Russian resorts of the Black Sea (in the current situation) somewhat cheaper than in Europe. The picture will change closer to the summer - burning cheap charters will appear for a series european resorts. For now ...

Cheapest tickets to Crimea In the summer you can find in June 2019 - from 5800 rubles. As for tickets in Adler (Sochi) For the summer of 2019, the prices of flights in June begins from 5,500 rubles, from 7,000 rubles - for flights in July and from 7600 - in August.

Flight tickets in Anapa and Krasnodar In the summer there are from 4000 and 6000 rubles. From Krasnodar it is easy to reach any resort of the Black Sea coast by bus or train.

In Lazarevsky, rocky bottom, so water in good days is transparent to a big depth (photo © Booking.com / Apartments on Odoevsky, 87)

Where to fly to the sea in the summer cheaper than just?

Below we give a list of directions where you can go inexpensively in the summer of 2019 to the sea - within 30000 rubles per person. We indicate the cost of tours for two people when flying from Moscow (vouchers from other cities are usually more expensive).

Abkhazia: from 10500 rubles / person.

Pool at the hotel, Gudauta (photo © Booking.com / Hotel "Dad")

Bulgaria: from 12500 rubles / person.

Girl on the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon Del Mundo / Flickr.com)

Turkey: from 10200 rubles / person.

Chiraly Beach in Kemer, Turkey (Photo © s_wh / Flickr.com)

Greece: from 11500 rubles / person.

Beach in Nea Mudanya, Chalkidiki (Photo © Booking.com / Ikos Oceania)

Montenegro: from 14000 rubles / person.

Beach in Herceg Novi, Montenegro (Photo © Travelata.Ru / Riviera Resort Hotel)

Italy: from 16500 rubles / person.

Sardinia, Italy (Photo © emmequadro61 / Flickr.com)

Cyprus: from 20500 rubles / person.

Cyprus is a great place to go to rest on the sea in summer: the flights are pretty cheap, housing, food and entertainment are also not too expensive, the visa question is solved very simply online. Read ,.

Peys - a small resort town in Cyprus (photo © Tobiasvde / Flickr.com)

Tunisia: from 17500 rubles / person.

Beach in Aryaan, Tunisia (Photo © Mashhor Halawani / Flickr.com)

Spain: from 13500 rubles / person.

Another great place where you can fly to the sea to relax this summer - sunny Spain. The cheapest trips are located on June 2019: from 27 thousand rubles for two weeks, from 37 thousand - for 11 nights and from 51 thousand - for 14 nights. In July and August, relax is usually more expensive. Find out more

What kind of sea go? Choosing the place of the upcoming rest, we are often guided by many things: ticket prices, the resort's farewell, shopping in those places, but do not think about the most important thing. Why do we actually go to the sea? After all, it is not easy to splash in the water and lie down in a new swimsuit on the beach, and for health. But what kind of sea, with your diseases, will help you overcome them, and what - can and aggravate? At least minimal information about the sea where you are going to go - should know each.
The Black Sea is a storehouse of various trace elements. Brom, iodine, sodium, potassium, magnesium. All that you need to health! Black Sea water has a large healing force, as well as the air of the coast itself. Especially in mountainous and forest areas. Slavs such in the Crimean Peninsula. To go there for rest and treatment is recommended to those who suffer from the pulmonary, cardiovascular diseases, as well as the suffering from different forms of arthritis. Moreover, people with a sick heart is better to choose the Crimea to relax, and not Kuban.
Capricious Black Sea - water temperature, depending on the weather, can change very often. This, however, his only minus. But in general, swimming in the Black Sea water - the beneficial effect on the whole body as a whole and serves as excellent prevention from many ailments.

Red sea
Climate in countries that are located on the shores of the Red Sea - very dry. But he is extremely heal - there is a lot of oxygen and bromine in it. Citizens with a depleted nervous system - just a bullet should go to the Red Sea. The nervous system without any tablets is strengthened in a couple of weeks!
Let you not frighten the heat to the heat - 45 degrees! With dry hot air, it does not significantly press the body.
The Red Sea is one of the most salty seas on the planet, and consequently the most medicinal. Water in it has an invalid and anti-inflammatory effect. The sea is rich in various trace elements.
Swimming in the waters of the Red Sea is shown almost with any diseases - cardiovascular, pulmonary, skin, articular. It is said that it is the Red Sea that treats the protracted forms of sinters that do not have medicine treatment.
Mediterranean Sea
The Mediterranean Sea - Russians are not less popular now than black. And it is right. After all, the Mediterranean Sea is in second place after red - on saturation of seawater with different useful trace elements. Doctors are especially recommended to rest in the Northern countries of the Mediterranean. For example, the Turkish climate is very similar to the Crimean .. But in all countries such a picture. If you are afraid of high humidity, then some Mediterranean countries are better to visit not in the summer season. Ask in advance - what kind of humidity in that country that you have chosen to relax.
But in general, choosing the Mediterranean Sea for relaxation - you will greatly strengthen your immunity, threatening the joints, and get a lot of aesthetic impressions.
By the way, it is the Mediterranean Sea that is recommended for the treatment of obesity and infertility, as well as asthma and bronchitis.
People suffering from cardiovascular diseases are better at the heat of this sea, do not go. Strong stuffiness badly affects the work of the heart.
Azov Sea

The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is the smallest and low-salted sea, but it is also considered therapeutic. Especially small particles of algae, which is settled at the bottom. Beneficially affects the body and therapeutic Azov dirt. The Azov Sea is simply necessary with many skin diseases, swivels, bronchitis. Dry steppe air to the sea, - excellent prevention and treatment for all angry and frequent colds. It has long come to the Azov water to treat and almost all kinds of joint diseases. Mudtop, developed in the townships of the Azov region, is simply creating wonders! Many go there for rest precisely for saving mud. In every place - it has its own characteristics. But, especially popular - hydrogen sulfide, unpleasant on the smell, but very healing.
Ornate Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and useful minerals. They are in it - almost a hundred!
Most often, the Azov Sea come along with children. The sea is petty, good sandy beaches, almost always excellent weather, and children splashing into the sea can almost easily. Water in it is almost always warm-warm.
Another important moment. On the Azov coast Very comfortable mild climate. There is rarely severe heat, constantly blowing the breeze. Acclimatization in those edges passes very quickly.

Dead Sea

Dead Sea deservedly consider the most healing sea. Soft climate, unique dirt, seawater saturation with useful minerals, and especially bromine. Tourists from all over the world come to this sea. Doctors willingly recommend water Dead Sea With various gynecological, endocrine, heart disease. Holidays on the Dead Sea exceeds a depleted nervous system, strengthens immunity, rejuvenates the body. The Dead Sea is logical to be called the sea alive. Since it is literally created for the health and extension of life. There are not going to have fun and ride catamarans. On the Dead Sea come for health and get it large and generous portions!

Of course, this is only a Tolik of the information you need to learn about the sea that you have chosen for recreation and treatment. It is better to spend in advance for a couple of hours than to risk your money, vacation, and most importantly, - Health!

We solve for themselves many problems where heat, comfortable and relatively cheap, entertainment, food, road, visa. But sometimes forget about the most important thing, which of the seas is the most useful for us.

Has long been proven, marine water is useful for the body because it is very similar in its composition with blood plasma. Useful substances dissolved in water easily goes through the pores of the skin into the body, and then through the walls of the vessels in the blood. Sea water enriches our body contained in it active minerals, which activate the recovery of cells, and therefore it has a rejuvenating effect. At the same time, the magnesium contained in seawater improves immunity, calcium - strengthens the bones, iodine - normalizes the metabolism, potassium normalizes blood pressure, and the nerves calm the bromine.

That is why most people at the instinctive level seek, and in winter to countries where there is a warm sea and always warm. Doctors and scientists believe that the most useful sea is a unique medicine itself, which not only gives our body to relax, but also leads all our organism to a primary view at the molecular level.

But what kind of seas is the most useful and where it is worth going to, while relaxing, and to get to it.

Dead Sea.

Dead Sea is the most useful sea for children.

Of course, the most useful of the seas On our planet - the Dead Sea. It is impossible to swim in it, according to our Russian concepts (from dawn to sunset), but small baths, especially in the morning hours, are undoubtedly helpful. The Dead Sea has long been famous for a large amount of salts dissolved in its waters. In the water of the Dead Sea dissolved 21 mineral, while 12 of them are not found in any of the seas in the world.

By the way, the Dead Sea is called the dead, because not only fish, but microorganisms do not live in it. There are no industrial enterprises on the Dead Sea coast, so Dead Sea is one of the cleanest in the world.

In the summer, on the coast of the dead reaches 40 degrees, but due to the constant evaporation of bromine, you will not notice it. The evaporation of the bromine protects your skin from the unhealthy action of ultraviolet, so on the beaches of the Dead Sea you will not see any burnt - the tan will always be even and beautiful. That is why the Dead Sea will be the most useful for those who want to get a smooth beautiful tan, and not burn in the sun on the first day of staying at sea.

"Snow White" take note!

Appreciated dead sea not only for smooth and beautiful tan It greatly treats various skin diseases such as skin eczema, psoriasis, chronic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. It is also helpful to visit the Dead Sea with suffering diseases of the respiratory system - pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis and joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis).

But the main benefit of the Dead Sea is that it treats the main disease of all business people - chronic fatigue, and there is no equal in this. Of course, there are and contraindications are oncological diseases and allergies to iodine.

Sunset over the Red Sea

The Red Sea is in second place on his healing efficiency after the Dead Sea, so it is considered the second is beneficial For the improvement of the body. The sea is very warm, and unlike the Dead Sea, where in the water it is impossible for a long time, but to swim, especially the Red Sea is simply a paradise for lovers to swim and dive. This largely determines its efficiency and utility.

And the Red Sea is the second largest salt in it, the sea is replete with coral reefs, it is they are an additional source of useful mineral salts. Those who suffer cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases The Red Sea is useful in spring as well as in the Velvet season. However, it is possible to treat the disease of the respiratory tract in the summer and even more efficiently at the expense of natural evaporation in the air, just do not forget that in the heat (noon) on the Red Sea, as in any other, it is impossible to be. Successfully treated on the Red Sea female and male infertility , especially caused by the consequences of infectious diseases suffered in childhood or adolescence.

Black, Mediterranean, Aegean and Adriatic Sea.

These seats have almost equal composition of salts and naturally the same health effect At the same time, the lack of pressure drops and moderate humidity is very suitable for suffering cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

Coniferous forests on Mediterranean resorts The unique composition of the air is formed, serve as excellent prevention of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis, as well as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

The Mediterranean climate is suitable for patients with impaired nervous and endocrine systems. The air of the Mediterranean is simply charged by the organism of holidaymakers by ions, phytoncides, and water with mineral salts.

According to domestic doctors, the most useful of the seas, it is in it that the composition of water corresponds to the microelement composition of human blood.

Baltic Sea.

Baltic Sea went fourth place in ranking "Utility" by the seas for the improvement of the human body. However, this sea has its undeniable advantages. And the lack of heat, as well as the affectionate sun, make it the most useful vacation spot for children and adults from northern latitudes, as well as with a weakened organism, severely carrying acclimatization. It is not noticeable, and the abundance of coniferous forests with their wonderful healing air is useful for people with thyroid diseases and respiratory organs . Even the fact that the sea is pretty cool water that warms up to 20 degrees, it works for the improvement of the body, accelerates metabolic processes and tones the blood vessels, and there is also an opinion that only the Baltic Sea promotes weight loss.

Deciding to spend vacation to the sea, you need to take care of your health, so choose the most useful of the seas for rest and treating, even if you do not suffer from any diseases and diseases.

Interesting facts about the Black Sea ,.

Do not despair, if there are not enough money for overseas countries and foreign shores, Travelask has prepared a list of Russian resorts known to their high-quality service, developed infrastructure, good beaches And what is the most pleasant - with its democratic prices.


The Crimean Peninsula is a fabulous sushi piece, which is washed by black and Azov Seas.. He is rich beautiful nature, mountain gorges and waterfalls. In Crimea, many resorts, where you can relax, so and to become.



The beaches of this ancient Crimean city are covered with soft sand and are divided into publicly available and paid. The latter will cost you about 5-7 hryvnias (17-29 rubles). The best of paid are considered: the beach next to Moinka Lake, "Magnate", "Wild Beach", as well as the beacons of the Pension "Planet". From the number free beaches We recommend choosing a "New Beach".


In Evpatoria, a huge variety of various cafes and restaurants, lunch in which will cost about 200 rubles. For dinner without taking into account alcoholic beverages, you will pay more expensive - an average of about 500-600 rubles.


As in all resorts, the cost of the hotel in Evpatoria increases as its approach to the sea. Apartments located in a hundred meters from the coastal strip will cost 1500-2000 rubles, away - from 1000 rubles per night. Except for more accommodation The hotel, the lower there will be prices.

How to get

You can get to Evpatoria by train and by plane.

A train ticket will cost about 3000 rubles, you will need to go to Simferopol. The most inexpensive flight - Symferopol there and back will cost you 6000 rubles. From Simferopol to Evpatoria, it is no longer a problem for a very symbolic fee there are also trains and buses.

Also from Moscow to Evpatoria, direct buses follow, the cost of the trip is 3000 rubles.



Beaches in Sudak are very unusual. They are covered with small gray gravel and shale sand, but the most amazing and useful are beaches with quartz sand. Quartz cleans water from heavy metals and bacteria and has a beneficial effect on the human body.


Single room in Sudak hotels will cost from 1000 rubles per night.

How to get

Get here too easy. As in the case of Evpatoria, the transshipment point will be here, and already from there before Sudak will need to go by bus.

Black Sea

Black Sea resorts are very popular. The amazing beauty of the plant, the emerald waves and the soft sun will not leave anyone indifferent. Rest options here are a great abundance. This is I. wild beaches, Fishing, Diving, Water Parks, Mountain Trips, Club Parties and many more interesting things.



In summer average temperature Air in Sochi reaches the mark + 27 ° C. All beaches here are small. Public beaches are most common, but they are usually a very large cluster of the people. There are in and wild beaches, they are cleaner and there are fewer people there, but minus is that they are not landscaped: there is no soul, no cabins for dressing up. Well, the most comfortable will be paid closed beaches.


You can dine in Sochi on average from 300 rubles. Restaurants Here offer dishes for every taste: starting fast food and ending with various delicacies. A typical dinner in the Sochi restaurant without alcohol will cost 500-600 rubles.

The cheapest option will buy food on street trays. Also, in the resort there is a large number of inexpensive canteens of self-service, three-time powered in which it can cost from 500 rubles per day.


Accommodation in Sochi hotels on one will cost you at least 1300 rubles per night, the prices in the hostels are much cheaper - from 450 rubles.

How to get

The airport closest to Sochi is located in Adler, the cost of a ticket to and back will be about 6,000 rubles. From Adler, of course, the destination will need to get on a bus or taxi.

The closer the vacation, the more relevant the question: "Where to spend it?" Choosing a place for summer holiday - The case is not easy, but very pleasant. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, do not spoil yourself from recreation, come up to solving the issue carefully. There are many Russian resorts with developed infrastructure, a good level of service and democratic prices. So where to go to the sea in Russia?

Popular beach resorts

Summer is the perfect time to relax in Russia. In almost all regions of the country, warm summer, sunny weather is installed in July. Rest in the native country has a number of advantages. It is knowledge of the language and relative cheapness, economical way expenses. It is also worth considering that all resorts can be sent without a passport. Services intermediaries can be 20% and higher from the cost of the voucher. Therefore, despite the fact that the tourist industry offers to the choice of Russians a large number of Places for an interesting pastime, ride on vacation independently always cheaper and more interesting. So where to go to rest on the sea in Russia? On the territory of our country the main places beach holidays Azovsky I. Caspian Sea, as well as the Black Sea coast. You can fully spend vacation in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions on the shores Finnish Gulf, I. Baltic Sea.


Riding the peninsula is best independently. It is easily accessible here, finding accommodation is very simple, convenient and that there is no language barrier. Based on its preferences, you can form a route, because each here will find classes and places in the soul. In June, the bathing season opens, air temperature +25, water + 18-20 degrees. If you decide where to go to the sea in June, Russia offers different options. For example, in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, water warms up faster, so those who like to swim, at the beginning of the summer it is better to go to smoke or kerch. Already in July, almost all the beaches of the Crimea are overflowing, the water is completely warming up and the high season begins. Rest on the peninsula is primarily suitable for those who prefer all the time to spend on the beach, sunbathing and swimming. In August, the weather for a beach holiday is ideal, but since most come to relax on the peninsula in the last month of summer, the situation is somewhat overwhelmed. As a consequence of a large influx of tourists, the prices for everyone become high, transport is full, the water is dirty, a lot of garbage. In addition, do not plan your return from the holidays for the last numbers of the month, many try to have time to return to the beginning of the school year, it creates traffic jams on the crossing of Kerch.


If you are planning in Russia, where to go, as not in Sochi. Black Sea calls to her shores wishing to spend a good vacation round year. The best months for recreation here are the middle of June, July, August and September. Despite high temperature The air, in May, June, the sea is not heated by more than 17-19 degrees, so swimming can cause great discomfort. Sochi resorts are popular with our compatriots, there are many vacation options: diving, fishing, wild beaches, water parks and more. Hotels in Sochi can be found on any wallet: both budgetary and expensive four- and five-star. For example, in the two-star hotel "Nairy" double room will cost 2700 rubles per day. If you prefer high-class service and think - where to go to the sea in Russia, boldly choose Sochi. Entertainment infrastructure, equipped embankments, well developed here. You can stay in the famous Pearl complex, 5200 rubles will cost a simple double room with breakfast.


It has the longest shore line in the world and is among the five most visited resort cities in Russia. For holidaymakers Gelendzhik is attractive by low prices, a worthy level of service, all sorts of entertainment, among which water parks, safari park and other activities. Beaches are protected from cold trends and storms, the water is very clean. Also, if you decide where to go in the summer to the sea in Russia to relax and well, Gelendzhik has excellent medicinal base. Sea baths are used in the complex of healthcare procedures, mineral springs, hardware inhalation with sea water and much more, all this comes in combination with a useful mountain subtropical climate. The resort stretched along more than 100 km and includes three large settlements: archprove-Osipovka, Kabardinka, Divnomorskoye. They are similar to Gelendzhik and, we can say, are its reduced copy - provide a large number of cafes and places to relax.


Where better to go to the sea in Russia? If you are going to relax with children, then, of course, in Adler, for last years It turned into a real Aquarir. Hotels, holiday homes are adjacent to water parks, water attractionswho will come to each child. The resort is suitable for youth rest. It is famous for a rich entertainment base, very similar to Sochi developed infrastructure and a delightful climate at any time of the year. Beaches Adler Pesticle and sandy-pebble, the central embankment is replete with cafes, pizzerias and bars. Rest here is inexpensive, you can dine in the amount of 250 rubles. The beach season lasts since the end of the spring until October. Choosing where you can go to the sea in Russia, the advantage of this place is its convenient location. Most tourists can get here by plane, train or bus. The resort provides a wide selection of hotels of a different star, so, the hotel has a hotel "Almira", three stars costs 2800 rubles. And in the famous Radisson Blu RESSORT & CONGRESS CENTRE Night will cost from 7000 rubles.


This resort is rightly considered to be the best for recreation with children. Sandy beaches with severe entrance to the sea surround the city from all sides. Therefore, to go to rest here choose those who like to soak themselves on a white sand, although there are also pebble beaches. The infrastructure of the city is concentrated at the maximum comfort of holidaymakers. Therefore, where to go to rest on the sea in Russia, as not in Anapa. Acclimatization will pass calmer, and due to the fact that there are no mountains, humidity here is less than in Gelendzhik and Sochi. The Black Sea is petty and warm, the most famous beaches are Jemety, Pioneer and others. Along with a worthy quality of service, the resort boasts and affordable prices. It all depends on the individual preferences, there is a rest organization of both the class of luxury and economical. In addition, the city is considered the safest in Russia, despite the big influx of holidaymakers.

Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea coast is perfect for those who think where to go to the sea in Russia in July and August. In the summer, his picturesque shores turn into popular beach resorts. At the bathing season there are no clear boundaries, in summer it can be both cool, rainy and sunny. As a rule, the season begins at the end of June, and ends in the twenties of August. The climate is moderate here, more calm than on the Black Sea. SAME the best places Recreation are Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk, Otradny, amber.

Curonian Cos

This is the first and most famous resort of the Baltic Sea. Where to go to the sea in Russia, if you have already visited all sought-after resorts of the country? Curonian Spit is an excellent option, it is a unique natural zone with a special microclimate. Few know that rest here is not only interesting, but also useful. The air is saturated with pine pairs, so it can even spin the head! This is popular tourist areaYou can rent a lounge from the main attractions, a house or a hotel, spread through the territory of the turbase or in the most Curonian spit. The most favorable time for rest is here from May to November. The bathing season lasts from mid-June until the end of August. You can get any convenient way, most often the tourists use buses or rent a car.

Rest in Russia is becoming increasingly popular, especially in recent years. It is important to choose the right direction, find the best place where you will feel comfortable and comfortable. Then the impressions of vacation will be saved for the whole year, and good mood and vigor will attract good luck. Good vacation!

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