Spit Chushka: rest between the two seas. Spit Tuzla - the location of the Crimean Bridge of Spit between the Black and Azov Sea map

Spit Tuzla long before the construction of the bridge

This article was written in 2009. At that time, no one else could not imagine that the super bridge would be built in this place. Therefore, the text of the article is left virtually unchanged, but it is necessary to read it with amendment for the publication time.

Currently (beginning of 2009) The name "Tuzla" officially carry two geographical formations - this is Cape Tuzla and Tuzla Island, the full name of which sounds like "Kosle Island". The word "braid" is present in the name of the island apparently because at the beginning of the last century this very island really was oblique and, as well as the braid of Chushka, was the inseparable part of the Taman Peninsula. It was on Kosla's braid in 1792 the Cossacks of the Black Sea Cossack troops landed, and at the beginning of the twentieth century. There was about a dozen Cossack farm on the spit. But in the 20s ...

View of the Skid Tuzla

A little prehistory

And in the 20s, more precisely in 1925, at the base of the braid, for the passage of fishing boats, there was a breakthrough channel, which, as then thought, would benefit fisheries and will not damage nature (although about nature, as it usually happens, Most likely did not think). Looked Mother Nature on these human interventions and ... In general, it was offended whether she was offended, whether he decided to help, but in the same 1925 there was a strong southern storm, as a result of which the channel turned into a strait, and the width of the Strait reached several kilometers after some time. So braid turned into a separate island.

At the end of the forties, an attempt was made to restore the braid. Over the entire length, then the piles were scored, and between them they pulled a mesh made of metal rings. It was assumed that this design would be enough to form a sushi by nature. However, whether the piles were rarely delivered, or yet it was necessary to advise at first with scientists, but the idea not only did not justify himself, but in the first winter the whole design was destroyed by all the same forces of nature.

If the island is located separately from the mainland, this does not mean that it can be conducted separate, independent life. No, well, of course, the specificity of the remoteness itself is inevitable, but the administrative territory of the island must be subordinate to someone. And everything would seem as it should be, but in the end ... well, see yourself.

After the formation of the island, the average braid (so in the forties called the island), he, the island, was subordinate to the Temryuk district, Krasnodar Region. Then the islanders did not like it as local authorities fulfill their duties, namely they did not like that they had forgotten about them during the elections to the local council (as if they had no other problems) and they petitioned about the coaching of Spit Kerch City Council. In January 1941, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Council of the RSFSR on the translation of the island of the Middle Spio to the Crimean ASSR has been released.

The bureaucracy and in Soviet times also had the opportunity to be, and therefore it was not time to re-enter the island - did not have time - the Great Patriotic began. In the post-war years, there were also enough problems. Almost two dozen years have passed since the release of the decree and here, in 1958 the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR (by that time, the Crimea had already passed Ukraine) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR established the administrative borders between the Bratsky republics precisely according to the declaration of 41st years.

Administrative borders were revised again at the beginning of the seventies. And what is it? Ordinary state nomenclature activities. In general, then it is so, but there is no more than that state. It was contemplated on the very socialist republics. And the fraternal Ussr suddenly became abroad, and the island of the middle spit, and now Kosh Tuzla, is now a foreign territory.

Stop. Now is the time to make a statement. The author of this text does not in any way intend to conduct any political agitation and other political activities. Policy, as they say, politicians. What is me for? Yes, that in 2003 the Russian side had concrete steps to restore the Tuzla braid. For what purpose it was done, I will not discuss, in order not to hit the policy and not to get away from the story about that, for which it was actually recommended this description.

About the newly dumped spit

So, the work was boiling and afternoon, and at night. Trucks with soil, stones and slopes were disturbed by the dream of those residents of the village of Taman, the route of trucks was held on whose streets. Well, this is the price of large construction projects. A year later, the bulk spit had a width of tens of meters and a length of 4 kilometers ...

Well, not a little higher than the text mentioned the word "policy." Well, it is impossible in the story about the new braza of Tuzla to teach that the construction of the braid from the very beginning of the construction has also acquired political painting, and even at the interstate level. And how did you like with this geographical position. Yes, otherwise it could not be, but a spit on the sea did not sit down in the sea.

In general, our Spit rose not only by the difficult labor of road users, but also by the temporary bias of the inhabitants of Taman, as well as this is not no secret, political tension between the two states. By the way, if you look at the braid with the help of the service of satellite shots from Google, the underwater relief is very clearly visible through transparent water.

Everything. Here she is. There is. So what's next? And then on the dusty, the fishermen went to the dusty, not yet risen, and so they liked this new braid that the number of people wishing to gust only grew. And what - you want to cry in the Black Sea rod, and you want to the Taman Bay ... Beauty!

Through a year, yes, in a warm summer, I went to the braid of people and old and young, in order not to look at the fish, and also to look at, yes for the sake of the body of pleasure and in the sun south and so much. And in the sun shifting it was where, because every year, the sea was applied more and more sand, pebbles and seashells, and the Spit was becoming wider. So an artificial embankment began to appear a natural beach.

Skit Tuzla and part of the coast at its foundation were becoming increasingly popular among visitors and local holidaymakers and this circumstance could not remain unnoticed - Tuzla became one of the attractions of the Taman Peninsula, and the entrance to Spit stopped being free.

During a strong storm in November 2007, one cargo ship was sunken on the raid, then one cargo ship was sank and broke out, but did not sink one tanker, loaded with fuel oil. The fuel oil emissions were in many places, including on the Azov coast, but most of them were on the Tozlin shore. Despite the fact that large-scale, and most importantly, the maintenance work on the collection of fuel oil was carried out, many were proposed to break the resort season 2008 on the entire Taman Peninsula. However, in May, in May, on the spit itself, it is rarely where you could meet the traces of the catastrophe, and in the middle of the summer, the beaches of Koshs have already been with all twisted rest, so that the season 2008, though late, but took place.

Spit as a source of beautiful

Any artificial embankment from the soil in the end becomes part of nature. So the braid of Tuzla, which was saturated not only from stones and limestone, but also from fertile soil, gradually, although not everywhere, but still covered with herbal vegetation. The sea and the bay turned the coarse edges of the dam in a full seashore. From the sea - these are beautiful sandy beaches, from the bay side - small islands and small braids, which have become familiar places of wild birds. The stones of limestone, immersed in the water, to their main light yellow brown colors acquired a dark blue-green color. This game of paints is few people leave indifferent and everyone who has a camera with him, at least once it captured the lights of the sun on wet stones.

Photographs of wet stones in water or large bold stones near the water, have almost become a business card of the Tuzla braid among Russian Internet users. Most people prefer to pose exactly on the background of stones and the sea, although there are other, no less attractive and beautiful views on a tuzle.

Continuing the topic of species, I would like to draw attention to sandy formations that are wrapped at the end of the embankment. Formed here, the strait between oblique and the island has a strong current. Thanks to this, the islands change their positions and forms even during one summer. In the evening, when the sun is nearing the sunset, and the sea is only slightly worried, photographs from these little islands are obtained especially successful.

If your camera allows you to make high-quality pictures from a long distance and you are always welcome to new personnel with the brothers with our smaller, in the vicinity of the braids and its foundations there are different types of feathered, and closer to the end of the dam, it is possible to cut the dolphin, and sometimes a whole flock.

On the sea beach There is always a wish to make a comfortable shells, fascinating with their patterns, forms and paints. Unlike the Azov beaches, the ejected sinks on the buzzle are noticeably larger and more diverse.

Spit as a place for swimming

The artificial dam and the coastal line in front of it added to the total length of sand-andracked Taman beaches about 5 kilometers. Thus, the braid of Tuzla is the biggest paid beach On the peninsula.

By the way about paid. The flow point for collecting money in the summer of 2008 was placed relatively far (more than a kilometer) from the beginning of the dam heaway, overlapping the only driveway to the shore from Cape Tuzla to the base of the bulk braid. For what, besides the collection of garbage, there is a fee on such a large area - it is difficult to say, since the equipped beach with everything you need is far from entry and takes part of the shore with length of no more than 500 meters. However, the territory is really big and its content is in purity is a time-consuming task with appropriate costs, and garbage in the period of a large flower flow there is enough.

So, the comfortable beach is almost at the end of the filling braid of Tuzla. It is in the area of \u200b\u200bthis coastal plot that is most of all holidaymakers. Here and the sea is deepened, and the beach band is sewn, and the service is under the side. And here it is felt the edge of the earth, but not just land, but the lands of the Russian.

On the beach itself, which is called "Kerch Beach", there is everything you need: changing room, toilet, sunscreen canopy, lifesteller tower, medical, mini cafes. The coastal territory is indicated by stretched ropes with flags, and restricting bugs are installed in the sea. From the road side placed stands with information that resembles a precautionary measures when bathing.

Attention! Biuki are not installed for the sake of compliance with the rules and requirements, but for the sake of your safety. As mentioned above, there is a strong current between oblique and the island, which also affects the arrogant zone, so it is extremely recommended to swim far beyond the buoy even on an inflatable mattress! Believe unpleasant cases Already noted. In the commander itself (from the end of the braid), it is prohibited at all, which by the way informs the signs there.

Well, the precautions are accepted, now you can enjoy the charms of swimming. In principle, those who have already used to spend the summer on Black Sea coast, the water of the Black Sea is not surprised, but still the Black Sea here a little more than, say ... well, for example in Anapa. On the one hand, there are water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov (although slightly, through the Kerch Strait), on the other - the water of the Dinsky and Taman bays. It is also possible to say with confidence that, unlike the same Anapa or, say the village of Blagoveshchenskaya, there is no light green algae on the anapian coast on the Tuzle. By the way, despite the fact that many of them do not like those who wanted to pop up in front of the camera, putting a wig from those bright green algae ... But we were a little distracted.

Judging by the satellite shots from Google, the distance from the sea to the road in the area of \u200b\u200bKerchensky's beach is more than two widths of the road itself. Thus, the bearer strip in the water, on which sunbathing is usually located, is at a significant distance from the edge of the road canvase. This circumstance allows not worrying that road dust will hinder to enjoy the rest, as in most cases it, dust, is much earlier. True, during a strong wind, the dust blowing from the bay of course can reach the edges of the water, but not only dust, but also the sand flies at such moments. However, such strong winds are extremely rare, and the sea in such weather is usually a storm.

So, the removal from the source of road dust is another positive factor attracting people in the area of \u200b\u200bthe end of the embankment. Of course, if fascial ride lovers restrained their dust and would not raise dust, then there would be nothing so in narrow places, and there would be nothing like that - normally, and so, dusty dusty there. And most importantly, after all, along the axis along the road, the plates with requests are facing, they say "not dust friend!" And no, it's still on Gazulka back and fly Aqui across asphalt, well, yes dust of others, the same quick, the judge.

Kerch's beach is usually going for several hours, well, or a day, but in the rest of the territory of the Spit and in front of it, are more often people who prefer a longer holiday with overnight in a tent. As a rule, the places are selected, the least prone dusty from the road, as well as allowing you to leave your car as close as possible.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the braid, the sea is small, and even very places. To swim on such a "neglubine" is more suitable for children. Over the water in these places, it is well warmed and a special pleasure can be obtained at the bottom. However, do not forget that the sun is stronger in the water (lenses effect), so you can burn much faster than just on the beach.

On the shallow water you may wait another trouble - these are the remains of fishing gear. The fact is that the foot of Cape Tuzla is a fishing team of Cape, and the water area from Cape to Spit enters the fishermen's fishery zone. The placed networks are clearly visible from the shore, but the metal rods that may remain after them - alas are not. Therefore, be attentive, do not run away from scattering into the water and do not dive, and first examine the territory on which you are going to swim. Small depths and transparent water will help you in your studies.

And finally

Summing up here written here, it is safe to say that artificially dumping braid Tuzla is indeed one of interesting seats Taman Peninsula and from the point of view of nature, and from the point of view of history, and, of course, from the point of view of rest. From the point of view of politics, it is also interesting, but let them write on other sites, and we are closer to romance.

By the way, it is the political side of the braid most of all covered on the Internet, but the other, more pleasant and interesting resting, as not very. So many reviews about how "they" coolly went to the Tuzlo and as they liked it, but to tell in more detail, so it is a big rarity. Another more comes when some, there were, all the same write about the spit, but they write unacceptable things. So, for example, it is quite often a story that the braid of Tuzla shares the Azov and Black Sea... is not true! Look at the map! Spit Tuzla shares the Black Sea and the Taman Bay, and the Black and Azov divides the braid of the Chushka and that if Taman and Dinskaya Bay take for part of the Black Sea!

What will happen to the oblique Tuzla, it is with that scythe, which takes place under water by 11 km and includes both the island and the dumping part - will definitely show time. In the meantime, the word "Tuzla" among the guests of Taman land is most often associated with an artificial embankment, its sandy beaches and a transparent sea water from her shores.

This article was written in 2009. At that time, no one
and I could not imagine that a super-bridge will be built on this place.
Therefore, the text of the article is left virtually no change, but read
it is necessary with the amendment at the time of publication. (Edit from 18-02-2017)

Do you want to relax and swim in two seas right away? Then welcome to Spit Chushka in the Krasnodar Territory! One of the most frequently visited spa places located in unique place - Between the Black and Azov seas on the Taman Peninsula.

Location of unique braid

Tourists who have decided to relax in the Kuban, it is worth choosing a direction on Taman Peninsula. In addition to all the well-known resort sights of Taman, in the junction of the Black and Azov seas, sandy grave is 18 kilometers long. Her name is Spit Chushka. She takes his beginning from Cape Achilleon and stretches in the southwestern direction deep into the Kerch Strait.

According to the Spit in the direction of the port of Caucasus, there is an important car track and railway tracks.

On the peninsula itself there is a selected village of Chushka. You can get here by car, the path from the mainland will take 20 minutes. The village is small and not a resort, there are no vacationers here.

Rest in the West Taman

If your choice fell on the western part of the Taman Peninsula, and you spend your vacation in the village of Krasnodar Kuchugur's edge, Priazovsky or Ilyich, do not regret the time and go to the braid Chushka.

Sandless braids covered with vegetation and has an unusual landscape. From the side of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, the shore is smooth, and from the side of the Black Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Black Sea, branches go deep into. Sea fish are spawn between these coastal processes at the beginning of the summer: Pike, Flock, Karasi and Salaka.

That is why avid fishermen leave good feedback A rest on the Spit Chushka with this heat is a great place to go fishing at your pleasure and go home with a big catch.

For picnic lovers, this place will also be a pleasant discovery. There is no huge number of vacationers with sun beds, awning tenms and churchhel sellers. On the braid of the Chushka, right between marine shores, You can stay in a friendly company, fry the kebab or just caught fish, get enough to get enough in any of the two seas.

The only minus swimming here is a small shell with sharp edges, which was covered by the shore and entrance to the sea. But for children - lovers to dig in the shells in search of the most beautiful copies - this place will become a real storm of sea treasures.

Raisins Chushca

The spit has its little volcano with the title corresponding to the Chushka - Blaze. Local residents They gave him such a sonorous name due to the peculiarities of his mud eruptions, which are fully characterized by this title.

At the shores there are four separate island - Crupinino, Dzendzik, fox and naked. In the first two, you can land, sailing on the boat. Grappinino and Dzenjik are quite popular recreation places for both local youth and holidaymakers.

Nearest resort settlement in Temryuk district to Kosh Koschka

At the beginning of the peninsular braid lies the village of Ilyich. This is enough popular place Fans of rustic silence and fresh home products. Here you will not find noisy discos and bars that prevent sleeping all night.

The village is drowning in the greenery, the roosters sing in the mornings and it smells of homemade pastries from neighboring windows. The most thing to relax from the busy urban rhythm.

Port Caucasus is located from Ilyich 12 kilometers, it is far enough so that the port dirt does not fit to local beaches.

The village is focused on tourists. Therefore, despite the rustic entourage, here you will find all the necessary amenities. This is the bank branch, several ATMs, shops, market. There is a polyclinic and pharmacy. For walking and relaxing, there is a small park and several cafes, where you can not only eat sweet, but also tight dinner or dinner. The menu in such a cafe is designed for holidaymakers, and therefore, despite the lack of a chic situation and moderate prices, the choice of dishes is large enough and fresh food.

Book a room in any of the local mini-hotels through the Internet, all means of communication in the village are available. Ilyich has a good choice of accommodation for tourists. You can choose numbers near the sea, but it will certainly cost more than a similar room 500 meters from the shore. Most of the options offered housing have air conditioning and bathrooms.

Beaches in the village are striking with their diversity. You can choose a pebble or sandy beach, with trees or without vegetation. Convenient entrance to the sea is suitable even for young children: there are no cliffs and pit, and the bottom is smooth and sandy.

Communal services in Ilich do not neglect their responsibilities: along the entire line of the beach, as in the village itself, there are garbage tanks that are cleaned by public utilities on a regular basis. And in general, this place is quite clean even in the hot season.

One road and many pedestrian walkways lead to the beach. One path stretches along the whole shore and replaces the walking embankment.


As lovers beach holidaysAnd active, it will be interesting to visit this unusual creation of nature - Spit Chushka. There are rumors that every year the Chushka gradually goes under the water, so do not miss your chance to visit this unique place until it still exists.

Temryuksky district - The edge of carefully flooded grape and melted plantations, dozens of bays and limanov, mud volcanoes and bright green river floods. Our locality has always been proud of our Krasnodar region. Spit Chushka is one of the grounds for this. We are talking about sandy in the Kerch Strait of 18 km long. It is possible for an excellent resort holiday. Leisure is designed for the whole family - children are waiting for quite safe occasions into water, as well as gentle sand. Breaks and proximity to the road.

Where is Spit Chushka?

The map gives a traveler an idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of the picturesque braid. It begins as a continuation of Cape Achilleon and goes to the southwest at right angles. She stretches towards a tousse - these shames share only 6 km of water space.

On the map of the Krasnodar Territory, Koshka is located as follows:

Historical information

Hundreds of years ago, the strong storms put so much sand to Kerchensky that there were several huge shames here: like, Chushka once overlapped the strait and served the shortest road from the Crimea on North Caucasus. The name of the sights was born from local inhabitants in the XIX century. The fact is that dolphins were often thrown on her, and Maloros were called their marine pigs: the pig on their dialect sounds like "Chushka".

In the years of the Hitler's occupation, the Crimea, the Reich-Minister offered to build a crossing of the Caucasus here, but the Germans did not have time to do this before the red army.

In 1944, Kosh was still connected to the Crimea railway bridge - the forces of the Soviet workers. However, a large iceshirt demolished this structure in the same year, and new design solutions did not find a response from the then leadership of the country. Today, the recreation is elongated and overgrown with reed - the place of collecting fishermen and swimsters living in the village of Ilyich, as well as road vehicles. One of its plots is the territory of the dyslocation of ferry crossing "Port Caucasus".

Rest in the West of the Krasnodar Territory

Beautiful landscape is a Temryuk district in the Krasnodar Territory. Spit Chushka enters the top three main local "business cards", because it is at the same time in the Black and Azov Sea. For attractive on the outlines and vegetation, the sandy shallow seeks a lot of travelers. Some of them are fishermen, another half - fans of picnics with intense bathing.

It is characteristic that the Chushka has more impressive size in width than a tuzla - from 500 to 1000 m. As a result, this geographical object You can also call the peninsula. Its north-western side is relatively straight, and the southeast resembles a horse mane from above - a huge number of processes depart from the main array of the coast. Formed by them Tops in the spring and in the first half of June turn into spawning pits for Salak, Cambals, crucian, pikes, bull and tarani.

The building material of the "resort" border is a major quartzite and a seven. The automotive track and the railway taking place undergo artificial embankment - they are protected from the sleeve. Beaches are located where all the same is more sand, not vegetation. They are located on the nearest to Ilyich space. At the sea here is small, but the seashells (with sharp edges) are equally much all over.

Additional opportunities in Temryuk district

Spit Chushka has two isolated pieces of sushi - Crupinin Islands and Dzendzik. You can reach them at any swimming age, which have already used local couples in love. But the islands of fox and the nice are so small that few people know. Here you can safely hide any treasures - the main thing, at least to find them yourself.

Some come to the farthest end of the sandy process, thinking that there will be no one here and there will be no one. However, too many people think - the South-West Piglet is scored by cars with Krasnodar and other numbers.

Reviews left in the network of hundreds of tourists call this place "solid sandy beach"," Sand, hidden in reeds "," fish deck "," warehouse of beautiful seashells "and other epitheats. Often this location use small groups of nudists, but none of their regular beach clubs here organized. Purchasing picnic products in Ilich.

How to get there?

To get to Kosh Chushka just on the line R-251. It begins from the Krasnodar Western Course, passes through the village of Elizavetinskaya, Mariaanskaya, Novomyshastovskaya and Ivanovskaya. Further, the highway goes to Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Anastavievskaya, Kurchanskaya, Temryuk, Perepision and settlement Ilyich. To more accurately orient you, we offer the route and on the map:

Tourist on note

  • Address: P. Ilyich, Temryuk district, Krasnodar Territory, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 45.352476, 36.696242.

On dozens of amateur and professional photos of Spit, the Chushka looks like a meadow, overgrown with high greens, or as a large-scale edge of water with protruding, then there are small shells. Under the grass does not see the water at all, so it is worth being careful to those who came here for the first time. In conclusion, as usual, we offer a short review of the described place, pleasant viewing!

Spit between the Black and Azov Sea on the map

What is a geographical map

The geographical map is an image of an earth surface with a coordinate grid and conventional symbolsThe proportions of which are directly dependent on the scale. The map of geography is a reference point where you can identify the location of that, IHO array, an object or a place of residence of a person. These are an indispensable assistants for geologists, tourists, pilots and military whose professions are directly related to travel, long distances travel.

Types of cards

Conditionally divided geographic Maps possible on 4 types:

  • under the coverage of territory and these are cards of the mainland, countries;
  • by appointment and this is tourist, training, road, navigation, scientific and reference, technical, tourist maps;
  • in content - thematic, outcast, general political cards;
  • Software - small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale cards.

Each card is devoted to some topic, the thematic reflects the islands, the sea, vegetation, settlements, weather, soils, taking into account the coverage of the territory. A card may be only applied countries, mainland or state separately on a specific scale. Given how long it is reduced, the scale of the map is 1x1000,1500, which means a decrease in the distance of 20,000 times. Of course, it is easy to guess that the larger the scale, the more detailed the map is drawn. Nevertheless, individual parts of the earth's surface on the map are distorted in contrast to the globe capable of transmitting the look of the surface unchanged. Earth - Schro-shaped and distortion are found, such as: area, corners, length of objects.

Spit Tuzla (Tuzlin Spit) -Kosa in the Kerch Strait on the Taman Peninsula, near the village of Taman. Next to oblique many interesting things geographic objects. Toponyms are found as the island of Tuzla, Lake Tuzla, Cape Tuzla.
Tuzlin Spit formed as a result of combining small islands and bells, with constant influence of tides and sings of the Black and Azov seas. Due to which the gradual sanding of the sand and its accumulation on the long portion of the resulting braid was. As a result of the economic activity of a person, Tuzla Island was formed, which was part of the braid in another 20 years of the last century. Island until 2014 was part of Ukraine. In 2003 during border conflict Between the Russian Federation and the Ukrainian Republic of Spit was strengthened and elongated. It was planned to restore the blurred area between the core and oblique. But as a result of the conflict, the actions for further construction and strengthening the shores ended. Its length is about 4 km.
Tuzlin braid The place unique on one side is washed by the Black Sea with another waters of the Taman Bay of the Azov Sea, the island of Tuzla and Cape Tuzla himself, the Kerch Strait, the Peninsula Crimea, the Hill, Tamani, the Parking of Sea Labor Ships, opens panorama Cuccushka and port of the Caucasus. This is the place of active fishing and recreation. In the summer, an autocamping and the beach acted on the spit. I advise you to take warm things with you, as the place is open and the wind can be very cold.
IN this moment Construction works are underway on the spit. Already install the bridge between the oblique and the island of Tuzla. Soon, very soon the main bridge will be built.

See also: