What the Mediterranean Sea. Where is the Mediterranean Sea? Environmental threats for the Mediterranean Sea

Much more often asked tourism lovers than schoolchildren. This sea plays an important role in the life of not only modern residents of His coast, it influenced the emergence of many civilizations.

"Sea in the middle of the earth"

The Mediterranean Sea began to enjoy long before the new continents were opened. It seemed to people that this substantial water was located in the heart of the planet. So the sea and got its name.

"The sea in the middle of the earth" became the most important trading way. It helped to forward from Eurasia to Africa. Between the peoples, not only trading ties were established. Ethnic groups living on the coast sought to establish diplomatic contacts with other countries. Someone concluded alliances, and combat actions were conducted with someone. But even the war to some extent positively influenced the development of mankind. The captured peoples adopted the experience and culture of the occupiers. As a result of cultural exchange, new civilizations were born.

Today, the Mediterranean Sea continues to contribute to the establishment of contacts between different cultures. The main article of the income of the ancient inhabitants of the coast was trade with foreigners. Nowadays, tourism was added to trade. Having learned what countries the Mediterranean is washed, tourists are planning their vacation.

Where to go on a journey?

On the seaside there is a huge number of countries. To get acquainted with everyone, you will need not one vacation:

  • Malta. Many people mistakenly believe that the state consists of only one island. In fact, besides the main part, Malta, the state is the island of Gozo (it is also called Goo) and several little inhabited islands. A small state inhabits only about 500,000 thousand people. Thanks to its climate in 2011, Malta was recognized as one of best countries For living in the world.
  • Italy. Here the tourist awaits rest for the soul and body. In Italy, you can lie on the beach, and visit the huge number of museums. The rich culture of this country will not leave anyone indifferent. Italy is famous for gastronomic delights. National cuisine Not just tasty, but also useful for health. Beach holidays in this country approaches lovers of nudism. In 2006, it was legalized on the beach without clothes. It is not possible to sunbathe in this way in every country in the Mediterranean. In some states, for such behavior of travelers and the local population is waiting for a large penalty or arrest. Italian nudist beaches annually visits more than half a million people.
  • Spain. This country seems to be a place to hold endless holidays. Some celebrations are horrified on foreign tourists. Tomology is a holiday, during which people throw tomatoes in each other. Not every traveler will appreciate this way to spend free time. You can prefer less exotic entertainment. Some tourists, returning from Spain, decide to go through the Flamenco or Guitar Games.
  • France. Southeast of this country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. French culture is very diverse. The specificity of the region will be determined by its location. While in the south of the country, travelers often feel that they were in some Spanish or Italian town. And this is a feeling not far from the truth. Most Mediterranean cities are really similar to each other. Some settlements In the south of France were founded by representatives of other ethnic groups. Marseille, for example, is based on the Greeks. Initially, he was called Massily.
  • Turkey. This country has the greatest popularity among Russian tourists. Europeans here can be found much less often. For thousands of Russians Antalya, Mersin, Istanbul and some others turkish cities are a permanent place summer holiday during several years. Turkey attracts cozy beaches, architectural attractions and local cuisine. Prices in this country are significantly lower than European. Turkish Lira is cheaper than dollar or euro. It is noteworthy that being in Turkey, you can relax not only on the Mediterranean, but also on the Black Sea.

Mediterranean Sea is a semi-closed seaAt the junction of three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. On his shores there are 22 UN member states, of which the most extended coasts in the Mediterranean have Spain, France, Italy and Greece - in Europe, Turkey - in Asia, Egypt, Libya and Algeria in Africa. In water Mediterranean Sea Allocate to eleven separate seas, the largest of which is the Levancetic Sea with an area of \u200b\u200b320 thousand km², in the waters of which is the island of Cyprus, and the smallest Ligurian, with an area of \u200b\u200b15 thousand km², but on the shores of the Ligurian Sea are such large port cities. As Genoa and Nice.

You can get to the Mediterranean Sea from Russia in different ways: on land, by air and water. When traveling by car or bus will be given the opportunity to visit Belarus, Poland, further to Germany, from there - to France, on the way you can visit the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. The duration of such a masty depends only on the route and time for walking through the cities of Europe. With the flight by airlines of the leading airlines, it all depends on the country, on the coast on the coast of which, I would like to enjoy the waters of the Mediterranean Sea: The flight of the Ministry of Health of Moscow to Monaco, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bor Athens will take about 4 hours, and here it is to Naples, Rome or Tunisia from Moscow direct flights No, you will have to fly at least with one transplant and the flight will take from seven hours to day. And for those who prefer walks on the yacht, the journey to the Mediterranean Sea is a great opportunity to spend a couple of months under the sail. Filling from the Crimea, from Novorossiysk or Sochi to the Black Sea, it remains only to get to the Bosphorus Strait, stroll through Istanbul, further - to the Marmara Sea and from there - through the Strait of Dardanelles to get into the water of the Aegean Sea and can be saved to any port of the Mediterranean Sea.

Fishing fishery is developed in the Mediterranean, and this is a real paradise for tourists. In addition, recently appeared new opportunity For wealthy citizens to secure great rest On the islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Domestic economic problems Greece began selling the islands belonging to it in the ionic and Aegean seas. Star Hollywood Brad Pitt and his wife Angelina Jolie already bought themselves alone. However, Greece knows the price to its islands: the most "cheap" of them costs more than three million dollars. But, if for some reason you have no three million bucks, or simply do not need an island, you can rent a house in Malta, just 350 dollars a month.

The resorts of the Mediterranean

Storm on the coast of Crete

Resort town Budva in Montenegro on the coast of the Mediterranean

Shark on Cretan Beach

Monaco Beach, Monte Carlo

Fish on the Mediterranean Beach Monaco loves a bun

Malta - Mediterranean Pearl!

Historically, the most important water pool for Europeans was the Mediterranean Sea. (True, other nations could have other seas.) It was on his shores that Greek and Ellen's civilization originated. According to his blue waves, the Phoenicians are the best seating Ancient Mira - studied to swim in distant countries ... What does it represent and how and when did it come?

The emergence of the Mediterranean Sea

Scientists believe that Mediterranean Sea - Relic, that is, the remnant of the oldest era, when the single mainland of the Earth - Gondwan was washed by the United Ocean Tethys (by the way, the Aralskoe, Caspian, Black and Marmara Sea, who filled deep depressions on a single Gondwan were considered the same relics when she split and went to continents).

But there is another opinion: as if once, the Tethis was surrounded by land. And between North Africa and the Pyrenean Peninsula, where now, between Malaya Asia and Europe there were land bridges with river valleys. And only later they were flooded with ocean water ... there are various assumptions and hypotheses. They exist to study them, and then either take, or reject as insolvent.

In the West, the Mediterranean Sea is connected by the Strait of Gibraltar with. In the northeast, the Strait of Dardanelles connects the Mediterranean Sea with marble, and the Bosphorus Strait with the Black Sea. In the south-east, people proceeded by the Suez Canal from the Mediterranean Sea, and from it - a direct path to the Indian Ocean.

The coast of the Mediterranean Sea is cut by bays and lagoonsthat a lot has served the development of seaworthy among the ancient peoples. There are large bays: Valencia, Lyon, Genoese, Taranto, Cider (Big Sirt), Gabes (Small Sirt). Find them themselves on the map.

Islands of the Mediterranean Sea

Islands in the Mediterranean - Many, especially in the northern part of it. The most significant of them: Sicily, then Sardinia, Corsica, Crete, Cyprus and the Balearic Islands. Some historians believe that once in the Mediterranean, there was an island of the state of Atlantiswho disappeared as a result of a terrible eruption of the volcano. Only most authors the location of Atlantis was pointed out differently, ranging from the shores South America before North Sea And from Yucatana to Mongolia ...

Version that atlantis Island was in the Mediterranean Sea, I expressed the Russian traveler and scientist, academician Abraham Norov, who lived in the XIX century. This is the assumption and got the greatest popularity.

Atlantis is looking for to this day. It is known, for example, that existing one and a half years before our era somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bCrete and Tira Islands, the so-called mine culture, died as a result large catastrophe. The French scientist-oceanologist Jacques Yves Kusto opened at the bottom of the underwater island of the Tira fragments of structures, testifying that the city really died there. It is not known only if Atlantis was ...

At the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea is several deep boilinglines with relatively cool mainland slopes. The shelf strip is narrow, expands only between the coast of Tunisia and Sicily and in the Adriatic Sea. The pool of the Mediterranean Sea includes many coastal seas. You should know them from history or from mythology. There were many different events. Look at the card and find them yourself one after another.

Weather and climate of the Mediterranean

The main wealth of the Mediterranean is climate: Soft wet winter and hot dry summer. In winter over the sea, the pressure of the atmosphere decreases, and this determines unstable weather with frequent storms and rains. Local winds often blow. In the summer, an anticyclone with clear weather, with a small cloudiness and rare rains, is installed on most of the Mediterranean basin. IN Mediterranean Sea From Africa, the south wind Sirocco sometimes brings dusty MGLU. And in the Messinsky Strait, it is often possible to see Mirage, the so-called Fata - Morgana.

In the Mediterranean Sea highlights seas: Alboran, Balearic, Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Ionian, Cretan, Aegean. The pool of the Mediterranean includes the marble sea, the Black Sea, the Azov Sea.

The modern Mediterranean is the relic of the ancient Ocean Tethis, which was much wider and stretched far east. The relics of the Ocean Tethis are also the Aral, Caspian, Black and Marmara Sea, dedicated to his deepest varnishes. Probably, Tetis was once completely surrounded by land, and between North Africa and the Pyrenean Peninsula, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gibraltar Strait, there was experiencing. The same land bridge associated southeast Europe with Malaya Asia. It is possible that the Bosphorus Straits, Dardanelles and Gibraltar were formed on the site of flooded river valleys, and many island chains, especially in the Aegean Sea, were connected to the mainland.

The Mediterranean Sea goes into the land between Europe, Africa and Asia.

The sea pool of the Mediterranean Sea wash the shores of 21 states:

Europe (from west to east): Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus; Asia (from north to south): Turkey, Syria, Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel; Africa (from east to west): Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco. In the northeast of the Strait of Dardanelles, it connects to the marble sea and then the Bosphorus strait - with the Black Sea, in the southeast Suez Canal - with the Red Sea.

Area 2500 thousand km².

The volume of water is 3839 thousand km³.

The average depth of 1541 m, the maximum - 5121 m.

The coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the mountainous coasts predominantly abrasion, aligned, at low - lagoon-lifted and delta; for eastern coast The Adriatic Sea is characterized by the shore of Dalmatian type. The most significant bays: Valencian, Lyon, Genoese, Taranto, Cider (B. Sirt), Gabes (M. Sirt).

The largest islands: Balearic, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Crete and Cyprus.

In the Mediterranean Sea, large peeks Ebro, Ron, Tiber, Po, Nile, etc.; General annual stock of them. 430 km³.

The bottom of the Mediterranean Sea falls into several kitelins with relatively steep mainland slopes, a depth of 2000-4000 m; Along the shores of the hollow, the narrow strip of the shelf, expanding only between the coast of Tunisia and Sicily, as well as within the Adriatic Sea.

Geomorphologically Mediterranean Sea can be divided into three pools: Western - Algeria-Provencal pool with a maximum depth of over 2800 m, which combines the depressions of the seas of albão, Balearic and Ligurian, as well as depression Tyrrhenian Sea - Over 3600 m; Central - more than 5100 m (central hollow and depressions of the seas of the Adriatic and Ionical) and East - Levantinsky, about 4380 m (depressions of the seas of Levant, Aegean and Marble).

The bottom of some Kotlovin is covered with neogene anthropogenic strata (in the Balearic and Ligurian Sea with a capacity of up to 5-7 km) sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Among the Messinsky (Upper Miocene) of the deposits of Algerian-Olive, a significant role belongs to the solenous evaporite thicker (with a capacity of St. 1.5-2 km), forming the structure characteristic of salt tectonics. On sides and in the center of the Tyrrhenian basin, a few large faults are stretched with dedicated to them extinct and in force volcanoes; Some of them form large underwater mountains (Liepan O-Wa, Vavilov Volcano, etc.). Volcanoes in the outskirts of the basins (in the Tuscan archipelago, on Pocianic O-Wah, Vesuvius, as well as Lapar O-VA) spew the sour and alkaline lava, volcanoes in the center, parts of the Mediterranean - more depth, main lava (basalts).

Part of the Central and East (Levantine) pools are filled with sedimentary strata, including powerful river removal products, especially the Nile. At the bottom of these Kotlovin, according to geophysical studies, helensky deep-water and central Mediterranean shaft is highlighted - a large arch of up to 500-800 m. Along the foot of the mainland closet of Kerenaica, Libyan flakes, very clearly expressed in the relief and weakly filled with precipitations. The Mediterranean Basins are very different in time to go. A significant part of the Eastern (Levantine) pool laid in the Mesozoic, Algerian-Olive basin - from the end of the oligocene - the beginning of the Miocene, some of the Midishmamine Basins - at the beginning - the middle of Miocene, Pliocene. At the end of the Miocene (Messiysk Century), the most part of the Mediterranean Square already existed shallow basins. The depth of the Algair-Olive basin during the deposition of salts in the Messinsky century was about 1-1.5 km. The salts were accumulated as a result of strong evaporation and concentrations of the brine due to the influx of seawater into a closed pond through the strait, which existed south of Gibraltar.

The modern depths of the Tyrrhenian depression were formed as a result of lowering the bottom during the Pliocene and the anthropogen period (for the last 5 million years); As a result of the same rapid lowering, some other basins arose. The formation of the Mediterranean Kotlovin is associated either with a stretching (spun) of the mainland crust, or with the process of sealing the earth's crust and its sediment. In deposit Sections of Kotlovin continue geosyncinal development processes. The bottom of the Mediterranean Sea in many parts is promising for searches for oil and gas deposits, especially in the field of distribution of salt domes. In the shelf areas, oil and gas deposits are confined to mesozoic and paleogenic sediments.

The hydrological mode of the Mediterranean Sea is formed under the influence of great evaporation and common climates. Conditions. The prevalence of fresh water flows over the arrival leads to a decrease in the level, which causes the permanent flow of surface less salty water From Atlantic. OK. And the black m. In the deep layers of the straits, the outflow of high-fat water occurs, caused by the difference in the density of water at the level of strait thresholds. OSN. Water exchange takes place through the Gibraltar Prol. (upper. Current brings 42.32 thousand km³ per year Atlas-Tich. Waters, and the bottom - takes out 40, 80 thousand km³ of Mediterranean); Through Dardanelles and flows, respectively, 350 and 180 km³ of water per year.

Water circulation in S. m. Has ch. arr. wind nature; It is represented by the main, almost the zonal Canarian flow carrying water. Atlantic. Origin along Africa, from Gibraltar Prol. To the shores of Lebanon, and the cyclonich system. Crupions in the separate seas and pools to the left of this flow. The thickness of the waters to the depth. 750-1000 m is covered by unidirectional in the depth of the transfer of water, with the exception of the Levantine intermediate antimony carrying the Levantine waters from about. Malta to Gibraltar Strait along Africa.

The speed of the steady currents in the open part of the sea is 0.5-1.0 km / h, in some straits - 2-4 km / h. The average temperature of the water on the surface in February decreases with S. on Yu. From 8-12 to 17 ° C to Vost. and center. parts and from 11 to 15 ° C by 3. in August average temperature Water varies from 19 to 25 ° C. - In the edge V. it rises to 27-30 ° C. The big evaporation leads to a strong increase in saline. Its values \u200b\u200bincrease with 3. on B. from 36 to - 39.5. The density of water on the surface varies from 1.023-1.027 g / cm ³ in summer - to 1.027-1.029 g / cm³ in winter. During the winter cooling period, intensive convective stirring is developing with increased density, which leads to the formation of high-headed and warm intermediate waters into the vest. Swimming pool and deep waters on S. Western pool, in the Adriatic and Aegean seas. At the bottom temperature and saline, the Mediterranean Sea is one of the most warm and salted seas of world OK. (12.6-13.4 ° C and 38.4-38.7, respectively). Relates. Transparency of water up to 50-60 m, color - intense blue.

The tides are mostly semi-sufficient, their value is less than 1 m, but in depth. Points in combination with wind turbines of level fluctuations can reach 4 m (Genoese Hall, in North. Shore about. Corsica, etc.). In narrow straits, strong tidal flows are observed (Messinsky Prol.). Max. The excitement is observed in winter (the height of the waves reaches 6-8 m).

The climate of the Mediterranean Sea is determined by its position in the subtropical belt and is distinguished by high specificity, which highlights it in an independent Mediterranean type of climate, characterized by soft damp in winter and hot dry summer. In winter, a low-pressure atmosphere is installed above the sea, which determines unstable weather with frequent storms and abundant precipitation; Cold northern winds Lower air temperature. Local winds develop: Mistral in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lyon Gulf and Bohr in the East of the Adriatic Sea. In the summer, most of the Mediterranean covers the crest of the Azores Anticyclone, which determines the predominance of clear weather with a small cloudiness and a small amount of precipitation. In the summer months there are dry fogs and dusty blades, submitted from Africa to the southern wind of Sirocco. In the eastern basin, steady northern winds are developing - ethesy.

The average air temperature in January varies from 14-16 ° C southern Coast up to 7-10 ° C in the north, in August - from 22-24 ° C in the north to 25-30 ° C in the southern areas of the sea. Evaporation from the surface of the Mediterranean reaches 1250 mm per year (3130 km3). Relative air humidity varies from 50-65% in summer to 65-80% in winter. Cloudy in summer 0-3 points, in the winter about 6 points. The average annual precipitation of 400 mm (about 1000 km3), it varies from 1100-1300 mm in the north-west to 50-100 mm in the south-east, at least in July - August, the maximum in December.

Characterized by Mirage, who are often observed in the messinsky prol. (T. N. Fata Morgan).

Vegetation I. animal world The Mediterranean Sea differs relatively weak quantitative development of the phyto and zooplankton, which attracts itself. The small number of larger animals feed on them, including fish. Number of phytoplankton in surface horizons is only 8-10 mg / m³, at a depth of 1000-2000 m 10-20 times less. Very varied algae (Peridine and diatoms prevail).

The Fauna of the Mediterranean is characterized by a large species diversity, however, the number of representatives of the Depth. species are small. There are crayfish, one type of seal (whiteburhide seal); sea turtle. Fish 550 species (Skumbrian, herring, anchoous, kefali, cornhene, tuna, pelamids, stavrids, etc.). About 70 species of fish endemics, including skates, types of hamses, bulls, mor. Dogs, Guban and Fish needles. Oysters, Mediterranean-Black Sea Middine, Seaidini have the greatest importance from edible mollusks. Octopuses, squid, sepia, crabs, Langstocks are common from invertebrates; Numerous types of jellyfish, siphonophore; In some areas, especially in the Aegean Sea, sponges and red coral live.

The coast of S. m. It has long been tightly populated, distinguished by a high level of economic development (especially the countries located on its northern coast).

Agriculture of Mediterranean countries: allocated by the production of citrus (about 1/3 of world harvest), cotton, oilseeds. In the system of international trade and economic relations S. M. occupies a special position. Being at the junction of three parts of the world (Europe, Asia and Africa), S. m. It is an important transportation through which Europe with Asia, North Africa, as well as Australia and Oceania pass. According to S. m. These are important trading routes connecting Russia and Ukraine with western countries, and lines of large bootage between Chernomores and near Dr. ports of Russia and Ukraine.

Transport value of the water area S. m. For Western Europe Continuously increasing due to the increasing dependence of these countries from imports of raw materials. The role of S. m. In the transport of oil. S. M. - An important "oil" path between Western Europe and the Middle East. The share of southern ports (the main of which is Marseille, Trieste, Genoa) in the supply of Western European oil is constantly growing (about 40% in 1972). Ports S. m. Are connected by pipelines both with countries of Western Europe, including Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland and with fields of oil of the Middle East and North Africa. There are also the transportation of various types of raw materials, metal ores and bauxite, S.-H. Products on the Suez Channel, through which the connections of Western Europe with Asia and Australia are held. The largest ports are Marseille with the Avantports in France, Genoa, Augusta, Trieste in Italy, Cider, Marsa-Brega in Libya.

On the coast of S. m. Numerous industrial enterprises have been created on the islands. On the raw materials delivered by the sea, the chemical and metallurgical industry developed. Large nodes of the chemical industry became in 1960-75 Islands of Sardinia and Sicily in Italy, the mouth of the Ron in France, etc. The production of oil and gas on the shelf S. m. (Sev. Part of the Adriatic Sea, the coast of Greece, etc.).

Fisheries in S. m. Compared to other atlantic basins, about has a secondary meaning. Industrialization of the coast, the growth of cities, the development of recreational zones lead to intensive pollution of the coastal strip. The resorts of the Côte d'Azur (Riviera) in France and Italy, the resorts of the Levancen coast and the Balearic Islands in Spain, and others are widely known.

Part mediterranean countries European, Asian and African states enter. Tourists attract picturesque nature, clean sea waters, a large number of architectural monuments and history.

On the coast you can find pebble and sandy beaches. On the wide and long coastline of the Mediterranean Sea concentrated many places for budget recreation and resorts affecting their luxury.

Mediterranean Sea on the world map with countries around it

  1. Bizerta;
  2. Kelibia;
  3. Monastir;
  4. Sfax.

Recently, Tunisia is serious competition Turkey and Egypt. The separation of the service with the European and Asian resorts is constantly declining. In Tunisia, tourists ride not only for beach holidayBut for treatment. Most hotels in Tunisia you can find centers of traditional medicine. They are no less popular than the Mediterranean coast.

Directions for interest

    Self quiet beaches The Mediterranean Sea needs to be sought on its northeastern coast - in Croatia. In these places beach tourism Located in the development stage, so rest is available for large number tourists.

    Sand and pebble beaches are surrounded by picturesque mountains covered with thick vegetation.

  • Beautiful Beaches Malta worth visiting not only those who love a comfortable stay on the refined beaches, but also those who wish to get practice of English language . It is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the island state.
  • Per noise and funas well as for comfortable holiday At an affordable price it is worth going to Greece, Egypt and Turkey.
  • Exotic holiday Can be found on the coast of North Africa. The best resorts In the south-east of the Mediterranean Sea are located in Tunisia and Morocco. In these regions you will feel not only exotic, but also comfort.
  • Vacationers talking on in Russianwill surround you on Israeli beaches. Excellent service provided by local hotels will not be able to overshadow their cost vacation on the ground promised. Competition Mediterranean Beach here make up the Red and Marmara Sea.

See also: