Cave Duhan Adygea. Cave Duhan: The Beauty of the Amine Gorge

The cave is located in the upper reaches of the Aminovka River, which, in turn, flows into the White in the village of the Kamennikovsky Republic of Adygea. It is pretty well known, even marked on five hundred digit cards of the area, but at the same time he is attended not so often, which, however, goes to her. Those who wish to visit this cave can approach it in a few ways: directly from the village of Aminovka, along the waterproop creft from Rufabgo waterfalls, or from the highway leading to the Lago-Naki Plateau.
The entrance to Duhan is represented by the large grotto from which the stream flows out, which gives rise to one of the sources of aminovka. It is clearly visible when approaching the stream of the stream. However, it is not always easy to see this grotto from above, as it is located immediately under the road, on which tourists are held in his search. During my first visit to the cave in the snow, many traces of the people who were looking for her people were noticed, and many for some time plotted around, without seeing the inlet, despite his impressive sizes.
But, if the entrance is detected, further difficulties, as a rule, does not occur: at the far end of the grotto there is a business card of the cave: a small waterfall, for a ledge of which you need to climb on a wooden staircase, which for many years some kind of good people have been supported in excellent condition. Behind the stairs, some distance can be followed, without bending, jumping over with a stone on a stone, so as not to wet the legs with the flow of water. But, without passing and thirty meters (maybe less), the height decreases sharply, so it will have to sprinkle a little on all fours. Further from the main stroke is separated by a side corridor without watercock, which soon blindly ends with a narrow crack with weakly pronounced skewers. In the corridor there is a well brought by clay, but to dig it, due to the huge number of the latter, no sense. Returning to the main move and passing on it a few more meters, we discover the length of the hole from which the stream flows out; Here we will come back here. The time itself is further dry and continues in the forward direction, so as soon as the first branch, to end with nothing. At the end there is a small shelf with young stalactites, from the strength of two hundred years.
After examining the two deadlock corridors, nothing remains to sleep, how to climb into the above-mentioned "mink". Its height does not exceed one meter, like the diameter, so it is not particularly raw. So here you have to wet not only legs, but also, at least, hands. Soon the turn is slightly expanding and rests on the thresholds, on which the paper is pressed with a stone with the inscription "KP 28", left by the speleologists. It may not go under the thresholds anymore, because it will not be a big enough problem there. But I climbed: I wondered something, I managed to look at the turn left, where the water flowed from. The further progress will be seen to such an extent that you can get up, however, so that you will have to go there, I would have to pay the stomach on the water. It stopped the author from further inspection, and it was decided to penetrate there in a dry season.
The next visit to Dukhana took place on September 8, 2012. This time the goal was to crawl under the aforementioned "pipe" to the end. The water was not much less than in winter (although in the next saxophone on that day it was not at all), but this fact No one stopped. It turned out that this course with a round cross section continues for fifteen meters, after which it ends with a spacious niche, where you can turn around, but also "drown", as rather deeply. Further, the course of such a section goes to the right where the meters can be involved, after which the height drops sharply. The stream turns the right again, but in the crack, from which it follows, failed to squeeze. At this, the collapse of the cavity was completed.
During a visit to the cave in early December, insects were found in it, as well as two types of volatile mice on wintering a total of up to several dozen. Therefore, when inspecting the cavity, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and not disturbed by manochable.
Completed the description of the cavity, I will say that somewhere I read about the through stream of air through the cavity, which may indicate the exit somewhere above, but after a complete study of the moves in the ability to crawl through the cave, I doubt. We have not seen any air current, which, however, does not exclude its presence at another time of the year. A draft, and very tangible, has another located nearby from Dukhana Cave - Saxophone. It begins as a grotto with the flowing from the inside, however, due to its specific structure, it is perhaps interest for lovers to rip in Plastanski. Some locals argue that the names of the caves on the map are confused, that is, the saxophone is actually a Duhan, and, accordingly, on the contrary. Maybe they are right, however, in order to avoid confusion, I decided to call Dukhan that the cave, which corresponds to the mark on the map.

If you do not have an SUV, where you can drive up straight to the cave, you will have to walk. It is most convenient to start with Amino Gorge. To see all its waterfalls, you have to go along the river. The path in places is good, and sometimes it disappears - here the travelers need to climb between the stones. There will be a lot of brodnes on the way, so it's better to immediately go in boots, or if summer is hot, then in sandals (though, such a shoe has a minus - it can rub).

The route in the village of Kamennicorovsky begins, at the very beginning of the prurechensky alley. The village Gravel Street turns into a path that leads along the river, and in some places it converges at all with the river.

The first picturesque watercraft will begin only 4.5 km from the beginning of the route, and before that it remains just to admire the forest (well, and ask yourself - is there any waterfalls?). I would like to note that the aminov gorge although it is considered a monument of nature and attraction, you should not expect miracles from him. The gorge itself will not surprise you with high cliffs, like a neighboring. And waterfalls are strongly inferior on the beauty of the same Rufaggo waterfalls that are nearby.

The two largest waterfalls are approximately 5 km from the village. There is a place to stay with the fire.

From this place to the caves 5 km. Further, there will be several more waterfalls in the fusion places of the Aminovka River with side streams. In the summer months, these waterfalls often dry. There is no longer a clear trail here, so it is often necessary to squeeze through the forest and climbing the stones. At some point, the trail disappears at all and even if you have a navigator, it is not entirely clear how to pass. The advice that I can give - go just at least somehow, after following the path of the navigator. We walked the last kilometer in the direction of the river, but through thickets from above. Very unpleasant route, but we did not find another option. It seems that there are still few people combine the inspection of the aminov gorge with a visit to the caves. If there is no tourist navigator, you can use the application for the smartphone. It is good and works even without a network.

The first cave, in which you get - Duhan. Its entry is vaulted and not so intricate as a saxophone. Yes, and the cave itself is a little less interesting.

From here you can go down to a small cave on the opposite shore.

The Cave of Duhan, where the right middle of the river is followed. You can walk to the cave both at the top and at the bottom of the beam. One of the most curious is a pathway from Rufaggo waterfalls, where you first need to reach the development located on the ridge, then turn right, focusing on the old tourist markings, and then, following her, go left and down, having come to the caves Dukhan and Saxophone.

There is a certain difficulty in determining which one of the caves is Duhan, and what a saxophone, this question often makes even experienced tourists. Nevertheless, the differences of these two caves are clear. Unlike a saxophone cave, the Cave of Duhan has a passage passage through the underground river flowing here. Inside, Dukhan caves have a waterfall, which is difficult to overcome during the melting period of snow or during rains.

Next to the cave Duhan has comfortable sites for installing a tent where you can relax and gain strength before inspecting the cave. Cave Duhan-through, as evidenced by the opposite stream of cold air. At the very end of the cave with a high well, over which the exit is located, waterfall falls.

The second entrance to the cave Duhan is a failure, shallow, but located under large stones, on which a large tree grows. Go down to the cave standing back to the tree. After a kind of entry, the cave follows a fairly narrow LAZ, after which the long gallery opens, it is not worth going far on it, since the walls are gradually narrowed and turning the gallery into a narrow LAZ, while not less than 2-3 hours will have to go to another entrance ( Having a certain preparation!).

There are many karst funnels around the cave, and some of them can be inputs to still unexplored caves. Therefore, despite its inaccessibility, the Cave of Duhan is one of the most interesting objects for visiting and research.

Photo: Denis Chesnokov, Anatoly Sami

Caves Adygea

Visitors to any cave in Adygea will certainly want to return there again and further investigate the most interesting natural objects. Going on excursions in Adygea, it is better not to be limited to one mining system and visit several famous places immediately.

Azis Cave

For the first time, the cave was investigated by five local residents in the spring of 1910. One of the participants in this event, Kasyanovich Shevyrev, spoke about visiting the cave to a certain author who wrote an article in the "Kuban regional statements". In the article on the "Stalactite Cave", its detailed description, which characterizes the general structure of the cave. From the published story, it is known that the entrance to the Aisa cave was a failure, to go through which "researchers" were able, building a primitive staircase from a fired log. On the east side of the entrance there is a large gallery of more than 40 meters long, 0.5 meters high and 3-3.5 meters wide. The gallery is hung with stalagmites and stalactites, length from 20 cm to 1 meter.

Small asian cave

In fifty meters from a large Asian cave there is a small Asian cave (Adygea). It is likely that the once small Asisk could compile a single link of the cave system with a large Asian cave. In length, the small Asian cave reaches 66 meters, its volume is 118 m3, and the amplitude is 14 meters. The Cave of the cave in Adygea was in May 1978 with a Sochi speleologist Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Isaev. Non-intended reading formations were pleasantly surprised by speleologists, and for better conservation it was decided to disguise the entrance to the cave of stones, but the secrecy was still not possible and now the small Asian cave is popular with tourists, here excursions are held. In the cave begins the wedge, about 2 meters deep. , penetrate which you can either from the slope along the narrow horizontal lazase or on top. Down the well, under the tilt, goes the tunnel, along which the plastics can be spawned itself into the cave.

Gentle cave

The gentle cave, formed near the Eastern Mezhi Asian Tau Ridge, between the river river Mesmai and the sheer wall, hailing mountain Ridge From the east, it is located near the village of Dakhovskaya, from the cave to a development in front of the village there are only 21 kilometers. It turns out that the cave is located in the Krasnodar Territory, although they are mostly visited by tourists who come to Adygea. Nearby are also the caves of Large Asian and Small Azis. The length of the cave gentle (Adygea) is only 95 meters, and the volume of 500 cubic meters. The cave recently was relatively recently and in 1975 speleologists from Krasnodar conducted topographic shooting of the cave. The cave's name received thanks to a relatively young severity. The age of the cave ranges from 2-2.5 million years, but the arch of the cave is much younger - he is only 20-30 thousand years.

Cave through

In the valley of the Roufabgo River, 400 meters from the first waterfall, there is an unusual Cave through (Adygea). Unlike other caves, through the elongated shape, narrowing up and forming a karst failure, through which the light passes through the legend in the cave, the Giant Rufabgo once lived. And it is not surprising, given the gigantic sizes of the cave. The bottom of the grotty was covered with stones of different shapes and sizes. In this unusual cave, you can in several ways. The easiest - from RuffAggo waterfalls, to go to which you can through a paid bridge or bypass free path, overcoming the hard way along the cliff and not less famous in Adygea Rocks "carried out, Lord."

Cave saxophone

In the upper reaches of the Aminovka River there is a saxophone cave, where the right extreme source of the river follows. You can go to the cave as "at the top" and on the beam. Interesting is the approach to the caves through the waterfalls of Rufaggo, then the trail to the soldier on the ridge, where to turn on the old marking to the right and after a few hundred meters the marking will lead you from the path to the left, down to the saxophone caves and Duhans. For many tourists, the main difficulty in detection The caves of the saxophone and Duhan makes confusion in the names of the caves (even experienced tourists confuse them). Differences of these two caves are clear. The Duhan Cave can be held through the underground river flowing here, there is a waterfall in it. Cave Saxophone through passage does not have, although at the entrance to it you can feel through the flow of air. For peculiar sounds coming from the cave, she got its name.

Cave Dukhan

At the origins of the Aminovka River there is a Cave of Duhan, where the right middle of the river arises. You can walk to the cave both at the top and at the bottom of the beam. One of the most curious is a pathway from Rufaggo waterfalls, where you first need to reach the development located on the ridge, then turn right, focusing on the old tourist markings, and then, following her, go left and down, having come to the caves Dukhan and Saxophone. There is a certain difficulty in determining which one of the caves is Duhan, and what a saxophone, this question often makes even experienced tourists. Nevertheless, the differences of these two caves are clear. Unlike a saxophone cave, the Cave of Duhan has a passage passage through the underground river flowing here.

Flute cave

Flute Cave is located near the Cave of Duhan. If we pass 200 meters upstream of the stream of the Dukhan falling in the right cascades, then the right plan of the flute cave can be seen. Moreover, some researchers suggest that the flute is not a separate cave, and this is only a way out of the Duhan cave. The Flute Cave was children from the health camp of the tourist base "Mountain". Making a trip to the gorge, the group stopped at the dinner at the stream. Curious in nature, they wanted to find out where he originates from where he originates. Rising up the cliff for the flow of the stream, the children found a cave in a rock. Armed with lanterns, children with educators penetrated inside the mysterious cave. The cave turned out to be very cold due to severe drafts, which may indicate the presence of another entrance. The children called the Flute Cave. In the Flute Cave there are curious stalactite formations. However, it will not be possible to walk freely.

Large Asian Cave (Adygea, Krasnodar region)
Coordinates: N44 7.284 E40 1.734.
Tourists' popularity, a large Asian cave (Adygea) is located in the southern part of the Asian Tau mountain range at an altitude of 1600 meters. Generally geographically, this place is located on the territory of the Absheron district Krasnodar RegionBut since it is very close to the official border of Adygea, it is always associated with it, and not with the Krasnodar Territory.

Asian Cave Cave Adygea

For the first time, the cave was investigated by five local residents in the spring of 1910. One of the participants in this event, Kasyanovich Shevyrev, spoke about visiting the cave to a certain author who wrote an article in the "Kuban regional statements". In the article on the "Stalactite Cave", its detailed description, which characterizes the general structure of the cave. From the published story, it is known that the entrance to the Aisa cave was a failure, to go through which "researchers" were able, building a primitive staircase from a fired log. On the east side of the entrance there is a large gallery of more than 40 meters long, 0.5 meters high and 3-3.5 meters wide. The gallery is carried by stalagmites and stalactites, length from 20 cm to 1 meter, at the end of the gallery rise fantastic forms of pillars.
The next room in the corridor is filled with stalactites, located both on the ceilings, and on the walls, and the stalagmites resembling the statues of the saints in Catholic temples are torn on the floor. The discovers of a large Asian cave called the room - Altar. For the altar, at the end of the corridor - a break, so you have to go down 5 meters down.
The hall on the lower floor received the name of the Bogatyrsky, since it has a cube form, each face of which is 14-15 meters, the floor here is uneven and huge many foreign formations. Next, the descent leads a little left, to the stream. In the upper reaches of the stream are the catacombs, similar to Kiev caves. The Corridor of the Asian cave is increasing here, it narrows.
Only in 1973, the large Asian cave became the monument to the nature of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory. Today, the entrance to the cave is equipped with a metal staircase, and therefore there is no need to descend into a cave on a log or fragile wooden stairs, as it was at the beginning of the 20th century.
As can be seen from the first description of the cave of Swimyrev, a large Asian consists of several large galleries and the lower floor where a small river flows. The length of the cave is 690 meters, its depth is 37 meters, the area of \u200b\u200bthe cave is 1900 m2, and the volume is 11900 m3. The cave is rich in futured formations: large stalactites and stalagmites, columns and underlying barks.
Some of them got their names, such as the sword, waterfall, the palm of desires, the elders, champagne, the lamp of the alladina, the wings of the angel, the head of the frog.
Since the large Asian cave in Adygea began to guide crowds of tourists, almost all foreignations were shot down, only large, but they suffer. Calculation of the destroyed stalactitis was produced in May 1978, at that time the number of staminous stalactites only in the adjusting gallery was 4 thousand. Some of the multi-meter stalactites that have once towering at the entrance to the cave, were transported from Adygea to Sochi, installed in the open air, losing their primary appearance and former attractiveness.
And despite all the losses incurred, the cave large Asian is still beautiful.
In 1978, speleologists from Krasnodar tried to go below the waterfall, further along the stream located on the lower floor of the cave, but it was not possible to penetrate into the small gaps, but below the waterfall they found a skeleton of a wild pig, perhaps also trying to find a passage ...
The study of the Aisch cave continued, new halls appeared. The hall found for the Bogatyr room was called rocket. The floor of the missile hall leads to tourists cool up. The highlight of the hall is the plates formed on the site of the obviously reservoir and covered it as ice covers the frozen rivers.
The other hall was called the crown (or throne). Also there are fantasies and wedding halls.
The question of the protection of the cave after its equipment and the start of operation becomes even more sharp than before. Since the temperature differences and changes in air humidity adversely affect the founding formations, causing their destruction. Destroy the largest Asian cave and tourists who want to "leave their mark in history" or simply lambing pieces of stalagmites.
A large Asian Cave in Adygea has a large scientific, tourist, sightseeing and educational value as a unique monument of nature.

Small Asian Cave (Adygea, Krasnodar Territory)
In fifty meters from a large Asian cave there is a small Asian cave (Adygea). It is likely that the once small Asian could make a single link of the cave system with a large Asian cave.
In length, a small Asian cave reaches 66 meters, its volume is 118 m3, and amplitude - 14 meters.
The cave in Adygea was opened in May 1978 with Sochi Speleologist Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Isaev. The untouched excess formations were pleasantly surprised by speleologists, and for better conservation it was decided to disguise the entrance to the cave stones, but the secrecy was still not possible and now the small Asian cave is popular with tourists, excursions are held here.
The entrance to the cave begins the well, a depth of about 2 meters, to penetrate into which it is possible either from the slope along the narrow horizontal laase or on top. Down the well, under the tilt, goes the tunnel, along which the plastics can be spawned itself into the cave. The tunnel is completed in a small domes with a diameter of about 4 meters and a height of more than 2 meters. The floor was covered with animal bones and limestone fragments. Existing stalactites in length are reached 10-20 cm.
The second hall of the Small Asian cave is similar to the first, but it has more stalagmites and stalactites (the largest - 60 cm). Along one of the walls of calcite dams, small baths with water were formed. The length of these baths is 50 cm, and the depth of no more than 1 centimeter.

Excess education in the third chamber is larger than in previous halls. At the end of the camera there is a curious stalactite sweeping in the middle part. The length of this stalactite is 45 centimeters, and the diameter of the swelling is 13 centimeters, with a neck diameter of 6 centimeters. This chamber also formed baths with water. The camera stretches narrow Lases, ending the hall, a few dozen meters from which the gallery is a large Asian cave. On this, the small Asian cave (Krasnodar region) is completed and visitors go back to the exit.

Gentle Cave (Adygea, Krasnodar Territory)

Coordinates: N44 9.042 E40 4.062.
The gentle cave, formed near the Eastern Mesh-Tau Ridge, between the river river Mesmai and the sheer wall, sliding the mountain range from the east, is located near the village of Dakhovskaya, from the cave to the development in front of the village there are only 21 kilometers. It turns out that the cave is located in the Krasnodar Territory, although they are mostly visited by tourists who come to Adygea. Nearby are also the caves of Large Asian and Small Azis. The length of the cave gentle (Adygea) is only 95 meters, and the volume of 500 cubic meters.
The cave was opened relatively recently and in 1975 speleologists from Krasnodar conducted topographic shooting of the cave.
The cave received its name thanks to a relatively young sum. The age of the cave ranges from 2-2.5 million years, but the arch of the cave is much younger - he is only 20-30 thousand years. How is this possible? Everything is simple: the cave is not rare the movement of the earth's crust, as a result of one of them there was a colt column. Now in the cave, along with ancient stalactites, reaching a height of 1.5 meters, and so an ancient gender formed tender and fairly young stalactites.

The cave gentle (Adygea) consists of two large halls connected by low passage. Some researchers allocate five halls (coral, bell, home and others). Behind the last hall of the cave continues, but the passage is so narrow that it is impossible to explore it.
In the first, entrance hall, the floors are practically absent, the floor of the hall is littered with fragments. The height of the entrance hall reaches 3 meters, it is curious that the ceiling is buried. Local residents It is believed that many years ago, and perhaps a centuries hid in this cave, the robbers attacked for caravans, which was passing by. Settling in the Hall of the cave gentle, the robbers diluted fires and wrapped the ceiling. In honor of this, the first Hall of the cave gentle received the name "Ataman".
There is another legend associated with the cave gentle in the Krasnodar Territory. The legend of this narrates about the hermit ashe. Asha was an ordinary person, little than allocated among the crowd. Once in the forest, he hurt his foot strongly, the wound was bleeding, and could not stop the blood asha. And then Ashe turned for help to forest perfumes. However, she did not know that, having touched his blood, the fruits of the forest would be able to take possession of them forever ...
Asha's desperate Molves came terrible and big green grandfather. Asha was frightened, but he did not want to die, and he allowed the old man to heal his wound. The wound has disappeared at one moment, but then it seemed asha that all the blood flowed down and turned into a small glowing ball in the palm of the elder.
This old man turned out to be a lovik, and Ashe, who gave his blood, was in his power. Since then, Asha has always walked behind a lovik, wherever he went and now, one day, the old man brought Ashe to the cave.
For a long time she lived in this cave, nicknamed later, he learned a lot from the Lescript, and when he disappeared, about the wisdom of hermit, people who began to come to the wisdom of Ashe for help and advice. Ashe helped everyone who came, and people left him with the hope and desire of good all over the world.
The passage to the second hall once fell under the severity of stalactitis on it, but he was cleared of guides. During clearing in the cave gentle, the remains of animals and people were discovered. The passage to the next room is low, but the height of the arches in the second hall reaches 5 meters. In the hall in abundance there are stalagmites and stalactites, different forms of columns, stone lace. Stalactites are relatively small - up to 35 centimeters, and the stalagmites reach a height of 100-130 centimeters. Along the walls of the cave and in low aisles, columns were formed between the halls.
A feature of the cave gentle is a unique acoustics. If you slightly hit in a duralum tube suspended to the cave crop, the underground gallery begins to fill an amazing melody.
The cave gentle (Krasnodar region) is located on the territory of the "Gentle" complex, and is its indisputable pride. Initially, the complex was created for the inspection of the dungeon, but gradually scolded and began to appear additional services: Bougiel lift, accommodation in houses, attraction "Deltaplane", "Hortors" with a bath.

Cave through (Adygea)

Coordinates: N44 16.116 E40 10.77.
In the valley of the Roufabgo River, 400 meters from the first waterfall, there is an unusual Cave through (Adygea). Unlike other caves, through the elongated shape, narrowing up and forming a quarrel failure, through which the light makes itself.
According to the legend in the cave, the Giant Rufabgo once lived. And it is not surprising, given the gigantic sizes of the cave. The bottom of the grotty was covered with stones of different shapes and sizes.
You can get into this unusual cave in several ways. The easiest - from RuffAggo waterfalls, to go to which you can through a paid bridge or bypass free path, overcoming the hard way along the cliff and not less famous in Adygea Rocks "carried out, Lord."

Cave Saxophone Cave Adygea

In the upper reaches of the Aminovka River there is a saxophone cave, where the right extreme source of the river follows. You can go to the cave as "at the top" and on the beam. An interesting approach to caves through the RFABGO waterfalls is considered to be a trail to the ridge on the ridge, where you should turn on the old marking to the right and after a few hundred meters the marking will lead you from the path to the left, down to the caves saxophone and Duhan.
For many tourists, the main complexity in the detection of the saxophone caves and Duhan is confused in the names of the caves (even experienced tourists confuse them). Differences of these two caves are clear. The Duhan Cave can be held through the underground river flowing here, there is a waterfall in it. Cave Saxophone through passage does not have, although at the entrance to it you can feel through the flow of air. For peculiar sounds coming from the cave, she got its name.
Next to the cave saxophone, as in the input grotto, there are comfortable parking lots where you can relax and gain strength before the cave inspection. The cave begins the grotto, at the end of which a small waterfall can be seen, and a wooden staircase is installed nearby, which can be climbed to the main go to the top tier of the cave, where the stream flows. The entrance is very large, but very soon the entrance hall is narrowed, and the strokes of the cave begins, which are expanding, they narrow, creating that fork, then the big halls.
Upon the bottom of the cave flows the stream, which during the melting of snow or during the rain can rise and make it difficult to pass. In general, the passage of the saxophone cave is safe, there is nowhere to fall in it, and it is impossible to get lost.

The cave saxophone is relatively young, and therefore, there are practically no excess formations.

Cave Dukhan

At the origins of the Aminovka River there is a Cave of Duhan, where the right middle of the river arises. You can walk to the cave both at the top and at the bottom of the beam. One of the most curious is a pathway from Rufaggo waterfalls, where you first need to reach the development located on the ridge, then turn right, focusing on the old tourist markings, and then, following her, go left and down, having come to the caves Dukhan and Saxophone.
There is a certain difficulty in determining which one of the caves is Duhan, and what a saxophone, this question often makes even experienced tourists. Nevertheless, the differences of these two caves are clear. Unlike a saxophone cave, the Cave of Duhan has a passage passage through the underground river flowing here. Inside, Dukhan caves have a waterfall, which is difficult to overcome during the melting period of snow or during rains.
Next to the cave Duhan has comfortable sites for installing a tent where you can relax and gain strength before inspecting the cave. Cave Duhan-through, as evidenced by the opposite stream of cold air. At the very end of the cave with a high well, over which the exit is located, waterfall falls.
The second entrance to the cave Duhan is a failure, shallow, but located under large stones, on which a large tree grows. Go down to the cave standing back to the tree. After a kind of entry, the cave follows a fairly narrow LAZ, after which the long gallery opens, it is not worth going far on it, since the walls are gradually narrowed and turning the gallery into a narrow LAZ, while not less than 2-3 hours will have to go to another entrance ( Having a certain preparation!).
There are many karst funnels around the cave, and some of them can be inputs to still unexplored caves. Therefore, despite its inaccessibility, the Cave of Duhan is one of the most interesting objects for visiting and research.

Flute cave
Flute Cave is located near the Cave of Duhan. If we pass 200 meters upstream of the stream of the Dukhan falling in the right cascades, then the right plan of the flute cave can be seen. Moreover, some researchers suggest that the flute is not a separate cave, and this is just a way out of the cave Duhan.
Flute cave was found to be children from the health camp of the tourist base "Mountain". Making a trip to the gorge, the group stopped at the dinner at the stream. Curious in nature, they wanted to find out where he originates from where he originates. Rising up the cliff for the flow of the stream, the children found a cave in a rock. Armed with lanterns, children with educators penetrated inside the mysterious cave. The cave turned out to be very cold due to severe drafts, which may indicate the presence of another entrance. Children called the Flute Cave.
In the Flute Cave there are curious stalactite formations. However, it will not be possible to walk freely. Only a few tens of meters on a cave can be in full growth, then you have to crawl on all fours.
Fleute cave has amazing acoustics. Rouge, flowing around the cave, makes wondrous high sounds resembling the game flutes.

Mountain Physibro, Monastery Cave

Coordinates: N44 17.766 E40 19.62.
Not far from the Holy Mikhailovsky Male Monastery there is a mountain of physiobgo of 992 meters high, from the top of which offers an amazing panorama for the snow-white mountains of the main Caucasian ridge: Chugush, Jamear, Fisht, Oshten, Pzemo-Su, Urushten, Tybga. Good view opens to the territory of the monastery.
"The physiobgo" in the Adyghe language means "grumpling, evil woman." The physiobgo is a mountain assembly, the beginning from which they take the rivers of the Camunics, Mesh, Shushuk and Middle Hajoch. Not far from the Mountain of Physiblo is the village of Victory. The vertex itself is an amazing place to relax: silence and clean air give peace of mind, and in clear weather they open magnificent views Caucasus Mountains.
Judging by the remaining ancient masonry, there was a fortress based on ancient times on the grief of the physiobgo. And in the 19th century, monks from the Holy Mikhailovsky monastery was built by the Temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord. However, unfortunately, in 1946 he was blown up, now there is a memorable sign in his place.

On the Mount of Physibs is the Holy Spring Panteleimon Healer, which has a healing force. The healing force of the source is known since 1874, and since then the flow of pilgrims does not dry it. You can not only drink water, but also swim in the next car.
Famous underground moves and man-made caves in the slopes of the physiobgo. Up to today, only one entrance to the dungeon has been preserved and a small part of underground cave moves and vaulted halls of the man-made caves. Very often this cave is called monastic or monastic.
The length of all dungeon moves is about 200 meters. From the entrance to the dungeon to the large and spacious hall leads narrow and dark laz. To the left and right from the course, narrow moves are diverged, for which you can freely move in full growth. Along the moves there are small dead-end branches, perhaps these places were intended for praying, since the rectangular rectangular shape for icons are also knocked out.
Many dungeons on the sorrow of the physiobgo were blown up by the Soviet authorities, so the entrances are in them are littered. But People's Solva retained fantastic stories about the length of the caveguis moves to this day, that the monks had a large library and icon-painted workshop in the caves. Perhaps someday underground moves will be cleared and secrets of monks will be open.

cave of Sheep

Cave soaring bird
One of the deepest karst mines of the Lagonaka Plateau, the cave soaring the bird was found in 1973 Moscow tourists N. A. Yermakov and V. A. Blinov, it was passed to 220 meters. The study of the cave continued in 1974 Moscow speleologists, which were led by M. Zverev. They passed the cave to a depth of 260 meters. In 1975, a speleological group of Moscow and Sverdlovsk researchers under the leadership of A. Petrov, the cave was passed to a depth of 470 meters. Three years later, a group of Chelyabinsk, Moscow and Sverdlovsk speleologists examined the cave to a depth of 515 meters. The final siphon of the cave was passed in 1983 by a speleological expedition from Krasnoyarsk.
The cave soaring the bird is located on the southern Array of Fisht, the entrance to it is located at an altitude of 2225 meters. The cave cavity begins with a system of vertical wells, the depth of which reaches twenty-five to thirty meters. Vertical moves here alternate with horizontal moves. The length of the longest horizontal stroke is 200 meters, the width does not exceed 30 centimeters. Next is the next system of wells, which goes into the hall, littered with stone boulders. Behind this extensive hall is the following system of wells, the bottom of one of them ends with the lake. The depth of the cave of 517 meters was first achieved by scablagists in 1978. Total length Caves - 1290 meters, depth - 535 meters.
The cave soaring the bird is included in the cave system "Farming Bird - Surprise", which includes caves of brown Misha, Ice Grotto, surprise, L8 and soaring bird. Also in the surrounding area there are other caves of Phys. Caves Adygea

Cave Fisht.
The most western peak of the Caucasus - Mount Fisht, for unique plants, deep caves FISHS and rare types of insects researchers nicknamed Mount Island Treasure, Island 7 Wonderland.
The height of the mountain reaches 2868 meters, the lowest glaciers of Europe and the Caucasus are located on its slopes. In the depths of Mount Fisht, underground lakes were formed, stepped waterfalls communicating with each other as a vessels whose water flows from one to another. The first cave on the FIUT side was discovered in 1968 by the speleological expedition of D. Nikifirov. The most famous of the caves is a "soaring bird", a length of 1290 meters, but there are many other, no less attractive caves.

Cave System "White Star - Cross - Tourist"
The cave system of a cross-tourist has 7 inputs located at different heights and enters the white asterisk cave system. The study of the cave system began in the 1980s kuntsevian house of pioneers.
In the summer of 1993, a group of speleologists came out to big rouch In the Hall of the collector, who brought through the well to the siphon at the depth of four hundred and fifty meters, on which the study of the cave at that time was completed.
Since 1994, three groups of speleologists who managed Speleologists Viktor Reisner, Alexey Rychigigov and Alexey Shelepin, were engaged in the study of this Cave system of Physca. Spelologists found a unique natural creation - a bed of a glacier underground river that flowed earlier from the east. The ancient course, located in the tourist cave, was called mouse laz. This LAZ has the form of a tunnel with a diameter of four to six meters with a large number of branches, walls and ceiling of the tunnel have a slightly wavy surface. Once on the tunnel flowed glacier underground RiverAnd the opening of it was completely flooded. The tunnel was examined only for 1 kilometer. As a result of studies of 1994, the depth of the cave system was installed - 640 meters.
Studies of the cave system continued in the summer of 1998. Then about 1 kilometer of new ones were explored at the Cabrb-Tourist underground strokes. As a result of these studies, it was found that the length of these underground strokes of the cave increased to 16 km, but the cave has a deepening even further, which showed a descent in scuba to the bottom of the lower siphon. Penetration into the next hall is difficult to stones who have scored an underwater corridor.

Cave "Olga"
Olga Cave on Mount Fisht was studied by the Moscow speleological expedition, it was passed only to a depth of 277 meters, but searching works were minimized due to participant injury.

Cave "Hippo"
Hippo cave is located on the Eastern Fishes side, has a length of 200 meters, a depth of 175 meters and a projective length of 65 meters.
The cave was discovered and studied in 1978 members of a speleological expedition, which was led by Y. Lobanov, A. Ryzhkov and S. Golubev.
The Hippo Cave has a tectonic crack shape, the cave's entrance well has a depth of twenty meters and opens the cavity of the crack, according to which the mine goes to the depth of one hundred and fifty-five meters.

Cave "Big Prize"
On the Eastern Slope of Fisht is the "Big Prize" cave. Its length is 250 meters, and the depth is 115 meters, the entrance height in the cave is 2350 meters, and the projective length of the cave is 110 meters.
The cave begins with a vertical well of a 25-meter depth, whose mouth is rolled in stone blocks. This crack leads to a 13-meter depth well. From the bottom of the well begins a narrow loop. There are several small wells behind him, and at a depth of 110 meters, another narrow hiding course, ending with a slit begins.
The cave examined the group of Sverdlovsk and Moscow speleologists under the leadership of A. Petrov and A. Ryzhkov from 1972 to 1975.

Ozernaya cave

Kuntsevskaya cave
Kuntsevskaya cave is located on the southern plateau mountain Massiva Fisht Its length is 275 meters, and the depth of 130 meters.
Kuntsevskaya cave discovered and explored Sverdlovsk and Moscow speleologists in 1975-1976. In 1975, shooting was made in the Central spekeling cave, under the leadership of A. Petrov.
The complexity of the cave refers to the category 2-b. Under the rock cliff is the main entrance to the Kuntsevskaya cave, on the bottom of the funnel there is another entrance, but usually it is snowing.
Kuntsevskaya Cave is a winding spiral channel with wells of different depths from 7 to 30 meters. The cave is completed with a narrow slit. There are no foreign formations in the cave.
The possibilities of Mount Fisht in the study of its subsoil are not yet exhausted. However, the gradual stabilization of the situation in Abkhazia draws the attention of speleologists to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bzybsky ridge, poorly studied, but promising for speleology. Therefore, in a short time, a decline of speleological expeditions can occur to the Fisht-Oshtenovsky mountain assembly area, however Phshis caves remain no less interesting in research and study.

Cave Dakhovskaya
Dakhovskaya cave is removed from the mouth of Daha for two and a half kilometers, and at the entrance to the cave there is a large observation deckWith a view to the village of Dakhovskaya, Dahgucheskaya Polyana, Mountains Trident and Gut, Azish Tau Ridge, White River.
The entrance to the cave Dakhovskaya is low, only 70 centimeters, the long 20-meter corridor stretches from the entrance, followed by a room with a length of about 50 meters. It follows the second hall, where stalactites grow on the varieties of the cave.
In the first room, a man's parking was discovered by the Mustier era. In 1957, the parking lot in the Dakhovskaya cave studied the archaeologist Alexander Alexandrovich Furosov, the largest specialist of the archeology of the era of primitive. Parking of primitive people, found in the cave, dates from the Epoch of the Early Paleolithic. It is worth noting that the cave parking lot of the village Dakhovskaya - the first detected cave monument to Paleolithic.
The cultural layer detected in the cave (50-70 cm) contained flint tools of labor: a stone ax, rubble and arrow tips. Also in the Dakhovskaya cave were found bones of animals (bison, mammoth, giant and noble deer, a mountain goat and a cave bear, hamster, hare, wolf, cave hyena, a forest cat, Tigrol and Badger).
Finds from another cultural layer prove that the Dakhovskaya cave was inhabited by people and in the Middle Ages.


Source of information and photo:
Social team
Gold North Caucasus // Bulletin of the gold industry, 07/19/2010
Zhyh // Big Soviet Encyclopedia / Ch. Editor A. M. Prokhorov. - 3 edition. - Moscow: " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1973. - 629 thousand, Ex.
Wikipedia website.
Nature Adygea.

See also: