Suifenhe Hailongjiang is created what it means. Other minor checkpoints in the prov

On April 27, approval was published by the State Council of the Plan for the creation of a priority experimental zone of the development and openness of Suifranhehe Dunnin Hailongjiang Province (the number of the document Gohan (2016) No. 70). According to this document, the creation of this zone is expected, the project implementation plan will be developed by the State Committee on Development and Reforms.

According to the researcher of the Institute of Macroeconomics of the State Council for Development and Reforms, Chan Suzse, the experimental zone of the development and openness of Suifenhe Dunnin, located in the Sino-Russian border, in addition to cross-border economic cooperation, will largely stimulate the development of bilateral trade. "With regard to the details of further development, it all depends on the construction of objects."

Prior to that, a border economic cooperation area was already created in Suifenhe. Now there are developing forestry and e-commerce industry. In the future, a specific plan of the experimental zone will be finalized.

According to the correspondent of the newspaper "Economics of the 21st Century", the creation of many similar experimental zones in the country has been confirmed, in particular, Dongsin Guangxi Province, Manla (Mohan) and Zhui Yunnan Province, Erlanghot inner Mongolia, Manchuria, etc.

Stimulation of the Sino-Russian Trade

On the eastern part of the province of Heilongjiang, the border of the Far East of Russia stretches, in the southern part of this border area towards Jilin, Suifenhe Dunnin zone is located. This area is considered an important transport hub of the international corridor in Northeast Asia and an important window of China's openness to Russia. Not far from here is the famous port city of Vladivostok.

In this regard, the construction of the experimental zone is precisely due to the benefits of location. According to the state council, the construction of the experimental zone must open the strategic possibilities for the construction of the belt and the path, to fully deploy the comprehensive advantages of openness and cooperation between Northeast Asia, so that the experimental zone becomes an important platform for the strategic interaction of China and Russia and open cooperation in Northeast Asia. This zone should become an integrated communication node and an important point of economic growth in border areas, as well as the pilot zone of good neighborliness. This will make it possible to accumulate valuable experience, which is useful in the future during the development and development of border areas.

The approval requires careful planning for the construction of the experimental zone and the development of a special program. It indicates that it is necessary to identify the rules, optimize the geological location, protect the environmental environment, save and rationally use resources.

Currently, Suifenhe's border economic cooperation zone has already placed facilities in the field of e-commerce industries, forestry products, food and textiles. In the future, when the experimental zone will be built in everything, the experimental zone will be built, a further increase in bilateral investments and turnover is expected.

According to the head of the Committee on Development and Reforms of the city of Suifenhate Van CE, the construction of the experimental zone of development and openness differs from the previous construction of the Zone of Border Economic Cooperation Suifenha. The area of \u200b\u200bcooperation, in fact, covers only the area, the experimental zone covers the city of Suifenhe and the city of Dunnin, since Dunnin submits the city of Mudanjiang, in the future the creation of a high-level coordination body, oriented to maintain the functioning of the Suifenhe Dunnin zone, may be the management committee.

Creating an experimental zone allows you to further develop the infrastructure of this area. "Between Suifenha and the Dunnin, the railway will be laid. For docking with Russia there is still further harmony. "

You can be confident that, a large extent, this experimental zone will stimulate bilateral trade in the trade between China and Russia. Currently, there are transactions in RUB in Suifenhe in rubles, duty-free shops are functioning, although they are still a bit. Against the background of the cutting devaluation of the ruble last year, the Chinese began to switch to the procurement of duty-free Russian goods in the yuan.

In addition, the possibility of assigning the status of the free trade zone as the duty-free zone of China and Russia is also considered. According to the correspondent of the correspondent of the newspaper "Economics of the 21st Century", the possibility of the development of the Chinese-Mongolian electron commerce in the experimental zone of development and openness in Erlyanchote is also considered.

According to the director of the Institute for the Research of the Sino-Russian Regional Economy of the province of Heilongjiang Song Kuya, cooperation between Suifenhe and Vladivostok allows you to create a cross-bred duty-free corridor and a free port.

Search for bilateral trade cooperation

As the Rector of the Institute of Economic Studies of the Academy of Public Sciences of the Inner Mongolia Yu Guangjun, the experimental zone of development and openness is focused on neighboring countries. It is considered as an outpost to find opportunities for the conclusion of an agreement on free trade in the framework of international trade with neighboring countries, that is, according to the type of free bilateral trade between China and Australia. The experimental zone of Erlanghot of inner Mongolia was created on the basis of joint construction of a cross-border cooperation park with Mongolia, the development of border trade and infrastructure facilities to maintain contacts with Mongolia.

"The experimental zone is responsible for conducting experiments, and what will happen from it - it will become clear after the experiment," he said.

Earlier in the document "Provisions of the State Council on some political measures to maintain the development and openness of important border areas" (Legislation (2015) No. 72) states that important experimental zones of development and openness will create important platforms for deepening China's cooperation with neighboring countries and districts.

These areas should fully strengthen the openness of the border gearbox, raise the level of simplification of the design of trade transactions. It is necessary to update the control model for the control and supervision of the CAT, transfer the operations that are not necessary during the transition of the CAT by introducing management and the provision of relevant services and subsequent inspections in the competent authorities, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to increase the level of simplifying the design of transactions during investment, expand investment coverage, taking into account international generally accepted rules, support the territories of border areas that have the necessary conditions. They must take into account and repeat the experience of Shanghai to create and manage the work of the experimental zone of free trade, to experimentally enter the inventive management model "Available civil rights and restrictions. "

In addition, it is necessary to promote the simplification of procedures during personal exchanges. It is necessary to provide employees of important investment facilities an optimized design system at the entrance and departure, to highlight the green corridor at the entrance of the personnel, which is engaged in the projects of state-level cooperation. It is necessary to promote the simplification of transportation procedures, for example, to promote the process of mutual on-site transboundary transport licenses, which will affect the optimization of formalities and increase the guarantees for the passage of transport, which is involved in transboundary transport.

It became known that this moment China with neighboring countries and districts created many important experimental areas of development and openness. According to experts, the approval of new experimental zones is expected. The purpose of their creation is now to ensure such a border province in the future.


Sumifanhe Passion Point is located in the north-east of Heilongjiang province. As already mentioned, one of the two railways connecting China with Russia passes through it. This railway is the main route from the PRC to the Russian Far East, which has rich forest resources. Currently, the passenger railway w / d is the message between Harbin (Prov. Hailongjiang Administrative Center) and GG. Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, the route of which passes through the city of Suifenhe.

In the city of Suifenhe since 1998 there are two customers 2 customs, one serves railway transportAnd the other is automotive. Despite the proximity of the location of these two customs to each other, the customs authorities decided to divide them according to the functional basis in order to more accurately identify the cargo flows passing through the railway and highways.


Heihe is also an important point of passing on the Russian-Chinese border, it is located about the middle of the Heilongjiang border area. Cross-border trade at this point is very active, despite the lack of a railway communication. Since 1999, the Russian-Chinese timber market that contributes to the development of trade in this area has been operating in Hayehe. After occupying the area of \u200b\u200b17 hectares, this forest market is the largest over the four-thousand-seater border between the PRC and the Russian Federation. AT last years The volume of shipments through this checkpoint also increased significantly - from 1.923 m 3 in 1996 to 98.675 m 3 in 1999. This checkpoint is not yet large in terms of the absolute volume of transportation, but has great growth potential.


The city of Hunchun is located on a plot of the Russian-Chinese border passing through the territory of Jilin Province (Girin). China at this point borders with the southernmost corner of the Russian Far East. Trade in forest and other goods here is not very active, in part due to remoteness, partly due to bad transport capabilities (lack of a railway message). Hunchun Customs has grades rank 2 and subordinate to customs 1 class in Changchun (Jilin Province Administrative Center). Data on the import of Russian forest through the Customs of G. Hunchun is included in the statistics of provincial customs management, after which they are reported to Beijing.


Erlyan is one of the main points of the pass, the only one on the border between the PRC and the Republic of Mongolia is located near the middle of the border with Mongolia, passing through ARVM. It also passes the only railway line connecting these two countries. One more passenger train Moscow-Beijing, passing through the territory of Mongolia, crosses the border here. Erlyan is an important point through which mediated trade is carried out between the PRC and Russia. In this capacity, Erlagan ranks third among checkpoint points for the volume of supply of Russian forest. According to international practice, the manufacturer's country indicates in statistics of import operations, therefore, despite the fact that the purchased forest passes through Mongolia, it is still taken into account as Russian. In Erlane, there is a class of grade 2, subject to customs 1 class in Hukho, the administrative center of the ARVM. Total under the customs of the Khukho Customs, two Class 2 customs operates - in the city of Erlyan and Baotou. The latter is a small custom on distance from the border.

It should be indicated that according to the information obtained in the telephone conversation from the Customs officer G. Hohhoto, 100% of the data on the forest trafficking refers to the checkpoint in Erlyan, since this is the only checkpoint on the border with Mongolia. From statistical data it follows that Erlyan ranks third in the number of transmitted Russian forest after the cities of Manchuria and Suifenhe. In 1999, a 21.7% of the total volume of forest purchased in Russia was imported through this checkpoint (and in sum of the three largest items pass more than 90%).


Alashankou is an important point of pass at the border between China and Kazakhstan, the former Republic of the USSR. It is located in the north of the Chinese North-West Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Area (Suar). Through Alashankou passes the railway connecting two countries. Customs, Alashankou, attributed to the 2nd class and is under the customs of the Customs of Urumchi, the capital of Suar. In total, Customs grade 1, Urumchi manages ten class customers, mainly located along the Chinese border with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Through Alashanku, mediated trade with Russia is carried out.

Other minor checkpoints in the prov. Heilongjiang

In addition to the four points mentioned above, through which direct and mediated supplies are carried out, there are ten other, smaller passing points and customs of the second class through which the Russian forest is imported. All of them are located in the province of Heilongjiang.

Based on the volume of imports and species distribution of wood in 1999, these checkpoints can be divided into three groups. The first group will be attributed to the first group (Fuuan), through which it was imported relative to a large number of Woods of coniferous breeds from Russia only in 1999. The second group (Tongjiang, Dunnin, Julin and Futsin) - checkpoints through which more than a thousand cubic meters per year in the period 1995-99 were delivered. The third group includes five points of the pass (Lobay, Zhank, Mishan, Jiangi and Xunke), through which in 1999 the very small lots of forests are imported, not exceeding thousands of cubic meters. These checkpoints, except Mishan, began working with the Russian forest since 1998 through Xunke and Jiang, located in the northern part of Heilongjiang, are mainly coniferous rocks, and through the remaining checkpoints of this group are predominantly rounding hardware.

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As an experiment, on the basis of the decision of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Suifenhe was the first part in the PRC to implement the free walking of foreign currency on a par with the national, which will allow you to freely carry out funds and withdrawing them from the account, payment for services and goods in Russian rubles.


More than 60,000 people live in the urban county (more than 100 thousand visitors).

Trade with Russia

Suifenhe is the largest transition between Russia and China in the province of Heilongjiang. Among the main transitions of Heilongjiang, Suifenhe has an absolute advantage of export and imports. The share of trade with Russia at the transition of Suifenhe is almost a quarter from the volume of trade in the province of Heilongjiang.

Trade Development History in Suifenhe

  • 1899 - the conversion of Suifenhe is formed.
  • July 1903 - a direct message of Suifenhe-Manchuria has opened.
  • 1992 - officially recognized by the PRC as the first open border city.
  • January 1994 - received the status of an international bilateral cargo-passenger transition.
  • June 1999 - the agreement was signed between the governments of Russia and the PRC on the creation of the Suiphhenhe-border shopping complex.
  • January 16, 2000 - the official opening of the car transition.
  • 2001 - the city of Suifenhe was approved by the State Department of Forestry, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China, the main customs department as the only border crossing in the province of Heilongjiang, intended for importing round wood, its processing and export of sawn timber.
  • December 2013 - By decision of the State Council, the People's Republic of China was the first city in China, where for payments, along with the national currency, the Russian ruble is used.

Railway transition Suifenhe-Grodekovo

The only railway transition with Russia in the province of Heilongjiang, connects the Railway of Manchuria -Suifenehe and the Far Eastern Railway of Russia. There are also two internal railway highways leading to the northeastern regions: Harbin -Suifenehe and Binzhou. The total bandwidth of the railway transition is 10 million tons of cargo, and passenger traffic - 1 million people. in year .

Car Transition Suifanhe Border

Suifanhe car transition is located in the eastern part of Heilongjiang, borders on the seaside edge of Russia, the corresponding car transition on the Russian border is border.

External automobile tracks: Suifenhe-Bordernaya, Suifenhe-Ussuriysk, Suifenhe-Vladivostok. Inside the country: 301 Public highways, Sumifhenhe-Manchuria speed road. Binds 4. major cities The provinces of Heilongjiang - Harbin, Cizzicar, Mudanjiang, Datsin. The transition is open 12 hours a day.

The total annual bandwidth is 12 million tons, passenger traffic reaches 1.6 million people.

Currently transport infrastructure Suifenhe is experiencing the next modernization, which the Government of the PRC invested 1 billion yuan. By 2018, the International Center for Multimodal will be erected here passenger traffic - car and rail.


It is planned to build an airport that will be able to annually serve up to 450 thousand passengers, as well as to have an annual turnover of 3.6 thousand tons of cargo.

Import forest in Suifenhe

Suifenhe's transition is the only one in the province of Heilongjiang approved by the State Department of Forestry, the Ministry of Commerce, the main customs management of the transition intended for the import of round forest, its processing, re-export of sawn timber.

With the beginning of implementation in 1998, the state policy of "landscaping" (cutting and regulating the deforestation in China), Suifenhe began to import almost 1/4 of the total volume of Russian wood imported into the subway.

Due to this, he gained fame as the capital of the China Woodworking Industry. Today Suifenhe is the largest assembly distribution center of the forest import on the mainland of Northern China. Mainly imported raw wood and sawn timber. Priority rocks: spruce, larch, pine, linden, birch, oak.

Volumes of forest imports from Russia through Suifenhe

The dynamics of the import of round forest and lumber from Russia through the transition of Suifenhe corresponds to the overall situation in the market of the Forest Imaging of China. The share of the sawpage exported to China through Suifenhe during 2005-2015 did not go beyond the framework of the corridor at 20-30% of the total volume imported to China from Russia.

The maximum volume of imports of round forest through Suifenhe was recorded in t. N. "Golden Years" - in 2006, 2007 and 2008, it was 6.65, 7.02 and 6.38 million m³, respectively.

After increasing Russia export duties on untreated wood, her import to China, including Suifenhe, began to decline, although the results of 2014 showed a positive trend.

So in 2012 and 2013, 3.5 and 3.6 million m³ were imported through this transition, respectively, and in 2014 - 4.4 million m³ (+18%). The proportion of exports through Suifenhe Russian lumber demonstrates steady positive treasures and impressive growth rates, both in relative and in physical terms.

In 2008, only 49 thousand m³ of lumber were imported through Suifenhe, which amounted to 2.5% of all sawn timber imported in China from Russia. In just 5 years, this figure has increased in physical terms to 1.09 million m³ (by 2224%), which amounted to 22% of the total import of lumber from Russia to China (+880%). Thus, the growth rate of volumes of lumber exports through Suifenha was significantly ahead of the indicators of the whole country.

Forestry market in Suifenhe

Forest processing enterprises are an integral part of the Suifanhe economy, both from the point of view of tax revenues in the city budget and in terms of job creation.

In order to reduce logistic costs, many China's woodworking enterprises, located in the center of the country, are transferred to Suifenhe their production sites, creating a new production infrastructure.

Among the wood imported through the transition transition, about 40% remains for processing in the city, the remaining timber are sent by railway In the internal regions of the country.

The territory of the industrial park, with an area of \u200b\u200b4.37 km², organized in Suifenhe, is designed for more than 420 enterprises. Currently, there are 300 large and small woodworking enterprises here, of which almost 70% are engaged in primary wood processing. Their cumulative production capacity is more than 4500 thousand m³.

About 55% of Suifanhe enterprises created joint projects With Russian companies on the development and use of forest resources in Russia. Of these, 57% of enterprises are treated with wood, and only 5.7% of enterprises are directly engaged in cutting down round forest without further processing.

In the context of limiting the export of round forest by Russia, many private manufacturing enterprises Suifenhe carry their activities abroad and there are organized wood processing.

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Excerpt characterizing Suifanhe

I also think that the fate of my parents are not just like that. Because it was absolutely impossible to meet them ...
My dad was born in Siberia, in the distant city of Kurgan. Siberia was not the original place of residence of the father's family. This was the solution of the then "fair" Soviet government and, as was always taken, was not subject to discussion ...
So, my real grandfather and grandmother, one fine morning was rudely paid out of your beloved and very beautiful, huge tribal estates, torn off from our usual life, and planted in a completely terrible, dirty and cold car, next to the frightening direction - Siberia ...
All that I will tell you further, I am assembled by me on the bites from the memories and letters of our relatives in France, England, as well as from the stories and memories of my relatives and loved ones in Russia, and in Lithuania.
To my great regret, I could do this only after daddy death, after a lot, many years ...
The grandfather of Alexander Obolenskaya sister was also exiled with them (later - Alexis Obolensky) and, who voluntarily went, Vasily and Anna Sergeins, who followed the grandfather on their own choice, because Vasily Nikandrovich was a grandfather attorney in all his affairs and one of the most His close friends.

Aleksandra (Alexis) Obolenskaya Vasily and Anna Sriegina

Probably, it was necessary to be truly a different to find the strength to make a similar choice and go on your own desire where we were driving, as they only go to their own death. And this "death", unfortunately, was called Siberia ...
I was always very sad and hurts for our, such a proud, but so ruthlessly Bolshevik's boots fused, beauty Siberia! .. Her, just like much more, "black" forces turned into damned people, frightening "earthbone" ... And I don't tell any words how many sufferings, pain, lives and tears absorbed this proud, but before the limit is exhausted, the earth ... Not because it was once the heart of our Praodina, "Full-sighted revolutionaries" decided to blame And to destroy this land, choosing it for your devilish goals? ... After all, for so many people, even after many years, Siberia still remained the "damned" earth, where the father was killed, whose brother, whose then son ... or maybe even all someone's family.
My grandmother, which I, to my great chagrin, never knew, at that time was pregnant dad and put the road very hard. But, of course, there was no help to wait for nowhere ... So young princess Elena, instead of a quiet rustle of books in the family library or the usual sounds of the piano, when she played her favorite works, listened to this time only a sinister wheel of wheels, which They counted the remaining hours of her, such a fragile, and who became a real nightmare, life ... She sat on some bags of a dirty car window and looked at the outgoing farther farther and farther, the last pathetic traces so good to her and the familiar "civilization" ...
Grandfather Sister, Alexandra, with the help of friends, on one of the stops managed to run. According to a general agreement, she had to get (if lucky) to France, where the whole family lived at the moment. True, none of those present imagined how she could do it, but since it was their only, albeit little, but for sure last hope, it was too big to refuse her for their absolutely hopeless position. In France, at that moment, Alexandra's husband was also located, with the help of which they hoped, already from there, try to help grandfather's family to get out of that nightmare, in which they were so ruthlessly threw her life, with the sleek hands of the rings ...
Upon arrival in Kurgan, they were settled in a cold basement, not explaining anything and not answering any questions. Two days later, some people came for the grandfather, and stated that they allegedly came to "spend" him in another "destination" ... He was taken away, as a criminal, without allowing you to take any things with him, and not saying to explain Where and how many are being taken. Nobody saw the grandfather and never. After a while, an unknown military brought grandmother's grandfather's personal belongings in a dirty bag of coal ... Without explaining anything and leaving no hope to see him alive. On this, any information about the grandfather's fate ceased, as if he had disappeared from the face of the Earth without any traces and evidence ...
The explosion, the exhausted heart of the poor Princess Elena did not want to accept such a terrible loss, and she literally covered the local staff officer about finding out the circumstances of the death of her beloved Nicholas. But the "red" officers were blind and deaf to the requests of a lonely woman, as they called her - "of the noble", which was only one of the thousands of thousands of nameless "number" units, meaningless in their cold and cruel world ... it was a real bake, from which there was no release back to the usual and kind world in which her house was left, her friends, and everything that she was familiar from the Small years, and that so much and sincerely loved .. . And there was no one who could help or at least gave the slightest hope to survive.
Sergeins tried to maintain the presence of the spirit for three, and tried with any ways to raise the mood of the princes Elena, but she was deeper and deeper into almost a complete thing, and sometimes it was sitting whole days in an indifferent frozen state, almost not reacting to the attempts of friends to save her heart And the mind from the final depression. There were only two things that briefly returned it to real world - If someone has converted a conversation about her future child or, if any, even the slightest, new details about the alleged death of her hot beloved Nicholas. She desperately desired to learn (was still alive), which really happened, and where her husband was located or at least where he was buried (or thrown) his body.
Unfortunately, there were almost no information about the life of these two courageous and bright people, Elena and Nikolai de Rogan-Hesse-Obolensky, but even those of the two remaining letters of Elena to her daunt - Alexander, who somehow survived in Alexandra family archives in France, show how deeply and gently loved her missing husband Princess. There is only a few handwritten sheets, some lines of which, unfortunately, cannot be disassembled at all. But even something that succeeds - shouts deeply with a great human misfortune, which, without having experienced, is not easy to understand and impossible to accept.

April 12, 1927. From the letter of the Princess Elena to Alexander (Alix) Obolensk:
"Today is very tired. Returned from the Sinychikha completely broken. Wagons are clogged with people, even to carry the cattle in them would be ashamed .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .. .. Poor Ellochka (meaning the Grand Duchet of Elizabeth Fedorovna, who was relatives of my grandfather along the Hesse line) was killed here nearby, in this terrible Starrel mine ... what horror! My soul cannot accept this. Remember, we said: "Let the Earth be Pooh"? .. Great God, how can be the Pup of such Earth?! ..
Oh, Alix, my dear Alix! How can you get used to such horror? ........................................... I'm so tired of asking and humiliate ... Everything will be completely useless if the CC does not agree to send a request to Alapaevsk .................. I will never recognize where to look for him, and never know what they did with him. I do not pass and the hour so that I don't think about such a native face for me ... What a horror is that he lies in some kind of abandoned pit or at the bottom of the mine! .. How can you get this everyday nightmare, knowing that already I will never see him?! .. just as my poor Vasileuk never sees (the name that was given at the birth of my dad) ... Where is the limit of cruelty? And why do they call themselves people? ..
Cute, kind of my alix, how do I miss you! .. If you knew that everything is in order with you, and that Dmitry's dear soul does not leave you in these difficult minutes ........... ................................... if I had to find my native Nicholas to find a drop of hope, I would , it seems, I carried everything. The soul seems to be entrusted to this terrible loss, but still very hurts ... everything is different and so deserted. "

May 18, 1927. Excerpt from the letter of the Princess Elena to Alexander (Alix) Obolensk:
"Again came the same cute doctor. I can't prove him in any way that I just don't have more strength. He says that I have to live for the sake of a little cornflower ... Is it so? .. What does he find on this terrible land, My poor baby? ..................................... cough resumed, sometimes it becomes impossible to breathe. Doctor leaves some drops all the time, but I am conscientious that I can not thank him in any way. ..................................... Sometimes I dream our favorite room. And my piano ... God, how is it all far! Yes, and was it all at all? ............................... and cherries in the garden, and our nyanyushka, so affectionate and kind. Where is all this now? ................................ (in the window?) I do not want to look, it's all in the soot and visible only dirty boots ... I hate dampness. "

My poor grandmother, from damp in the room, which even in the summer did not warm up, soon sick with tuberculosis. And, apparently weakened from transferred shocks, starvation and illness, during childbirth, he did not see her baby, and not finding (at least!) The graves of his father. Literally before his death, she took the word from Sergeins that they were not difficult for them for them, take the newborn (if he, of course, survive) to France, to Grandfather Sister. What, at that wild time, promise, of course, it was almost "wrong", as it was not a real opportunity to make it any real opportunity ... But they, nevertheless, promised her to at least somehow Easy the last minutes of her, so brutally ruined, quite another young life, and that her soul exhausted soul could, even with little hope, leave this cruel world ... And even knowing that they will do everything possible to keep this Elena word , Sergeins still did not really believe in the soul that they would ever succeed in the whole of this crazy idea to embody ...

Perhaps a rare Primorye, what is there Primoryez - a rare far far-feller not visited the Chinese border city of Suifenhe, known as the most grateful place for shop tours. And this city is the starting point for more distant tourist routes - In Harbin, Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian.

But if the "transformers" has almost no time to get acquainted with the city, the bulk of tourists remaining for two to three days, does not even try to do this, focusing all the attention on two main "shopping" streets. And in vain. After all, not only trading lives Suifenhe.

The correspondent "K" fell a rare chance to ask him head of the Secretariat of the Collection of People's Representatives of the city of Suifenhe Liu Jün Wen.

Mr. Liu, your city is quite young, but for several decades from a small border settlement I turned into a modern center of one of the counties of the County Mudanjiang with a developed infrastructure. How many people now live here, are there many Russians among them?

The status of the city of Suifanhe received in 1975. Today, his population, together with visitors, is about 120 thousand people. The maximum achieved a few years ago, when we took two thousand tourists daily per day, - 200 thousand people. Unfortunately, due to the fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate on our national currency, as well as the appearance of online stores, Russians are going less to us now.

Some open our business with us, someone acquires an apartment and remains to live. There are one and a half dozen mixed families - Chinese guys who married Russian girls. International marriages are not uncommon.

You have recently been built a new railway station for high-speed trains. When will the first such composition go to the way and as far as other Chinese cities will be in Suifanha?

Now the railway communication in our country is combined into a single network. So, coming on a high-speed train from us to Harbin, and not for 7 hours, as before, and in just 2.5, it will be possible, recreated to another, go to Shanghai, Beijing, and so on. From December 26, when a solemn departure of the first high-speed composition on the route Suifenhe - Harbin will be held, the time on the way will be seriously reduced. As I said, we will go to Harbin only 2.5 hours, to Shenyana - 6, to Dalian - 7. I invite correspondents of your newspaper to become the first passengers on this train.

Mr. Liu, on the Internet there is an electronic encyclopedia, the Russian version of which is called "Wikipedia". From her, I learned that the airport was built in Suifenhe. It's true?

Yes, 30 kilometers from the city. Works are in full swing. The term of delivery is 2023.

- What sights would you advise to examine visiting?

In the summer, we are very developed so-called red tourism, which implies a visit to commemorative places related to the history of the Communist Party, the life of its leaders and the revolutionary past.

We are proud of the fighters of the fighters of the 88th individual rifle brigade of the Far Eastern Front, as part of which the fighters of China and the Soviet Union were opposed to the shoulder to the shoulder. One of the main tasks of this formation of only four thousand people was intelligence. By the summer of 1945, they studied the situation in the provinces of Heilongjiang and Jilin, the structure of Japanese reproduces, places of headquarters and warehouses with ammunition, the number of troops, etc. These valuable information Soviet command used for planning and conducting hostilities with the Japanese Quantong Army. Many warriors of the 88th Brigade died. In memory of their feat, we are going to build a park. Another folk heroine is Galina Dubeva (Galya Zhang), a military translator, which the Japanese killed on August 11, 1945. In 2009, the inhabitants of our city erected her monument and called one of the streets in her honor.

We have a museum of the VI Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which was held from June 18 to July 11, 1928 in the Soviet Union, but all delegates followed Moscow through Suifenhe.

In winter, tourists will be interested in the ski base, located 15 km from the city. Many people like our ecological garden "Lanyan" and the Guangmine Temple Monastic Complex, where large-scale restoration work is being conducted. In the warm season in the Park "Beihai", on the lake, from 19.00 throughout the hour, a light-music fountain is operating.

We all know that Suifanhe is the outpost of Russian-Chinese trade in Primorye, do you have any industrial enterprises, plants?

Of course. In addition to the three special zones: comprehensive duty-free, border technical and economic cooperation and cross-border economic cooperation (the latter was established in 1992), which are in the total volume of Russian-Chinese border trade of about 10%, we are developing our own production.

Mainly processing, on their factories we produce furniture, feed, soybean oil (from Russian raw materials). We have a forest company engaged in the import of wood from Russia, its processing and processing, including deep-made production of production here, fuel briquettes are manufactured here. Es the demand and products of our brewery.

- Since ancient times, the consecration was considered an agrarian country, now the locals are engaged in crop production?

Under crops of crops, fruit gardens are allocated very small squares, but sufficient to provide themselves with vegetables and fruits. But the Wood Black Mushrooms Farmers are growing primarily for sale.

- How many kindergartens, schools, hospitals in your city?

Two state garden and more than ten private. Five primary schools, four middle and two seniors, about 20 thousand children learn in them. Hospitals we have five, the largest - folk, it is perfectly equipped, equipped with doctors of the most varying specialization, high-class professionals. In addition, each of the 10 urban areas has its own items of medical services (analogous to the Russian clinic - approx. Of the author), where people appeal if they have a slight malaise. And in serious cases go to the hospital.

- Is there a street with Russian names in Suifenhe?

Yes, Ussuri Avenue. He stretched out between the Behai Park and Guanmin Monastery, and named this, because it is a direct road to the customs transition and the city-twist Ussuriysk. The links between our cities are still growing from year to year. We are glad to see in our guests of Russians and talk to everyone: "Welcome!"

Suifenhe(绥芬河; suífēnhé) - the village in the province of Heilongjiang. Located on the border with Russia, is a kind of bandwidth from China to Vladivostok. Every year there are a lot of Russians living in Primorye and Khabarovsk Territory, go to Suifenha for shopping and for the sake of a small rest. If you want to go there too, then this article will help you a little relief.

Briefly about Suifanhe

Weather in Suifenhe characterize warm summer and very cold winters. This is explained by the fact that the village is located on the hills. The block of the thermometer from December to January does not rise above -15 ° C.

Suifanhe on the map of the world and China:

The main language is the Mandarin Dialect of Chinese. In the village you can meet a lot of Russian speakers. English-speaking practically no.

You can get to Suifenhe daily by krussium buses from Harbin, minibuses from Mudanjiang, as well as trains, including by train, which goes twice a week through Suifenhe in Vladivostok. A trip to this train will take about 8 hours, tickets can be booked a few weeks before the trip.

From the Russian side, buses and train crosses the border (about 20 km. Neutral zone), following in Ussuriysk (4-hour drive). Trains when crossing the border change the wheels, which occupies a certain time.


The bus station, which is located directly opposite the railway station, serves only internal routes. International bus station from which buses are sent to Vladivostok, is in another place. You can get to it by taxi, which, depending on your ability, bargain will cost 10-20 yuan. The last bus to Russia is sent after noon, so approximately 16 hours the terminal will be closed. Tickets can be bought in the morning on the day of departure.

The terminal may look like a store, closed with corrugated iron lattices, let it mislead you - buses depart from the inside of a large building.

Not all buses go straight to Vladivostok, so in Russia, it may be necessary to make a transplant.

If you are lucky, the Russians who come back from shopping may drop, and parked their cars on the other side of the border.

If there are no problems with the documents, the passage of the border will take you no more than 5-10 minutes. Customs officers at the Chinese border speak English and are often surprised, seeing not Chinese or Russian passport.

When crossing the border, do not leave your things on the bus - they will carefully inspect. Be prepared for the fact that you have to wait until other buses or cars are checked.

By train

Harbin's night train (waiting room 4) departs at 20:30 and arrives at 7:00. Sleeping with air conditioning costs 77 yuan.

Next to the place from which the trains are departed, the building is located with a large inscription Cyrillic at the top.

The train departs in the direction of the stopping point of the border in Russia (44 ° 24'n, 131 ° 23'e) (in Chinese - GECHENG) at 9:00. The border train arrives at 11:00 (14:00 in Russian time). The trip will cost you in 130 yuan (15 yuan for a white coupon, which will be taken from you, plus the cost of the ticket).

The price often changes, which may seem suspicious, to those who often drive this route.

The intersection points of the Chinese border open at 8:30. Most of these routes use are those who regularly leave to China for goods.

Try to get an entry card on the territory of Russia in the train, since a queue from the merchants when passing customs scares (more than 40 minutes).

After departure from the station, do not forget to transfer your watch for three hours ahead. To get to the bus station, go to the railway tracks on the steps that will be left. The bus in Vladivostok leaves at 15:55 (12:55 in Chinese time).

A trip from the border, including the passage of customs and buying a bus tickets (just about 2 hours), takes approximately 4 hours.

Drive from Harbin to Vladivostok by this route by train and bus took me less than 21 hours. Traveling by train on the countryside was incredible!

Shopping in Suifenhe

You can pay for the purchase by yuan and rubles. ATMs are located mainly on main Square And accept Visa and MasterCard cards. Some require a six-digit PIN code. If you caught just like this, try entering two zero in front of the four-digit PIN code of your card.

There is an opportunity to exchange dollars, but it will take time (you need a copy of your passport, which can be done right on site completely free).

As in all border cities, here you can find a wide range of diverse goods.

Restaurants in Suifenhe

Raising the stairs before railway station And turning left in front of the bus station, you will find the street with a large number of restaurants.

  • Breakfast Buffet Place. Crowded restaurant with tables filled with food, the food in which is organized according to the principle " buffet" Large selection of Chinese pies, branched and fried in fryer, soups, Chinese salads, egg meals. Everything is very tasty and cheap. A pair of pies, a cup of soup and a salad plate will cost 4-5 yuan. Bring food for your table, the waitress will suit and calculates you.
  • California Beef Noodle King. Chinese restaurant chain.

Hotels in Suifenhe

Hotel Shun Feng Hotel.: Address 电力街 68 号 (Electric Street, 68), near Fen River City. Located in the center of Suifenhe, not far from the Park Beihai and very close to the museum and the pool. The hotel opened on September 9, 2007, in 2009 reconstructed. A total of 54 rooms.

Room price from 128 yuan. The hotel takes only cash payments in cash. Russians speak well about him, and the Chinese themselves. Breakfast included in the price, the Internet is not very stable, but also there. For a room with a stationary computer and the Internet will take you 148 yuan. For an additional daily fee in 50 yuan, you can put an extra bed.

Having settled in the Shun Feng Hotel, you can exchange currency, leave values \u200b\u200bat the reception, use an ATM. Laundry services, beauty and business center salons are also provided. In the hotel building there is a restaurant for 400 people.

See also: