Top 10 terrible places on Earth. The most terrible places on Earth (39 photos)

While visiting which the skin is covered with goosebumps from what they saw here. With themselves terrible places On Earth we will get to know further.

Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

The procession on this cemetery occurred for almost four centuries (from 1439 - to 1787). On a relatively small plot of land, more than 100 thousand dead are buried, and the number of tombstones reaches 12,000. More than a long
the burial workers of the cemetery poured over the earth, and in the same place, new tombstones were erected. There are places on the territory of the cemetery, where 12 grave tiers are located under the earth's crust. After the expiration of the time, the landlord opened the view of the living old grave plates, which began to shift the plates later. The view turned out not only unusual, but also terrible.

Abandoned dolls, mexico

In Mexico, there is a very strange abandoned island, most of which are terrible dolls. It is said that in 1950, dolls from the garbage baskets began to collect and hang out a certain hermit of Julian Santana Barrera, who tried to calm the soul of the girl's soul nearby. Hulian himself drowned on April 17, 2001. Now there are about 1000 exhibits on the island.

Hasima Island, Japan

Hasima is the former settlement of miners mining coal, founded in 1887. He was considered one of the most populated places on Earth - under the coastline near a kilometer, its population was 5,259 people in 1959. When coal has become unprofitable here, the mine was closed and the city-island replenished the list of ghost cities. It happened in 1974.

Chapel of Bones, Portugal

Copella was built in the XVI century by the monk-Franciscan. The chapel itself is small - only 18.6 meters long and 11 meters wide, but the bones and skulls of five thousand monks are stored here. On the roof of the chapel, the phrase "Melior Est Die Mortis Die Nativitatis" ("Better Death Day than Birthday").

Suicide forest, japan

The suicide forest is the unofficial name of the forest of Aokigahar Jukai, located in Japan on the island of Honshu and famous thanks to the suicide often performed in it. Initially, the forest was associated with Japanese mythology and traditionally appeared by the abode of demons and ghosts. Now it is considered the second (championship at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco) in popularity in the world in the world for information with life accounts. At the entrance to the forest there is a poster: "Your life is an invaluable gift from your parents. Think about them and about your family. You should not suffer alone. Call us 22-0110. "

Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital in Parma, Italy

Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione (Herbert Baglione) made an art facility from the building, in which a psychiatric hospital was once located. He portrayed the spirit of this place. Now the ghostly figures of exhausted patients wandered for a former hospital.

Church of St. George, Czech Republic

The church in the Czech village of Lukov was abandoned since 1968, from the time when part of her roof collapsed during the funeral ceremony. The artist Yakub Hadrava (Jakub Hadrava) populated the church by ghost sculptures giving it a particularly sinister look.

Catacombs in Paris, France

Catacombs - a network of winding underground tunnels and caves under Paris. Total lengthAccording to various sources, from 187 to 300 kilometers. From the end of the XVIII century in the catacombs, the remains of almost 6 million people are resting.

City of Saintreilia, Pennsylvania, USA

Due to the underground fire broken 50 years ago, which still continues to burn, the number of residents decreased with 1000 people (1981) to 7 people (2012). The population of Saintrelia is now considered the most small in Pennsylvania. Saintrelia served as a prototype to create a city in a series of games "Silent Hill" and in the removed on this game film.

Magic market of Achodsev,

The market of magical objects and witchcraft herbs Achodorese spread right in the center of Lome, the capital of the state in Africa. Africans Togo, Ghana and Nigeria still confess the Voodoo religion and believe in the wonderful properties of dolls. The fetishist range of Achodsev is extremely exotic: here you can buy a cattle skull, dried heads of monkeys, buffaloes and leopards and many other no less "wonderful" things.

Plague Island, Italy

LEADING - one of the most famous islands Venetian lagoon, in the north of Italy. It is argued that from Roman times the island used as a place of reference for patients with plates, in connection with which it was buried to 160,000 people. The souls of many dead allegedly turned into ghosts, which is now crowded. The island's gloomy reputation is exacerbated by stories about terrible experiments, which were allegedly subjected to patients of a psychiatric clinic. In this regard, researchers of paranormal phenomena call the island one of the most terrible places on the ground.

Mountain Crosses, Lithuania

The mountain of crosses is a hill on which many Lithuanian crosses have been installed, their total number is approximately 50 thousand. Despite the external similarity, it is not a cemetery. According to the popular belief, the one who leaves the cross, will accompany the luck. Nor about the time of the appearance of the mountain of crosses, nor about the reasons for its occurrence can not say anything with accuracy. To this day this place is shuttered with secrets and legends.

Cabayana burial, Philippines

The famous fiery mums of Kabayana, dated 1200-1500 years old, dated 1200-1500 years, as well as the locals, their spirits believed here. In their manufacture, a complex mummification process was used, and now they are carefully protected, since there are no cases of thefts. Why? As one of the robbers said, "he had the right to do so," since Mummy had to him right-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers.

Overto Bridge, Scotland

Old arched bridge is located near the Scottish village Milton. In the middle of the 20th century, strange things began to work on it: dozens of dogs suddenly threw up from a 15-meter height, fell on the stones and broke to death. Those that survived, returned and repeated attempted. The bridge turned into a real "killer" four-legged.

Cave Aktun-Tunichil Muknal, Belize

Aktun-Tunichil-Muknal - Cave near San Ignacio, Belize. It is an archaeological monument of Maya civilization. Located on site natural Park Mount Tapir. One of the halls of the cave is the so-called cathedral, where Maya committed sacrifices, as they considered this place with a saibalbic - entrance to the underworld.

Lip Castle, Ireland

Lip Castle in Offali, Ireland, is considered one of the damned castles of the world. His gloomy landmark is a large underground darkness, the bottom of which is covered with sharp stakes. The dungeon was discovered during the restoration of the castle. In order to take out all the bones from it, the workers needed 4 wagons. Locals say that the castle inhabits many ghosts of people who died in the dungeon.

Cemetery Chaucilla, Peru

Cemetery of Chauchilla is about 30 minutes from Nask's desert plateau, southern coast Peru. The necropolis was discovered in the 20s of the twentieth century. According to researchers, the bodies are found in the cemetery, which is about 700 years old, and the last burials were held here in the 9th century. Chachilla differs from other burial places in a special way that people were buried. All the bodies are "squatting", and their "faces" seems to be frozen in a wide smile. Bodies are perfectly preserved thanks to the Peruvian dry desert climate.

Sanctuary of Torch, Tunisia

The most infamous feature of the religion of Carthage was a victim of children, mostly breast babies. During the sacrifice, it was forbidden to cry, as it was believed that any tear, any plaintive sigh diminish the value of the victim. In 1921, archaeologists discovered a place where several rows of urns were found with charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and young children. The place was called Tofet.

Snake Island, Brazil

Kamead Grande is one of the most dangerous and famous islands Our planet. It contains only a forest, a rocky intense coast up to 200 meters and snake. One square meter of the island has to six snakes. The poison of these reptiles is valid instantly. Brazilian authorities decided to fully ban on the visit of this island for any, and the locals tell the chilling blood of the story about him.

Bosludge, Bulgaria

The largest monument in Bulgaria, located on Mount Bosludge, 1441 meters high, was built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Almost 7 years left for its construction and more than 6 thousand workers and experts were involved. The interior was partially decorated with marble, and the stairs were decorated with red cathedral glass. Now the house-monument is completely plundered, only a concrete frame with reinforcement, similar to a destroyed alien ship, remained.

City of the Dead, Russia

Dargavs B. North Ossetia Looks like a pretty village with small stone houses, but in fact it is an ancient necropolis. In the sclections of various types, people were buried together with all their clothes and personal belongings.

Abandoned Military Hospital Belitz Hailsteten, Germany

During the first and second world wars, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 he was treated Adolf Hitler. After the Second World War hospital, it was in the zone of the Soviet occupation and became the largest Soviet hospital outside the USSR. The complex consists of 60 buildings, some of which are now renovated. Almost all abandoned buildings are closed to access. Doors and windows are securely clipped with high boards and plywood sheets.

Unfinished metro in Cincinnati, USA

The abandoned metro depot in Cincinnati is the construction project of 1884. But after the First World War, and as a result of changes in the demographic situation, the need for the subway disappeared. Construction slowed down in 1925, half of the 16-kilometer line was completed. Now, along the abandoned metro, excursions are held twice a year, but it is known that many people roam their tunnels alone.

Hanging Sugada Coffins, Philippines

On the island of Luzon in the village of Sagada is one of the most frightening places in the Philippines. Here you can see unusual funeral facilities from coffins placed high above the ground on the rocks. Among the indigenous population there is a belief that, the higher the body of the deceased will be buried, the soul will be closer to heaven.

Atomic Lighthouse at Cape Aniva (Sakhalin)

The lighthouse was built with great difficulty in 1939 on the project of the architect Miura Syncu - it was a unique and most complex technical structure on all Sakhalin. It functioned on a diesel generator and backup batteries before the early 1990s, and after it was converted. Thanks to the atomic source of energy, the maintenance costs were minimal, but soon there were no money left - the building was empty, and in 2006 the military was taken out of here two isotopic attitudes that fed a lighthouse. Once he shone at 17.5 miles, and now looted and came to the launch.

The eighth workshop of the plant "Dagdizel", Makhachkala

Sea Weapon Test Station, commissioned in 1939. It is located at a distance of 2.7 km from the coast and no longer used. Construction was conducted for a long time and complicated by difficult conditions. Unfortunately, the workshop served for a long time. Requirements for work carried out in the workshop, and in April 1966, this grandiose structure was written off from the factory balance. Now this "array" is abandoned and stands in the Caspian Sea, reminding from the shore an ancient monster.

Psychiatric Clinic Lier Sichus, Norway

At the Norwegian psychiatric hospital, which is located in the small town of Lier, half an hour from Oslo, the dark past. Once there were experiments on patients, and for unknown reasons, four hospital corps were abandoned in 1985. Equipment, beds, even magazines and personal belongings remained in the abandoned buildings. At the same time, the remaining eight hospital buildings work to this day.

Island Gukanjamima, Japan

In fact, the island is called Hasima, has a nickname of Gunkanjima (Gunkanjima), which means "island cruiser". The island settled in 1810, when they found coal there. For fifty years, it turned into the most populated island in the world at the ratio of sushi and the number of residents on it: 5,300 people with a radius of the island of one kilometer. By 1974, coal reserves and other fossils on Gunkadzhim were finally exhausted, and people left the island. Today, visiting the island is prohibited. The people there are a lot of legends about this place.

There are plans on our planet that bypass bold travelers, inquisitive tourists and even the most cool locals. As a rule, these are places where bloody tragedies or murders occurred, or places that "noted" by the fact that supernatural phenomena took place there. In this review it will be about these terrible placesoh. And whether it is necessary to go there - to solve you.

1. He island Khaceima

Once on this island, more than 5,000 people lived. Today, Hasima is an abandoned and terrible place, which is approximately 15 km from Nagasaki. Earlier, coal mines were on the island, near which the whole town grew, but after the deposits were exhausted, Hasima was left for a mercy of fate.

2. Catacombs Paris

Also this place is sometimes called the "Empire of the Dead." Paris catacombs are one of the biggest and terrible in the world. In underground tunnels, which stretch more than 200 km, remains of about six million people. Due to the extraordinary length and complexity of the catacomb, many people were lost in them.

3. Museum of Vrolik

At Amsterdam University you can find one of the most terrible museums in the world. In the Willem Vrolika named in honor of the Dutch anatoma, the museum is exhibited by decomposed different parts of human bodies, embryos and duvi, which demonstrate various aspects of embryology, pathology and anatomy. Also among the exhibits there are numerous examples of congenital defects and medical anomalies.

4. Mountain Crosses

The mountain of crosses, located about 12 km north of the city of Siauliai in the north of Lithuania, is unique place pilgrimage for Catholics. It is notable for the huge number of crosses installed on it (at least there are 250,000), crucifixes and giant statues of the Virgin Mary.

5. Forest suicide

The Forest of Aokigahar, which is more known as the "forest suicide", is at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan. In Japanese mythology, this place is associated with demons. Noteworthy Aokigahar in that the trees are growing so tightly that the wind does not blow in the forest at all. This makes it an exceptionally quiet and creepy place. Every year in Aokigahar occurs about 100 suicides.

6. Cemetery Chauchillla

30 km south of Naska in the south-west Peru is Chaucilla - an ancient cemetery, where you can find many mummified human remains sitting in open graves. Because of the exclusively dry climate of the Peruvian desert, the corpses dressed in the embroidered cotton clothes are surprisingly well preserved.

7. Rancho Freeman

USA, Texas
The plot of land is 1400 hectares between the cities of San Marcos and Wimberly in Central Texas - a farm on which studies dedicated to forensic anthropology. Throughout the ranch, the corpses are scattered at different stages of decomposition. And it is being studied here, as it is easy to guess, decomposition of human bodies in various conditions.

8. City of Pripyat

Pripyat is the city in the north of Ukraine, next to the Chernobyl NPP, on which the accident in the history of mankind occurred in the nuclear power plant occurred. Her consequences are still feeling. The city from which people evacuated is abandoned for 30 years.

9. Cuppet Island

The island of dolls, located on Lake Teshuilo not far from Mexico City, is one of the most terrible places in Mexico. The legend says that the only resident of the island of Don Julian Santana found the body of a drowned girl in the canal. After Santana began to pursue her spirit, the man decided to "treat" his dolls and continued to do this for many years while he did not drow on the same channel. Today, the island "decorate" hundreds of horrific dismissed dolls with cut-off limbs and heads.

10. Darwaza

Also known as the "Fire Crater" or "Gate to Hell", Darwaza - Natural Gas deposit in Turkmenistan. During the drilling of the exploration well in 1971, geologists came across underground emptiness, because of which all equipment failed under the ground and was formed big holefilled with methane. Geologists decided to set fire to this gas so that it burned in a few days, but the crater with a diameter of 60 and a depth of 20 meters is continuously lit since then.

11. Sedletskaya Kuznitsa

Czech Republic
In the Central Czech Republic in the town of Sedlets, you can find a small Roman Catholic chapel, which is known for the fact that it contains skeletons to 70,000 people, from the bones of which were made decorations and furniture. Thanks to its unique frightening appearance And the atmosphere, this terrible place was shot in several horror films.

12. Catacombs Capuchins

In the Sicilian city of Palermo there are unique catacombs of Cappuchins, known for the fact that they are dressed and disrupted by living people the corpses are exhibited as museum exhibits. In the catacombs you can find about 8,000 corpses and 1252 mummies.

13. The market of fetish achodesssev

In the capital of Togo, the city of Lome is the world's largest market of fetish and goods for voodoo. This is one of the most terrible places in Africa, where you can safely buy, for example, the human skull.

14. Castle Bran

One of the most terrible castles in the world, as stated, was the residence of Vlad III - a cruel Romanian ruler, a better known as Vlad Dracula or Vlad Chain. It was he who inspired Bram Stoker to write his famous gothic horror roman about the vampire of Dracula.

15. Cave Mumi Kabayan

This place in the Philippine Province of Bengeth is also known as the "Cave of Fire Mummy". It is here that one of the most well-preserved mummies in the world, which has already been 4,000 years old. Before his death, a man was given a very salty drink, and then the corpse was washed and placed near the fire for a period to six months so that he was safe.

In order not to get to hear, going on the journey, it is worth learn about.

For lovers of sharp sensations, little to jump with a parachute to drive blood on the veins, they need something special: fascinating and frightening. These are places where an ordinary person would not like to be, they seek to get sophisticated from different parts of the world, and voluntarily. To get a real buzz, feel the emission of adrenaline you need to visit the 10 most terrible places in the world.

Bone Storage Museum (Czech Republic)

The Khuznitsa created Abbot Yindrdzhich many years ago, when he brought the saint of the Holy Land with Calvary and dispelled on the local cemetery. Since then, the burial place has become insanely popular, because everyone wanted to touch the Holy Land, the more buried. During the plague in the 14th century, over 30 thousand people were buried on the territory of the cemetery.

Wars, folk clashes, epidemics - an incomplete list of disasters, as a result of which the cemetery went out and took tens of kilometers. It was decided that with new burials, old bones will be attributed to the church. Schvanzbergs bought these lands and hired a wood carving masters so that he honors and perpetuated the remains. Thus, a bone repository museum was created, in which all items: coat of arms, paintings, chairs and tables, bowls are made of thousands of human remains.

Castle Dracula (Transylvania)

Fortress Dracula or Bran Castle was built in the Middle Ages on the cliff Carpathian Mountains. It is made in the Gothic style: narrow transitions, stairs from stone, small rooms. A huge castle cures fear and oppress. The fortress is built with powerful walls and a large number of labyrinths used as a place of conclusion. Secret underground tunnels lead beyond the lock. Tourists will be able to wander around the rooms of the fortress, visit creepy labyrinths And feel the spirit of the Middle Ages.

In 2005, the Castle created the themed museum dedicated to the Count Dracula. Only here you can see antique furniture, armor and collection of weapons located in the Museum of History and Art of the Middle Ages, located on the territory of the fortress.

Manchac - Marsh of Ghosts in Louisiana

Next to the town of New Orleans (Louisiana) there are mrychak marshes. They are known as the "swamp with ghosts". Legends say that this place was cursed by a powerful witch, when it was grabbed and captured in the same places. Since then, the locals constantly see the dead near the swamp.

Old huge trees can be seen from the swamp, their branches are descending to green-gray water, and the roots of trees stick out of the dirty water. It was decided to dry the swamp and cut down the trunks of the trees, but the idea was not implemented. The terrible hurricanes and storms in Louisiana began, several villages took the hurricane. Since then, the bogs have constantly find the corpses of people, at least more than a hundred years have passed. Tourists do not believe in legends and order excursions to this area to solve the mystery of the Manchac.

Cemetery Chauchilla

Nazka is a town to Peru, who constantly visits hundreds of tourists. Some come to see their own eyes on mysterious drawingsThe deserts left on the sand, others - visit the local cemetery.

It is terribly observed for the pits and moats, fenced with wooden sticks in which the corpses are sitting, dressed in their usual things. Special smelting technology allowed to keep bones and avoid sinew. The last dead man was buried in the graveyard of the 11th centuries ago.

Mutter Museum - Medical Riddles and Secrets (Philadelphia)

The Museum of Medical History gathered all sorts of riddles and secrets who are able to shake out anyone:

  • pathology;
  • biological unique exhibits;
  • skeletons and skulls;
  • bodies and bones of babies;
  • vintage media and many other things that will make not sleep at night.

You can visit the museum in Philadelphia, in the center of the training of doctors. There are exhibits that cannot be found elsewhere, for example, a human intestine of 12.5 centimeters. Monstrous pathologies will shook each: a child with 2 heads, unprecedented deformities and curvature. It is necessary to have steel nerves and good exposure.

Pripyat - a city without a single soul

The town that suffered from the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and was actually destroyed. Once in Pripyat, you will find yourself in the exclusion zone. More than 11 thousand people lived in the city, some of them managed to leave at home, and some urgently were aimed at nuclear power plants. Pripyat - the zone of alienation where there is no essentially alive.

In empty homes, everything remains, as many years ago: forged newspapers, dishes, furniture and memories. Dolls are scattered in kindergartens and stand old beds. Tourists from all over the planet come to these older horrors. The level of radiation for almost 30 years has decreased several times, therefore, in protective clothing, you can walk through the deserted swarms of the Ghost City and look at the remains of the nuclear power plant.

Gate of Hell (Turkmenistan)

The gates of hell - so called a hole in the ground in Turkmenistan. Its width is 100 meters. In 1971, there was a catastrophe in a rig, it provoked the emergence of a huge fault in the ground and the leakage of gases in life.

Scientists decided to burn dangerous gases, but they really did not succeed. The hole is lit by this day, and its bright light is visible for several kilometers. No one knows when this fire is over, but all this is waiting.

Sonor's market - ancient magic and witchcraft in Mexico City

Once in Mexico City, sin can not be in the local witchcraft market and occult. Here you can find any accessories for love spells, healing tinctures and drugs:

  • healing herbs;
  • candles for spells;
  • voodoo dolls;
  • protective amulets;
  • holy water and other witches attributes.

If you search, then you can buy blood or poison of the rattling snake or dried bird Hummingbird, bringing success and material wealth.

For several dollars in the market, the sorcerer pays for anyone who wants and will tell the whole truth about life and intended fate. Residents of Mexico believe in magic and if they face something, first of all try to cure the drugs, herbs obtained from the signs or sorcerer.

Savizian forest

In the forest of the Aokigahar (located at the foot of Mount Fuji) quietly, calmly and at the same time gloomy and cold. According to legends, the forest was considered the habitat of ghosts and monsters. In this area, many years ago, during epidemics and hunger, residents drank their loved ones to death. The dark and mysterious reputation of the forest entails people who are prone to suicide and takes forever "in their arms."

Around the forest you can see a lot of plates with requests to catch up and do not harm yourself or your loved ones. Japan residents are confident that it is impossible to go and go out from Aokighara, the fate of a person who has seen in the grove predetermined. Therefore, only tourist extremes and rescuers attend him.

Telelam Abbey - Occultism in all its glory (Sicily)

Alistair Crowley at the beginning of the twentieth century was considered the most sad occultist of all times. In his house you can find hundreds of pagan frescoes. He became the founder of the famous abbey, and became famous for his motto: "Let everyone do what his soul and body wishes."

For beginners, it was a mandatory initiation rite, he consisted in the fact that under the narcotic influence the person was to stay in the room with the mosaics of Hell, heaven and land. Now the construction is practically destroyed, but some valuable copies of the mosaics are preserved. Therefore, lovers of esoteric science and connoisseurs of occultism can safely visit the fortress and find out how strong their nervic is strong.

These are the Town most terrible places of the planet, they earned this title not only with their external dark view, but also a unique prehistory. "Black" attractions are excite of interest, make the heart bewildered to beat, but along with all this daily mounted people from all countries and cities.


Many people often get tired of familiar calm life and they begin to want to want sharp sensations. Therefore, they are engaged extreme species Sports or go travel to any dangerous places.

"Disgusting" dozen

Terrible first are abandoned places that were abandoned as a result of any natural or technogenic disasters. In addition, such reputation has old prisons, hospitals, cemeteries - objects associated with suffering and death. Terrible can also be considered simply unfinished or abandoned buildings, as well as places in which some religious rituals were held. All this attracts the attention of people who want to get their portion of adrenaline.

The last top 10 of the most terrible places on Earth:

  • Museum of Metter Medicine History (Philadelphia, United States).
  • Laguna Truk (Micronesia Island).
  • Sonor's witch market (Mexico City, Mexico).
  • Telem Abbey (Sicily).
  • Ghost city Pripyat (Ukraine).
  • Winchester house (San Jose, California).
  • Easter Island (Chile).
  • Catacombs (Paris, France).
  • Milcca Balt (Louisiana, USA).
  • Tupik Mary King (Edinburgh, Scotland).

Each of them visits every year enough a large number of tourists. But about everything else!

Museum Mutteher.

The museum is a kunstkamera - there are various medical pathologies. It was discovered in 1750, but fully operated only since 1858. At first it was a laboratory for researching anomalies and deformities. In the future, it was turned into a museum, which is recommended to visit only people with a strong nervous system.

The most memorable exhibits are:

  • collection of human skulls;
  • the corpse of a woman who turned into a grave in soap due to the lands of the Earth in this place;
  • anomalously long human intestine - 12.5 m;
  • the body of Harry Ostilak - a man who has an excessive bone in the place of each bone or wound (he voluntarily bequeathed to convey herself after death in the museum);
  • siamese twins (there are with a common liver, there are with controversial heads);
  • skeleton child with 2 heads;
  • image of a man with a huge tumor on the cheek.

In general, the entire exposition consists of similar deformities and anomalies. There, there are both hilarious bodies and organs and wax patterns and photos, various tools are also widely represented. The Museum of Medicine will be interesting not only to fans to talk their nerves, but also those who truly interest to this area of \u200b\u200bscience, but especially physiological anomalies.

It is located southwest of the Hawaiian archipelago. Represents a peculiar "lake" in Pacific Ocean - Space, surrounded by corals, which protect it from the waves. Therefore, in the lagoon always calm.

During World War II, the Japanese army organized a powerful military fort here. In 1944, American troops completely bombed it, destroyed a large number of fighter aircraft and warships. Since then, Truk has become a cemetery military equipment. Since the 70s, she has gained popularity among historians, as well as those who are interested in the war or simply wants to tickle their nerves.

Many ships and aircraft remained integer. There are tanks on the decks, cars (most of them are not even broken windows and headlights), inside you can detect military equipment. Almost everything was covered with algae, and the technique was thrown into corals. In addition to cars, human remains also come across. Such a postpocalyptic picture attracts everyone to whom the daily life bored.

The most terrible places on Earth are primarily associated with supernatural, and the market in Sonor is no exception. It represents many cabins and shops, where the sorcerers and witches predict fate, "remove" and "cause" damage, "treasure" conspiracies and potions, etc. Also, you can buy various components for the manufacture of magic tools, mailing benefits, maps and other attributes for divination, healing plants. Mexicans believe in magic, so this market is not just a tourist destination for them.

Telem abbey

It was founded in the 20s at Sicily Alistair Crowley for Orgies and is named so in honor of the utopia in the book F. Rabl "Gargantua and Pantagruel". In the usual, at first glance, the farmhouse gathered followers of the famous occultist and organized black magic rituals, mysteries and orgies.

The main thing was the "nightmare room", where newcomers were dedicated: accepted drugs, they had to look at the frescoes of Heaven and Hell and focus on their feelings. After death from drugs of one famous London dandy, a scandal rose, and the authorities finally banned the gathering. Now this terrible house lies in the ruins, but some creepy frescoes have been preserved. Officially excursions are not held here.


This Ukrainian city suffered from the accident at the Chernobyl NPP in 1986. Virtually fatal for a person, radiation background caused the need to evacuate all residents. Years later, when he declined, in Pripyat and others settlements The alienation zones began to conduct official excursions.

Tourists attracts romance of an abandoned city: empty, collapsed houses, schools and other institutions in which there are many things left; overgrown with grass and trees yards, which practically turned into a forest; Rusty rides in the park and swing in the courtyards. Pripyat, like other ghost cities, is a visual example of how the earth will look like if humanity disappears.

House Winchester

The house is located in the California city of San Jose and is one of the 10 most terrible and terrible places in the world because it hangs a curse. He was built by Sarah Winchester, the daughter-in-law of the inventor of the famous rifle. After the sudden death of the daughter and her husband, she was on a spiritual session, where the Spouse spirit told her that death was the revenge of those killed from the gun. To escape, you need to build a new home, but barely only the construction will end, Sarah will die ....

Following this advice, the woman acquired an old mansion and for many years he rebuilt, making more and more like a labyrinth. Construction went from 1884 to 1922. As a result, a huge number of rooms (160), kitchens (6), windows, including in the floor (100,000), doors (2000) are made in the house. Sarah Winchester died natural death, but after that an abnormal phenomena began in the house: the doors themselves clapped, windows themselves and closed windows, Gas light.

Even if among tourists are those who do not believe in the ghosts, for them the house is still dangerous: he is big, it is easy to get lost, and there are many stairs leading to the ceiling, doors, for which there are no rooms, and walls and t .. Even without anomalous phenomena, this design leads to the thrill.

Known thanks to huge stone idols, the origin of which is kindly unknown. There are assumptions that they are created by alien, and not earthly civilization, because Polynesians who settled the island did not have enough perfect technique to avoid such statues.

Archaeologist Tour Heyerdal describes the methodology for installing the statues he found from the natives, but as they did, it was not fully found. Island, like others mysterious places On earth, very popular with tourists.

Catacombs Paris

This is a long and winding network of underground tunnels. At first they were used as a quarry, where the limestone was mined for construction, but even in the Middle Ages they were abandoned. In the XVIII century There began to bring the remains of the dead from the plague, which previously rested on the cemetery of innocent in the city. They were disinfected and folded each other.

Now the catacombs are corridors, where skulls and bones are neatly laid along the walls, there is also an altar, wall drawings, monuments. For tourists only part of the tunnels is open.

Molchak Marsh

Also called "ghost swamps". There is a legend that in 1915 the Queen of the Voodoo cursed this place, as a result he rose a hurricane, who destroyed the nearest villages. Until now, the corpses of the victims periodically pop up in the rust.

The swamps tried to dry, but no one did it, many sitting on this occupation. According to the legend, there are wolves and ghosts, but the main danger is still represented by fuels and alligators who are hunting for floating fans of extreme people.

Tupik Mary King

Upper - a few streets near Edinburgh. In the Middle Ages, it was one of the urban quarters, which was located in the lowland and was separated from others. He received the name thanks to the owner of the houses on one of the streets.

In the XVII century The city had an epidemic of plague. To stop it, the patients began to communicate to dying in this separated quarter and stored it with a wall. In the end, everything died there. After 100 years over the destroyed quarter built a new one.

In the future, the dungeon began to visit fans of acute sensations, and since 2003, the dead end is officially opened for excursions. Now it is a tunnel with moldy walls, boiled windows and doors. Here they see ghosts, they hear their moans and feel the breath of icy wind. Sometimes it is even possible to shoot the ghost in the photo.

These are not all the most terrible places in the world, but they are enough to be frightened, so think about the mortality of life.

If you want to spend your nerves, you can go to such terrible places that are located all over the planet. There you will hear scary stories and see many interesting things.

At this place of the procession occurred during the almost 4th centuries, starting from 1439. The plot is relatively small, only here more than 100 thousand dead were buried. The number of tombstones can reach 12000. Employees of this place poured the land more than a long-standing burial, and at the same place the new graves were erected.

On the territory of the cemetery you can find places in which 12 grave tiers are located under the earth's crust. When some time passes, then the given land opens up your old grave stoves, which began to shift later petes. The view is rather unusual, we can say that even terrible.

2. Island of abandoned dolls in Mexico

There is a rather strange abandoned island in this country. Its most inhabited by people, but dolls. Some locals say that in 1950, toys began to collect a certain hermit from the garbage baskets named Julian Barrera. He hung them on the island. It is in this way that Julian tried to calm the soul of the girl's soul nearby nearby. As for Barrera himself, he drowned in 2001 on April 17 on the same island. Today on the island you can count about 1000 copies.

Hasima is a former settlement of miners who mined coal. The place was founded in 1887. He is considered one of the most densely populated places on the planet. In 1959, under the coastline near a kilometer, the population this place It was 5259 people. When it became unprofitable here to extract coal, then the mine was closed, and the island became a kind of place for ghosts. All this happened in 1974.

In the 16th century, Kapella was built, a monk-Franciscan was created. The chapel itself is not very large - only 18.6 meters long and 11 meters wide. However, here you can see the storage of skulls and bones of five thousand monks. On the roof of the chapel, there is also an inscription, which is translated as: Better Death Day than a birthday.

5. Forest suicides. Japan

Unofficial name of the forest of Aokigahar Jukai. The forest can be found in Japan on Honshu Island. He is famous for the fact that it is very often local residents commit suicide. From the very beginning, the forest was associated with Japanese mythology, also by tradition, he was presented by the abode of ghosts and demons.

Nowadays, such a place is considered the second most popular in the world where people raise scores with life. The first place is located at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. When you enter the forest, there is a poster in the entrance: your life is an invaluable gift from your parents. Think about them and your family. You should not suffer alone. Call us 22-0110.

6. Abandoned psychiatric hospital in Parma, Italy and Church of St. George, Czech Republic

Psychiatric hospital is a fairly popular building. This comes here both tourists and locals. Basically, young people walk on the walls of the building. However, there are interesting fact The fact that the Brazilian artist named Herbert Baglion created an art facility from the building, in which the hospital itself was once. He also showed the spirit of this place.

At this time, only the ghostly shadows of exhausted patients are wrapped in the hospital. As for the church, it is located in the village of Lukov, they were abandoned since 1968. That day, part of the roof of the building collapsed during the funeral ceremony. The church in the sculptures of the ghosts artist Yakub Hadrava. Such sculptures give a particularly sinister species of the church.

7. Catacombs in Paris, France

The data of the catacombs were formed during the prey of limestone for the construction of famous cathedrals and palaces. The first development was still at the time of Louis Xi. The total length of the tunnels is from 87 to 300 km. In the middle of the century, the church was allowed to bury dead people on the lands that were faced to churches. Then mass burial began not only in cemeteries, but also in these catacombs. It is worth noting that Victor Hugo perfectly studied the chart of the tunnels when I used my knowledge while writing a novel rejected. The walls of the tunnels also hid many people during the war.

8. City of Saintreilia, Pennsylvania

Due to the fact that an underground fire broke out about 50 years ago, which continues to burn and in our time, the number local residents Cities with 1000 people decreased to 7 people. Today, this city is considered the most unclosed in the United States. It was such a town that became a prototype to create all the famous Silent Hill movie. He was filmed in the picture itself.

Who knows, perhaps, really in the town lives something terrible and dangerous. Despite this, many tourists are still trying to get there and explore all the catches. Only now it is not recommended to descend.

If you want to acquire yourself magic or witchcraft items, then you need to be straight to such a market. Immediately you can find a lot of varied herbs. The market is located right in the center of Lome, which is the capital of the state of Togo. Until now, Africans, Nigeria and Ghana profess the Voodoo religion, they believe in the wonderful properties of dolls.

The fetishist market range is quite exotic. In such a place, you can find a skull of cattle, dried heads of buffaloes, monkeys and leopards. There are also many other entertaining things here. For sure no one can say whether Voodoo actually acts. After all, our residents have never been introduced and have not observed customs, shamanist conspiracies and the like.

The lead is one of the most popular Islands Venetian lagoon. He is located in the north of Italy. Some residents say that during the time of the Romans is the island used as a place of links for the links of those who ill chuma. That is why about 160,000 people were buried there. Allegedly, the souls of many dead turned into ghosts, which and today walk on the island.

The grim reputation of this place is aggravated by the stories about the monstrous experiments who were subjected to patients of a psychiatric clinic. Therefore, researchers of paranormal phenomena such a place is called one of the most terrible places on the entire planet.

Video: Top 10 of the most terrible places on Earth

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