Population of Brandenburg. Travel Story in Germany: Report about trip to Brandenburg

Marble Palace In Potsdam, built in the style of early classicism, was a favorite residence of Friedrich Wilhelm II.

The construction of the palace was completed by architects of Karl von Gonpts and Karl Gottgard Langgans (author of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin) in 1792. The structure is a two-storey square building from red brick. The facade of the building decorates the gray and white marble, which also gave the palace name. On the roof there is a rotunda, with which it is convenient to observe the beautiful view, which opens from the palace.

A few years after the construction, the castle began to expand. It was completed by the side fluels on the project Michael Philippe Bowman. Decracted Flygeli from the inside Ludwig Ferdinand Hesse.

Now the Museum has opened in the palace, which has opened for visitors since 1932.

Brandenburg Gate in Potsdam

Small Brandenburg Gate in Potsdam older than the famous Berlin Brandenburg Gate for 18 years.

The gate was built in honor of the victory in the seven-year war in 1770 by the decree of Friedrich the Great on the project of Architects Georg Christian Unger and Karl von Gonptan. Therefore, the gate resemble the ancient Roman triumphal arch. Indeed, because the construction was built according to the Roman Arch Constantine.

The arch has two different facades, over which two different architect worked: Gonpts designed the facade facing the city, and his student Unger created an external facade. The arch is located on the western part of the Brandenburg Strasen, on which the Church of Saints Peter and Paul is located. The side passes in the arch appeared in 1843.

And what sights of Brandenburg did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Tower Einstein

Einstein's tower is still known as Mendelssohn Tower - it was Erich Mendelson who spoke by the author of this unique building.

The building has its own clear feature - serves to accommodate a solar telescope in it. Therefore, the composition of the building is subordinate to special technical requirements and looks very unusual. Before starting work on the construction, it was necessary to first focus the light, spend the beam vertically down and turn it onto the ground 90 degrees. Therefore, the building consists of a tower and base - two interrelated objects.

Inside the tower is made of small fragments of cast concrete and brick masonry, which react differently to change the temperature in different ways. The building constantly has to be repaired. The first repair occurred already six years after the end of construction - in 1927.

Now the Tower has an exposition that is devoted to the place and role of Potsdam in world science.

The creators of this establishment proudly assure visitors that all exhibits presented in the halls are exclusively for fakes. The deception begins with the building in the form of an old castle, which is actually built quite recently. The Museum is ten rooms, each of which is filled with original exhibits.

The college of the museum is very busy, because among the exhibits there are absolutely "unique items". Here and the acting carpet-aircraft, cut off the ear Van Gogh, the radio station with the "Titanic" and the personal belongings of his passengers, will also find a wicked mustache, a witch broom, a toy airplane who belonged to the young future chancellor of Germany and even a mop, allegedly belonging to the Father Stalin. And this is not all, because the flight of the fantasy of the Museum of the Museum is unlimited.

In the past, Reinhard Tsabka - a famous artist and dissident in Germany. He is convinced that the edge between the truth and lies in life is often blurred, and this is especially true in the field of art, because art is in itself an illusion.

Visitors' reviews are ambiguous: someone comes delight, and someone is more skeptical. There are tourists who consider the director of crazy, and the exhibited objects are ordinary garbage. In any case, being in Germany, you need to visit here. Be sure - the establishment of such a plan completely disperse stereotypes that in museums are always ground and bored and covered with dust.

Palace Cecilienhof

The Cecilienhof Palace is known for the fact that it was in this building in 1945 a Potsdam Conference was held.

The building in the English rustic style was built on Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1917 on the project Paul Schulze-Nuumburg for Wilhelm and his spouse Cecilia. The owners lived in the palace to their expulsion and nationalization of the building (1945).

There are 176 rooms in the palace, which are characterized by a modest elegance of expensive materials. Most rooms decorated Paul Ludwig Cost, creating interiors on passenger shipping.

The meetings of the Potsdam Conference were held in the Great Hall, the head of the governments of the Antihytler Coalition gathered in the middle of the round table, called from Moscow: Truman, Churchill and Stalin. It was in this building that Truman ordered the phone to reset the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

Now a hotel and a museum dedicated to the events of 1945 are located in the hall of the Palace.

San Sousi Palace

Palace San Susti (from French "without worries"), erected in the XVIII century, belonged to Friedrich Great. Since 1990, the palace has been listed together with the Park World Heritage UNESCO.

The project of a single-storey building of the palace with an oval pavilion in the center was developed by the king himself, and embodied the architect Georg Veceslaus von Knobelsdorf into reality. The palace, together with the adjacent terraces, the vineyards forms the oldest part of the architectural ensemble. In the walls of the Friedrich Palace "without worries" was engaged in philosophy and music.

Now San Sust is a museum, which has become one of the first Museums of Germany. It was opened to the public in 1927. With the right and left side of the Palace there are picture gallery and new chambers. In the center of the palace there is a marble hall with sculptures, symbolizing music, astronomy, painting, architecture and scratch.

Walking around the palace and parks, enjoying the luxurious beauty of the interiors and exterior decorations, resting in the "tea house", really feel a truly carefree life in which Frederich's great live.

Are you interested to know how well you know the sights of Brandenburg? .

The grave of Friedrich the Great

The grave of Friedrich the Great is located in the park next to the openwork arbor near the magnificent Palace of San Susta in Brandenburg, Germany. It is an ordinary gravestone with the name of the Great King of Prussia engraved on it.

Every day, there are several fresh potatoes in memory of the memory that Friedrich the Great popularly popularized this hearty and cheap dish in Germany. The king loved to engage in gardening, even his palace, he placed on vineyards and greenhouses for bulk vegetables and figs.

Tourists consider honor to visit the grave of the famous commander, each of them tries to bring something with them, to honor the memory of Friedrich the Great. Someone puts a laurel wreath here - a symbol of youth and power, that was the king, someone brings live flowers and a photo of Friedrich, and some put a cup with wine, allegedly offering to drink a divine drink, made in the vineyards planted in him in distant time.

The most popular sights in Brandenburg with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous seats Brandenburg on our website.

If you ended up in Berlin and have free time, be sure to go to Brandenburg-on-hafel. This city is very close to Berlin, but it is very different from the capital of Germany and other cities of Brandenburg. It is very ancient city Region. He stands on the Hafel River

Brandenburg-on-Haffe (Brandenburg An Der Havel), Photo Arne Olejnik

Modern Brandenburg, photo Howard Pulling

Now Brandenburg-on-hafel is a large industrial city and a transport node. Electrotechnical, food and light industry, metallurgy and mechanical engineering are developed here.

The city's attractions

central squareNeustädtischer Markt) was not always the center of the city. This area, along with all her architectural ensembleThey built after the war, so you will not see on it especially bright objects. However, in the city of Brandenburg interesting facilities, temples and monuments a lot.

Church of Holy Katerina (Katharineenkirche), Photo Bayernernst

Not far from main Square worth it Cathedral of Holy Katerina (Katharineenkirche). This is real architectural masterpiece - Sample of the North-Herman Gothic style built by Hinrieh Brunsberg. There are not so many genuine buildings in the style of brick gothic, and this cathedral reached us no longer in pristine. It was built at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries, survived not one reconstruction until the XVIII century and was capitally restored in 1987-2004.

Catarinenkirche, photo wolf

During the time after the construction, changes were made to the architecture of the three-spoke church. Some parts of the building were completed in later historical periods. The interior of the temple is quite modest in comparison with its appearance. The most interesting elements of the decoration of the church are the design of the columns and the painting of ceiling arches.

The main urban street begins with Katharinenkirche, along which cafes, shops are standing. On this street, you can reach the bridge through the hafel, followed by the historic core of Brandenburg.

Slavic village (Förderverein Slawendorf), Photo of Sulamith Sallmann

From the left side of the bridge stretches Embankment. She resembles river embankments in other small towns - the same sun beds, shops, walking tourists, omnipresent seagulls. Along the river you can reach the most interesting historical object - Slavic villages (Förderverein Slawendorf) ,. Once on the shores of Hafel, Slavs lived, stood their settlements. One of these settlements and recreated local historian enthusiasts in details.

Next to this ancient monument is another memorial - more modern. Memory Center Dedicated to innocent victims of the Third Reich - people who died from violent euthanasia, held according to the State Program T4 (Gedenkstätte Für Die Opfer Der Euthanasie). In the struggle for the purity of the Aryan race, all its representatives were destroyed, recognized as "defective". In the special center of euthanasia created in Brandenburg, tens of thousands of inhabitants of Germany were tortured in gas chambers. The dead were taken into account: reports were drawn up with detailed descriptions of "achievements" to fulfill the Hitler's program. These terrible documents can be seen in the center exposure.

Not far away Church of St. Nicholas(Sankt Nikolai), surrounded by a small park. This building refers to the XII century. Among the brick cult buildings in Germany, the Brandenburg Catholic Cathedral of St. Nicholas is one of the oldest.

PlauerTurm (Plauer Torturm), photo steffen68

From the cathedral you can reach Square Altstädtischer Markt.. On the way, you will see the ancient Wardor Tower of Player Torchors, which remained from medieval urban walls. This is the construction of the XIV century. There are four such towers: Rentale believers (RatheNower Torturm) Plauerutors (Plauer Torturm), Muhaler. (Neustädtische Mühlentorturm), Steinaturm (Steintorturm).

Town Hall and Roland Statue, Wolf Photo

In a buiding Town Hall.(Altstädtisches Rathaus und Roland), built in 1468, meets the city council. Before the town hall is established Statue of Rolandatraditional for european cities. These statues were established as a sign of the city of liberty, liberating it from church taxes. The personality of the legendary Roland of Brandenburg does not have a relationship.

Cathedral of St. Gotthardtkirche, photo Judith

From the Town Hall pointers lead to the island of Dominsel (Dominsel) Cathedral island. On the way it is found Cathedral of St. Gotthardt (Gotthardtkirche), Which leads its history since the Valuely Slavic settlements in Hafela. In the XV century, the temple was rebuilt in the latex style, in this form it until our time was preserved.


On the way to the Cathedral Island, it is impossible not to notice another medieval tower, Mühlenturm (Neustädtische Mühlentorturm), 1411 years of construction, 28 m high. At one time, it served the entrance to the city.

Cathedral sv. Peter and Paul (Dom St. Peter Und Paul), photo wolf

At the most Cathedral Island stands big Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Dom St. Peter Und Paul)Built as a lateral Basilica three-end in the XIII century, and in the XV century rebuilt in the Gothic style. In his crypt, there is a memorial in memory of the clergymen executed by the fascists. Next to the massive brick Romanesque building, founded in 1165, almost unnoticed by another, small chapel of the XII century St. Petri (Kapelle Sankt Petri).

Chapel of St. Peter (Kapelle Sankt Petri)

After examining the Cathedral, you can return to the city center. The way back lies through river port. Beautiful views of the city open from the port - this is a great platform for photos.

Upon return on central Square, It is worth paying attention to "non-swollen" tourist map Objects. If there is time and there is a desire, you can see Ruins of Franciscan Temple, preserved from the XIII century monastery, Catholic cathedral of the Holy Trinity XIX century, fritz Memorial Fountain Bulman On the main pedestrian street.

The bridge Steintorbrueke has memorial dedicated to Soviet soldiers-liberatorsSowjetische Ehrenfriedhof AUF DER HALBINSEL WUSTERAU). The fights for the liberation of Brandenburg took place in April 1945. The burial of the fighters and officers of the Red Army and today is revered in the city. For the order on the memorial object, the Bundeswehr unit monitors.

Brandenburg-on-Hafer (Brandenburg An Der Havel) Germany

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Brandenburg (Earth) Brandenburg (Earth)

Brandenburg (Brandenburg), federal land in the east of Germany. Area 29.5 thousand km 2. Population 2.6 million people (2004). Administrative Center - Potsdam (cm. Potsdam).
In the center of Brandenburg is the capital of Germany Berlin (cm. Berlin (city))allocated to a separate federal land of Berlin. In the north, Brandenburg is bordered by Mecklenburg - anterior Pomerania, in the West - with Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, in the south - with Saxony, in the East - with Poland.
Brandenburg is an important agricultural and forestry region of Germany. Forests occupy 35% of land. Main agricultural crops - wheat, sugar beet, potatoes, vegetables, fruit. Main industrial centers - Aisenhettetadt (cm. Aisenhauttenstadt) (Steel industry), Cottbus (cm. Cottbus) (Brown coal mining), Ludwigsfelde (Mercedes-Benz truck production), Frankfurt-on-Oder (cm. Frankfurt-on-Oder) (instrument making).
In medieval Germany, Brandenburg - the German principality (marking) on \u200b\u200bthe lands of Polandskaya Slavs conquered by the German feudal feud (cm. Luzhic)Talking on the Nizhnyezhitsky language). In the middle of the 12th century Albrecht Medvede (cm. Albrecht I Bear) The center of the tribe Gavwan Branibor (Brandenburg) has won and began to call himself "Marcgraf Brandenburg." Up to 1320 ruled German markers from the genus Askaniev, they conducted a Germanizatorial policy here. With 1356 Kurfühurch (cm. Kurfirst) (from 1415 Gogenzollers rules (cm. Gogenzollerny); Their residence with 1486 - Berlin, in 1473 the indivisibility of Brandenburg Lands was established); In 1618, Prussia is joined to Brandenburg, also significant territories moved to Brandenburg in the Westphalian world of 1648 (cm. Westphalian world), in 1701, the Brandenburg Kurfürchsty became the Brandenburg-Prussian kingdom (see Prussia (cm. PRUSSIA)). In 1815-1945 - Prussian province, then land with the center in Potsdam (cm. Potsdam). In 1945-1949, the main part of the areas of Brandenburg was part of the Soviet occupation zone, in 1949-1990 - in the composition of the GDR.
Historical I. architectural monuments Focus on Potsdam, Brandenburg, Frankfurt-on-Oder, Branice.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

Watch what is "Brandenburg (Earth)" in other dictionaries:

    Brandenburg, city in Germany, Land Brandenburg (see Brandenburg (Earth)), port on the Hafel River (see Hafel). Population of 74.5 thousand people (2004). Transport node. Large industrial center. Metallurgy, electrical, easy, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Brandenburg (Values). Brandenburg Brandenburg Germany Flag ... Wikipedia

    I (Brandenburg), Earth in the east of Germany. 29.5 thousand km2. Population of 2.5 million people (1995). Administrative center Potsdam. In the center of Brandenburg is the capital of Germany Berlin, allocated to a separate administrative unit for the rights ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    City on V. Germany. Mentioned in 948 as Brendanburg (Brendanburg) from the personal name Brendan and Burg fortified city, i.e. brandanov city. Luzitsk. Slavs called his Branibof Branibor or Bohlen Bor. Geographical names World: ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Soil, soil, bottom; Shore, land, mainland. See the world, an area, a country .. for the thirty lands, like from under the ground, not to hear from the ground, do not hear under it, do not feel under it, do not feel under it, fall through the earth, the earth is full ... Dictionary ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Earth in the east of Germany. 28 thousand km & sup2. Population of 2.5 million people (1992). Adm. c. Potsdam. In the center of Brandenburg is the capital of Germany Berlin, allocated to a separate administrative unit for land rights. In medieval Germany ... ...

    City in Germany, Land Brandenburg, port on r. Hafel. 95 thousand inhabitants (1988). Metallurgy, light, food industry, mechanical engineering. Based approx. 1170. Buildings 13 15 VV ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Brandenburg (Brandenburg), historical area On the territory of the GDR. In the Middle Ages B. One of the principalities that established in the process of conquering by the German feudalities (from 10 century) Polandsky Slavs lands, mainly Lutych. German feudal ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    SUT., Number of synonyms: 2 city (2765) Land (106) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Brandenburg (Values). The city of Brandenburg on Haffel Brandenburg An der Havel coat of arms ... Wikipedia


  • Berlin. Land Brandenburg, Alexander Popov. The book will help the tourist orient in the capital of Germany, and also describes the most interesting places For trips on the ground Brandenburg, surrounding Berlin. Some of them are told ...

Self-journey through the cities around Berlin independently allowed me to see the sights of Brandenburg, see the cathedral and ancient church, find out where you can eat in Brandenburg; To learn more, read the report about the trip to Brandenburg from Berlin

The Brandenburg Gate saw, probably, everyone who visited Berlin, but did he ever be enough in Brandenburg? The question, I think rhetorical, because the city is not very popular with tourists. But we are talking about the place that in the Middle Ages was one of the most important political centers of the Sacred Roman Empire. In the end, the story of Brandenburg begins when Berlin was not even in the project ...

I suppose that lovers of the current capital of Germany are fiercely arguing, in which year Berlin was founded, and so far they call 1244, while others insist on the figure 1237, the inhabitants of Brandenburg are sorely grinning, because the first mentions of their city are at the beginning of the X century our era . True, then it was about the Slavic settlement of Brennaburg, whose name happened, most likely, from the Slavic word "Bran", that is, "Bog". On the new way, the name was reinforced after the conquest of the territory by the king of Saxony by Heinrich Blyowov and the numbers of the population during the imposition of the Catholic faith.

The city gradually broke up, but for the time being, his old kernel was isolated from the new district, until in 1715 they did not unite them by the Royal Decree. And the island on which the Cathedral of Brandenburg and the bishop's residence is in general, in general, in the city since 1929.

Throughout the Middle Ages, Brandenburg was the residence of the dukes and the capital of a huge Brandenburg brand. To facilitate trade, the city joined the Hanseatic Union and fully flourished until the beginning of the thirty-year war. The fighting and massive robbery, undertaken by the armies of the opposing parties, reduced its population several times, finally defeated Brandenburg the elevation of Berlin's popping. In general, the residence of the Prussian kings suddenly became a stupid Potsdam - well, is it fair?!

The industrial closure of the Industrial Revolution era gradually returned to Brandenburg, but about the past political weight to local residents had to forget. Now it is a rather quiet town, whose population is barely pass over 70 thousand inhabitants. But here the atmosphere of the past, and the sights of Brandenburg are considerable interest.

To get from Berlin to Brandenburg, it will not be necessary for large expenses: even though prices for travel in Germany are quite high, the BRANDENBURG-BERLIN-Ticket ticket can be used for voyage. This travel value of 29 euros allows you to ride throughout the federal land on electric trains without restrictions. Considering how many passengers can be transported by "Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket" - and companies are allowed to five people, it turns out that in the most successful case costs will be less than 6 euros per brother. In a word, expenses are small, and the time to independently go from Berlin to Brandenburg, too, will need a little, about an hour.

Since Brandenburg train station is absolutely unremarkable, it is better to immediately leave behind his back. Then there will be a stop of local trams and the target of the street Kleine Gartenstrass E. But I would advise you to move along the parallel Gross E Gartenstrass E, the one that is left: it leads directly to the first sights of Brandenburg. You can, of course, go to old city And on the tram, however, I suppose that walking The thing is to meet a new place. Here it will be possible to return to the return ...

As I remember, the advertising shield is standing on the station square, which placed the Brandenburg map, and it would be good to remember if there was no possibility to download a scheme from the Internet. The fact is that the office tourist information Brandenburg is located in the heart of the city, on the area of \u200b\u200bNeustadtischer Markt, and then come back there without a card. In a word, the presence of a terrain plan will mostly facilitate life ...

So, I moved into the way and after a short time I went to the crossroads, to the right of which the embankment was decorated with a large tower of a medieval view. This is a stainstore, once served by one of the most important supporting points of defenders of the city. True, even historians cannot say for sure, whether she participated in battles. However, that with them, egg-heads, take: they even know even the date of construction of the tower only approximately - it seems like on the yard then was 1380. What is known to be reliably, this is what building from XV to the XVII century was used to keep prisoners. Now the inner premises of SteinterTurm holds a branch of the city museum, and on the top floor is equipped viewpointWhere in good weather you can interview the panorama of Brandenburg.

A cloudy day, unfortunately, did not allow me to enjoy the views from the height, and everything I could do is to fall out the embankments of the city canal, even under the snow looking pretty good. I note that three more towers remained from the old fortifications of Brandenburg. I have seen two of them, and Plauert Orturm at Klosterstrasse did not make a big impression on me: it is almost completely devoid of decor and looks rustic. The 17-meter bullfin was built in the Middle Ages, at least before the start of the sixteenth century - this is known because historical documents testify to the start of the reconstruction of the tower. Alas, now Plauert Orturm is in the sad, in fact, an emergency condition and his fate seems foggy.

That's what you really need to look at Brandenburg, it is RatheNower Etorturm, a design of a very interesting look. She kept the original appearance, and thanks to this circumstance, we can now understand how vintage fortifications Typical German city. The tower in abundance is decorated with decorative elements, so it's a pleasure to shoot it. In the Middle Ages, the leadover was covered with the core of the city from the North-West and for the sake of its inspection will have to go on the edge historic CenterWhere are the main attractions of Brandenburg, to Wallstrass E. However, this is definitely worth ...

And before exploring the beautiful tower, I was able to see several objects at once, which can be viewed in Brandenburg. At first, the church of the Holy Trinity was caught my eyes, built in the XIX century and became the first Catholic churches built on the territory of Brandenburg after the religious wars of the Epoch of the Reformation. Throughout the XVII century, the Mass on the territory of the principality was generally banned, and only with Friedrich Wilhelme I, I relaxed for Catholics somewhat. But the permit for the construction of the Temple of the Adepta Pope of Roman still could not get even more than a hundred years.

The building of the church, built in the period from 1849 to 1851, the architect tried to give a medieval look, and he succeeded. The appearance of the church could be even more picturesque, but during World War II DREIFALTIGKEITSKIRCHE suffered a lot and restored it in a somewhat simplified form, which she began to talk to a certain proportion of his charm.

From Neusta Dtische Heidestrass E, where I examined the Church of the Holy Trinity, it was quite close to the next sight of Brandenburg, the largest of urban temples. Katharineenkirche has built in 1401, six years after the event who excited the entire city: the previous construction of the same appointment suddenly collapsed. The author of the new project was the architect Heinrich Brunsberg, who managed to turn his brainchild in the pearl of Severogrertic architecture. In addition to beautiful view The Church of St. Catherine is famous for sizes, a tower of 70-meter heights and a rich inner decoration, which includes the altar created as much as in 1474.

Reaching Neustadtischer Markt, where you can take the brand of Brandenburg, the benefit there is located there is a local roundofis, I stayed in reflections for a few minutes, where it is better to go. On the one hand, a walk to the northeast led me to the cathedral, but with another North-West manifes the historical core. I still preferred to go to watch the old town, and on the snow-covered Hauptstrass E came out to the Hafel River embankment. From the bridge, a good panorama was opened, and I immediately drew attention to the church on the left side. It was the temple of St. John, and, going closer to the next sight of Brandenburg, it was difficult not to be surprised why such an old and pretty building remains in such negligence. Indeed, Johanniskirche built in 1240, shortly after the Franciscan monastery appeared in the city. The monks were at first were satisfied with her new church, but after 170 years old decided to rebuild it. After the end of the work, the urban embankment was decorated with an impressive building with a beautiful bell tower, very harmoniously imagined in the landscape. And everything would be fine, Kababi is not a policy: the fighting of the Second World War was very badly damaged by the Church of St. John, and during the existence of the GDR in the authorities there were no money for its repair, so even conversations about the demolition of the old sights of Brandenburg were about the demolition. History jeques defended the construction, but since the funds in the urban treasury are still nehlyo, the project of its restoration will be postponed in a long box.

Coming from the bridge a little more forward, I soon turned right and approached Altsta Dtischer Markt, the ancient heart of the city. There I immediately rushed into the eyes of the Old Town Hall of Brandenburg, an excellent sample of gothic architecture. She was built in the middle of the XV century, and somewhere after a couple of decades after the end of the work, the building supplemented a huge tower. The facade of the town hall is decorated with numerous elements of decor, coat of arms and figures that attach to it with a rare scenic view. The unique ensemble complements the statue of Roland Knight, installed in 1474 - so medieval cities Germany usually noted the availability of freedoms and privileges of self-government. The figure with a height of more than five meters traditionally holds a sword in his hands, symbolizing the readiness to defend the rights of the inhabitants.

Naturally, the Town Hatcheon of the centuries occupied the officials of the local administration, who moved to a new place only at the beginning of the XX century. The gothic construction then existed for a long time in the status of an architectural monument, but in 2007 it was renovated and renovated, after which it was again occupied by the Brandenburg City Hall.

Having finished shooting the area and the surrounding buildings, I, focusing on the map, passed a little north-east to get the churches of Saint-Gottre. This is not just an object that can be viewed in Brandenburg, it is actually a business card of the city, and if the silhouette of some temple is appeared on the cover of a guide to Brandenburg or local species cards, then with a probability of 80 percent it will be a Gotthardtkirche image.

The first religious building appeared on the edge of the historic center of Brandenburg in 1140, but by the 20th century, there were literal horns and legs, so the townspeople decided to build new option churches. It was framed on the then architectural fashion, that is, on the Gothic manner. Why in 1767 the appearance of the temple builders supplemented baroque bell tower, it is obscure, perhaps, no one, but since the society favored favorably to such symbiosis, everything remained as it is. More is when at the beginning of the 20th century it was necessary to collect money for the restoration of Gotthardtkirche, the subscription was just shocking.

If I liked the sights of Brandenburg in the Altstadt area, I liked that the quarters themselves made an oppressive impression. I am now and then marked the shabby walls of houses, scored by boards windows and other signs of uncooles. Did not raise the mood and sleep, completely and next to the sidewalks. In a word, I tried to faster down, especially since I was waiting for the island, where the Cathedral of Brandenburg is.

This is a huge building without exaggeration is a peer of German statehood: he was laid in 1165, in just 8 years after the formation of the Brandenburg brand, which became one of the key land of the Holy Roman Empire, which would then grow into the Prussian kingdom, who appeal to the German Empire.

Initially, the cathedral was vividly pronounced Romanese style features, but only some separate fragments of the temple reached this day, which were rebuilt by new project, giving him a typical gothic look. Construction plans provided for the construction of two majestic towers, but only one was ascended over the city, and it was always wooden to the XVII century.

Now the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul looks very beautiful, especially from the river, and I recommend to approach him not from the center, on the side of the TourFis, but on the right shore of the Hafel, leaving the old town on Mu Hlentorstrass E.

Inspecting the Brandenburg DOM, you can also look into the Museum of the Cathedral, where a decent collection of items of religious art is collected, including medieval tapestries and altars. And I also recommend visiting such an advanced sights of Brandenburg as the Chapel of St. Jacob, standing on Wredowplatz. She was built in 1320 outside the city walls, since it was intended to consolidate the patients of the local hospital, and medieval people tried to keep his reel away from themselves. So, a chapel with a 15-meter spire was calmly attached from the hospital and lived, did not stead, but in 1892 it had to be transferred to 11 meters to the side during the laying of the highway, and therefore the citizens had a nickname "shifted" ...

Now, from spiritual food, we turn to the breads of urgent. Places where you can eat in the center of Brandenburg inexpensive, I found several at once. The best option is the option, as it seems to me, "Kartoffelka Fer" in the house 56 by Steinstrasse. This pleasant and featuring restaurant is decorated in a typical German spirit: stylized underground chairs and tables are complemented by wall panels from wood. The menu fill the dishes of Prussian cuisine. Many of them fall into the list of what the guide is recommended to try in Berlin, but here they cost much cheaper. For example, I will give Prices from the account: Olenina in Brandenburg cost 12.95 euros, the salad went for 5.95 euros, they took 2.95 euros for coffee.

I also remember local bakery and pastry, ready to pass guests with fresh pastries. Some points were right on the main streets, but the prices they kept quite reasonable. So, the institution "Steinecke", located between the new market square And the embankment of the Hafel, asked only 40 euro scents for the hot appetizing buns.

You can eat in the center of Brandenburg quite inexpensive if you leave to local sausages. The kiosks selling them come across fairly regularly, and the possibility of eating quickly and cheaply use many citizens. On the execution of the order takes out only a couple of minutes, and the cost of snacking ranges from one and a half to two euros, including a generous portion of the mustard, which sellers put, it seems default, regardless of the client's desire. By the way, fried in oil sausages "currillers" just that the dish that should be tried by arriving in Germany.

I would not count on a profitable shopping in Brandenburg: stores like a lot, and the prices are much worse than Berlin. Can, however, look into shopping centerswhere there are constantly some sales. I here in "C & A" at Jacobstrasse looked at a very stylish jacket, halveled and therefore cost only 35 euros. But since she was the last, then the search for another speech did not go, and I had to leave with anything. I can also give a tip at the department store "H & M", which is ranked 9 by Hauptstrasse: there shirts were sold for 9 euros, some women's blouses were worth it cheaper. And another good place is "Sankt Annen Galerie" on Neustadtischer Markt, next to Turofis. Inside the modern shopping complex, it is easy to buy high-quality shoes and clothing from Germany, there is a department "MediaMarkt", whose prices are much more attractive than in Russia.

In general, the possibilities of shopping in Brandenburg are quite extensive, but with the capital, I repeat, the city for this part does not take place ...

I left Brandenburg already at dusk, starting slowly to peck the nose from the transition from cold air into a warm lather train. Still, winter is not very suitable for excursions european cities. When it is best to travel in Europe, so it is in spring or summer, in extreme cases in early autumn. And here it also begins to darken, and snow-covered landscapes look like something sad. So the new visit to Germany I firmly decided to appoint the summer season ...

In this article you will learn:

Brandenburg Land of Germany. It is the federal land located in the east of the country around Berlin. Its most of it takes the western part of the Oder River. Currently, its capital is considered Potsdam.

History of origin

Before the seventh century, the territory of Brandenburg occupied German settlements. Somewhat later she was settled by Slavic tribes (Gevella), which accounted for farmers, hunters and fishermen. But at the beginning of the tenth century, the Germans forced them to pay the tribute, which was not for them. The uprisings began, which were never crowned with success, and in 1157 the Marcgrant of Brandenburg was created. Albrecht Bear is the first Marcgraf whose board was marked by the rapid development of the territory. At this time, the construction of new cities began, agriculture flourished, was the formation of new crafts.

Since 1356, Brandenburg has become a swirl and opportunities with broader rights. Since 1415, they began to rule the gogyenzollerns dynasty, which strengthened and elevating it. From the sixteenth century, Prussia was joined to Brandenburg, and Berlin was proclaimed the capital. At this point, the time of numerous wars came, which caused a huge damage, from 1618 to 1648 the population declined more than ninety percent. Further rule of Friedrich Wilhelm made it possible to start the revival of the Earth. The French guemers, Dutch and Swiss moved here, which contributed to the restoration of the economy and the development of trade relations. Subsequent rulers continued this undertaking and by 1786 Prussia, part of which at that time was Brandenburg, acquired great political power in Europe. To the nineteenth century, it becomes the center of all Germany, which contributed to the active development of Berlin.

During World War II, the territory of modern Brandenburg suffered greatly. In addition, the Potsdam Agreement of 1945 deprived him of almost one third of the area, which was given to Poland. The remaining land has moved away the German Democratic Republic, then was divided into three districts. Only after forty-five years, the connection of Potsdam, Cottbus and Frankfurt occurred. October 3, 1990 is the date of the appearance of New Brandenburg.

Coat of arms of the earth Brandenburg


The greatest interest for guests who came to the Brandenburg Earth presents its nature, most of which managed to preserve in pristine form. On its territory there are eleven reserves and three reserves (protected natural zone), one of the national parks is also located here.

Brandenburg is located in flat locality, the third part of which is occupied very well-keeled pine forests With frequent birch landings and purest air. Here you can see wild animals, as well as a huge number of mushrooms, because the Germans are not assembled.

Another value of the Earth is a huge amount of crystal clear rivers, magnificent lakes and reservoirs. Local residents And guests of Brandenburg make many exciting excursions on a wide variety of types. water transport (yachts, boats, kayaks and water bikes). Spreyevald enjoys particularly popular with tourists, which is a protected area near Berlin. In it beautiful place Every year more than two million guests arrive.



To the most famous cities Earth can be attributed:

  • Potsdam, which is its capital. Here you can visit the park San Susti with a huge botanical garden and a number of historical objects. Interesting will be a visit to the Orangehouse Palace or Roman Baths. To architectural monuments ancient architecture They include the National and Brandenburg Gate, adorning entry into the city from the North and East. Also, you must also make a walk on the Glyniki bridge;
  • Frankfurt-on-Oder is a small town that has been strongly affected during World War II and practically built again. Nevertheless, several famous architectural monuments are preserved here, which are represented by the East University, the Church of St. Mary, the Church of St. Nicholas and a three-dimensional house;
  • Eberswalde is known for near interesting bronze sculptures and unusual museums;
  • Cottbus refers to the most big cities Brandenburg and has a huge number of attractions. These include city squares, Gothic churches (for example, Veternankirche), palaces, theaters, museums. Beautiful and one of the most famous places in the city is a parking zone, which was designed by Prince Pücler-Musku. She is decorated with a magnificent lake, on which the island is located with a pyramid, similar to Egyptian. It is the place of grave prince;
  • Leipzig is the main musical city of Brandenburg with an excellent opera and interesting museumsilluminating the creativity of the greatest composers.

Cottbus city

Popular holiday destinations

In addition to contemplating the natural magnificence of Brandenburg and catching elegant fish, the attention of tourists attracted objects that are historical and cultural value. They are represented by old palaces and manners, which were designed by architects of Prussia, ancient churches and town halls decorated with intricate towers. The greatest number They are located in and Kotbus.

City Potsdam

Interesting will be visited by local parks, for example, the Babelsberg film, which is considered the local Goliwood or Tropical Biosphere Park.

In a film of Babelsberg

A lot of pleasure will deliver a porcelain exhibition located in the Chinese tea house of the eighteenth century in Potsdam. Dresden is famous for the most beautiful dairy shop in light, a magnificent zoo and a huge number of historical values.

On the territory of Brandenburg hosts the most various musical festivals and cultural events that collect many tourists. Reinsberg and San Susti are leaders on their conduct.

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See also: