The best resorts in Asia are the top of the most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia. Vacation in Asia

Asia is the largest part of the world. More than half of the world's population lives here.
In order to better understand the features of tourism development in this largest part of the world, the following regions should be distinguished: Southwest Asia (Near and Middle East), South Asia, South- East Asia, Central and East Asia.
Asia attracts an increasing number of tourists due to the following factors:
- a huge, extremely capacious territory for receiving tourists (Asia is the largest part of the world);
- washing the shores of Asia with three oceans and dozens of their seas and bays;
- the location of this part of the world in all climatic regions, the significant diversity and richness of natural landscapes and recreational resources;
- the presence of a huge number of historical and cultural monuments, as well as natural attractions;
- finding in Asia the most important world shrines and centers of pilgrimage;
- ethnic diversity of the continent;
- location in Asia of the states with the highest population in the world: China, India;
- the rapid pace of economic development of a number of states: Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, China, etc.
Along with these favorable conditions, there are a number of negative factors that hinder the development of tourism in Asia. First of all, it should be noted:
- unfavorable natural conditions for tourism in the vast territories of a number of countries (deserts, highlands with difficult terrain, jungles, etc.);
- poor development transport infrastructure a number of countries;
- the dominance of ideological interests over economic ones in a number of countries, as a result of this, the economic backwardness of these countries, their unpreparedness to receive tourists, lack of service (DPRK, Mongolia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq);
lack of internal political and economic stability in a number of Asian countries (Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq).
The main purpose of visiting Asia by tourists from other parts of the world is to get acquainted with the culture, historical and natural attractions. Business trips and congress tourism are most characteristic of Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China. Israel is visited for the purpose of treatment and worship of religious values.
Asia's external tourist relations are carried out mainly
aviation. Most flights are operated by international aircraft.
owned airlines, a smaller part - by companies owned
countries of Asia.

Due to the wide range of climatic conditions, there is no specific season for arrivals in Asia, but it can be traced in individual regions.
The main tourist market for Asia is the countries of Europe (of which the former metropolises of Great Britain and France stand out, as well as Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian states), the USA and Canada. From Africa, the largest tourist flows are from the Maghreb countries to Mecca and Medina, and from East Africa to India, Pakistan and Iran. There are relatively large flows of tourists from Australia and New Zealand, especially to Southeast and South Asia. Of the Asian countries in intra-Asian flows, Japan stands out.
Flows from Asia to other parts of the world are relatively small, the Asian tourist market is still completely out of proportion to its huge population. Today, the Japanese and residents of a number of countries in Southwest Asia are leaving this part of the world more than others.

Southwest Asia

This region covers a vast and extremely heterogeneous geographical, historical and socio-economic territory. This includes 16 states: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, United United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Türkiye. It should be noted that the conventional concept of "Near and Middle East" is somewhat broader than "Southwest Asia", since it covers the territory of the states of Southwest Asia, as well as Egypt and Sudan. Profitable geographical position some states and regions are combined with the remoteness and isolation of others; favorable climatic and landscape conditions for tourism and resort business, as well as a variety of recreational resources in some countries - with desert, arid (in most of the Arabian Peninsula) in others. There are also serious political differences: in a number of states in the region, monarchies (including absolute ones) with strong remnants of feudal and tribal relations have been preserved, but the republican form of government still prevails.

In general, Southwest Asia can be considered one of the most promising regions in terms of tourism development. Wide access to many seas and bays of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, as well as to the Caspian Sea, geographical location at the junction of three parts of the world, various relief and climatic conditions, a large number of sunny days, unique natural attractions, numerous historical, cultural and religious monuments, the presence developed tourist infrastructure in a number of countries (Cyprus, Turkey, Israel) - all these and many other factors contribute to the widespread attraction of guests from other parts of the world, as well as the development of tourist exchange within the region.

It's no secret that a beach holiday in Asian countries is considered the best - the tourism industry has ennobled almost all the "wild" and remote settlements and fishing villages, and prices here are much lower than in Europe or the Caribbean. We have compiled a list for you the best resorts Asia.

One of the most popular Thai resorts among Russians is the island of Phuket. This southern province countries and most big Island on its territory (its area is almost equal to the area of ​​Singapore).

Things to do

Phuket is suitable for both beach holiday, and for active pastime: here great beaches, comfortable hotels, clubs, bars, discos, picturesque natural corners - waterfalls, bays, gardens and a lot of historical sights.

The Karon Beach area is a favorite place for party-goers from all over the world, with a developed entertainment infrastructure. The beaches of Kamala are a calm and secluded place, ideal for family vacation. The sea in Phuket is quite calm, big waves rare here.

How to get there

Direct charter flight. Planes fly to Phuket from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok and other cities. You can get to the island on your own from the capital of Thailand - Bangkok.

Boracay, Philippines

Part of the coast of Boracay called White Beach, according to the ratings of world researchers, is in the top 10 the best beaches peace. Another undoubted plus of this place is the almost zero crime rate.

Things to do

Here you can stay in a hotel remote from the coast or rent a bungalow right on the coast. The infrastructure includes cafes, bars, restaurants, disco clubs and souvenir shops. Divers go to Boracay with pleasure - there are more than 10 diving centers on the island.

Windsurfers and kitesurfers also like to visit these places - they are attracted by the even wind, especially at Bulabog beach. Respectable businessmen can relax in a massage parlor or spa, or play golf.

Of the attractions, one can note the underwater Dead Forest, the exposition of shells in the local museum and the mysterious caves of bats.

How to get there

Boracay does not have its own airport and to get here, you need to use a rather difficult route. One option is a flight from Moscow, Vladivostok or Yakutsk to Panay with a transfer in the Philippine capital Manila. Ferries and boats run from Panay Island, neighboring Boracay. Please note that sea transport does not operate at night.

Hainan, China

The tropical island of Hanan is located in southern China. This is not only a great resort place, but also a large Cultural Center- Various celebrations and festivals are held here throughout the year. The entertainment infrastructure is also developed on the island - there are many nightclubs, discos and bars. There is even a special club for Russians. In addition, the famous center of Chinese medicine is located here.

Things to do

The island offers tourists a lot of attractions - the "Edge of the World" park, monkey island, butterfly gorge, Buddhist center, Maan volcano, safari zoo with freely roaming animals.

The local Oceanarium deserves special mention, where you can feed crocodiles, see long-lived sea turtles, admire a collection of exotic birds from all over the country, and even ride an ostrich.

Dadonghai Beach is one of the most popular resorts on the island. There are restaurants, shops, cafes, a food market. A wide choice of hotels for every taste: from hostels to five-star hotels. Almost everywhere - Russian-speaking staff.

Yalunvan is called by the locals “yaochi” - “earthly paradise”. There is a diving center and a casino. Catering outlets, clubs and shops are located mainly on the territory of hotels.

How to get there

Direct flight from Moscow to Sanya. Flight time is approximately 10 hours.

Langkawi, Malaysia

Langkawi - main island in the archipelago of the same name. In total, there are 99 islands, 4 of which are inhabited.

Things to do

For active rest excursions to caves, waterfalls, lakes and mountain ranges, trips to sky bridges and cable car. The resort's infrastructure includes restaurants, cafes, bars, spas and duty-free shops. Both diving and snorkeling (swimming under the surface of the water) are widespread here. You can go fishing or go on a boat trip.

The beaches of the island are recognized as healing - sea water and pure white sand contain a high percentage of minerals that have a beneficial effect on joints, bones and respiratory organs. The downside of this resort is the rather strong ebbs and flows.

How to get there

On a transit flight from Moscow to Langkawi with a change in Kuala Lumpur, Doha, Bangkok or Dubai. The flight will be at least 15 hours. Next is the ferry.

Phu Quoc, Vietnam

Phu Quoc is the ecological center of Vietnam. Most of the island is virgin thickets of wild forests, which are part of the national reserve.

Things to do

The largest diving school in the country, low prices equipment rental and magnificent seascapes attract huge streams of deep-sea diving enthusiasts. The infrastructure is not very developed, but there are cafes and volleyball courts on the beaches.

Activities include visiting a black pepper farm, a trip to a museum and a pearl plantation, and squid fishing.

How to get there

Direct flight "Moscow-Ho Chi Minh" to Bangkok, Nha Trang and Hanoi. Then - domestic flight to Fukuoka. A flight with a connection will take from 20 hours or more.

Bali, Indonesia

The most popular resorts are located in the southern part of the island. Most favorite place recreation of Russians - the resort of Kuta.

Things to do

Kuta is a developed tourist area. There are many different-sized hotels, large shopping centers, spa centers, restaurants, clubs and cafes. The resort is located close to Ngurah Airport. A well-groomed and clean (albeit crowded) beach with a gentle sandy bottom, without sharp corals and dangerous rocks, is perfect for surfers. The sea also favors those who like to ride a board - there is a constant wind and strong waves.

Of the minuses - the almost complete lack of attractions. You can visit the water park, the shell museum or the local theater with exotic performances.

This is an ideal place for rest and relaxation: people come here for the benefits of Ayurvedic medicine, bathing in healing springs with mineral water and local massage. However, beach holidays and the entertainment industry are also on the level here. A rich and multicultural excursion program: from Jewish synagogues to Dutch churches.

How to get there

There are no direct flights to Kerala from Russia. The most common scheme is by an international airline to any major Indian city, then transfer to domestic flight to one of the airports of Kerala - most often, to Trivandrum. The flight from the Russian capital will take at least 8 hours.

For a European person, Asia is a fabulous and mysterious side of the world. People come here for impressions, for new knowledge, for answers to unsolvable riddles. And also to warm sea or the ocean, for exotic entertainment and culinary delights.

Asia begins immediately after the Bosphorus. Türkiye is a well-known country for the mass tourist. Unfortunately, few people perceive the countries of Central Asia as a vacation option. Of the distant countries, Thailand is best known, but Cambodia or Vietnam are rarely considered as the final destination of a flight to the sea.

One of the most important attractions of traveling to Asia is the price of food and accommodation. They are unusually attractive and able to inspire tourists with the most modest budgets. Despite the long and expensive flight. In return, a trip to Asia gives the tourist the opportunity to save on accommodation and food so much that the high cost of the flight will not look so hopeless.

How to make your visit to Asian country informal, exclusive and inexpensive? Which countries give chances to tourists with a small wallet? What can you see, where to visit? We have dedicated this article to answering these important questions.

Türkiye: a country where "all inclusive"

Tourists love resorts in Turkey for their low cost of living, inexpensive food and fun entertainment. The abundance of ancient ruins, the secular nature of the state (all Muslim sights are available for tourists), sandy beaches and the opportunity to relax on an all-inclusive basis are the main lures for mass tourists. It is impossible not to add the knowledge of the staff of hotels and restaurants in Russian, which makes it easier for our travelers to resort life.

Hagia Sophia Museum - a symbol of the "golden age" of Byzantium, is located in the historical center of Istanbul.

An independent trip to the resorts of Turkey is associated with many troubles. But as a result, the tourist pays more than the average tour offered by tour operators - 200 euros / week. So much is a trip alone, food - only breakfast, accommodation in a 3 * hotel, out of season.

An independent flight to Antalya and back will cost the same two hundred euros (the cheapest is with PEGASUS). Accommodation in a modest hotel - from 13 euros / day (91 euros / week) for a double room with breakfast.

Lunch in a modest restaurant will not cost more than 6-7 euros per person. If you eat on your own (many hotels have kitchens), then the daily food consumption will not exceed 5-6 euros. In this case, it is better to make purchases at the bazaars, and buy only dairy products and semi-finished products in supermarkets.

Excursions to any place of interest for tourists can be bought at tourist kiosks (in no case from street vendors!). A one-day tour to Ephesus or Didim with lunch included will cost about fifty euros per person.

Uzbekistan: Star of the East

A well-known country from Soviet times, today it is perhaps the most developed and tourist-friendly country in the Central Asian region. If the capital - Tashkent - is not too interesting for travelers, then Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand can satisfy the taste of the most sophisticated traveler, not to mention the novice tourist. Ancient mosques, mausoleums, palaces of emirs, boundless bazaars, delicious cuisine and a warm climate - what else does a traveler need?

Registan Square in Samarkand.

If you eat at numerous national street restaurants or coffee houses, then lunch will cost you no more than 4-5 euros. The fees for visiting attractions and museums are so low that you can hardly spend more than 5 euros in a week, visiting two or three establishments daily.

The police in Uzbekistan are very strict, tourists here feel protected and protected. It is also worth adding that all the stories about the incredible hospitality of the Uzbeks are true! You will certainly have many friends.

The climate here is hot, especially in summer. Therefore, for a visit, it is better to choose spring or autumn, when the temperature does not break records and you can not only get a good tan, but also enjoy admiring mosques, medieval quarters, abundant bazaars and green gardens.

Flight from Moscow to Samarkand and back - 400 euros (the cheapest is UTair). Accommodation - from 21 euros / day (for two people in guest house close to historical center), breakfast - 3 euros.

India: home of the Buddha

One of the most exotic and richest cultural monuments countries of the world. Here it is interesting how big cities as well as in small towns. People often come here just to live and observe the life of people who neglect earthly goods. On the other hand, many tourists are shocked by a visit to this country, the worldview of Indians and Europeans is so different.

Bengal tiger in one of national parks India.

The sights of India are so numerous and diverse that it is difficult to choose a dozen or twenty of the most outstanding. hindu temples, Buddhist monasteries, ancient palaces and fortresses, the sacred Ganges and National parks with rhinos and tigers - it's hard to list them all.

In India, it will be interesting for lovers of antiquity, admirers natural beauties, seekers of the meaning of life and those who prefer a serene pastime on the beach. To save on transport, it is best to rent a scooter for the duration of the visit, it costs 50 euros / week. The vast majority of attractions are free. But in museums and cultural centers, entry tickets can cost up to 10 euros.

You can eat at street stalls (if your stomach is healthy and you can tolerate spices easily) - a huge portion of a vegetarian dish of rice and vegetables is less than 1 euro. If you prefer European cuisine, moderately spicy, then lunch in a restaurant will cost from 7 euros per person.

A visa to India for tourists costs 60 US dollars. You can apply for it on the Internet.

Flight from Moscow to Mumbai and back outside the season (April-September) - 415 euros (Turkish Airlines).

Housing in India is very cheap, but if you want to live in a room without bugs, but with air conditioning, you will have to pay from 10 euros per day (double room in city hotels of 2-3 * level).

Vietnam: a small country with big opportunities

Vietnam is not often seen budget tourists as a recreation option. Completely wrong! Rest in this picturesque and hospitable country cheaper than in vaunted Thailand.

Russians can spend two weeks in Vietnam every year without a visa. The country offers tourists not only perfectly clean beaches and a warm, clear sea, but also many of the most unexpected cultural and historical monuments, original cuisine, good-natured and smiling local population. And in Vietnam, unusually low prices for food and accommodation in a hotel or guest house.

Flight from Moscow to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh and back - from 424 euros (offer from Emirates).

Double room in a modest but clean and modern hotel - from 8 euros / day.

Halong Bay, Hoi An, Mui Ne, Nha Trang are the names of the most attractive resort places Vietnam has little to say to the budget tourist. Behind them are unusually beautiful places, cozy restaurants, comfortable hotels, original festivals, green parks and Buddhist pagodas.

Long Son Pagoda (Nha Trang).

Eating in street cafes and eateries, you can easily meet 6-8 euros per day. Lunch in an expensive restaurant - 12-15 euros. Fruit in the country of victorious socialism is so cheap that many tourists switch to a fruit diet and spend no more than three or four euros per day on food. Transportation costs can be easily minimized if you rent a bike - 30 euros / week.

Sightseeing in organized groups, accompanied by a guide - from 35 euros for a day trip, including meals. Tour around the country (5 days) - 180-220 euros.

In Vietnam, street crime is almost completely absent. The level of security here is very high, and the police work very efficiently.

Entrance to a beach party or night club- from 2 euros.

Similar prices, entertainment and attractions in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos. But air tickets to these countries will cost no less than 500 euros. In Sri Lanka, Nepal, and even in China, the budget tourist will also feel confident and carefree.

Each of these countries has a lot of exotic entertainment, affordable housing and delicious food. The main thing is to visit these countries not during high tourist season, and book tickets and hotels no later than six months in advance.

Asia is islands, temples, a colorful kaleidoscope of exotic fruits, kindly painted elephants, fussy and smart monkeys, the sea, the sun, palm trees ... In general, Asia is a whole philosophy, time flows smoothly, nothing passes without a trace, everything is reborn and flows into each other into a friend. Do you want to visit the most beautiful places Asia? Then here are 10 countries for you, visiting which you will no longer be able to live as before.

1. Thailand

This country has won the laurels of the most popular resort destination for our compatriots. Everything is here: a lazy beach holiday, interesting excursions, picturesque nature, rich nightlife with parties, cocktails and Thai spices (well, you understand what we mean). There are so many resorts here that you can go to a new one every year. Pattaya, Phuket and Koh Samui are larger and Phi Phi, Ko Mak are smaller, but in general, there is a whole scattering of islands, on each of which you can find everything you want.

2. Vietnam

Holidays in Vietnam are inexpensive in terms of food, entertainment, etc. That is why European youth loves it, because here you can surf and just relax lazily. The main resorts are Nha Trang, which is popular with active tourists, Phan Thiet is quieter, for which couples with children love it, and Fukok is for those who love luxury vacation. From entertainment: excursions to national parks, boat trips to the islands, all sorts of activities that are unusual for us (like riding ostriches), as well as more familiar ones - for example, the Vinpearl Amusement Park on the island of the same name.

3. Sri Lanka

As many antiquities as there are in the legendary Ceylon, you are unlikely to be able to find anywhere else. Here is the ancient Sigir - majestic mountain, decorated with a giant lion statue, and Dambulla with the largest collection of Buddha statues, and Kandy - the ancient residence of the rulers, and Anuradhapura with a centuries-old history and the sacred Bodhi tree. And this is not the whole list, and yet we have not said a word about the wonderful quiet beaches with red sunsets, against which the silhouettes of local fishermen, sitting on special poles right in the sea, darken.

4. China

Relatively recently, we learned that in China, in addition to the Great Chinese wall and Pikin have seaside resorts. And, meanwhile, the island of Hainan (it is also called "Eastern Hawaii") is very popular, both among the Chinese themselves and among Russian tourists. Rest here can be called calm. For those who get bored on the beach, we recommend going on a couple of excursions and looking at life and traditions local residents- Whether tribes and Miao or to heal in healing springs.

5. India

If you want to visit the sea, then Goa and Kerala are waiting for you. Goa is for hanging out in the north and complete relaxation in the south. We can say that this is not even India, but “little Portugal”, everything is quite modern, there is not much local color, but there is a special atmosphere that the hippies brought here: freedom, parties on the beach and all that. Kerala will appeal to those who want to get acquainted with Ayurveda, there are many centers of Indian medicine and yoga schools. There is also the famous golden triangle "Delhi-Agra-Jaipur", the city of Varanasi, Mumbai and many other cities, which are interesting to travel alone, but not at all safe.

6. Indonesia

In order to understand how you can actually relax on vacation, go to Bali or Java or Sumatra, in general, to one of beautiful islands Indonesia, where peace and tranquility reigns against the backdrop of the Indian Ocean. See temples, play with monkeys. And if you want parties, clubs and entertainment, then, for example, the Balinese Kuta is more than enough for you: a whole street of entertainment venues and several surf schools will fully compensate for your desire for activity.

7. Malaysia

If you are a fan of a beach holiday, then here you can get plenty of it: the islands of Penang, Langkawi and Sipadan are simply created in order to enjoy the sea and the sun. And if you want to take a walk around the metropolis, then be sure to visit Kuala Lumpur, where you can visit the Bird Park, the famous Petronas Twin Towers and look into a couple of nightclubs.

8. Singapore

Singapore is usually visited by transit, because for a transit visit to the country (you have as many as 96 hours) you do not need a visa. During this time, you will be able to visit the minimum must see, which is enough to form an opinion about the country. Visit the Clare Key promenade at night to drown in the lights, look into Botanical Garden and, of course, don't forget to take a couple of photos in the legendary rooftop pool of the Marina Bay Sands hotel with a stunning panorama.

9. South Korea

This country is becoming more and more popular among tourists. Getting here, one gets the impression of a jump into the future: the modern architecture of Seoul, the availability of Wi-Fi almost everywhere and a lot of newfangled entertainment. But history lovers will also find a lot of interesting things for themselves: royal palaces Joseon dynasty, temples and fortresses. And here you can improve your health and undergo diagnostics using modern equipment relatively inexpensively.

10. Philippines

Traveling to Wonderland, of course, will cost a pretty penny, but it's worth spending money to plunge into ancient Eastern traditions. Attend a healer ceremony, appreciate the heritage of the Spanish conquistadors, admire the urban beauty of Manila, buy a couple of real pearl necklaces and conquer the Mayon volcano - here is a short list of things that you can add to your own.

Asia is very diverse and colorful in terms of culture, religion, nature. Lost islands, exotic fruits, spiritual centers and low prices - these are just a few of the things that attract tourists to this part of the world. We will tell you in this article how not to get confused in such a variety and choose the best place to relax.

Phuket, Thailand

Phuket - the most popular resort. On the island, in addition to amazing beaches and hotels, there are Buddhist temples, viewing platforms, waterfalls, gardens. Here you can find small coves to feel solitude or arrange a romantic evening, and club and bar streets filled with noise, music and dancing. The island is connected to the mainland by a bridge, which makes it easy to get to other provinces or.


  • Lots of entertainment, architectural and natural attractions. good beaches, which rarely have big waves.


  • Sights and shops are scattered around the island, and you need to get to them by taxi, which is not very cheap, or by rented motorbike, which is not very safe.

Boracay, Philippines

This small Philippine island is famous for being one of the ten best beaches in the world, White Beach. Along it stretched a string of bars, massage parlors, souvenir shops and cafes. Beyond the people who love nightlife, Boracay attracts divers and kitesurfers, because there are ideal conditions for observing the underwater world, and a steady wind always blows near Bulabog beach, which is so necessary for kiting.


  • You can rent a bungalow right on the beach. Virtually no crime.


  • Few attractions. Getting to Boracay is quite tiring.

Hainan, China

On Hainan Island, you can not only relax on the beach, but also see many attractions. For example, dormant volcano Ma An, whose crater has been turned into observation deck. Those who want to tickle their nerves should go to where bears, tigers and lions roam in natural conditions, and tourists can watch them from a jeep. In addition, Hainan Province is a major cultural center where many different festivals are held throughout the year.


  • There is a center of Chinese medicine on the island, where you can improve your health or undergo a complex of spa treatments.


  • Hainan Island is popular with the local population, so during the high season and in the evenings, the beaches are quite crowded.

Langkawi, Malaysia

The Malaysian island of Langkawi is located in the middle of an archipelago of 100 islands. Here everyone can feel like a pioneer without going far from white sandy beaches and comfortable hotels. Mountains, caves, waterfalls and lakes are adjacent to the resort infrastructure and many attractions, among which are so beloved by tourists cable car and a sky bridge, running right over the jungle.


  • Langkawi is a duty free zone.


  • Powerful ebbs and flows.

Sri Lanka

Tea plantations, elephants, golden beaches with palm trees descending to the water, ancient temples and statues - all this is on a small one that is lost in Indian Ocean off the coast of India. Aromatherapy combined with Buddhist and Hindu teachings contribute to relaxation and spiritual enrichment. Water skiing, spearfishing, surfing and kiting are available for outdoor enthusiasts.


  • Many excursions, natural and architectural sights.


  • Annoying molesters on the beach looking to sell something. Bad roads, which affects the time of moving from one place to another.

Phu Quoc, Vietnam


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