10 most visited beaches in the world. Rating of the best and unique beaches in the world

Alexey Vakulenko

traveled all over the South of Russia by car

As soon as the holiday season approaches, the question of choosing a place to relax becomes acute. The real pearl is Crimea with its picturesque views of the sea and mountains. Let's try to figure out where in Crimea the cleanest sea is.

The Crimean peninsula and the Black Sea washing it are a unique recreational complex. The local climate allows you not only to have a wonderful rest and relaxation, but also to noticeably improve your health. And in order to get the maximum benefit, it is important to choose the cleanest beach for relaxation. The following factors should be taken into account:

    Popularity of the place. The greater the flow of tourists, the more garbage they leave behind. It is more profitable to look for untouched corners of nature, but within reasonable limits.

    Availability of treatment facilities. Some stations are operating at maximum capacity or require repairs altogether. A similar situation is observed on the South Coast, since this is the most popular resort destination, and accordingly the load on treatment points is greater.

    Direction and climate. The Western, Southern and Black Sea regions of Crimea differ in their indicators, for example water temperature, frequency of storms, precipitation.

    Entertainment and attractions. You don’t have to worry too much about this, since each resort has its own highlight. In addition, getting to famous attractions is not difficult, so you can base yourself on less popular resorts and travel to neighboring famous towns.

Top 10 cleanest beaches

The beaches in Crimea differ not only in terms of cleanliness. There are sandy, pebble or mixed coastlines, and areas covered with concrete slabs. Some access to the sea are adjacent to sanatoriums and boarding houses, so access to them may be difficult.

It is worth taking into account the availability of free access, additional paid amenities, infrastructure development and the cost of housing.

To prevent your vacation from becoming a disappointment, we offer the top 10 best beaches in Crimea, which are clean, picturesque and have their own history.


Cape Tarkhankut is considered almost the cleanest place in Crimea. Majority local beaches are wild or difficult to reach. However, you can find a couple of places for a quiet family vacation. One of them is Olenevsky Beach.

Despite the fact that the infrastructure here is not as developed as in more popular resorts, it is precisely this atmosphere that allows you to enjoy the sea and fresh air to the greatest extent.


Balaklava is a special city. Next to it are the most popular nudist beaches in Crimea.

For recreation, its surroundings are more interesting. Fifteen minutes from the city is Silver Beach, and a little further is Golden Beach. These places are famous for their views and clean water. You can get there on foot, by car or by sea on a boat.

New World

The New World is known for its picturesque bays: Blue, Green and Blue. by the most dangerous place It is considered the Blue Bay, but the other two are very clean and suitable for recreation.

It is better to opt for Green Bay with clear water and sandy coast. Juniper groves saturate the air and make it truly healing.


What should interest you is not Sevastopol itself, but the nearby Cape Fiolent. It is distinguished by a sand and pebble beach, almost half a kilometer long. To get to it you need to walk along the “Path of Health” - a staircase with 800 steps.

The views here are simply incredible, but there is one serious drawback - it’s safe to swim only when it’s calm. Due to the waves, the water becomes cloudy and it becomes impossible to see the rocky bottom. This can cause serious injury.


Feodosia, like Balaklava, has its own Golden Beach. It is the calling card of these places. In addition, you can have fun in the water park, numerous cafes, etc.

The sea here is azure, rather shallow, and the coast is mostly sandy. Further from the center, stones begin to appear, but the landscapes are stunning anywhere in the city. Feodosia is very popular resort, so get ready for a lot of vacationers.


One of the best places Chersonesos and Cossack Bay are considered vacation destinations. This cape is washed by the sea on three sides. The coast is quite flat, but pebbly, and there are stones at the bottom. The infrastructure is developed, so there will be no problems with transport and various amenities.

A special feature of these places are the ancient ruins of Tauride Chersonesos. This ancient polis, even after millennia, reflects the greatness of the ancient Greeks.


The most popular resort on the southern coast of Crimea is Yalta. Crowds of tourists come here every year, so there will be no problems in terms of entertainment and general infrastructure.

As for beaches, Massandrovsky is considered the cleanest and most equipped. There is even a VIP section, where the passage to the water is equipped with a boardwalk on top of pebbles. The territory is regularly cleaned, so the number of vacationers practically does not affect the cleanliness of the coast.

The free beach must be occupied in the morning, otherwise you may be left without a place. The VIP sector is shareware. Access to the sea is free, but you need to rent a bungalow for relaxation.


Koktebel and its famous rocks are the calling card of Crimea. It’s worth going here if only for these views, especially at sunset. For swimming, it’s worth driving a little further, for example to Quiet Bay. This is an excellent place for families with children, as the entrance to the water is gentle and the shallow water extends for tens of meters.

Another place is Fox Bay. This wild beach, which was chosen by nudists and informals. For naked sunbathing this is what you need, but for family people it is still better to choose the first option.


Of all the variety of beach areas in Simeiz, it’s worth giving priority to Blue Bay. For entertainment, there is also a water park of the same name, which operates entirely using sea water - this is its highlight.

The coast itself is covered with pebbles, and fragments of rocks can be seen everywhere. All this creates an indescribable picture. Cozy bays are scattered along the entire coast, creating ideal conditions for relaxation without unnecessary noise and fuss.


The beaches at the foot of Mount Ayu-Dag are more suitable for extreme recreation, because getting to them is not easy. In addition, the bottom here is rocky, and the waves create obstacles for descent. But the views here are such that you will not find anywhere else, and this applies not only to the Crimean coast. Perfectly clear water, the Devil's Finger rock separating the Big and Small beaches - that's what you need to pay attention to.

Crimea is unique in its climate and nature, marine species and rock creations created by waves and wind over the centuries. Clean beaches here are quite easy to find, but the main thing is to keep them in this condition in the future.

IN holiday season Most people, instead of completely relaxing, start to get nervous. Not a day goes by without someone asking a question about where you are planning to spend your next vacation. In the summer we have the opportunity to choose from many resorts and it is very difficult to focus our attention on just one. We bring to your attention a unique rating of the best beaches on the planet.

The quietest - Tioman (Malaysia)

The fantastic beauty of Tioman Island is covered in a haze of secrets, which adds to its mystical charm. There are practically no signs of civilization intervention here. This island in the Indian Ocean has preserved nature in its pristine beauty.

Tourists from all over the world come here to enter into holy marriage on the best beaches, appreciate the indescribable landscapes, commune alone with unusually beautiful nature and swim in the clear water of coral bays.

The water here is so clear that visibility reaches 40 meters. And the average annual water temperature is +29°C. For lovers of diving and snorkeling on Tioman, the season is open at any time of the year.

The "wildest" - Vatulele (Fiji)

In Fiji there is the island of Vatulele, lost in an abundance of tropical thickets and azure transparent lagoons. This is one of the few heavenly places on Earth where civilization has not yet reached.

The blue lagoon and coral coasts, crystal clear rivers and hills covered with forests, fascinating nature... It’s not for nothing that thousands of vacationers from many countries - both lovers and married couples - prefer this place for their vacation.

The first thing that attracts attention on Vatulele is the rocky cliffs and the rich color of the sea water. Vacationers on Vatulele will be able to make a memorable trip to real aboriginal villages and learn the mysteries of ancient rites and rituals of hospitable islanders. For example, you can watch the ritual dance of the natives on coals.

Huge red shrimp live here, which you can try in local restaurants. The chefs prepare them according to an ancient secret recipe and serve them in coconut milk.

Best City Beach - Copacabana (Brazil)

The most famous beach on the planet, Copacabana Beach, is located in Rio de Janeiro. This place is filled with endless Brazilian carnivals, festive euphoria and a feeling of complete carefreeness. Copacabana beach stretches like a snow-white ribbon for many kilometers along the coast Atlantic Ocean. By the way, locals They call him "Princess of the Sea".

Copacabana is located 5 km from the center of Rio. To get to the water, vacationers will need to cross a soccer field and several volleyball courts. Copacabana is wonderful resort place, with many shops and cafes, luxury hotels, penthouses, casinos and hundreds of all kinds of entertainment.

The best time to visit Copacabana is from early November to April.

This is interesting: Every December about 3 million people come here to meet the most memorable New Year in life. And in February there are even more tourists in Copacabana. They are attracted by the famous Brazilian carnival. One gets the impression that the whole of Rio is dancing here.

The most beautiful - Pink Sands Beach (Bahamas)

One of the longest and luxurious beaches the world is on Bahamas and has a rather interesting name.

Golden sand spit stretched for a couple of kilometers. And the azure lagoon is surrounded by coral reefs, attracting all true diving enthusiasts. The mesmerizing beauty of the underwater world of the Bahamas truly amazes the imagination.

In addition to all this, the infrastructure here is excellent. On the beach you will find many cafes and restaurants, shops and entertainment for every taste.

Best for diving - Flic En Flac (Maldives)

Beach holidays are probably the favorite pastime of most of the inhabitants of our planet. Tired of rainy autumn days and harsh winters, tourists from all over the world go to warmer climes to bask in the sun and soak up the warm sand. Apart from beach holiday, people go to the Maldives for various reasons: some are attracted by the wild and fun nightlife, others want to step away from the world around them and relax in complete tranquility. Some are interested in respectability and prestige, while others want to experience the beauty of the underwater world. We recommend doing this activity at Flic En Flac Beach in the Maldives.

This place is suitable for a completely versatile holiday. No one will leave without positive emotions, and everyone who has already visited Flic En Flac at least once will definitely want to come back here more than once.

Most photographed - Anse Source de Argent (Seychelles)

The natural beauty of this secluded beach in the Seychelles attracts professional and amateur photographers from all over the world. Anse Source de Argents beach consists of a pair of coves separated by large, intricately shaped granite boulders. Tropical palm trees grow very close by, and under them, if you look closely, you can see large palm crabs.

The calm waters of the lagoon are ideal for family fun and snorkeling.

The ideal season for a holiday on this Seychelles beach begins in May and lasts until mid-November.

The most expensive - Matira Beach (Bora Bora)

Bora Bora is not only the most beautiful, but also the most expensive beaches in the entire Pacific Ocean. The blue lagoon around Matira beach is full of coral reefs that act as an obstacle to waves and currents, so the water in the bay is calm and very warm at all times.

Matira Beach traditionally occupies a leading position in the rankings of the best beaches in the world. This unusual place, where visitors will be offered a truly heavenly holiday. It will not necessarily be elite: tourists on a limited budget may be offered to stay in small bungalows. However, the cost of even a “budget” holiday on Matira Beach is off the charts.

Holidays in Bora Bora (Video)

The most fashionable - Las Salinas (Ibiza, Spain)

Las Salinas, located in the epicenter of the club capital of the world - in Spanish Ibiza, is traditionally recognized as the most fashionable beach in the world. Already in May, “golden youth” from all European countries come here. Celebrities regularly come to Ibiza. The season is open until mid-October.

This is interesting: Ibiza hosts unforgettable parties in the best clubs on the planet. By the way, the local club is a monolithic building filled with the most modern equipment with a capacity of at least 5 thousand people. The most popular DJs of our time delight with their performances in Ibiza, and representatives of the artistic bohemia, celebrities, millionaires and models have a blast on the dance floors.

Ibiza is considered not only the most fashionable, but also one of the most expensive resorts peace. To fully relax here, you need to take more money. You are unlikely to be able to live on $100 a day. Suffice it to say that the cost of cocktails in clubs is about 20 euros.

The cleanest - Varadero (Cuba)

For several years in a row, the Cuban beaches of the Varadero resort have been recognized as the cleanest in the world.

Here you can see the largest coral reef in the Caribbean and explore the life of underwater inhabitants. Tourists come to relax in Varadero because there is a very gentle sea and clean beaches. The main contingent of vacationers on Varadero are people who prefer a calm and measured holiday to stormy night parties.

You can get to the beaches of Varadero from Havana (the capital of Liberty Island) in about an hour and a half.

Longest - Cox's Bazar (Bangladesh)

Contrary to the popular belief that the longest beaches on the planet are located on the Pacific Islands, the record holder is the Bangladeshi beach Cox's Bazar, located on the coast indian ocean. This fact is officially confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records.

Cox's Bazar stretches 125 kilometers along the entire coast from the city of Chittagong all the way to the border with Myanmar.

The main local attraction is watching the sunset. Every evening, thousands of vacationers line the coast and watch in fascination as the bright disk of the sun first slowly sinks into the sea, and soon disappears completely beyond the horizon, as if dissolving in the azure water.

Bonus. Best beaches 18+

It would be wrong not to mention two more beaches that are interesting, first of all, to an adult audience. Few people decide to go on holiday there with children.

The most popular among nudists is Koversada (Croatia)

Koversada Beach is located in Croatia. It is rightfully considered the center of world nudism: for several years now it has been ranked 1st in the world in terms of the number of nudist beaches and resorts located on it.

Koversada occupies the coast of the Istrian peninsula, at the mouth of the Limfiord. Its area is about 120 hectares. The beach is separated from the residential area by pine trees, broom and olive trees.

This is interesting: It is officially allowed to appear without clothes in all public places at this resort (including restaurants).

The best topless beach in the world - South Beach (Miami)

According to Forbes magazine, Miami's famous South Beach is the best topless beach on the planet. He even has a motto: “See yourself and show yourself.”

On South Beach, not only ordinary tourists, but also the most popular Hollywood celebrities are naked.

The main criterion for assessing the eliteness of a beach was its location, as well as climatic conditions and the permissibility of half-naked swimming.

08/18/2018 at 17:12 · oksioksi · 590

10 cleanest beaches in the world

Summer is the time for long-awaited vacations. Unfortunately, the average worker cannot afford the most luxurious resorts in the world. It’s good if you manage to travel with your family to Sochi, Anapa or Turkey. But in the world there are so many heavenly places on the ocean where you want to spend not only your vacation, but the rest of your life. Beautiful nature, sun, ocean and crystal clear water are the ultimate dream for many people. How you want, instead of beaches crowded with tourists, to be on one of the cleanest and most secluded places somewhere on the islands in the middle of the ocean. In the meantime, not everyone has enough money for such a vacation, oh paradise islands and clean beaches, you can only dream while packing your bags for a trip to Gelendzhik.

10. Honopu, Kauai, Hawaii

The Hawaiian island of Kauai is rightly called the garden island. This is a picturesque area with incredibly beautiful vegetation. Unique mountains, beautiful plants and the azure ocean attract not only thousands of tourists, but also filmmakers. The island has been used in many Hollywood filming. Also, the island has one of the cleanest beaches in the world - Honopu Beach. The beach is located between the mountains and is rightfully considered the most secluded. You can only get there by ocean. Maybe that's why Honopu Beach is considered so clean?

9. Wakaya, Fiji

To hide from annoying looks and crowds of tourists, and also to enjoy the Pacific Ocean and a relaxing holiday, you need to fly to Fiji. Or rather, Wakaya. Wakaya is very small island in the middle of the ocean, which can accommodate no more than 12 people. The island literally attracts romantic people. This is the perfect place to have a quiet wedding or honeymoon. After all, here you can feel like you are on a desert island.

8. La Chiva, Vieques, Puerto Rico

One of most picturesque beaches world is located in Puerto Rico. If you like long walks along the coast, then La Chiva is the perfect place for you. As you walk along the shore in the east, the water gradually becomes clear until it is as crystal clear as glass. La Chiva translated means “Blue Beach” and this is truly true. White sand and crystal clear water make this place truly heavenly and unforgettable. The waves here are calm and the beach itself is ideal for snorkeling. You can feel like a real Robinson, far from the noise of the city and civilization, on La Chiva beach. Once you visit this place, it is impossible to forget it. It literally makes you fall in love at first sight.

7. Senggigi, Lombok Island, Indonesia

The island of Lombok is located between the well-known Bali and the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia. Mount Rinjani is located on the island; it is an active volcano. The nature on the island is varied. In the south there are green plains, and in the north there are mighty mountains. But besides nature, tourists are attracted to Senggigi. Senggigi is a small village on the island. One of the attractions of the village is the beaches. They are very clean here. The only negative is the dark sand, which does not always look attractive. But even this does not change the fact that the water on the beach is crystal clear. Even when sailing from the shore, you can see the bottom.

6. Ko Libong, Trang, Thailand

Thailand is considered one of the most popular resort countries among Russians along with Turkey and Egypt. Trang Province has one of the most large islands Thailand - Koh Libong. This is a picturesque island with beautiful nature and cleanest beaches. True, Ko Libong is not considered a tourist island. There are several fishing villages and several hotels built on it. Koh Libong is designed for locals to live in, not tourists. There are no nightclubs or any other entertainment. But if you want to spend a calm and peaceful holiday, then Koh Libong is the ideal place.

5. Matapalo, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

On the territory of Costa Rica there is one of the most environmentally friendly beaches in the world - Matapalo. The beach is located on the Osa Peninsula. Virgin nature, clean sand and clear ocean waters attract dozens of tourists. In addition, there are high waves on Matapalo, which surfers are especially happy about. Also on the territory of the Osa Peninsula there is a national natural complex-reserve Portal. There are no signs of civilization on the beach, so Matapalo is suitable for people who prefer to relax away from large crowds and, of course, for surfers. After all, the waves here are truly impressive.

4. Pink Sands Beach, Harbor, Bahamas

Pink Sand Beach was voted by Forbes magazine as the most beautiful beach in the world. This is not surprising. The Cote d'Azur, picturesque nature and vanilla sand, which under certain lighting takes on a pink tint, cannot but delight. Pink Sand Beach is truly paradise amidst the raging waves. This beach is the most photographed. The pink hue of the beach is given by particles of coral insect shells, making this beach even more unique. Sand acquires a pink tint when it hits the beach along with the waves. a large number of these particles. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is quite rare.

3. Whitehaven, Whitesunday Island, Australia

Whitehaven Beach, or White Skies, stretches for 7 km along the seashore. You can get there if you go on vacation to Australia. Whitehaven has the world's most famous white sands, surpassing even the Maldives. The beach really lives up to its name. The sand around Whitehaven is so crystal clear that it is supplied to NASA to make lenses for ultra-sensitive telescopes. In addition, at high tides, water and sand mix, creating a uniquely beautiful spectacle. It is impossible to find a hotel on the island, but getting to it is not difficult. Many companies provide this service to tourists.

2. Anse Source D'Argent, Seychelles

Seeing heaven with your own eyes is quite possible on earth. To do this you need to buy a ticket to Seychelles. Or to be more precise, visit Anse Source d'Argent. This is an amazingly beautiful place that makes you fall in love literally from the first seconds of your stay. The beach is located on big island La Digue. There is no hustle and bustle here and there are practically no cars, and locals get around on bicycles. One of the attractions of Anse Source d'Argent are the unusually shaped boulders. It was on this beach that an advertisement for Bounty chocolates was filmed.

1. Islas Cies, Galicia, Spain

The beach on the island of Cies, located in Spain, is considered the cleanest in the world. The island can only be visited in summer. In addition, the number of visitors per day is strictly limited. But the magnificent views that you can see on the island are worth such difficulties. The island is incredibly beautiful. This is such a beautiful place that no words can describe it. You just need to see it. On the island of Cies, not only the beach is beautiful, but also its surroundings. White sand, clear azure water, beautiful mountains and picturesque nature - what else does a person need for complete happiness.

What else to see:

One of the most beautiful beaches world and, according to the authoritative opinion of National Geographic, it ranks first in the ranking of beaches. Pale pink sand of Source d'Argent beach ( Anse Source d "Argent - translated as "Silver Source") on the island of La Digue, which is part of the system of 115 islands of the Seychelles archipelago and is located in the western Indian Ocean. The beach on the island of La Digue is one of the most photographed beaches in the world , his photographs can be seen in countless travel magazines.

To say that the beach is magnificent is to say almost nothing! Amazingly clear turquoise water, with through which you can observe the diverse fauna of the Indian Ocean, noisy foamy waves caressing the soft white sand and beautiful palm trees giving coolness from the hot sun.

2. Navagio Beach

Navagio Beach is located in an isolated sandy bay on the island of Zakynthos, Greece Ionian Islands. The only way to get to Zakynthos Island is by boat. Navagio is one of the main symbols of holidays in Greece; it often appears on postcards. Navagio has limestone cliffs, white sand, blue sea and traces of former shipwrecks. It's no wonder that this stunning beach attracts thousands of tourists every year.

3. The Baths

Bath Beach is located on the southern tip of Virgin Gorda, the third largest island in the British Virgin Islands archipelago. Huge granite boulders lie on the beach, forming spectacular tunnels and grottoes that are open to the sea at high tide. Some shafts reach 12 meters in diameter. The clear sea is ideal for snorkeling. The baths are an area of ​​unique geological formations.

4. Tapuaetai

Tapatei island on the southern edge of Aitutaki Atoll, which is part of the Cook Islands archipelago. The beach was awarded the title of "Australia and Oceania's Leading Beach" at the World Travel Awards held in Sydney.

5. Golden Horn (Zlatni Rat)

The Golden Horn (Golden Cape) is one of the most famous beaches in Europe and one of the main tourist attractions in Croatia. Located near the town of Bol on south coast Brac Island, Golden Horn, is a narrow white pebble beach. Sosnovaya the grove that borders the beach is the location for the remains villas Rustica, Roman times.

6. Oludeniz

Oludeniz is a small village located on southwest coast Turkey on the shore Aegean Sea. He has a secluded sandy bay at the mouth of Oludeniz. This beach is famous for its turquoise-tinged sea and is one of the most photographed beaches in the Mediterranean.

7. Trunk Bay

Trunk Bay Beach is located in national park on the island of Saint John, Virgin Islands United States. Rated as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

8. Maya Bay

Maya Bay is a shallow cove surrounded by a ring of steep limestone cliffs on Phi Phi Leh Island, the second largest island in the Phi Phi archipelago. Maya Bay Beach became world famous after the film “The Beach” starring Leonardo DiCaprio was released in 2000.

9. Whitehaven Beach

Whitehaven Beach is located on Whitsunday Island, the largest island in the Whitsundays group of islands. The beach is almost 6 km long and consists of very shallow white sand, it is 98% pure silicon. The sand is so pure, in fact, that it was used to make the lens of the Hubble Telescope.

10. Tulum Beach

Beautiful view of the sea, palm trees, sun! The atmosphere of a tropical paradise, turquoise sea and fine, white sand. Tulum is located on the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. This was once the site of the Mayan people's main port at Coba. The beach is located 6 kilometers from the city of Tulum, Mexico.

There are thousands of beautiful beaches in the world and it is almost impossible to choose the best one, because each person has their own preferences. Some people like quiet, secluded beaches, some like luxurious ones with white sand and a blue lagoon, some like wild ones with cliffs and cliffs. And which one will you choose?

No. 10. Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia

Fraser Island is the world's largest sand island. He is at east coast Australia, its dimensions: length - about 120 km, width - from 7 to 23 km. Area - 1840 km2.

The island's dunes, reaching 240 m in height, were formed more than 400 years ago and now the island is the largest sandy island in the world and has its own unique ecosystem. Beautiful white sand beaches stretch for more than 100 km.

Fraser Island was included in the list in 1992 world heritage UNESCO as a unique natural monument.

No. 9. Rendezvous Bay, Anguilla, Caribbean

Anguilla - an island in the east Caribbean Sea, is a self-governing territory of Great Britain. Dimensions of this coral island 26 km long and 5 km wide. The entire island is framed by beaches, there are about 30 of them in total.

Rendezvous Bay is the best beach in Anguilla. There is white and soft sand, blue crystal clear water, palm trees, the most best hotels- a heavenly place.

No. 8. Matira Beach on Bora Bora Island, French Polynesia

Bora Bora is one of the most beautiful and romantic islands in Pacific Ocean. The island is located in a protected lagoon and is 29 km long.

The best place on the island is Matira Beach. A strip of white sand with palm trees and clear, clean lagoon water. Here you can go water skiing, snorkeling or kayaking. There are hotels, restaurants and eateries within a five-minute walk from the beach.

No. 7. Lopez Mendes, Ilha Grande, Brazil

One of the cleanest and most beautiful beaches in the world. Three kilometers of snow-white sand that crunches underfoot and turquoise clear water. Not on the island highways, and the beach is surrounded by jungle. From Rio de Janeiro to the island it takes several hours by boat. A true tropical paradise.

No. 6. Anse Lazio beach, Praslin, Seychelles

A cozy, closed bay and incredible turquoise water make Anse Lazio beach not only best beach in the Seychelles, but also one of the best in the world.

Snow-white sand, a cozy bay, azure clear water, trees bending over the water, crabs running along the beach - all this is the unique Anse Lazio beach.

No. 5. Pink Sand Beach, Harbor, Bahamas

An incredible pink sand beach in the Bahamas. The beach has such an unusual color thanks to small particles of pink corals and shells. These particles can be seen if you look at the sand closer.

There are no large tourist complexes on the island; instead, there are small private villas. Harbor Island is small in size - 5 km long and 1 km wide. There are no cars here. Lovers of a calm and quiet holiday can go here.

The sea here is calm, the shore is protected from strong waves by a coral reef. All these conditions make the beach ideal for diving and snorkeling.

No. 4. Sun Island, Maldives

Sun Island is one of the most beautiful and popular in the Maldives. Snow-white sand, blue water, bungalows on the shore - all this creates a unique atmosphere of paradise on Earth.

The most popular and interesting entertainment here - snorkeling and diving. Swimming next to reef sharks, feeding stingrays, meeting moray eels (from afar) - all this is amazing and exciting, especially for inexperienced tourists.

No. 3. Flamenco Beach, Culebra Island, Puerto Rico

Flamenco Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Puerto Rico. White coral sand stretches for miles along the island's coastline. A coral reef protects the beach from strong waves. Here you will find at least 4 shades of water.

Along the beach there are several best campsites in Puerto Rico. Some tkrists spend several months a year here.

No. 2. Turtle Island, Fiji

Turtle Island is truly a heavenly place on Earth. The purest blue water, luxurious underwater landscapes for diving enthusiasts, palm trees hanging over the perfect sandy beaches. This island is a favorite vacation spot for celebrities.

The island became known to the whole world after the filming of the film "The Blue Lagoon". Scuba diving, snorkeling, hiking, kayaking, surfing, sailing- and this is not a complete list of entertainment on Turtle Island.

№1. White beach, Boracay, Philippines

White Beach is the most famous and longest beach in Boracay. The length of the beach is 4 km. Most of the most expensive hotels on the island are located here. White Beach is unique due to its fine white sand and clear, azure-colored water.

This beach looks like paradise, straight out of a Bounty commercial. The beach is perfectly clean; drinking, smoking and eating food are prohibited on it. The white beach does not belong to any of the hotels and is public, so you can walk along it freely wherever you wish.

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