What miracles there are on earth. Little-known wonders of the world (13 photos)

Last week, I went to visit my mother, and found my old children’s encyclopedia “7 Wonders of the World” from her, flipped through it with nostalgia, and finally decided to make a post about the wonders of the world, because today there are many more than 7 wonders of the world.

To begin with, I propose to recall these “7 wonders” of antiquity.

The only miracle that has survived to this day. Construction, which lasted twenty years, began around 2560 BC. e. Excavation data from January 2010 confirm the theory that the pyramids were built by civilian workers. Up to 10 thousand people were simultaneously employed at the construction site, with workers working in shifts of three months. It is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids of the necropolis of the city of Giza.

Initially, the Cheops pyramid rose to 147 meters, but due to the advance of sands, its height decreased to 137 meters.

The Cheops Pyramid consists of 2,300,000 cubic blocks of limestone with smoothly polished sides. Each block weighs on average 2.5 tons, and the heaviest is 15 tons, the total weight of the pyramid is 5.7 million tons.

Confirmation of the inexplicably high knowledge of the Egyptians in the field of astronomy and civil engineering is the location of the Cheops pyramid in relation to the cardinal points: the pyramid almost unmistakably points to the true north. As a result of precise measurements carried out in 1925, an incredible fact was established: the error in its position was only 3 minutes 6 seconds.

The base area of ​​the pyramid is comparable to the area of ​​10 football fields.

We can talk for a long time about the pyramids shrouded in myths and legends, their labyrinths and traps, mummies and treasures, but we’ll leave that to Egyptologists. For us, the Cheops Pyramid is one of the greatest structures of mankind throughout its existence and, of course, the only First Wonder of the World that has survived to this day from the depths of centuries.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Babylon)

The city has long ceased to exist, but even today the ruins testify to its grandeur. In the 7th century BC. Babylon was the largest and richest city Ancient East. There were many amazing structures in Babylon, but the most striking were the Hanging Gardens royal palace- gardens that have become a legend.

the famous “Hanging Gardens” were not created by Semiramis and not even during her reign, but later, in honor of another - non-legendary - woman. They were built by order of King Nebuchadnezzar for his beloved wife Amytis, a Median princess who, in dusty Babylon, yearned for the green hills of Media.

This king, who destroyed city after city and even entire states, built a lot in Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar turned the capital into an impregnable stronghold and surrounded himself with luxury unparalleled even in those times.

The design of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was a pyramid with a base (43x35 meters), which consisted of four tiers mounted on twenty-five-meter columns. The surface of each tier was covered with a layer of reeds (reeds), stone blocks held together with gypsum and lead plates, on which a thick layer of fertile soil was poured. All these measures helped to preserve water for plants for as long as possible, of which there was very little in Babylon.

The height of the structure was almost thirty meters! Trees, flowers, soil - all this was brought in carts drawn by oxen. Water was supplied through pipes from the Euphrates River. To do this, hundreds of slaves turned a huge wheel installed in one of the towers around the clock.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The statue of Olympian Zeus is the work of Phidias. An outstanding work of ancient sculpture, one of the seven wonders of the world. It was located in the temple of Olympian Zeus, in Olympia - a city in the region of Elis. Construction of the temple took about 10 years. But the statue of Zeus did not appear in it right away. The Greeks decided to invite the famous Athenian sculptor Phidias to create a statue of Zeus.

Ancient Roman sculpture "Seated Zeus", Phidias type. Hermitage Gold covered the cape that covered part of Zeus’s body, the scepter with an eagle, which he held in his left hand, the statue of the goddess of victory - Nike, which he held in his right hand, and a wreath of olive branches on Zeus’s head. Zeus's feet rested on a stool supported by two lions. The reliefs of the throne glorified, first of all, Zeus himself. Four dancing Nikes were depicted on the legs of the throne. Centaurs, lapiths, the exploits of Theseus and Hercules, and frescoes depicting the battle of the Greeks with the Amazons were also depicted. The base of the statue was 6 meters wide and 1 meter high. The height of the entire statue together with the pedestal was, according to various sources, from 12 to 17 meters. Zeus's eyes were the size of an adult's fist.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus (Ephesus)

Several hundred years BC, when Ephesus was at the zenith of its glory, the inhabitants decided to build a large temple. By that time, the city was already about 600 years old, it was rich and powerful, growing and prospering under the patronage of the goddess Artemis, sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus - known in Roman mythology as Diana the Huntress. Artemis was also considered the goddess of the moon and helped women during childbirth.

The place for the new, majestic and grandiose temple in the part of the goddess was chosen as sacred - even in ancient times, religious rituals took place there. The townspeople decided not to spare either money or time, and also attracted wealthy construction sponsors from other regions of the country.

The finished temple was magnificent, and was constantly decorated with new decorative elements - after all, Ephesus was a very rich city. Historical data is contradictory, but it is mentioned that the temple had many bronze statues, the interior was decorated with gold and silver, the statue of the goddess herself was made of ivory and gold, and trimmed with ebony.

It is noteworthy that in those days the temple was not only a religious building, but also a financial and business center. The souvenir business also flourished: not far from the temple, original souvenirs - its smaller copies - were successfully sold. Scientists still have not figured out which temple was considered a wonder of the world - rebuilt or burned by Herostratus

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum in Halicarnassus is a wonderful monument of ancient Greek architectural art, entered into the history of ancient culture as one of the seven wonders Ancient world. Our contemporaries generally believe that the mausoleum is the tomb of great leaders.

The builders placed the tomb in the peripterus - a building framed by a colonnade of 11-meter columns. To support the roof of the mausoleum, 36 columns were needed. The spaces between the columns were filled with various statues of mythological figures, and the roof looked like a step pyramid with 24 steps. Its crown was a marble quadriga, that is, an antique chariot with four horses harnessed to it. Huge statues of Mausolus and Artemisia were placed in the chariot, playing the role of charioteers. This magnificent sculpture reached a height of 6 m. In the tomb room there were marble sarcophagi intended for the royal couple. The foot of the mausoleum was decorated with sculptures of horsemen and marble lions.

In general, the history of the Halicarnassus mausoleum is eventful. At one time, he survived the conquest of the city by Alexander the Great, and even withstood the attack of pirates who set their sights on Halicarnassus at the beginning of the 1st century. However, after the Maltese attacked the mausoleum and took away stone and marble slabs from it, only the foundation remained of the majestic structure.

Colossus of Rhodes (Rhodes)

A colossus was a giant statue that stood in port city on Rhodes - an island in the Aegean Sea, off the coast modern Turkey. In ancient times, the people of Rhodes wanted to be independent traders.

The colossus grew on the shore of the harbor on an artificial hill lined with white marble. For twelve years no one saw the statue, because as soon as the next belt of bronze sheets was attached to the frame, the embankment surrounding the colossus was added to make it more convenient for the craftsmen to climb up. And only when the embankment was removed, the Rhodians saw their patron god, whose head was adorned with a radiant crown.

The sparkling god was visible many kilometers from Rhodes, and soon rumors about him spread throughout the ancient world. But half a century later, a strong earthquake that destroyed Rhodes knocked the colossus to the ground; the most vulnerable point of the statue was the knees. This is where the expression “colossus with feet of clay” comes from.

So the colossus lay on the shore of the bay - the main tourist attraction of the island. The defeated giant was seen by Pliny the Elder, who came there in the first century AD. What struck Pliny most was that only a few people could wrap their hands around the thumb of the statue.

The colossus lying on the ground was overgrown with cobwebs and legends. In eyewitness accounts, he seemed much larger than he actually was. Legends appeared in Roman literature that it originally towered over the entrance to the harbor and was so large that ships passed between its legs to the city.

Alexandria Lighthouse (Pharos)

Alexandrian lighthouse ( Faros lighthouse) - one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, was built in the 3rd century BC. e. on small island Pharos near the shores of the Egyptian city of Alexandria. It was a busy port founded by Alexander the Great during his visit to Egypt in 332 BC. e.

The Alexandria Lighthouse was the world's first lighthouse and the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World that served a practical purpose, helping ships safely pass the reefs on their way to Alexandria Bay. The lighthouse, according to various estimates, rose to a height of 120 to 140 meters, and the light it emitted could be visible at a distance of up to 60 km.

The lighthouse stood for almost a thousand years, but by the 12th century AD. e., the Alexandria Bay became so silted that ships could no longer use it and the lighthouse fell into disrepair. Abandoned, it stood for some time, until in 796 AD. e. it was not destroyed by an earthquake. At the end of the 15th century. Sultan Qait Bey erected a fortress from the rubble on the site of the lighthouse, which was subsequently rebuilt more than once.

These are the miracles that were described in my book. The same ones: 7 wonders. But time does not stand still, and now there are many more such miracles. It seems to me that they are also worthy of our attention...

New 7 wonders of the world

Great Wall of China (China)

The Great Wall of China is one of the oldest architectural monuments China and a symbol of the power of Chinese civilization. There is probably not a single civilized person in the world who has not heard of the Great Wall of China. It stretches from the Liaodong Gulf northeast of Beijing through Northern China to the Gobi Desert.

Construction took 10 years and faced numerous difficulties. The main problem was the lack of appropriate infrastructure for construction: there were no roads, there was no adequate water and food for those involved in the work, while their number reached 300 thousand people, and the total number of builders involved under Qin reached, according to some estimates, 2 million. Slaves, soldiers, and peasants were involved in the construction. As a result of epidemics and overwork, at least tens of thousands of people died. Outrage against the mobilization for the construction of the wall caused popular uprisings and served as one of the reasons for the fall of the Qin dynasty.

Probably, no creation of human hands amazes the imagination as much as the Great Wall of China - the most grandiose and longest architectural and fortification structure on the planet. The wall is not just impressive - it is stunning. First of all, the titanic labor invested in it and its prohibitive size. Truly, only the Chinese, organized and hardworking like ants, could endure this. In China they say that a good half of their history lies in the Great Wall of China - it was built by different generations and dynasties over more than two thousand years, and all the country’s wars are connected with it in one way or another.

Christ the Redeemer Statue (Rio de Janeiro)

One of the most famous statues in the world and certainly the most recognizable in Brazil is the statue of Christ the Redeemer. Installed on Mount Corcovado at an altitude of more than 700 meters, she looks at the huge city below her with outstretched arms in a gesture of blessing. The Christ statue in Rio de Janeiro, due to its fame, attracts millions of tourists to Mount Corcovado. From its height there is a beautiful view of the city of ten million with its bays, beaches, and the Maracana stadium.

The height of the statue is 38 m, including the pedestal - 8 m; arm span - 28 m. Weight - 1145 tons. Being the most high point area, the statue regularly (on average four times a year) becomes the target of lightning. The Catholic diocese specially keeps a supply of the stone from which the statue was built to restore parts of the statue damaged by lightning

The statue of Christ the Redeemer is without a doubt one of the main symbols not only of Rio de Janeiro, but of all of Brazil. Many tourists visit the statue every year. Mount Corcovado experiences a particularly large influx of visitors during the traditional annual carnival, which is held in Rio de Janeiro. Definitely, this grandiose monument is one of the greatest works of sculpture in the world.

Colosseum (Rome)

amphitheatre, listed building Ancient Rome, the most famous and one of the most grandiose structures of the ancient world that have survived to this day. Located in Rome, in the hollow between the Esquiline, Palatine and Caelian hills.

The construction of the largest amphitheater in the entire ancient world, with a capacity of over 50 thousand people, took place over eight years as a collective construction of the emperors of the Flavian dynasty. It began to be built in 72 AD. under Emperor Vespasian, and in 80 AD. The amphitheater was consecrated by Emperor Titus. The amphitheater was located on the site where there was a pond that belonged to the Golden House of Nero.

For a long time, the Colosseum was for the residents of Rome and visitors the main place for entertainment spectacles, such as gladiator fights, animal persecution, and naval battles.

The opening of the Colosseum was marked by 100 days of entertainment. During this time, several thousand warriors and 5 thousand wild animals brought from Africa died in gladiatorial tournaments. The theater's arena had a sliding floor that raised and lowered, and with the help of a water supply connected to the Colosseum, the stage was filled with water and naval battles were staged. Up to 3,000 gladiators could fight in the arena at the same time, and 50 thousand spectators, frantically demanding “bread and circuses,” tensely watched the bloody battles, chariot races and theatrical performances. The scale of the celebrations dedicated to the opening of the Colosseum could only be matched by the bloody celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Rome in 248, when dozens of lions, tigers, leopards, elephants, giraffes, horses, donkeys and hyenas were killed in just 3 days. The 1000th anniversary of the “eternal city” became the last day of life for 2000 gladiators.

Machu Picchu (Peru)

City ancient America, located in the territory of modern Peru. Machu Picchu is also often called “the city in the sky” or “the city among the clouds”, sometimes called the “lost city of the Incas”. This city was created as a sacred mountain retreat by the great Inca ruler Pachacutec a century before the conquest of his empire, around 1440, and functioned until 1532, when the Spanish invaded the Inca Empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

Due to its modest size, Machu Picchu cannot claim to be large city- there are no more than 200 structures in it. These are mainly temples, residences, warehouses and other premises for public needs. For the most part they are made of well-processed stone, slabs tightly fitted to each other. It is believed that up to 1,200 people lived in and around it, who worshiped the sun god Inti there and cultivated crops on the terraces. For more than 400 years, this city was forgotten and was in desolation.

Machu Picchu, especially after receiving the status World Heritage UNESCO, became the center mass tourism. In 2011, it was decided to limit the number of visitors. According to new rules, only 2,500 tourists per day can visit Machu Picchu, of which no more than 400 people can climb Mount Wayna Picchu, which is part of the archaeological complex. In order to preserve the monument, UNESCO requires that the number of tourists per day be reduced to 800. Machu Picchu is located in a remote region.

City of Petra (Jordan)

The city of Petra in Jordan is located in the heart of the desert. This place is the heritage of an ancient culture. Built more than two thousand years ago, it is of great value to admirers ancient architecture and art. This ancient miracle city stretches along a winding valley formed among the rocks, on a place that was a river bed in ancient times. Steps carved into the rocks lead to an innumerable number of structures - monuments, necropolises, reservoirs, altars. More than eight hundred monuments of Petra have survived to this day.

Petra's surviving structures include rock-cut temples, dwellings, tombs, reservoirs, aqueducts and altars. If you approach the city along the es-Siq gorge, the first large monument that opens up to your gaze is el-Khazneh - a temple located in a solid rock with a two-tiered façade approx. 20 m.

A mysterious people who have reached unattainable architectural heights are the Nabateans. Without exaggeration, we can say that the best reminder that they left about themselves to their descendants and which speaks about them better than any chronicles is a windswept pink rock masterpiece, hidden by them among the inaccessible mountains.

Pyramid of Kukulcan (Mexico)

25 meters high with nine levels, located in the center of a large square. The base of the pyramid is a square with sides of 55.5 meters. On each side of the pyramid there are four wide staircases, each with 91 steps. And these stairs lead to the upper platform on which the temple is located.

The northern staircase of the pyramid ends with snake heads - a symbol of Kukulkan, because translated from the Mayan language, Kukulkan is a feathered serpent.

Starts at exactly 17:15 light show- the sun's rays, when going around the ledges of the pyramid on the days of the equinox, with the play of light and shadows, draw the image of a living person ancient god. This effect lasts for 3 hours and 22 minutes. The sun goes lower and the image becomes clearer. Soon the seven curves of the body of the Solar Serpent appear - they are formed by the shadows of the seven ledges of the pyramid. The sun goes down - and the snake also slides, lower and lower. And below, at the foot of the pyramid, the head of the image coincides with the real stone sculptured head of the serpent, which ends the northern staircase of the pyramid.

The ancient builders of the Mayan tribe were simply brilliant, being able to calculate the parameters so accurately at that time and placing the walls of the pyramid strictly along the cardinal points. The Kukulcan Pyramid has some astronomical significance. Each of its staircases has 91 steps, and the total number of steps is 364, plus the upper platform step at the base of the temple, for a total of 365 - a number corresponding to the number of days in a year. And the side parts of the structure are divided in accordance with the number of months in the Mayan calendar - into eighteen sections.

Taj Mahal (India)

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum-mosque located in Agra, India, on the banks of the Jamna River (the architects were probably Ustad-Isa and others). Built by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth (Shah Jahan himself was later buried here). Although the white marble dome of the mausoleum is the most famous component, the Taj Mahal is a structurally integrated complex. The building began to be built around 1632 and was completed in 1653, employing thousands of artisans and craftsmen. The management of the construction of the Taj Mahal was entrusted to a Council of Architects under imperial control, including Abd ul-Karim Mamur Khan, Makramat Khan and Ustad Ahmad Lahauri. Lakhauri is usually considered the main designer.

Majestic, divine, shining, and, despite its 74-meter height, so light and airy that it is like a fairy-tale dream, the Taj Mahal mausoleum rises in the valley of the Yamuna River - the most beautiful architectural creation of India, and, perhaps, of the whole earth... White marble domes soar high into the sky - one large and four small ones, in the chaste outlines of which one can guess the female form. Reflected in the motionless surface of an artificial canal, the Taj Mahal seems to float in front of us, representing an example of extraterrestrial beauty and perfect harmony... But it is not only architectural perfection that attracts millions of travelers from all over the world to the Taj Mahal. The story of its origin makes no less impression on the hearts of people... A story more like an oriental fairy tale or legend that any poet would envy...

00_00_Manevich_I_Shakhov_The Most famous miracles Sveta
00_02_Address to the reader
01_01_Great Pyramids
01_02_Valley of the Kings
01_03_Karnak and Luxor
02_01_Knossos Crete
02_02_Acropolis and Parthenon
02_04_Holy Athos. Holy Mountain
02_05_Holy Meteora. A miracle of nature and masterpieces of architecture
03_04_Cathedral of San Marco
03_05_Leaning Tower of Pisa
05_02_Spain. Segovia
05_03_Park Güell. Masterpiece by Antoni Gaudi
05_04_Cathedral of the Holy Family. Masterpiece by Antoni Gaudi
06_01_Reims Cathedral. Masterpiece of Gothic architecture
06_02_Chart Cathedral. Masterpiece of Gothic architecture
06_03_Mont Saint-Michel. A masterpiece of French architecture
06_04_Notre Dame Cathedral. Masterpiece of Gothic architecture
06_05_Sacre Coeur Cathedral. Basilica of the Sacred Heart
06_06_Eiffel Tower. Symbol of Paris
07_01_Stonehenge. Monument to Ancient Civilization
07_02_Tower. Monument to English History
07_03_Tower Bridge. Symbol of London
07_04_Westminster Abbey. Masterpiece of Gothic architecture
07_05_Palace of Westminster. A masterpiece of Neo-Gothic architecture
08_00_Fjords. Wonders of northern nature
09_01_Cathedral in Cologne
09_02_Trier. Monument of ancient and medieval architecture
09_03_Zwinger. Heart of Dresden
09_04_Charlottenburg Palace. A masterpiece of German architecture
10_00_Vienna. Baroque city
11_00_Budapest. City on 7 islands
12_01_Prague Castle. The Charles Bridge. Medieval Monument
12_02_Cathedral of St. Vitus. Masterpiece of Gothic architecture
13_00_Plitvice Lakes
14_00_Studenica Monastery. Monument of Orthodox culture
15_01_Kotor. Frozen Middle Ages
15_02_Monasteries Cetinje and Ostrog. Place of pilgrimage for Orthodox, Catholics and Muslims
15_03_Medieval cities. Frozen Middle Ages
16_01_Nessebar. Pearl of the Black Sea
16_02_Veliko Tarnovo. Second Constantinople 14th century
17_01_Red Square - the heart of Moscow
17_02_Kremlin - Heart of Russia
17_03_Vladimir. Monument of Russian culture
17_04_Kizhi. A masterpiece of Russian wooden architecture
17_05_Solovetsky Monastery. Masterpiece of Russian architecture
17_06_Valaam Monastery. Masterpiece of Russian architecture
17_07_Peterhof. A masterpiece of Russian park art
17_08_St. Isaac's Cathedral. Masterpiece of Russian architecture
17_09_Spas on Spilled Blood - a masterpiece of Russian architecture
17_10_Volgograd - hero city
11_17_Volcanoes of Kamchatka. Nature miracle
18_01_Kievo-Pechersk Lavra. A masterpiece of Orthodox architecture
18_02_Saint Sophia. A masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture
19_00_Tallinn. Medieval fortress
20_00_Jvari. Temple of the Holy Cross, 6th century
21_01_Ephesus. Monument of ancient architecture
21_02_Pergamon. Monument of ancient architecture
21_03_I-Sofia. A masterpiece of Byzantine-Turkish architecture
21_04_Capadocia. Cities in the rocks
21_05_Blue Mosque. A masterpiece of Turkish architecture
22_00_Palmyra. The most beautiful city
22_01_Krac de Chevalier. Largest Crusader fortress in the Holy Land
22_02_Damascus. Old city. Monument to the history of the East
23_00_Jerusalem. holy city
24_01_Baalbek. Monument of the Ancient World
24_02_Anjar. A masterpiece of Arabic architecture
24_03_Beit ed-Din. Fairytale Palace
25_00_Petra. Wonder of the world
26_00_Lahore. A masterpiece of Islamic architecture
27_01_Samarkand. A masterpiece of Islamic architecture
27_02_Bukhara. A masterpiece of Islamic architecture
28_01_Taj Mahal. Wonder of the World
28_02_Agra. Red Fort. Monument of Islamic architecture
28_03_Goa. Heaven on Earth
28_04_Harmandir Sahib. Main temple of Sikhs
29_00_Phang-nga. Nature miracle
30_00_Ha Long Bay. Nature miracle
31_01_The Great Wall of China. Wonder of the world
31_02_Forbidden city of Gugun. Most Grand Palace in the world
31_03_Nanshan Monastery. Temple of Centenarians
32_01_Royal residence. Korean architectural monument
32_02_Ganghwado Island. Monument to Ancient Civilization
33_01_Gandan Monastery. Mongolian Buddhism Center
33_02_Palace of Bogdy Khan. Monument of Buddhist architecture
33_03_Choi Ji Lama Monastery... Monument of Buddhist culture
34_01_Teotihuacan. Monument to Ancient Civilization
34_02_Chichen Itza. Monument to Ancient Civilization
34_03_La Venta. Monument to Ancient Civilization
35_01_Machu Picchu. Monument to Ancient Civilization
35_02_Titicaca. Nature miracle
36_01_Iguazu Falls. Nature miracle
36_02_Statue of Christ the Redeemer. Wonder of the world

Everyone has heard about the seven ancient wonders of the world - the greatest creations of mankind. Only one of them has survived to this day - the legendary pyramids of Giza in Egypt. On the initiative of the Swiss Bernard Werber, the “New Seven Wonders of the World” project was organized, designed to determine which of the existing buildings and attractions are worthy of being called “wonders of the world.”

The New Seven Wonders of the World is a project whose goal was to search for the modern seven wonders of the world. The non-profit organization New Open World Corporation conducted a worldwide vote via SMS, telephony and the Internet, in which more than 90 million people around the world took part. From several dozen applicants for the title of one of the seven wonders of the world, winners were selected, and the results of the competition were announced in Lisbon on July 7, 2007, the “day of three sevens.”

So, we present a list of the new seven wonders of the world and their photos.

The great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the largest architectural monuments. It is located in northern China, its length with all branches is 8851.8 km. Construction of the first wall began in the 3rd century BC. e. It was built in order to protect the country from attacks by the nomadic Xiongnu people. About a million people took part in the construction of this grandiose wall.

Sections of the wall that have survived to this day were built mainly during the reign of the Ming Dynasty - from 1368 to 1644. The main building materials in those days were bricks and stone blocks, and they were held together using sticky rice porridge mixed with slaked lime.

The Manchu Qing dynasty managed to overcome this wall through betrayal. During the three centuries of the new dynasty, Great Wall under the influence of time it almost completely collapsed. In 1984, it was decided to begin a program to restore this important architectural monument.

Currently, some sections of the wall are being eroded due to intensive farming practices. Unfortunately, more than 40 km of the wall have already disappeared. It is interesting to note that the Great Wall of China is visible from satellite images taken from space.


The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheater is located in Rome, Italy. The Colosseum is one of the largest arenas in the world. It is a recognized symbol of Rome and all of Italy. Its construction took place over 8 years, from 72 to 80. Emperor Vespasian began building this huge amphitheater after his victory in Judea. And the construction was completed by his son, Emperor Titus. They began to call it the Colosseum in the 8th century, most likely because of the grandeur of this structure.

The Colosseum has long been a venue for entertainment gladiator fights, animal persecution and similar spectacles. But then gladiatorial fights were banned, and barbarian invasions led to the desolation of the Colosseum. They began to take stones from it for the construction of other buildings. But most of the amphitheater survived. The modern Italian government pays great attention to the Colosseum. Archaeological excavations were carried out there. Some of the debris from the structure was put back into place. And, although the Colosseum has long lost its external and internal decoration, it has been well preserved to this day, and makes a strong impression.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu (“old peak”) is an ancient city. It is located in North America, in the territory of modern Peru. It rises on top of a mountain whose height is 2450 meters above sea level. It stretches over the valley of the Urubamba River. Machu Picchu was the secret city of the Incas. According to some archaeologists, it served as the sacred mountain retreat of the Inca ruler Pachacutec. Scientists call the approximate time of its construction 1440. In 1532, Spanish conquerors invaded the lands of the Incas. After this, all the inhabitants of Machu Picchu mysteriously disappeared.

It has a small territory; there are no more than 200 buildings here. Most of them are temples, residences, warehouses and other public buildings. They were made of well-processed stones and slabs, slabs tightly fitted to each other. Most likely, no more than 1,200 people lived in this city and its surroundings.

Machu Picchu was forgotten for more than 400 years. It was then discovered by an American scientist on July 24, 1911. At that time, peasants lived in the city.

The whole city has a very clear structure. These days, Machu Picchu is a center of mass tourism. The city is located in a remote region. To stimulate tourism, a railway was built to the neighboring town. From there you can reach it by bus.


Petra is ancient city, located in what is now Jordan. It is located at an altitude exceeding 900 meters above sea level. This city was the capital of Idumea (Edom), and later the capital of the Nabataean kingdom. Petra is located in the narrow Siq canyon. The valley can only be reached through gorges in the north and south. The city of Petra was located at the crossroads of two very important trade routes. Therefore, for a long time, active trade brought him wealth and prosperity. However, then the Romans opened sea routes to the East. This led to the decline of the overland spice trade. Therefore, Petra gradually became empty.

The buildings of this city have different architectural styles, because... many of them were built in different eras and under different owners of the city. And the city was owned at different times by the Edomites, Romans, Byzantines and Arabs.

Of the Europeans, the Swiss Johann Ludwig Burckhardt was the first to visit and describe Petra. Petra represents unique city made of stone. Houses, temples and crypts were carved from stone blocks. The architects of Petra managed to create a complex water supply system using terracotta pipes. The most famous building in Petra can be called the El Khazneh temple-mausoleum. it was created around the 2nd century.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a magnificent mausoleum-mosque located in Agra, India. It stands on the banks of the Jamna River. The building was built by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. So he wanted to perpetuate the memory of his wife, who died during childbirth. This architectural creation combines elements of Indian, Persian and Islamic architectural styles. Its construction began around 1632 and was completed in 1653. Inside the mausoleum are the tombs of the Shah and his wife.

The Taj Mahal is built on a platform and has five domes. Its height is 74 meters. Minarets rise in the corners on four sides. The walls of this mausoleum are made of polished translucent marble. It should be noted that this marble changes its color depending on the lighting. This building looks very beautiful. Unfortunately, not long ago cracks were noticed in its walls. Scientists associate their appearance with the shallowing of the Dzhamna River, which flows nearby.

In addition, the mausoleum begins to lose its legendary whiteness due to air pollution. Its walls continue to turn yellow, despite the fact that several particularly dirty industries have already been closed in Agra. You have to clean it regularly using special white clay.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

The Christ the Redeemer statue is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It has become one of the most popular monuments in the world. This statue stands on top of Mount Corcovado and is a symbol of Brazil. It was made of reinforced concrete and soapstone. The height of this famous statue is 38 meters, and the height of its pedestal is 8 meters. The mass of this famous one is 1145 tons; arm span - 30 meters. You can get to the top using an electrified railway, which became the first in the country. A miniature train runs along it. You can also get to this attraction by car via the motorway.

The creation of this monument took about nine years and lasted from 1922 to 1931. It should be noted that all parts of the statue, including the frame, were made in France. It was opened to the public on October 12, 1931.

The statue has been renovated twice in the last 75 years, in 1980 and 1990. In 2003, it was equipped with escalators to make it easier to climb to the observation deck.

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is an ancient city that was political and cultural center Mayan people. It is located in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. He was holy city ancient people Itza. According to archaeologists, this city is one of the religious “places of power”, which is associated with the Mayan culture. It was founded around the 7th century AD. e. At first the city belonged to the Mayan people. And in the 10th century it was captured by the Toltecs, and Chichen Itza became the capital of their state. In 1178, it was defeated by the united troops of three city-states - Mayapan, Uxmal and Itzmal. By the time the Spanish conquerors arrived here, the city had already been destroyed. It was finally abandoned after 1194. The exact reasons for this have not been established. Excavations were carried out on the territory of the city many times, which discovered large architectural monuments.

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Daria Nessel | Dec 15, 2016

The Pyramid of Cheops

Neither he nor his wife lived to see the completion of construction. The architects and sculptors completed the work they started on their own initiative so that people could admire this masterpiece of architecture.

The crypt of Mausolus stood in Halicarnassus for 1700 years, until an earthquake destroyed the three-tiered 50-meter walls, decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures.

Four marble horses at a gallop, with the royal couple, crowned this tombstone, called the mausoleum. Since then, all such structures are called mausoleums.

From 270 to 220 BC on the shore of the island of Rhodes stood, amazing in its size, a monument to the sun god Helios in the form of a young man with a torch in his raised hand. Delightful on the outside, in reality it consisted mainly of mortar, its power was only a mirage that soon dissipated.

The statue of the radiant handsome man collapsed, unable to withstand the vibrations of the earth's surface, and lay there for 900 years, until the iron and bronze were sent for smelting, leaving no mention of the place where it was located.

The 32 m clay-filled giant is the progenitor of the colossi that appeared later, such as, for example, the Statue of Liberty in the USA. There is a project for a virtual embodiment of the Colossus of Rhodes.

Alexandrian lighthouse

The signal tower on the island of Pharos at the entrance to the harbor was erected in 280 BC. in five years and served for almost 1000 years, showing the right path to sailors and reliably protecting the capital of Egypt from attack from the sea.

The design proposed by the architect Sostratus was implemented so successfully that in the future all coastal lighthouses decided to build according to its model.

The giant fire, which burned day and night on the third level, was visible at sea almost 100 km away, thanks to mirror reflectors made of polished bronze plates, first used here.

Strong seismic shocks destroyed the building, leaving only the ruins on which another fortress was built.

In 2015, the Egyptian authorities decided to restore the Alexandria Lighthouse.

Some of the disappeared ancient wonders of the world have been reconstructed as mini-copies in the miniature park in Istanbul: the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the Halicarnak Mausoleum.

It is better to see in reality once than to hear (read) a million times in order to understand and appreciate these beautiful works of art.

The 7 wonders of the ancient world are the results of human genius, covered with a veil of mystery and legend, created many centuries ago and almost all of them sank into the abyss without a trace.

Why exactly 7 wonders of the world? Were there really so few of them? In fact, this list should be much longer, but seven has been revered since ancient times as a magical, divine number in which providence manifests its will.

Maybe that’s why so many colors of the rainbow, notes, and days of the week are known. This is where the expressions come from: behind seven seals, seven circles of hell, in seventh heaven...

In those distant times, the Greeks annually determined a list of wonders, making it a kind of lottery, because there was so much to choose from. Until the ancient Greek poet Antipater of Sidon, in his famous poem about the 7 wonders of the world, named the objects that he considered worthy of this title.

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Later it became fashionable and ancient historians, poets and writers began to repeat it. The Seven Ancient Wonders of the World were built within 2,500 years before Christ. The geography of their location is the Mediterranean region: the territory of modern Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Turkey. This unprecedented surge of creative energy and talent took place here, leaving a bright mark on world culture.

The Pyramid of Cheops

The largest of all existing pyramids in the Giza Valley, dating from 2540–2560 BC, 146 m high (currently 138 m), with a base of just over five hectares. This is the memorial complex of Pharaoh Cheops and the only one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world that has survived to this day.

A stone monolith, completely filled with heavy, weighing more than 2 tons, blocks of cut limestone with three granite burial chambers inside. Today you can hear many hypotheses about the purpose of rooms and new ones are constantly being put forward.

More than 5 million tons - this is the weight. Over the course of twenty years, 4 thousand builders laid them out in a geometrically correct form during a period when wheels were unknown in Egypt.

Looted in ancient times, the tomb of Khufu keeps the secret of its creation, continuing to attract the attention of scientists and archaeologists.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Babylonian miracle, built by order of Nebuchadnezzar 3000 BC. for his wife, the daughter of the Median king, so that she could dispel longing for her native land.

Four platforms, placed in tiers on powerful supports, were like a mountain hill, planted with rare trees and bushes. It was an oasis of peace and coolness in the sultry and noisy Babylon.

The name of Semiramis, a legendary woman who lived several centuries earlier, was connected by people's rumors with this unique creation, creating beautiful fairy tales. Amytis, for whose sake the birds sang and the streams gurgled, is forever forgotten by history.

Statue of Olympian Zeus

In Olympia from the 7th century BC. popular athletic competitions were held. The patron of athletes participating in competitions and citizens of the polis was the formidable head of Olympus. He was feared and respected, so a palace was built for him, suitable for such a powerful protector.

The marble temple was the largest ever dedicated to deities. An impressive ivory and gold statue of the thunder god, created by the sculptor Phidias, sat on a throne in the center of the building.
The optical effect, thanks to which the figure of the Thunderer seemed to shine in the twilight of the room, amazed those present.

For almost a millennium, the Olympians brought gifts to, until Emperor Theodosius the Second ordered the burning of the temple of the supreme pagan god in order to strengthen the formation of the Christian religion.

The Temple of Zeus at Olympia is reproduced in archaeological museum Olympia.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Residents of Ephesus in the 5th century BC. In honor of their patroness, Artemis, the always young goddess of the hunt, they erected a magnificent temple. They worked for almost a hundred years, experiencing serious difficulties with the foundation, located on shaky, swampy soil.

A lover of glory, Herostratus fifteen years later burned the pride of the Ephesians, thus wanting to become famous. Since then, his name has become a proverb, so he managed to achieve his goal.

Natural wonders are found in every country and there are a number of wonders from around the world that we all know about. In this list we have tried to put together a bunch of less famous miracles which are stunning and worth a visit when you are planning your vacation. Only one location from each country listed is selected, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. There are many more wonders in other countries to make a continuation of the article in the future. It is quite unfair that few people know about such miracles, so we decided to correct this situation. If you have already been here, or can add to the selection, please leave a comment.

7. Playa Ostional, beach in Costa Rica

Ostional Beach is filled with thousands of turtles every year. Because it is one of several egg-laying sites for these rare turtles, the area is now included in national park. If you plan your vacation correctly at the right time of year, you will be able to visit this truly incredible and rare corner globe.

6. Blue Lagoon of Iceland

The water of this beautiful geothermal lagoon has a temperature of 37–39 °C. This place was formed by a lava flow, and the mineral-rich waters are good for skin diseases such as psoriasis. If you want to swim here, be aware that due to Iceland's strict hygiene laws, all bathers are required to shower in the nude before entering the water. While the lagoon itself is natural, it is filled with water heated from a nearby thermal power plant. We have already written about this place in a selection of Iceland attractions, where you can also find stories about many others, no less interesting places.

5. Valley of the Moon in Chile (Valle de la Luna)

Once in Valle de la Luna, you will think that you have landed on the moon! An impressive range of unusual structures color the area (shaped by wind and water) and dry lakes that look like cosmic craters, giving the site an otherworldly Moon Valley atmosphere.

4. Colca Canyon

The Colca Canyon is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in the United States, and it is still inhabited by people who maintain the ancient Inca terraces by growing food here. In addition to excavation sites and cultural attractions, there are numerous resorts a spa in the area for those who want to maintain their health and preserve youth thanks to special healing water.

3. Wai-o-Tapu Geothermal Area

Wai-o-Tapu - one of the most beautiful, but little known natural wonders New Zealand. Set off on a three-hour walk, each turn presents a new wonder - from geysers to incredibly colorful lakes. There are also mud pools and the popular Champagne Pool - probably the area's best-known attraction, with its stunning orange-colored outer ring.

2. Jiuzhaigou, Nine Villages Gorge, China

Jiuzhaigou means “nine villages,” after the nine Tibetan villages located in the valley. The whole valley is filled beautiful rivers, lakes, and is surrounded by mountains with snow-capped peaks. This place is considered a very important natural wonder and is even classified as a World Biosphere Reserve.

1. Tsingy du Bemaraha, Madagascar

The amazing limestone formations at Tsingy du Bemara are the reason for the name of this natural wonder - the Stone Forest of Madagascar. Apart from the stunning formations, you can also see preserved mangrove forests and an amazing assortment of fascinating flora and fauna.

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